Handshake that made 'a Tanzanian moment' - BLUEPRINT Miracles of - Tanzania Investment Centre

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Handshake that made 'a Tanzanian moment' - BLUEPRINT Miracles of - Tanzania Investment Centre
May - July 2020| FREE COPY

                                                  ISNN 2714-2116 Issue 01

              that made ‘a Tanzanian moment’

BLUEPRINT           AVOCADO               CASHEWS
Miracles of         From tropical fruit   Millions of
reforms             to green gold         opportunities
                                               The Investor | A
Handshake that made 'a Tanzanian moment' - BLUEPRINT Miracles of - Tanzania Investment Centre
Handshake that made 'a Tanzanian moment' - BLUEPRINT Miracles of - Tanzania Investment Centre
Contents                                         EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S
                                                                                               Page 7:
The Investor is a quarterly                                                                    Handshake that defined a Tanzanian          GEOFFREY IDELPHONCE MWAMBE
magazine published by the                                                                      moment
Tanzania Investment Centre
(TIC) distributed in 3,000 copies
throughout the country and                                                   Page 14: The miracles of blueprint reforms

Geoffrey Idelphonce Mwambe
                                                                             Page 16:
                                                                             Opportunities aplenty in cashew
                                                                             value addition
Managing Editor

Faraja Mgwabati
                                                                                                                                            NLIKE missed calls,          Corporation of Canada and            investment promotion forum in
                                                                                                                                            missed      opportunities    what it means to the country         Mtwara Region that attracted
Editor                                                                                                                                      can never be dialed back.    and her people.                      local and foreign investors and
Kilasa Mtambalike                                                                                                                    And I wouldn’t have missed            The Investor has come              ultimately generated interest

Sales & Marketing
                                                                                                               Page 22:              this opportunity for the world
                                                                                                                                     to welcome you, our reader,
                                                                                                                                                                         at an opportune time, a
                                                                                                                                                                         time to take stock of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              from over 40 prospective
                                                                                                                                                                                                              investors. In this issue we
Sauda Kimolo                                                                                                   Meet Tanzania’s own   to the maiden edition of ‘The       country’s achievements and           outline potential areas for
                                                                                                               queen of poultry      Investor’.                          communicate to the world             investment in the cashew sub-
Photography                                                                                                                            This is an opportunity for        on the vast investment               sector.
                                                                                                                                     TIC to quench investors’ and        opportunities that the country         This edition has so much
Grace Semfuko
                                                                                                                                     other stakeholders’ thirst for      has to offer in various sectors.     to offer as it features articles
                                                                                                                                     information on investment             There        are      unlimited    on the investor of the month,
Coordinator                                                                                                                          opportunities and investment        investment       and     business    information on how the one
Latiffa Kigoda                                                               Page 26: Reclaiming past glory of livestock industry    climate in general.                 opportunities in Agriculture,        stop shop that provides
                                                                                                                                       It    includes     information    Manufacturing, Mining, Health,       facilitation services at the
Tanzania Investment Centre
                                                                             Page 34: Tanzania  named best wildlife destination
                                                                                      in the world
                                                                                                                                     on investment procedures,
                                                                                                                                     incentives, regulations and
                                                                                                                                                                         Education, Transport, Fishing,
                                                                                                                                                                         Aquaculture,            Livestock,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Centre operates and why, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ongoing reforms, the future
Shaaban Robert Street,                                                                                                               generally what it takes for one     Economic            infrastructure   looks bright for Tanzania in
P.O. Box 938, Dar es Salaam,                                                                                                         to be able to invest in Tanzania.   (including energy), ICT, Tourism     areas of investment.
                                                                                                                                       The past three years have         and Services sectors.                  As the Government and
Mob: +255 737 879087
                                                                                                                                     been challenging yet fruitful         The Investor also comes at         the Centre guarantee our
Tel: +255(22) 2116328-32,                                                                                                            in matters of investment            a time when the Fifth Phase          readers and stakeholders of
Fax: +255(22)2118253,                                                                                                                in the country because we           Government has resolved to           commitment to ensure that
Email: information@tic.co.tz                                                                                                         have      witnessed      massive    transform the country into an        Tanzania becomes the best
www.tic.go.tz                                                                                                                        reforms and improvements            Industrial Economy, prompting        investment destination on the
                                                                             Page 37: Why it is an opportune time to harmonise
                                                                                                                                     in legal frameworks, policies,      the need for informed reforms        continent, we also welcome
                                                              FREE COPY
                                           April-June 2020|

                                                                                      Investment laws
                                               ISNN 2714-211
                                                                6 Issue 01
                                                                                                                                     regulations and processes           to attract investors in the          partnerships in different forms
                Handshake                             ment’                  Page 38: The avocado Midas touch                        that have all led to increased      industry sector.                     in supporting future editions of
           that made ‘a
                          Tanzanian mo
                                                                                                                                     investments and revenues to           Cashew is among the priority       the magazine.
                                                                                                                                     the Government.                     areas that the Government has          The Investor is designed to
                                                                                      Page 41:                                         The first issue features an in-
                                                                                                                                     depth analysis of the fruits of
                                                                                                                                                                         purposely decided that should
                                                                                                                                                                         be promoted and attract more
                                                                                                                                                                                                              float your boat, it is the first issue
                                                                                                                                                                                                              but read assuredly it certainly is
                                                                                  How Dar fairs in global                            the reforms and importance          investment to create value           not the last. We are here to stay.
                                                                                 performance indicators                              of the momentous agreement          addition.                            Enjoy your reading.
                                                   Milions of r | A
                                                                                                                                     between the Government of             In July last year, the Tanzania

                                                                                                                                     Tanzania and Barrick Gold           Investment Centre (TIC) hosted         Thank you.
                     From tropical                            ties
       Miracles of   to green gold

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Investor | 3
Handshake that made 'a Tanzanian moment' - BLUEPRINT Miracles of - Tanzania Investment Centre
REGULAR                                                             offers legal counseling services    help spur and attract invest-        It is also imperative that pub-
                                                                        to investors including on issues    ments, bearing in mind that       lic awareness campaigns and
                                                                        involving conflicts between in-     legislation and investments are   education on different legisla-
                                                                        vestors and the government,         inextricably linked.              tion and regulations concerning

Come to TIC for investment                                              investors and surrounding com-
                                                                        munities and/or between differ-
                                                                        ent investors.
                                                                                                              He said that legislation that
                                                                                                            are deemed to be of disad-
                                                                                                            vantage to investments and
                                                                                                                                              investment should be imparted
                                                                                                                                              to stakeholders to help them
                                                                                                                                              implement their projects with

advice, investors counseled                                               Along the same line, TIC also
                                                                        called on all regulatory bodies
                                                                        in the country to revisit laws to
                                                                                                            business growth need to be
                                                                                                            reviewed to work to the advan-
                                                                                                            tage of the country.
                                                                                                                                              relative ease.

                                                                                                                                              By LATIFFA KIGODA

    NVESTORS in the country         for local and foreign invest-
    have been counseled to con-     ments and for doing business in
    sult with Tanzania Invest-      general.
ment Centre (TIC) offices coun-       “That would in turn help
trywide whenever they need to       achieve the government’s vi-
address various legal challeng-     sion of transforming the coun-
es they face.                       try into a semi-industrialized
   The plea was made by TIC Se-     middle-income economy in
nior Legal Officer, Alex Stephen    2025. It should be noted that an
Mnyani during the commemo-          industrialized economy is built
ration of the Legal Week in Dar     on the strength of investments,”
es Salaam early February.           he said.
   The occasion was held in var-      TIC offices are spread out
ious regions and be-                            in different zones
fittingly carried                                    which include
a theme fo-                                             Eastern Zone
cusing on                                                 (Dar es Sa-
invest-                                                     laam),
ment                                                          West-
a n d                                                         e r n
busi-                                                          Zone
ness                                                           (Kigo-
a n d                                                          ma),
t h e                                                          North-
role                                                          e r n
of the                                                       Zone
judiciary                                                   (Kiliman-
in creating                                              jaro) and
an enabling                                            Lake      Zone
environment to                                      (Mwanza) and
attract investments                            partook in the exhi-
to the country.                     bition to sensitize the public
   He said that this year’s theme   on issues pertaining to invest-
is a clear sign that the Judicia-   ments and how investors are
ry in collaboration with other      obliged to undertake their ven-
stakeholders is keen to ensure      tures by abiding to existing laws
that existing legislation are re-   and regulations.
spected with the view of creat-       On that backbone, TIC also re-
ing an enabling environment         minded all stakeholders that it     A group of investors during a forum organised by TIC.

4 | The Investor                                                                                                                                              The Investor | 5
Handshake that made 'a Tanzanian moment' - BLUEPRINT Miracles of - Tanzania Investment Centre

                                                                  A TANZANIAN MOMENT:

                                                                  that made
                                                                  a difference
                                                                        RIDAY, January 24, would have been just
                                                                        another day bar for an ostensibly innocuous
                                                                        handshake that would come to epitomize a
                                                                  “Tanzanian moment”.
                                                                    So, what’s in a handshake? Plenty of positive
                                                                  energy, sign of a new beginning, the start of success
                                                                  or, in some misfortune, failure; or just simply a
                                                                  gesture symbolizing two parties on equal footing.
                                                                    Let’s take a trip down memory lane for a little
                                                                  refresher on famous handshakes.
                                                                    The last time former US President Bill Clinton and
                                                                  late Cuban leader Fidel Castro were in the same
                                                                  room, in October 1995 at a United Nations reception
                                                                  in New York, they were caught in an awkward
                                                                  moment. They actually shook hands!
                                                                    It was awkward in the sense that it was the first
                                                                  time Castro, who had been in power for over 35
                                                                  years then, had ever shaken hands with a sitting
                                                                  American president, and considering that Cuban-
                                                                  American relations is always a sensitive political
                                                                  issue, the gesture was momentous.
Minister for Foreign Affairs and East Africa Cooperation, Prof.     Closer to home, at the wake of March 2018,
Palamagamba John Kabudi, shakes hands with Barrick Gold           Kenyan President Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and
Corporation Chairman Prof. John Thornton as they exchange         opposition leader Raila Amolo Odinga did a famous
signed framework agreements between the Tanzanian                 “handshake” in the spirit of “building bridges”
Government and Barrick Gold.                                      towards attainment of peace and unity.

6 | The Investor                                                                                      The Investor | 7
Handshake that made 'a Tanzanian moment' - BLUEPRINT Miracles of - Tanzania Investment Centre
We don’t need to
                                                                                                                                                                                 fight with investors
                                                                                                                                                                                  but rather engage
                                                                                                                                                                                  in discussions and
                                                                                                                                                                                  negotiations while
                                                                                                                                                                                   cooperating with
                                                                                                                                                                                   them in a win-win
                                                                                                                                                                                 situation, this spirit
                                                                                                                                                                                 should continue and
                                                                                                                                                                                     be sustained

President Dr John Pombe Magufuli looks on as the agreements are being inked.

  It was a public declaration        the government of Tanzania        Gold Corporation and other        of Barrick’s local operations.   miners pay off.                      page.
to cease hostilities and find a      signed an iconic mining           investors from around the           For sustainable development,     Twiga Minerals Corporation           “We cannot go into the details
common ground in the interest        agreement with Barrick Gold       world that Tanzania was the       the president also reminded      is now owned 84 per cent by          of the agreement but there were
of moving the country forward        Corporation that for the first    best investment destination.      the company to protect the       Barrick and 16 per cent by the       issues of contention such as
after a long period of politically   time begot a win-win situation.     “We don’t need to fight with    environment and also work        government. The deal provides        under declaration of revenues
motivated skirmishes.                  The agreement has not           investors but rather engage in    closely with mining zones        for a 50/50 sharing in the           and payment of taxes, inflated
  And then came the handshake        only re-defined the current       discussions and negotiations      surrounding communities by       economic benefits generated          costs of mining operations and
in Dar es Salaam at the end          and future outlook of mining      while cooperating with them       supporting them to improve       by the mining operations after       more,” he said.
of January this year. It was a       operations in the country but     in a win-win situation, this      their welfare in education,      the recoupment of capital              He clarified that the 16
Tanzanian moment in the sense        also serves as a precedence and   spirit should continue and be     health, water and other areas.   investments.                         percent non-carried interest
that something unprecedented         sets the tone for other African   sustained,” he said.                This comes at a time when        Tanzania Investment Centre         stake owned by the government
happened that would shape            countries to learn from.            Among       other     things,   the country’s gold export had    (TIC)     Executive      Director,   is non-negotiable in all mining
the future of investment in            After the signing of the        the agreement ratifies the        risen by 45.5 per cent in 2019   Geoffrey Idelphonce Mwambe           operations but economic
the country and, perhaps, the        agreement at State House in       creation of Twiga Minerals        to US$2.2 billion, compliments   was part of the government’s         benefits sharing would differ
continent.                           Dar es Salaam, President John     Corporation, the management       to increased output and higher   negotiating team and admits          from one mining company to
  It was the climax of protracted    Pombe Magufuli, architect         company jointly owned by the      prices at the world market as    that the negotiations took long      another.
negotiations that ultimately re-     of the reforms that led to the    government and Barrick that       government efforts to curb       for various reasons to ensure          Mwambe noted that from
wrote the course of history after    agreement, assured Barrick        will oversee the management       smuggling from small-scale       that all parties are on the same     now onwards all Mineral

8 | The Investor                                                                                                                                                                              The Investor | 9
Handshake that made 'a Tanzanian moment' - BLUEPRINT Miracles of - Tanzania Investment Centre
The two parties display the signed framework agreements.

Development           Agreements      During the signing ceremony,         Magufuli’s stance to revisit the   been engaging with local           flow.                               Gold subsidiary Acacia Mining
(MDAs) would be in line with        Barrick Gold President and             miner’s agreement with the         communities to restore the           A similar result is expected at   and the solution now reached”.
three amended mining laws           Chief Executive Officer, Mark          government.                        mines’ social license to operate   Bulyanhulu, where an integrated       “The agreement would make
namely: Mining written Laws         Bristow said the joint venture,          Following the agreement,         and we are cooperating closely     study aimed at optimizing the       Africa a very different place in
(Miscellaneous Amendment)           which will give the government         Barrick and the government will    with the authorities to address    complete ore-body should kick-      ten years’ time if this formula
Act, 2017, the Natural Wealth       full visibility of and participation   work together to implement a       the     environmental     issues   start the resumption of mining      could be migrated across
and Resources (Permanent            in operating decisions made            number of issues.                  at North Mara. In addition,        operations there later this year.   Africa. I would like to believe
Sovereignty) Act, 2017 and the      for and by the North Mara,               In particular, Barrick will      we are working on a local            Early last month Bristow          this is a foundation on which
Natural Wealth and Resources        Bulyanhulu and Buzwagi mines,          partner with the University of     supplier strategy as well as a     was quoted on https://www.          to go forward in Africa generally
(review and renegotiation of        was a pioneering move which            Dar es Salaam and commit up        community development plan         miningmx.com/           declaring   because it really does recognize
unconscionable terms) Act,          would take Barrick’s policy            to US$10 million in funding over   to create sustainable economic     himself satisfied with the          the importance of partnership,”
2017                                of partnership with its host           a 10-year period for training      opportunities for the people       agreement signed in January         he said.
  “The new framework provides       countries to a new level.              and skills development in the      around our mines,” Bristow         and rejected the allegation that      “Let’s set aside the $300m fine.
a level playing field between the     “Many           people       were    mining industry, and will also     said.                              his group had given away too        That’s for past whatever and the
government and investors in the     pessimistic,         saying     that   commit up to US$40 million           Bristow said that there was      much to reach the settlement        Tanzanian government never
mining sector,” said Mwambe,        your criticism will keep               to upgrade the road between        a strong focus on rationalizing    which included the payment          threatened        nationalisation.
adding that negotiations with       away investors, what has               Bulyanhulu and Mwanza as           and optimizing mine plans.         of US$ 300 million to settle        What it was after was a fair deal
other major mining companies        happened is a challenge to             well as constructing a housing     Following      the    successful   tax claims by the Tanzanian         and John’s (Barrick chairman,
are ongoing in the same spirit      the mining industry and all of         compound        and      related   transition to owner mining at      government.                         John Thornton) involvement
with the aim to review existing     us to embark on something              infrastructure.                    North Mara, this has already         He                   concurred    back in 2017 very clearly
agreements to achieve a win-        where we win together or lose            “Since taking over the           delivered a reduction in costs     that Tanzania “had a legitimate     captured that.
win situation.                      together,” he said of President        operatorship,      we       have   and an increase in free cash       beef” in its dispute with Barrick     “Fundamentally, Acacia was

10 | The Investor                                                                                                                                                                                  The Investor | 11
Handshake that made 'a Tanzanian moment' - BLUEPRINT Miracles of - Tanzania Investment Centre
1.0 What is Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC)?                   production and agro-processing, livestock farming as
                                                                                                                                                                          well as fish processing and livestock products including
                                                                                                          The Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) was established            meat, milk and leather.
                                                                                                          in 1997 by the Tanzania Investment Act to be the Primary
                                                                                                          Agency of the Government to coordinate, encourage,              2.3 Strategies Location
                                                                                                          promote and facilitate investment in Tanzania and to
                                                                                                                                                                          The country’s geography is greatly beneficial. Tanzania
                                                                                                          advise the Government on on all investment related
                                                                                                                                                                          is connected directly to the Indian Ocean giving it
                                                                                                          matters. It facilitates both foreign and local investors.
                                                                                                                                                                          trade links to Asia and sits in between the ocean and 6
                                                                                                          The threshold for investment capital for foreign
                                                                                                                                                                          landlocked countries (Uganda, DRC, Rwanda, Burundi,
                                                                                                          required must be at least US$500,000 for projects               Zambia and Malawi) that rely on Tanzania for passage
                                                                                                          which are wholly owned by foreign investors or joint            of goods. The country has 3 deep water ports (Dar
                                                                                                          venture and US$100,000 for projects which are wholly            es Salaam, Tanga and Mtwara) that are servicing the
                                                                                                          owned by local Tanzanian.                                       neighboring countries. Furthermore, its membership
                                                                                                                                                                          to the SADC Free Trade Area and EAC Common Market,
                                                                                                          1.1 How does TIC facilitate investors?
                                                                                                                                                                          with developed rail and road networks, makes Tanzania
                                                                                                          Tanzania has introduced numerous structural and                 a natural transportation gateway for East and Central
                                                                                                          legal reforms to ensure easiness in starting and doing          Africa
                                                                                                          business /investment in the Country. These efforts
                                                                                                                                                                          2.4 Peace and Political Stability
                                                                                                          have been commended by both the World Bank and
Agreements being signed.                                                                                  the IMF. Investors are assisted to process the required         Tanzania is one of the most peaceful and politically
                                                                                                          authorizations permits and licenses through One                 stable countries in Africa. Since its independence in
                                                                                                          Stop Facilitation Centre inside the TIC building. The           1961, the country has never experienced a civil war or
an irresponsibly-run business       “A true measure of partners is    nationalisation). Everybody is                                                                      any major internal strife.
and it was not properly           50/50 after the recoupment of       getting the benefit except the      investment facilitation services currently provided
managed. It was a small           capital expenditure although        host country treasury.”             includes; company incorporation, work permit class              2.5 Market access
company with a head office in     this can be a few per cent either      Bristow added that: “This is     A&B, tax payer identification number, product standard
                                                                                                          certificate, Tanzania foods and drugs authority business        Over and above, investing in Tanzania also guarantees
London and another head office    side. The beef in Tanzania was      now a true partnership in that
                                                                                                          permit, environment certificate, occupation, health,            access to a market of more than 450 million people in
in South Africa. Management       that these mines had been run       when you win, you win together                                                                      Eastern and Southern Africa in which Tanzania enjoys
was through ex-patriates living   since the 1990’s but they had       and when you lose, you both         safety compliance certificate, land derivative right,
                                                                                                          industrial and business license and residence permit            preferential trade arrangements, by virtue of being a
in Dar es Salaam and Arusha       not paid tax. That’s tantamount     lose. This effectively splits the                                                                   member of EAC and SADC. Tanzania Exports over 6,000
and not even on the mine sites.   to 100% the other way (from         pie as a national asset and one     class A&B. Furthermore, stationed senior officers from
                                                                                                                                                                          items under the AGOA, and is a Trade partner with China
                                                                                                          National Identification Authority (NIDA), has joined the
                                                                      thing a gold company will never                                                                     (where over 4,000 items can be exported), Canada,
                                                                                                          Centre to strengthen investment facilitation services to
                                                                      lie about is the gold it produces                                                                   and Japan. In addition, Tanzania is a gateway to six
                                                                                                          investors through One Stop Facilitation Centre.                 landlocked countries in Eastern and Central Africa. It
                                                                      so you can see the revenue.”
                                                                         Bristow also emphasised the      2.0 Why invest in Tanzania?                                     provides natural access to the Democratic Republic
                                                                      benefits of having Tanzanian                                                                        of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Malawi and
                                                                                                          The following are among the major reasons that explain          Uganda. Investing in Tanzania therefore provides the
                                                                      government        representatives   why potential investors should consider Tanzania as             advantage and opportunity to access local, regional and
                                                                      sitting on the boards of mining     their investment destination:                                   international markets.
                                                                      companies where they could
                                                                      see for themselves exactly what     2.1 Economic Stability with High Growth Potential:              2.6 Infrastructure Services
                                                                      was going on.
                                                                                                          Tanzania is experiencing sustained economic growth,             To support these policies, we have in place basic
                                                                         “Previously      they     have
                                                                                                          with an average Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”)                  infrastructure services such as water, power, roads, rail,
                                                                      never had the right to see the      growth rate of around 7% per annum. This is a result of         air transport, and telecommunication are available at
                                                                      budget. Now they have the           economic reforms and sound economic policies that               varying degrees. Currently, one is assured of electricity
                                                                      right, for example, to seek         were introduced since the second half of the 1990’s.            and more generation is on the way with current
                                                                      the background on a capital                                                                         construction of Nyerere Hydro-Electric Dam with capacity
                                                                      request. That’s a legitimate        2.2 Rich Natural Resources                                      to produce more than 2,000MW. Access to electricity is
                                                                      request from a board member                                                                         in rural Tanzania is over 75 percent. Most key economic
                                                                                                          Tanzania is endowed with a variety of natural resources
                                                                      to which we say – ‘sure’.”          including a 1,424-kilometre coastline, enormous arable          centres are connected with good roads and more are
                                                                                                          land, world class tourist attractions, minerals, oil and gas.   being constructed. Telecommunication is adequately
                                                                      KILASA MTAMBALIKE           and     Available arable land, conducive weather and ground             available throughout the country. Air transport to the
Gold bars.                                                            Sources                             along with surface water provide opportunities in agro-         country and within the country is satisfactory.

12 | The Investor                                                                                                                                                                                               The Investor | 13
Handshake that made 'a Tanzanian moment' - BLUEPRINT Miracles of - Tanzania Investment Centre
                                      T has worked like a wonder drug, well, sort of, all things                         investment and businesses            Charges) Regulations of 2008
                                      considered.                                                                        climate, it will ultimately          2016 and 2018 to reduce fees
                                         Implementation of the blueprint recommendations                                 stimulate investments and            and charges.

                                   on creating an enabling business environment to attract                                       address the challenges         “There are some regulatory
                                   investments has had miraculous results.                                                         and      shortcoming       bodies such as NEMC, OSHA,
                                     Contrary to mistaken beliefs, the easing of bureaucratic                                       in the country’s          former      Tanzania     Minerals

                                   processes and reduction of fees/charges by some                                                    b u s i n e s s         Audit Agency (TMAA) and
                                   government institutions has actually increased revenues                                             environment,” he       Workers Compensation Fund
                                   and customers to a record level.                                                                     said.                 (WCF) decided to conduct

pull off
                                     According to a status report prepared by the Tanzania                                                  In     total,     joint inspections in the mining
                                   National Business Council (TNBC) under Business                                                          the report        industry,” noted the report.
                                   Environment Working Group, on the implementation                                                          revealed           The report further shows that
                                                                                                                                                              there is significant improvement

                                   of blueprint recommendations on business regulatory                                                            that
                                   reforms, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security as well                                                                 in terms of time spent to obtain
                                   as Occupational Safety and Health Authority (OSHA) were                                                                    business licenses, permits and
                                   among the top performers.                                                                                                  registration certificates.
                                     “Before reforms in 2016/17 the Ministry of Agriculture                                                                     Some of the regulatory
                     2017/18       expected to collect TZS 4 billion and actual revenue                                                                       bodies such as BRELA and
                                   collection was 3.3 billion, which was equivalent to 83                                                                     TMDA adopted the use of ICT to
   MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE         percent.                                                                                                                   promote e-business registration
                                     In 2017/18 after reforms, the Ministry expected to collect                                                               and licensing while others such
             EXPECTED COLLECTION                                                                                                                              as Tanzania Investment Centre

              18.5 bn
                                   TZS 18.5 billion and the actual collection was TZS 33.8
                                   billion, which was equivalent to 182 percent of the expected                                                               (TIC), TBS, OSHA and NEMC
       TZS                                                                                                                                                    have already developed their
                                   revenue collection,” says the report
                                     The report, noted that OSHA managed to increase its                                                                      own information systems.
                                   revenue collection from TZS11 billion in 2016 to TZS21                                                                       TNBC in collaborations with

             33.8 bn
                                   billion in 2019. In addition, the registered workplaces                                                                    other stakeholders charted out
       TZS                         (customers) increased from 3,354 in 2017 to 16,457 in 2018/                                                                the blueprint that called for the
                                                                                                                                                              public and private sectors to
                                   19, which was 491 percent increase.                                                                       Government
                                                                                                                                                              cooperate in creating enabling
                                     Fees and charges removed by OSHA included workplace                                                     had abolished
                EQUIVALENT TO                                                                                                                                 business environment that will
                                   registration fee that was previously charged between

                                                                                                                                            fees of 167       attract domestic and foreign
                                   TZS 50,000 and TZS 1,800,000, workplace registration form                                               b u s i n e s s    investments to the country.
                                   fee of TZS 2,000. It also covered removal of fine related to                                           licenses, permits     The Blueprint document
                                   compliance with fire-fighting equipment of TZS 500,000,                                               and registration     was made legally binding by
                                   which interfered with procedures overseen by the Fire and                                            certificates   and    Parliament in July 2019 to
 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND           Rescue Force.                                                                                       reduced          the   smoothen its implementations.
 HEALTH AUTHORITY (OSHA)             Other fees slashed by OSHA are Occupational Health                                               fees of 9 business         It calls on local and foreign
         2016 REVENUE COLLECTION   and Safety (OSH) Act Compliance License fee which was                                            licenses, permits and     investors to eye Tanzania as a

                    11 bn
                                   previously charged at TZS 200,000 per annum and OSH                                            registration certificates   hub for investment following
             TZS                   consultation fee of TZS 450,000 per hour for one expert.                                      that makes a total of        the government’s reforms
                                     The study covered five regulatory bodies namely Tanzania                                    176.                         to address delays in issuing
                                   Bureau of Standards (TBS), OSHA, Tanzania Medicines and                                         In another progress,       business licenses and permits
         2019 REVENUE COLLECTION   Medical Devices Authority (TMDA), Business Registration                                      regulatory           bodies

                   21 bn
                                                                                                                                                              and multiple regulatory bodies
                                   and Licensing Agency (BRELA) and National Environmental                                      such as OSHA, TBS and         that discourage investors.
                                   Management Council (NEMC).                                                                  NEMC amended their               The Blueprint among others,
                                                                                                   Minister of State,
                                     According to Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) Director                                   regulations for the sake of     recommended 34 business
                   EQUIVALENT TO                                                                   Prime Minister’s

                                   of Investment Promotion, John Mnali, the blueprint was a        Office (Investment)        reducing fees and charges.      permits and licenses out of 380
                                   long time coming.                                               Hon. Angellah             For       instance,      NEMC    to be removed.
                                     “It was long overdue as a roadmap for improvement of          Jasmine Kairuki          reviewed the Environmental
                                                                                                   (MP).                    Management (Fee and               FARAJA MGWABATI

14 | The Investor                                                                                                                                                           The Investor | 15
Handshake that made 'a Tanzanian moment' - BLUEPRINT Miracles of - Tanzania Investment Centre

                                                                     his house and afford to take                                  Other regions with minimal
                                                                                                                                   quantities include Morogoro,
                                                                     his three children to private
                                                                     schools, paying up to TZS                TANZANIA IS THE      Tanga and Ruvuma.

                                                                                                          THIRD LARGEST
                                                                                                                                     Tanzania is the third largest

aplenty in cashew
                                                                     1,600,000 per annum in fees per
                                                                       Kasigere is just one of millions
                                                                                                                                   producer of cashews in the
                                                                                                                                   world after India and Ivory            Besides being
                                                                     of cashew farmers in Tanzania         PRODUCER OF CASHEWS     Coast according to the World
                                                                                                                                                                          among the top
value addition
                                                                     whose lives depend entirely on                                Bank.
                                                                     the cash crop.                           IN THE WORLD           During the same period
                                                                                                                                                                       10-world producer,
                                                                       According       to    Tanzania                              cashews export fetched the
                                                                                                                                   country TZS 1.3 trillion, which
                                                                                                                                                                           Tanzania is
                                                                     Investment       Centre      (TIC)
      AID Kasigere (45) is a        change my life. But the coming   report    titled     ‘Investment                              is more than the combined
      happy man, and for all
      the right reasons.
                                    of the processing industries
                                    in our villages and improved
                                                                     Opportunities in Production
                                                                     and Processing of cashewnuts’,
                                                                                                                                   earnings from exports of
                                                                                                                                   tobacco, tea, coffee, cotton,          considered as
                                                                                                                                                                         the producer of
                                                                                                          2017 -2018
  He is a cashew nuts farmer        government regulations greatly   in 2017/18 the country                                        cloves and sisal.
from Nagaga Village, Masasi         helped increase our income       produced 315,000 metric tons                                    As of the ongoing season, from
District in Mtwara region, and      and stabilize prices. We no
                                    longer need middlemen,” says
                                                                     of raw cashews.                                               October 31, 2019 to January 26
                                                                                                                                   this year, Cashewnut Board of        the best quality
his income has significantly                                           The cashews or nick-named
                                                                                                          CASHEWS EXPORT FETCHED
improved         since      2016,   Mr Kasigere.                     ‘green gold’ is predominantly                                 Tanzania (CBT) had auctioned
                                                                                                                                                                         cashews in the
                                                                                                          TZS 1.3 Trillion
compliments to the springing          Mr Kasigere says he used to    cultivated in three regions of                                228,598 tons worth TZS 578
up of cashew processing
factories in his area.
                                    get TZS 300,000 per season but
                                    since 2016 he is earning not
                                                                     Mtwara (194,748 tons), Lindi
                                                                     (76,000 tons) and Coast (20,000
                                                                                                                                     CBT Acting Managing Director,            world.
  “Before then, it never occurred   less than TZS 2 million, which   tons), which account for 90 per                               Francis Alfred, told The Investor
to me that the crop would           has helped him modernize         cent of cashews in the country.                               that the auctions are still

16 | The Investor                                                                                                                                                              The Investor | 17
ongoing and are expected to                                      25 and 6,000 tons of cashews
                                    project registration processes
trade 290,000 tons this season.     and implementation.          per annum, hence the need for
  Most of these cashews (87 per       In July 2019, TIC hosted a large scale investment.
cent) are exported unprocessed      series of investment promotion Cashew nuts are produced
to Vietnam and India as the         fora in Mtwara focusing      by     more     than     666,200
major buyers. Only 13 per cent      on the cashew sub-sector.    operators (individual farmers
(42,073 tons) of the cashews        According to Mwambe, the foraand organizations), creating
were processed lo≠cally in                                       millions of direct and in-direct
                                    yielded positive results as it
2017/2018, which provides for                                    jobs, from farm to the factories
                                    generated interest from over 40
an opportunity for investors        prospective investors.       and the entire value chain.
to venture into this lucrative        Acting CBT DG, Francis       The presence of cashews
business.                           Alfred, also commended TIC   processing industries not only
  “We would like to welcome                                      guarantees the country of more
                                    for the initiative of organizing
serious investors in farming        the forums, saying that they foreign exchange from kernels,
but most importantly in value       were beneficial in many      it also provides sustainable
addition so that we can reduce                                   market and stable income to
                                    ways, especially in the area of
export of raw cashews. If we        attracting investment in the farmers like Kasigere.
can manage to process even 50       linkages of value chain in the The four cashew most
per cent that would be a great      agro-processing industry.    producing regions of Lindi,
milestone,” said Mr Geoffrey          With regard to country’s   Ruvuma, Mtwara and Pwani
Idelphonce Mwambe, the              capacity to process cashews, have allocated land of 538,993
Executive Director of Tanzania      data also shows that in 2019 hectares for farming and
Investment Centre (TIC).            Tanzania had 28 cashew       industrial development by
  Mr Mwambe noted that              processing      industries;  investors.
TIC was ready to facilitate         of them were not working,      Current investment needs for
investors through its one stop      requiring capital injection  cashews include production
facilitation centre, which brings   through joint ventures.      of raw cashew nuts, cashew
together various government                                      processing machineries (for
                                      Most of these industries are                                  Cashew processing factories are labour intensive providing sustainable employment to many,
institutions, thereby easing                                     kernel into various products,
                                    small scale processing between                                  especially women.
                                                                 cashew apple and cashew shell      further invest into cashew         European imports of cashew          the country.
                                                                 liquid).                           farming        and   processing    nuts from developing countries        With 80 per cent of available
                                                                   Others        needs        are   in the country abound.             more than doubled from €534m        cashew land under cultivation,
                                                                 manufacturing            cashew    Mechanisation would help           in 2013 to €1.34bn in 2018.         there are still vast, unexploited
                                                                 processing      machines      in   companies to improve quality,         The country’s production is      avenues       to     match     the
                                                                 partnership       with     Small   reduce costs, maximize profits     growing at 450 per cent, with       production of Ivory Coast,
                                                                 Industries         Development     and more efficiently use human     significant opportunities for       which produces over 750,000
                                                                 Organization (SIDO) to promote     resources.                         investors along the value chain.    metric tons and is the largest
                                                                 local capacity and technology        If Tanzania’s producers can         Like any other industry,         producer in Africa and the
                                                                 transfer.                          boost mechanization and            cashew industry is open to          world.
                                                                   Figures indicate that in Lindi   improve productivity, the sky is   foreign direct investment (FDI)       Taking advantage of the
                                                                 Region there are 8 processing      the limit. As consumers demand     and partnerships between local      government’s renewed interest
                                                                 plants, whereas three (3)          healthier snacking options, the    and foreign companies. This         in cashew, coupled with the
                                                                 are not working and five (5)       European and North American        move will add value to the crop     state’s resolve to achieve its
                                                                 are operational. In Ruvuma         market for cashew nuts is          in the country.                     industrialization agenda; it
                                                                 there is only one (1) cashew       anticipated to continue to grow.      Cashew      processing,    for   does make sense to invest in
                                                                 nut processing plant that’s          Since 2013, shipments of         example is a capital and            the sub-sector.
                                                                 operational.                       shelled cashew nuts into           technology intensive business         If current efforts are sustained
                                                                   In Mtwara Region 10 cashew       Europe have risen by an annual     that is often beyond most local     and       strategies      properly
                                                                 processing      factories    are   average of 21 per cent in value    investors, so foreign investment    implemented, within a few
                                                                 operational and three are not      and 12 per cent in quantity,       should complement domestic          years Tanzania might just as
                                                                 working. And in Coast Region       amounting to €1.6bn ($1.8bn)       investors in the industry.          well become the world’s largest
                                                                 there are six (6) cashew nut       and 180,000 tons respectively,        Tanzania’s cashew industry       producer of cashew with vast
                                                                 processing plants that are         according to the Centre for the    is     witnessing      concerted    opportunities for job creation
                                                                 operational.                       Promotion of Imports from          efforts by government and           and foreign exchange earnings.
                                                                   Against such a backdrop,         Developing Countries.              all stakeholders to increase
Said Kasigere of Nagaga village Masasi district in Mtwara posing enormous opportunities to
outside his new house.                                                                                In the past five years,          production and processing in        BY THE INVESTOR REPORTER

18 | The Investor                                                                                                                                                                         The Investor | 19
China                                                  By investing in Tanzania, you get
is    the                                               access to East African Community
leading                                                  and Southern African Development
country in                           terms of            Community markets with a combined
investments                        registered             population of 466 million, according
at       Tanzania              Investment                 to 2018 data.
Centre (TIC) based on value ($5,962 million)
with 723 projects between 1996 and 2018. UK
is the leading country in terms of number of
projects (936) registered at TIC valued at $5,540           Three Tanzanian cities of Dar es
million during the same period. UK is also the              Salaam, Mwanza and Songea
 leading country in terms of number of jobs                 are among the world’s 15 fastest
  created (274,401) against 87,126 created by               growing cities, according World
    projects with Chinese interest.                         Economic Forum (WEF) report.

                      Tanzania is a global leader in both
                       production and consumption of
                        Sesame seeds with 21 percent
                        (consumption) and 22 percent
                        (production), according to data
                       published by IndexBox.

                                             Access to electricity in rural
                                            Tanzania is above 75 percent
                                            with more than 9,000 villages
                                            out of 12,268 s connected to
                                            the national grid.

Tanzania is the 3rd country in                                      Tanzania        imports
Africa with the largest cattle                                      85 percent of its
inventory after Ethiopia and                                        pharmaceuticals,
Sudan. According to Food                                            providing     enormous
and Agriculture Organization                                        opportunities to invest
(FAO), global cattle inventory                                      in the sector for both
in Tanzania is 11th in the world                                    medicines and medical
with 24,531,673 cattle.                                             devices.

20 | The Investor                                                                                The Investor | 21

Poultry is
her forte
I  t all started with a bold decision and   recognition of her efforts.
   a small purse in the form of early         After 15 years of her career with
   retirement benefits, a decade plus       UN Agencies (UNHCR and WFP), she
later, Elizabeth Christopher Swai is a      voluntarily resigned from her lucrative
leading investor in Tanzania’s poultry      job to venture into business on a full-
industry.                                   time basis in 2006, using her retirement
  Make no mistake, however, she             benefits.
was born an entrepreneur. She                        She founded AKM Glitters
started dabbling in small                                 Company Limited which
ventures at the tender                                         deals with integrated
age of 14, while
still a primary
                                 I started                         poultry business,
school pupil               business when I was                          three Kuroiler
in Njombe
Region.                 very young. I had my own                         breeder
                                                                          farms,      a

      p      ,
                   vegetable garden when I was only                        hatchery
                                                                            and a feed
Elizabeth        14 years old which I attended to after                     mill in Dar    Elizabeth
in a variety      school and during weekends. I used                        es Salaam
                                                                            and Coast     Christopher
of small
                    to sell vegetables to expatriates                      Region.
                                                                                   AKM      Swai
n a m e l y          in our neighbourhood who used                        Glitters
gardening,                                                               Company
b a k i n g ,           to work in tea and timber                      is registered
vitenge sales and
backyard        broiler
                               plantations                          at        Tanzania
                                                                 Investment Centre
keeping.                                                     (TIC) and issued with
  “I started business when                             certificate of incentives, and,
I was very young. I had my own              according to her, is the largest in East
vegetable garden when I was only 14         Africa and the only one in Tanzania
years old which I attended to after         producing authenticated Kuroiler
school and during weekends. I used          chicks to-date.
to sell vegetables to expatriates in our      Valued at $5.5million (TZS 12.6
neighbourhood who used to work in           billion), AKM Glitters has constantly
tea and timber plantations,” recalls        invested resources and energy to
Elizabeth                                   expanding and diversifying the
  Now at 52, she owns and runs a            business in order to satisfy the poultry
multi-billion organic poultry business,     value chain.
creating jobs to thousands of farmers         Currently the company delivers
across the country. She has also            services in 25 regions through working
won numerous global awards in               directly with 400 agents and 300,360

22 | The Investor                                                                                       The Investor | 23
mill at Mwabepande with the          months. The cocks weigh at
                                                                          capacity to produce 90 tons per      least 2.50 Kg at around three
                                                                          day.                                 months, at which a smallholder
                                                                            At a time when the                 farmer can sell for meat.
                                                                          government is pushing for more         Plans are afoot to setup
                                                                          investment in animal feed mills,     additional       hatcheries     in
                                                                          the company’s factory couldn’t       Tanzania        mainland      and
                                                                          have come at a more opportune        Zanzibar to decentralize the
                                                                          time.                                production of Kuroiler F1 day-
                                                                            Early this month, Minister of      old chicks.
                                                                          State in the Prime Minister’s          The company’s integrated
                                                                          Office (Investment), Angellah        poultry business strategy also
                                                                          Jasmine Kairuki called for           includes the production of high
                                                                          investors to venture in animal       quality and affordable chicken
                                                                          feed mills, saying that there        feeds for use on its parent stock    Elizabeth Christopher Swai posing with two Chinese engineers
                                                                          are many opportunities in the        farms and also for sale to to        who were installing plant equipment for the new feed mill.
                                                                          sector.                              Brooding Units and smallholder       targeted rural smallholder set the objective to produce and
                                                                            “There is great demand of          chicken farmers and other            chicken farmers.                   distribute at least 10,000,000
                                                                          animal feeds, this is an area that   commercial markets across the          For this reason, the Brooder dual purpose Kuroiler chicken
                                                                          presents a lot of opportunities      country.                             Unit Enterprise hubs are located within four years through 1,500
                                                                          for investors,” the Minister told      Access       by    smallholder     close to the smallholder chicken brooder unit’s enterprises to
                                                                          a meeting of Businessmen and         farmers to affordable quality        farmers as much as possible at least 1,250,000 smallholder
                                                                          Government Leaders in Mwanza.        feed will ensure improved            either at the village, ward or farming households.
Elizabeth Christopher Swai posing with trays of eggs at her                 Minister Kairuki also visited      feed conversion for increased        district levels depending on the      “Smallholder chicken farming
chicken farm before they are sent to the hatchery.                        AKM Glitters company in              productivity. The business           population of smallholder farm households are expected to
farmers by using its unique          requiring a lot of investments in    February where she discussed         target is to produce and sell        households.                        achieve a fourfold increase in
franchising model. It has also       various stages of its value chain,   promised that the Government         at least 500,000 metric tons           With the Brooder Unit model, egg and meat production and
employed 120 staff out of            which are; feed mill operations,     would        address       various   per year of affordable quality       AKM Glitters significantly reduces increased household incomes
which 40 are degree holders          parent stock farms, hatchery,        challenges that were facing the      chicken feeds.                       high mortality (losses) of chicks from the sale of chicken and
comprising of doctors and            abattoir, meat processing and        company.                                  Furthermore, the company        in the first 4- weeks by ensuring eggs as well as improved
veterinary officers.                 packaging plant, logistic cold         The company has started            employs young graduates, fresh       that the chicks are brooded, household nutrition especially
  According to Elizabeth, the        chain and extension services         expansion of the feed mill at the    from colleges and universities in    reared      and      appropriately the children,” she said.
poultry industry in Tanzania,        (training).                          cost of TZS 3 billion which will     various disciplines and invests      vaccinated before being sold          Elizabeth is a founder member
especially in rural areas, is            In addition to investing in      have the capacity to produce 200     in training to groom future cadre    to smallholder chicken farmers of African Agribusiness Academy,
unstructured but lucrative           the seven-value-chain stages,        tons per day upon completion         of poultry professionals.            or farmer groups. Brooder Africa Women in Agribusiness,
for investors and country’s          there are other opportunities        at Mwabepande and they are             AKM Glitters has also adopted      Unit Enterprises also serve as a member of Professional
economy as it creates jobs           in venturing in farm inputs and      finalizing parent stock farm with    the Brooder Unit model to            distribution hubs for production Poultry Association, Feed Mill
throughout its value chain.          disease management system.           the capacity of rearing 6,000        promote profitable enterprises       inputs such as chicken feeds Association and an Interim Chair
  “We need to structure the             “For the poultry industry to      chickens at Mkuranga.                along the chicken value chain.       and other farm inputs.             of Tanzania Poultry Breeders
poultry industry so that we can      strive, the government may             According to her, the company      The Brooder Units operate as           With the ongoing investment Association, Executive Board
reach more people in the rural       have to consider incentives to       invests on parent stock              independent micro, small and         in the expansion of farm, Member Tanzania Business
while addressing employment,         investors including tax waivers      importation from Kegg Farms          medium enterprises (MSME’s)          hatchery, and feed mill Council – Livestock Sector.
nutrition and economic gap.          for a period of five up to 10        India. Kuroiler parent stocks are    and are a pivotal link with the      infrastructure, AKM Glitters has      Throughout the course of her
AKM Glitters is a growing            years,” says Elizabeth.              very expensive but worth it.                                                                                 entrepreneurial career, she has
company and is now receiving               Currently, AKM Glitters          Kuroiler is a dual-purpose                                                                                 partnered and received funding
international request to assist in   Company has invested in three        hybrid chicken well adapted                                                                                  from reputable organisations
structuring poultry business.        areas of the value chain which       to       local      management                                                                               and institutions such Bill and
  In 2019 AKM Glitters was           include breeder farms (in            under village conditions by                                                                                  Melinda Gates Foundation,
requested by UNDP in Comoros         Bagamoyo and Mwabepande)             smallholder farmers, under                                                                                   Rural Livelihood Development
to carry out an assessment in        with a combined capacity of          this management the hybrid                                                                                   Company, Swiss Contact, credit
the Isles after Cyclone Kenneth.     24,000 poultry.                      chicken(s) produce 200 - 260                                                                                 facility from CRDB, CBA, Akiba
The discussion to implement              Also, the company has a          eggs during a 12-month egg-                                                                                  and DCB Bank. AKM Glitters also
the project in Comoros is on-        modern hatchery facility worth       laying period and gains weight                                                                               is a partner of SAGCOTand many
going.” she says                     $800,000 in Mbezi Beach with         faster compared to local or                                                                                  more.
  She notes that poultry is          capacity to hatch 106,000 eggs       indigenous chicken(s).
a capital-intensive business         per week. It also operates a feed      Hens begin laying from 5-6         A worker at the farm holding two matured Kuroiler chicken.             FARAJA MGWABATI

24 | The Investor                                                                                                                                                                                   The Investor | 25
LIVESTOCK                                                                                                 lacks factories of the caliber of     the findings show that Kongwa      hectares of land. Of these
                                                                                                              Tanganyika Packers.                   Ranch is only 7 per cent           hectares of land, it operates a
                                                                                                                According to a Tanzania             operational, Mkata Ranch is        total of eight ranches in seven

Case to reclaim past glory
                                                                                                              Investment Centre (TIC) report        not in operation, Ngerengere       regions of mainland Tanzania.
                                                                                                              on investment opportunities in        Livestock Multiplication Unit         In its current state, Kongwa in
                                                                                                              the livestock value chain, the        (LMU) at 2 per cent and West       Dodoma has 38,000 livestock

of livestock industry
                                                                                                              sector and its many linkages          Kilimanjaro Ranch operates at      but has the full capacity of
                                                                                                              along the chain have quantities       1 per cent.                        handling 100,000 animals;
                                                                                                              of opportunities to offer.              The report squarely imputes      Mzeri in Tanga tends to 21,236
                                                                                                                According to Economic Survey        blame on mismanagement             livestock but has the capacity
                                                                                                              2018, the livestock sector had        and carelessness to the poor       of 60,000 and Ruvu in Coast
EVEN in its derelict state, it is hard to miss the sight of the Tanganyika Packers                            significant contribution to           performance,      noting   that    Region keeps 43,000 animals
factory from either side of the road (Kawe or Mwai Kibaki).                                                   the economy (whereas the              there have been no practical       but with the capacity of 120,000.
                                                                                                              sector growth was 2.0 per cent        significant signs of innovation       Other ranches are no

   t no longer serves its               At its peak it processed some     Packers Limited (TPL), shortage     - contributing 7.61 per cent to       to improve the ranches and         exception to the noted trend
   intended purpose, its vast         200,000 livestock annually          of livestock was never one of       GDP), so all is not lost after all.   LMUs.                              as all ranches in the country
   open fields now attracting         before it ultimately caved in       them.                                 However,        the        report     On the upside, these findings    are operating below their
large congregations for political     circa 1993 after years of decline     Today, Tanzania is Africa’s       particularly laments the state        also bring to the fore the fact    respective carrying capacities.
purposes or religious worship         in slow motion.                     third largest cattle country        of ranches belonging to the           that NARCO’s ranches and LMU’s        Yet the figures alone speak
instead of herds of cattle.             If what’s left of the factory     after Ethiopia and North            National Ranching Company             remain as important resources      volumes and it is only right
  The structure, however, as          could talk, it would probably       Sudan, accounting for about         (NARCO), all of which are             to attract further investment in   that the data should be used to
dilapidated as it remains, is still   be in poignant intonations.         1.4 per cent of the global cattle   operating below capacity in           the red meat value chain.          recognize opportunity to fill in
imposing just as is the history of    Of all the reasons attributed       population and 11 per cent of       terms of livestock population.          For starters, the company        the deficit and, in the process,
the abattoir itself.                  to the collapse of Tanganyika       African cattle population but         For example, figures from           (NARCO) owns a total of 519,453    create jobs and wealth and

26 | The Investor                                                                                                                                                                                    The Investor | 27
make the country competitive,         employed to run these ranches             Livestock contributes to crop
again.                                who should also be given                and vegetable production
   Therefore, investment plans        annual performance goals/               by providing draft power for
should focus on increasing            objectives – against which              cultivation and organic manure.
livestock population in each          they will be held accountable             It is also a source of income for
of the ranches in order to            (rewarded or demoted),” the             a large segment of the country’s
attain their maximum carrying         report recommends.                      population, provides high value
capacities.                              But ranch operations are             protein in the nation’s diet,
   These      should       include    just a tip of the iceberg when          contributes to food security and
purchase of quality breeder           it comes to the livestock sector        was once — and could be again
animals, purchase of immature         and its value chain.                    — a major earner of foreign
animals       for      feedlotting,                                           exchange.
infrastructure development and               TZ LIVESTOCK POPULATION            Products from livestock in the

purchase and/or improvement                                                   red meat value chain include
of water facility.                                      MILLION ANIMALS       meat, milk, and skins and
   To attract investment and                                                  hides which are important raw

tap into the potential of the red                       ARE KEPT IN           materials for other commodities
meat value chain, the TIC report                                              such as shoes and other leather
                                                        TRADITIONAL SYSTEMS
counsels that the organization                                                products.                              Herd of cattle awaiting shipment.
structure of the ranching                                                       In spite of these facts, the value
system in the entire country be         Tanzania’s          livestock         chain has faced, and continues         great potential for investment      of     livestock       by-products    souvenirs.
overhauled.                           population is estimated at              to face, a series of challenges        through production, processing      (blood, bones, horns, hooves,           Hair and wool are used in the
   “Instead of having animal          107 million animals, of which           that have had a negative impact        and marketing of milk and milk      hair, wool, glands, intestines,       manufacture of brushes, yarn,
scientists and veterinary doctors     an estimated 88 per cent are            on its performance.                    products. Currently, there are      stomachs, feathers and gut            fabrics and fibers; glands and
running the ranches, people           kept in smallholder traditional           The TIC report sheds lights on       about 600,000 dairy cattle and      contents) produced daily to           organs for pharmaceuticals;
with demonstrated business            systems but the animals have            the fact that opportunities in         22 milk processing plants with      attract investment.                   intestines for making sausage
acumen,            entrepreneurial    overreaching impact to the              local, regional and international      the capacity of 700,000 liters        Currently, Tanzania lacks           casings, musical instruments/
spirit and with good project          environment, households and             markets are largely under              of milk per day but capacity        industries for processing these       strings and surgical ligatures;
management skills should be           the economy.                            exploited or not exploited at all.     utilization is only 30 per cent.    by-products. In this regard,          stomachs,        other      offal,
                                                                                For the country not to                 Annual milk production is         investors are encouraged to           condemned meat for making
                                                                              continue losing market share           estimated at 1.65 billion liters,   venture in this area. These           tallow for soap and glycerin,
                                                                              to its competitors, needed are         of which 70 per cent comes from     by-products have various              lubricants, grease and waxes.
                                                                              investments to revive industries       the traditional sector, while the   uses which are of economic            While gut contents, manure are
                                                                              in key areas of the sector’s value     remaining 30 per cent comes         importance.                           used to make compost, biogas
                                                                              chain such as production and           from the commercial sector.           Experts have asserted that          as fuel for heating and lighting.
                                                                              processing of dairy products,            The report identifies potential   the uses range from liquid              With the third largest
                                                                              tanneries and so forth.                areas of investment in the dairy    blood being a source of               population of livestock in Africa,
                                                                                Besides urging for joint             value chain as establishment of     pharmaceuticals as albumin            Tanzania also has at her reach
                                                                              ventures with National Ranching        dairy farms in order to increase    for the glue, textile and dye         resources that provide the
                                                                              Company (NARCO) and other              milk production, establishment      industries and dried blood as         base for a significant hides and
                                                                              privately-owned             ranches    of milk collection centers,         blood flour, blood meal for           skins production industry with
                                                                              to modernize the existing              construction of milk processing     animal feed and as fertilizer.        estimated production potential
                                                                              ranches, more investments are          plants and manufacturing of           Bones are used as animal            of about 92 million sq. ft per
                                                                              needed in the establishment            dairy equipment and packaging       feed, fertilizer, gelatin and glue,   annum.
                                                                              of new ranches (cattle, sheep,         materials.                          manufacture of combs, buttons           The availability of hides and
                                                                              goats) and farms and feed-lot/           According to the report, on       cutlery handlers, glue, gelatin,      skins as raw materials provides
                                                                              fattening programs.                    the average, 70 – 120 cattle are    tallow and ornaments. Further         advantageous position for the
                                                                                Investments         are       also   slaughtered daily in Municipal      hooves and horns also are used        country for investment setup
                                                                              encouraged in the production           and City abattoirs – apart from     as meal, fertilizer, gelatin and      in the tanning sub-sector and
                                                                              of hay, compounded animal              those slaughtered in rural areas.   glue, manufacture of combs,           subsequent leather products
                                                                              feeds and vaccines.                      This number confirms the          buttons, hairpins and articles        manufacturing sub-sectors.
A healthy looking kid.                                                                                               availability of large quantities    of tourists’ attraction including
                                                                                The dairy industry also has a                                                                                                Continues on page 32

28 | The Investor                                                                                                                                                                                            The Investor | 29
2. Project’s Business Plan/Feasibility Study.           the premise/office/land)
                                                                                                                Business plan should state clearly the           8. Company Board Resolution to register
                                                                                                                project objective, information regarding             project (original)
                                                                                                                the investor (profile), details of invest-       9. Certified copy of Memorandum and Arti-
                                                                                                                ment costs (foreign and local expected               cles of association
                                                                                                                capital expenditure), how the proposed           10. Copy of TIC payment receipt as proof of
                                                                                                                investment will be financed, specif-                 payment of $1,100
                                                                                                                ic sources(s) of finance for the project,        11. Tax Payer Identification Number (TIN)
                                                                                                                terms and conditions of the loan if ap-          12. Covering letter (should provide an ex-
                                                                                                                plicable, sources of technology if appli-            pression of interest to invest and list all
                                                                                                                cable, project financial and economic                the documents attached in the applica-
                                                                                                                analysis, market study, project capacity,            tion)
                                                                                                                production process if applicable, envi-
                                                                                                                ronmental impact assessment, expected
                                                                                                                employment generation, proposed im-           COST:
                                                                                                                plementation schedule, etc.                   Cost of Certificate of Incentive is $1,100. Pay-
                                                                                                             3. Certified Copy of Audited Accounts for        ments can be made through Standard Chartered
                                                                                                                the past three years (This applies to the     Bank or NMB Bank PLC after obtaining control
                                                                                                                existing projects).                           number at TIC Accounts Department.
                                                                                                             4. Certified Copy of Certificate of incorpora-
  HOW TO...                                                                                                     tion                                          TIME FRAME
                                                                                                             5. Evidence of financial capital (stamped        If all submitted documents meet TIC require-

Obtain certificate of
                                                                                                                Bank Statement)                               ments, you can obtain your Certificate of Incen-
                                                                                                             6. Certified Copy of Tenancy agreement (if       tives between 5 and 10 working days depending
                                                                                                                you are renting premise/office/land) or       on the nature of business.
                                                                                                             7. Certified Copy of Title deed (if you own

incentives from TIC
      anzania Investment Centre (TIC) is the first       STEPS
      point of call for potential investors. It is the
      primary agency of the Government respon-             1. Obtain and fill application form
sible for coordinating, encouraging, promoting             2. Notarize filled application form with a
and facilitating investments. To qualify for and              lawyer
obtain TIC Certificate of Incentives minimum fixed         3. Obtain control number at TIC Account
investment cost for new, and expansion projects               Department
should be at least US$ 100,000 for projects which          4. Pay for Certificate of Incentives’ fee
are wholly owned by Tanzanian Citizens and US$             5. Submit application for certificate of
500,000 for projects which are wholly owned by                incentives
foreign investors or if a joint venture.                   6. Obtain Certificate of Incentives
                                                           7. Apply for fiscal incentives from Tanzania
TIC provides services through One Stop Facilita-              Revenue Authority (TRA)
tion Centre, whereby more than 10 Government
Institutions are stationed to serve investors under
one roof instead of visiting various government          REQUIREMENTS:
agencies. At the end of the registration process         Submission should be in hard and soft copies
investor is issued with a Certificate of Incentives.     and the soft copies should be in PDF format.     Premier Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa gives thumbs up to Neema Kitala, an officer with BRELA based
The procedure to apply for Certificate of incen-           1. TIC Project Registration form (must be      at TIC, after being briefed on the company registration processes under One Stop Investment
tive is as follows:                                           filled and certified before submission)     Facilitation Centre in 2019. He is flanked by TIC Board members, Ilala District Commissioner
                                                                                                          Sophia Mjema (second left) and TIC Executive Director Geoffrey Idelphonce Mwambe (left).

30 | The Investor                                                                                                                                                                             The Investor | 31
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