Beyond the Numbers Three Key Relationships for the CFO of the Future - Hong Kong - Oracle NetSuite

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Beyond the Numbers Three Key Relationships for the CFO of the Future - Hong Kong - Oracle NetSuite

Beyond the Numbers

Three Key Relationships for the
CFO of the Future

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Beyond the Numbers Three Key Relationships for the CFO of the Future - Hong Kong - Oracle NetSuite
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  Beyond the Numbers

  Three Key Relationships for the
  CFO of the Future

  Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) used to be seen    stay attuned to the business. Despite this, many
  as number crunchers, but times have changed.       CFOs are weighed down by non-strategic day-to-
  The role is becoming increasingly strategic and    day tasks that reduce their capability for business
  focused on relationships and leading the broader   leadership; the average CFO loses one full day of
  business. According to research conducted          work a week to ineffective activities, according to
  by NetSuite with 166 CFOs, 82% of finance          Gartner. Building successful relationships outside
  executives report that strategic planning is a     the finance department is the biggest contributor
  major responsibility.                              to improving this, according to its research.

  Relationship-building and influencing are          This may mean becoming involved in areas
  increasingly integral CFO skills. Aside from the   that were traditionally thought of as outside the
  function of the role itself, businesses are also   finance role – like marketing and HR – but are
  transforming rapidly due to external pressures     valuable to finance and the overall operations
  and economic conditions, forcing CFOs to           of the business. After all, finance underpins all
  quickly expand their skill sets and prepare for    activity and the path to stability. The CFO of
  changed responsibilities.                          the future requires strategic vision, technical
                                                     expertise and people skills to manage the
  Within Asia-Pacific and Japan, the CFO of the      business effectively in a fast-paced environment.
  future will need to be more people-focused than
  ever before. From advising other members of        NetSuite spoke with the finance leaders at
  the C-Suite, to managing transitions to remote     customers in the region about the most important
  working and even playing a role in shaping         relationships the CFOs need to nurture, based on
  customer experience, finance leaders in the        their own experiences.
  region must carefully manage partnerships to

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1. The C-suite                                              While breaking out of siloes to collaborate with
  C-level executives should work together like an             other departments can be challenging, CFOs that
  orchestra, with the conductor, musicians, first chairs      facilitate relationships with their peers can expect to
  and score leading in their respective areas but also        benefit the business overall; organisations in which
  collaborating to achieve harmony. While more than           the C-Suite collaborate long-term are the most likely
  half of CFOs cite executive collaboration as “very          to anticipate business success. It’s important that
  important,” a full 73% say their executive team             the CFO of the future possesses strategic vision
  rarely, if ever, works together on projects or strategic    and people skills to align with other leaders in the
  initiatives. However, more than 80% of CFOs have            business and work cooperatively.
  a strong relationship with their CEOs, so it seems
  connecting with other executives in the C-Suite may         2. Current – and future - employees
  be where efforts can best be applied.                       CFOs now play an active role in managing,
                                                              recruiting and developing the people needed to
  Chris Tham, CFO of eyewear brand Bailey Nelson,             bridge the skills gap in the finance department.
  believes forging strong partnerships with the entire        That includes commercial aptitude, persuasion
  leadership team is critical for business continuity,        and influencing skills as well as stakeholder
  particularly when facing increased pressures.               management. A recent global research from
  Finance, he says, adds value to every single                Blackline revealed that only 14% of CFOs are
  department in the company and must be integrated            confident that finance function has the skills needed
  throughout the business. This begins at the top,            to grow in the next 5 years.
  by having good working relationships with fellow
  C-level colleagues.                                         Not only does the CFO have a broader role than
                                                              ever before, but so too do their teams. Automation
  “Communication, relationship-building and                   is already changing the way finance departments
  storytelling are all extremely critical roles for a CFO,”   operate, freeing up team members from manual
  Tham explained, adding that the finance team is             tasks and allowing them to go beyond just serving
  often the one to lead planning meetings at Bailey           technical functions. CFOs must now act as mentors
  Nelson. “Apart from foundational number skills,             and leaders to help these teams work in better
  you’ll need to learn how to engage with the board           ways and develop new skills. According to a Unisys-
  and gain their support, as well as craft a compelling       sponsored research survey, 40% of Asia Pacific
  story to team members and to investors. With                employees prefer remote working, the highest
  modern technology ensuring reporting can be done            from all the regions surveyed. CFOs must work to
  more efficiently these days, the key lies in the ability    establish better employee practices for the long-
  to put the story together.”                                 term, including investing in training, mentoring and
                                                              the right systems.
  Relationships are integral to the CFO role, according
  to Kim Jeanneret, CFO of Australian sustainable             As Bailey Nelson’s CFO, Tham makes it a point
  packaging manufacturer, BioPak. “It’s a corporate           to build relationships and be visible more broadly
  services role. You’ve got HR, you’ve got workplace          in the organisation. By visiting retail outlets and
  health and safety, and it falls under the remit of          speaking with store managers and optometrists on
  being the right-hand for both the CEO and board.”           the ground, he can obtain a better understanding
                                                              of the business and find ways to solve problems or
                                                              implement strategies. “It’s the best way to develop
                                                              good commercial acumen, which is something I
                                                              look for in my team members,” he said.

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When onboarding new hires, his approach has               For Mike Hirschowitz, CFO of fast-casual Mexican
  always been to expose them to all parts of the            chain, Guzman Y Gomez, automation and the
  company, ensuring they receive the experience             adoption of ERP platforms like NetSuite mean the
  needed to gain a stronger insight of the business         business needs fewer people to do menial tasks.
  as a whole. This could be anything from                   Instead, they’re able to use employees to add
  merchandising and ecommerce to warehousing,               value, help increase revenue and reduce costs to
  and it’s especially crucial for younger talent who are    contribute more to the ongoing performance of
  keen for their roles to evolve over time. “In the past,   the business. This is where CFOs must focus on
  I’ve brought people into my team who’ve spent a           training and developing the skills of their teams,
  good number of years in finance and then gone on          fostering a learning environment to help employees
  to run a completely different department within the       excel in different areas.
  company,” he explained.
                                                            As finance becomes less and less of a “back office”
  Developing capability and skills within their team        function, it’s time for CFOs to steer the hiring
  is one of the biggest responsibilities for a CFO,         strategy and invest in developing their teams,
  according to Jeanneret, BioPak’s CFO, whose               internally upskilling and bringing in the right talent
  strategy is to build teams and processes that make        where necessary to cultivate trusting relationships.
  her involvement minimal. “Empowering people is
                                                            The changing nature of work adds more complexity
  one of the most critical parts to what you do as a
                                                            to this. With many organisations expected to
  CFO. People need to be ready to make decisions
                                                            maintain remote working in some form, CFOs
  when you’re not there, so you don’t get burdened
                                                            must work closely with their teams to develop a
  down with every decision,” she said. “A CFO needs
                                                            new approach to the workplace. As they move to
  the skills to develop people, to be approachable and
                                                            online systems, like videoconferencing and chat,
  work together with your team to resolve issues and
                                                            impacts the ability to build relationships; CFOs must
  empower them.”
                                                            work even harder to establish effective ways of
                                                            collaborating with employees.

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3. Customers                                             For CFOs, the challenge can be in balancing
  Traditionally, the CFO has remained separate             investment in the customer with profits. “It’s
  from the customer—a responsibility that typically        important for CFOs to be at the forefront of what
  fell under the remit of the CMO. However, it has         trends are changing and how the consumers
  become impossible to ignore now that companies           are evolving, but also making sure that we are
  have reoriented around the principle of                  protecting the investments required to drive
  customer-centricity, especially the use of data          business and not falling behind,” Tham said.
  to support customer retention. A recent Gartner
                                                           CFOs focused on revenue should look to the
  survey indicate a significant shift towards adding
                                                           customer first to understand how this can be
  value and growing existing clients, a function
                                                           achieved. Yet when asked in a recent Gartner
  historically viewed as cost-center, with 82% of
                                                           survey, only 11% of the CFOs mentioned customer
  organisations planning to implement a value
                                                           as one of their business priorities in 2021 and
  enhancement strategy. This means developing a
                                                           2022 despite increasing by 101% in comparison
  great customer experience is pivotal to a business’
                                                           with their 2020 survey. To strengthen finance's
  success and can no longer be relegated to only one
                                                           relationship with the customer, CFOs must put
  business unit. Even when faced with business cuts
                                                           the customer as one of its business priorities and
  in other areas, only a few CFOs were likely to cut
                                                           be integrated into their KPIs and planning.
  investments in the customer experience (11%). The
  economic impact of building a strong relationship        For Simon Robinson, CFO of online learning
  with the customer can’t be ignored. How can this         platform, Education Perfect, building a
  be achieved? Through data and the right systems          relationship with the customer must remain a
  that enable its centralised management, increasing       continuous priority. He sees this as key to the
  visibility and business agility to understand and        business’ ongoing success. “We need to keep
  improve the customer experience.                         challenging ourselves to understand what our
                                                           customers want, and balance the things we can
  For Tham, his role as CFO pivoted when Bailey
                                                           solve in the short term with a longer term view,”
  Nelson shifted to a more digital business model.
                                                           Robinson said. Working to improve the customer
  A key component of this evolution focused on
                                                           journey by using the wealth of data at finance’s
  how the eyewear retailer was collecting and using
                                                           fingertips is an ongoing process; it requires
  data, including throughout the customer and retail
                                                           establishing the proper systems to process,
  experience. Tham quickly saw that accessibility
                                                           access and understand this data for the entire
  to data could improve business operations and
                                                           organisation, beyond just marketing. Ultimately,
  ultimately demonstrate value for the customer,
                                                           however, this will improve ongoing revenue,
  providing a seamless view of the customer from
                                                           reputation and customer retention for the future.
  back office to in-store and online. This spans across
  retail to inventory and customer history data for full

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  People and relationships are the fuel that drive       Traditional finance functions such as cash flow
  any organisation. For CFOs in APAC and Japan,          remain a top priority as businesses persevere
  embracing them will not only strengthen their          in the face of economic disruption. However, as
  own performance but overall business outcomes.         technological advances like cloud ERP enable many
  Whilst a solid foundation in numbers and hard          tasks to be automated or simplified, CFOs can take
  skills are crucial, today’s CFOs must move beyond      a more proactive role in planning for the future of
  producing reports for top leadership. Instead, they    their business. The CFO of the future is one that
  are to collaborate more closely with the rest of the   prioritises relationships, going beyond finance
  C-suite, play an active role in managing employees     and even their team to better connect with C-Suite
  and developing the skills to meet the business’        peers and the customers. Learning to grow these
  demand and foster a more customer-centric              relationships will elevate their role and help take
  approach across the business to become the             them into this evolving role in the decade to come.
  CFO of the future.

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