Guide to Prospective Students 2022 - NUST

Page created by Brett Banks
Guide to Prospective Students 2022 - NUST
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

Guide to
Prospective Students

Guide to Prospective Students 2022 - NUST
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

Guide to Prospective Students 2022 - NUST
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

Welcome 													4

Applying to the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)						                     5

NUST Admission Point Scale											5

The National Qualification Framework (NQF)									6

Types of Applications and Admission Requirements								7

Online Applications												8

Final Selection													9

Registration													9

Tuition Fees													10

Hostel Accommodation												10

Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning (COLL)									12

Faculty of Computing and Informatics										14

Faculty of Engineering												16

Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences										20

Faculty of Human Sciences											24

Faculty of Management Sciences										28

Faculty of Natural Resources and Spatial Sciences								                                     32

The Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School of Business								                                      36

Guide to Prospective Students 2022 - NUST
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

The Institution was established in 1994 through an Act of Parliament     education landscape for the post-COVID generation. There is no
and is situated in the heart of the City of Windhoek, Namibia. Since     doubt that futuristic trends emerged, and that COVID-19 pandemic
then, the University has grown to become a top performing higher         has accelerated our digital transformation agenda. We are thus,
education institution and was presented the PMR Africa Reviews 2014      proud to have successfully integrated a fully operational online mode
and 2016 reward for being the most innovative institution in Namibia,    of teaching, learning and assessment, which further expanded access
amongst numerous other local and international awards.                   and convenience for the student community.
NUST currently has over 13,000 students studying on a full-time,         Our campus has wireless Internet connections at most places,
part-time and distance education basis. The university consists of six   enabling students to use their own devises to access the Student
Faculties, namely, Computing and Informatics; Engineering; Health        Kiosk, Webmail and online lessons to optimise their studies and
and Applied Sciences; Human Sciences; Management Sciences; and           research activities on site.
Natural Resources and Spatial Sciences. Additionally, the institution
                                                                         To harness a culture towards an engaging ecosystem, all our
established the Harold Pupkewitz - Graduate School of Business (HP-
                                                                         programmes incorporate an element of internship or work integrated
GSB) to provide world-class business education that meets Namibia,
                                                                         learning to develop our students’ competencies on a local and
SADC and Africa’s socio-economic development needs.
                                                                         international level, through collaborative projects such as the B360
The university endeavour to meet international standards through         Education Partnerships.
its values of integrity, efficiency, diversity, passion, agility, and
                                                                         Finally, our qualifications are globally recognised, and are constantly
fairness. In today’s fast-paced world, where technology is constantly
                                                                         subjected to a rigorous development, assessment, and endorsement
evolving, we have been granted an opportunity to revitalise higher
                                                                         processes, inclusive of benchmarking and quality assurance audits.

Guide to Prospective Students 2022 - NUST
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

Applying to NUST                                                                     Payment Options:
                                                                                     Please DO NOT send cash in the post. We also DO NOT accept postal
Application Due Dates:                                                               orders. Rather make a deposit through the bank.

Ordinary Applications:                                                               Banking Details:
Thursday, 30 September 2021
                                                                                     Namibia University of Science and Technology, First National Bank,
Mature Age Entry:                                                                    Account Number: 55500126319, Branch Code: Corporate Branch,
Tuesday, 31 August 2021 (no late applications will be considered)                    281872, International Swift Code: FIRNNANX. Original deposit slips
                                                                                     MUST accompany the application form (keep a copy of the deposit
Late Applications:                                                                   slip for your own record).
01 to 29 October 2021

Non-Refundable Application Fees:                                                     Cash Payments:
                                                                                     Cash payments can be made at the Student Administrative Service
Manual Applications:                                                                 Centre, 13 Jackson Kaujeua Street, Windhoek, or at any NUST Regional
• Undergraduate Studies:       N$ 230
• Postgraduate Studies:        N$ 350
• Late Applications:           N$ 660

Online Application: Free

Admission Point Scale
NUST uses the Admission Point Scale to facilitate admission based on your school-leaving results. Your school-leaving subject symbols or
percentages are converted into points, then added up to determine if you have obtained the minimum number of points required to be
considered for entry into your preferred programme of study.
1.    English is always counted in the calculation of points.
2.    Mathematical Literacy (NSC) is not accepted for programmes requiring Mathematics as an admission requirement

                               NSSC                                                                       GCE
                                                                    Cambridge                                                             Senior Certificate
                Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate                                         General Certificate Of Education

 POINTS       NSSCH            NSSCO          NSSCAS      HIGCSE           IGCSE           A-LEVEL     AS-LEVEL       O-LEVEL            HG                SG

     12                                                                                       A

     11                                           a                                           B             A

     10          1                                b             1                             C             B                            A

     9           2                                c             2                             D             C                             B

     8           3               A*               d             3               A*            E             D            A*               C                 A
     7           4               A                e             4               A                           E             A              D                  B

     6                           B                                              B                                         B               E                 C

     5                           C                                              C                                         C               F                D

     4                           D                                              D                                         D                                 E

     3                           E                                              E                                         E                                 F

     2                           F                                              F                                         F                                 F

     1                           G

NSSCH – Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate – Higher Level; NSSCO – Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate – Ordinary Level (new and old
curricula); NSSCAS – Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate – Advanced Subsidiary Level; HIGCSE – Higher International General Certificate of
Secondary Education; IGCSE – International General Certificate of Secondary Education- Advanced Level, Advanced

Guide to Prospective Students 2022 - NUST
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

                          IB                    NSC (RSA) National
                                                                                       Angola and Congo                              Zimbabwe and Zambia
              International Baccalaureate       Senior Certificate
                                                                           16-20 A                                16-20 A
             HL HIGHER           SL STANDARD                               13-15 B                                13-15 B
 POINTS                                                 NSC                                         %                             A-LEVEL            O-LEVEL
               LEVEL                 LEVEL                                 10-12 C                                10-12 C
                                                                            1-9 F                                  1-9 F
   12              7                                                                                                                  A
   11              6                                     7                                                                            B
   10              5                  7                  6                                                                            C
    9              4                  6                  5                                                                            D              1 (75-100)

    8              3                  5                  4                 A (1 & 2)       75 - 100                   18 - 20         E              2 (70-74)
    7              2                  4                  3                 B (3 & 4)           70 - 74                16 - 17                        3 (65-69)

    6              1                  3                  2                 C (5 & 6)           60 - 69                14 - 15                        4 (60-64)

    5                                 2                                      D (7)             50 - 59                12 - 13                        5 (55-59)

    4                                                                        E (8)             45 - 49                10 -11                         6 (45-54)

    3                                                                         F                40 - 44            08 - 09                            7 (35-44)


                                                                 IEB Independent Examination
 POINTS            Botswana                    Malawi                                                        Kenya                           Tanzania

   11                                                                         7
   10                                                                         6                                   A                              A
    9                                                                         5                                   B                              B
    8                                                                         4                                   C                              C
    7              A (80-100)                    A                            3                                   D                              D
    6             B (70-79.99)                 A-/B+                          2                                   E                              E
    5             C (60-69.99)                   C                                                                F                              F

    4             D (50-59.99)                   D

    3           E (40-49.99) FAIL                E
    2          F (0.00-39.99) FAIL               F

The National Qualifications                                                             NQF Level
                                                                                                         Type of Qualification at NUST

Framework (NQF)                                                                                8         Honours, Professional Bachelor Degree, Postgraduate
                                                                                                         Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate
                                                                                               7         Bachelor Degree
The National Qualifications Framework is a register of all relevant
                                                                                               6         Diploma
and legal qualifications in Namibia kept by the Namibia Qualifications
                                                                                               5         Certificate
Authority. The NQF is made up of ten Levels, each representing a
different Level of complexity in learning and/or the application of
knowledge and skills learnt.

Guide to Prospective Students 2022 - NUST
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

Types of Applications and Admission Requirements
Type            Who should apply?
                                             Minimum Admission
                                                                                       Rules for Applying
                            Undergraduate Studies
General      Applicants in possession        25 points in 5 subjects including a       • Before you apply to NUST please familiarise yourself with
Admission    with a final year school-       minimum E-Symbol in                         the programmes/qualifications on offer as well as the
Requirements leaving certificate or          English on NSSC Ordinary Level.             admission requirements.
             current Grade 11 (Namibia
             only) or Grade 12 learners.                                               • After deciding on a qualification, you may apply online
Mature Age   Applicants who do           Applicants must:                                (www. or you may submit an application form at
Entry Scheme not meet the General        - have reached the age of 23                    the NUST Main Campus, or at any of the Regional Centres
             Admission Requirements,       years on 1 January of the
                                                                                         or via the post.
             but who have passed at        academic year for which
             least Grade 10/ Standard 8.   admission is sought;                        • Applying online provides you with immediate notification
                                         - have at least a Junior
                                           Secondary Certificate (Standard
                                                                                         that your application has been received. You will also be
                                           8/Grade 10);                                  able to follow the progress of your application online and
                                         - show evidence that they have                  NO application fee is charged. Strategic self-help stations
                                           worked for at least three years               have been established on the Main Campus as well as at
                                         - pass the NUST Numeracy and
                                                                                         the Regional Centres for those applicants who do not have
                                           English Language Proficiency                  access to internet services. These points will be in operation
                                           tests which will take place from              from 08:00 to 15:00 daily.
                                           23 to 25 September 2021.
                                                                                       • Submit only ONE application. Make sure that you complete
                              Advanced Standing                                          the entire application form.
Advanced        Applicants with NQF          Admission with advanced standing
Standing        Credits or qualifications    shall be considered under the             • Incomplete applications will not be considered for
                from other accredited        following conditions:                       admission.
                institutions of higher       • NQF Credits must make up
                learning who would like to       at least the equivalent of one        • All documents as stipulated on page 9 of this Guide must be
                enter higher study levels        study period (one semester or           enclosed with your application.
                within a programme.              one year) of the programme
                                                 for which advanced standing is        • We do not accept faxed copies of application forms or
                                                 applied for; and                        supporting documents.
                                             • NQF Credits must not be older
                                                 than eight years and must be          • You will need a valid email address since all admission
                                                 presented in an official original       correspondence to you will be conducted via email.
                                                 academic transcript from the
                                                 institution concerned                 • After registration, you will be assigned with a free NUST
                             Postgraduate Studies                                        email address, where all your future correspondence will be
                                                                                         send to. No private emails will be used for correspondence
Honours Degree                               At least a Bachelor’s degree at
                                             NQF Level 7 or equivalent                   after registration.
Master Degree                                At least a Bachelor Honours
                                             degree at NQF Level 8 or
                                             equivalent                                Specific programmes and general enquiries:
Doctoral Degree                              At least a Master’s Degree at NQF         Student Information Officer
                                             Level 9 or equivalent                     T: +264 61 207 2056

Guide to Prospective Students 2022 - NUST
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

Online Applications
How do I apply online?                                                                   • Some fields have drop-down lists to choose from.
                                                                                         • Part A and B, should be completed by first-time applicants only.
                                                                                         • Should you already have a student number from NUST, please
• Log on to the NUST Website at and click on the
                                                                                            login as a “Registered User.”
  “Admissions” link.
                                                                                         Our Admission Officers are on standby to assist you, should you have
• Click on “online application” and choose the type of application e.g.                  any problems you can send an email to or call
  Undergraduate, Postgraduate etc.                                                       +264 61 207 2056.
• Read the Notes at the top of each page before you continue to the
  next page.

Part A                                                                                   Part B
Complete your Biographical Information                                                   Create your Pin Number

You must provide us with a valid email address.                                          Remember your reference number and pin. The pin should not start
                                                                                         with a zero (0) and it should not contain double digits

Part C
Complete your Application
The system will automatically take you to the STUDENT KIOSK to complete your application

                                              COMPLETE STEPS 1 TO 7
                                              Step 1:    Ensure that your biographical information is correct. Enter your email address. All correspondence will be via email.
                                              Step 2:    The acceptance of the Declaration and Undertaking is mandatory and serves as your electronic signature. The
                                                         indicator will be stored on your student file and can be used as a Legal Agreement in a dispute/disciplinary matter.
                                                         This form must be printed, signed and uploaded. (If you are under the age of 18, it must also be signed by your
                                                         parents or legal guardian).
                                              Step 3:    If you have any disability, kindly complete this step – if not, you may skip it.
                                              Step 4:    Capture your Grade 12 results. Your results must be converted in to symbols / grades.
                                              Step 5:    If you have post-grade 12 qualifications, you can complete this step. If not, you may skip this step.
                                              Step 6:    Choose the programme which you would like to study. First choice must be indicated by the number 1 and Second
                                                         choice by the number 2. If you would like to change your programme of study you are welcome to send us an email.

                                              Final Step: Your application will be incomplete without the necessary documents being uploaded.
                                              Click on How to upload your documents to ensure that you have uploaded all your documents.
                                              Please ensure that your documents are in .pdf format.

Guide to Prospective Students 2022 - NUST
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

Certified copies of documents that must
accompany your application:                                               Final Selection
• Identity Document/Birth Certificate (Namibian citizens); Passport       Final selection for a programme will take place during February 2021,
  (non-Namibian citizens);                                                based on the final examination results of all qualifying candidates for
• Proof of payment (e.g. original bank deposit slip) or receipt for       that programme.
  applying manually;                                                      All qualifying candidates will report on campus on dates as determined
• Latest school results e.g. Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate        by the Registrar and will participate in such specific selection
  (NSSC);                                                                 processes as may be determined by the Department concerned.
• Current Grade 11 and 12 learners must apply with their August 2021      A qualifying candidate is a candidate who has properly submitted
                                                                          an application for studies, who has met the general admission
• Declaration and undertaking - If you are under the age of 18, the       requirements and who has met the specific admission requirements
  form must be co-signed by your legal guardian or parent.                for a programme.
In addition to the above-mentioned documents, the following applicants    The final selection process will generally not be applicable to students
must also submit the indicated documents:
                                                                          who wish to study on a distance education mode, but may be so
Mature Age Entry Scheme Applicants: Reference letter from employer.       applied in exceptional cases. Notices will be given in such cases.
Indicating your years of experience as well as the job title.
• Postgraduate Applicants: Certified copies of qualification(s)
  obtained after Grade 12 (e.g. Diploma, Degree, etc.) and Original
  Academic Record/Transcripts. For Masters’ and Doctoral
  Programmes applicants must also attach a proposal motivational
  letter and CV with at least three referees.                             Registration of students who have been selected and who have applied
• Advanced Standing Applicants: Original Academic Record                  during the application period in 2021 takes place during February and
  transcripts and complete syllabi.                                       March 2022. The dates will be stipulated in your admission letter. You
                                                                          are expected to report for registration on the exact date as indicated
• Foreign Applicants: Latest qualification in original language and a     on your admission letter otherwise you may forfeit your place.
  translation if the qualification is in a language other than English,
  NQA Evaluation if the qualification is obtained outside the SADC

Guide to Prospective Students 2022 - NUST
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

Tuition Fees                                                         Hostel Accommodation
For information regarding fees and subjects kindly see our Fees      Three hostels on campus provide a bed capacity of 417 to both male
Booklet at                                              and female full-time students. Due to limited spaces available,
                                                                     preference is given to students residing outside the boundaries of the
Tuition fees DO NOT include other expenses such as books
                                                                     City of Windhoek. The Kitchen Services provide students with a wide
(except study guides for distance education students), stationery,
                                                                     range of nutritional meals served at breakfast, lunch and dinner. All
accommodation, transport, etc.
                                                                     residence students will be levied 50% of the meal fees per semester
                                                                     which is payable whether meals are taken or not. Application forms
                                                                     for Hostel Accommodation can be found on the NUST Website at
Enquiries regarding payment of application fees:            Registration for residence is done per semester.
Student Debtors
T: +264 61 207 2062/2734/2743
E:                                            Other Student Activities
                                                                     • Sport and Culture: Sports provides a platform for students to
                                                                       participate in a variety of sport codes while cultural activities
                                                                       encourage cultural heritage including a week-long cultural festival,
                                                                       crowning of “Mr and Miss NUST” and other activities.
                                                                     • Job-placement Services: Provide students with career guidance
                                                                       counselling e.g. Workshops in CV writing and job-hunting skills,
                                                                       career guidance programmes e.g. annual Career Fair, graduate
                                                                       recruitment programme and job placement of students.
                                                                     • Health Services Clinic: Provides primary health care, focuses on the
                                                                       prevention of illness and promotes a healthy lifestyle and general
                                                                     • Social Welfare Services: Focuses on social problems and promotes
                                                                       mental health for students. Various workshops take place
                                                                       throughout the year, on topics ranging from relationships, sexual
                                                                       harassment, stress management, alcohol and substance abuse,
                                                                     • Student Counselling and HIV/AIDS Coordination Services: Provides
                                                                       academic and HIV pre- and post-test counselling. Various events
                                                                       take place throughout the year e.g. Leadership workshops, HIV/
                                                                       AIDS Awareness Campaign, HIV/AIDS Peer Counselling Training etc.

                                                                     Other Services Offered:
                                                                     • E-Learning: E-Learning is a method of learning utilising electronic
                                                                       technologies to access educational curricula outside of a traditional
                                                                       classroom. This means you can study anywhere and at any time,
                                                                       which is a real plus for those students who have a busy schedule.
                                                                     • Free web-based email and student web service: Allows students
                                                                       access to student records, financial statements, examination
                                                                       time-tables etc.
                                                                     • Different Societies/Clubs: NUST Debating Society, Religious
                                                                       Societies, Women in Engineering Society, Aids Awareness Club etc

                                                                     Department of Student Services
                                                                     T: +264 61 207 2165

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Centre for Open and
Lifelong Learning (COLL)
Quality distance education that works for you…wherever, whenever!
Balance your work and personal life whilst meeting your lifelong                           World-class course content is offered across ten Regional Centres
learning needs in a flexible, supportive and interactive learning                          country-wide, with decentralised student support services, which
environment. This can be achieved by enrolling through the distance                        include: online registration, online tutorials, weekend face-to-face
education mode of study.                                                                   tutorials, week-long vacation schools, access to the library and
The NUST distance education model embeds a holistic approach                               computer lab facilities.
to serve a broad profile of students through technology-enhanced
learning using print, multi-media and e-Learning methods of delivery.

Regional Centres
     Town             Contact Person                 Physical/Postal Address                  Tel (+264)          Fax                             Email

                  Ms Elvire Theron           Erf 919, Quinto Cuanavale Avenue                                      
 GOBABIS          Ms Chandre Beukes          P O Box 1043, GOBABIS                           (062) 564 071   062) 564 183
                                             Choto open Market,
                  Mr Christopher Madyaao                                                                           
 KATIMA MULILO    Natasha Muletwa            Dr. Sam Nujoma Street                           (066) 252 388   (066) 252 202
                                             P O Box 281, KATIMA MULILO                                            

                                             Erf 313, No. 7, Corner of 5th Avenue and
                  Mr Antonio Stuurmann                                                                             
 KEETMANSHOOP     Mr Millian Josob           Luchtenstein Street                             (063) 221 033   (063) 222 051
                                             P O Box 1780, KEETMANSHOOP                                            

                  Ms Julia Kabuwanwa         Erf 6235, MVA Fund Service Centre                                     
 ONGWEDIVA        Ms Josephine Skrywer       P O Box 3335, ONGWEDIVA                         (065) 231 276   (065) 231 277
                                             Mbombijazo Avenue, Ministry of Education
                                             Building, Teachers Resource Centre,
 OPUWO            Ms Ruth Nderura                                                     (065) 272 965          (065) 272 967
                                             Putwavanga Junior
                                             Secondary School, P O Box 122, OPUWO
                                             Erf: 1766, Central Business District, Ngoma
                  Mr Festus Shimhulu                                                                               
 OUTAPI           Ms Theresia Kuuvilwa       Street                                          (065) 251368    (065) 251369
                                             PO Box 793, OUTAPI                                                    

                  Ms Gwendoline Beukes       Erf 1157, Bahnhof Street                                              
 OTJIWARONGO      Ms Jacqueline S Hunibes    P O Box 607, OTJIWARONGO                        (067) 301 149   (067) 301 290
                                             Erf 452, Independence Avenue, NAMCOL
                  Mr Charles Lushu                                                                                 
 RUNDU            Ms Aplonia Dikuwa          Regional Office                                 (066) 255 270   (066) 255 379
                                             P O Box 2406, RUNDU                                                   

                                             Erf 69, Old Ongopolo Head Office,
                  Mr Menason Katjirua                                                                              
 TSUMEB           Ms Paulina Hamukwaya       70 President Avenue                             (067) 220 483   (067) 220 647
                                             P O Box 463, TSUMEB                                                   

                                             Erf 3033, Narraville Municipal Offices
                  Dr Lukas Shikulo                                                                                 
 WALVIS BAY       Ms Ndapanda Ampueja        Koraal Street                                   (064) 203 603   (064) 209 715
                                             P O Box 8011, Narraville, WALVIS BAY                                  

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Faculty of Computing
and Informatics
For additional requirements and programme content, kindly consult    The Dean via the Secretary            Faculty Officer
the NUST Yearbook, Part 4, Faculty of Computing and Informatics on   Ms Jesaria Hilde Khom-Oabes           Ms Julia Semi
the NUST website on                              T: +264 61 207 2258                   T: +264 61 207 2923
                                                                     E:                E:
Kindly note that due to the numeracy requirements in the
programmes, admission via the Mature Age Entry Scheme is NOT

                                                                     Message from the Acting Dean

                                                                     Welcome to the Faculty of Computing and Informatics. The vision
                                                                     of the Faculty is to provide the best regional practical oriented
                                                                     tertiary education in Computer Science and Informatics, through
                                                                     internationally recognised programs, research and service to enable
                                                                     students to be professional leaders within the national, regional and
                                                                     global knowledge-based society.

                                                                     The Faculty consists of two departments: the Department of Computer
                                                                     Science and the Department of Informatics.

                                                                     The Faculty also hosts the India-Namibia Centre of Excellence in
                                                                     Information Technology (INCEIT) in partnership with the government
                                                                     of India through its Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
                                                                     (C-DAC). INCEIT offers students with the following Certificates on NQF
                                                                     Level 7 in the computing field:

                                                                     Certificate in Ethical Hacking and Information Security, Certificate in
                                                                     Advanced Web Technologies and Certificate in Big Data Technologies.
                                                                     Further information regarding the intake, dates, admission
                                                                     requirements, etc., of the programmes, can be found on our website

                                                                     Dr Colin Stanley
                                                                     Acting Dean
                                                                     Nat Dip. (Software Eng), B.Tech Hons (Software Dev.), MSc (Comp. Sc)
                                                                     PhD. Comp. Sci. (UCT)

                                                                 [ 14 ]
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

                                                                                                                         Mode of      Duration            Illustrations of Career
            Programme                            Specialisation(s)                 Admission Requirement(s)
                                                                                                                         Studies       (Years)                  Possibilities
                                                                         Department of Computer Science:
                          To develop the required cognitive/intellectual skills, practical as well as key transferable skills, and apply these to address/solve
                                               CIT related problems/challenges in the context of an organisation or the community.
                                                                                                                                                   Software Development Specialist,
                                                                               General admission requirements
Bachelor of Computer Science           Systems Administration,                                                                                     Systems Administrator,
                                                                               of NUST including a D-symbol in
(07BCMS)                               Communication Networks and                                                         FM/PM            3       Communication Networks
                                                                               Mathematics on NSSC ORDINARY
(Revised programme)                    Software Development                                                                                        Specialist, Computer Network
                                                                               General admission requirements                                      Security Software Developer, Cyber
Bachelor of Computer Science in
                                                                               of NUST including a C-symbol in                                     Security Consultant, Cryptanalyst,
Cyber Security (07BCCY) NQF Level      Cyber Security                                                                     FM/PM            3
                                                                               Mathematics on NSSC ORDINARY                                        Cyber Security Analyst or Cyber
7, NQF Credits 372
                                                                               LEVEL..                                                             Security Administrator.

                                 Communication Networks,                       A Bachelor degree in Computer                                       Supervisory / Middle Management
Bachelor of Computer Science
                                 Software Development,                         Science or Information Technology                                   and applied research positions in
Honours (08BCCH, 08BHIF, 08BHDS)                                                                                          FM/PM            1
                                 Information Security, Digital                 or equivalent qualification at NQF                                  the computing industry, academia
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 120
                                 Forensics                                     Level 7.                                                            and the public sector.

                                       Communication Networks,
Master of Computer Science                                                     A Bachelor Honours degree in
                                       Software Development,                                                            Research-
(09MACS)                                                                       Computer Science or equivalent                              2
                                       Information Security, Forensic                                                     based
NQF Level 9, NQF Credits 240                                                   qualification at NQF Level 8.                                       Senior Management and applied
                                                                                                                                                   research positions in the
                                                                                                                                                   computing industry, academia and
                                                                                                                                                   in the public sector.
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer       Communication Networks,                 A Master degree in Computer
Science (10DPCS)                       Software Development,                   Science or equivalent qualification
                                                                                                                          based            3
NQF Level 10, NQF Credits 360          Information Security                    at NQF Level 9.

                                                                            Department of Informatics:
                      To develop the required cognitive/intellectual skills, practical as well as key transferable skills and apply these in order to address/solve
                                             Computing and Informatics (CI) problems / challenges in the contexts of an organisation..
                                                                               General admission requirements
Bachelor of Informatics (07BAIT)                                               of NUST including a D-symbol in
                                       Informatics                                                                        FM/PM            3       Informatics Specialist
Revised programme5                                                             Mathematics on NSSC ORDINARY

                                                                               A Bachelor degree in Informatics                                    Supervisory or Middle Management
Bachelor of Informatics Honours
                                       Web Informatics, Business               or B.IT in Business Computing or                                    and applied research positions in
(08BIHW, 08BIFB)                                                                                                          FM/PM            1
                                       Informatics                             equivalent qualification at NQF                                     the computing industry, academia
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 120
                                                                               Level 7.                                                            and public sector.

Postgraduate Certificate in                                                    A three-year advanced diploma or
                                                                                                                                                   Certified Information Systems
Informatics (Information Systems                                               Bachelor degree or an equivalent
                                       Information Systems Audit                                                            PM             1       Auditor, Information Security
Audit) (08PGIN)                                                                qualification at NQF Level 7. Two
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 60                                                    years working experience.

Postgraduate Certificate in                                                    A Bachelor degree in Information
Information and Communication          Information and Communications          and Communications Technology                                       Technology Management, ICT
                                                                                                                            PM             1
Technology Policy (08PCIT)             Technology (ICT)                        (ICT) at an QF Level 7. Two years                                   Regulation and Policy Managers.
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 60                                                    relevant working Experience.

                                                                               A Bachelor Honours degree
Master of Informatics (09MAIN)         Web Informatics, Business                                                        Research-
                                                                               in Informatics or equivalent                                2       Senior Management and applied
NQF Level 9, Credits 240               Informatics                                                                        based
                                                                               qualification at NQF Level 8.                                       research positions in the
Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics                                            A Master’s degree in Informatics                                    computing industry, academia and
                                       Web Informatics, Business                                                        Research-                  in the public sector.
(10DPIN)                                                                       or equivalent qualification at NQF                          3
                                       Informatics                                                                        based
NQF Level 10, Credits 360                                                      Level 9.
                                                                                                                                                   Business Intelligence Architect,
                                                                               A Bachelor’s Honours degree in any
                                                                                                                                                   Computer Systems Engineer,
                                                                               of the following fields: Computer
                                                                                                                                                   Data Warehousing Specialist,
                                                                               Science, Informatics, Information
                                                                                                                                                   Data Administrator, Database
                                                                               Systems, Statistics, Engineering,
Master of Data Science                                                                                                                             Architect, Systems Analyst, Model
                                       Data Science                            Mathematics or Physics at                  FM/PM            2
(09MADS)                                                                                                                                           Developers, Business Intelligence
                                                                               NQF Level 8, or an equivalent
                                                                                                                                                   Analyst, Biostatistician, Data
                                                                               qualification in a related discipline
                                                                                                                                                   Engineer, Data Scientist, Financial
                                                                               from a recognised institution with
                                                                                                                                                   Quantitative Analyst, Statistician,
                                                                               evidence of supervised research.

*Mode of Studies:
FM - Full Time, PM - Part Time, DI - Distance                                          [ 15 ]
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

Faculty of Engineering
For additional requirements and programme content, kindly consult    The Dean via the Secretary            Faculty Officer
the NUST Yearbook, Part 5, Faculty of Engineering on the NUST        Ms Melanie Kandjavera                 Ms Sonja Samuels
website on
                                                                     T: +264 61 207 2531                   T: +264 61 207 2016
No admission via the Mature Age Entry Scheme will be accepted.       E:                E:

                                                                     Message from the Dean
                                                                     A warm welcome to all prospective applicants.

                                                                     If you are looking for an exciting and rewarding career in the
                                                                     increasingly high-tech world of the 21st century, engineering is the
                                                                     correct choice and NUST is the right place to be.

                                                                     The Faculty of Engineering consists of four academic departments
                                                                     and a Material Testing Institute. The Departments are: Civil and
                                                                     Environmental Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering;
                                                                     Mechanical and Marine Engineering; Mining and Process Engineering.
                                                                     The Faculty offers National Diploma, Bachelor of Technology (BTech)
                                                                     and Bachelor of Engineering (BEng - professional degree) programmes
                                                                     in various Engineering disciplines. Your first year of study is common
                                                                     to give you an introduction to the general engineering principles
                                                                     before specialising in the different disciplines in subsequent years of

                                                                     We take pride in our strategic partnership with industry and partner
                                                                     academic institutions through research, collaboration and consultancy.
                                                                     We are proud of our vibrant team of professionals, whose passion
                                                                     lies in pursuing cutting edge research in the areas of renewable
                                                                     energy, water resources management, manufacturing systems and
                                                                     sustainable mining practices, amongst others.

                                                                     If you are still considering your options and have not made up your
                                                                     mind about the course you want to study, I encourage you to get in
                                                                     contact with the Head or Deputy Head of each department to obtain a
                                                                     better understanding of each discipline.

                                                                     Prof Hannes van der Walt
                                                                     BEng (Mech), MEng (Mech), PhD Eng (Mech/Aero)

                                                                 [ 16 ]
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

                                                                                                   Mode of    Duration
                 Programme                                 Admission Requirement(s)                                             Illustration of Career Possibilities
                                                                                                   Studies     (Years)
                                                 General Admission Requirements of NUST
                                                 including D symbols in Mathematics and
                                                 Physical Science or Physics on NSSC Ordinary
                                                 Level. Applicants who wants to pursue studies
Introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering in Health and Applied Sciences as well as
                                                 Natural Resources should have also have a           FM           1       Bridging programme
and Mathematics (04STEM)
                                                 minimum D symbol in Biology.
                                                 Pass at least four N3 or N4 subjects with at
                                                 least 40% in Mathematics and a Physics
                                                 related subject.
                                                        Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering:
                  Civil Engineering refers to planning, designing, construction and maintaining the physical and naturally built environment,
                                                 including works like bridges, roads, canals, dams and buildings.
                                                 At least 30 points in five subjects including a
                                                 D-symbol in English on NSSCO and;
                                                 Old Curriculum (NSSCH/NSSCO): Grade 3
Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering                                                                               Engineering technologists in fields like
                                                 or A-symbol or a combination of both in
(07BECV)                                                                                             FM           3       construction, manufacturing, product design,
                                                 Mathematics and Physical Science
NQF Level 7, NQF Credits 581                                                                                              testing, or technical services and sales.
                                                 New Curriculum: A-symbols in Mathematics,
                                                 Physics and Chemistry
                                                 Or Pass the InSTEM programme
                                                 At least 37 points in 5 subjects including a
                                                 D-symbol on NSSCO and;
                                                 Old curriculum (NSSCH): Grade 3 in
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering                                                                              Professional Engineers (structural,
                                                 Mathematics and Physical Science
(08BCEN)                                                                                             FM           4       transportation, water and geotechnical
                                                 New curriculum (NSSCAS): d-symbol in
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 597                                                                                              engineering).
                                                 Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
                                                 Or Pass the InSTEM programme with an
                                                 average score or 60%.
Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering
                                                 Relevant Bachelor in Civil Engineering degree
(09MECE)                                                                                           FM/PM          2
                                                 at NQF Level 8 or equivalent.
NQF Level 9, NQF Credits: 240
                                                 A relevant 4-year Bachelor degree in
Master of Environmental Engineering (09MEEN)                                                                              Engineering Managers, Senior Engineers,
NQF Level 9, NQF Credits 240
                                                 Engineering from a recognized institution or      FM/PM          2       Consultants, Researchers, Academics, etc.
                                                 equivalent qualification at NQF Level 8.
Master of Integrated Water Resources             A relevant 4-year Bachelor of Engineering
Management (09MIRW)                              degree from a recognised institution or an          PM           2
NQF Level 9, NQF Credits 240                     equivalent qualification at NQF Level 8.

                                                            Department of Mining and Process Engineering:
   Mining Engineering is concerned with the safe, economic and environmentally sustainable recovery, processing and marketing of mineral resources from the earth. The
                                    Mining Engineering degree programme includes elements from other disciplines including geology,
                                                           metallurgy, accounting, economics and management
                                                 At least 37 points in 5 subjects including a
                                                 D-symbol on NSSCO and;                                                   Chemical Engineers, Environmental and Safety
                                                 Old curriculum (NSSCH): Grade 3 in                                       Practitioners, Risk Managers in Financial and
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering (08BECE)
                                                 Mathematics and Physical Science New                FM           4       Investment project, Process Engineer/Manager,
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 590
                                                 curriculum (NSSCAS): d-symbol in Mathematics,                            Quality Control Engineer, Plant or Refinery
                                                 Physics and Chemistry or Pass the InSTEM                                 Manager, etc.
                                                 programme with an average score or 60%.

Bachelor of Engineering in Mining (08BMEG) NQF   At least 37 points in 5 subjects including a                             Mining Engineer, Consultant, Junior Lecturer,
Level 8, NQF Credits 594                         D-symbol on NSSCO and; Old curriculum                                    Researcher, Environmental and Safety
                                                 (NSSCH): Grade 3 in Mathematics and Physical                             Practitioners, Banking and Insurance as
                                                 Science New curriculum (NSSCAS): d-symbol in        FM           4       Risk Managers and Performance Assessors,
Bachelor of Engineering in Metallurgy (08BEMT)   Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry or Pass                               Projects Engineer, Projects Manager, Six Sigma
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 585                     the InSTEM programme with an average score                               Champions/Drivers, Mine Manager (Senior
                                                 or 60%.                                                                  Management Position).
                                                                                                                          Senior Engineers (Metallurgy, Process, Project),
                                                                                                                          Consultants, Academic professionals (Lecturer,
                                                 Hold a Bachelor of Engineering degree in
                                                                                                                          Environmental and Safety Practitioners,
                                                 Metallurgy or an equivalent qualification on
                                                                                                                          Risk Managers in Financial & Investments
Master of Engineering in Metallurgy              NQF Level 8, or a pre-NQF professional or
                                                                                                   FM/PM          2       institutions (Banking and Insurance), Senior
(09MMET)                                         four-year degree with a professional project
                                                                                                                          Quality Control Engineers, Project or Process
                                                 or research component from a recognised
                                                                                                                          Managers, Plant or Refinery Managers
                                                                                                                          Business Improvement Specialists, Operations
                                                                                                                          or Section Managers, Technical Sales
                                                                                                                          Specialists, etc.

                                                                                   [ 17 ]
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

                                                           Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering:
 Graduates with professional degrees in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering become involved in the design, performance analysis and optimisation of electronic
and telecommunication systems and products. On the other hand, Electrical Power Engineering graduates get involved in the design, performance analysis and optimisation
                                                        of power generation, transmission and distribution systems
                                                  At least 30 points in five subjects including a
                                                  D-symbol in English on NSSCO and;
                                                  Old Curriculum (NSSCH/NSSCO): Grade 3
                                                                                                                             Engineering technologists in areas of power
Bachelor of Technology in Power Engineering       or A-symbol or a combination of both in
                                                                                                       FM            4       distribution and domestic installations to large
( 07BPEN)                                         Mathematics and Physical Science
                                                                                                                             commercial complexes.
                                                  New Curriculum: A-symbols in Mathematics,
                                                  Physics and Chemistry
                                                  Or Pass the InSTEM programme
                                                  At least 30 points in five subjects including a
                                                  D-symbol in English on NSSCO and;
                                                  Old Curriculum (NSSCH/NSSCO): Grade 3                                      Engineering technologists in areas
Bachelor of Technology in Electronic              or A-symbol or a combination of both in                                    of telecommunications and radio/ TV
                                                                                                       FM            4
Engineering (07BELL)                              Mathematics and Physical Science                                           broadcasting, repair of electronic equipment
                                                  New Curriculum: A-symbols in Mathematics,                                  and systems.
                                                  Physics and Chemistry
                                                  Or Pass the InSTEM programme
                                                  At least 37 points in 5 subjects including a                               Professional Engineers in areas of
Bachelor of Engineering: Electronics and          D-symbol on NSSCO and;                                                     telecommunications and radio/TV
Telecommunications (08BEET)                       Old curriculum (NSSCH): Grade 3 in                                         broadcasting, design of electronic equipment
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 594                      Mathematics and Physical Science
                                                                                                       FM            4       and systems.
                                                  New curriculum (NSSCAS): d-symbol in
Bachelor of Engineering: Electrical Power         Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry or Pass                                 Professional Engineers in areas of power
(08BEEP)                                          the InSTEM programme with an average score                                 distribution.
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 594                      or 60%.
                                                                                                                             Researchers, Scientists Space engineering,
Postgraduate Diploma in Space Technology          A Bachelor degree in Electrical, Electronic
                                                                                                                             weather forecasting, satellite communication
(08PGDS)                                          and Mechanical Engineering or an equivalent        FM/PM           1
                                                                                                                             engineers, resource management and risk
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 120                      qualification.
                                                                                                                             Researchers, Space Science Scientists and
                                                  A Bachelor degree at NQF Level 7 with majors
                                                                                                                             analysis of atmospheric information for a broad
Postgraduate Diploma in Space and                 in Physics or Mathematics or an equivalent
                                                                                                     FM/PM           1       range of applications including environmental
Atmospheric Science (08PGDA)                      degree in Science, Technology, Engineering or
                                                                                                                             assessment, resource management and risk
                                                  A Bachelor’s degree (Honours) in the following
                                                  engineering fields: Mechanical, Industrial,
Master of Sustainable Energy Systems (09MSES)                                                                                Specialist in the areas of Energy Technologies
                                                  Electrical, Mining, Metallurgy, Agriculture,       FM/PM           2
NQF Level 9, NQF Credits 240                                                                                                 and Management.
                                                  Chemical or equivalent qualification at NQF
                                                  Level 8 from a recognized institution.
                                                           Department of Mechanical and Marine Engineering:
   Mechanical Engineering covers a vast range of activities from simple hand tools to spacecraft. Areas of study cover mechanisms, the use of heat to deliver work and the
           reverse process, the factors influencing the strength of components of machines and structures, manufacturing processes and design of components
                                                  At least 30 points in five subjects including a
                                                  D-symbol in English on NSSCO and;
                                                                                                                             Engineering technologists in areas of
                                                  Old Curriculum (NSSCH/NSSCO): Grade 3
Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical                                                                                         mechanical engineering regarding mechanical
                                                  or A-symbol or a combination of both in
Engineering (07BMEC) NQF Level 7, NQF Credits
                                                  Mathematics and Physical Science
                                                                                                       FM            4       design, energy conversion, materials testing,
564                                                                                                                          manufacturing processes, product safety and
                                                  New Curriculum: A-symbols in Mathematics,
                                                  Physics and Chemistry
                                                  Or Pass the InSTEM programme
                                                  At least 37 points in 5 subjects including a
                                                  D-symbol on NSSCO and;
                                                                                                                             Professional Engineers in areas of mechanical
                                                  Old curriculum (NSSCH): Grade 3 in
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical                                                                                        engineering regarding mechanical design,
                                                  Mathematics and Physical Science
Engineering (08BEME)
                                                  New curriculum (NSSCAS): d-symbol in
                                                                                                       FM            4       energy conversion, materials testing,
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 594                                                                                                 manufacturing processes, product safety and
                                                  Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry or Pass
                                                  the InSTEM programme with an average score
                                                  or 60%.
                                                  At least 37 points in 5 subjects including a
                                                  D-symbol on NSSCO and;
                                                  Old curriculum (NSSCH): Grade 3 in                                         Industrial Managers in private and public
Bachelor of Engineering: Industrial Engineering
                                                  Mathematics and Physical Science                                           sectors such as manufacturing, mining,
                                                  New curriculum (NSSCAS): d-symbol in
                                                                                                       FM            4       consultancies, banking, healthcare, transport
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 594
                                                  Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry or Pass                                 and agriculture.
                                                  the InSTEM programme with an average score
                                                  or 60%.
                                                  A relevant Bachelor of Engineering degree                                  Operations Managers, Quality Assurance
Master of Industrial Engineering (09MIEN)
NQF Level 9, NQF Credits 240
                                                  at NQF Level 8 or equivalent with a research       FM/PM           2       Managers, Productivity Analysts, Supply Chain
                                                  component, be employed or self-employed.                                   Managers, Project Managers etc.

                                                                                   [ 18 ]
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

                                                                            All Engineering Departments:
      Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (with specialisations in Civil and Environmental; Mechanical, Industrial and Marine; Mining, Chemical, Metallurgy and Petroleum;
                                                                 Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering.

                                                   Holder of a qualification at NQF Level 9                                    University Academics, Researcher, Consultant,
 Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering ( 10DRPE)
                                                   or equivalent in relevant sub-fields of             FM/PM           3
 NQF Level 10, NQF Credits 350                                                                                                 Senior Manager in public or private sector.

*Mode of Studies:
FM - Full Time, PM - Part Time, DI - Distance

                                                                                   [ 19 ]
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

Faculty of Health and
Applied Sciences
For additional requirements and programme content, kindly consult           The Dean via the Secretary            Faculty Officer
the NUST Yearbook, Part 6, Faculty of Health and Applied Sciences on        Ms Muriel Mouton                      Ms Mercia Richards
our website at                                                 T: +264 61 207 2870                   T: +264 61 207 2870
                                                                            E:                    E:
Kindly note that admission via the Mature Age Entry Scheme is not
accepted unless so indicated. This option is only for applicants with
relevant experience in the medical fields.

                                                                            Message from the Dean
                                                                            Dear prospective student, welcome to the Faculty of Health and
                                                                            Applied Sciences. The Faculty is a very important knowledge-partner
                                                                            that contributes remarkably to the development of the Country in
                                                                            various ways. The Faculty is adequately equipped with state-of-the-
                                                                            art facilities for teaching and learning as well as for research. The
                                                                            Faculty consists of three department, namely: The Department of
                                                                            Health Sciences, The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and
                                                                            The Department of Natural and Applied Sciences.

                                                                            We offer degree programmes in Biological, Health, Mathematical
                                                                            and Physical Sciences. Our qualifications range from undergraduate
                                                                            degrees through honours and masters, up to doctoral degrees in some

                                                                            As part of the training, our students spend some time with our industry
                                                                            partners where they integrate their academic learning with practical
                                                                            applications in the workplace. The staff members and students of the
                                                                            Faculty also contribute to the uplifting of the community through the
                                                                            Faculty’s intensive community engagement programme.

                                                                            For further information visit our website at We are
                                                                            looking forward to welcoming you to the Faculty as our new student.

                                                                            Dr Onesmus Shuungula
                                                                            BSc (Maths and Stats), BSc Hons (Maths), MSc (Maths), PhD (Maths)

                                                                        [ 20 ]
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

                                                                                                                   Mode of   Duration         Illustrations of Career
           Programme                            Description                   Admission Requirement(s)
                                                                                                                   Studies    (Years)               Possibilities
                                                                       Department of Health Sciences:
                                    Professional degree that enables       General admission requirements
                                    students to apply principles and       including: NSSC Old Curriculum: 18
                                    techniques in the routine and          points for Biology, Mathematics
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory      specialized analysis of biological     or Physical Science. No symbol                               Registered Medical Laboratory
Sciences (08BMLS)                   specimens and other substances.        should be lower than a C symbol.          FM         4       Scientists in clinical laboratories,
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 511        Students will be able to integrate     NSSC New Curriculum: 24 points for                           food industry, water analysis etc.
                                    laboratory tests and results with      Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics
                                    pathophysiological conditions and      and Physics. No symbol should be
                                    conduct supervised research.           lower than a B on Ordinary Level. .
                                                                           General admission requirements
                                    Professional degree that enables
                                                                           including: NSSC Old Curriculum: 15
                                    students to play a vital role
                                                                           points for Biology, Mathematics
                                    in preventative health care to
Bachelor of Environmental Health                                           or Physical Science. No symbol
                                    prevent the outbreak of disease,                                                                    Registered Environmental Health
Sciences (08BOHS)                                                          should be lower than a C symbol.          FM         4
                                    as well as in health management                                                                     Practitioner, Health Inspectors.
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 517                                               NSSC New Curriculum: 20 points for
                                    systems as an integral part of the
                                                                           Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics
                                    National Health Care programme in
                                                                           and Physics. No symbol should be
                                                                           lower than a C on Ordinary Level.
                                                                           General admission requirements
                                                                           including: NSSC Old Curriculum: 12
                                   Graduates of this programme will        points for Biology, Mathematics
                                   be able to competently integrate        or Physical Science. No symbol
                                   and apply theoretical principles        should be lower than a D symbol.
                                   and practical clinical procedures       NSSC New Curriculum: 18 points
Bachelor of Emergency Medical Care and techniques in order to              for Biology, Mathematics and                                 Registered Emergency Care
(07BOMC)                           independently provide emergency         either Physics or Chemistry. No           FM         3       Technician, Advanced Life Support
NQF Level 7, NQF Credits 388       medical care to injured and/or          symbol should be lower than a B on                           Practitioners (Paramedics).
                                   ill patients within the scope of        Ordinary Level or a D on Advanced
                                   practice stipulated by the Health       Level.
                                   Professions Council of Namibia          Mature Age Entry applications
                                   (HPCNA).                                must pass with 60% and 50% in
                                                                           NUST English and Mathematics
                                   This programme will equip
                                   students with the relevant              A Bachelor of Pre-Hospital /
Bachelor of Emergency Medical Care knowledge and skills in disaster        Emergency Medical Care at NQF
                                                                                                                                        Registered Advanced Life Support
Honours (08BMCH)                   management, community health            level 7 with at least 360 NQF credits     FM         1
                                                                                                                                        Practitioners (Paramedics).
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 120       paramedicine and clinical care          or equivalent qualification from a
                                   applicable to the emergency             recognized institution.
                                   medical care setting.
                                                                           General admission requirements
                                                                           including: NSSC Old Curriculum: 15
                                    Students will be equipped with         points for Biology, Mathematics                              Positions in public and private
Bachelor of Science in Health
                                    cognitive and intellectual skills      or Physical Science. No symbol                               sectors, municipalities, research
Information Systems Management
                                    to manage health information           should be lower than a C symbol.          FM         3       institutions, other health related
                                    with the ultimate aim of ensuring      NSSC New Curriculum: 20 points for                           institutions as well as teaching/
NQF Level 7, NQF Credits 361
                                    quality health service delivery.       Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics                              training institutions.
                                                                           and Physics. No symbol should be
                                                                           lower than a C on Ordinary Level.
                                                                           General admission requirements
                                                                           including: NSSC Old Curriculum: 15
                                                                           points for Biology, Mathematics
                                    Students will have comprehensive
                                                                           or Physical Science. No symbol                               Registered Nutritionists in various
                                    knowledge or human nutrition,
                                                                           should be lower than a C symbol.                             positions in public and private
Bachelor of Human Nutrition         the related biosciences and their
                                                                           NSSC New Curriculum: 20 points for                           sector, municipalities, research
(08BOHN)                            application to maintenance of                                                    FM         4
                                                                           Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics                              institution, health related intuitions
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 482        human health in public domains
                                                                           and Physics. No symbol should be                             as well as teaching/training
                                    as well as the prevention and
                                                                           lower than a C on Ordinary Level.                            institutions.
                                    management of disease.
                                                                           Mature Age Entry applications
                                                                           must pass with 50% in NUST
                                                                           English and Mathematics tests.
                                    This programme will expose
Postgraduate Diploma in Health
                                    students to advanced concepts,         A Health Sciences Bachelor degree
Information Systems Management                                                                                                          Health Information Systems
                                    theories, tools and methods of         at NQF Level 7 or equivalent with         PM         1
(08PGHM)                                                                                                                                Manager.
                                    Health Information Systems             an emphasis on Health Sciences.
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 120
                                                                                                                                        Graduates will be able to make
                                   The degree is designed for              A Bachelor of Environmental Health                           meaningful contributions to the
                                   candidates with Health Sciences         Sciences, Biomedical Sciences or                             development of expertise in areas
Master of Health Sciences (09MOHS)
                                   background who seek to deepen           Emergency Medical Care Honours          FM/PM        1       of specialization and is a basis
NQF Level 9, NQF Credits 240
                                   and enhance competencies in             at NQF Level 8 or equivalent                                 for further studies in the same or
                                   specific area of Health Sciences.       qualification from recognised                                related cognate are at Doctoral

                                                                                  [ 21 ]
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

                                    The programme aims at developing
                                    skilled and competent individuals
                                    with the ability to conceptualise,
                                    develop and conduct applied                                                                        Graduates will be able to make
                                    research in the field of Health                                                                    meaningful contributions to the
Doctor of Philosophy in Health      Sciences. The programme builds on A Master of Health Science or                                    development of the body of
Sciences (10DOHS); NQF Level 10;    previously acquired theoretical and equivalent qualification at NQF                       3        knowledge/expertise in areas of
NQF Credits 360.                    practical knowledge at NQF level    Level 9.                                                       specialisation, and to the
                                    9 and other industrial experience                                                                  development of the national
                                    of students to investigate and                                                                     economy.
                                    develop innovative ideas and
                                    products to solve problems in the
                                    field of Health Sciences.
                                                              Department of Natural and Applied Sciences:
                                    Graduates will be equipped with
                                    cognitive, problem-solving and
                                                                            General admission requirements
                                    key transferable skills necessary
                                                                            including: NSSC Old Curriculum: 15
                                    for addressing a wide range of                                                                     Employment opportunities
                                                                            points for Biology, Mathematics
                                    pressing challenges in relation to                                                                 in private and government
                                                                            or Physical Science. No symbol
Bachelor of Science (07BOSC)        Science, Technology, Engineering                                                                   institutions e.g. laboratories,
                                                                            should be lower than a C symbol.          FM          3
NQF Level 7, NQF Credits 370        and Mathematics. The programme                                                                     manufacturing, biotech, food
                                                                            NSSC New Curriculum: 20 points for
                                    structure facilitates exposure of                                                                  processing, agriculture and
                                                                            Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics
                                    students to a variety of disciplines                                                               environmental organisations.
                                                                            and Physics. No symbol should be
                                    and in the final year specialisation
                                                                            lower than a C on Ordinary Level.
                                    towards Biology, Chemistry or
                                                                                                                                       Employment opportunities
                                    The programme aims at                                                                              in private and government
                                                                       A Bachelor of Science degree at
Bachelor of Science Honours         consolidating and deepening the                                                                    institutions, e.g. laboratories,
                                                                       NQF Level 7 or equivalent, worth at            FM          1
(08BOSH)                            knowledge and expertise in applied                                                                 manufacturing, biotech, food
                                                                       least 360 NQF NQF Credits.
                                    natural science disciplines.                                                                       processing, agriculture and
                                                                                                                                       environmental organisations.
                                    This programme covers commercial
                                    applications of nuclear techniques
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied                                             A Bachelor of Science degree on
                                    in the fields of energy, agriculture
Radiation Science and Technology                                            NQF Level 7 which incorporates                             Health Information System
                                    and water resource management,                                                    PM          1
(08PGRS)                                                                    physics or chemistry as a major                            Manager
                                    biology and medicine,
NQF Level 8, NQF Credits 120                                                subject.
                                    environmental and nuclear waste
                                    minimization and nuclear security.
                                                                                                                                       Laboratory managers, bio-
                                    The programme is designed to
                                                                                                                                       informaticists, analytical chemists,
                                    enable students to evaluate and
                                                                            Bachelor of Science in Natural                             brewers, geneticists, environmental
Master in Science in Natural and    apply natural sciences theories,
                                                                            and Applied Science Honours or                             scientists, radiation physicists,
Applied Sciences (09MSNA); NQF      techniques and models to solve                                                   PM/ FM       2
                                                                            equivalent qualification at NQF                            medical physicists, geophysicists,
Level 9; NQF Credits 240.           complex societal problems in the
                                                                            Level 8 or equivalent.                                     metrologists, wildlife scientists,
                                    specialised applied areas of Physics,
                                                                                                                                       marine biologists, biotechnologists,
                                    Chemistry and Biology.
                                                                                                                                       microbiologists, forensic scientists
                                                               Department of Mathematics and Statistics:
                                                                            General admission requirements
                                    Graduates will be able to
                                                                            include a B-symbol in Mathematics
                                    demonstrate an in-depth
Bachelor of Science in Applied                                              on NSSC Ordinary Level. Candidates
                                    knowledge of Mathematics and
Mathematics and Statistics                                                  who obtain a C-symbol in                                   Various positions in the Industry as
                                    Statistics in modelling and solving                                               PM          3
(07BAMS)                                                                    Mathematics will be required                               Planner, Analyst, Statistician
                                    problems related to business,
NQF Level 7, NQF Credits 402                                                to sit for an entrance test in
                                    economics, management and other
                                                                            Mathematics. No Mature Age Entry
                                    real world phenomena.
                                                                            applications will be accepted.
                                    Postgraduate specialising degree
                                    that aims at consolidating and
                                                                                                                                       Various positions at ICT service
Bachelor of Science Honours in      deepening the knowledge and
                                                                            Bachelor of Science in Mathematics                         providers, research organisations,
Applied Mathematics (08BSMH)        expertise in the Mathematics                                                     PM/ FM       1
                                                                            and Statistics degree or equivalent.                       consulting firms, or government
NQF Level 8, Credit 120             discipline and to develop students’
                                    capacity to conduct supervised
                                    research of an applied nature.
                                    The programme will enable
                                                                                                                                       Various positions at ICT service
Bachelor of Science Honours in      students to evaluate and apply
                                                                            Bachelor of Science in Mathematics                         providers, research organisations,
Applied Statistics (08BSSH) NQF     mathematical theories, techniques                                                PM/ FM       1
                                                                            and Statistics degree or equivalent.                       consulting firms, or government
Level 8, NQF Credits 120            and models to solve complex
                                    mathematical related
                                    The programme is designed to
                                    enable students to evaluate and
                                    solve complex mathematical
                                                                            Bachelor of Science Honours in
                                    related problems in the specialised                                                                Various senior positions or
Master of Science in Applied                                                Applied Mathematics or equivalent
                                    areas of Optimisation (including                                                                   consultants in business financial
Mathematics (09MSAM)
                                    Operations Research), Generalised
                                                                            qualification in a related discipline    PM/ FM       2½   service industries and health
NQF Level 9, NQF Credits 240                                                with evidence of having conducted
                                    Fluid Dynamics, Financial                                                                          informatics.
                                                                            supervised research.
                                    Mathematics, Computational
                                    Methods, Biomathematics and
                                    Mathematical Ecology.
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

                                       The Programme is of an
                                       interdisciplinary nature that aims
                                                                              Bachelor of Science Honours in
                                       at consolidating and deepening                                                                     Various senior positions or
Master of Science in Applied                                                  Applied Statistics or equivalent
                                       the knowledge and expertise in the                                                                 consultants in business financial
Statistics (09MSAS)
                                       statistics discipline and to develop
                                                                              qualification in a related discipline   PM/ FM       2½     service industries and health
NQF Level 9, NQF Credits 240                                                  with evidence of having conducted
                                       students’ capacity to conduct                                                                      informatics.
                                                                              supervised research.
                                       supervised research of applied
                                       The programme aims at enhancing
                                       and expanding the knowledge
                                       and expertise in the mathematics
                                                                                                                                          Various senior positions in
                                       field, and to advance the student’s
                                                                                                                                          research organisations, consulting
                                       capacity to carry out supervised       A Master of Science in Mathematics
Doctor of Philosophy in                                                                                                                   firms, tertiary institutions and
                                       research at a highly advanced level    or equivalent qualification in a
                                                                                                                                          government agencies, members of
Mathematics (10DPSM); NQF Level        in at least one sub-discipline of      related discipline from a recognised    PM/ FM   3
                                                                                                                                          interdisciplinary teams in a wide
10; NQF Credits 360                    Mathematics. It is a programme         institution at NQF Level 9 with
                                                                                                                                          range of organisations, including
                                       intended to enable studentsto          evidence of a supervised research.
                                                                                                                                          the financial service, engineering
                                       develop new mathematical
                                                                                                                                          and environmental service sectors.
                                       theories,techniques and models
                                       to solve convoluted mathematical
                                       related problems

*Mode of Studies:
FM - Full Time, PM - Part Time, DI - Distance

                                                                                     [ 23 ]
Guide to Prospective Students - 2022

Faculty of Human Sciences
For additional requirements and programme content, kindly consult      The Dean via the Secretary              Faculty Officer
the NUST Yearbook, Part 3, Faculty of Human Sciences on our website    Ms Marilyn P Muinjo                     Ms Gillian Feris
at                                                        T: +264 61 207 2325                     T: +264 61 207 2160
                                                                       E:                      E:

                                                      Message from the Dean
                                                      It is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all prospective students.

                                                      We welcome you at a time of great uncertainty. The impact of COVID-19 on the world
                                                      has left the global economy and all aspects of normal life altered – the Higher Education
                                                      landscape is not an exception. However, we are elated to extend a warm welcome to you
                                                      as a prospective student. We recognise that your choices are carefully weighed and do
                                                      not take for granted your decision to join us as you track your journey of personal self-

                                                      As a Faculty, we recognise the importance of nurturing our community members as we
                                                      navigate an increasingly fragile world. We are especially mindful of the challenges the
                                                      pandemic has had on individuals like yourself in the areas of mental health, financial
                                                      security and general well-being. We are excited though that research, science and
                                                      technology have also shown us rays of hope towards a better future in the form of
                                                      vaccines and other efforts towards mitigating the adverse impacts of the pandemic. To
                                                      this end, we are eager to share our skills in delivering education which transforms at the
                                                      personal and community level to bolster your resilience so that you can join hands and
                                                      help overcome the development challenges facing the world today. Below, I share briefly
                                                      the Departmental offerings including some of the career opportunities for graduates
                                                      from the Faculty of Human Sciences. We believe that the relevance of our disciplines is
                                                      so much greater today as global well-being is being undermined by the deepening crises
                                                      highlighted above.

                                                      The Department of Communication offers undergraduate and post-graduate
                                                      programmes in Communication, English, Journalism and Media Technology. Graduates
                                                      from this Department have been at the forefront of the pandemic with communication
                                                      technologies and real time news. A global milestone marked this year was the 30th
                                                      Anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration which re-affirmed global solidarity around
                                                      media freedom. At a time where a deluge of “fake news” has caused uncertainties
                                                      in terms of what is “truth” we are proud to have quality education programmes for
                                                      professions such as journalism, public relations, and media studies. Our graduates serve
                                                      in public and private sectors while others have ventured into cultural industries as
                                                      entrepreneurs providing employment opportunities for the youth. The English studies

                                                                                     Dr Pilisano Masake
                                                                                     Acting Dean
                                                                                     LL.M (Stell.), LL.B (UNAM), B. Juris (UNAM), Cert. Adv. Crim.
                                                                                     Investigation (IPIPC, Nam), Cert. Basic Crim. Investigation
                                                                                     (IPIPC, Nam), Cert. Investigation of Transnational & Org.
                                                                                     Intell. Propertys Crime (Interpol College, Zim.)
                                                                 [ 24 ]
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