GREEN BOOK 2018/19 - City College Peterborough

Page created by Matthew Walsh
GREEN BOOK 2018/19 - City College Peterborough
                Adult Learning
                GREEN BOOK

Follow us on:     To enrol, or for further information, phone (01733) 761361,
                                      or call into the College.
                City College Peterborough, Brook Street, Peterborough PE1 1TU
GREEN BOOK 2018/19 - City College Peterborough
Term Dates 2018/19
                                                              AUTUMN TERM 2018
                                                              Starts    Monday 24 September
                                                              Half Term Monday 22 October – Friday 2 November
                                                              Ends      Friday 14 December

Welcome to                                                    SPRING TERM 2019
City College Peterborough                                     Starts    Monday 7 January
                                                              Half Term Monday 11 – Friday 22 February
                                                              Ends      Friday 29 March
I would like to welcome new and existing students
to City College Peterborough. The College prides              SUMMER TERM 2019
itself in helping people, no matter what their                Starts    Tuesday 23 April
abilities or disabilities are, to achieve and exceed          Half Term Monday 27 May – Friday 31 May
their personal goals.                                         Ends      Friday 5 July

Our Supported Adult Learning programmes are
designed to stimulate and engage with the students
to help them to progress towards employment or
voluntary work, look after themselves or simply enjoy
                                                                       How to enrol
a more rewarding life.
                                                          In person
I hope you will find something that appeals to you.       You can enrol in person at our
But, if you don’t find the course you’re looking for,     Main Office at City College
please let us know what you would like us to offer in     Peterborough, Brook Street.
the future.
                                                          Reception opening hours
I look forward to seeing you in the forthcoming year      8.30am – 8pm Monday – Thursday
and hope you enjoy your chosen course(s) with us.         (5pm non term time)
                                                          8.30am – 5pm Friday
                                                          9am – 2pm Saturday
Pat Carrington                                            (Saturday School days only)
Principal/Head of Service                                 l   You will need to have an informal
                                                              interview first. To attend please
                                                              contact the College on
                                                              (01733) 761361 to make an
                                                              appointment or call directly
                                                              into reception.

Child & Vulnerable
Adult Safeguarding
The College is committed to promoting the welfare,
safety and protection of all children, young people and
vulnerable adults, both learners and staff. If you have       You will need a risk assessment, any
any concerns or worries about your welfare or safety          behavioural management plans or
and would like to discuss this in confidence, please          (EHCP Education and Health Care Plans).
contact the Designated Person for Safeguarding on             Please complete with your initial assessment
(01733) 761361.                                               and bring with you to your interview.

 For further information, phone (01733) 761361 or click on
GREEN BOOK 2018/19 - City College Peterborough
Learning Support                                  Please tell us if:
We will make every effort to provide specific     l   you will need specific access arrangements
support or equipment to meet your needs.              to a building
Below are some examples:                          l   you will need specific facilities/equipment
                                                      within the classroom or teaching area
l   Individual hearing loops (for learners who        e.g. accessible facilities for Cookery, Craft or
    wear hearing aids)                                Woodwork.
l   Arrangements for audio and visual
    equipment in the classroom                    Before you enrol, please speak to a
l   Worksheets produced in large text, coloured   member of our Customer Services Team
    overlays                                      on (01733) 761361 so that we can discuss your
l   Adaptive technology for computer courses      individual requirements. The earlier you inform
    e.g. adapted mouse, keyboards, specialist     us of your needs, the sooner we can attempt to
    software                                      meet them for you.
l   A Learning Support Assistant, Volunteer or
    Signer to assist you                          Accessibility
l   Arrangements with exam boards for support
    and/or extra time.                            Our Brook Street Site is accessible to learners
                                                  with disabilities with ramps, lifts and doors,
Learning support can usually be arranged to       which facilitate access to all the buildings and
meet the individual needs of learners who         classrooms. Most of our ‘Outreach’ venues have
may require specialist needs prior to enrolling   suitable access but the majority of these are not
on a course.                                      owned by City College Peterborough and not
Please contact a member of our Customer           all classrooms may have disability access and/
Services Team on (01733) 761361.                  or facilities. Before you enrol, please speak to
                                                  a member of our Customer Services Team on
Learning with Disabilities                        (01733) 761361 with queries regarding access to
We welcome learners of all abilities              or within one of our Outreach venues.
and we want to make sure that
everyone’s experience of learning with
us is a really positive and enjoyable one.
WE GET IT RIGHT FOR YOU                                Equality & Diversity
                                                       City College Peterborough actively works towards
                                                       offering equality of access and opportunity to all
                                                       learners and employees regardless of ability, age,
                                                       sexual orientation, marital status, disability, ethnic
                                                       origin, race, gender, health, offender background
                                                       or previous education. The details of the Services’
                                                       Equal Opportunities Policy are provided in a separate
                                                       leaflet, available on request.

For further information, phone (01733) 761361 or click on
GREEN BOOK 2018/19 - City College Peterborough
Tutor: Cherry West

Mastering Maths Skills
                     Start Date:           Tuesday 25th Sept 2018
                     Time:                 10.00 – 12.00
                     Sessions:             30 weeks
                     Course Fee:           FREE
                     Course Code:          14151342
                     Come along to our Tuesday morning sessions,
                     and become more confident with maths.
                     Much of your work is through practical activity,
                     both in the College and out and about.
                     All the activities we do will be useful in your everyday lives.
                     You will be working on topics, such as:
                     • finding your way
                     • getting wise with money
                     • making useful lists
                     • finding information from graphs
                     • estimating & measuring
                     • 2D & 3D shapes
                     • Understanding calendars and timetables
                     You will be working towards an Entry Level qualification,
                     which is most suitable for you, with the opportunity to
                     move on to the next level the following year if you wish.
                     You will build up a portfolio of your work, to take
                     with you at the end of the course.
                     What will this help me to do?
                     Be more independent when shopping & in the home
                     Be more organized

Follow us on:     To enrol, or for further information, phone (01733) 761361,
                                      or call into the College.
                City College Peterborough, Brook Street, Peterborough PE1 1TU
GREEN BOOK 2018/19 - City College Peterborough
Tutor: Sadie Tibbett

   Socialising and
Developing Confidence
                        Start Date:   Tuesday 25th Sept 2018
                        Time:         1.00 – 3.00
                        Sessions: 30 weeks
                        Course Fee: £195
                        Course Code: 14151344
                        This course is for those who would like to be more confident
                        when meeting and talking to people, listening to conversations,
                        and gaining information by asking questions. Research and make
                        choices individually, and as part of a group. Explore local places,
                        and experience working together, recording evidence through
                        filming and photography. The final outcome will be a
                        presentation of the material collected and collated by the
                        group to an invited audience.
                        On this course you will:
                        • Prepare for new experiences through role-play
                        • Discuss personal aims and set targets to achieve
                          during the course
                        • Meet and talk to new people in different situations
                        • Visit local places of interest and assist in filming
                          the experiences, taking photographs, speaking
                          to a camera for a group project and booklet
                        • Be involved in a group outing: research and choose a local
                          eating place, selecting, ordering and paying for your meal
                        • Socialise with, and entertain a group of people for
                          afternoon tea at the College. You will meet and welcome
                          the visitors and host the event as part of a presentation
                          of your group’s filming project and booklet. You will log
                          your progress in a visual diary, and contribute ideas to
                          the booklet of the group experiences.

Follow us on:     To enrol, or for further information, phone (01733) 761361,
                                      or call into the College.
                City College Peterborough, Brook Street, Peterborough PE1 1TU
GREEN BOOK 2018/19 - City College Peterborough
Tutor: Sadie Tibbett

                 Writing and
                Being Creative
                        Start Date:           Tuesday 25th Sept 2018
                        Time:                 10.00 – 12.00
                        Sessions:             30 weeks
                        Course Fee:           £195
                        Course Code:          14151343

                        This course will help you to help you to improve
                        your writing, and you will explore and learn about
                        different ways to do so.
                        You will also create rhymes and short stories as part
                        of a group and as an individual.
                        Join this class and have fun:
                        • creating stories and poems as part of a group
                        • trying different styles of writing
                        • illustrating your writing with drawings and use
                          of colour
                        • using special calligraphy pens and ink (supplied)
                        • showing, telling or reading your story ideas to
                          the group
                        • being part of a group project, creating a booklet
                          of short stories and rhymes
                        The final outcome will be decided by the group, as
                        a result of work developed throughout the course.

Follow us on:     To enrol, or for further information, phone (01733) 761361,
                                      or call into the College.
                City College Peterborough, Brook Street, Peterborough PE1 1TU
GREEN BOOK 2018/19 - City College Peterborough
Tutor: Sadie Tibbett

       Come Dancing,
      Acting and Singing
                        Start Date:           Wednesday 26th Sept 2018
                        Time:                 10.00 – 12.00
                        Sessions:             30 weeks
                        Course Fee:           £195
                        Course Code:          14151345
                        Have fun and develop your talents! Work as part of
                        a team, share your ideas and learn new performance
                        skills together.
                        The course will include taking part in:
                        • Vocal and physical warm – ups to music
                        • Acting workshops – creating characters
                        • Movement and mime – creating stories
                          without words
                        • Singing as part of a group
                        • Singing solo - using a microphone
                                              different styles and
                        • Dancing – learning differ
                          creating routines
                                            costumes to enhance
                        • Using props and cos
                        • Performing group aand individual ideas
                        What will this help me to do?
                        Gain confidence to demonstrate your skills and ideas
                        Become a leader: choreograph dance moves;
                        direct acting moves
                        Enjoy yourself!

Follow us on:     To enrol, or for further information, phone (01733) 761361,
                                      or call into the College.
                City College Peterborough, Brook Street, Peterborough PE1 1TU
GREEN BOOK 2018/19 - City College Peterborough
Tutor: Cherry West

                Creative Art
                        Start Date:           Wednesday 26th Sept 2018
                        Time:                 10.00 – 12.00
                        Sessions:             30 weeks
                        Course Fee:           £195
                        Course Code:          14151347
                        Whether you are a newcomer to the SAL art course,
                        or have joined us before, we know that there will be
                        something here to interest you.
                        Our aim is that you should look forward to coming to
                        learn a new skill, and enjoy what you do.
                        You will be able to work on your art projects at your
                        own pace, in a calm and relaxing atmosphere, and
                        will be experiencing seasonal art on projects such as,
                        Halloween, Christmas, Winter Weather, Valentine’s
                        Day and Summer Scenes.
                        You will explore different art techniques:
                        • Painting, paper and card collages, printing
                          and patterns, mosaic, modelling with clay,
                          paper weaving, peg loom weaving
                        • You will build up a portfolio of your work,
                          to take with you at the end of the course.
                        What will this help me to do?
                        Use the new found skills with confidence

Follow us on:     To enrol, or for further information, phone (01733) 761361,
                                      or call into the College.
                City College Peterborough, Brook Street, Peterborough PE1 1TU
GREEN BOOK 2018/19 - City College Peterborough
Tutor: Sadie Tibbett

            Preparing for
           Voluntary Work
                        Start Date:           Wednesday 26th Sept 2018
                        Time:                 1.00 – 3.00
                        Sessions:             30 weeks
                        Course Fee:           £195
                        Course Code:          14151346

                        This course will help you to understand and
                        prepare you for the requirements of voluntary
                        work. It is designed to help you develop the skills
                        and confidence you will need if you apply for a
                        placement in a working environment.
                        The course will include:
                        • developing conversational skills through
                          role – play
                        • preparing for an interview
                        • taking part in an interview
                        • researching voluntary work placements at
                          the college
                        • completing an application form
                        • taking part in a voluntary activity
                        • helping to set up and run an event to raise
                          money for charity
                        What will this help me to do?
                        Understand how to prepare for work experience
                        Work as part of a team on a group project

Follow us on:     To enrol, or for further information, phone (01733) 761361,
                                      or call into the College.
                City College Peterborough, Brook Street, Peterborough PE1 1TU
GREEN BOOK 2018/19 - City College Peterborough
Tutor: Cherry West

Everyday English Skills
                     Start Date:           Thursday 27th Sept 2018
                     Time:                 10.00 – 12.00
                     Sessions:             30 weeks
                     Course Fee:           FREE
                     Course Code:          14151348

                     Our Thursday morning sessions will include learning
                     how to:
                     • Give and follow instructions and explanations clearly
                       and confidently
                     • Share your ideas, opinions with others in discussion
                     • Ask and answer questions to find out exactly what
                       you want to know
                     We plan on achieving this through practical activity
                     and role play, going out and about, and there will be
                     some reading and writing activities.
                     You will be working towards an Entry Level
                     qualification, which is most suitable for you,
                     with the opportunity to move on to the next level
                     the following year if you wish.
                     You will build up a portfolio of your work, to take with
                     you at the end of the course.
                     What will this help you to do?
                     Help you to write letters confidently
                     Enjoy books and magazines

Follow us on:     To enrol, or for further information, phone (01733) 761361,
                                      or call into the College.
                City College Peterborough, Brook Street, Peterborough PE1 1TU
Tutor: Cherry West

      Explore the World
       through Science
                        Start Date:           Thursday 27th Sept 2018
                        Time:                 1.00 – 3.00
                        Sessions:             30 weeks
                        Course Fee:           £195
                        Course:               14151349
                        On this course, you will set up simple investigations
                        to find out more about Planet Earth
                        During terms 1 and 2 you will be investigating:
                        • what is Planet Earth made up of
                        • why the dinosaurs became extinct
                        • feel the force – all about magnets
                        • changing forces – pushing, pulling, twisting
                        • weight and gravity
                        In term 3, you will be working in the SAL kitchen to
                        cook and learn about food hygiene.
                        You will build up a portfolio of your work, to take
                        with you at the end of the course.
                        What will this help me to do?
                        Understand, and be more aware of our planet
                        and environment
                        Understand about force and motion and
                        its effects

Follow us on:     To enrol, or for further information, phone (01733) 761361,
                                      or call into the College.
                City College Peterborough, Brook Street, Peterborough PE1 1TU
Tutor: Trudie Savage

  Make Cooking Fun
                     Start Date: Friday 28th Sept 2018
                     There are 3 sessions for you to choose from:
                     Time: 10:00 – 12:00 Course Code: 14151350
                     Time: 12:15 – 14.15      Course Code: 14151351
                     Time: 14.30 – 16.30      Course Code: 14151352
                     Sessions:    30 weeks
                     Course Fee: £195 (+ Ingredients £90)
                     Using a variety of ingredients each week we will prepare,
                     cook and enjoy a delicious 2 course meal together. Learn
                     how to prepare different ingredients, try new foods,
                     try a variety of cooking methods and put some fun and
                     enjoyment back into eating good home-cooked food.
                     • Never cooked before? Don’t worry we are here
                       to help you all the way showing you step by step
                       how to prepare simple meals that, with practice,
                       you may go on to cook at home
                     • Previous cookery experience? Fantastic share your
                       experience with others and develop new skills.
                     • Bored with eating the same meals every week?
                       Together we can create new meals
                     • Learn new techniques and share your ideas
                     • At the end of the session, you will enjoy your
                       meal together
                     Please note you will need to bring a clean apron
                     to the course each week.

Follow us on:     To enrol, or for further information, phone (01733) 761361,
                                      or call into the College.
                City College Peterborough, Brook Street, Peterborough PE1 1TU
Initial Assessment 2018 – 2019

Learner name                               Learner telephone number

Key contact                                Key Contact
                                           telephone number
Relationship to learner
(is this a Key Worker, Day Centre, Social Worker or Family Member?)

  Please tick things you can already do:                        With help   On my own
  I can recognise some familiar words

  I can read short passages

  I can write some familiar words/name
  and address

  I can recognise numbers 1–10
  I can recognise numbers above 10
  I can recognise coins

  I can use money to buy things

  I can tell the time

  I can use a computer

  I can follow simple instructions

  I can ask questions to get information
  or help
How do you like to communicate
  I use speech/talk                            I can use BSL

  I can use Makaton                            I use hand signing

  I use Widget                                 I draw

  I use a computer                             I write (am non verbal)

  I use something else                         I use Rebus
  (please tell us what it is)
Motor skills – Please circle what you can do below

  I can stand or                                I can move                 With help
                                With help
  move my arms                                  about (in the
  (when doing                                   community)                 On my own
                                On my own
  physical activity)

  I can use                     With help       I can use a                With help
  public                                        knife/fork/
  transport                     On my own       everyday tools             On my own

What are you hoping to learn on this course? Please write/draw in the box below

  I would like to...
What do you want to do in the future? (it could be getting a job, volunteering, being
independent, able to travel, look after yourself, shop on your own, make friends...)

   I would like to...

Important information for the parent, carer, guardian or advocate.
In order to ensure appropriate learning goals and support levels are set, please complete
the following. Please let us know in advance if particular support is required.

   1. What is this person’s diagnosis/level of learning disability? (please state)
      Do they have an Education and health Care Plan?

                                                                            YES         NO

   2. Wheelchair access required?

   3. Personal care required?

   4. Signing support?

   5. Will the learner attend college with their own
   support worker?

   If yes, please state in detail why a non-college support worker or workers will be
   required and the number of support workers the learner will have.

  In addition to the above, how best can we support this learner? Is there anything else
  we should be doing to help them achieve their goals and be happy at college. (please
  detail below).
YES       NO

6. Does this learner have a behaviour support plan? If yes,
   please attach a copy. We will need any and / or relevant
   updates to this as soon as possible, as failure to disclose
   such information may impact on the health and safeguarding
   of this learner and others.

7. Have risk assessments been completed for this learning
   environment? If yes, please attach a copy. We will also
   need new and / or relevant updates as 6 above.

8. Does this learner have behavioural, mental health/other issues? Include any fears
   or phobias that may act as a trigger. Please give details even if support is provided,
   including needs that may impact upon other students, staff, planning, risk
   assessments and costings.

9. What other professionals are involved in this learners life? Please tick/give details.

                                        YES         NO              DETAILS

   Social Worker

   Key Worker


   Occupational Therapist

   Community Nurse
YES      NO              DETAILS


        Speech & Language Therapist

        Any other (please give details)


Name of Learner

(If completing on behalf of above learner)
Relationship to Learner

Contact details

Please contact the College before the course starts, to assess any risks, and to view the risk
assessment for the activity itself.
City College Peterborough is committed to maintaining a safe environment for all learners and
needs your support to achieve this.
Please contact the College as a priority to inform us of any changes in medication, behaviour,
personal circumstances or when any incidents occur which might impact on the learner and
their classmates.
Please read before signing
I have completed this assessment form for the purposes of Peterborough City College
identifying that the I the learner may need additional support during my course of study.
I give my consent for information on this form to be distributed to staff where deemed
appropriate to support my learning. I will provide any reports, documentation/ information
relating to my learning difficulty/disability to City College Peterborough along with my medical
information if applicable. I will inform the college with any updates or changes that may occur
throughout the academic year. The information will be treated as confidential and no further
transfer of personal information will take place without my consent. The supervision of and
disposal of this information will fully comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Signature of learner
Signature of Advocate

Medical Conditions
  Please give us information about any medical condition you have so that tutors and
  support assistants can keep you safe in the College.

  Please include things like: Allergies, Epilepsy, Diabetes, Depression, any others
  (please state):

  If the learner has Epilepsy or allergies that would require medication such as an
  Epipen or Buccal to be administered whilst in college? If yes, who is responsible for
  administering? If a member of CCP staff are expected to do this Medical protocol
  needs to be received from GP and staff to receive relevant training following policies
  and procedures.

  Current Medication: (we need notification if this changes)

  In an emergency, the Hospital or College Nurse may need to contact your Doctor.

  Name of Doctor:

  Telephone Number:

                                                                           YES        NO

If you are considering work, could this information be shared
with Supported Employment?

I give my permission for photographs to be taken
of me and my work for certification.

Signed                                                          Date
Important Information                                Refund Policy
Fees & Payments                                      Refunds will only be given on the following
Payment for your chosen course(s) is as follows:
                                                     1. If the course is cancelled by the Service
Course fee between £195 and £499
• Full payment must be made at the time              2. The learner cancels their place on the
  of enrolment                                          course not less than 14 days before the
                                                        commencement date. The Policy does not
                                                        apply to short courses of fewer than
• 50 % of course fee at the time of enrolment           2 sessions, e.g. Saturday courses, where no
• 35% by 1 November 2018                                refunds will be given.
• 15 % by 1 March 2019
                                                     3. The learner withdraws from a course due
The service reserves the right to request full          to illness and can produce a doctor’s
payment at the time of enrolment.                       certificate.
N.B. If you are enrolling on more than one           Information, Advice & Guidance
course at the same time (with the exception
of Saturday courses) the collective cost of all  If you feel you need any help in choosing a
courses, after concessions, will determine       course, our trained staff will be happy to help
whether instalments are payable.                 you. Please contact our Main Reception at City
                                                 College Peterborough in Brook Street in person
Please note that you are liable for the full     or by phone (01733) 761361, between 9am
course fee regardless of when you leave the      and 5pm Monday – Friday (excluding public
course and irrespective of your payment          holidays) for information and advice on courses
method. It is important that you make the        and progression routes. We can also offer
payment(s) by the date(s) stated to secure your one-to-one appointments for free information
place on the course and for you and fellow       and advice or guidance. If you are thinking
students to benefit from this facility.          of returning to work after a break, changing
                                                 career direction or need an opportunity to
If you have difficulty paying larger amounts     discuss your learning or training needs in more
in one payment, please contact our Customer      detail, please contact our IAG/Advisor on
Service team on (01733) 761361 or in person      (01733) 761361 to arrange an appointment.
at City College Peterborough in Brook Street.
For some courses that result in a qualification,
there may be an exam entry fee to pay. Please         City College Peterborough
check at the time of enrolment. On some               receives part-funding from the
practical courses, there may be a small charge        European Social Fund, which
for materials. You will be advised of this at         supports the continued delivery
enrolment.                                            of adult apprenticeships and
                                                         other selected courses within
Free Tuition                                             the East of England and the
Only available for Basic Skills Maths and English.

For further information, phone (01733) 761361 or click on
Follow us on:     To enrol, or for further information, phone (01733) 761361,
                                      or call into the College.
                City College Peterborough, Brook Street, Peterborough PE1 1TU
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