Gravesend Station On the instruction of London and South Eastern Railway Limited Cycle Maintenance / Hire Hub Opportunity - AmeyTPT

Page created by Gregory Spencer
Gravesend Station On the instruction of London and South Eastern Railway Limited Cycle Maintenance / Hire Hub Opportunity - AmeyTPT
Gravesend Station
On the instruction of London and South Eastern
Railway Limited
Cycle Maintenance / Hire Hub Opportunity
Gravesend Station On the instruction of London and South Eastern Railway Limited Cycle Maintenance / Hire Hub Opportunity - AmeyTPT
On the instruction of LSER

DA11 0HP

Gravesend railway station is a railway station
serving the town of Gravesend, Kent.
The station and all trains serving it are operated
by Southeastern.

                                                                                             A Tenancy at Will can be granted in the short term
An opportunity exists to let a retail unit within the
                                                                                             with a view to a longer term lease in the future.
Cycle Hub at Gravesend railway station.
                                                                                             The Tenancy at Will will cost £375 plus vat.
The new cycle hub at Gravesend Station has been
jointly funded by the Association of Train Operating                                         Rent
Companies (ATOC) and Kent County Council and has                                             We are inviting offers for this temporary opportunity.
space for a retail use. It does require for there to be
                                                                                             Business plans detailing previous experience with
some element of the prospective business to be                                               visuals should be submitted with the financial offer.
involved in cycling, wether bike maintenance or sales.
The unit has a GIA (Gross internal area) of 49m². The
back area (bike maintenance) measures approx. 7.1m                                           Business Rates
x 3.8m and the front area (showroom) measures                                                The tenant shall be responsible for business rates. A
approx. 7.8m x 2.6m (Please note all the above                                               search for the Rateable Value using the station
dimensions are approximate). The unit has a toilet                                           postcode and the Valuation Office Agency website has
and small kitchen area                                                                       not provided any detail. It is recommended that
There is 63 amp single phase power as well as water                                          interested parties make their own enquiries with the
and drainage.                                                                                Local Authority to ascertain what business rates will
                                                                                             be payable.
Information from the Office of the Rail Regulator
stipulates that in 2019/20 there were over 2.988                                             Local Authority is Gravesend Borough Council.
million passenger entries and exits per annum.                                               Other Costs
                                                                                             The tenant will be responsible for all utilities, business
                                                                                             rates and insurance.

Lease Details

AmeyTPT Limited and their clients give notice that: (i) These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of
fact. (ii) No person in the employment of AmeyTPT Limited has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. (iii) Floor areas,
measurements or distances given are approximate. Unless otherwise stated, any rents, or outgoings quoted are exclusive of VAT. (iv) Any descriptions given of the property cannot
be taken to imply it is in good repair, has all necessary consents, is free of defects.
Gravesend Station On the instruction of London and South Eastern Railway Limited Cycle Maintenance / Hire Hub Opportunity - AmeyTPT
On the instruction of LSER
Cycle Maintenance / Hire Hub Opportunity

AmeyTPT Limited and their clients give notice that: (i) These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of
fact. (ii) No person in the employment of AmeyTPT Limited has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. (iii) Floor areas,
measurements or distances given are approximate. Unless otherwise stated, any rents, or outgoings quoted are exclusive of VAT. (iv) Any descriptions given of the property cannot
be taken to imply it is in good repair, has all necessary consents, is free of defects.
Gravesend Station On the instruction of London and South Eastern Railway Limited Cycle Maintenance / Hire Hub Opportunity - AmeyTPT
On the instruction of LSER
Cycle Maintenance / Hire Hub Opportunity

AmeyTPT Limited and their clients give notice that: (i) These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of
fact. (ii) No person in the employment of AmeyTPT Limited has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. (iii) Floor areas,
measurements or distances given are approximate. Unless otherwise stated, any rents, or outgoings quoted are exclusive of VAT. (iv) Any descriptions given of the property cannot
be taken to imply it is in good repair, has all necessary consents, is free of defects.
instruction of GTR
Unit 3 – Catering / Retail Opportunity

  For further details relating to this property
  please contact us:

  Claire Moir – Portfolio Manager
  Email :
  Tel : 020 7921 2932

  Please visit for
  terms and conditions and more information on
  similar properties across the United Kingdom

              @TPTRetail                                                     020 7921 2930

AmeyTPT Limited and their clients give notice that: (i) These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of
fact. (ii) No person in the employment of AmeyTPT Limited has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. (iii) Floor areas,
measurements or distances given are approximate. Unless otherwise stated, any rents, or outgoings quoted are exclusive of VAT. (iv) Any descriptions given of the property cannot
be taken to imply it is in good repair, has all necessary consents, is free of defects.
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