GROUP VISITS GUIDE 2021-2022 - Historic Royal Palaces

Page created by Alma Murray
GROUP VISITS GUIDE 2021-2022 - Historic Royal Palaces
GROUP VISITS GUIDE 2021-2022 - Historic Royal Palaces
We are a team of people who love and look a­fter six              Treat your groups to over 900 years of drama,
of the most wonderful palaces in the world. We create             devotion, secrets stories and royal intrigue at some
space for spirits to stir and be stirred. We want everyone        of the greatest palaces ever built. Your visits will
to feel welcome and accepted. We tell stories about the           follow in the footsteps of the great, good, devious
monarchs you know and the lives you don’t. We let                 and dastardly, providing memories of a great day
children explore and we set minds racing. We are a charity        out, your customers will want to return again
and your support gives the palaces a future, for everyone.         and again.

This Group Visits Guide is designed to give organisers of                     TOWER OF                          PAGE 8
group travel and travel industry professionals inspiration                    LONDON
for excursions and days out and to make the process as
seamless as possible. With so much to uncover at so many
attractions, your only challenge is which to choose first!
                                                                              HAMPTON                          PAGE 14
                                                                              COURT PALACE

How to use this guide                                                         KENSINGTON                       PAGE 20
We have designed a helpful key to assist in the planning of                   PALACE
your group visit and to ensure your customers have a fun
packed day and make the most of their time at the palaces.

Look out for these icons on the “Must see                                     KEW PALACE                       PAGE 26
attractions” pages for each palace to best tailor                             THE ROYAL KITCHENS,
your group’s experience.                                                      THE GREAT PAGODA,
                                                                              QUEEN CHARLOTTE’S
        Steps and uneven staircases
                                                                              HILLSBOROUGH                     PAGE 32
        Wheelchair access                                                     CASTLE AND
        Youth groups – children, families,
        multigenerational friendly
         arge groups – space for large
        L                                                                     BANQUETING                       PAGE 38
        group visits                                                          HOUSE

        Small groups – suitable for groups
        up to 20 people at a time

        Private tours available on request                                    AT YOUR SERVICE                   PAGE 3
                                                                              TICKETING OPTIONS                 PAGE 4
        Gardens – activities for groups with                                  CATERING                          PAGE 6
        an interest in gardens                                                GET SOCIAL WITH US               PAGE 40

GROUP VISITS GUIDE 2021-2022 - Historic Royal Palaces
Historic Royal Palaces has a Sales       Blue Badge Guides are given free          Easy to get to
Team to assist group organisers          admission to escort their clients.        For group visits, all palaces have
in planning visits to the palaces        Palace Explainers will be on hand         coach parking or pick-up and
as well as advising coach and tour       to answer any questions your              drop-off facilities. All the London
operators with itinerary and             clients may have.                         palaces can be reached by rail,
excursion planning.                                                                underground and four palaces
                                         For further information, please contact   by riverboat.
Sales support                  
The Sales Team can help you with                                                   Accessibility
all your arrangements for your           Fanfare                                   Our palaces welcome all visitors and
group’s perfect day out including        Published three times a year, Fanfare     we try to ensure everyone’s visit is
assistance with planning itineraries,    is our newsletter with news on            successful and enjoyable. Registered
information on our group                 forthcoming exhibitions, seasonal         disabled visitors are charged the
ticketing options, dedicated group       events and special tours to help you      relevant ticket price and carers are
ticket offices and on-site catering.     plan your excursions.                     admitted free of charge.
The sales team can also help you
promote and sell your tours and          Quick-Blast!                              As historical sites, our palaces do
excursions with content and images,      News of last-minute offers and timely     have uneven or cobbled surfaces
which can be downloaded from             announcements of new exhibitions          and narrow staircases in places. Full                 and events will be sent in our            accessibility information including
                                         Quick-Blasts!                             wheelchair access and information
Free admission                                                                     on sign language tours can be found
Free admission is given at all palaces   Sign up here for Fanfare and              on our website
to coach drivers and locally             Quick-Blasts.
registered Blue Badge Guides.                                                      Website
Groups that include members of           Added value                               Visit the dedicated group planning
Historic Royal Palaces will avail of     Group discounts apply to parties          pages on the Historic Royal Palaces
the group price as long as there are     of 15 visitors or more and regular        website,, for
15 people in total. Full members of      interpretation events are included        the latest information and help in
Association of Group Travel              in general admission.                     planning your itineraries and online
Organisers (AGTO) are eligible for                                                 group booking.
free admission when bringing a           Money saving catering vouchers and
group of at least 15 paying visitors.    group menus are available in palace
Guiding in the palaces
Blue Badge and Accredited Guides         Admission voucher scheme and
can guide inside the Tower of            account facilities for coach and tour
London and Hampton Court                 operators upon application.
Palace. No guiding is currently
allowed inside Kensington Palace
due to space restrictions however

GROUP VISITS GUIDE 2021-2022 - Historic Royal Palaces
Historic Royal Palaces have               Once booked, tickets are sent with        Royal Pass
developed group friendly ticket           your confirmation email. For six or       One ticket to over 900 years of royal
options that allow easy access to         less visitors, tickets can be presented   history!
the palaces for your customers            on a mobile device, for more than six
and simplified payment terms for          visitors, tickets must be printed and     This Travel Trade only, flexible
volume Travel Trade suppliers.            distributed to group members prior        combination ticket offers unbeatable
                                          to arriving at the gate.                  value. The pass is valid for one year
Online Group Ticketing                                                              from the date of issue for one visit
Groups Organisers, coach and tour         All tickets are scanned at the            per valid palace, therefore giving
operators can book their tickets          point of entry, avoiding queuing          the traveller flexibility to plan their
for the Tower of London, Hampton          to exchange vouchers for palace           own itinerary.
Court Palace, Kensington Palace           tickets and allowing more time for
and Hillsborough Castle and               customers to enjoy the palaces.           The Royal Pass gives the traveller
Gardens via our website                                                             entry to the Tower of London, Group rates      Agency Voucher Scheme members             Hampton Court Palace and
apply to orders for 15 tickets or more,   can cancel bookings via the B2B portal    Kensington Palace.
payment by credit card is required        portal up to the day of arrival. To
at time of booking. Tickets are sent      ammend a booking, please email            This pass is exclusive to group
with the confimation email. Tickets no later than one     organisers and Travel Trade clients
must be printed and distributed to        week before the planned visit date.       and cannot be purchased at the
the group members in advance of                                                     palaces directly.
arriving at the gate.                     Please contact groupsandtravel-
                                 for registration and     For details of pass prices contact
Agency Voucher Scheme and                 User Manual details and criteria for
B2B portal                                joining the Agency Voucher scheme.
Members of the Historic Royal
Palaces Agency Voucher Scheme
must pre-book customers through
the B2B portal. With a secure login,
bookings can be made 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week for the Tower of
London, Hampton Court Palace,
Kensington Palace and Hillsborough
Castle and Gardens.

All palaces operate on a timed
admission basis, so you must reserve
a date and time slot in advance.
Details of opening and closing times
and time slots are detailed on the
palace pages in this guide.

GROUP VISITS GUIDE 2021-2022 - Historic Royal Palaces
CAT ERING DEALS                                                                                                                                  RETA I L T H E RA PY
Our meal voucher scheme for           HAMPTON COURT PALACE                  KENSINGTON PALACE
groups of 15 or more (20 or more      Tiltyard Café                         Situated on the Orangery lawns,
for Hillsborough Castle), provides    Option 1 - Morning tea or coffee      overlooking the sunken garden, the
great meal deal options across        before 12.00                          Pavilion offers an alternative on-site
the palaces throughout the day.       including a freshly baked muffin      catering space whilst the Orangery
Simply select the one that best       or pastry.                            undergoes restoration and rebuilding
suits your itinerary!                 £6.00 per person                      work.
                                      Option 2 - Light lunch                Breakfast before 11.30
New Armouries Café                    A bowl of seasonal soup and rustic    Start the day with a ‘Full English’ –
Option 1 - Morning tea or coffee      bread or a freshly made sandwich,     streaky bacon, field mushroom,           BANQUETING HOUSE
before 11.00                          both with a choice of non-alcoholic   vine tomatoes, sausage, black            Whilst there are no on-site catering
including a freshly baked muffin      drink and a slice of cake.            pudding and scrambled eggs,              facilities at the Banqueting House,
or pastry.                            £10.50 per person                     including a choice of tea or coffee.     close by there are numerous
£6.00 per person                                                            £12.50 per person                        restaurants, cafes and bars.
                                      Option 3 - Hot lunch
Option 2 - Light lunch                Main course dish served from          Morning Cream Tea before 12.00           KEW PALACE
A bowl of seasonal soup and rustic    our hot counter and a dessert pot     Orange scented and currant scones        At Kew Palace groups can arrange
bread or a freshly made sandwich,     or slice of cake with a choice of     served with Cornish clotted cream        refreshments with Kew Gardens               Whether inspired by the iconic black        Visitors can also select products from
both with a choice of non-alcoholic   non-alcoholic drink.                  and English strawberry jam. Served       caterers by calling +44 (0) 20 8332 5186.   ravens or the legendary Royal Beasts        our in-store tablets and have gifts
drink and a cake or dessert.          £17.95 per person                     with a range of loose leaf teas and
                                                                                                                     HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE                         at the Tower of London, by the              shipped direct to home.
£10.50 per person                                                           tisanes or coffee.
                                                                                                                     AND GARDENS                                 stunning gardens at Hampton Court
                                      Option 4 - Traditional Cream Tea      £6.50 per person
                                                                                                                                                                 Palace or the sumptuous ceilings and        Don’t forget our full range of
Option 3 - Hot lunch                  A delicious homemade scone with                                                Groups of 20 or more can enjoy a
                                                                                                                                                                 interiors at Kensington Palace, our         palace inspired gifts can be
Main course dish served from the      strawberry jam and clotted cream      Afternoon Tea                            range of catering offers in our new
                                                                                                                                                                 palaces provide a unique shopping           purchased online at
hot counter with a dessert pot        and your choice of tea or coffee.     A selection of sandwiches, an orange     catering facilities located in the Wel-
                                                                                                                                                                 opportunity for your clients.     
or slice of cake and a choice of      £6.25 per person                      scented scone served with Cornish        come Centre. From morning coffee
non-alcoholic drink.                                                        clotted cream and English strawberry     and tea, lunches and traditional
                                                                                                                                                                 Therefore, while planning your itin-
£17.95 per person                     The Snug                              jam and a selection of dainty pastries   afternoon teas, enhance your groups
                                                                                                                                                                 eraries, make sure to allow time for
                                      Situated within the Tiltyard Cafe,    served with a range of loose-leaf teas   visit and enquire with our caterers.
                                                                                                                                                                 a visit to our royal shops where we
Option 4 - Traditional Cream Tea      the Snug is a cosy area perfect for   and tisanes or coffee.
                                                                                                                     Contact details:                            offer a wide selection of chinaware,
A delicious homemade scone with       groups of up to 25 people to enjoy    £19.95 per person
                                                                                                                     Contact details                             jewellery, toys, clothing, accessories
strawberry jam and clotted cream      a morning coffee or afternoon tea.
                                                                                                                     Hillsborough Castle                         and much more; all of which would
and your choice of tea or coffee.                                           Lunch
                                                                                                                     +44 (0) 3166 6000                           make a perfect souvenir of your
£6.25 per person                      Our caterers Ampersand will be        Group lunch options are also
                                                                                                                        clients’ trip as well as a great gift for
                                      happy to discuss your group’s         available, please contact our caterers
                                                                                                                                                                 their friends and family back home.
Contact details:                      requirements, contact them            to discuss your requirements.
Tower of London                       directly for further details.
                                                                                                                                                                 Contact our retail team on
+44 (0) 20 3166 6002                                                        Contact details:
                                                                                                                                                        to discuss delivery           Contact details:                      Kensington Palace
                                                                                                                                                                 and discount rates for bulk
                                      Hampton Court Palace                  +44 (0) 20 3166 6112
                                      +44 (0) 20 3166 6972                  booking@kensingtonpalacepavilion.
GROUP VISITS GUIDE 2021-2022 - Historic Royal Palaces
 This iconic UNESCO World Heritage Site has almost 1000 years
of intriguing tales to tell. Meet the Yeoman Warders, marvel at the
  fabulous finery of the Crown Jewels and discover an unrivalled
 collection of royal arms and armour in the ancient White Tower.
    Explore all the roles this impressive fortress has had to play
    throughout the centuries – from medieval palace, armoury,
               to infamous prison and execution site.

GROUP VISITS GUIDE 2021-2022 - Historic Royal Palaces
M UST S EE ATTRACTIONS                                       MUST S E E ATT RACT I O N S

                                                               Yeoman Warders                           Bloody Tower
                      Crown Jewels                             Yeoman Warders, better known as the      Explore the most infamous prison
                      The breath-taking world famous           Beefeaters, entertain all our visitors   at the Tower of London and the
                      collection of fabulous finery and        that come to the Tower throughout        intriguing tales that inspired the
                      regalia – discover the gloriously        the year with their guided tours and     name “Bloody Tower”. Discover the
                      ornate, intricately made Crown           immense knowledge of this ancient        stories of the Princes in the Tower
                      Jewels and learn how they have           palace and fortress.                     and Sir Walter Raleigh, a favourite
                      inspired acts of greed, violence                                                  of Elizabeth I, who spent 13 years as
                      and even spawned stories of                                                       a prisoner during the reign of James I.
                      evil curses.

                                                                                                        Royal Beasts
                     White Tower                                                                        Explore the tales of the many exotic
                     The White Tower is an enduring                                                     animals kept at the Tower, from lions,
                     icon of the London skyline, albeit                                                 tigers, to elephants and alligators,
                     nowadays dwarfed by, and in                                                        in the Royal Beasts exhibition.
                     contrast to, the modern city. This                                                 Discover the polar bear who fished
                     striking historic building dating                                                  in the Thames for his lunch, the
                     back to 1075 today houses the Line of                                              ostrich who ate nails and many other
                     Kings exhibit, a display of royal ar-                                              surprising stories. Experience the
                     mour, life-sized wooden horses and                                                 sights, sounds and even smells of the
                     figures of kings throughout                                                        animals through interactive displays
                     the centuries.                                                                     and find out what happened when
                                                                                                        the royal beasts escaped...

                     Medieval Palace
                     Once a surprisingly comfortable
                     royal home here you will enter the
                     rooms of Edward I and discover
                     life in the opulence and colour of
                     a medieval royal residence.

          10                                                                     11
GROUP VISITS GUIDE 2021-2022 - Historic Royal Palaces
P LA N YOUR VISIT                                                                                                GU I D E D TO U RS A N D DAYS O U T I D EAS
                                                                                                                                  Give your groups an even more         Private viewing of the
Top Tips                                Recommended Visit Time                              We suggest at least 3 hours
                                                                                                                                  memorable visit by booking a          Crown Jewels                            Opening times
                                       Crown Jewels                      40 min    Bloody Tower                          15 min   guided tour or private visit          Available in the morning from 08.15     19 May – 28 May 2021 and
• Book your group’s timeslot                                                                                                                                            experience the stunning regalia         07 June – 30 June 2021
  online via our website to secure     Royal Beasts                      20 min    Fortress and battlements           40 min      Morning meet and greet                away from the crowds. Price based       Wednesday - Sunday:
  their admission                                                                                                                 Book a 15-minute welcome talk for     on a minimum of 15 people, from
                                       Medieval Palace                   20 min    Yeoman Warder tour                 45 min                                                                                    10.00-18.00hrs
                                                                                                                                  your group. A Yeoman Warder will      £90+VAT per person, maximum
• The Ceremony of the Word takes       White Tower including             40 min                                                                                                                                 29 May – 06 June 2021 and
                                                                                                                                  meet your group at the Ravens Cages   40, advanced payment required.
  place outside Waterloo Block         Line of Kings                                                                                                                                                            1 July – 31 August 2021
                                                                                                                                  for a 15 minute intro to the Tower    For availability and bookings contact
  daily at 14.45. See the inspection                                                                                              and a photo opportunity. For                      Daily: 09.00 – 18.00hrs
  of the military guard and             Admission prices                                    19 May 2021 - 31 August 2021          information on availability and
  collection of the secret word                                                                                                                                                                                 Admission by hourly timeslot
                                                          Individual price – gate and online          Group price                 prices, please contact                Evening Tours                           Last admission time slot: 16.00hrs
  of the day                                                                                                                  Experience the Tower in a different
                                                               Off peak            Peak          Off peak          Peak                                                 light. Meet your Yeoman Warder at       24-26 December and 1 January:
• Save time in your itinerary                                                                                                                                           20.30 for an hour-long tour around      Closed
                                        Adult                   £28 .90           £29 .90         £26 .60         £27 .50
  by pre-booking Meal Deal                                                                                                                                              the Fortress before experiencing
  catering vouchers                     Concession              £23.20            £24.00           £21.30         £21.90          Audio Guides                                                                  Please refer to
                                                                                                                                                                        the worlds longest running Military     for details on when peak and
                                        Child                   £14.40            £14.90           £13.30         £13.80          Groups of 15 or more can pre-order
                                                                                                                                                                        ceremony - the Ceremony of the          off peak pricing applies
• Package your group visits with                                                                                                  our audio guides at a discounted
                                        Family 1 adult          £50.50            £52.20            n/a            n/a                                                  Keys. The cost is £40+VAT per
  guidebooks and take advantage                                                                                                   price of £3.50 per person. Guides
                                        Family 2 adults         £79.40            £82.10            n/a            n/a                                                  person for a minimum of 20,             Booking
  of bulk buying in advance.                                                                                                      can be booked by contacting
                                                                                                                                                                        maximum 50 people, advance pay-         Book your time slot online
                                                                                                                                                                        ment required. For availability and
                                                                                                            Key                   and then collected at the entrance.
                                                                                                                                                                        bookings contact     For assistance with your booking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                requirements, email
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Coach parking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                A 24-hour coach park with 16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                bays (height restriction
                                                                                                              COACH PARKS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                4.7m/15’50) is located in Lower
                                                                                                               UREAU DE
                                                                                                              B                                                                                                 Thames Street. Coaches can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                set-down or pick-up passengers
                                                                                                              TOILETS:                                                                                          free of charge providing they
                                                                                                              GENTLEMAN                                                                                         remain no longer than 15 minutes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The charge is £10 per hour.
                                                                                                              LADIES                                                                                            Overnight parking between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                17.00 and 09.00 is £25. Contact

                                                                                                              UNDERGROUND                                                                                       Group catering
                                                                                                              TRAIN LINE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Please see pages 6 and 7 for
                                                                                                              OVERGROUND                                                                                       catering information.
                                                                                                               TRAIN LINE

                                                          12                                                                                                                              13
GROUP VISITS GUIDE 2021-2022 - Historic Royal Palaces
  Hampton Court Palace is an awe-inspiring and flamboyant
  showcase of kingship. It’s vast, endless vistas, courtyards,
      gardens and parkland, along with its magnificent
     State Apartments rival the great palaces of Europe;
           all designed to impress those that visit.

GROUP VISITS GUIDE 2021-2022 - Historic Royal Palaces
M UST S EE ATTRACTIONS                                                             MUST S E E ATT RACT I O N S

                                            King William III State Apartments
                                                                                                                               Tulip Festival
                                            A grand and lavishly laid out
                                                                                                                               Returning in 2022
                                            collection of State Apartments built
                                                                                                                               In spring 2021, Hampton Court
                                            by the new monarchs, William and
                                                                                                                               Palace will become a kaleidoscope
                                            Mary. Walk through the rooms of
                                                                                                                               of colours as thousands of tulips
                                            this elegant palace and imagine
                                                                                                                               bloom throughout the gardens and
                                            the beautifully dressed courtiers
                                                                                                                               the courtyards. A special trail will
                                            revelling in the politics and gossip
                                                                                                                               guide visitors around the stunning
                                            of court life. Gaze out of the
                                                                                                                               displays, revealing the history of
                                            windows to the magnificent King’s
                                                                                                                               the tulips, believed to date back to
                                            Privy Garden.
                                                                                                                               Mary II (1662-1694). Our expert
                                                                                                                               gardening team will also be on
                                                                                                                               hand to provide tips and infor-
                                            Henry VIII’s Apartments                                                            mation to keen gardeners during
   Gold and Glory: Henry VIII and                                                                                              their visit. Included in admission.
   the French King                          Walk in the footsteps of England’s
   From 20 May – 5 September 2021           most famous King and his six wives.
   Discover the story behind the            Lavishly presented apartments
   Grand European Summit between            include Henry’s Great Hall, the
   Henry VIII and François I in             Great Watching Chamber and the                                                    Privy Garden
   1520, known as the Field of Cloth        processional route, allegedly                                                     The Privy Garden is one of the most
   of Gold. Meet the organisers,            haunted by Catherine Howard,             The Maze                                 accurately reconstructed gardens
   courtiers and kings, and explore         Henry’s fifth wife.                      Commissioned around 1700 by              at Hampton Court because so
   dazzling treasures from the                                                       William III, this large and complex      much was recorded about the
   Tudor and French courts                                                           maze is one of the oldest surviving      original 1702 garden. The beautiful
   including gold, weaponry and                                                      hedge mazes in the country and           geometry of the garden seen against
                                            Queen’s Apartments                       covers a third of an acre – make         the stunning palace façade is a site
   spectacular artworks from the
                                            Climb the Queen’s Staircase to           sure your groups have their wits         not to be missed.
   Royal Collection.
                                            discover the impressively decorated      about them if they choose to brave
                                            grand State Apartments originally        the maze!
                                            built for Queen Mary II, redecorated
                                            by Queen Anne and occupied by                                                     Georgian Kitchen Garden
  Henry VIII’s Kitchens                     George II and Queen Caroline, the                                                 See how the fruit, flowers and
  Experience the Tudor Kitchens, the        last monarchs to live at Hampton         The Great Vine                           vegetables were planted, tended and
  well-oiled machine that powered           Court Palace.                            Planted by Lancelot Capability           harvested for the kings table in the
  Henry VIII’s magnificent court.                                                    Brown in 1768, this is the oldest vine   18th century in this enormous
  Immerse yourself in a bygone era                                                   in the world. See the many bunches       garden, full of produce.
  with grand displays of food, authentic                                             of grapes develop through the
  smells, the heat of the fireplaces, and                                            summer ready for harvest in late
  the sounds of the busy kitchen staff.                                              August, early September.

                    16                                                                                  17
P LA N YOUR VISIT                                                                                           GU I D E D TO U RS A N D DAYS O U T I D EAS
                                                                                                                         Give your groups an even more
Top Tips                              Recommended Visit Time                      We suggest at least 4 hours
                                                                                                                         memorable visit by booking a                                                       Opening times
                                     Henry VIII’s Apartments      40 min   Queen’s State Apartments           30 min     guided tour or private visit                                                       19 May – 18 July 2021
• Book your group’s timeslot
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Wednesday - Sunday:
 online via our website to secure    Henry VIII’s Kitchens        40 min   The Gardens                            1 hr   Morning Tours                                                                      10.00-17.00hrs
 their admission                                                                                                         Experience the delights of
                                     William III’s Apartments     40 min   The Maze                it depends...
                                                                                                                         Hampton Court Palace without the                                                   21 July – 31 August 2021
• Enhance your group visit by        Gold and Glory: Henry VIII   30 min                                                 usual crowds. Choose a theme from                                                  Daily: 10.00 – 17.00hrs
  booking a Palace Accredited        and the French King                                                                 History where it happened, Glorious
  Guide for a tour of the palace                                                                                         Gardens or Magnificent artwork, all                                                Admission by half hourly timeslot
  and gardens                                                                                                            led by our expert guides. After your
                                      Admission prices                          19 May 2021 - 28 February 2022                                                                                              Last admission time slot: 15.30hrs
                                                                                                                         tour, you will have the opportunity
• Save time in your itinerary by                                                                                         to enjoy breakfast in a private                                                    24-26 December: Closed
  pre-booking Meal Deal catering                      Individual price – gate and online     Group price                 apartment before discovering more
  vouchers                            Adult                         £25.30                     £23.30                    about the palace. Your 3-hour                                                      Booking
                                      Concession                   £20.20                      £18.60                    experience will take place between                                                 Book your time slot online
• Hampton Court Station is just                                                                                          09.00-11.00, maximum 24 guests
                                      Child                        £12.60                      £11.60                                                                                             
  half an hour from London                                                                                               at £1,500+ VAT. Tours available
                                      Family 1 adult               £44.20                        n/a                                                                Daytime Tours                           For assistance with your booking
  Waterloo Station in zone 6                                                                                             Monday-Friday exc bank holidays.
                                                                                                                                                                    Choose from our selection of themed     requirements, email
  and can be accessed using           Family 2 adults              £69.50                        n/a
                                                                                                                                                                    tours including; Collection Access:
  a Transport for London zone                                                                                            Horses, Heritage and Feasting
  6 Travelcard or a prepaid                                                                                                                                         “Behind the Scenes”, Rooftop Views,
                                                                                                                         Every weekday from 09.00, meet the                                                 Coach parking
  Oyster Card – see                                                             Key                                                                  Glorious Gardens or Rogues to
                                                                                                                         descendants of Henry VIII’s great                                                  Coach parking is available free of
  for more information                                                                                                                                              Royals: Unruly Residents, before
                                                                                                                         shire horses before the palace opens                                               charge for 8 coaches on Hampton
                                                                                                                                                                    enjoying some refreshments in your
                                                                                                      CATERING           to the public. Meet your footmen for                                               Court Green or at a cost of £25 per
• Coach parking is free on                                                                            FACILITY                                                      own private apartment. Your
                                                                                                                         the morning and climb aboard the                                                   day on weekdays, £15 per day on
  Hampton Court Green, a 		                                                                                                                                         exclusive 3-hour experience between
                                                                                                      SHOPS              ornate carriage fit for royalty. Take in                                           weekends and Bank Holidays at
  15-minute walk from the main                                                                                                                                      10.00-17.00 is for a maximum of
                                                                                                                         the splendour of the Great Fountain                                                the coach park next to Hampton
  entrance of the palace. Coach                                                                                                                                     24 guests at £1000+VAT plus your
                                                                                                      COACH PARKS        Garden and Home Park before                                                        Court Rail Station (Prices correct
  parking is also available at                                                                                                                                      choice of breakfast, light lunch
                                                                                                                         arriving back at the palace for a spot                                             at time of going to press).
  Hampton Court Station                                                                               TOILETS:                                                      or afternoon tea. Available
                                                                                                      GENTLEMAN          of breakfast in a private apartment.
  for a charge.                                                                                                                                                     Monday-Friday with a supplement
                                                                                                                         Your personal guide will meet you                                                  Group catering
                                                                                                      TOILETS:                                                      of £1,000+VAT for weekend tours.
                                                                                                      LADIES             and take you on a choice of tour                                                   Please see pages 6 and 7 for
                                                                                                                         around the palace. Choose between a                                                catering information.
                                                                                                      T                  rooftop tour (maximum 15 guests) or
                                                                                                                         a history tour. £2,500+VAT for up to       Audio Guides
                                                                                                      OVERGROUND         20 guests.                                 Available free of charge, digital au-
                                                                                                      TRAIN LINE
                                                                                                                                                                    dio guides can be collected from the
                                                                                                                                                                    Information Centre in Base Court,
                                                                                                                                                                    providing a user friendly, modern
                                                                                                                                                                    way to explore our stunning palace.
                                                                                                                                                                    Please email groupsandtraveltrade@
                                                                                                                                                           for further information.

                                                      18                                                                                                                              19
       A palace of secret stories and public lives, Kensington Palace,
  situated in beautiful parkland in the centre of London, was designed
 as a royal residence for William III & Mary II by Sir Christopher Wren.
  More recently, it has been the official residence of Princess Margaret,
     Diana Princess of Wales, and is currently home to the Duke and
  Duchess of Cambridge and their family. A visit reveals the surprising
       stories of many of the palace’s inhabitants over the centuries.

M UST S EE ATTRACTIONS                                                       MUST SE E ATT RACT I O N S

                                                                                                                      Palace Gardens
                                                                                                                      The beautifully transformed gardens
                                                                                                                      reconnect the building with the
                                                                                                                      landscape of Kensington Gardens
                                                                                                                      providing picturesque walks and
                                                                                                                      fantastic vistas.

                                                                                                                      King’s State Apartments
                                                                                                                      Climb the magnificent King’s
                                                                                                                      Staircase where Georgian courtiers
                                                                                                                      peer down on you, marvel at the
                                                                                                                      impressively decorated rooms and
                                                                                                                      discover the fashionable world of
                                                                                                                      the curious court of George II and
                                                                                                                      Queen Caroline.

                                                                                                                      Queen’s State Apartments
                                                                                                                      Explore the small intimate rooms
                                                                               Victoria - A royal childhood           where the great tale of the Stuart
  Royal Style in the Making               Life Through A Royal Lens            In the very rooms that Queen           dynasty reaches its tragic conclusion.
  3 June 2021 – 2 January 2022            3 March – 16 October 2022            Victoria grew up in, discover a
  Set in the newly conserved              This exhibition will explore the     surprisingly playful, creative and
  historic Orangery, this exhibition      impact of Queen Victoria and         inventive child who would one day
  will explore the unique relationship    Prince Albert’s patronage of         rule over the largest empire the
  between fashion designer and            photography during its infancy       world had ever known.
  royal client. Visitors will get a       and showcases never before seen
  sneak peek into the rarefied world      private photos taken by members
  of the atelier, unpicking how some      of the Royal Family including
  of Britain’s finest designers rose to   works by fashion photographer        Victorian Tiaras
  the challenge of creating clothing      and husband to Princess              Gaze at the glittering suite of gems
  destined for the world stage.           Margaret, Lord Snowdon.              specially commissioned for Victoria
  The iconic wedding dress and                                                 by her beloved Albert. The display
  25-foot train of Diana, Princess                                             includes the magnificent diamond
  of Wales will be one of the many                                             and emerald diadem, emerald
  star items on display.                                                       necklace, earrings and brooch.

                   22                                                                            23
P LA N YOUR VISIT                                                                                                GU I D E D TO U RS A N D DAYS O U T I D EAS

Top Tips                               Recommended Visit Time                                         We suggest 2 hours
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Opening times
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  26 May - 30 May 2021
• Book your group’s timeslot          Victoria: A royal childhood        30 min      Kings State Apartments           30 min                                                                                      Wednesday-Sunday:
  online via our website to secure    Life through a royal lens          30 min      Queens State Apartments          20 min                                                                                      10:00-18:00hrs
  their admission
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  03 June – 06 June 2021
                                      Royal style in the making          30 min      Palace Gardens                   30 min                                                                                      Thursday – Sunday:
• Allow 15-20 minutes for your
  group to walk through
                                       Admission prices                                    02 June – 30 September 2021
  Kensington Gardens from the                                                                                                                                                                                     09 June - 30 September
  coach park on Bayswater Road                                                                                                                                                                                    Wednesday-Sunday:
                                                              Individual price – gate and online         Group price                                                                                              10.00-18.00hrs
  to ensure they arrive on time for
  their timed admission                Adult                               £23 .00                         £21.20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Admission by half hourly timeslot
                                       Concession                          £18.40                          £17.00                                                                                                 Last admission time slot: 16:30hrs
• For those with access                Child                                £11.50                         £10.60
  requirements please email                                                                                                                                                                                       24-26 December: Closed
                                       Family 1 adult                      £40.20                            n/a
  the Contact Centre to make                                                                                                                                                                                      Booking
  arrangements booking.confirma        Family 2 adults                     £63.20                            n/a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Book your time slot online                                                                                                                                                                                      
                                                                                                                               Give your groups an even more            Private Evening Tours                     For assistance with your booking
• Enhance your group visit                                                                                                     memorable visit by booking a             If you would prefer an evening tour,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  requirements, email
  and include refreshments                                                                                                     guided tour or private visit             groups can now experience the
  in the Pavilion. Delicious                                                                                  FACILITY                                                  delights of the palace after the doors
  brunches, lunches and afternoon                                                                                              Early Morning Tours                      close to the public. Starting at 17.00    Coach parking
  teas can be arranged for                                                                                                     Join one of our Palace Host Guides       in the winter and 18.00 in the summer,    There is a coach park north of the
  pre-booked groups                                                                                           COACH PARKS      at 09.00 for a fascinating guided        join your guide for an hour tour of the   palace on Bayswater Road. Open
                                                                                                                               tour of the State Apartments and         State Apartments and the Victoria:        24 hours, it costs £38 for up to 12
                                                                                                               UREAU DE
• Take a stroll around the palace                                                                             CHANGE           the Victoria: A royal childhood          A royal childhood exhibition              hours, 12-24 hours £48.
  grounds in the spring or summer                                                                                              exhibition an hour before the palace     after the crowds have departed. Tours
                                                                                                                               officially opens. After the tour,        are £1000+VAT for up to 10 people,        Pay and display or pay by phone.
  to view the beautiful planting                                                                              GENTLEMAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Prices correct at the time of going
                                                                                                                               discover more of the palace at           additional guests at £100 per person,
  in the Sunken Garden in its                                                                                 TOILETS:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to press. Contact Euro Carparks
                                                                                                                               leisure as it opens to the public from   maximum 60 people. Contact
  full glory.                                                                                                 LADIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  020 7563 3000.
                                                                                                                               10.00. This unique experience costs for availability.
                                                                                                                               £650 plus VAT for up to 10 guests,
                                                                                                              DISABLED                                                                                            Please allow 10-15 minutes for
                                                                                                                               thereafter £65 per person plus VAT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  groups to walk through Kensington
                                                                                                                               maximum 60 per tour.
                                                                                                              TRAIN LINE                                                                                          Gardens to the palace entrance.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  For coaches with less able
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  passengers, please contact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for closer drop off arrangements.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Group catering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Please see pages 6 and 7 for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  catering information.

                                                         24                                                                                                                                25

       Explore the royal landscape at Kew. The intimate palace brings
           to life the joys and sorrows of George III and his family.
       Discover the eating habits of the royal household in the Royal
         Kitchens and where they enjoyed family outings and tea at
        Queen Charlotte’s Cottage. Lastly the Great Pagoda, designed
       by William Chambers for the royal family in the 18th century,
         the 163ft tall building was so exotic that a suspicious public
                  were unconvinced it would remain standing.

M UST S EE ATTRACTIONS                                                                                               MUST S E E ATT RACT I O N S

                                                                                                                                                   The Great Pagoda at Kew
1                                                                                                                                                  The Great Pagoda, recently restored
                                                                                                                                                   to its 18th century grandeur, is open
                                                                                                                                                   to those brave enough to take its 253
                                                                                                                                                   steps to the top! As you climb, learn
                                                                                                                                                   why the Pagoda was built and how
                                                                                                                                                   the royal family used this unique
                                                                                                                                                   building in the 18th century. Enjoy
                                                                                                                                                   spectacular views of modern
                                                                                                                                                   London and look out for the 80
                                                                                                                                                   specially designed rooftop dragons.
                                                                                                                                                   An additional ticket is required to
                                                                                                                                                   climb to the top. Opening subject to
                                                                                                                                                   government guidelines.

                                                                                                                                                    George: The Mind Behind
                                                                                                                                                    the Myth
                                                                                                                                                    From4 June - 26 September 2021
                                                                                                                                                    2020 marked 200 years since the
                                                                                                                                                    death of George III. George grew
      Kew Palace                              Royal Kitchens                                                                                        up at Kew Palace, but later in
      Enter the intimate world of 18th        Situated in an adjacent building,                                                                     his life, it became a place of
      century royalty. Over three floors,     so as not to pollute the palace with                                                                  incarceration and torment during
      meet George III and his family in the   cooking smells, discover the                                                                          his periods of mental illness.
      very rooms they inhabited. Explore      ingredients and methods used to        Queen Charlotte’s cottage                                      Through objects and interpretation
      the Queen’s Boudoir where Queen         prepare food for the royal table.      Situated in Kew Gardens, and open                              in the palace rooms, explore
      Charlotte would spend hours at          Stroll through the kitchen garden      at weekends in the summer months,                              George III’s illness, treatment
      needlework, spinning and knotting.      where the produce is still grown       this is where the royal family enjoyed                         and public attitudes to how we
      Learn what some guests had to say       using the Georgian methods.            picnics and tea parties during long                            think and talk about mental
      about the King’s hospitality in The                                            summer walks through the gardens.                              illness today.
      King’s Dining Room and discover                                                Built as a country retreat, and not a
      Princess Elizabeth and Queen                                                   residence this is a perfect example of
      Charlotte’s bedrooms.                                                          historic royals at play, and relaxing
                                                                                     behind closed doors.

                        28                                                                                                            29
P LA N YOUR VISIT                                                                                     GU I D E D TO U RS A N D DAYS O U T I D EAS

Top Tips                             Recommended Visit Time          At least 4 hours including Kew Gardens
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Opening times
                                    Palace                          1 hr   The Great Pagoda                30 min                                                                                     Kew Palace
• Pre-book your group admission
                                                                                                                                                                                                      04 June - 26 September 2021
  time slot for Kew Palace 		       Kew Gardens                    2 hrs   Royal Kitchens and Garden       30 min                                                                                     Daily: 10.30-17.30hrs
  when booking Kew Gardens as
                                    Queen Charlotte’s cottage    30 min                                                                                                                               Last admission time slot: 17.00hrs
  the palace can get very busy
                                    (summer weekends only)                                                                                                                                            The Royal Kitchens
• Don’t forget to visit Queen                                                                                                                                                                         04 June- 26 September 2021
  Charlotte’s Cottage nestled in                                                                                                                                                                      Daily: 10.30-17.30hrs
                                     Admission prices
  the bluebell woods                                                                                                                                                                                  Last admission time slot: 17.00hrs

                                     Kew Palace, the Royal Kitchens and Queen Charlotte’s Cottage are included                                                                                        Queen Charlotte’s Cottage
• Pay a visit to the Great Pagoda
                                     during opening season in admission to Kew Gardens. Please visit                                                                                                  Weekends and Bank Holidays
  and marvel at the beautifully
                                                                                                                                                                                                      throughout the summer
  carved dragons, which return to or contact for prices and bookings.
  adorn the rooves for the first
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Last admission time slot: 15.50hrs
  time since 1784.                   The Great Pagoda
                                     4 June to 30 September and October Half Term 2021                                                                                                                The Great Pagoda
                                     Adult - £4.50, Child £3.00                                                                                                                                       04 June-26 September and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      October Half Term 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Daily: 10.30-17.30hrs
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Last admission time slot: 17.00hrs
                                                                                                                    Give your groups an even more           Palace and kitchens tours                 Kew Gardens
                                                                                                    CATERING        memorable visit by booking a            Enhance your group visit to Kew           Open daily from 10.00hrs. Please
                                                                                                                    guided tour or private visit            Palace and enjoy an intimate daytime      check for closing
                                                                                                                                                            tour that includes the palace and Royal
                                                                                                    COACH PARKS
                                                                                                                                                            Kitchens with our costumed palace         times.
                                                                                                                    Exclusive morning and evening           experts, £10 per person.
                                                                                                                    tours of Kew Palace                                                               Booking
                                                                                                                    Discover this intimate royal family                                               To pre-book your joint visit to
                                                                                                                    home that hosted both the happy                                                   Kew Gardens and Kew Palace
                                                                                                                    and sad times of King George III                                                  and Royal Kitchens contact
                                                                                                    T               and his family with one of our expert                                    or call
                                                                                                                    guides. Morning tours (09.00-10.00)                                               +44 (0) 20 8332 5648.
                                                                                                                    are £650+VAT for up to 15 people,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Coach parking
                                                                                                    TRAIN LINE      thereafter £65+VAT per person.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Please visit for
                                                                                                                    Evening tours (18.00-19.00) are
                                                                                                                                                                                                      details of pick-up and drop off or
                                                                                                     TRAIN LINE     £450+VAT for 15 people, thereafter
                                                                                                                    £30+VAT per person. Contact
                                                                                                           for availability.                                               Group catering
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Groups can arrange refreshments
                                                                                                                                                                                                      with the caterers at Kew Gardens
                                                                                                                                                                                                      by calling +44 (0) 20 8332 5186.

                                                     30                                                                                                                        31
     Hillsborough Castle and Gardens is the spectacular official
   residence of the Royal Family in Northern Ireland. Explore the
   stunningly renovated State Rooms, including the grand Throne
  Room and Red Room where key political figures and royalty alike
     have gathered, then venture outside to discover the delights
            of the 100-acre gardens, whatever the season.


                                                              The Walled Garden                       The Weston Pavilion
                                                              The Walled Garden dates to the 18th     The Weston Pavilion has all
                                                              Century and is a large, four-acre       the services you will require on
                                                              site historically used to produce       arriving or departing the attraction.
                                                              fruit, vegetables and flowers for the   Ticketing facilities, toilets, a chance
                                                              house. Restored and re-presented,       to relax in the Hillsborough Castle
                                                              explore this beautiful working and      Cafe and an opportunity to partake
                                                              productive garden, complete with        in some retail therapy in the shop.
                                                              dipping pond, crop rotations,
                                                              seasonal produce served in the café
                                                              and potting sheds. Herbaceous
                                                              borders and an apple orchard can        The Gardens
                                                              also be seen.                           Wander at leisure through the
                                                                                                      historic gardens, which were
                                                                                                      developed from the 1760’s onwards.
                                                                                                      Explore intriguing contrasts between
Castle tour                                                                                           ornate formal gardens, woodland
Discover stories of celebration,                                                                      and meadows. Keep an eye out for
entertainment, diplomacy and                                                                          specimen trees and rare plants as you
negotiation as our expert Explainers                                                                  explore the grounds.
take you on a 45-minute tour of
Hillsborough Castle’s fascinating
history and stunning State Rooms.

State Rooms
During your castle tour, you will
be introduced to all the State Rooms
that make up this elegant Georgian
home including; the grand Throne
Room, relaxing State Drawing
Room, Lady Grey’s Study, State
Dining Room, Red Room and
Staircase Hall.

                                             34                                 35
P LA N YOUR VISIT                                                                                      GU I D E D TO U RS A N D DAYS O U T I D EAS

Top Tips                             Castle Tour and Garden admission price      01 April 2021 - 28 February 2022
                                                                                                                                                                               Recommended visit time
                                                                                                                                                                               2 hours
• Book your group’s Castle tour 		                            Individual price                 Group price                                                                     Guided Castle tour
 timeslot online via our website     Adult                        £14 .20                        £13.06                                                                        45 minutes
 to secure their admission           Concession                    £11.40                        £10.49
                                                                                                                                                                               Garden visit
                                     Child                          £7.10                         £6.53                                                                        1 hour, but there’s lots to explore
• Arrive 45 minutes before your
                                     Family 1 adult                £21.30                          n/a                                                                         so stay as long as you like!
  Castle tour timeslot to ensure
  you don’t miss your tour           Family 2 adults               £35.50                          n/a
                                                                                                                                                                               Opening times
• Our new Coach Park is located      Gardens only admission                      01 April 2021 - 28 February 2022                                                              14 April – 30 May 2021
  close to the Weston Pavilion                                                                                                                                                 Wednesday – Sunday: 10.00 –
  where you’ll find toilets,                                                                                                                                                   18.00hrs – Castle admission by
                                                              Individual price                 Group price
  ticketing and a café and shop.                                                                                                                                               15 minute time slots
                                     Adult                         £9.90                          £9.20                                                                        Last admission time slot: 17.00hrs
  Ensure you allow enough time
                                     Concession                    £7.90                          £7.30                                                                        14 April – 30 May 2021
  in your itinerary for your group
  to enjoy this area too             Child                         £4.90                          £4.60                                                                        Wednesday – Sunday: 10.00 –
                                     Family 1 adult                £17.20                          n/a                                                                         18.00hrs – Castle admission by
• The Stable Yard Tea Room,                                                                                                                                                    15 minute time slots
                                     Family 2 adults               £27.10                          n/a
  located opposite the Castle                                                                                                                                                  Last admission time slot: 17.00hrs
                                                                                                                    Group bookings
  entrance, offers drinks and 		                                                                                    For assistance with your group
  snacks and is a great place to                                                                                                                                               Group bookings taken daily
                                                                                                 Key                booking requirements, email
  rest whilst awaiting your                                                                                                                                                    according to availabiltiy
  Castle tour                                                                                        CATERING
                                                                                                     FACILITY                                                                  Gardens only admission
                                                                                                                    Coach parking                                              01 April – 30 October 2021
• Just 30 minutes from Belfast or                                                                                   The coach park has direct access from
  an hour and a half from Dublin
                                                                                                     COACH PARKS                                                               Thursday – Sunday:
                                                                                                                    the A1 dual carriageway. There are 12                      10.00 – 17.00hrs
  on the main road between the                                                                       TOILETS:
                                                                                                                    coach parking spaces free of charge                        Last admission time slot: 16.00hrs
  two cities, Hillsborough is a
                                                               MAP ON
                                                                                                                    on a first come first served basis for
  convenient stop off for                                                                                           castle and garden visitors.                                31 October 2021 – 28 February 2022
                                                               TH E WAY
  your itinerary.                                                                                    LADIES
                                                                                                                                                                               Thursday – Sunday:
                                                                                                     T              Access from Weston Pavilion                                10.00 – 16.00hrs
                                                                                                                    to Castle                                                  Last admission time slot: 15.00hrs
                                                                                                                    A pleasant stroll through the gardens
                                                                                                                                                                               24-26 December: Closed
                                                                                                     TRAIN LINE     takes approximately 20 minutes from
                                                                                                                    the Weston Pavilion to the Castle
                                                                                                      TRAIN LINE    itself. For visitors who require
                                                                                                                    mobility assistance or for those who
                                                                                                                    are time restricted please contact
                                                                                                                    prior to your visit for more
                                                                                                                    information. The castle itself is fully
                                                                                                                    wheelchair accessible.

                                                       36                                                                                                        37
 This revolutionary building was created for court entertainments
  where a dazzling company of courtiers attended the exuberant
      masques and danced and drank beneath the magnificent
  Rubens-painted ceiling. But spare a thought for Charles I, who
     in 1649, was beheaded on a scaffold outside to the ‘dismal,
                   universal groan’ of the crowd.

   The Banqueting House is closed for visits in 2021 but remains
     available for private events, gala dinners and receptions.

     Banqueting House is the perfect backdrop for any event.
 Host a grand dinner and reception for up to 400 guests or impress
        your suppliers by hiring the venue for a conference.

         To enquire for your next event please contact
 for further information.

Historic Royal Palaces has even more ways for                                        Contact details
you to access regular updates and to take part                                       Buy tickets for 15 or more people
in conversations about the past, present and future                                  T: +44 (0) 333 320 6000
of our palaces, our works and your group visits                                      E:
                                                                                     Book your groups online at
Join our online communities…                                                         Find out more about the palaces
For historical insights, forthcoming events and                            
behind-the-scenes access to the palaces and the people
that tell their stories, like us on Facebook, follow us on                           Ask the Travel Trade Team
Twitter and Instagram, join our LinkedIn group or                                    T: +44 (0) 20 3166 6311
watch our videos on Youtube.                                                         E:

                                                                                     Images of the palaces

                                                                                     Souvenirs and shopping
                                                                                     T: +44 (0) 20 3166 6848

                                                                                     Corporate gifts
                                                                                     T: +44 (0) 20 3166 6857

                                                                                     Parties and events
                                                                                     T: +44 (0) 20 3166 6399

  TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                 concessionary rate, Groups of children booking         or any individual palace reserve the right to
                                                       our Education sessions and admissions should           withdraw from public access any route, room or
  Pricing validity is from 01 March 2021 to 28         be escorted by adults/seniors to the ratio of 1-6      area within a palace or its grounds without
  February 2022. Historic Royal Palaces retain the     for up to 6 years old and 1-10 for 7-16 years at all   notice. Whilst every care is exercised in the
  right to adjust prices during this period, should    palaces. Groups of children booking the standard       compilation of this manual, HRP or any individual
  circumstances dictate.                               rates should be escorted adults/seniors to the         palace cannot be held liable for any information
                                                       ratio of 1-15 for 6 years and up.                      that is inaccurate or subsequently changed.
  Payment may be made by cash, major credit cards
  (excluding Diners Card) and via the Agency           It should be noted that Historic Royal Palaces         Support materials (which are generally available
  Voucher Scheme.                                      (HRP), or any individual palace, may at any time       free of charge) such as leaflets and images are
                                                       alter the opening times and/or availability of         Crown Copyright and should only be used for the
  A child is defined as aged between 5 years and       access to any palace. In the event of palace           purpose stated and not altered in any way without
  15 years old. Children visiting the Magic Garden     closure any pre-paid groups will receive a full        express written agreement from HRP.
  over the age of 3 will be charged. Young person’s    refund of monies paid, but neither HRP nor any
  16-18 years may obtain concessionary admission.      individual palace will be liable for any               Historic Royal Palaces is a registered charity
  Senior citizens (65 and over) are admitted at the    consequential loss arising from such closure. HRP      (number 1068852)



                                              AND GARDENS
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