GRIZZLY COURSE REGISTRATION 2021-2022 - Wadsworth ...

Page created by Debra Hammond

Use this information to make good decisions for completion of your diploma
requirements and preparation for your future.

Please access the Curriculum Guide and Scheduling presentations on the
Guidance Webpage.

The Ohio Department of Education website provides the most current
graduation requirements for each grade:
                           See the following website for more details:

                     DIPLOMA                                                  DIPLOMA (cont.)

21 Credits

     Subject                             Credits            *Math must include 1 unit of Algebra II or the
   English                                  4               Equivalent of Algebra II.
   *Math                                    4
   **Science                                3               **Science units must include 1 unit of biological
   ***Social Studies                        2                Sciences and 1 unit of physical science.
   Government                               ½
   Economics                                ½               ***Social Studies units must include ½ unit of World
   Health                                   ½               History, ½ unit of American History, ½ unit of American
   ****Physical Education                   ½               Government, and ½ unit of Economics for three credits.
   Technology                               ½
   ******Electives                          5½              ****Students using PE Exemption must take
                                                            additional ½ credit elective.
 10 Community Service Hours (Senior Year).
                                                            *****5 ½ Elective units must include one or any
 Take 7 end-of-course exams: Algebra I,                    combination of World Language, +Fine Arts,
  Geometry, Biology, American History,                      Business, Career-Technical Education, Family &
  American Government, English I and                        Consumer Sciences, and Technology OR English,
  English II.                                               Math, Science, and Social Studies courses not
                                                            otherwise required.
 Meet one of the following three:
  1. Earn a cumulative passing score of 18 pts. on          +One unit of elective must be a Fine Art.
     seven end-of-course exams. (Minimum of 4 pts. in       (Students following a career-technical pathway
     Math; 4 pts. in English; 6 pts. across Science &       are exempted from Fine Arts requirement.)
     Social Studies.)
 2. Earn a remediation-free score on a nationally
     recognized college admission exam such as ACT
     or SAT. The State of Ohio will pay for all 11th
     grade students in the Class of 2018 and beyond         Students in the class of 2022 may use
     to take the exam free of charge.                       these old requirements to qualify for graduation
 3. Students earn 12 points through a State Board of        or follow the newly developed requirements for
     Education-approved, industry-recognized                the class of 2023.
     credential or a state-issued license for practice in
     a career and achieve a workforce readiness score
     on the Work Keys assessment.
WHS DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS – Class of 2023 & Beyond
                        Class of 2022 may also use this option
                       See the following website for more details:

                    DIPLOMA                                                DIPLOMA (cont.)

21 Credits

      Subject                             Credits        *Math must include 1 unit of Algebra II or the
    English                                  4           Equivalent of Algebra II.
    *Math                                    4
    **Science                                3           **Science units must include 1 unit of biological
    ***Social Studies                        2            Sciences and 1 unit of physical science.
    Government                               ½
    Economics                                ½           ***Social Studies units must include ½ unit of World
    Health                                   ½           History, ½ unit of American History, ½ unit of American
    ****Physical Education                   ½           Government, and ½ unit of Economics for three credits.
    *****Technology (or Business for 2025+) ½
    ******Electives                          5½          ****Students using PE Exemption must take
                                                         additional ½ credit elective.
 10 Community Service Hours (Senior Year).
                                                         *****Students in the Class of 2025 and beyond are
 Earn a passing score on Algebra I and                  Required to complete ½ credit of Technology or Business
  English II EOC tests (score TBD)
                                                         ******5 ½ Elective units must include one or any
 Earn two of the following diploma seals.               combination of World Language, +Fine Arts,
  One of the two must be Ohio-designed.                  Business, Career-Technical Education, Family &
          o Ohio MeansJobs Readiness Seal (Ohio)         Consumer Sciences, and Technology OR English,
          o Industry Recognized Credential Seal (Ohio)   Math, Science, and Social Studies courses not
          o College- Ready Seal- ACT scores (Ohio)       otherwise required.
          o Military Enlistment Seal (Ohio)
          o Citizenship Seal – AH and Gov EOCs (Ohio)    +One unit of elective must be a Fine Art.
          o Science Seal – Bio EOC (Ohio)                (Students following a career-technical pathway
          o Honors Diploma Seal (Ohio)                   are exempted from Fine Arts requirement.)
          o Seal of Biliteracy (Ohio)
          o Technology Seal (Ohio)
          o Community Service Seal (Local)
          o Fine and Performing Arts Seal (Local)
          o Student Engagement Seal (Local)
For more details and explanation of the diploma seals,   Students who do not meet the passing score on the
visit the ODE site:                                      EOC testing will be given remediation and retest. If   still short, counselors will work on additional ways to
Graduation-Requirements/Graduation-2021-and-             demonstrate competency (Career Focused Activities,
                                                         Military Enlistment or College Credit Courses).
Graduation Plan for __________________________                  Naviance Login/student ID #___________

Subject                        grade   Classes (click here for        Credits                    EOC passing= 3 or 684
                                       curriculum guide)              earned

English (4)                    ___     _________________________      _____     Algebra                       ELA 2
                               ___     _________________________      _____
                               ___     _________________________      _____     ▢ Passed                      ▢ Passed
                               ___     _________________________      _____
                               ___     _________________________      _____

Math (4)                       ___     _________________________      _____     Diploma Seals - Class of 2023
                               ___     _________________________      _____     Need 2, only one can be local
                               ___     _________________________      _____     *senior volunteer hours satisfies Community Service Seal
                               ___     _________________________      _____
                               ___     _________________________      _____
                                                                                ❏   Science Seal (3+ Bio EOC)
                                                                                ❏   Citizenship Seal (3+ History/Gov EOC)
Science (3)                    ___     _________________________      _____
                               ___     _________________________      _____     ❏   College Readiness Seal (ACT/SAT)
                               ___     _________________________      _____     ❏   Honors Diploma Seal
                               ___     _________________________      _____     ❏   Seal of Biliteracy
                               ___     _________________________      _____     ❏   Technology Seal
                                                                                ❏   Military Enlistment Seal
Social Studies (3)             ___     _________________________      _____     ❏   Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal
                               ___     _________________________      _____     ❏   Industry-Recognized Credential Seal
                               ___     _________________________      _____     ❏   Community Service Seal (10 hours local)
                               ___     _______________________        _____
                                                                                ❏   Fine and Performing Arts Seal (local)
                               ___     _______________________        _____
                                                                                ❏   Student Engagement (WHS clubs- local)
Fine Art (1)                   ___     _______________________        _____
                               ___     _______________________        _____     Notes/Plans:

Health (.5)                                                           _____     ____________________________________________
                               __      ___________________
PE/Waiver (.5 or 2             ____    _______________________        _____     _______________________________________
seasons)                       __      _______________________        _____

Electives (5)                  ___     _________________________      ______    Honors Diplomas (Click for Requirements)
                               ___     _________________________      ______    (27 ACT, 3.5 GPA, World Language)
                               ___     _________________________      ______
                               ___     _________________________      ______        ❏      Academic
                               ___     _________________________      ______        ❏      Career Tech
                               ___     _________________________      ______        ❏      STEM
                               ___     _________________________      ______
                               ___     _________________________      ______
                                                                                    ❏      Arts
Bus/Tech (.5)                                                                       ❏      Social Sci. & Civic Engineering
                               ___     _________________________      ______

World Language                 ___     _________________________      _____     ACT Composite ____            Student Recognition
(Colleges may want 2+ years)   ___     _________________________      _____
Counts toward electives        ___     _________________________      _____     English ____                  ❏ Summa 4.0+
                               ___     _________________________      _____     Math _____                    ❏ Magna 3.7-3.99
                                                                                Reading _____
                                                                                                              ❏ Cum Laude 3.4-3.69
Total                          21+                                    _____
                                                                                SAT __________

 NCAA- 16 Core Courses required for Div. 1 and Div. 2 See requirements here.
 CCP- Click here for eligibility and requirements.
 Career Technical - Four Cities Compact programs available for 11th & 12th grade
 Naviance Career Assessments
                          (Earn two of the following diploma seals)

Diploma Seals- One must be Ohio
                                                                Seal Requirements                         Earned
                                             Meet requirements for readiness seal, including
Ohio MeansJobs Readiness Seal (Ohio)         demonstration of work-readiness and professional
                                             Earn approved industry-recognized credential defined by state
Industry Recognized Credential Seal (Ohio)
                                             of Ohio
                                             Earn remediation free scores on the ACT or SAT. Current
College - Ready Seal (Ohio)
                                             remediation free scores 22 Math, 22 Reading, 18 English
                                             Provide evidence that student has enlisted in a branch of
Military Enlistment Seal (Ohio)
                                             the U.S. Armed Forces.
                                             Proficient scores on both American history and government
Citizenship Seal (Ohio)
                                             EOC exams, Proficient AP score, CCP grade
                                             Proficient score on the bio EOC, Proficient AP score, CCP
Science Seal (Ohio)
Honors Diploma Seal (Ohio)                   Earn one of five Honors diplomas outlined above or online
                                             Meet the requirements and criteria, including proficiency
Seal of Biliteracy (Ohio)                    requirements on assessments in a World Language and
Technology Seal (Ohio)                       CCP tech course, Proficient AP score on approved course
                                             a) Complete 10 hours of community service during
                                             Junior/Senior Year b) Service Hours need to be in
Community Service Seal (Local)               Wadsworth or benefit the Wadsworth Community
                                             c) Service Hours are done in a Non-Profit Organization or
                                             Pre-Approved by the High School Administration
                                             a) Student will successfully complete 3 art classes at
                                             WHS grade of C or above. OR b) Student will
Fine and Performing Arts Seal (Local)        successfully complete 2 years of Choir or Band with a
                                             grade of C or above. OR c) Student will participate in 3
                                             drama performances.
                                             Student will successfully complete 3 seasons of an extra-
                                             curricular activity. In order to successfully complete the
Student Engagement Seal (Local)
                                             season they must meet all requirements of the activity
                                             and have the advisor sign off on the activity.
Honors Diploma Criteria
Students must meet all but one of the criteria to qualify for an Honors Diploma, and any one of the criteria may be the one that
is not met. Dropping a course may impact your plans. See counselors with questions.
Criterion                                 Academic Honors Diploma                        Career Tech Honors Diploma
English                          4 credits                                        4 credits
Math                             4 credits, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II,      4 credits, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II,
                                 and one other higher level course                and one other higher level course
Science                          4 credits, including two units of advanced       4 credits, including two units of advanced
                                 science**                                        science**
Social Studies                   4 credits                                        4 credits
World Languages                  3 credits of one world language, or no less      2 credits of one world language studied
                                 than 2 credits of each of two world languages
Fine Arts                        1 unit                                           N/A
Electives                        N/A                                              4 credits of Career-Technical minimum
GPA                              3.5 on a 4.0 scale                               3.5 on a 4.0 scale
ACT/SAT/WorkKeys                 27 ACT/1280 SAT                                  27 ACT/1280 SAT/WorkKeys (6 Reading for
                                                                                  Information & 6 Applied Mathematics)
Field Experience                 N/A                                              Complete a field experience and document
                                                                                  the experience in a portfolio specific to the
                                                                                  student’s area of focus
Portfolio                        N/A                                              Develop a comprehensive portfolio of work
                                                                                  based on the student’s field experience or a
                                                                                  topic related to the student’s area of focus
                                                                                  that is reviewed and validated by external
Additional Assessment            N/A                                              Earn an industry-recognized credential or
                                                                                  achieve proficiency benchmark for
                                                                                  appropriate Ohio Career/Technical
                                                                                  Competency Assessment or equivalent
Honors Diploma options for STEM, Arts, or Social Science & Civic Engagement.
Students must meet all but one of the criteria to qualify for an Honors Diploma, and any one of the criteria may be the one that
is not met. Refer to Ohio Department of Education website: search Honors Diploma for latest criteria.

Criterion                    STEM Honors Diploma                  Arts Honors Diploma               Social Science & Civic
                                                                     (includes dance,            Engagement Honors Diploma
                                                               drama/theatre, music, and
                                                                         visual art)
English                  4 credits                           4 credits                           4 credits
Math                     5 credits, Algebra I, Geometry,     4 credits, Algebra I, Geometry,     4 credits, Algebra I, Geometry,
                         Algebra II, and one other higher    Algebra II, and one other higher    Algebra II, and one other higher
                         level course                        level course                        level course
Science                  5 credits, including two units of   3 credits, including 1 units of     3 credits, including two units of
                         advanced science**                  advanced science                    advanced science
Social Studies           3 credits                           3 credits                           5 credits
World Languages          3 credits of one world language,    3 credits of one world language,    3 credits of one world language,
                         or no less than 2 credits of each   or no less than 2 credits of each   or no less than 2 credits of each
                         of two world languages studied      of two world languages studied      of two world languages studied
Fine Arts                1 unit                              4 units                             1 unit
Electives                2 credits with a focus in STEM      2 credits with a focus in fine      3 credits with a focus in social
                         courses                             arts course work                    sciences and/or civics
GPA                      3.5 on a 4.0 scale                  3.5 on a 4.0 scale                  3.5 on a 4.0 scale
ACT/SAT/WorkKeys         27 ACT/1280 SAT                     27 ACT/1280 SAT                     27 ACT/1280 SAT
Field Experience         Complete a field experience and     Complete a field experience and     Complete a field experience and
                         document the experience in a        document the experience in a        document the experience in a
                         portfolio specific to the           portfolio specific to the           portfolio specific to the
                         student’s area of focus             student’s area of focus             student’s area of focus
                         **                                  **                                  **
Portfolio                Develop a comprehensive             Develop a comprehensive             Develop a comprehensive
                         portfolio of work based on the      portfolio of work based on the      portfolio of work based on the
                         student’s field experience or a     student’s field experience or a     student’s field experience or a
                         topic related to the student’s      topic related to the student’s      topic related to the student’s
                         area of focus that is reviewed      area of focus that is reviewed      area of focus that is reviewed
                         and validated by external           and validated by external           and validated by external
                         experts**                           experts                             experts
                                                             **                                  **
Additional               N/A                                 N/A                                 N/A
                         *the 5th math and science credit    **Advanced science refers to
                         may be fulfilled by a single        courses that are inquiry-based
                         qualifying course                   with laboratory experiences and
                                                             align with the 11/12th grade
                                                             standards (or above) or with an
                                                             AP science course, or with an
                                                             entry-level college course
                                                             (clearly preparing students for a
                                                             college freshman-level science
                                                             class, such as anatomy, botany,
                                                             or astronomy)

                        Full Details listed on the Ohio Department of Ed website:
Required Student Load:
      Students in grades 9-11 must carry a minimum of 6 classes per semester. Students should earn a
      minimum of 5 ¼ credits by the end of 9th grade, 10 ½ credits by the end of 10th grade, and 15 ¾
      credits by the end of 11th grade. Seniors in good standing enrolled in AP, College Credit Plus, or a
      combination of both at Wadsworth High School may enroll in a minimum of 5 class periods each
      semester. Refer to the Course Registration Guide for recommended
      courses for the college-bound student and career-technical student (posted on web site).
Eligibility for extra curricular programs:
      Students must pass the equivalent of 5 units of credit during one grading period and maintain a
      minimum of 1.7 GPA to be eligible to participate in school programs the next grading period.
     Teachers will circle one course and initial recommendation: English, Math, Science, Social
      Studies, World Language, and Art if applicable, please write course name and number in the spaces
      in the box at the bottom of the course selection sheet.
     There will not be any changes in course selection after April 1 without talking to your
      counselor. There will be NO CHANGES in schedules after May 14.

      You must schedule 1 credit of alternates.
     You can only have one study hall per semester. After the school year begins, you may drop a
      course to have a study hall, but you may not add a first semester course. Seniors may have
      early release or late arrival instead of a study hall.
      Counselors will collect this worksheet with parent signature on the following dates:*
              8th Grade – February 5 (will meet with counselors on February 19)
              Freshman—February 8 & 9
              Sophomores—February 17 & 18
              Juniors—February 11, 12 & 16
     You should follow teacher recommendations in your course selections. Parental/Teacher overrides
      may be available in certain courses and must be signed if recommendations are not followed. If a
      student overrides, he or she may not be permitted to level change after the
      course begins.
     *Students who do not meet the deadline may not be scheduled into the classes they select.
Guidelines for Scheduling Career-Technical Programs:

Please schedule the number of periods that are listed below. The deadline for Career-Technical
applications is January 31, 2021.

                    Junior Programs                                      Senior Programs

 Animal Care and Science 1 (4 periods, arrive                  Animal Care and Science 2 (3 periods- leave at the
 during 4th study hall)                                        end of 5A, include Science)
 Adv. to Nursing 1 (4 periods w/Science & 5B travel            Nursing Assistant (3 periods- if include Eng.)
 *short B lunch or C lunch)
 Athletic Health Care 1 (4 periods w/Science                    Adv. to Nursing 2 (3 periods- leave at the end of 5A)
 *arrive during 4th SH)
 Auto 1 (3 periods)                                             Athletic Health Care 2 (3 periods- leave at the
                                                                end of 5A)
 Business Mgt. 1 (2 periods & 5B travel                         Auto 2 (3 periods- begins during 5B)
 *short B lunch or C lunch)
 Carpentry 1 (3 periods )                                       Business Mgt. 2 (3 periods + internship arrive during
                                                                3rd SH) *****Early release (2 periods) for job
 Culinary Arts 1(4 periods with 5B travel                       Carpentry 2 (3 periods- begins during 5B)
 *short B lunch or C lunch)
 Network Systems & Cyber Security 1 (3 periods,                 Culinary Arts 2 (4 periods & IE, includes English)
 includes 3rd SH)
 Cosmetology 1 (4 periods w/Science & 5B travel                 Network Systems & Cyber Security 2
 *short B lunch or C lunch)                                     (2 periods & 5B travel *short B lunch or C lunch)
 Criminal Science Tech. 1 (4 periods, arrive during             Cosmetology 2 (4 periods & IE)
 4th SH)
 Eng. Design & Tech. 1 (2 periods + internship)                 Criminal Science Technology 2 (3 periods-
                                                                leave at the end of 5A)
 Fire/EMT 1 (4 periods w/Science and English                    Eng. Design & Tech. 2 (2 periods + internship)
 *arrive during 4th SH)
 Machine Tech 1 (4 periods, *arrive during                      Fire/EMT 2 (4 periods & IE)
 4th SH)
 Marketing Ed. (1 period)                                       Machine Tech 2 (3 periods- leave at the end of 5A)
 Masonry/Building 1 (4 periods, *arrive during                  Marketing Education (2 periods)
 4th SH)
 Media 1 (2 periods + internship)                               Masonry/Building Trades 2 (3 periods- leave at the
                                                                end of 5A)
 Pharmaceutical Science 1 (4 periods w/Science,                 Pharmaceutical Science 2 (3 periods, leave at the
 arrive during 4th SH)                                         end of 5A)
 Programming, Design & Robotics 1 (2 periods +                  Media 2 (2 periods + internship)
 Advanced Programming & Engineering (1 pd)                      Programming, Design & Robotics 2 (2 periods
                                                               + internship)
 Welding (Stark) (2 periods, includes study hall)               Welding (Stark) (2 periods, 3rd-4th arrive during 5B)
 Career-Technical programs have a selection process due to high demand. Students will be notified in mid-February.

 All new applicants should create a Wadsworth only schedule with an alternate Career Tech schedule- unless notified
 prior to collection date.
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