Page created by Nathan Hunter
Winter 2021 - VoL V

Happy Valentine's
Letter from the Editor

In This Issue                       Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor
Saint Valentine Illustration

Knowledge is Power
History of Ash Wednesday
Fun Facts About Joe Biden &
Kamala Harris
Creature Feature: The Polar Bear
Book Report

Student Originals
Jumping into the Year Ahead
The Revolutionary Ghost: Part 2     2021 is finally here! After a long and
Poetry                              particularly difficult year we have
                                    made it at last! We are starting off the
Just for Fun                        year with high hopes for the year
Mars Factory Virtual Tour           ahead and bringing to you an edition
How to Make a Paper Penguin         with some content centered on what’s
Did you Know?                       most important -- love! Valentine’s Day,
Crossword Puzzle                    a celebration of love and happiness, is
Word Search                         right around the corner. Check out our
Coloring pages                      “Just for Fun” section for V-day
                                    activities and learn how to participate
Tigers at Work in this Edition      in a virtual candy tasting! You will also
                                    find unique creative work in
                                    our “Student Originals” section
                                    featuring stories, poems, and more!

                                    Something really inspiring to look for
                                    in this edition is a list of your
                                    schoolmates' and teachers' New Year’s
                                    resolutions. A new year is a chance for
                                    a new beginning, and all of us on the
                                    SFA newspaper team are trying to
                                    embrace our new beginnings by
                                    creating resolutions for ourselves.
Letter from the Editor

We hope you have made some           10 facts about Joe Biden and Kamala
New Year's resolutions as well,      Harris.
and if you haven't already, just
remember that it is never too        Without further ado, we hope you
late! Maybe you will find            enjoy our February edition! From all
inspiration for your own             of us on the SFA newspaper team,
resolutions within these pages.      Happy New Year and Happy
                                     Valentine’s Day!
Finally, with the Presidential
Inauguration behind us, we           Sophia Thomas
thought it would be fun to share     Editor in Chief

                        Saint Valentine
                            By: Ethan Khawaja
Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is Power
Knowledge is Power

History of Ash Wednesday
By: Clare Facchini                    is an obligatory day of fasting and
                                      abstinence for Catholics. Ash
"Also, remember ashes are used by     Wednesday has been around since the
farmers to renew their land that      early Church. It is generally considered
has been overfarmed. It gives it      inappropriate to feast after receiving
nutrients and helps the land to       the ashes. Everyone should get ashes
grow new crops. That same image       on Ash Wednesday.
is used in our spiritual life. The
ashes represent our desire to be
renewed and restored to make our
hearts a healthy place where God's
love can grow."
- Father Kennedy, Pastor of
Immaculate Conception Church,
Secaucus, NJ.
                                      Ash Wednesday was developed from
                                      the Jewish tradition of fasting and
                                      penance. The ashes symbolize the dust
                                      that God created us from and the grief
                                      that we are sinners. There are writings
                                      from the second century church that
                                      say wearing ashes is a sign of
                                      penance. In Rome, Ash Wednesday
                                      was a day where Christains who had
Ash Wednesday is rapidly              committed grave faults would begin
approaching, and this promises to     their penitence in preparation for
be a year like no other. Ash          Easter when they would receive
Wednesday is the start of Lent        the Eucharist again. They would dress
when priests administer the ashes     in sackcloth, sprinkled with ashes, and
of last year's palms from Palm        remain apart from the Church until
Sunday on our foreheads in the        they were reconciled with the Church
shape of a cross. It normally falls   community on Holy Thursday. After
between February 4th and March        this practice fell out of use, Ash
11th. This year, Ash Wednesday is     Wednesday turned into the modern
February 17th. According to the       practice where ashes are applied to
United States Conference of           everyones' foreheads.
Catholic Bishops, Ash Wednesday
Knowledge is Power

                                        inscribed into the history books of
                                        the future. How much do you know
                                        about Joe Biden and Kamala
                                        Harris?. Check out the list below to
                                        find out!

                                        Joe Biden - President

I interviewed my pastor, Father
Victor Kennedy, to ask what the
archdiocese was telling churches to
do for Ash Wednesday this year. He
said that he was instructed to give
out ashes on Ash Wednesday inside
an envelope with a meditation and
a prayer, as shown in the picture
above. The analogy I quoted at the       1. Joe Biden played on the football
beginning of this article caused me     team in high school.
to think about Ash Wednesday
differently. After Ash Wednesday,       2. He had a stutter as a young
we are just like the fertilized land    adolescent.
that the ashes are sprinkled on. We
must prepare for our immortal life      3. He is the second Catholic
by aligning our earthly life with the   President in the history of the United
Holy Trinity by fasting, penitence,     States.
and prayer.
                                        4. His favorite flavor of ice cream is
Fun Facts about Joe Biden and           chocolate chip...he LOVES ice cream!
Kamala Harris
By: Sophia Thomas                       5. At age 78, he is the oldest
                                        President in United States history.
With the Presidential Inauguration
just behind us, we thought it would
be fun to include interesting facts
                                                   What did the ghost say
about our next president and vice
                                                   to his wife on
president! History is being made
                                                   Valentine’s day?
and we should all make an effort to
                                                   You look BOOtiful!
learn more about who will be
Knowledge is Power

6. Chariots of Fire is his favorite    3. She LOVES to cook.
                                       4. She is an author and has written a
7. At age 29, he was elected to the    number of books.
U.S. Senate.
                                       5. She was the first person of color to
 8. He ran for president two other     become the San Francisco district
times.                                 attorney.

9. He has two German Shepherd          6. She loves to read and does so as
dogs.                                  often as possible.

10. His favorite food is pasta.        7. Her children call her by the name
                                       of “Momala.”
Kamala Harris - Vice President
                                       8. At the age of 7, her parents got

                                       9. She is good friends with Barack

                                       10. She acted as attorney general.

                                       Creature Feature: Learn About the
                                       Polar Bear!
                                       By: Gabriela Maldonado

                                       Since it is currently the season of
                                       winter, I decided to focus on the polar
                                       bear in this newspaper's creature
                                       feature. Here, you’ll learn all about a
                                       polar bear’s habitat, diet, physical
                                       features, and more!
1. Kamala Harris' name represents
female empowerment.
                                                What did one blueberry say
2. She is the first woman to be                 to the other one?
elected as Vice President of the                I love you berry much!
United States.
Knowledge is Power

Polar bears live in a sea ice           Polar bears are immense. A full
environment, where they rely            grown polar bear can weigh around
heavily on for hunting, traveling,      772 to 1,543 pounds. When an adult
mating, and resting. These places       polar bear stands on its hind legs, it
can be found in the North Pole,         reaches about 11 feet in height. A
Arctic Circle, Alaska, Canada,          polar bear has a total of 42 teeth in its
Russia, Greenland, and some islands     mouth that are very sharp. These
owned by Norway. Climate change         teeth are used to bite through the
has caused the loss of sea ice which    large and dense mammals that a
is endangering the polar bear. There    polar bear eats. As most of you know,
will be some petitions to sign at the   a polar bear has thick, white fur that
end of this article to help the         helps them keep warm in the cold
decreasing polar bear population.       weather. Underneath their fur coats,
                                        they have dark skin, which is used to
Polar bears are carnivores.             absorb all of the sun's rays to warm
Carnivores are animals who only         them up.
eat meat. Polar bears mainly eat
seals. The type of seals they eat the   I hope you learned a lot about the
most are ringed and bearded seals.      polar bear while reading this article.
                                        Now, you can impress your friends
                                        and family with all of your

                                        Online Petitions You Can Sign:



                                        You can find more petitions at
Sometimes, they also eat harped,
hooded, and ribbon seals. If a polar
bear eats a seal that weighs 121
                                                   What did the calculator
pounds, the energy from eating one
                                                   say to the pencil on
can last 8 days. A polar bear can
                                                   Valentine’s day?
survive 7 to 10 days without food.
                                                   You can always count on
Knowledge is Power

Book Report: The Unwanteds              needs to have. It's so different from
By: Mia Durso                           other books because the worlds the
                                        author creates are so unique. I would
Imagine a land where creativity is      recommend this for third graders
banned, and if you are caught, you      and up.
become an “unwanted.” In The
Unwanteds, by Lisa McMann, Alex
Stowe lives in this boring, grey
town, called Quill, and is caught
being creative. As a result, he
becomes an unwanted. So, he is put
on a bus, with other 12-year-old kids
like him, thinking he will be
banished, but ends up in a colorful,
magical world called Artimé. Aaron
Stowe, Alex’s brother, however,
remains in Quill, becomes
successful and in close ranks with
the evil High Priestess, Justine, the
ruler of Quill. Alex misses Aaron
terribly, but he is making friends,
learning how to draw, and making
magic. He ends up finding a way to
visit Aaron, but it backfires, and
soon, Aaron and Alex find
themselves on opposite sides of a

This is definitely one of my favorite
books. It has so much action, and
                                                       What kind of flowers
the characters are so lovable. I
                                                       do you never give on
personally really like fantasy, and
                                                       Valentine’s day?
this book delivers the magic and
charm that every good fantasy book
Student Originals
Student Originals

Jumping into the Year Ahead!
                                         My New Year's resolution is to go for
By: Sophia Thomas
                                         a walk every day to get fresh air. -
                                         Clare Facchini
Have you thought about what you
want to accomplish this year? Do
                                         My New Year's resolution is to study
you have any New Year’s
                                         hard in Japanese school and to help
resolutions? Some of your
                                         out much more around the house. -
schoolmates and teachers have
                                         Ethan Khawaja
come up with great New Year’s
resolutions that will undoubtedly
                                         My New Year’s resolution is to spend
help them make the best of 2021. If
                                         more time with my grandparents and
you are having trouble coming up
                                         to hopefully travel again with them. -
with your own goals, refer to the list
                                         Sophia Thomas
below for inspiration. Join the SFA
Newspaper Team in making a list of
                                         As we enter our 10 month of this
your own personal resolutions for
                                         pandemic, I resolve to take what the
2021 that will improve yourself and
                                         day brings whether it be flowers or
your lifestyle this year!
                                         thunderstorms. - Mrs. G

                                         My New Year's resolution is to travel
                                         again and attend mass with my
                                         family members in Greece. - Mr.

                                         I love to read! I hope to be able to
                                         continue reading the Bookworms
                                         book each month, as well as a
                                         personal reading book. I don't often
                                         have time for personal reading during
                                         the school year, although in the
I would like to help around the
                                         summer I make time for lots of it. -
house more. - Maureen Healy
                                         Ms. Nielsen
My New Year's resolutions are to be
                                         I don't make New Year’s resolutions.
more organized, to eat healthier, and
                                         You can quote me on that. - Mr.
to help kids in warring areas, in
hospitals, and who are less
fortunate. - Mia Durso
Student Originals

My New Year’s resolutions are to eat    if you were planning on cutting this
a vegetarian dinner several times a     visit short.” Sam didn’t hesitate
week, be more grateful, walk            answering “That was the
everyday (I've already broken this      idea.” Magic had its perks, but that
one), pray more, and be kind. - Ms.     didn’t mean the girls would forget
Savage                                  about home. Unfortunately they
                                        weren’t going to be given a choice
I'm not usually big on setting a New    about the tour or going home because
Year's resolution, but this year my     at that moment a cloaked figure
resolution is to be better at keeping   appeared and threw a powder into
in touch with friends and family. -     fire. And the world went dark.
Ms. Edwards
                                        The girls could feel the world
                                        spinning as they woke up. They were
The Revolutionary Ghost: Part 2         in a giant white canopy
Spy of the Living Dead                  tent. Everything was upside down
By: Carolina Guardascione               then back again. The first things they
                                        saw were Trevor and the cloaked
                                        figure. The figure removed his cover
                                        and proudly exclaimed to the two
                                        angry and confused teenage girls,
                                        "Welcome to Camp Undead. We are
                                        the spies of the living dead. And you
                                        are the two best recruits we’ve ever
                                        met. So are you willing to join our
Amara and Sam huddled together          cause and restore peace to Lanon?”
by the fire. The man they saw as a      Amara was slightly awed by their
ghost in Trenton was currently          nerve, but retorted, “What’s in it for
standing across from them looking       us?” Trevor simply answered, “You
very much alive. He also looked         learn to control your magic and use it
dangerous. There was something in       anywhere.” The girls put on their
his demeanor that made you think        sliest grins and looked knowingly at
he always got what he wanted, no        each other.
matter what. The man stepped
forward and introduced                  Stay tuned for Part Three in the next
himself, “Hello, my name is             paper.
Trevor. I was looking forward to
giving you a tour of Lanon, but I
can’t help wondering
Student Originals

Poetry                              Nighttime Sky
By: Carolina Guardascione
                                    Starlight, moonbright;
Wings and Wishes                    Everything is calm.
                                    Starlight, moonbright;
Oh, how I want wings!               Nothing is wrong.
I would soar through the heavens,   Starlight, moonbright;
And jump off of clouds.             Hear the owls sing.
I would touch the mountaintops      Starlight, moonbright;
hidden by sky.                      Wondering what tomorrow brings.
If I had wings they would keep me   Stars and moon hover in the sky,
warm                                Glowing calm and cool,
With their downy feathers.          a source of light.
My wings would help me up if I
ever fell.
There are so many things I could
wish for,
If I had a wish.
I could have a dragon or magic;
A puppy or a horse.
If I had a wish I would use it
To wish for wings.

                                    The Dreamer

                                    There once was a dreamer.
                                    That dreamer was HOPE.
                                    HOPE made THE EMOTIONS
                                    And MAGIC
                                    And TIME.
                                    TIME made DAY and NIGHT.
                                    HOPE is a dreamer filled with all.
                                    To dream awake or asleep.
                                    Happy or upset.
         What did one pickle say
                                    HOPE is the first dreamer created by
         to another? You mean a
                                    CURIOSITY and CREATIVITY.
         great dill to me.
                                    Dream always.
Just For
Just For Fun

National Archives: Mars Factory           The program included the correct
Virtual Tour                              way to taste chocolate. First,
By: Clare Facchini                        drink some water to cleanse your
                                          palate. Then, slowly rub the bar
“All you need is love. But a little       and hold the chocolate bar up to
chocolate now and then doesn’t            your nose and smell it. The smell
hurt.” Charles M. Schulz                  is one of the best parts of the
                                          chocolate. Next, put the chocolate
Chocolate is a major part of              on your tongue and let it melt.
Valentine’s Day. From the                 This way the chocolate can
chocolate hearts that our school          spread to all of the taste buds, and
sells to chocolate truffles, many          you can get the whole taste.
Valentine’s Day traditions include
chocolate. To get a head start on
the upcoming holiday and find an
excuse to eat chocolate, I
attended the Mars Factory Virtual
Tour hosted by The National
Archives Foundation. The tour
showed the journey of chocolate
throughout the ages by having
you sample chocolate. You even
learned if white chocolate is               Check out Behind the Scenes:
considered real chocolate.                   Mars Chocolate on YouTube!

                                          For this tasting, we sampled the
                                          following chocolates: American
                                          Heritage Chocolate (It is hard to
                                          get, so it can be substituted with
                                          dark chocolate.), Dove Milk
                                          Chocolate, a Milky Way Bar (or
                                          any Mars Chocolate Bar), white
                                          chocolate, and M&Ms. This is
                                          definitely an experience I would
Just For Fun

How to Make a Cute Paper               Instructions
By: Haley Zamora
                                       1. Glue the white
                                       heart onto the
Being stuck at home, I started to      middle of the black
look for cute crafts to keep           oval.
myself busy. I came across the
cutest and easiest craft to make.
I wanted to share how you could
make this heart penguin. Your
adorable penguin can serve as a
bookmark, an object to make            2. Then, glue on the
someone smile, a last-minute           orange hearts just
Valentine’s Day card, or simply        as shown in the
an adorable decoration.
Whatever you use it for, it will
always keep you happy, smiling,
and never lonely!

                                       3. Then, glue the
• Pen or pencil                        black paper circles
• Craft glue or a glue stick           on the penguin.
• Scissors
• Construction paper (black,
white, and orange)
• Template (optional)
• A printer (only if you are using
the template)                          If you want to step it up a notch,
                                       glue this penguin onto a
                                       Valentine’s Day card.
Just For Fun

Template/Preparation                  The large oval and small circles
                                      should be black. The largest heart
If you are using the template on      should be white. The other hearts
this page, cut out all of the         should be orange. Once you traced
shapes, and trace them on the         the shapes on the appropriate
correct colored paper.                colored paper, cut them out and
                                      follow the instructions on the
                                      previous page.
Just For Fun

Did You Know? Valentine’s Day        4. More than 40 million people
Edition                              buy Valentine’s Day gifts for their
By: Michaella Tadros                 pets.

1. Men spend almost three times
as much money on Valentine’s
Day gifts than women do. Men
spend about $285 while women
only spend $100 on average.

2. In February, the price of a
dozen, long-stemmed red roses
goes up almost 30%.                   5. Almost 6 million men
                                      worldwide propose to their
                                      fiancés-to-be on February 14th.

                                      6. Juliet, from Shakespeare’s play
                                      Romeo and Juliet, receives about
                                      50,000 love letters addressed to
                                      her every year. All you have to do
                                      is address the envelope to Juliet,
                                      Verona, Italy and the “Secretary
                                      of Juliet” receives and reads the
                                      letter on Juliet’s behalf.

                                      7. The Ancient Roman goddess of
3. Teachers receive more              love, Venus, had an affinity for
Valentine’s Day cards than any        red roses. This is how red roses
other group of people.                evolved to become the symbol of
                                      love over the years.
Just For Fun

8. Saint Valentine was not just
one person. There were at least 2
- maybe even three - Roman men
whose stories together inspired
Valentine’s Day.

9. Hallmark first offered
Valentine’s Day cards in 1913 and
began mass producing them in

10. Almost 8 billion conversation
heart candies are produced each
year, and a box of them has a
shelf life of 5 years.

                                         What did the baker say
                                         to his wife on
                                         Valentine's day?
                                         I am do-nuts about you.

11. It was King Henry VIII of
England who chose February 14th
as the official day for Valentine’s
Day in 1537.
Just For Fun

Valentine's Day Crossword Puzzle
Just For Fun
Just For Fun
Just For Fun
Tigers at Work in This Edition

       Editor in Chief
       Sophia Thomas

    Writers and Editors
      Ethan Khawaja
         Mia Durso
       Clare Facchini
       John Facchini
   Carolina Guardascione
    Gabriela Maldonado
     Michaella Tadros

 Lead Designer: Giulia Meier
        Aleah Bisrat
      Karina Nikolaev
        Gavin O’Dell
       Haley Zamora

     Nicholas DeLemos
       Maureen Healy
        Ethan O’Dell
     Lena Planche-Odry
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