of Country

The UDIA of New South Wales, Place
Design Group and all associated Councils
of the Greater Sydney Region would like to
acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the
Gadigal People of the Eora Nation, and pay

respect to Elders both past, present and future.

Executive Summary

What is LSPS and why is it important?

The Local Strategic Planning Statement preparation process
was a two year journey for NSW local governments, beginning
in 2018 and has now come to a close for the Greater Sydney         EXECUTIVE SUMMARY              02
metropolitan region.                                               01 A PROVOCATION               05
The LSPSs were designed to provide a 20-year vision for            02 AN EVOLVING FRAMEWORK       06
land-use in a local areas, demonstrating how change will be
                                                                   03 TRENDS                      08
managed including the areas to be protected & improved. The
promise is that these will underpin how development controls       04 STATISTICS AND SENTIMENTS   10
in Local Environment Plans (LEPs) evolve and create greater
                                                                   05 THE LGA EXPERIENCE          15
local involvement and “buy-in” for the future growth of Sydney.
The hope is that the statements will provide a clear playbook      06 EMERGING IDEAS              26
for implementing each Council’s own priorities which is lined up   07 JUST ONE MORE THING...      36
with the Greater Sydney Region Plan and the relevant District
Plan.                                                              08 THE WAY FORWARD             38

However, there are certain realities of rolling out such an
enormous undertaking. UDIA in conjunction with Place Design
Group deemed it necessary to provide a touchpoint for councils
and industry to evaluate what has been achieved so far and
what the expectations are for the future of these documents.
We have taken the time to speak in depth with a number of
Greater Sydney councils and state government agencies, and,
to understand how we can learn from the process to date, and
continue to evolve and improve the forward planning agenda.
We welcome the start of a long, future-driven conversation
around the process of delivering the first stages of planning
reform… and the experiences, ideas and perceptions for what
could lay ahead.
    Campaign Methods                                                              A Provocation

                                     2x Facilitated Boardroom Lunch Sessions
                                                                                  Over the past 18 months,                       There is pressure now on local government
                                                                                                                                 to deliver all that was promised to
                                                                                  local governments across                       communities through this process over the
                                                                                  Greater Sydney have delivered                  course of the next 20 to 30 years. The fear
                                                                                                                                 is that this hard, important work will gather
                                                                                  the foundations for the next                   dust.
                                                                                  20-years of ‘ground-up’                        There is no doubt that this process has
                                                                                  urban planning and design                      created a new foundation for how we can

                                                    An Industry Survey            controls. The creation of                      better plan for our cities and communities.
                                                                                                                                 In other ways though, it has opened
                                                                                  the Local Strategic Planning                   Pandora’s Box, and posed new questions,
                                                                                  Statements (LSPSs) has set                     that beg new answers, new thinking and new
                                                                                  the groundwork for future
                                                                                                                                 How do we keep momentum, grow certainty
                                                                                  reform and a vision of the                     in market, and continue to collaborate
                                                                                  future cities we are to build.                 to deliver the proposed change we have
                                                                                                                                 envisioned for our communities?
                                           Targeted, one-on-one interviews        It’s a great time to be part of such change.
                                                                                  The inaugural Local Strategic Planning         And importantly, what is now needed to
                                             with heads of NSW Councils           Statements and their affiliated informing      actually get there?
                                                                                  studies will become a legacy piece for         The UDIA and Place Design Group would
                                                                                  councils, state agencies, the Greater Sydney   like to thank all participating councils and
                                                                                  Commission, consultants, and NSW and           representatives for sharing their experiences
                                                                                  federal government decision-makers alike,      and agreeing to provide their own accounts,
                                                                                  as we now progress to the action and           in their own words for inclusion in this study.
                                                                                  delivery stages of these vision statements.
                                                                                                                                 Overall the response was positive. There
                                                  An Insights Piece:              From our in-depth discussions with             was genuine goodwill to cooperate across
                                                                                  Councils, one thing is clear: everyone
                                         Greater Certainty for Greater Sydney     recognises this is just the beginning and
                                                                                                                                 the city. There was a genuine understanding
                                                                                                                                 by the Greater Sydney council planning
                                                                                  the sentiment is unanimous on progressing      community for a strong structure across the
                                                                                  forward in a collaborative and outcomes-       city that everyone can work towards.
                                                                                  driven way. The Councils have set the bar
                                                                                  high and in doing so it seems they are more    We encourage you to read on, and learn
                                                                                  collectively driven across Greater Sydney      more about the experiences past, and
                                                                                  not just for development – but for good        thoughts, feelings and ideas for the road
                                                                                  development outcomes.                          ahead.

                                     Industry Launch to kick start conversation

4     CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                      CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		               5
    An Evolving Framework

    In 2014 the NSW Government               Along with being the holders of the        What has been produced has been a
    released the strategy document “A        Greater Sydney vision, the GSC were        series of founding LSPS documents by
    Plan for Growing Sydney” which led       tasked with oversight of Local Strategic   a diverse range of Local Government
    to the creation of the Greater Sydney    Planning Statements (LSPS) being           Areas (LGAs) across Sydney who have
    Commission (GSC). To meet the needs      prepared by the 33 local councils of       taken in some instances very different
    of a growing and changing population     metropolitan Sydney.                       paths to achieve their outcomes.
    the GSC developed a vision that sought
                                             In response to this vision, and the        These are the first attempts at
    to transform Greater Sydney into a
                                             accompanying District Plans, the State     delivering a consistent narrative for the
    metropolis of three cities:
                                             Government required every Council          entire Sydney region in what will be an
     » the Western Parkland City             to prepare a Local Strategic Planning      evolving story.
     » the Central River City                Statement.
     » the Eastern Harbour City.             Local Strategic Planning Statements
                                             focus on the vision and priorities for
                                             land use in the local area, whereas
                                             Community Strategic Plans (prepared
                                             under the Local Government Act 1993)
                                             have a broader focus on achieving
                                             the long term social, environmental
                                             and economic aspirations of the
                                             community. They are the governing
                                             document for the council in its
                                             strategic business planning across all
                                             of its activities.

6          CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                              CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		   7
Greater Sydney Region
                                                                                 03                                                                                    4.7
                                                                                                                                                                      million people
                                                                                                                                                                                              million increase
                                                                                                                                                                                                in 20 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           year vision

                                                                                                           33LGAs                                                                                                         5
    The Greater Sydney Region             Sydney is growing up as well as out.        For instance, the pressure to establish
                                          But the nature and stages of growth         new infrastructure in the west of                                                                                                 Western City
    is not one place but a                are not consistent across Sydney.           Sydney is not an issue facing the                                                                                                  Central City
    rich patchwork of diverse             Each of the LSPS documents needs            mature transport networks of inner-city
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Eastern City
    communities, spaces                   to respond to a very different sets         Sydney. In this regard the commentary
                                          of pressures. Inner city areas are          provided by some of the LGAs perhaps                                                                                                  North
    and environments. From                faced with issues of growth from infill     better represents the individual                                                                                                      South
    the Northern Beaches                  transition of land uses, intensity of       pressure of each LGA.
    to the Sutherland Shire               uses and built forms with established
                                                                                      The survey however does reveal some
                                          neighbourhoods and populations that
    and from Randwick to the              are sometimes resistant to change
                                                                                      instructive ideas around the valuable
                                                                                      role the GSC played in the process and
    Blue Mountains, there is              and retrofitting of infrastructure. While
                                                                                      the necessity for an ongoing role for
    significant variation in              in the outer reaches of Sydney, the
                                                                                      such a body.
                                          first waves of greenfield development
    the nature and context of             are spreading across the landscape.
    ‘place’ and the city’s 4.7            They bring a vastly different set of
    million people.                       issues, such as basic infrastructure
                                          provision, access to services facilities,
                                          employment, open space, biodiversity,
                                          and car dependent suburbs.
                                          Some LGAs, like Canterbury-
                                          Bankstown, have very different
                                          pressures including ageing housing                                                    Penrith                           Parramatta                     Chatswood
                                          stock, a highly diverse population
                                          culturally and linguistically, and a
                                          significant Council amalgamation                                                                                                                                        North Sydney
                                          to resolve whilst undertaking the
                                          preparation of the LSPS and LEP
                                          review. Growth in these middle ring
                                          areas is one of structure and location
                                          and directing growth to leverage
                                                                                                                                   OUTER    Liverpool    MIDDLE          Bankstown                           Sydney      Bondi          INNER
                                          existing infrastructure investments.
                                          The responses to the surveys and the
                                          reflections set out further in this piece
                                          don’t always reflect the nuances that
                                          occur across Sydney.


8       CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                                                                                    CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		       9
04                                                           27% Existing
                                                                                                                                                            27% Community

                                                                                                                                                                              47%                           86%
 Statistics & Sentiments                                                                                                                                                        “Very
                                                                                                                                                                             compressed”                        “Yes”

                                                                                                                                        Q1                            Q2                            Q3
                                                                                                                                        What technical work, or       How would you describe        Should your LSPS be used
                                                                                                                                        studies, have formed the      the timeframes to complete    to inform further iterations
 An industry survey was                   The sample size was strong and                » Economic Support – local
                                          the reach achieved across all                   government want to see more                   evidence base for the         the LSPS?                     of the District Plans?
 conducted as a critical                  Greater Sydney districts, was closely           support for their economic                    LSPS and most heavily
                                                                                                                                                                      Nearly 90% of the LGAs        Overwhelmingly, the
 element of this insights                 representative of the percentage split          development strategies. At the time           influenced the shape of the
                                                                                                                                                                      believe the timeframes to     LGAs believe that their
                                                                                                                                        LSPS document?
 campaign, targeting                      of councils that sit within each district,      of the survey, only 40 per cent of                                          complete the LSPS was too     LSPS document should
                                          indicating that the data set was a great        respondents had confidence that
 planning leaders and                     foundation from which to gauge a                the metro strategy aligned with
                                                                                                                                        In response to the range      compressed.                   inform and be reflected in
                                                                                                                                        of approaches to the                                        future iterations of their
 heads of Greater Sydney                  bigger picture idea of what may have            their LSPS. Economic development              development of the LSPS                                     respective District Plans.
 Councils who were, or had                been a possible collective experiences          is a stand-out issue with a third of          document, the survey
                                          across the state.                               respondents finding GSC has been
 recently completed their                                                                 not very effective in coordinating
                                                                                                                                        shows that half of the LSPS
                                          Snapshot/Overview of :                                                                        documents were produced
 LSPS process.                                                                            across LGAs on this issue.                    using existing information
                                            » Movers and shakers – local                » Timing - 88 per cent of local                 and backgrounds
 The purpose of this survey was to            councils perceived LSPSs as an              councils found the LSPS timeframes            reports, or were based on
 collect individual perspectives from         opportunity to create big moves of          were compressed or very                       community consultation.
 all participatory councils across NSW,       regional significance.                      compressed and said that (why did
 and develop a suite of evidenced,          » Trust and engagement - We                   they need more time? What would
 quantified process sentiment.                saw increased engagement and                they have done with more time?)
 Participants from Greater Sydney             improved strategy for local land          » State funding – the reliance on

                                                                                                                                                                            29%                            88%
                                              use planning and a more optimistic
 Councils were invited to participate                                                     state funding raises the question
 and share their views, but the data          sentiment towards open spaces               of whether or not the states are
 captured was anonymised to ensure            and green space networks. The               able to adopt some or all of these                                                 “Mostly”                         “No”                             “No”
 a safe and comfortable platform for          LSPS is an opportunity to bridge            strategic plans.
 professionals to have their say in a         the community into the planning
                                                                                       Here is what they said…
 meaningful and trusted manner.               process in a more detailed fashion.
                                              It provides for building trust
 Across a possible response pool of           between local communities and the
 33 councils, 28 willing participants         government decision-makers.                                                                                             Q4                            Q5                               Q6
 provided responses across the course
                                            » Longevity of the LSPS –                                                                                                 Did the transit links         Is there sufficient funding      Do you feel the current
 of the two months the survey was in
                                              overwhelmingly Councils saw the                                                                                         provided in the District      for transit infrastructure       levels of development
 market (December 11 to 7 Feb 2020).
                                              LSPS as underpinning the District                                                                                       Plans provide enough          to support the amount of         contributions cover
                                              plan, not just future LEPs.                                                                                             certainty for the             growth in your LGA?              infrastructure for planned
                                                                                                                                                                      preparation of your current                                    growth targets?
                                                                                                        % SPLIT OF SURVEY RESPONDENTS                                                               Almost 90% of respondents
                                                                                                              ACROSS DISTRICTS                                                                      indicated that there is not      Less than 15% of
                                                                                                                                                                      Less than 20% of              sufficient funding for transit   respondents felt that
                                                                                           North 33%                                                                  respondents believed that     infrastructure to support        the current levels of
                                                                                           South 5%                                                                   the District Plans provided   growth in the LGAs.              development contributions
                                                                                                                                                                      enough certainty regarding                                     cover infrastructure for
                                                                                           East 29%
                                                                                                                                                                      transit links and transport                                    planned growth.
                                                                                           West 24%
                                                                                           Central 9%

10      CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                                                                                                      CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		            11
53%                            20%                           67%
                                        “Improving ties
         “For some”                    with developers”                  “Yes”

 Q7                            Q8                              Q9                          Q10                              Q11                            Q12                             Q13                              Q14
 Have you commenced            In which one of the             Is there a role for a       What do you think the GSC        If you could pick your         Do you feel like you are in a   How much potential do            How reliant will you be
 advocacy/lobbying for LSPS    following ways (advocacy,       State body to coordinate    could have done better in        top three key ideas or         better strategic position in    you feel the LSPS has to         upon the following funding
 key moves funding yet?        improving ties with             planning and investment     the LSPS process?                strategies in your LSPS,       terms of land use planning      act as a tool for advocacy       mechanisms to deliver on
                               developers, message             in State and Local                                           what would they be?            as a result of preparing the    for; jobs and economic           your key moves and growth
 60% of respondents say                                                                     » Good things: co-
                               delivery, cross-LGA             infrastructure?                                                                             LSPS from the following         development, delivery of         targets proposed within
 that they have begun using                                                                   ordination of agencies         » Focus on centres’
                               coordination, negotiation                                                                                                   perspectives;                   renewal precincts, delivery      your LSPS; State funding,
 the LSPS as a basis for                                       Nearly 70% of respondents    » Things to improve: more          planning
                               with other levels of                                                                                                                                        of major projects, new           value capture, benefited
 advocacy on key moves in                                      noted that there is a          time and messaging             » Better alignment of land     » Land Use Planning,
                               Government, information                                                                                                                                     road/rail infrastructure and     areas, infrastructure
 their LSPS.                                                   role for State bodies to       consistency from                 use and transport
                               and research provision,                                                                                                      » Economic Development,        housing diversity?               agreements, Federal
                                                               coordinate planning and        beginning to end
                               promotion of key LSPS                                                                         » Infrastructure provision     » Open Space/Green                                              Government grants and
                                                               investment for State and                                                                                                    Most LGAs feel as though
                               moves and/or other) could                                   Co-ordination of agencies           and coordination               Space Network                                                 other?
                                                               Local infrastructure.                                                                                                       the LSPS has great
                               the UDIA help in partnering                                 is deemed as a positive,         A focus on centres              » Movement                     potential for advocacy           Respondents noted they
                               with the local authorities to                               while things to improve          planning, better alignment                                     around a range of issues         are overwhelmingly reliant
                               deliver on the aspirations                                  include’ more time and                                          Overwhelmingly, the LGAs
                                                                                                                            of land use and transport,                                     including; economic              on State funding to deliver
                               of the LSPS documents?                                      messaging consistency                                           believe that they are in a
                                                                                                                            and infrastructure provision                                   development, renewal             key moves in their LSPS
                                                                                           from beginning to end.                                          better strategic position
                               Over 50% of respondents                                                                      and coordination.                                              precincts, major projects,       documents.
                                                                                           There have been far too                                         as a result of the LSPS in
                               felt that the UDIA had a                                                                                                                                    road/rail infrastructure
                                                                                           many requested changes,                                         terms of land use planning,
                               role to play in advocating                                                                                                                                  proposals and housing
                                                                                           and changes on changes                                          and not so much in
                               for outcomes within the                                                                                                                                     diversity.
                                                                                           both from GSC and the                                           economic development.
                               development industry and
                               with State government.                                      agencies, very few of which
                                                                                           have real strategic merit.
                                                                                           The requests are just
                                                                                           passed on or stated at a
                                                                                           meeting, without comment
                                                                                           from GSC. GSC could play a
                                                                                           role in vetting the individual
                                                                                           ad hoc comments from the
                                                                                           various agencies.

12     CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                                                                                               CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		            13
                                                                                                                 Building a case for renewal
                                                                                                                 (…but who’s plan is it?)

                                                                                                                                      An important part of sharing insights should
                                                                                                                                      always be to give participants a voice, and
                                                                                                                                      facilitate meaningful connection across councils
                                                                                                                                      themselves, so that they have more opportunities
     Below is a table which indicates the five districts and allocation of council areas that sit within each.                        to learn from each other, and grow through NSW
     Those councils highlighted in yellow are featured on the following pages and have shared their
     experience and thoughts around the LSPS process. Those councils highlighted in green have also                                   planning reform, together.
     participated in the broader insights program.

                                                                                                                                       Place Design Group interviewed seven (7)        The UDIA and Place Design Group would
     Western City         Central City        Eastern City              North                     South                                participatory councils who attended the         like to thank these councils, and all who
                                                                                                                                       initial LSPS Round Table Series Luncheons,      participated, for sharing their learnings and
     Blue Mountains         Blacktown             Bayside              Hornsby                 Georges River                           and asked them to share meaningful case         assisting with kick starting the conversation.
                                                                                                                                       studies representative of just some of the      It was agreed that all councils shared the
      Hawkesbury           Cumberland            Burwood             Hunter’s Hill        Canterbury-Bankstown                         prevailing key themes, questions and ideas      common goal of wanting to work together
                                                                                                                                       that have arisen across the state.              and grow through the next phases of
         Penrith           Parramatta           Canada Bay            Ku-ring-gai               Sutherland                                                                             delivery and implementation, and beyond.
                                                                                                                                       It’s important to note however that
                                                                                                                                                                                       We encourage you to read their words and
                                                                                                                                       all councils’ stories, approaches and
        Camden               The Hills          Inner West            Lane Cove
                                                                                                                                                                                       learn more about the different and disparate
                                                                                                                                       circumstances were important to share.
                                                                                                                                                                                       approaches and avenues taken to get the
                                                                                                                                       However, for the purposes of this Insights
                                                                                                                                                                                       job done.
     Campbelltown                                Randwick         Northern Beaches                                                     piece, a handful were chosen and agreed to
                                                                                                                                       include their stories based on the prevailing   The following case studies are provided
        Fairfield                                Strathfield           Mosman                                                          key themes for which they represented.          by council’s themselves. They are written
                                                                                                                                                                                       with their words and experiences, having
                                                                                                                                                                                       successfully lived through the recent LSPS
        Liverpool                                Woollahra            Willoughby
                                                                                                                                                                                       and LEP processes.

       Wollondilly                               Waverley                Ryde

                                               City of Sydney       North Sydney

14        CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                                                                        CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		          15


                                                       “The GSC has been a                    “And they are helping to find solutions
                                                                                              – and so are the other key state
                                                                                                                                        I remember when the Parklea area was
                                                                                                                                        released and there was development
                                                       resounding success. It has             agencies to the development process,      happening on our side and in the
                                                                                              like Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and        Hills area. There was a huge outcry
                                                       had the legislative power              Sydney Water. They are all wanting to     to Windsor Road being only a two
                                                                                              engage.                                   lane rural road and that forced the
                                                       to bring other agencies                Transport for NSW has been so much        Government’s hand and they built the
                                                       who weren’t in the tent to             a part of the new way of planning for     road. But it should have been provided
                                                                                                                                        before it became that bad.
                                                                                              Sydney’s growth and that is critical
                                                       come together and we have              to infrastructure provision. It is very   Hopefully examples like this one will
                                                                                              much on our page and we both can          not occur in the future because of the
                                                       seen such a change in the              see the huge impact collaboration has     GSC’s influence in the forward planning
                                                       process as a result.”                  in assisting to overcome the funding
                                                                                              challenges we tend to experience out
                                                                                                                                        of Sydney’s future.”

                                                                                              We saw the LSPS and LEP Review
                                                                                              processes as a real opportunity to
                                                                                              make Blacktown a better place to live,
                                                                                              work and play.
                                                                                              Its usually hard to get our needs
                                                                                              across, which is a real shame because
                                                                                              we have some very disadvantaged
                                                       Glennys James,                         communities in terms of transport and
                                                       Assistant CEO, Director                services access.
                                                       Planning & Development                 What was great about this process
                                                       at Blacktown City Council              is that we were encouraged from the
                                                                                              start by the GSC to tell them what we
                                                       Glennys has been an influential        want. So we did. And will continue to.
                                                       adviser to the NSW Government          Overall, through this process, I think
                                                       on matters relating to the future      that the understanding of local
                                                       growth of Western Sydney and has       government needs has come a long
                                                       served on a large range of advisory
                                                                                              My main problem is equity of access
                                                       committees to government over
                                                       her career. In 2013, she received a
                                                       Commendation in the development
                                                       industry’s awards for excellence
                                                       by women in development. Glennys
                                                       James joined Blacktown City over
                                                       40 years ago and has been at the
                                                       forefront of Blacktown’s growth from
                                                       a municipality of 180,000 people to
                                                       a vast city of 360,000. She received
                                                                                              for the Blacktown community to the
                                                                                              infrastructure it needs to flourish.
                                                                                              There are huge numbers of people
                                                                                              living here with no public transport.
                                                                                              That is something that happened 30
                                                                                              years ago – it shouldn’t now, in 2020.
                                                                                              Over time the momentum has shifted
                                                                                              to the West. And the focus has shifted.
                                                                                              There is now a huge commitment to
                                                                                              the airport and Parramatta which is
                                                       the Public Service Medal in the        great - but the rest of us in Western
                                                       Queen’s birthday awards in 2019.       Sydney also need attention.

16   CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                                                                   CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		   17


                                                       “We agree that the LSPS                 “The GSC has been effective in bringing
                                                                                               people to the table. Once upon a time,
                                                                                                                                           Perhaps there could be a more
                                                                                                                                           formalised type of district
                                                                                                                                                                                        We are evolving as a city, and we are
                                                                                                                                                                                        not ‘the frontier’ anymore. We are at
                                                       should be a plan that is                it was impossible to get your foot in the   collaboration. Otherwise, we do              the end of that wave, and we know
                                                                                               door with State agencies and now you        have some concerns that we will be           we will likely be fully urbanised in 15
                                                       consistent - but also about             can. So they have done well here to         competing against each other (other          years.
                                                                                               open these doors and allow for greater      councils) for priorities and funding.
                                                       what we think is important              collaboration.
                                                                                                                                                                                        So whilst we know it’s a slow burn,
                                                                                                                                           We really think that the State could         we agree that it’s important to have
                                                       to our community long                   It was the first time in my career that     play a really important role to help         these plans in place now, and to start
                                                                                               I’ve seen things come together this         alleviate this risk, and do more to          using them to advocate for the right
                                                       term, and what we know it               way. We’ve all matured in a way that        support a more collaborative, less           outcomes for Blacktown in years to
                                                       needs.”                                 State agencies have accepted and
                                                                                               are working better with councils. So
                                                                                                                                           competitive occurrence.                      come.”
                                                                                                                                           For councils, it still feels in some cases
                                                                                               next time, the working relationship
                                                                                                                                           that currently there is a perception
                                                                                               should be even better as we have all
                                                                                                                                           that all we really do is approve things
                                                                                               experienced it before.
                                                                                                                                           at the end of the day. For example,
                                                                                               I worked on the LSPS and LEPs here          Blacktown is nominated as a Strategic
                                                                                               at Blacktown – but I was also formerly      Centre, but what does that mean? Right
                                                                                               working for the State, tasked to work       now, they (the State) don’t currently
                                                                                               on the District Plans. Putting the          have a clear plan to deliver the agreed
                                                                                               District Plan together was a challenge      ideas. And that would be great to see.
                                                                                               because I wasn’t afforded the
                                                                                                                                           For Blacktown Council, we’ve had to
                                                                                               opportunity to better understand or
                                                       Chris Shannon,                                                                      proactively go out ourselves and seek
                                                                                               know what the councils wanted. Now,
                                                                                                                                           information and pathways to kick
                                                       Manager Strategic Planning              they have the start of a better idea
                                                                                                                                           start many things. We have completed
                                                       at Blacktown City Council               through this process.
                                                                                                                                           our own research. We are doing the
                                                                                               I do feel there would be some benefit       relationship building and ground work
                                                                                               though in having specific actions and       to develop things such as a health
                                                                                               timeframes come from the District           precinct and university campus. So, in
                                                       Chris has worked in planning for over   Plans, which can feed down locally.         terms of the State, it could potentially
                                                       22 years. He holds qualification in     This would improve transparency and         being more of an information hub, and
                                                       planning and law. He was seconded       assist industry and councils in planning    ‘sharer of resources’. This would be a
                                                       to the Greater Sydney Commission        for their LGAs.                             really important role to play. That would
                                                                                                                                           be of great value to us all.
                                                       to provide expert planning advice
                                                       in the preparation of the District
                                                       Plans, particularly from a local
                                                       government perspective. He has
                                                       worked on various planning projects
                                                       in Blacktown that have received UDIA
                                                       National and State Awards. He is a
                                                       current member of the UDIA Planning
                                                       Committee and also on the Property
                                                       Council of Australia’s Western
                                                                                               If you open the District Plans, they are
                                                                                               similarly worded, which is great for
                                                                                               consistency across Greater Sydney,
                                                                                               but many would agree that there is
                                                                                               probably a layer required that sits
                                                                                               beneath each of the District Plans, that
                                                                                               is the economics. Without an economic
                                                                                               layer, there comes a point where they
                                                                                               risk - or will demonstrate - falling into
                                                                                               competition with each other at the
                                                                                               local level.
                                                                                                                                           In Blacktown, it’s been the case that
                                                                                                                                           if we rezone, they will come. And the
                                                                                                                                           shifting momentum has always come
                                                                                                                                           to us in terms of housing. But the
                                                                                                                                           employment hasn’t. This is a challenge
                                                                                                                                           for the State and us to get the right
                                                                                                                                           jobs in Western Sydney.
                                                       Sydney Taskforce.

18   CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                                                                       CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		              19


                                                       “Connected Liverpool                      “A clear vision for Liverpool’s future
                                                                                                 and a robust plan for getting there
                                                                                                                                             A key consideration during the
                                                                                                                                             development of the LSPS was ensuring
                                                       2040, Liverpool City                      are vital if we are to harness the          the LSPS was aligned with metropolitan
                                                                                                 rapid change and growth the city is         planning objectives. Apart from the
                                                       Council’s Local Strategic                 experiencing.                               fact it is a legal requirement, it is also
                                                                                                                                             important that local planning priorities
                                                       Planning Statement (LSPS)                 The LSPS details our priorities over
                                                                                                                                             are consistent with the broader
                                                                                                 the next 20 years of development, and
                                                       represents the shared                     provides a list of actions that make
                                                                                                                                             metropolitan strategies to ensure
                                                                                                                                             Sydney, as region, is planned well.
                                                                                                 sure we can meet our goals.
                                                       vision of Council and the                                                             There have been some key learnings
                                                                                                 These actions include the completion
                                                       community and will inform                 of some of Council’s most ambitious
                                                                                                                                             from the development of our first LSPS
                                                                                                                                             including ensuring sufficient time is
                                                                                                 strategic projects ever attempted –
                                                       future land use planning for              realigning our CBD around the Georges
                                                                                                                                             available for a robust evidence base
                                                                                                                                             for the development of local planning
                                                       Liverpool, which is one of                River including a river-edge promenade
                                                                                                 and new river crossings; developing
                                                                                                                                             strategies, local planning priorities
                                                                                                                                             and actions, including joint studies
                                                       the fastest growing areas                 Woodward Park into our own ‘Central
                                                                                                                                             between Councils.
                                                                                                 Park’ – an iconic lifestyle precinct that
                                                       in Sydney.”                               will be a thriving hub of community         The LSPS process can be further
                                                                                                 activity known as Woodward Place;           improved for the future by having one
                                                                                                 creating a rapid transit link between       consolidated, whole of government
                                                                                                 the Liverpool City Centre and the new       submission on the LSPS. Council
                                                                                                 Western Sydney International Airport;       consulted widely with, and received
                                                       David Smith,                              and transforming our ageing stock of        submissions from, many government
                                                       Manager Planning & Transport              community facilities into a world class     agencies. A consolidated submission
                                                       Strategy at Liverpool City                network of modern, attractive facilities    from Government overseen by the
                                                       Counci                                    that address community needs.               GSC would streamline the consultation
                                                                                                                                             and assurance process and limit the
                                                                                                 The LSPS is our strategic roadmap
                                                       Liverpool is one of Sydney’s most                                                     number of revisions to the LSPS.
                                                                                                 for the future. It is based on and
                                                       progressive urban and regional            expands upon the priorities of our          The LSPS process has been useful
                                                       centres.                                  Community Strategic Plan, Our Home,         in other ways as well. It has allowed
                                                                                                 Liverpool 2027, and provides a one-         relationships to be built across
                                                       David and his team are leading a
                                                                                                 stop resource for the major planning        government and Council that didn’t
                                                       catalytic planning period for the city,   work we’re doing to make Liverpool a        exist as strongly before.
                                                       with significant local infrastructure
                                                       projects such as the Western
                                                       Sydney Airport in the pipeline, a
                                                       Smart Transit Corridor linking the
                                                       City Centre to the Western Sydney
                                                       Airport, large scale Greenfield
                                                       release areas and a City Centre that
                                                       is currently undergoing substantial
                                                                                                 vibrant, diverse and attractive place.
                                                                                                 Council worked collaboratively during
                                                                                                 the preparation of the LSPS with
                                                                                                 Department of Planning, Industry and
                                                                                                 Environment (DPIE) and the Greater
                                                                                                 Sydney Commission (GSC) and through
                                                                                                 that collaboration, the final LSPS
                                                                                                 prepared by Council aligned with the
                                                                                                 Western City District Plan, and through
                                                                                                 the GSC Assurance process, only minor
                                                                                                                                             To ensure the success of the LSPS,
                                                                                                                                             DPIE and Councils need to ensure
                                                                                                                                             that future planning proposals are
                                                                                                                                             aligned with the LSPS and the District
                                                                                                                                             Plan to provide certainty for both
                                                                                                                                             the development industry and our
                                                                                                 changes were required.
                                                                                                 The guidelines and templates released
                                                                                                 by DPIE to assist Council’s in preparing
                                                                                                 the LSPS were clear and helpful.

20   CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                                                                         CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		   21


                                                       “We agree that the LSPS                “I acknowledge that for all councils to
                                                                                              deliver a consolidated plan you need
                                                                                                                                           Compared to smaller scale tools, like
                                                                                                                                           Local Area Plan’s which are really
                                                                                                                                                                                      An idea could be to set up a “co-
                                                                                                                                                                                      ordination group” of Metro Council
                                                       should be a plan that is               an efficient process in place where          just focused on the local centres as       Directors with a senior executive
                                                                                              numerous elements can be worked              tools to inform and support greater        from the Department who together,
                                                       consistent with State level            on and delivered concurrently. This          certainty, the LSPS has provided more      can affect more change and keep
                                                                                              process avoids years of indecision           than we ever had, a single overarching     things moving so we can deliver more
                                                       strategic thinking - but               and this is particularly important for       vision for the city but as importantly     – and in good time. This could be
                                                       also carefully balances                amalgamated Council’s. We are making
                                                                                              changes here that will affect the area
                                                                                                                                           how it interconnects with the broader
                                                                                                                                           metropolitan area.
                                                                                                                                                                                      independently chaired.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Regardless, for us, as the largest LGA
                                                       what we think is important             for the next 10, 20, 30 years and
                                                                                                                                           Yet, with the sheer amount of centres      in New South Wales, we are ready and
                                                       to our community long                  It’s been a relatively quick process and
                                                                                                                                           we have within CB City, how do you
                                                                                                                                           deal with it on such a detailed scale
                                                                                                                                                                                      confident to take on precinct level work
                                                                                                                                                                                      ourselves. Yet there is still the feeling
                                                       term, and at the same time             I am comfortable with our end result         in the LSPS? You can’t. Or not reliably.   that notwithstanding the size of the
                                                                                              and outcomes. To achieve this has also       There is more needed. Another layer        Council, decision making on important
                                                       meeting their needs. For               been personally satisfying, as this is       and that is what we are working on         land use and planning decisions is
                                                                                              the first time either former Council had     now. There is more place-based             limited and we are not experiencing
                                                       us however, as the LSPS                a genuine comprehensive strategic            strategic planning and engagment           that change we thought was coming
                                                       process progressed, it felt            vision for how the City would grow and
                                                                                              how the changes would be supported
                                                                                                                                           to be done to give true effect and
                                                                                                                                           meaning to the LSPS.
                                                                                                                                                                                      with the amalgamation process.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Much of what is needed for the LGA is
                                                       like it began to lose some             by services, utilities and infrastructure.
                                                                                                                                           So it’s not just about development         in many ways about regeneration. In

                                                       of its distinguishing local            We all want to give the community, and
                                                                                              industry alike greater certainty. And
                                                                                                                                           outcomes. It’s also about additional
                                                                                                                                           policies and positions of Council, how
                                                                                                                                                                                      CB we are fortunate in that we already
                                                                                                                                                                                      have a strong infrastructure base - the
                                                       flavour.”                              I want that certainty too! Certainty         it will evolve with respect to housing     roads, water, telecommunications,
                                                                                              to know whether those things we              choices, access to employment,             transport and facilities already in place.
                                                                                              are proposing are possible, and              sustainable development and design         We are not a greenfield area - so
                                                       Simon Manoski,                         will happen. And, that they will be          and striking a balance with well located   our challenge is ultimately a renewal
                                                       Director of Planning,                  absolutely right in the long term, for       integrated open spaces and well            one. And we are focused on investing
                                                       City of Canterbury Bankstown           the city?                                    designed public spaces with all users      time and energy into our centres off
                                                                                                                                           in mind.                                   the back of our renewed, great public
                                                                                              In saying this, the LSPS was quite
                                                       Simon has almost two decades of                                                                                                realm experiences.
                                                                                              complex and had to meet many                 The lines have become blurred
                                                       experience as a manager, director      requirements, and be so much to so           between State and Council when you         But overall - as a recently
                                                       and advisor on major planning,         many areas, on a scale that was higher       start introducing things like planned      amalgamated LGA - having captured
                                                       policy, economic development           than any local place-based planning          precincts.                                 the key elements about the LGA right
                                                       and infrastructure projects across
                                                       the private and public sector. This
                                                       experience spans across state
                                                       and local government including
                                                       Department of Planning and

                                                       Simon currently leads the planning
                                                       division at the City of Canterbury
                                                       Bankstown. As the local government
                                                                                              process to date.
                                                                                              However, it’s really important to
                                                                                              recognise that there a differences
                                                                                              across all areas of Sydney. All LGAs
                                                                                              are all so different - as are the
                                                                                              expectations and the outcomes that
                                                                                              will occur as a result of this process. I
                                                                                              look forward to seeing the end result
                                                                                              and how it all fits together across
                                                                                              greater Sydney over time.
                                                                                                                                           So now, we really need to make
                                                                                                                                           the call and make it happen – it
                                                                                                                                           would be a shame if the LSPS’s and
                                                                                                                                           their commitments end up sitting
                                                                                                                                           in a black hole for 18/24 months or
                                                                                                                                           worse, are never really implemented
                                                                                                                                           acknowledging that change in the
                                                                                                                                           planning space will continue and the
                                                                                                                                           parameters under which the LSPS’s
                                                                                                                                           were established may also shift.
                                                                                                                                                                                      now, counts for a lot. This has been the
                                                                                                                                                                                      best thing about the process.
                                                                                                                                                                                      For the first time we also have more
                                                                                                                                                                                      certainty around the role of the
                                                                                                                                                                                      Canterbury-Bankstown CBD. So we
                                                                                                                                                                                      have done the right thing here with the
                                                                                                                                                                                      LSPS/LEP process starting, no doubt,
                                                                                                                                                                                      with more change to come, and we
                                                                                                                                                                                      look forward to that.”

                                                       area with greatest population                                                       Building in flexibility and the need to
                                                       in NSW, he has a clear focus on                                                     change and respond is critical.
                                                       positively guiding growth across the
                                                       city and delivering contemporary and
                                                       innovative solutions to its resident
                                                       and business community.
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                                                       “We used it as a platform                “We were not an LEP acceleration
                                                                                                Council, therefore, no external money
                                                                                                                                              Barangaroo – create a plan and set
                                                                                                                                              some principles. And let’s make it the
                                                                                                                                                                                             I met recently with the State and asked
                                                                                                                                                                                             them, how are you organised to receive,
                                                       to re-position Burwood                   was available to do the LSPS. But I said      best enterprise corridor we can together.      review and make all of the amended
                                                                                                no, we are going to be proactive about        Another important point - and I want           LEPs within the deadline (mid-2021)
                                                       within the state. Burwood                this - not reactive.                          to be fair about this – was the new            set? What’s the briefing to the planning
                                                                                                                                                                                             panels, as planning authorities, so that
                                                       is a diamond in the rough –              We are lucky our councillors are
                                                                                                responsive to the changing requirements
                                                                                                                                              Burwood North Metro Station. It’s a
                                                                                                                                              game changer for us and Parramatta             they understand the significance of the
                                                       so we saw it as a catalyst               of strategic planning. We were afforded       Road. We have met with Metro West              LSPS in relation to the LEPs.
                                                                                                six meetings in six months which was          numerous times and they have been              Because my concern is that we don’t
                                                       to get Burwood at the                    great. They are engaged and informed          proactive coming to meet with us. But          know what’s next - and we have done
                                                                                                and this helped immensely.                    the design is still TBA. They have set the     all this work. We give it to DPIE and then
                                                       table.”                                  We started the process by asking, what        expectation of not to expect any change        it’s a long time before we hear anything
                                                                                                do we want for Burwood? And we worked         for at least two years.                        back.
                                                                                                hard on developing that, including            I guess that’s like the thing that holds       It’s not a criticism yet - because nothing
                                                                                                initiating workshops with councils we         us back with Parramatta Road. The              had happened yet. But I feel we need
                                                                                                share a boundary with.                        Ministerial Direction says that no             to put some things in place this time to
                                                                                                Then, in our first workshop with the          uplift can happen unless there is an           ensure there is a clear timetable.
                                                                                                NSW Government they asked where we            infrastructure plan to support it.             I think as councils, we have to just keep
                                                                                                were at. And we responded with a yellow       And we are still under that direction and      putting the questions out there.
                                                                                                butter-paper map and a few strategic          with the Metro not here yet - only the         There has been an “us and them”
                                                                                                arrows across it. By the time the District    EIS for the tunnelling available to the        mentality between councils and the
                                                                                                Plan requirements were added to the           public - we can’t decide what to do with       state, but it’s changing. If councils push
                                                                                                mix, the LSPS went from 30 to 80 pages.       it, or how to respond. The remit of the        a bit harder, that is be on the front
                                                       - Kimberly Everett, Burwood              And we had to relate all actions and          new Project Delivery Unit (PDU) within         foot, they may be able to keep more of
                                                       Deputy General Manager,                  priorities to the State’s plans.              the Department of Planning, Industry and       their local character and have a more
                                                       Land Infrastructure and                  We had to fight for our plan along the        Environment supposedly includes the            successful impact on the results.
                                                       Environment, Burwood Council             way - because this is a local strategic       delivery of the PRCUTS. Funding? The
                                                                                                                                                                                             I’m 80 / 20 person – potentially be
                                                                                                statement.                                    Department of Premier and Cabinet are
                                                                                                                                                                                             willing to concede twenty percent, to get
                                                       Kimberly is a leader in delivery of                                                    also calling us about public art along
                                                                                                But then you have other considerations                                                       80 percent of what we want.
                                                       Major Infrastructure Projects with                                                     Parramatta Road. All of this begs for
                                                                                                to factor in outside of us, like Parramatta                                                  We have 81 actions in our LSPS, and
                                                       global experience successfully                                                         understanding of who’s got the master
                                                                                                Road which has a regional impact.                                                            we are a small council. So we are now
                                                                                                                                              plan on how it all fits together for a great
                                                       mentoring multi-disciplinary teams       This has to be looked at because it’s                                                        grappling with how do we respond with
                                                                                                                                              outcome? Is it DPIE, Transport, P&C or
                                                       to deliver complex projects. With a      not a Council road, and our LSPS cannot                                                      those as a council?
                                                                                                                                              the eight councils?
                                                       thorough appreciation of different
                                                       business models and political
                                                       processes required to navigate
                                                       the complexities of government
                                                       regulation and commercial
                                                       outcomes, Kimberly has broad
                                                       experience in infrastructure planning,
                                                       project management, environmental
                                                       regulation and strategic planning
                                                       and an extensive international
                                                                                                solve the problem on its own.
                                                                                                My thoughts around Parramatta Road
                                                                                                is that we consider it as something
                                                                                                we have to do. The position we have
                                                                                                asked the State to take is to please
                                                                                                just tell people about the status of the
                                                                                                PRCUTS (Parramatta Road Corridor
                                                                                                Urban Transformation Strategy) - just tell
                                                                                                people so they know how to plan.
                                                                                                But they don’t seem to have anyone
                                                                                                looking at that. In the 22 years I’ve
                                                                                                                                              We are completely coming up with our
                                                                                                                                              own plan. So what does the state need
                                                                                                                                              to do? I think the state needs to let us
                                                                                                                                              get on with it.
                                                                                                                                              I’ve worked on major capital works with
                                                                                                                                              the state. Planning is planning, and we
                                                                                                                                              know that things take a long time.
                                                                                                                                              The GSC is committed to their KPI’s
                                                                                                                                              and that’s why they were successful in
                                                                                                                                              getting the LSPSs through.
                                                                                                                                                                                             This project has a risk of just sitting on
                                                                                                                                                                                             a shelf. There is a strong need for an
                                                                                                                                                                                             implementation piece – how do we track
                                                                                                                                                                                             the progress of those actions. A standard
                                                                                                                                                                                             process is needed across all councils.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Burwood has already included the LSPS
                                                                                                                                                                                             actions into the IP&R system for FY
                                                                                                                                                                                             20/21 as a way to assign and measure
                                                                                                                                                                                             To my knowledge, there is no work being
                                                                                                                                                                                             done on this? And the LSPS is not set
                                                       experience across the US, Europe,
                                                                                                been in Sydney, there has never been a        The GSC had the right people around the        up for that. So I ask, is the standard
                                                       Middle East, Southeast Asia and
                                                                                                management agency to really deal with         table and brought agencies to the table        instrument effective enough to give
                                                       Australia.                                                                             too. That was good.
                                                                                                Parramatta Road.                                                                             effect to the LSPS document?“
                                                                                                Perhaps they need a short-term body           But then what happens? The revision of
                                                                                                to coordinate this. Like they did for         LEPs, DCPs and Local Housing Strategies
                                                                                                                                              go back to DPIE.
24   CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                                                                            CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		                 25
Emerging Ideas
 The conversations we have had have been
 both inspiring and on occasion daunting
 in their implications.
                                                    1   Advocacy
 There were many more topics that could
 have been explored but these insights
 represent the key ideas and issues that
 arose through those conversations.
                                                    2   In(equity)
 In general it was clear there was
 considerable praise for the work the GSC
 have undertaken. Whilst it was not perfect
 – no system ever is – it was an extremely          3   The “Office of Information”
 good base in which to build from.
 This is both from a technical planning
 perspective as well as a relationship
 building perspective.
                                                    4   Delivery
 This is only the beginning of contemporary
 strategic planning across the Greater
 Sydney Region. But it is a massive
 achievement to have at least started.
                                                    5   Nothing’s Perfect

                                                    6   Good Development

1                       Advocacy                                                                                       1   In(equity)
                             The LSPS documents have                        Many of these initiatives cannot be brought         Having a strong evidence base                    Every good structure plan needs to set
                                                                            to fruition through the actions of the LGA                                                           out what the state interests are, such
                             all set out to establish a                                                                         as well as good community
     2                                                                                                                      2
                                                                            alone and require State and even federal                                                             as housing, economic development, big
                             vision. One that reflects their                funding or a range of partnerships both             feedback allows for a broader                    ticket environmental matters (rivers, water
                             communities, their identity and                private and with institutions such as               discussion around urban                          catchments, RAMSAR, etc). It also needs
                                                                            universities and TAFE etc. This requires                                                             to be backed by an infrastructure plan
                             their aspirations both now and                 a vision, coupled with advocacy to drive
                                                                                                                                structure.                                       that is definitive in terms of delivery and
                             into the future.                               delivery and funding. Some LGAs have done                                                            implementation.
                                                                                                                                This is where the discussion with the
                                                                            exactly that and chosen to extend beyond
                                                                                                                                community needs to begin. What do we             The danger in not doing this is in creating

     3                                                                                                                      3
                             Some LGAs relied on existing information       merely dealing with land use and transport
                                                                                                                                want our city, neighbourhood, community          a two speed planning system where
                             to generate this vision and set the course     models to explore regionally significant
                                                                                                                                to look like? There are a couple of key          residential growth is running well ahead
                             for the future while some have taken on the    projects. In this respect the LSPS becomes
                                                                                                                                points here. One is the lack of certainty in     of infrastructure delivery. Some of this is
                             community’s voice and translated this into     more than a vision. It becomes an advocacy
                                                                                                                                the metropolitan plan and the other is the       happening already in parts of Sydney where
                             a more meaningful conversation around the      for an economic or transport narrative,
                                                                                                                                communities view on development.                 housing is being created without adequate
                             future shape of the LGA.                       that moves the conversation from housing
                                                                                                                                                                                 infrastructure to service them effectively.
                             Obviously, pressures within each LGA           diversity and land use to a more compelling         Every structure plan is at its core a
                                                                            city building proposition.                          discussion about trying to create the            Creating large areas of residential

     4                                                                                                                      4
                             are different. Some are dealing with
                                                                                                                                most sustainable urban form that includes        development may meet housing targets but
                             amalgamation some with resource                Liverpool City Council has realised this
                                                                                                                                elements of economic development,                it does little to create good places to live if
                             constraints, and the list goes on. All are     opportunity and have used the LSPS to
                                                                                                                                liveability, movement and access (not just       those areas of residential development are
                             dealing with issues of growth, whether that    promote a number of city wide initiatives the
                                                                                                                                roads).                                          not serviced by public transport, community
                             be growth from infill development or growth    most significant being their FAST Corridor
                                                                                                                                                                                 facilities (schools, child care, etc), shops and
                             in greenfield areas. Some like Liverpool are   linking Liverpool City to the Aerotropolis.         The District Plans provide some shape and
                                                                                                                                                                                 retail services and perhaps more importantly
                             experiencing a mix of both.                    This corridor has the potential to drive a          form to a rapidly growing city. It does all
                                                                                                                                                                                 employment. The danger is in the creation of
                                                                            range of land use, transport and housing            those good things that a structure plan

     5                                                                                                                      5
                             The District plans provide a broad pattern                                                                                                          areas of (relatively) affordable housing with
                             for urban development and an equally broad     outcomes well beyond that envisaged in              should – it shows major centres, growth
                                                                                                                                                                                 little access to services and employment
                             vision for the Greater Sydney region. They     the District Plan. It’s a sound idea worthy         areas, employment locations, areas of
                                                                                                                                                                                 has the potential to create areas of social
                             don’t solve growth problems and they don’t     of some considerable investigation and              environmental value. It begins to fray at the
                             set out a vision for economic resilience.      investment. Liverpool City Council thinks so        edges however when transit connections are
                                                                            too and are using the LSPS as a platform to         added. These are shown as visionary and          The District Plans and the creation of
                             That is rightly the job of the LGA and the
                                                                            advocate for this outcome and also put it on        look more like guess work than planning.         housing needs to be tied the delivery of
                                                                            the GSC’s agenda.                                                                                    public transport, education and community

     6                                                                                                                      6
                             Some LGAs took on this challenge boldly and                                                        Most of the connections are likely to be
                                                                                                                                                                                 services, open space, employment and other
                             set out a compelling vision that extended                                                          good ideas and begin to make rational
                                                                                                                                                                                 services. Community development needs
                             beyond the framework set out in the District                                                       linkages between activity nodes. But there
                                                                                                                                                                                 to be the focus of the District Plan and the
                             Plans. Some explored key projects and                                                              is a substantial lack of evidence to suggest
                                                                                                                                                                                 LSPS process in greenfield areas not just
                             initiatives that are ground-breaking for                                                           how, why and when.
                             their communities and could help to drive a
                             compelling economic narrative that has far
                             reaching implications.

28   CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                                                                       CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		            29

     1                       The “Office of Information”
                                                                                                                                                                                                          nt And Oth
                                                                                                                                                                                                      rnme          er A
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Gove                  ge
                                                                                                                                                                                                e                         n
                             State and local governments                    Many of the LGAs will argue that the            The opposite diagram explores a


                                                                            timeframes were far too compressed in           coordination model that is perhaps better

                             have always had fraught
                                                                            order to achieve the desired level of detail    fit for purpose that can better coordinate
                             relationships. Its perhaps the                 and in many respects that is perhaps more       actions, activities and information between                                GSC
                             nature of the beast.                           a function of bedding down a new process        state and local governments. The GSC as
                                                                            with outcomes that were not entirely clear.     a planning body has been enormously
                             With agendas that don’t always align           To draw from the old saying: it was like        successful. But the GSC needs to play
                             politically, financially, etc getting good     designing and building a car whilst trying to   a broader role in coordinating feedback
                                                                                                                                                                                                     D ist
                             development outcomes that represent a          drive it to a place you had never been.         from all state agencies, assimilating                                            rict P la n s

                             good balance of Local and State interests                                                      that information into the district plan
                                                                            That will improve over time. But it does
                             is not always easy through one on one                                                          where a genuine state interest should be
                                                                            require some underlying elements to be
                             negotiations. This is particularly so when                                                     represented or passing specific information

                             the achievement of those development                                                           relevant to the development of the LSPS
                             outcomes requires commitments in both          The greatest success of the GSC as              in a specific location directly to the LGA to
                             money and infrastructure.                      described by the LGAs has been to get the       properly process and plan for their local
                                                                            right people around the table. Being the        communities.
                             Into this environment the Greater Sydney       holder of the Vision is one thing, but to be
                             Commission has stepped in. Along with                                                          A number of LGAs noted there were
                                                                            able to coordinate all the players to get
                             being the holders of the Greater Sydney                                                        inconsistencies between state government
                                                                            the desired response is an ongoing critical
                             vision the GSC were tasked with oversight of                                                   departments and agencies both in terms
                                                                            role that is vital to achieving the vision.
                             Local Strategic Planning Statements being                                                      of the quality of information and indeed                                  LEP
                                                                            The current process has the GSC playing a                                                                                       ’ s a n d D L P ’s
                             prepared by local councils.                                                                    its relevance to the LSPS process. Having
                                                                            key coordinator role - by getting agencies
                                                                                                                            this information vetted before it reaches
                             Overwhelmingly the LGAs involved have          and departments to directly interface with
                                                                                                                            each LGA can deliver better consistency
                             seen the process and the outcomes to be        each LGA. This model assumes there is a
                                                                                                                            of information and shorten the feedback

                             successful. It has pushed the LGAs to take     consistent view of what a state interest is
                                                                            as opposed to a local government interest.
                                                                                                                            process with LGAs having to argue with                                    Cons
                             a long term strategic view of development                                                      agencies that the same information
                             in a spatial sense and begin to set out a      It also assumes that each department has a
                                                                                                                            requirements could not be presented in the
                             development agenda on how and where            clear view of what can and can’t be achieved
                             and development is to be accommodated. It      through and as part of the LSPS process.                                                                                   Community

                             would be difficult to argue that each of the   Nether of those two preconditions currently
                             LGAs were not in a better position from a      exist. There is no clear distinction between

                             planning and development perspective now       state and local interests and state agencies                                                                                D e li v e r y
                             the LSPS process has been completed.           do not clearly understand the LSPS
                                                                            documents as a forward planning tool.

                                                                                                                                                                            Figure 1: Coordination Model

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1                       Delivery                                                                                             1   Nothing’s Perfect

                             Implementation of a structure                    Most LSPS documents have aligned                        Good structure planning in                      This along with tight timeframes drives
                                                                              population growth to transport planning                                                                 innovation in terms of how documents
                             plan is every bit as important                                                                           fact good planning of any type
     2                                                                                                                            2
                                                                              which in of itself is an appropriate model                                                              are produced. Some geared up with full
                             as the structure plan itself.                    in terms of urban form. Indeed, throughout              should be evidence based.                       consultant teams to produced in depth
                             Without timeframes and                           much of the public consultation for a                   It provides a solid basis for                   technical reports on a range of issues. Some
                                                                              number of the LSPS documents the general                                                                opted to rely solely on technical information
                             delivery frameworks then the                     public supported the better alignment of
                                                                                                                                      decision making.                                at hand and some a combination of both.
                             structure plan is just a nice                    land use, transport and housing diversity.                                                              Either way the exercise did a lot to focus
                                                                                                                                      How information has been gathered
                             graphic.                                         The only thing lacking in this model is the
                                                                                                                                      for the preparation of these founding
                                                                                                                                                                                      planning efforts on the broad range of

     3                                                                                                                            3
                                                                              certainty of the public transport and the                                                               issues facing each LGA. It did raise planners
                                                                                                                                      LSPS documents has varied from LGA to
                             Each LSPS contains an implementation             commitment to funding. It is unreasonable                                                               eyes from the present to the future. Some
                                                                                                                                      LGA. Given the tight timeframes and the
                             schedule that identifies timing tasks and        to expect each LGA to properly plan for                                                                 will openly admit that the exercise engaged
                                                                                                                                      uncertainty of the endpoint LGAs opted for a
                             responsibilities for actions and priorities.     growth targets given the lack of State                                                                  them with the length and breadth of
                                                                                                                                      variety of evidence sources to support their
                             This delivers certainty to those who benefit     commitment to investment in infrastructure.                                                             their own LGA in a way that had not done
                             from the actions and for those who are                                                                                                                   previously. In this respect the exercise
                                                                              Without this clarity it is difficult for local
                             responsible for delivery.                                                                                Again its easy to be critical how this was      though not perfect was extremely useful in
                                                                              government to appropriately respond
                                                                                                                                      done but listening to many of those in          reconsidering the nature of planning in each

     4                                                                                                                            4
                             The District Plans however are presently         with reasoned and logical local planning
                                                                                                                                      charge of preparing the LSPS documents          LGA and from a regional perspective.
                             failing to provide the same level of certainty   strategies particularly in terms of housing
                                                                                                                                      you can understand their logic.
                             that is required by the LSPS documents.          and economic development. It is clearly a
                             From a planning perspective this is poor         major source of frustration for many of the             Some LGAs relied on existing studies some
                             practice.                                        LGAs preparing their LSPS documents                     produced a range of studies while others
                                                                                                                                      relied entirely on community consultation
                             The District Plans need to provide certainty     The State needs to prepare a comprehensive
                                                                                                                                      to drive the LSPS document and will look
                             through definitive deliverable timeframes.       infrastructure plan that commits to funding
                                                                                                                                      to refine their documents in subsequent

     5                                                                                                                            5
                             At the moment the District Plans are too         and timing for all infrastructure items. If it is
                                                                                                                                      rounds of amendments.
                             vague with respect to many of the public         a requirement for all LGAs to prepare such a
                             transport initiatives and even more vague its    plan it is reasonable to expect the State to            Which is the better approach, time will
                             commitments to funding.                          do the same.                                            tell. But it must be remembered that not
                                                                                                                                      all LGAs are equal. Some are far better
                             Essentially the State needs to develop an                                                                resourced than others and others have their
                             Infrastructure Plan which sets out clearly all                                                           own internal issues to resolve. Canterbury
                             funding costs and commitments, timeframes

     6                                                                                                                            6
                                                                                                                                      Bankstown City for instance is still trying
                             for delivery, detail on corridor alignments,                                                             to reconcile internal systems from the
                             etc. This enables local governments to align                                                             recent amalgamation. Others had very little
                             their strategic planning accordingly.                                                                    resources in terms of either personnel
                                                                                                                                      or finances with which to complete the

32   CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM                                                                                                                            CERTAINTY INSIGHTS INTO NSW PLANNING REFORM		         33
1                       Good Development

                             Through the process of                         This publication is a way to engage more
                                                                            meaningfully with LGAs and those who are at
                             interviews and discussion
                                                                            the forefront of development in those LGAs
                             with planning managers and                     to engage in a dialogue about raising the
                             directors of a number of the                   standard of development across Sydney.

                             LGAs it was clear there was                    The UDIA is a willing partner in this respect
                                                                            to advocate on behalf of LGAs to achieve
                             extensive areas of common                      their vision for development set out in the
                             ground and potential areas of                  LSPS documents. Some LGAs have already

     3                       collaboration particularly at                  taken the opportunity to enlist the help of
                                                                            the UDIA to get their key messages out.
                             this level between LGAs.                       Blacktown City Council help and held an
                                                                            information session in conjunction with the
                             We have discussed already the greater
                                                                            UDIA to talk about their vision and outcomes
                             role that the GSC, or some similar body,
                                                                            of the LSPS. The session talked less about
                             can play in the information flow between
                                                                            the specifics of the documents and talked
                             State and Local government. Similarly, there

                                                                            more about key outcomes and the major
                             is certainly more that can be achieved
                                                                            elements of the document. In this regard the
                             between LGAs themselves.
                                                                            session was more of an advocacy exercise
                             The roundtable sessions were particularly      than simply providing information.
                             cathartic for some managers and directors
                                                                            In this regard the UDIA’s role into the future
                             being able to have a platform in which to
                                                                            is to ensure there is an ongoing dialogue
                             discuss many of the planning issues they
                                                                            between LGAs, and between LGAs and
                             were dealing with on a week to week basis.

                                                                            the State and the development industry
                             The insights gained have informed this work.
                                                                            to ensure there is a regular and constant
                             The UDIA has a long history of working         communication and to ensure there is voice
                             with the development industry to educate,      advocating for good development.
                             innovate and advocate. The UDIA believe
                             fundamentally that they are here to
                             advocate for good development and not just
                             represent developers.


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