GUIDE Power Quality How to identify the hidden issues that affect utility performance and customer satisfaction - Powerside

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GUIDE Power Quality How to identify the hidden issues that affect utility performance and customer satisfaction - Powerside

    Power Quality
    How to identify the hidden issues that affect utility
    performance and customer satisfaction

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© 2020 Microgrid Knowledge
GUIDE Power Quality How to identify the hidden issues that affect utility performance and customer satisfaction - Powerside
Power Quality

 Contents                                             The modern electric grid or, more properly, the modernizing electric grid
 Thesis...........................................2   is putting utilities at risk of losing control of their distribution networks.
                                                      As new technologies proliferate, they raise the potential for adverse
 Implications.................................4       effects on power quality, jeopardizing equipment and performance.
 Solutions .....................................4     Without visibility into power quality at the end of the grid, utilities are
 Implementing a Solution............5                 blind to issues that can affect performance, customer satisfaction and,
                                                      ultimately, revenues.

                                                      There was a time, not too long
                                                      ago, when electric power was
                                                      simple. It was supplied by the
                                                      local utility through an exclusive
The U.S. Department                                   franchise agreement between
                                                      utilities and regulators. It was sold
of Energy (DOE), in its                               in kilowatt hours and paid for at
 2020 Annual Energy                                   regulated rates, and consumers
                                                      had little or no say in choosing
  Outlook, projected                                  their service provider or the
   that the share of                                  services they purchased.
                                                      Times have changed. Today,
electricity generation                                a growing number of utility customers,
                                                                                                     DOE’s projections, going from 14% of
   from renewable                                     from households to manufacturers,
                                                                                                     total renewable generation in 2019 to
                                                      have an array of options that did not
 sources will double                                  exist in the past, from rooftop solar
                                                                                                     46% by 2050.
 from 19% in 2019 to                                  panels and sophisticated demand                The growth of renewable energy
                                                      response programs to battery energy            sources, including distributed energy
38% by 2050, edging                                   storage systems (BESS) and a variety of        resources (DERs), along with more
out generation fueled                                 rate plans. The result is that utilities are   electric vehicles (EVs), the proliferation
                                                      increasingly faced with customers who          of battery energy storage systems,
by natural gas, which                                 have choices, who are well informed,           and advanced microgrids means
  the federal agency                                  and who are eager for change.                  that utility customers are no longer
                                                                                                     passive. In addition to seeking change,
projects will account                                 The shift is evident in the changing
                                                      nature of the electric power grid.
                                                                                                     they are taking a more active role in
    for 36% of total                                  The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),
                                                                                                     managing their energy consumption.
                                                      in its 2020 Annual Energy Outlook,             The growing array of options is also
      generation.                                     projected that the share of electricity        changing a grid that was built around
                                                      generation from renewable sources              the idea of one-way energy flows, from
                                                      will double from 19% in 2019 to 38%            central station to customer. Often, that
                                                      by 2050, edging out generation fueled          is no longer the case. Utilities are now
                                                      by natural gas, which the federal              faced with customers who actively
                                                      agency projects will account for 36%           produce their own power and who are
                                                      of total generation. Solar power will          using the grid in new ways, whether it
                                                      account for most of that renewable             is to charge an EV or to store energy to
                                                      energy growth, according to the                offset their load (and demand charges).

© 2020 Microgrid Knowledge                                                                                                                    2
Power Quality

In either case, utilities must still
maintain grid stability and reliability
as well as manage the grid for the          While the modern grid holds benefits         sag or swell can be a damaged voltage
benefit of all customers.                   for both utilities and customers, these      regulator or even the intermittent
For utilities, the potentially              benefits do come at a cost in terms          generation from solar power sources.
destabilizing effects of new                of power quality.
                                                                                         Spike in voltage
technologies such as DERs, EVs              Low inertia                                  Another power quality issue is
and BESS can cause a variety of             Renewable energy resources that lack         a transient, or spike, in voltage.
problems, but it is difficult to diagnose   the rotating components of traditional       Transients are similar to swells, but
and remedy a problem if little is           turbines have low inertia. As a result,      they are shorter in duration. Transients
known about it. That, unfortunately,        system controllers have less reaction        can damage equipment, particularly
is the situation in which many utilities    time to balance disturbances in              computers and related technology
find themselves today.                      supply and demand, and frequency             and control devices. Transients can be
With little or no visibility into what is   fluctuations on the system can be            the result of a lightning strike or of the
happening on the customer side of           much higher. In Texas, where wind            cycling of heavy-load motors.
the transformer or substation, utilities    power contributes about 20% of
                                            the generation mix, the state’s grid         Harmonic distortion
have little knowledge of conditions
that can affect their customers.            operator is seeking solutions to ensure      A third category of power quality
Without data, utilities are forced to       there is sufficient inertia on its system.   issues is harmonic distortion.
operate in the dark.                                                                     Sometimes known as “dirty power,”
                                            Dirty power                                  harmonics are distortions in the
Gathering data about power quality          Another innovation, modern energy            sine wave form of a power source.
at the customer end of the distribution     efficient equipment, can also lead           A common cause of harmonic
system is the first step toward             to problems, namely, “dirty power”           distortion is interference from nonlinear
understanding and resolving these           that can result in flickering lights,        loads that convert alternating current
issues. Power quality data can be used      equipment damage and tripped                 to direct current, such as computer
for a variety of purposes, but two stand    breakers. There is also the basic fact       equipment and devices.
out for their importance and impact.        that the electric power network is
                                            becoming more complex with new,              Power factor
                                            and often sudden, flow patterns.             A fourth power quality issue is power
  Power Quality Data Uses                   One example is the “duck curve”              factor, which is the ratio of real power
 Œ    Power quality data can                in California that occurs when solar         to apparent power. A poor power
      explain or point to causes,           power fades in the evening, creating         factor, a ratio or value of less than
      or potential causes, of               a sudden need for fast-ramping power.        one, can result in an inefficient power
      issues that previously were           There is also the prospect that electric     delivery system and, in some cases,
      inexplicable. Knowledge of            vehicles will create new load patterns       extra charges for an electric customer.
      those issues and their causes         as EV owners plug in their vehicles to
                                                                                         Adverse effects
      can be used to improve                charge in the evening peak hours.
      relations with customers,                                                          Degradations of power quality
      helping to retain existing            Sag and swell                                can create many adverse effects,
      customers or even to recruit          Degradation of power quality can             including equipment failure, data
      new customers.                        manifest in many ways. Among the             errors, corrupted software and
                                            major power quality issues are sag           overheating of electric systems.
     Detailed knowledge of                 and swell, that is, a deviation above        Any of these problems can result
      conditions on the grid can also       (swell) or below (sag) from nominal          in lost productivity and customer
      supply the data that provides         designated voltage. Voltage can swell        dissatisfaction. A study sponsored
      the rationale for capital             when a large load is suddenly shut           by the Electric Power Research
      programs aimed at improving           off. Voltage can sag because of a short      Institute found that power quality
      network performance.                  circuit, an overload situation or when       disturbances cost the U.S. economy
                                            a large motor starts. Other causes of        $6.7 billion per year.

© 2020 Microgrid Knowledge                                                                                                       3
Power Quality

Implications                                 Solutions
With unprecedented changes                   The first step in resolving problems,     Power quality data not only provides
occurring at the customer end of the         whether they are with customer issues     a potential solution to customer
distribution grid, there is the potential    or with utility performance, is having    complaints, but it also offers a
for an increase in power quality             detailed and specific knowledge about     methodology for addressing customer
issues. These issues can have a direct       the problems. The best way to do that     issues. Going forward, a utility’s
impact on utility performance and            is to collect data about power quality.   ability to monitor power quality
on utility customers.                                                                  at the customer end of the grid on
At the customer end of the electric             With visibility into                   a consistent basis demonstrates
                                                                                       a utility’s commitment to customer
grid, a customer can experience               what is going on at the                  service and a transparent approach
automatic resets of equipment,
data errors, memory losses and even           end of its distribution                  to problem resolution. Both of these
                                                                                       factors can help retain and, in some
equipment failure. And the importance            lines, a utility can                  cases, recruit customers.
of high-quality electric power for utility
customers is growing as the economy            understand the true                     On the utility side of the meter,
becomes more dependent on digital                  capacities of its                   the ability to monitor and analyze
                                                                                       power quality data leads to improved
circuitry, which is increasingly
sensitive to changes in power supply.         circuits. This presents                  visibility into the distribution network.
                                                                                       With visibility into what is going
For some equipment, a sag or swell
in voltage can be as damaging as
                                                the opportunity to                     on at the end of its distribution
an outage.                                    optimize line capacity                   lines, a utility can understand the
                                                                                       true capacities of its circuits. This
Imagine a customer with a pumping              without requiring an                    presents the opportunity to optimize
station that is experiencing frequent
breaker trips. Concerned about a
                                                expensive rebuild.                     line capacity without requiring an
                                                                                       expensive rebuild. Optimizing existing
loss of productivity and the possibility     In situations such as the pumping         equipment can improve performance
of damaged equipment:                        station example, the benefits of good     as well as save resources and build
1. The customer checks his equipment        data become apparent. Sustained           trust with regulators.
    and finds no problem.                    voltage sags and swells can cause
                                                                                       On the other side of that equation,
2. The customer then contacts the           equipment, particularly sensitive
                                                                                       data on power quality can provide
    utility power provider.                  equipment, to trip offline. Without
                                                                                       evidence of issues that need to
3. The utility runs a check and reports     proper monitoring, however, the cause
                                                                                       be addressed. Armed with data
    back that there is no problem            of the trip would remain unknown.
                                                                                       and analysis, a utility can present
    on its distribution network at           On the customer side, data on power       regulators with sufficient evidence
    its substation.                          quality can pinpoint the problem          to warrant capital expenditures for
4. The assumption at that point is          and provide unambiguous analysis          improvements that will increase
    that the problem is on the other         that can narrow the search for root       reliability and resilience as well as
    side. Each party sees the fault on       causes, whether it is faulty wiring or    power quality.
    the other side of the meter.             a malfunctioning control system.
In reality, 80% of power quality issues      With shared data and analysis, the
originate on the customer side of the        utility and the customer have a
meter, but neither party can prove it.       common platform from which to craft
It is an impasse without a solution.         a mutually agreed upon recovery and
Most utilities would be eager to             mitigation plan. And the ability to
solve the problem if they have the           identify a problem and its solution,
capability, but without data, they are       in turn, leads to a quicker resolution
blind to the cause of the problem.           of the problem.

© 2020 Microgrid Knowledge                                                                                                     4
Power Quality

Implementing a Solution
Any solution to power quality issues
begins with knowledge, and data
                                                PQube 3’s report capabilities are also fully
provides that knowledge. With                  customizable and support the Information
visibility, power quality issues
can change from problems into
                                            Technology Industry Council (ITIC) curve functions
opportunities.                                and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
For a utility, the first step would be an           Engineers (IEEE) 519 protocols.
investment in a power quality analyzer.
The PQube 3e from Powerside is one          The PQube 3e also provides a robust        providing up to one-eighth the cost
such option. It monitors a full spectrum    platform for reports with the capability   per monitored circuit compared
of power quality metrics, such as           to automatically push event waveform       with competitors. For instance, one
harmonics, including supra-harmonics        reports to email without additional        substation connected to 12 meters
(2-150 kHz), as well as accepting           software, enabling fast analysis and       would require three PQube 3es but
analog inputs.                              corrective action planning. PQube 3e’s     would require one of a competitor’s
With options for either screen choice       report capabilities are also fully         power monitoring devices for
or preprogrammed installation               customizable and support the               each meter.
options, the PQube 3e makes                 Information Technology Industry
                                                                                       The combination of ease of
deployment easy. In addition, it            Council (ITIC) curve functions and the
                                                                                       installation, a wide range of protocol
requires no software, only a network        Institute of Electrical and Electronics
                                                                                       support, sophisticated report
connection, which speeds installation       Engineers (IEEE) 519 protocols.
                                                                                       capabilities and high value makes
and makes for seamless integration,         The PQube 3e also is cost competitive      PQube 3e an essential tool for
with support for several widely used        against other brands of power              any utility interested in improving
data exchange protocols (SNMP, DNP          analyzers. A single PQube 3e is capable    grid performance while enhancing
3.0, Modbus, email, BACnet).                of monitoring up to four circuits,         customer satisfaction and retention.

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