Groundwater flood hazards and mechanisms in lowland karst terrains
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Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 Groundwater flood hazards and mechanisms in lowland karst terrains OWEN NAUGHTON1,2*, TED MCCORMACK2, LAURENCE GILL1 & PAUL JOHNSTON1 1 Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University of Dublin Trinity College, Ireland 2 Geological Survey Ireland, Beggars Bush, Haddington Road, Dublin, Ireland *Correspondence: Abstract: The spatial and temporal complexities of flooding in karst terrains pose unique chal- lenges in flood risk management. Lowland karst landscapes can be particularly susceptible to groundwater flooding due to a combination of low aquifer storage, high diffusivity and limited or absent surface drainage. Numerous notable groundwater flood events have been recorded in the Republic of Ireland throughout the twentieth century, but flooding during the winters of 2009 and 2015 was the most severe on record, causing widespread and prolonged disruption and damage to property and infrastructure. Effective flood risk management requires an understanding of the recharge, storage and transport mechanisms governing water movement across the landscape during flood conditions. Using information gathered from recent events, the main hydrological and geo- morphological factors influencing flooding in these complex lowland karst groundwater systems are elucidated. Observed flood mechanisms included backwater flooding of sinks, high water levels in ephemerally flooded basins (turloughs), overtopping of depressions, and discharges from springs and resurgences. This paper addresses the need to improve our understanding of groundwater flood- ing in karst terrains to ensure efficient flood prevention and mitigation in the future, and thus helps to achieve the aims of the European Union Floods Directive. Gold Open Access: This article is published under the terms of the CC-BY 3.0 license. Karst landscapes present a unique set of environmen- within karst groundwater systems can rise dramati- tal and engineering challenges to planners, stake- cally during periods of intense or prolonged rainfall. holders and the scientific community. Geohazards As the subsurface storage and drainage reaches such as subsidence, sinkholes, landslides, flooding capacity, the rising water table can reach the topo- and water contamination are common in karst envi- graphic surface and produce floods (Gutiérrez et al. ronments (Santo et al. 2007; Zhou 2007; Maréchal 2014; Naughton et al. 2017). However, unlike linear et al. 2008; Worthington et al. 2012; Gutiérrez flood features such as river channels or coastlines, et al. 2014; Martinotti et al. 2017). Flooding and the manifestation of groundwater flooding may be flood risk management is a major challenge facing discontinuous and determined by the spatially vari- society in the coming decades, especially in the able hydrodynamic properties and responses within light of the increased frequency of extreme weather the karst system. The surface expression of ground- events as a result of climate change (Intergovern- water flooding may only occur during extreme mental Panel on Climate Change 2014). Effective weather events and at relatively long recurrence flood risk management requires an understanding intervals. Thus the flood frequencies traditionally of the recharge, storage and transport mechanisms used in flood risk assessment (such as 10 or 1% in operation during flood conditions. In the context annual exceedance probability) may be undefinable. of groundwater flooding within karst systems, the These inherent difficulties are explicitly acknowl- heterogeneous and anisotropic nature of water- edged within the European Union Floods Directive carrying fractures and conduits beneath the surface 2007/60/EC, whereby Member States are permitted lead to obvious problems in developing such an to limit groundwater flood hazard maps to extreme understanding (Field 1993). event scenarios only. Karst terrains are uniquely susceptible to flooding Groundwater flooding has not traditionally been from groundwater sources due to a combination of recognized as posing a significant risk and so the low storage and high diffusivity characteristics remains relatively less well understood than other of these aquifers (Parise et al. 2015). Water levels forms of flooding (Bonacci et al. 2006; Morris From: PARISE, M., GABROVSEK, F., KAUFMANN, G. & RAVBAR, N. (eds) 2018. Advances in Karst Research: Theory, Fieldwork and Applications. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 466, 397–410. First published online December 11, 2017, © 2018 Geological Survey of Ireland. Published by The Geological Society of London. Publishing disclaimer:
Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 398 O. NAUGHTON ET AL. et al. 2007). Consequently, investigations into the (10 ka to present) has also resulted in the develop- contribution of karst hydrology to surface flooding ment of a weathered epikarst zone near the bedrock are still in their infancy (Gutiérrez et al. 2014). surface, as well as active karst features, such as This has begun to change in the last decade or so, stream caves in the Burren (White 1988; Drew & driven, in part, by the introduction of the European Jones 2000; Drew 2008). Union Floods Directive and its requirement to con- The degree of karstification varies significantly sider all forms of flooding, including groundwater, across the country due to variabilities in the bedrock but primarily due to a series of groundwater-related purity, fracturing and landscape history. Karst fea- flood events across Europe – in France (Pinault tures are sparse or absent across much of the central et al. 2005; Maréchal et al. 2008), Spain (Lopez- and eastern limestones, where normal fluvial drain- Chicano et al. 2002), the UK (Hughes et al. 2011; age systems have developed with little interaction Morris et al. 2015), Croatia (Bonacci et al. 2006) with the underlying karst aquifer (Coxon 1986). By and Italy (Parise 2003). Studies of polje hydrology contrast, karst groundwater flow systems dominate and flooding are perhaps the best described in on the relatively pure, well-bedded lowland lime- the literature. stones in the west of the country (Fig. 1). These low- In the Republic of Ireland, the last decade has lands experience a western maritime climate with a seen the worst groundwater flooding in living mem- long-term average annual rainfall (1981–2010) of ory. The dramatic floods during the winters of 2009 c. 1100 mm (Walsh 2012). Recharge is principally and 2015 caused widespread damage and disruption autogenic in the form of direct (diffuse) and local to communities across the country, particularly in the point recharge; significant allogenic recharge is rela- extensive karstic limestone lowlands on the western tively uncommon (Drew 2008). One notable excep- seaboard (Naughton et al. 2017). This paper presents tion to this is the Gort Lowland catchment in south a detailed example of the phenomenon of groundwa- Galway, which receives the majority of catchment ter flooding in the lowland karst terrains of western recharge from the adjoining sandstone uplands Ireland. Using examples and insights gained during (Gill et al. 2013; McCormack et al. 2014). the recent unprecedented flood events, we describe Over 90% of Irish karst occurs in a low-lying the main hydrological and geomorphological charac- or lowland setting, typically 40% (30 000 km2) of the in this hydrogeological setting, with frequent surface or near-surface outcrop in the Republic of reversals of the hydraulic gradients. The shallow Ireland, making it the most prevalent bedrock depth to groundwater limits the buffering effect of type and primary regionally important aquifer lithol- aquifer storage during recharge events. The lack of ogy in the country (Simms 2004; Drew 2008). The vadose zone storage is mitigated by the presence main Irish limestones were formed during the Early of a well-developed epikarst, where significant Carboniferous or Dinantian (Drew et al. 1996) weathering, fracturing and dissolution of the near- when a marine transgression in the Tournaisian surface bedrock provides additional storage. None- period inundated much of the Old Red Sandstone theless, ephemeral surface flooding from ground- continent and provided the depositional environment water sources is a prevalent feature of lowland necessary for limestone formation (Guion et al. karst terrains in Ireland. 2000; Sevastopulo & Wyse Jackson 2009). The tele- During periods of high rainfall, excess recharge genetic origin of Irish limestones has resulted in little that cannot be accommodated by the subterranean primary (matrix) porosity; instead, modern ground- network of water-bearing fractures and conduits is water circulation is dominated by secondary ( joints, temporarily stored in ephemeral, geographically iso- fractures and bedding planes) and tertiary (solution- lated water bodies known as turloughs. Turloughs ally widened) porosity. Irish limestones have under- vary in size from ≤1 ha to >250 ha and more than gone karstification many times since their formation, 400 active turloughs have been documented (Sheehy with the most significant period being the Tertiary Skeffington & Gormally 2007). Turloughs are usu- (65–2 Ma) (Williams 1970; Drew 1990). Karst fea- ally located along lines of concentrated flow within tures have been documented in >80% of the lime- an aquifer and thus play a key part in lowland karst stone outcrop, indicating that karstification has hydrology (Sheehy Skeffington et al. 2006); they occurred across most, if not all, of the limestone for- act as temporary storage for local and regional mations in the country (Drew et al. 1996). More recharge in a role akin to that of temporary bank recent dissolution processes during the Holocene and floodplain storage in fluvial systems (Naughton
Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 GROUNDWATER FLOODING IN LOWLAND KARST TERRAINS 399 Fig. 1. (a) Areas of Carboniferous limestone and distribution of turloughs in the Republic of Ireland (geological data from the Geological Survey Ireland). (b) Location of groundwater flood hazard zones and site location map. et al. 2017). Turlough flooding thus bears many sim- damage and disruption to the surrounding areas. It ilarities to that which occurs within poljes in karst, in is in this context that turloughs represent the princi- that both act as a subsystem of surface and ground- pal form of recurrent, extensive groundwater flood- water flow through the karst groundwater flow sys- ing in Ireland. Historically, groundwater flooding tem (Bonacci 2013). In fact, turloughs have been has been centred on the karst limestone plains of considered to be a subtype of the polje landform. the western lowlands, principally in counties Ros- Both karst depressions display complex hydrological common, Mayo, Galway and Clare (Fig. 1). The and hydrogeological characteristics, such as periodic last decade has seen the worst groundwater flooding inundation, temporary springs, lacustrine sediment that the western limestone lowlands of Ireland have deposition, swallow holes and estevelles. As with experienced in living memory. turloughs, the flooding within poljes can be severe and pose a significant flood hazard to surrounding properties and infrastructure (Mijatovic 1988; Kova- Groundwater flood events of 2009–10 cic & Ravbar 2010). and 2015–16 During typical winter rainfall levels, flooding is confined within the basin and acts as an environmen- The winters of 2009–10 and 2015–16 were excep- tal supporting condition for the wetland floral and tionally wet seasons across the Republic of Ireland. faunal species that have colonized the turlough hab- Although both winters represent extreme meteoro- itat (Sheehy Skeffington et al. 2006; Moran et al. logical events, they differed in the intensity and 2008a; Porst et al. 2012). During extreme and/or duration over which rainfall persisted. The heavy prolonged rainfall, floodwaters within the basins rainfall events of 2009 were caused by a series of can reach extreme levels and cause widespread deep, fast-moving Atlantic depressions crossing
Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 400 O. NAUGHTON ET AL. the country during November. Over twice the long- region. The sustained nature of the flooding, lasting term average amounts of rainfall were recorded at for more than three months in some cases, caused stations across Ireland, making November 2009 prolonged hardship to rural communities, who the wettest on record (Walsh 2010; McCarthy struggled to prevent the inundation of homes and et al. 2016). By contrast, the winter of 2015–16 workplaces amid unparalleled disruption to trans- saw more persistent wet weather. A succession of port networks. The flooding of large tracts of agri- storm fronts moved across Ireland from November cultural land severely affected agricultural activity to February, bringing with them exceptional rainfall and posed a serious welfare risk to livestock, accumulations across much of the country (McCar- while anoxic soil conditions due to prolonged sub- thy et al. 2016). Between December and February, a mergence damaged hundreds of hectares of valuable total of >600 mm (189% of the long-term average) pasture land. An idea of the scale of flooding is fell across the island of Ireland, making it the wet- given in Figure 2, which shows the extent of floods test winter on record in a rainfall time series stretch- for south Co. Galway during the winter of 2015–16 ing back to 1850 (McCarthy et al. 2016; Noone derived from field and satellite synthetic aperture et al. 2016). December 2015 was also the wettest radar measurements. This region is effectively of any month on record in Ireland, with five stations devoid of permanent surface water. The flooded exceeding the previous Irish record for the highest extents shown, encompassing an area >38 km2, monthly rainfall total (McCarthy et al. 2016). are primarily associated with flooding of the karstic The unprecedented rainfall events during the groundwater system. Further widespread flooding winters of 2009–10 and 2015–16 caused wide- was also reported in counties Roscommon and spread damage and disruption to residential houses, Mayo, with more localized events in Clare, Long- businesses, infrastructure and agriculture across the ford and Westmeath. Fig. 2. Groundwater flood extent map for 2015–16 flooding in the Gort Lowlands, Co. Galway, Ireland (derived from field measurements and SAR imagery courtesy of Copernicus Emergency Management Service).
Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 GROUNDWATER FLOODING IN LOWLAND KARST TERRAINS 401 Groundwater flood response between systems, reflecting heterogeneities in the extent of karstification, hydraulic connectivity and Of these two exceptional winters, it was 2015–16 aquifer storage. This variability gives rise to a spec- which generally saw the highest groundwater levels trum of flooding regimes within turloughs, ranging and most widespread flooding. Although some of from short duration flooding in basins with a rapid the difference can be accounted for by regional response to rainfall events, to long duration flooding variations in rainfall, the duration (or persistence) in response to longer term precipitation patterns of heavy rainfall was the primary cause. The crucial (Naughton et al. 2012). durations governing groundwater flooding can vary An example of the variability in water level dramatically depending on the hydraulic properties response during flood conditions is demonstrated and structure of the aquifer system, with response in Figure 4, which shows normalized water level times ranging from minutes and hours up to multi- hydrographs (relative to their peak level) for three annual timescales (Maréchal et al. 2008; De Waele turloughs in south Co. Galway during the 2009 et al. 2010; Hughes et al. 2011). In the case of flood event. Substantial differences are evident in lowland karst groundwater flow systems in Ireland, hydrograph shape and the timing of peak flood surface flooding is strongly related to the cumulative levels, despite comparable inputs of rainfall. The rainfall typically measured in weeks to months flood maximum in Blackrock turlough occurred on (Moran et al. 2008b; Naughton et al. 2012). Figure 3 26 November 2009, about three weeks after the shows the maximum rainfall depths for a range of onset of flooding within the basin. Over this period, durations from the Irish Meteorological Service the floodwaters reached depths of up to 18 m, repre- (Met Eireann) rainfall station in Gort, south Galway. senting a flood volume of >15.6 × 106 m3, which Both winters showed rainfall totals significantly included a 2.9 × 106 m3 increase over a single day. above the median (1981–2010) for the area. For Blackrock turlough has an extensive allogenic shorter durations (
Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 402 O. NAUGHTON ET AL. Fig. 4. Rainfall record from Gort rainfall station and normalized water level hydrographs for Blackrock, Caranavoodaun and Termon South turloughs, Co. Galway. later in the flooding season, on 6 January 2010. data, aerial photography, satellite imagery, historical The heavy rainfall of November 2009 contributed land maps, technical reports, local authority road clo- significantly to the stored floodwaters within Ter- sure notices, local accounts and media sources. What mon, but the slow drainage characteristics of the became apparent during the study was that although underlying groundwater flow system meant that the primary form of extensive, recurrent ground- peak levels occurred much later in the season after water flooding in Ireland originates in turloughs, further rainfall. The flood maximum in Termon a range of mechanisms beyond simple turlough turlough is thus a function of a rainfall duration flooding play a key part during extreme groundwater measured in months rather than the weeks of Black- flood events. rock turlough. From experience in the Chalk aquifers of south- ern England, Robins & Finch (2012) proposed two distinct types of groundwater flood event: ground- Groundwater flooding mechanisms water flooding and groundwater-induced flooding. The former is considered as a true groundwater In response to the flooding in 2009 and 2015, we car- flood in which the water table rises above the ground ried out a series of studies for key locations identified elevation, whereas a groundwater-induced flood by the Office of Public Works and local authorities as occurs when intense groundwater discharge via potentially affected by groundwater flooding. The springs and highly permeable shallow horizons dis- objective was to assess the extent, nature and mech- charges to the surface water, causing overbank flood- anisms of flooding, whether a significant flood risk ing (Robins & Finch 2012). A similar division is existed and whether groundwater was the key con- proposed here for lowland karst groundwater sys- tributor to that risk. Consistent long-term data on tems, wherein flood mechanisms can be broadly groundwater flooding in Ireland do not exist and divided into those where the damage mechanism is information was therefore derived from diverse primarily due to either hydrostatic action or hydrody- sources, including field measurements, hydrometric namic action. The principal mechanisms identified
Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 GROUNDWATER FLOODING IN LOWLAND KARST TERRAINS 403 Table 1. Groundwater flooding mechanisms in lowland karst groundwater systems in Ireland Type Damage Description Turlough flooding Hydrostatic Turlough floodwaters rise to extreme levels and pose a flood risk to the surrounding area Backwater flooding Hydrostatic Point recharge (sinking streams/rivers) exceeds the groundwater drainage capacity, causing inundation of the sink itself and backwater flooding upstream Overtopping of sinks/ Hydrodynamic Ephemeral overland flow due to overtopping of flooded basins depressions Discharge from springs Hydrodynamic (a) Groundwater springs and risings at the periphery of and resurgences upland areas exceed normal discharge levels, causing flooding around and downstream of the resurgence (b) Shallow lateral flow paths are activated within the epikarst by high groundwater levels, triggering ephemeral springs and flooding of adjacent depressions are given in Table 1 and Figure 5 and represent the Turlough flooding type examples of how groundwater flooding mani- fests in Irish lowland karst catchments. The main Turloughs represent the principal form of recurrent, damage mechanism in turlough and backwater extensive groundwater flooding in Ireland. Dozens flooding of sinks is by hydrostatic action, whereby of examples of flooding around turlough basins elevated water levels with low or negligible water were identified across the western lowlands (e.g. velocities pose a risk to surrounding receptors. Fig. 2). Although the numbers of receptors affected Mechanisms where hydrodynamic action (flowing at any one site were relatively low, cumulatively tur- water) posed a risk included ephemeral overland lough flooding caused extensive damage and disrup- flow due to the overtopping of flooded depressions, tion to communities across the region. For example, and excess discharge from permanent/transient Rahasane turlough, in the Dunkellin River catch- springs and resurgences. ment, Co. Galway, flooded 12 houses along its Fig. 5. Groundwater flood mechanisms in lowland karst groundwater flow systems: (a) turlough/backwater flooding of sinks; (b) overtopping of basins and sinks; (c) discharge from spring and resurgences at the periphery of upland areas; and (d) lateral flow through shallow epikarst pathways.
Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 404 O. NAUGHTON ET AL. banks during the November 2009 event. Flooding at direct transfer of water between them without first Labane turlough, Co. Galway, forced the closure of passing through the main water body. The turlough the N18 road between Galway City and Limerick basin effectively acts as a sink, receiving recharge City for more than two months. Further north at from the surrounding vadose zone, shallow ground- Lough Funshinagh, Co. Roscommon, floodwaters water systems and/or point recharge. In the case of a in 2015–16 were the highest in living memory, cov- purely distributed through-flow system, drainage ering an area of 4.6 km2 with a peak volume of >16 × occurs via a distributed network of shallow fractures 106 m3. Lough Funshinagh was notable due to the and conduits (Fig. 6a). Through-flow systems can length of time the floodwaters persisted, with water also consist of point recharge and discharge levels falling at a rate of only a few centimetres per (Fig. 6b), but groundwater flow within the system week. Flood levels remained high throughout 2016 elements is unidirectional. In a surcharged tank and were still above the previous record flood system (Fig. 6c), the main recharge and discharge (from 2009 to 2010) a full six months after the peak. processes do not occur simultaneously. Instead, the The nature of flooding, in terms of timing, extent water budget is controlled by a bidirectional flow and duration, varied substantially, both locally and system located at or near the turlough base, with regionally, in line with the spectrum of flooding the turlough acting as overflow storage for the under- regimes and modus operandi characteristic of tur- lying conduit network. Under this scenario there is loughs (Naughton et al. 2012). This may in some no significant discharge from the turlough during fill- part be due to their polygenetic origins and the com- ing periods. During recession periods recharge is still plex landscape history of Irish limestones. Turloughs derived from the local (proximal) shallow ground- were originally considered as hollows in glacial drift water systems, but not from the distal catchment with underlying karst drainage systems (Williams (Naughton et al. 2012). 1964). However, Drew (1973) asserted that tur- Understanding the nature of a turlough’s hydro- loughs invariably lie in bedrock hollows and were logical budget is crucial if active flood management solutional features requiring a far longer period to measures are to deliver the intended outcomes. For develop than has passed since the last glaciation. example, the construction of surface drainage is Coxon & Coxon (1994) suggested that turloughs often the first alleviation option considered after a are polygenetic, with glacial deposition influencing flood event. A key element of drainage design is an their morphology, but solutional rather than glacial estimate of the required channel conveyance capac- processes being the determining factor in turlough ity. In the case of a through-flow system, a reason- formation. The lines of high permeability associated able basis for such a calculation would be the net with turloughs may thus represent the re-use of volume changes within the basin during a represen- remnants of karst drainage systems created during tative flood season. However, this is not the case Tertiary dissolution, but subsequently partially for a surcharged tank system. Artificially lowering blocked by glacial drift, rather than post-glacial dis- the hydraulic head would increase the gradient into solution pathways. Coxon & Drew (1986) suggested the basin, as the water budget is controlled by the three models to explain turlough origin and the pres- head difference between the turlough and the under- ence of the high permeability zones required for tur- lying groundwater system. The extra conveyance lough formation: (1) glacial hollows with flow paths capacity provided by the channel would thus be at developed post-glacially; (2) glacial hollows that least partially offset against increased recharge from developed along the line of existing pre-glacial the distal catchment. Although the effective catch- flow routes; and (3) pre-glacial karst features with ment area required to provide sufficient recharge to associated flow paths modified by glaciation. flood a turlough basin may be relatively modest if The hydrological budget of turloughs can be operating as a through-flow system, of the order of described using two general conceptual models: a few square kilometres, the catchment from which through-flow systems and surcharged tank systems floodwaters can potentially be derived can be orders (Naughton et al. 2012). Rainfall onto, and evapora- of magnitude greater in surcharge tank systems. In tion from, the water body is common across all mod- this case, the capacity of the drain/culvert may els, as well as surface runoff from the surrounding need to be significantly greater than that in a through- slopes. Surface evaporation is generally of minor flow turlough of comparable size. importance to the water budget due to the seasonality The excavation and clearance of swallow holes is of turlough flooding because it typically occurs dur- often cited as a potential solution to turlough flood- ing the winter months. Direct precipitation and run- ing. Although this may improve drainage in some off can be significant, particularly in shallow, flat circumstances, the drainage rate is often not limited basins, but under flood conditions groundwater by localized constrictions at the inlet, but by the flow is the dominant hydrological process. capacity of the underlying groundwater flow system. In through-flow systems the recharge and dis- In the case of surcharged tank systems, any surface charge processes work in partial isolation, with no modification of the estevelle is unlikely to reduce
Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 GROUNDWATER FLOODING IN LOWLAND KARST TERRAINS 405 Fig. 6. Conceptual diagrams representing possible turlough water budgets: (a) distributed through-flow; (b) through-flow with distributed/point recharge and point discharge; and (c) surcharged tank. flooding because it serves as both the entry and exit flood attenuation devices within lowland karst points for floodwaters. In through-flow systems the systems means that the reduction of flood risk in rate of drainage is dependent on the flow capacity one turlough is likely to be at the expense of raising and the relative hydraulic head within the turlough it in another, so a solid understanding of both site and and receiving groundwater system. If this gradient catchment hydrodynamics is key. is sufficiently small, as is often the case during flood conditions, outflow may cease altogether and Backwater flooding of sinks so any perceived improvement in drainage due to swallow hole enlargement is unlikely to improve Backwater flooding occurs when excess point the situation. Moreover, the role of turloughs as recharge (sinking streams or rivers) causes the
Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 406 O. NAUGHTON ET AL. inundation of dolines or sinks capable of accommo- (Fig. 5b). When overtopping occurs, ephemeral dating recharge under normal conditions (Fig. 5a). overland flow routes develop, bypassing the ground- This mode is analogous to the recharge-related sink- water flow systems normally governing water move- hole flooding described by Zhou (2007), whereby ment through the catchment. It thus differs from flooding occurs when the capacity of the sinkhole turlough and sink flooding in that the damage mech- is not sufficient to transfer storm water runoff into anism is hydrodynamic and relates to floodwaters the subsurface. The damage mechanism in back- moving across the landscape. This flood mechanism water flooding is principally hydrostatic, but such bears some similarity to the karst flash floods cases clearly have a strong fluvial component given described by Bonacci et al. (2006), whereby over- their dependence on the discharge of the influent sur- land flow plays the dominant part in flood formation face water. Backwater flooding is common across and inter-basin overflow and/or redistribution of the the Irish karst lowlands, but in the clear majority of catchment areas occurs due to rising groundwater. cases it is related to small autogenic streams with However, where flash flooding is typically in low baseflow discharges and so does not pose a response to short (minutes to hours), high-intensity significant flood risk. Historically, large-scale back- storms, the crucial recharge duration for the equiva- water flooding in karst areas would have been rela- lent in lowland karst can be measured in weeks to tively common. However, many areas formerly months. This is due to the significant surface storage characterized by internal drainage have been sys- present within the gently undulating topography and tematically modified by arterial drainage schemes low relief characteristic of the lowland landscape. built during the late nineteenth and early twentieth The delayed build-up of waters makes this mech- centuries (Drew & Coxon 1988). For example, the anism easier to foresee than flash flooding, but that is 1000 km2 Clare River catchment in north Co. Gal- not to say that it is easily preventable or managed. way originally discharged underground via a series For example, a build-up of floodwaters around Kil- of large sinks, turloughs and springs. Subsequent tartan, south Co. Galway in 2009 caused overtopping construction and channelization of the Clare River of the N18 National Road with transient flow rates of altered the natural karstic groundwater system and >30 m3 s−1 (Fig. 7), forcing the closure of the high- it is surface water, rather than groundwater, that is way and a nearby railway line for more than two now the controlling factor in present day flooding. weeks. Another example of overtopping occurred One catchment where the karst system has during the floods of 2015–16 further west in the remained effectively unmodified is in the Gort Low- Gort catchment at Caherglassaun turlough. Flooding lands, south Co. Galway, and here backwater flood- within the turlough reached record depths of 14.6 m, ing persists as a significant flood risk. The 500 km2 causing overland discharge of >5 m3 s−1 northwards catchment is divided into sandstone uplands to the towards Cahermore, damaging properties along the east and a lowland limestone plain to the west. Back- flow route and around Cahermore turlough. water flooding occurs where point allogenic recharge from the sandstone uplands, in the form of three Discharge from springs and resurgences rivers, discharges onto the limestone lowlands and sinks underground. The mean flows in the rivers Flooding in lowland karst aquifers can also be range between 1.2 and 3 m3 s−1, but discharges can caused by high discharges of groundwater, via reach >40 m3 s−1 during flood conditions, causing springs and resurgences, during which time the widespread flooding upstream and inundating hun- hydrodynamic force of the floodwater is the main dreds of hectares in the process (McCormack & cause of damage. This flood mechanism can be con- Naughton 2016). Backwater flooding also occurs sidered as groundwater-induced, in that flooding on the limestone plain due to the intermittent rising occurs due to intense groundwater discharge via and sinking of discharges from the well-developed springs or shallow, highly permeable horizons conduit network. Backwater flooding at one such within the epikarst (Robins & Finch 2012). In low- sink in Kiltartan in 2009 incurred an estimated cost land karstic systems, a distinction can be made of €540 000 to the local communities (Jennings between two discharge scenarios: (1) groundwater O’Donovan & Partners 2011) and comparable dam- springs and risings on the periphery of upland age was caused again during the winter of 2015–16. areas exceeding normal discharge levels and causing flooding around and downstream of the resurgence Overtopping of basins and sinks (Fig. 5c); and (2) shallow flow paths within the epikarst zone are activated by high groundwater lev- This flood mechanism is intrinsically linked to flood- els, triggering ephemeral springs and flooding of ing within turlough and sink depressions because it adjacent depressions (Fig. 5d). occurs when floodwaters build up in surface depres- The first scenario occurs where the lowland karst sions to such an extent that the level exceeds landscape is characterized by flat and undulating and overtops the surrounding topographic divide plains separated by isolated areas of higher ground,
Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 GROUNDWATER FLOODING IN LOWLAND KARST TERRAINS 407 Fig. 7. Overflow across the N18 National Road, Kiltartan, Co. Galway (image provided by Galway County Council). such as can be found in Co. Roscommon and north 2004). Under normal hydrological conditions this Co. Galway. Here the recharge zones are located enhanced permeability plays an important part in on topographic plateaus, which typically have thin regulating recharge to the phreatic zone by concen- or absent subsoil, have a high density of recharge trating diffuse recharge towards areas of high vertical landforms and a well-developed epikarst zone permeability. However, when phreatic groundwater (Hickey 2010). Infiltration is transmitted through a levels rise sufficiently high, these pathways can well-developed epikarst system to springs located transfer substantial lateral flows, giving rise to at the periphery of the upland areas, where ground- ephemeral springs and seeps in adjacent topographic water is discharged via a combination of perennial depressions previously unaffected by flooding. This and/or overflow springs. During periods of intense mechanism contributed to the flooding in Carnmore, recharge, discharge from these peripheral springs Co. Galway in November 2009, when a series of can pose a significant flood risk. Excess spring dis- temporary springs activated in response to high charge was the primary cause of groundwater flood- water levels in an adjacent turlough. Discharge ing in Four Roads, Co. Galway, during November from epikarst springs caused the flooding of four 2009. Springs discharging from the base of an adja- houses, with a further seven houses and two business cent karst plateau caused localized flooding around premises at high risk. There was also a significant and downstream of the resurgence, inundating six hydrostatic element due to the ponding of spring dis- houses and a community centre, as well as causing charge, further highlighting that flooding in lowland the prolonged closure of roads and limiting access karst groundwater systems is often the result of mul- to the local school. tiple mechanisms acting in combination. The second scenario arises when elevated groundwater levels cause significant lateral flow through the uppermost weathered zone of the bed- Conclusions rock, the epikarst. Karst aquifers can have substan- tially enhanced and homogeneously distributed Lowland karst groundwater systems represent a porosity and permeability in the epikarst (Klimchouk challenging environment from a flood risk
Downloaded from by guest on November 22, 2021 408 O. NAUGHTON ET AL. management perspective. The diversity of flood BONACCI, O., LJUBENKOV, I. & ROJE-BONACCI, T. 2006. mechanisms identified in lowland karst terrains rein- Karst flash floods: an example from the Dinaric karst forces the need to develop a greater understanding (Croatia). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, of the complex hydrological and hydrogeological 6, 195–203. COXON, C.E. 1986. A study of the hydrology and geomor- processes in operation during flood conditions. phology of turloughs. PhD thesis, Trinity College Although an important evidence base has been col- Dublin. lated on groundwater flooding from recent extreme COXON, C.E. & COXON, P. 1994. Carbonate deposition in events, significant gaps remain in our knowledge. turloughs (seasonal lakes) on the western limestone The first and most pressing is the lack of hydro- lowlands of Ireland. II: The sedimentary record. 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