Guest Information and Services - Glen Marion ...

Page created by Allan Marquez
Guest Information and Services - Glen Marion ...
Guest Information and Services

  Welcome to Glen Marion Guest House.
We trust that you will enjoy a relaxing and memorable stay
                          with us.

    This booklet is intended for the use by our guests to familiarise
  themselves with the services and facilities of GLEN MARION GUEST
                Please keep this booklet in the room.
 A copy is available in digital format free of charge if you need to have
                   Copyright Glen Marion Guest House
                                                                Rev: Nov 2019

                              Page 1 of 20
Table of Contents
NO SMOKING PLEASE ...................................................................................4
HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN TO BRING SOMETHING? ..............................................4
MAP OF MENLYN AREA ..................................................................................5
GREEN INITIATIVE .......................................................................................6
A ................................................................................................................7
ACCOUNTS: .................................................................................................7
AIR-CONDITIONERS .....................................................................................7
AIRPORT: ....................................................................................................7
B ................................................................................................................7
BAR: ...........................................................................................................7
BAR FRIDGES: .............................................................................................7
BEAUTY SALON: ...........................................................................................7
C ................................................................................................................8
CAR WASH: .................................................................................................8
CHECK-OUT TIMES: ......................................................................................8
CREDIT CARDS: ...........................................................................................8
COMMENTS: ................................................................................................8
CONFERENCE FACILITIES ..............................................................................8
COVID-19 PROTOCOLS .................................................................................8
CAR RENTAL: ...............................................................................................8
CLEANING SERVICE:.....................................................................................8
CHILDREN: ..................................................................................................8
CHURCHES: .................................................................................................8
DEPARTURE: ................................................................................................9
DOCTOR OR DENTIST: ..................................................................................9
DRINKS: .....................................................................................................9
DSTV ..........................................................................................................9
E ................................................................................................................9

ELECTRICITY: ..............................................................................................9
EMERCENCY (after hours) ..............................................................................9
F .............................................................................................................. 10
FIRST AID: ................................................................................................ 10
FLORIST: .................................................................................................. 10
FOREIGN CURRENCY: ................................................................................. 10
FUNCTIONS: .............................................................................................. 10
G.............................................................................................................. 10
GOLF: ....................................................................................................... 10
GUEST EMERGENCY SUPPLIES: .................................................................... 10
GRATUITIES: ............................................................................................. 10
GYMNASIUM: ............................................................................................. 10
H .............................................................................................................. 10
HAIR DRYERS: ........................................................................................... 10

                                               Page 2 of 20
HAIRDRESSER: .......................................................................................... 10
I............................................................................................................... 11
ICE ........................................................................................................... 11
INTERNET FACILITIES: ............................................................................... 11
IRON/IRONING .......................................................................................... 11
J .............................................................................................................. 11
JOBS ........................................................................................................ 11
L .............................................................................................................. 11
LAUNDRY: ................................................................................................. 11
LIGHTING: ................................................................................................ 11
LINEN: ...................................................................................................... 12
M ............................................................................................................. 12
MEALS TIMES ............................................................................................ 12
M-NET: ..................................................................................................... 12
N .............................................................................................................. 12
NEWSPAPERS: ........................................................................................... 12
NON SMOKING ROOMS ............................................................................... 12
P .............................................................................................................. 12
PARKING:.................................................................................................. 12
PHARMACY: ............................................................................................... 13
PAYMENT OPTIONS: ................................................................................... 13
R .............................................................................................................. 13
ROOM SERVICE: ........................................................................................ 13
RESERVATIONS: ........................................................................................ 13
RULES of the GUEST HOUSE ........................................................................ 13
S .............................................................................................................. 14
SAFE STORAGE: ......................................................................................... 14
SECURITY: ................................................................................................ 14
SHAVERS: ................................................................................................. 14
SHUTTLE SERVICE: .................................................................................... 14
SMOKING: ................................................................................................. 14
SWIMMING POOL: ...................................................................................... 14
T .............................................................................................................. 14
TELEPHONES: ............................................................................................ 14
TELEVISION............................................................................................... 15
TOWELS .................................................................................................... 15
TOILETRIES: .............................................................................................. 15
TRANSPORT: ............................................................................................. 15
V .............................................................................................................. 15
VALET SERVICE: ........................................................................................ 15
VALUABLES: .............................................................................................. 16
W ............................................................................................................. 16
WATER: .................................................................................................... 16
WAKE UP CALLS: ........................................................................................ 16
WI FI: ....................................................................................................... 16
Payment Options ........................................................................................ 18
EMERGENCY CONTACT ................................................................................ 19
IN THE EVENT OF FIRE OR OTHER THREATS .................................................. 19
DISCLAIMER NOTICE / INDEMNITY ............................................................... 20

                                               Page 3 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                      Tel: 012 348 8810
                                    Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                     Fax: 086 635 9891


       SMOKING is NOT allowed by law in any of the bedrooms.

      Please use the area demarcated for smokers on each floor.


   Please ask us, we keep an emergency stock of all basic personal

                            Page 4 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                              Tel: 012 348 8810
                            Mobile: 072 771 6618
                             Fax: 086 635 9891


                     Page 5 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                           Tel: 012 348 8810
                                         Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                          Fax: 086 635 9891


   Glen Marion Guest House supports the GREEN INITIATIVEs for
   conserving water and electricity.

   Water is a scarce resource. Please use it sparingly.
      •    Shower: Please do not run the shower for long periods.
      •    Toilets: are equipped with water saving cisterns.
                    Press I to use half the cistern to flush.
                    Press II to flush all the water in the cistern.
      •    Taps: Close the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving – this
           can save up to 20 liters of water a month.
             •    Water Leaks: Please report leaking taps or cisterns to
                             management as soon as possible.
                         •    “Conserve Water,Conserve Life”

      •   Switch off all lights, TV, Heaters, Fans, Kettle and other
          appliances when leaving the room.
      •   Use heaters sparingly – rather use the blanket when going to
      •   Set heater to 23º It is a comfortable level of warmth. The heater
          or air-con will automatically switch off when the ambient room
          temperature reaches 23ºC.
      •   Switch off unnecessary lights. Only use the light you need.
      •   Switch heater / air-con off when going to bed or leaving the
      •   Close the toilet or bathroom door to conserve the ambient room
      •   Unfortunately, the electricity circuit in the room does not allow
          for ironing to be done in the room.
    Consider other guests by keeping the volume of your TV down.

                       No Loud Noises Please
                                 Page 6 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                     Tel: 012 348 8810
                                   Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                    Fax: 086 635 9891

ACCOUNTS:       Please notify reception if you need an update on the
                balance of your account. Statements can be emailed.

ADAPTERS:       Adapters for electrical implements are available at
                reception – your account will be debited until the adapter is
                returned. 200V ac to 110V ac adaptors are provided for
                shavers in every bathroom. Also refer to Electricity

AIR-            Inverter type air-cons are in use in most of the rooms.
CONDITIONERS    Only rooms 201,202 and 302 does not have air-cons
                Please make sure the MODE of the aircon is set to the
                required function you want ie Cool, Heat, Fan etc before
                you operate the unit. NOTE: serious damage might occur if
                the mode is changed from cold to heat. Rather switch the
                unit of and wait 7 minutes after it has stopped before you
                change the mode and switching it on again. Please do not
                run aircons through the night – it might just cause you to
                catch a cold if sleeping with the aircon on cold.

AIRPORT:        Should you require transport to and from the airport,
                please notify Reception. OR Tambo international airport is
                ±45 km (40minutes) away and Lanseria about 53 km and
                40 minutes. We offer reliable shuttle services to and from
                these airports.

ANIMALS:        Kindly note that pets/animals are not allowed in the rooms.
                Please do not feed the animals on the premises.


BAR:            Glen Marion Guesthouse is not licensed to sell any liquor.
                Soft drinks are however, available during all hours of

BAR FRIDGES:    Every room is equipped with a fridge. If the noise of the
                fridge irritates you, simply switch it off.

BEAUTY SALON:   Please enquire at Reception for direction to local beauty
                salons or hair salons.

                          Page 7 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                     Tel: 012 348 8810
                                   Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                    Fax: 086 635 9891


CAR WASH:       Engen One-stop in Atterbury Road, ± 700m from the guest
                house, provides a one-stop car wash 24/7.

CHECK-OUT       Guests are requested to please vacate rooms by 10:00
TIMES:          a.m. on the day of departure.

CREDIT CARDS:   We do have card facilities. However it will be appreciated if
                payments can be made by EFT (preferred) or cash. Our
                banking details is printed on your invoice or quotation.

COMMENTS:       Any comments will be appreciated. This can only serve to
                improve the quality of our service to our valuable guests.

                You are encouraged to comment on our services and
                facilities at (feedback Tab) or
                alternatively at or your travel agent who
                arranged your booking.

CONFERENCE      Please enquire at Reception about Conference Facilities.

COVID-19        Please follow the following link:

CAR RENTAL:     Please enquire at Reception about car rental.

CLEANING        Rooms are cleaned and bathrooms sanitised on a daily
SERVICE:        basis. Please arrange with reception if you need additional
                cleaning services.

CHILDREN:       Children under the age of 12 can be accommodated by
                prior arrangement with reception.

CHURCHES:       For locations of houses of Worship, and for times of
                religious Services, please enquire at Reception.

                          Page 8 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                       Tel: 012 348 8810
                                     Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                      Fax: 086 635 9891


DEPARTURE:      Rooms must be vacated at 10:00 on day of departure. Please
                arrange with reception if you need to store luggage.

DOCTOR OR       Please contact Reception to arrange a medical appointment.

DRINKS:         Cold drinks are available on request. Please refer to the price-
                list at the back of this brochure.

DSTV            A full bouquet DSTV Service is provided. Unfortunately, we
                cannot provide any additional service than what we currently
                Please do not plug your own devices into our equipment. If we
                found any equipment plugged in it will be removed and


ELECTRICITY:    Electricity of 220 volt is supplied by the City of Tshwane.
                Shaver converter plugs to 110v ac is available in every
                bathroom of rooms 201 to 207 only.

                Please turn off lights and electrical appliances as you leave the
                room, report water leaks to reception. Thank you!

                A Solar system is installed providing Electrical power 24/7. Only
                Lights and TV plug will be operational during power outages
                at night only. Please contact reception if you have a problem.

EMERCENCY       Please refer to the Emergency Evacuation Plan pinned to the
(after hours)   back of your room door.
                ADT Armed response: 086 12 12 500
                Life Med Ambulance: 0861 086 911
                Fire: 10177 Police 10111
                Or contact reception at 012 348 8810 after hours.
                            Page 9 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                      Tel: 012 348 8810
                                    Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                     Fax: 086 635 9891


FIRST AID:     The Establishment has a fully equipped First Aid box should you
               require anything.
FLORIST:       A florist is available at Atterbury Value Mart: Flower World Tel:
               012 991 4748.
FOREIGN        Bureaux de Change available at Menlyn Shopping Centre.
FUNCTIONS:     Small functions can be arranged – Ask at reception.


GOLF:          There are a number of golf courses located in the vicinity.
               Please enquire at reception for directions.

GUEST          Have you forgotten shaving foam? Razors? Toothpaste?
EMERGENCY      Contact reception and this will delivered to your room at a
SUPPLIES:      nominal fee.

GRATUITIES:    Our well-trained staff at Glen Marion Guest House work hard to
               serve all your needs. Please feel free to show your appreciation
               with a tip (cash gratuity). Do not feel obliged to pay tips to all
               and sundry.

GYMNASIUM:     A Virgin Active Gym is just around the corner ± 500 meter
               from Glen Marion Guest House Tel: 012 348 4568


HAIR DRYERS:   Every room is equipped with a hair dryer. Please leave the
               hairdryer in the room when you are leaving. Thank you.
               Contact reception if there is a problem with this item.

HAIRDRESSER:   Hairdressers are available at all local Shopping Centres:
               Ladies: The Hair Shop, Winifred Yell Street, Garsfontein.
               Contact Daleen: 012 348 4303.
               Mens Haircut: Allans Barber Tel: 012 993 4752
               Contact Allen.
               Business hours Mondays to Friday 08:00 to 17:30
                              Saturdays 08:00 to 13:00

                          Page 10 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                    Tel: 012 348 8810
                                  Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                   Fax: 086 635 9891


ICE            Ice is available on request, free of charge to all guests.
               Please contact reception.

INTERNET       Glen Marion Guest House Wi-FI internet service is free
FACILITIES:    of charge. We do have a broadband service through a
               fibre optic connection with a 40mbps line speed.
               Please do not download large files as this may slow
               down the throughput to other guests that is trying to do
               some honest work for a life.

IRON/IRONING   Ironing facilities is available to guests in room 301, 305
               and the cottage. Due to the limited space available, we
               cannot provide this in other rooms. Please call reception
               if you need ironing done. Ironing can be done at R5 per
               item from 06:30 up to 16:50 Mondays to Fridays and
               07:00 to 12:00 on weekends or while we have staff
               available. The Laundry Room can be made available to
               you after hours should you need to do your own ironing.
               See also Laundry

JOBS           No vacancies are currently available.


LAUNDRY:       Personal laundry is not included in your accommodation
               fee. You can however, arrange at reception to have
               clothes washed or laundry done. A Laundry bag and
               Laundry Request form is available for your convenience.
               See also Ironing.

LIGHTING:      All lights at Glen Marion Guest House run of the Solar
               Energy system installed. Theoretically we should always
               have lights during “load shedding” or even power
               outages. Our “Emergency” circuit supplies all lights and
               TVs with electrical power. Electricity is also available to
               charge laptops or cell phones if needed.
               Please contact reception if you need more information.
                          Page 11 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                    Tel: 012 348 8810
                                  Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                   Fax: 086 635 9891

LINEN:        Fresh linen and clean towels are supplied after four
              nights of use and after guests have vacated the room.
              Rooms are cleaned every day. Should the towels be
              changed please leave them on the floor of the


              Breakfast: 7:00 – 8:30 (or later if arranged with Reception.)
              Lunch: 12:30 – 13:30 – Please arrange at Reception 1 day in
              Supper: 19:00 – 20:00 – Please arrange at Reception 1 day in
              You are welcome to book meals for visiting friends.
              Please enquire at reception for meal tariffs.

M-NET:        See “Television”.


NEWSPAPERS:   The BEELD and Pretoria News Newspapers are available
              for perusal in the dining room.

NON SMOKING   All the rooms at Glen Marion have been designated as
ROOMS         NON-SMOKING Areas. Transgressing guests will be
              requested to terminate their stay.


PARKING:      Each parking bay is dedicated to a specific room. Please
              park within the lines demarcating the parking area
              allocated to the room.
              Ensure that your vehicle registration is noted at
              reception to enable us to get hold of you in case of

                         Page 12 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                     Tel: 012 348 8810
                                   Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                    Fax: 086 635 9891

 PHARMACY:      Arrie Nel Pharmacy & Faerie Glen Pharmacy is located
                close from the Guesthouse.
                Business Hours:24/7 Tel: 012 361 6969 and 08:00 to
                Midnight, 7 days a week. Tel: 012 348 1466

PAYMENT         It will be appreciated if your account can be settled
OPTIONS:        before occupying your room. Pay then stay.

                Additional guests will be charged for if not arranged with
                management. If you sleep you pay.

                The following payment methods are preferred:
                        Cash, EFT, or Pre-approved cheque
                Note: All reservations must be paid in full before
                booking in.


ROOM SERVICE:   GLEN MARION Guest House has no Room Service.
                Please call reception on 012 348 8810 after hours if you
                need anything.

RESERVATIONS:   All reservations can be made at
       Please advise as soon as
                possible if any of your plans to depart (or extend your
                stay) change.

RULES of the     1. No Loud music or noises after 10pm (22h00).
GUEST HOUSE      2. Please use water sparingly.
                 3. Please SWITCH OFF all electrical equipment when
                    leaving the room.
                 4. Please report any damages to reception. We all
                    have mishaps. Report it timeously to prevent
                    consequential damages.
                 5. Please do not fiddle with the equipment in the
                    room. If you have problems or if you do not
                    understand how it works, PLEASE just ask.
                 6. Please do not remove any equipment, plugs, linen,
                    towels, pillows, remotes from your room

                          Page 13 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                    Tel: 012 348 8810
                                  Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                   Fax: 086 635 9891

SAFE STORAGE:   Your room is equipped with a digital safe for your
                convenience. Should you wish to use the safe, please
                refer to the operating instructions stored on top of the
                It is advisable to store all your valuables ie cash or
                jewellery in the digital safe. See also VALUABLES.
SECURITY:       Glen Marion Guesthouse is protected by a Security Co.
                Tel: 086 1212 500. Please don’t leave valuables, money
                and laptops around and be on the alert when leaving the
                premises. It is not advisable to walk alone outside the
                premises after nightfall or before sunrise. Guests who do
                not heed this advice should be aware that they will be
                responsible for their own safety (and consequential
                events such as medical treatment) if they ignore this
                advice and place themselves in harm’s way
                International Shaver plug points are provided for your
                convenience in all bathrooms of rooms 201 to 207. The
                other rooms do have two pin plugs in the room. Some of
                these rooms also have 2 pin wall outlets.

SHUTTLE         Should you require transport to and from the airport
SERVICE:        please notify Reception. Also see Transport.

SMOKING:        No smoking in rooms please. Smoking areas have been
                demarcated outside the Guest House.

SWIMMING        Our Luxury pools are available to all our guests at their
POOL:           own risk. The western pool is a salt water pool.
                Unfortunately, we cannot allow the towels supplied in
                the room for use at the pool. Please ask reception to
                supply you with towels for use at the pool. See also


TELEPHONES:     The use of own telephone devices / service is
                encouraged. However, telephonic services are available
                in emergency cases at reception at reasonable rates.
                         Page 14 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                     Tel: 012 348 8810
                                   Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                    Fax: 086 635 9891

TELEVISION       Flat Screen LCD TV with selected DStv channels is
                 available for your convenience. Please do not remove
                 remote control devices from the room. The channels
                 available to guests have already been “tuned in”. Please
                 do not hesitate to contact reception should you have
                 difficulty in selecting your favourite channel. Consider
                 other guests by keeping the volume of your TV
                 down (on 15 or less)
                 DEVICE TO THE TV. Any damages to the TV,
                 decoder, their power supplies or any other
                 electronic equipment will be for the guest’s

TOWELS           Pool towels are provided on request. The white room
                 towels are not allowed outside the room.
                 If you wish to help us care for our environment too, you
                 may choose to reuse your towels more than once. If this
                 is your preference, please hang them on the rail, or
                 leave them on the shower floor for replacement.

TOILETRIES:      Complimentary soap, tissues, shampoo, shower cap and
                 body lotion are supplied to guests in every room. Should
                 you have forgotten shaving foam, razors, toothpaste or
                 a toothbrush please contact reception and this will
                 delivered to your room at a nominal fee.

TRANSPORT:       Should you require transport to and from the airport
                 please contact/notify Reception.
                 Other services like UBER or Taxify is freely available in
                 this area. A minimal fee is charged to Menlyn Maine or
                 Menlyn Mall. Download the App if you want to make use
                 of this service.


VALET SERVICE:   A car wash or valet Service available for the vehicles of
                 guests from the Engen Garage in Oberon Road ± 600 m
                 from Glen Marion.

                          Page 15 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                      Tel: 012 348 8810
                                    Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                     Fax: 086 635 9891

VALUABLES:       An electronic safe has been fitted in the cupboard of
                 each suite for the convenience of guests.
                 Kindly leave the safe in an open position when
                 vacating your room.
                 Should you wish to use the safe, please read the
                 operating instructions carefully before using the


                 CONSERVE WATER
                 Helpful Tips to SAVE water:
                 • Flush less. Use nr I for small flush and nr II for large
                 flush — remember the toilet is not an ashtray or
                 • While brushing teeth, shaving, etc., turn off the water.
                 • When cold water will do, avoid using hot water.
                 • Take shorter showers — 5 minutes or less.
                 • In the shower, wet yourself down, turn the water off,
                 lather up, then turn the water on to rinse off soap.

                 If you wish to help us care for our environment too, you
                 may choose to reuse your towels more than once. If this
                 is your preference, please hang them on the rail, or
                 leave them on the shower floor for replacement.

WAKE UP CALLS:   Please arrange with reception for a wake-up call by our
                 friendly staff or make use of your cell phone’s alarm

WI FI:           Although we endeavour to provide the best Wi-Fi service
                 possible, we are however reliant on third party providers
                 and can therefore not guarantee a constant good signal.
                 Kindly report any issues to reception.

                           Page 16 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                   Tel: 012 348 8810
                                 Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                  Fax: 086 635 9891

               The Wi-Fi password is written on a small card that is
               kept on your bedside table.

               Also see entry “INTERNET”.

Please as you leave the room, turn off lights and
electrical appliances, report water leaks to reception.

Thank you!

                        Page 17 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                     Tel: 012 348 8810
                                   Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                    Fax: 086 635 9891

Payment Options

It will be appreciated if your account can be settled upon
arrival. EFT is preferred.

Additional guests not registered at reception, will be
charged for unless arranged with management.

The following payment methods are preferred as Credit
cards attract a cost of up to 4% for the guest house:

Absolutely NO cheques

Credit Cards: Visa, Master Card, American Express, are
accepted. DEBIT Cards can also be processed

Note: All reservations must be paid in full before booking in.

                           Page 18 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                       Tel: 012 348 8810
                                     Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                      Fax: 086 635 9891


Emergency management – Duty Manager            012 348 8810 or
                                               072 7716618

All emergencies                                012 358 9999
(Fire, Ambulance, Metro Police)

Disaster Management Centre                     012 427 7111
Faerie Glen Hospital                           012 369 5600

Faerie Glen Pharmacy – Open till 10pm          012 348 1466
Arrie Nel Pharmacy – Open 24 Hours             012 361 6969

24 hour medical service                        012 369 5600

Flying Squad                                   10111

Management Staff                        Duty Manager at Reception


Please inform your hosts of the presence of smoke or fire.
There are fire extinguishers in the hallways near the entrance to your
Please orientate yourself as to their location.
if you are hard of hearing, visually impaired or disabled in any way,
please advise reception upon arrival, so that in the event of an
emergency, we will know of your special needs.
Evacuate the building through nearest exit as shown on the evacuation
plan and go to the Emergency assembly point.

                             Page 19 of 20
257 Annette van Zyl Street
                                                Tel: 012 348 8810
                                              Mobile: 072 771 6618
                                               Fax: 086 635 9891


Access to these premises and to the adjacent parking area is
granted wholly at the visitor’s personal risk.

The owner, manager, staff (including any individual worker) as well as any
contractors, CANNOT (AND DO NOT) accept any responsibility or liability
whatsoever for any injuries, losses or damages caused to any person (by
whatever object or event) whether it could be proven it was due to negligence or

Liability for all losses by guests   or staff, all damage to property or vehicles, and
any injuries (whether accidental     or otherwise) (of any nature or due to whatever
the cause might be) whether          due to any specific individual’s negligence or
otherwise cannot be accepted         by the owners, management or staff of this

The guests shall be responsible and liable for any damage caused by them or any
of the guest’s family or friends at the facility during their stay at the guest house.
All costs of repairs will be for the guest’s account and the guest house will be
paid/refunded for the repairs or replacements done in this context.



                Glen Marion Guest House is insured with:

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