GUIDE - Illinois Central College

Page created by Diane Wade
GUIDE - Illinois Central College


GUIDE - Illinois Central College
GUIDE - Illinois Central College
Table of Contents

                                                                                                 GO GUIDE
FEATURED FACULTY WORKSHOPS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2-3

ADULT COMMUNITY EDUCATION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4-7

CORPORATE EDUCATION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8-10

YOUTH PROGRAMS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12


TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14

GENERAL ICC INFORMATION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15-19

                   WE BELIEVE BY CHANGING MINDS,
                    WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD.”

ICC offers lifelong learning through noncredit workshops and
corporate development training. Community members of various
ages and backgrounds can experience the joy of knowledge,
curiosity, and community without the worry of grades and tests.

Adult community programs at Illinois Central College are noncredit,
personal enrichment workshops that cover a variety of topics, such
as history, art, computers, language, gardening, crafts, cooking,
film, fitness, home, and special interests.
309-690-6900 |

Corporate education and training at Illinois Central College serves
businesses and individuals by providing both open enrollment and
customized, in-house or on-site, quality seminars and workshops.                                     SM

309-690-6909 |
GUIDE - Illinois Central College
Featured Faculty Workshops

                                                                                INTRO TO ENTOMOLOGY
       Melissa Grunow                                                           Insects are among the most
                                                                                numerous animals on earth. We
Melissa Grunow is the author of                                                 encounter thousands of them in a
I Don’t Belong Here: Essays and                                                 typical midsummer landscape or
the four-time award-winning memoir,                                             garden. This workshop will introduce
Realizing River City. Her work has                                              the science of entomology and
appeared in Brevity, River Teeth,                                               identification of insects that are
The Nervous Breakdown, Two                                                      active in outdoor landscapes or
Hawks Quarterly, New Plains                                                     natural settings.
Review, and Blue Lyra Review,
among many others. Her essays
                                                Corinne Brown
                                                                                Cost: $15
have been nominated for a Pushcart       Corinne Brown is a Peoria area
Prize and Best of the Net, as well as    native who is an assistant professor       Saturday, May 15
listed in the Best American Essays       of Horticulture at Illinois Central        10:00 am -11:30 am
notables 2016, 2018, and 2019. She       College. She got her start in              Zoom class
is an assistant professor of English     horticulture on a family owned
at Illinois Central College. Visit her   and operated fruit and vegetable
                                                                                REPOTTING YOUR
website at         production farm in rural Metamora.     HOUSEPLANTS
                                         She graduated from Southern Illinois   Houseplants are a great addition
TURNING MEMORIES                         University in Carbondale with a        to your home or office space. Learn
INTO MEMOIR: WRITING                     bachelor’s degree in plant and soil    how to repot these plants to ensure
YOUR LIFE STORY                          science and a master’s degree in       they bring fresh air and a sense
Have you always wanted to tell a         agriculture education. She has         of peace to your space for years
story about your life but didn’t know    taught at ICC for eight years and      to come. We will talk about the
where to start? This workshop will       has coordinated the horticulture       importance of container selection as
introduce you to the fundamentals        program since 2014.                    well as various potting media to use
of memoir writing, including key                                                and why.
terms and elements of writing craft.     STARTING SEEDS
We’ll try a variety of writing prompts                                          Cost: $15
so you can generate some early
                                         Why purchase plants for your annual        Saturday, April 10
material and leave with the tools and                                               10:00 am -11:30 am
inspiration you need to write the rest   containers or vegetable garden
                                         when you could start them yourself?        Zoom class
of your story.
                                         Starting seeds is rewarding and can
Cost: $15                                be lots of fun. Learn how to ensure
                                         the success of your seed-starting
    Thursday, January 28                 endeavors by learning about the
    6:00 pm – 7:30 pm                    requirements for seed germination
    Saturday, February 20                and how it can be accomplished in
    10:00 am – 11:30 am                  your own house.

    Thursday, March 25                   Cost: $15
    6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
                                             Saturday, February 20
    Zoom class
                                             10:00 am -11:30 am
                                             Zoom class
GUIDE - Illinois Central College                           CYBERSECURITY
                                                                                AWARENESS TRAINING:
                                                                                IF YOU CONNECT IT
                                                                                PROTECT IT
                                                                                Cyberattacks are on the rise. In
                                                                                2018, hackers stole half a billion
                                                                                personal records. This workshop
                                                                                will introduce you to:
                                                                                • The most common cyber threats
      Dr. Aaron James                     Dr. Rafeeq Al-Hashemi
                                                                                • The different types of cyber attacks
Aaron earned his PhD in philosophy       Dr. Rafeeq Al-Hashemi is a Ph.D.
and religion from the University of      holder in Computer Science. He is      • Malicious software
Dayton, and his MA in philosophy         also certified in Cisco Networking
from the University of Oklahoma.         and Security+. Dr. Al-Hashemi’s        • Countermeasures you can put
He taught in Ohio for several            passion is teaching. He has              in place to mitigate these risks
years before coming to ICC in            eighteen years’ experience in the      • How to cyber-secure your
2015. In addition to questions of        classroom instructing a wide variety     smart home
meaning, he is most interested in        of computer science subjects,
ethics and philosophy of religion.       including Cybersecurity, Artificial    Be cyber smart and join us to learn
He has published academic work           Intelligence, and Secure Software.     more about best practices and how
on the 20th century philosopher          He is recognized as a Cybersecurity    to be safe and protected online.
Ludwig Wittgenstein, the medieval        Champion by the NCSA. Dr. Al-
philosopher and theologian Thomas        Hashemi, who is a senior member        Cost: $10
Aquinas, and on virtue ethics.           of the Institute of Electrical and         Thursday, February 11
                                         Electronics Engineers (IEEE),              6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
PHILOSOPHERS THINK                       has published many well-received           Zoom class
ABOUT LIFE’S MEANING                     research papers in notable
Does life have a meaning? Many           peer-reviewed journals.
people wonder if it does. Maybe you
do, too. We’ll look at just a few ways
that philosophers have answered the
questions of life’s meaning.
Cost: $15
    Thursday, February 11
    6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
    Zoom class
GUIDE - Illinois Central College
Adult Community Education
Adult Community Programs are noncredit, personal enrichment workshops
that cover a variety of topics, such as history, art, computers, language,
gardening, crafts, cooking, film, fitness, home, and special interests.

               ART                                                                        FINANCIAL

DRAWING ARTWORK                                                                 HOW CREDIT WORKS
We will explore the beauty of                                                   A good credit score is essential to
nature and discover things that we                                              your financial health. It leverages
may have never noticed before.                                                  your buying power so you are able to
With basic art techniques, we will                                              negotiate low interest rates on cars,
bring out the artist in you. Every                                              homes, credit cards, and so much
week features a different medium.                                               more. In this seminar you will learn:
Be sure to have the supplies
                                                                                 - How to access credit reports from
noted on hand for the class.
                                                                                more than just the “big three” credit
                                                                                reporting agencies
WEEK 1: PASTEL                         WEEK 3: CHARCOAL
                                       Learn how to use charcoal and try         - Why the average consumer has
Using oil pastels is fun and gives
                                       simple techniques that will bring out    more than 60 credit scores and how
you a bright value. These pastels
                                       different values needed to produce a     they are used
are easy to use, and you will learn
techniques to create a brilliant       simple picture and give you a good       - How to build, rebuild, and
composition that will make you         beginning for further exploration on     maintain good credit scores and
proud.                                 your own.                                avoid pitfalls
Supplies: A box of oil pastels (just   Supplies: A good set of charcoal         Cost: $18
basic colors) & two sharp pencils      pencils, a blending stump, two
                                       sharpened pencils, & high-quality            Tuesday, January 19
Cost: $10                              sketch paper                                 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
                                                                                    Zoom class with Janice Parker
    Monday, January 18                 Cost: $10
    6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
    Zoom class with Terry Spayer           Monday, February 15                  HOW TO BUY A HOUSE
                                           6:30 pm – 7:30 pm                    Buying your first house can seem
                                           Zoom class with Terry Spayer         a little overwhelming. This seminar
WEEK 2:                                                                         will provide the basic information a
COLORED PENCILS                                                                 consumer needs to buy a house,
Learn different colored pencil         WEEK 4:
                                                                                with special attention given to the
techniques, how to blend colors,       PASTEL CRAYONS                           first-time buyer. The complete
use of colored pencil values,          Pastel crayons have long been            process will be covered, including
and how to use a blending stump        a medium used to create unique           getting (and staying) pre-approved
to blend and smooth colors.            pictures, but they are a little tricky   for a loan, searching for the right
                                       to use. Explore and learn the basic      house, negotiating a contract,
Supplies: A box of good colored        techniques needed to begin creating
pencils (Prismacolor pencils                                                    earnest money, inspections,
                                       your own masterpiece.                    appraisals, disclosures, and closing
recommended), two sharpened
pencils, high-quality drawing          Supplies: A good set of pastel oil       on the house.
paper, & a blending stump              crayons, two sharpened pencils, &        Cost: $18
(pointed pulp stick)                   good quality, smooth drawing paper           Saturday, March 13
                                       (thicker than normal drawing paper)          10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Cost: $10
                                       Cost: $10                                    Zoom class with Greg McCoy
    Monday, January 25
    6:30 pm – 7:30 pm                      Monday, February 22
    Zoom class with Terry Spayer           6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
                                           Zoom class with Terry Spayer
GUIDE - Illinois Central College
WEALTH CREATION TODAY                                 HEALTH
                                          Nearly every successful professional
                                          could benefit from increased financial
                                          fluency. This personal finance           MEDITATION FOR
                                          course for professionals ages 35-50      SPIRITUAL AWARENESS
                                          uses a comprehensive, unbiased           Meditation helps reduce stress,
                                          approach to deliver rewards over a       develop productivity, and improve
                                          lifetime. Topics will include life and   concentration. The emphasis in this
                                          wealth planning, barriers to wealth      class is on finding balance in our
                                          accumulation, tax-advantaged             lives and, more importantly, spiritual
                                          investment vehicles, managing family     fulfillment. Meditation is simple
                                          finances, and investment strategies.     and can be practiced at home, at
HOW TO SELL YOUR HOUSE                    A spouse or guest may attend at no       school, or at work. We will cover
Whether you are thinking about            additional charge.                       the physical, mental, emotional,
downsizing or just looking for a                                                   and spiritual benefits of meditation.
change of address, this seminar will      Cost: $40                                Developing the meditation technique,
provide the basic information needed                                               difficulties with sitting and focusing,
                                          Enroll for either Tuesday sessions or    and stilling the mind will also be
to sell your current house. Topics        Thursday sessions:
include the best and worse times                                                   addressed.
to sell, understanding the market,            Tuesdays, March 9 & March 16         Cost: Free
determining a reasonable listing price,       - or -
advertising, disclosures, showings,           Thursdays, March 4 & March 11            Thursdays, April 1 - April 22
negotiating a contract, inspections,
appraisals, problems that may arise,          6:30 pm – 8:30 pm                        6:30 pm – 7:45 pm
and closing on the house.                     Zoom class with Jay Goldstein            Zoom class with Mary Kay
                                              and Whitney Goldstein                    Berjohn, Harold Berjohn, Dr.
Cost: $18                                                                              Prem Bhatia, and Suraaj Bhatia
    Saturday, March 20
    10:00 am – 12:00 pm
                                          PLANNING TODAY                           MINDFULNESS
    Zoom class with Greg McCoy            This class explains how to keep          Mindfulness is the practice of taking
                                          more of what you earn and make           control of your thoughts and being
                                          your money work harder for you.          present in the moment. The human
                                          Whether you are just beginning to        mind is estimated to wander half of
                                          develop a retirement plan, or you are    our waking hours. Many of those
                                          rapidly approaching retirement, you      wandering thoughts lead to anxiety,
                                          should enroll in this course. You will   fear, and worry. Mindfulness can
                                          learn how to define long-term goals      stabilize our thoughts and redirect
                                          and gain practical information you       them to the present, helping us to
                                          can apply immediately. The course        feel less stressed, more purposeful,
                                          includes a 224-page illustrated          and happier. Mindfulness can
                                          textbook. A spouse or guest may          achieve measurable improvements
                                          attend at no additional charge.          in the critical areas of retention, time
                                                                                   off, and performance management.
                                          Cost: $40                                Now is a perfect time to learn this
                                                                                   skill. Instructor is certified as a
                                          Enroll for either Tuesday sessions       Mindfulness Ambassador through
                                          or Thursday sessions:                    the Mindfulness-Based Stress
                                                                                   Reduction (MBSR) program in
                                              Tuesdays, February 23                Chicago.
                                              & March 2
                                              - or -                               Cost: $20
                                              Thursdays, February 18
                                              & February 25                        Enroll for either session:
                                                                                       Week 1:
                                              6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
                                                                                       February 1 and February 3
                                              Zoom class with
                                                                                       - or -
                                              Jay Goldstein, Jeffrey
                                                                                       Week 2:
                                              Bailey and Jayme Bailey
                                                                                       February 8 and February 10
                                                                                       6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
                                                                                       Zoom class with Chuck Rice
GUIDE - Illinois Central College
      PHOTOGRAPHY                          SPECIAL INTERESTS                       IN? DETERMINE YOUR
                                                                                   CAREER COURSE.
                                         ARTIFICIAL                                Did you know that every course of
                                         INTELLIGENCE: THE                         study and every occupation uses
                                         REALITY OF ITS IMPACT                     specific abilities? Unlike interest
                                         Learn how Artificial Intelligence (AI)    inventories and standardized testing,
                                         is changing the face of technology,       this course will measure your natural
                                         business, education, and home life.       aptitudes, which do not change
                                         AI impacts millions of lives now and      throughout life, using the Highlands
                                         many millions more in the not-so-         Ability Battery (HAB). Together we
                                         distant future. Some jobs will be lost,   will assess your strengths to explore
                                         while new jobs will be created. Lives     career matches, college majors, and
                                         will be made easier as we will live       training programs. Each participant
                                         longer with AI augmentation. You will     will develop a personalized path for
                                         not want to miss exploring the impact     success in a fun, interactive, and
CELL PHONE                               AI innovations have on society now        hands-on environment.
PHOTOGRAPHY                              and what exciting possibilities lie       Benefits:
Wondering how to get those great         ahead.
pictures with your smart phone?                                                    • Abilities are measured objectively
                                         Cost: Free                                  (3 hour test battery)
Come spend two hours learning
what buttons to push and how to              Wednesday, March 24                   • 30+ pages of personalized reports
delete the images you don’t want,            6:00 pm - 8:00 pm                       will be navigated with a career
stylize the keepers, organize your           Zoom class with Charles West            expert
photos, send them to family and
friends, and post them on social                                                   • Feel confident communicating
                                                                                     your strengths
                                                                                   • Understand the “why” behind
Cost: $18                                                                            your behaviors and motives
Enroll for either session:                                                         • Identify the future learning
                                                                                     environment in which you will
    Wednesday, February 17                                                           thrive AND improve current
    - or -                                                                           school performance
    Wednesday, March 24
                                                                                   • Results are strengths focused.
    1:00 pm - 3:00 pm                                                                No one can fail.
    Zoom class with Ann Conver
                                                                                   for more information.
Whether you are new to digital                                                     Cost: $130
photography or have experience,
you’ll learn how to get the most                                                       Thursdays, March 4, March 18,
out of your camera (point & shoot                                                      March 25
or DSLR). Composing images,                                                            6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
exposure control, white balance                                                        Zoom class with Annie Bell,
control, and camera mechanics will                                                     Dream of Monday - Career
keep you discovering what else your                                                    Direction Professional
camera can do. Bring your camera
(any type), a charged-up battery, a
fresh SD memory card, and camera
manual each week. Will include an                                                    Do you want to teach
offsite class shoot with proper social
distancing and mask wearing.
                                                                                     for Community Education
Cost: $108
                                                                                     at ICC?
                                                                                     Do you have special knowledge
    Tuesdays, March 16 - April 20                                                    in a subject or skills in a hobby
    6:00 pm - 8:00 pm                                                                that might interest others in our
    Zoom class with Ann Conver                                                       community? Do you love sharing
                                                                                     your interests with others? Consider
                                                                                     teaching a community education
                                                                                     course at ICC.

                                                                                     For more information, email
GUIDE - Illinois Central College
Become a more proficient presenter
with your Zoom meetings. Engage
your audience, share presentations,
encourage collaboration with
breakout rooms, get input using
the poll feature, and help your
more reserved participants
contribute by chat. You’ll learn tips,
tricks,and ‘must have’ tools for great
presentations that people will want
to join!
Cost: $10
Enroll for either session:
    Friday, February 19
    - or -
    Friday, March 12,
    - or -
    Friday, April 9
    12:00 pm -1:00 pm
    Zoom class

Have you ever wondered what
computer coding and programming
is all about? This introductory course   PHARMACY TECHNICIAN
will help you understand the logic
behind computer programming.             PROGRAM
You will become familiarized with a
disciplined approach to programming      Pharmacy Technician courses will start
logic, problem - solving methods,        on Monday, April 12.The class will run 12
and algorithm development through        weeks on Mondays from 6:00-10:00 pm in
pseudocode and flowcharting.             Hickory Hall of the ICC Peoria campus.
This course uses RAPTOR for
programming, a flowcharting tool that    ICC will host a virtual information session
actually runs a program.                 on Monday, March 29 from 6:00-7:00 pm.

Cost: $189                               Contact
                                         for details and a link to the
    Wednesdays, February 3 -             information meeting.
    March 24
    6:00 - 9:00 pm
    Zoom class

Learn how to do simple programming
using the programming language
Cost: $189
    Wednesdays, April 7 - May 26
    6:00 - 9:00 pm
    Zoom class
GUIDE - Illinois Central College
Corporate Education & Training at Illinois Central
College serves businesses and individuals by providing
both open enrollment and customized, in-house or
on-site, quality seminars and workshops.
& SAFETY PROGRAMS                           Do you and your coworkers need
ICC offers technical and industrial         to brush up on your computer skills?
training topics to provide employers        Need CISSP, AWS, or PMP
an opportunity to enhance and               certification? Contract training
upgrade the skills of their employees.      through ICC Corporate Education
All workshops can be customized to          is the answer.
meet company requirements and are
developed with hands-on experience,         We provide quality workforce
practical discussions of the rules with     solutions with experienced training
real-world exercises/examples, and          professionals.
the opportunity to work with experts.       We have the experience to customize
Upon successful completion of our           training solutions to meet the needs
workshops, participants will receive        of your workforce and develop
a certificate for Continuing Education      essential skills to boost employee
Units (CEUs) or a recognized                performance, including:
professional certification.
                                            • Resolving Conflict
Topics include:
                                            • Managing Change
• Blueprint Reading
                                            • Over-and-Above Customer Service
• Hydraulic Troubleshooting
                                            • Business Writing
• Welding
                                            • Coaching as a Management Tool
• Electrical
                                            • Effective Communication
• OSHA Safety Programs
                                            • Cultural Intelligence
                                            • Generational Leadership
• Construction
                                            • Mentoring for Professional
• Shop Safety                                 Development
• DOT Hazardous Materials Training          • Transition to Leadership
• PLC Troubleshooting                                                              Questions?
                                            • Introduction to            
• BPI Certification                           Project Management
• CNC                                       • Developing Successful Work Teams
                                            • Managing Priorities
FOR MORE INFORMATION:                       • Habits for Success                         • Creativity and Innovation
(309) 690-6909
                                            • Emotional Intelligence
                                            • Adaptive Leadership
Watch website for course dates to
begin late spring at all ICC locations.     • Negotiations – Getting to Yes!

Interested in teaching Corporate Education at ICC?
If you are a professional with a business-related or technology degree, industry
certifications or at least five years of work experience, and you have a desire
to share your knowledge with others, consider teaching part-time for Corporate
Education at ICC. Contact us at for more information.
Professional Development
                                      CANDID CONVERSATIONS                      THE ART OF LEADING
                                      Talking about tough topics or             WITH QUESTIONS
                                      differences of perspectives can           Success in any group or
                                      be challenging - especially in the        organization requires shared
                                      workplace. This session discusses         understanding and clear
                                      the dynamics in play when emotions        communication of information.
                                      run high, the stress tendencies we        Effective question skills are
                                      default to, and tools to help you         critical, not only for facilitating
                                      navigate candid conversations.            understanding but also for
                                                                                stimulating innovation and
                                      Cost: $69                                 problem solving. This session
                                                                                equips participants with the
                                          Thursday, March 25                    different types of questions
                                          1:00 pm – 2:30 pm                     useful for leaders, the “watch-outs”
                                          Zoom class with Dean Heffta           to avoid, and leading with
                                                                                questions action plan.
                                      COACHING SKILLS
                                                                                Cost: $69
                                      FOR LEADERS
       Dean Heffta                    Traditional command/control                   Thursday, May 6
                                      approaches to leadership aren’t               1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Dean Heffta is a workplace            effective in getting the best out             Zoom class with Dean Heffta
                                      of today’s dispersed, knowledge-
trainer, consultant, and leadership
                                      based teams. One of the most
coach. Experienced in many
                                      important skills for leaders in today’s
levels of sales, service and          environment is coaching. This
executive leadership, he brings       session covers the fundamentals of
his passion for “people smarts”       coaching in the business world and
and organizational effectiveness      equips formal and informal leaders
to helping teams improve              with the tools for getting the best out
results. He applies his               of the people around them.
communication insights to
                                      Cost: $69
keynote speeches, group
training, organizational                  Thursday, April 15
consulting, meeting facilitation,         1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
and executive coaching. Dean              Zoom class with Dean Heffta
is a Peoria “40 Leaders under
Forty” alumni, a licensed trainer     INCREASING
of Process Communication              YOUR INFLUENCE
Model® and Style of Influence®,       The effect we have on others is our
a Certified Professional Coach        influence, and if we want to make an
and founder of Clarus Results,        impact in the world, we need to grow
a training and development firm       our influence. This session explores
based in Peoria, Illinois. He is      the key things to know about what
a bachelor’s graduate of the          helps and hurts our influence as
University of Minnesota’s             well as key steps you can put into
                                      practice to increase
college of agriculture and
                                      your influence.
received his Master of Business
Administration from Drake             Cost: $69
                                          Thursday, April 29
                                          1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
                                          Zoom class with Dean Heffta
By Ogo Ezeofor
Reprinted with permission by LERN

According to the Learning Resources                                                                  PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT
Network (LERN), a leading association in          COMMUNITY AND SOCIETY
                                                                                                     Quality of life among all our citizens is now
lifelong learning, lifelong learning now has      BENEFITS                                           directly related to individual, community,
these multiple benefits for us all.               Quality of life in one’s community                 societal and even economic well being.
                                                  and society is directly impacted by the extent     People of all generations are actively
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                          to which people are engaged in lifelong            engaged in lifelong learning for personal
With human capital now the critical factor in     learning people. Research shows that wages         development reasons, with participation
a prosperous work organization, and new           go up, the cost to society goes down, and          among Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y,
information being created continuously,           that benefits everyone.                            Gen Z and the Silent Generation all equally
professional development is now a lifelong                                                           represented based on their participation.
activity for those in the workforce to gain new   People involved in lifelong learning are also
skill sets.                                       about 20% more inclined to support vital
                                                  community organizations, such as recreation        CHANGING LIVES
Professional development is especially            and parks departments, public schools, and         Lifelong learning literally changes lives,
critical for millennials (born 1980-1999) new     higher education.                                  sometimes overnight. Parents report their
to the workforce, who compose an average                                                             autistic children change almost immediately
of 30% of those engaged in lifelong learning.     MENTAL HEALTH                                      after the parent takes a class on autism;
Professional development is also essential in     Maintaining and increasing one’s mental            teachers report in classes on new techniques
keeping skilled workers on one’s community.       health is now another recognized benefit of        used the day before; Rosa Parks did
And research shows that when one person           lifelong learning. Whether it be the nature        nonviolent training before she created history
is engaged in lifelong learning, the learning     deficit that many urban residents now face,        in the civil rights movement, to the benefit of all.
benefits actually extend to those who interact    the epidemic of anxiety that our younger
with that person.                                 people now experience, or the need for social      KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY
                                                  interaction among single people, lifelong          Upwards of 15 million people a year in the
Avocational and leisure classes are               learning provides not only subject matter in       United States and Canada are known to have
also directly related to career and job           enhancing one’s mental health, but simply the      taken an informal or formal lifelong learning
advancement, with many employers asking           experience of lifelong learning is beneficial to   class each year. The rewards of personal and
about hobbies and interests in job interviews.    all concerned.                                     professional development for our advanced
                                                                                                     societies only strengthens the need and
                                                  LONGER LIFE                                        desire of people for lifelong learning, adding
                                                  The research on this is clear. Lifelong            to the benefits of personal development,
                                                  learning keeps the brain sharp and active,         mental health, longer life, changing lives
                                                  and that leads to a longer life than would         and the next as yet undiscovered benefit of
                                                  otherwise be the case, all things being equal.     lifelong learning.
youth programs
From 4th grade through high school, Illinois Central
College offers educational programs that combine
academics, fun and friendship building. From summer
enrichment programs to SAT prep, there’s a class for
any age.

    INTRODUCTION                         COLLEGE FOR KIDS
  TO PROGRAMMING                           SUMMER 2021
                                      College for Kids (CFK) is a two-
                                      week summer program offering
Learn the programming language
                                      fun and educational classes for
that powers most of the devices
                                      students going into 4th grade
we use daily – from ‘smart’
                                      through 10th grade. Classes are
thermostats to the cars we drive
                                      designed to stimulate creativity,
to space shuttles. This 5-session,
                                      promote curiosity, and encourage
hands-on course provides you
                                      engagement. They also focus on a
with basics of C & C++. Each
                                      variety of subjects, such as language
session takes you step-by-step
                                      arts, math and science, computer
on a programming path that will
                                      technology, social studies, and more.
let you create fun content from
start to finish.
                                      More details to be announced.
                                      Registration opens April 2.
Cost: $60
5 Saturdays, March 27 – May 1         Registration/Questions:
Grades 7-10                 
(No class on April 3)                 309-690-6916
10:00 am - 11:30 am         
Zoom class with Rohinikumar Adivi

                                                                              IF YOU ARE
                                                                              IN TEACHING
                                                                              AT COLLEGE
                                                                              FOR KIDS,
                                                                              Please contact us at
                                                                                        CHILDREN FIRST
Until further notice, Illinois Central
College is offering Alive @25 &          The Traffic Safety Program is not              Illinois Central College has cancelled
Traffic Safety course in an online       available to defendants with the               all face-to-face classes through the
                                         violation of transportation of alcohol.        end of May 2021.
format only. The online course is
available to ALL drivers of all ages.
                                         There are no refunds. Cost and                 Until in-person classes resume,
You must complete the Traffic Safety
                                         conditions are subject to change               the 10th Circuit will allow parents
Course within 85 days of the due                                                        to enroll in the four-hour online
date of your ticket. The online course   without notice.
                                                                                        Co-Parenting CARE Program
is $70. Payment must be made in full                                                    offered by Online Parenting Programs.
at the time of registration.             The online course expires 90 days
                                                                                        This will be the only online class
                                         after purchase, though it is your
Please note the following:               responsibility to complete it by the
If you are under the age of 18,          due date given to you by the court.            For more information, please visit here
you must appear in court with
a parent or guardian on the              Register by phone: (309) 690-6900
scheduled court date.
                                         Register online:
Your traffic ticket must be paid
in full before signing up for
the course.

                                                                       FREE MOTORCYCLE
                                                                       SKILLS TRAINING
                                                                       This program is administered by the Illinois
                                                                       Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic
                                                                       Safety. Illinois Central College and local community
                                                                       agencies sponsor this program as a public service.
                                                                       Classes are offered for both begining and
                                                                       experienced riders and are held at multiple
                                                                       locations throughout Illinois.

                              TRAINING PROGRAM
                              The ICC Truck Driver Training program is for beginning
                              drivers or those with minimal commercial driving
                              experience. The ICC program works with several trucking
                              companies that often “pre-hire” students while they’re in
                              training. It’s not unusual for students to begin work a week
                              after training.

                              This course provides detailed information for truck drivers
                              on DOT rules and regulations, endorsement preparation,
                              logbook protocol, map reading, and trip planning. After a
                              complete training on an 8-wheeler, you’ll take the Illinois
                              Secretary of State’s Class A road test at the end of the

                                    FULL-TIME class start dates
                                     Monday – Friday | 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

                                             Illinois Central College
                                        East Peoria Campus, Dirksen Hall

                                        Start Date              Finish DATE
                                        January 4       		 February 1
                                        February 1         February 26
                                        March 1            March 26
                                        March 29           April 23
                                        April 26           May 21
                                        May 24             June 21

                                    part-TIME class start dates
                                    Monday – Friday | 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
                                              llinois Central College
309-694-8555                            East Peoria Campus, Dirksen Hall
                                      Start Date               Finish DATE
                                      January 4                February 26
                                      March 1                  April 23
Illinois Central College is the Smart Choice
    for acquiring a high-quality education at
     an exceptional value. Here are some of
              our most recent achievements:

                                                Illinois Central College offers 25+ programs of study
                                                in health careers with over 600 completions each year,
                                                making ICC the top educator and producer of qualified
                                                healthcare workers in the region.

                                                The Culinary Arts Institute program, accredited
                                                by the prestigious American Culinary Federation
                                                Education Foundation Accreditation Commission
                                                (ACFEF), is one of only two Illinois culinary schools
                                                with the Exemplary status, and the only school
                                                outside of Chicago.

                                                ICC earned the highest possible re-accreditation rating
                                                of a 10-year full accreditation from the Higher Learning
                                                Commission, providing a high-quality education for both
                                                transfers and career students.

                                                The agriculture department, in partnership with the C2A3
                                                consortium, received a research grant from the United
                                                States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Natural
                                                Resources Conservation Service. It is the first time in
                                                USDA history that community colleges have received a
                                                research grant, recognizing ICC’s national reputation and
                                                leadership in agriculture programming and research.

                                                ICC has received regional and national community college
                                                recognition as the winner of the Association of Community
                                                College Trustees (ACCT) Equity Award. The college was
                                                named the regional winner, and a month later, the national
                                                winner of the Charles Kennedy Equity Award, highlighting
                                                the college’s dedication to being part of the solution to
                                                racial injustice.
               a high quality education.
               • Our students who transfer to a four-year institution are more
                 likely to graduate with a higher GPA than those who start at
                 a four-year institution.
               • Our instructors are professional educators. They focus on
                 you and not just research. They can translate the academic
                 theory into real-world experiences.
               • You’ll be prepared for your next move. Whether you are
                 going into the workforce or pursuing a higher degree –
                 you’ll be ready.

                your future financial security
                because of our exceptional value.
                • For ¼ the cost of a four-year school, and even less when
                  compared to private schools, you receive the education
                  you need to achieve your dreams.
                • The affordable cost of ICC allows you to start your career
                  without the burden of student loans.
                • Use the money you save to further your education, buy a car,
                  or put a down payment on a house.
                • With lower costs, payment plans, and over 600 ICC
                  scholarships available, you can achieve your goals
                  with little to no debt.

                   a credential providing a pathway
                   to a living wage.
                   • There are over 150 programs available with flexible
                     scheduling to fit your needs.
                   • The curriculum is aligned with industry requirements.
                   • An ICC credential gives you the career readiness to
                     provide for you and your family.

                   • You will be an important part of strengthening our community.
Pick up an extra skill
to advance your career with a class at ICC.

Enroll Now for Spring.
Classes start January 19, 2021.

Summer enrollment
opens March 22.
Summer classes
start May 18.

Icc makes transferring easy
by partnering with four-year institutions.

Some popular transfer
schools include:
Bradley University
Eastern Illinois University
Eureka College
Illinois State University
Northern Illinois University
OSF St. Francis College of Nursing
University of Illinois-Chicago
University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign

Community College Students who transfer
to four-year schools perform as well
as-or even better than-their peers who
come directly from high school.
Source: Jack Kent cooke foundation
Offers 150+

                                                                 areas of                Study
Agriculture, Food                            Finance                                     Law, Public Safety,
& Natural Resources                          Accounting
                                                                                         Corrections & Security
Agriculture                                                                              9-1-1 Services
Diesel Powered Equipment Technology (DPET)   Government &                                Criminal Justice
Horticulture: Turfgrass/Landscaping
                                             Public Administration                       Fire Science Technology
                                             Political Science                           Law Enforcement
                                             Social Work                                 Paralegal
Architecture                                                                             Pre-Law
& Construction                               Health Science
Architecture/Construction                    Central Supply Services                     Manufacturing
Commercial Refrigeration                     Dental Hygienist                            Industrial Maintenance Technology
Home Performance                             EMT/Paramedic                               Machine Tool Technology
HVAC Technology                              Health Information Technology               Manufacturing Engineering Technology
                                             Massage Therapist                           Mechanical Engineering Technology
                                                                                         Welding Technology
Arts, A/V Technology                         Medical Assistant
                                             Medical Laboratory Technician
& Communications                             Medical: Office/Coder                       Science, Technology,
Art                                          Nursing: CNA/LPN/RN
Communication/Public Relations               Occupational Therapy Assistant              Engineering & Mathematics
Dance                                        Phlebotomist                                Biology
English                                      Physical Therapist Assistant                Chemistry
Foreign Language                             Radiographer                                Engineering
Graphic Arts: Design/Multimedia              Respiratory Therapist                       Environmental Science
Graphic Communications: Print/Digital        Surgical Technologist                       Geology
Interior Design                                                                          Mathematics
Mass Communication/Journalism                Hospitality & Tourism                       Meteorology
Music                                        Culinary Arts
Theatre                                      Restaurant Management                       Pre-Chiropractic
Business Management                          Human Services                              Pre-Physical Therapy
& Administration                             Drug and Alcohol Counselor Training         Pre-Veterinary
Actuarial Science                            Early Childhood Education: Basic/Advanced   Statistics
Business Administration                      Geography
Business: Office/Management                  History
                                             International Studies
International Business                       Liberal Arts                                Distribution & Logistics
Music: Industry/Business                     Philosophy                                  Automotive Technology
                                             Psychology                                  Caterpillar Dealer
Education & Training                         Sociology                                     Service Technology (CATTK)
                                                                                         General Motors Automotive
Education: Elementary/Secondary
Education: Special/Early Childhood           Information Technology                        Service Educational Program (GM-ASEP)
                                                                                         Supply Chain Management
Family and Consumer Sciences                 Cisco Certified Networking
                                             Computer Information Systems                Truck Driver Training
Fitness Trainer
Interpreter Preparation                      Computer Networking & Administration
Library Technical                            Computer Programming                        undecided
Physical Education                           Secure Software Development                 We can work with you to match your
                                             Web Systems & Development                   interests and abilities with a program
                                                                                         of study. Visit:
                                                                                         to learn more.
         The ICC Educational
         Foundation awards

         in scholarships
         each year. Complete just
         one application to be
         eligible for

         Scholarship eligibility
         varies, allowing all an
         opportunity to be
         awarded a scholarship.
         ICC scholarship
         applications will be
         accepted through
         March 1, 2021.

Saturday, May 15, 2021
Summer 2020, Fall 2020 and Spring 2021
graduates are invited to participate in the
annual spring Commencement.

Graduates can register
to participate in the ceremony
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