Grass Roots Build a pond for wildlife - Join our new campaign - RHS

Page created by Harold Manning
Grass Roots Build a pond for wildlife - Join our new campaign - RHS
Grass Roots

                The RHS Community Update
                 Issue 37 • Spring 2019

Build a pond for wildlife
Join our new campaign

Make a green roof
Tap into plastic bag levies
Learn to teach in the garden
Grass Roots Build a pond for wildlife - Join our new campaign - RHS

2 Welcome
3 Wise Ways with Water
4 News
6 Big or small, ponds for all

8 Make a wildlife pond
10 Green roofs                                    RHS / GEORGI MABEE

12 Plastic waste pays off
14 Teaching in the garden                                   the Spring issue of Grass Roots, the magazine for all community
                                                                       gardening groups, including Bloom and It’s Your Neighbourhood groups
                                                                       and RHS Affiliated Societies.

                                                                       As gardeners, you were likely equally                            are reducing, reusing and recycling in new
                                                                       delighted and unsettled by the                                   and creative ways, while inspiring others
                                                                       unseasonable blue skies and sunshine we                          in the community to do the same. We
                                                                       enjoyed during what is usually the coldest                       are particularly interested to hear about
                                                                       time of the year. For many, it made for                          some of the ways you are managing water
                                                                       the perfect opportunity to get started                           where you live, as excessively wet and dry
                                                                       on spaces already sprouting leaf, while                          periods continue to challenge so many.
                                                                       for others it may have been met with                             For this reason, the Bloom theme for 2019
                                                                       the worry of failing to keep pace with                           is Wise Ways with Water (see p3). Do let
                                                                       the shifting gardening calendar. Then,                           us know how you are responding to the
                                                                       of course, there is the other looming                            changing conditions where you grow.
                                                                       worry – that of climate change and the
       @RHSBloom                                                       growing signs of a confused system, even
                                                                                                                    RHS / PAUL DEBOIS

       rhscommunitygardening                                           in Britain’s relatively benign climate. It
                                                                       has therefore been especially heartening
                                                                       to hear from so many of you on how you                                        Emily Braham – Editor
Cover image: Penny Dixie
Volunteers from Walthamstow Village in Bloom
creating ponds for the new Wild About Gardens
campaign.                                                                Your views – supporting
This magazine is printed on paper using                                  homeless people
100 percent recycled fibre. Please pass it
on or recycle it.                                                        in Northampton
                                                                                                                    RHS / TIM SNADALL

                                                                         The community farm, Sol Havens, was
                                                                         opened in September 2016, offering
Grass Roots is published by
RHS Community Horticulture                                               eco-therapy based on permaculture
80 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PE                                       principles to support people with
T: 020 7821 3122                                                         mental health challenges and who                               events that contribute to strengthening
                                                                         are also homeless or threatened with                           community and creating social change.
©2019 The Royal Horticultural Society
                                                                         homelessness. Based in Moulton,                                We enable individuals to learn, grow
Registered Charity no: 222879 / SC038262
                                                                         Northamptonshire on a one-acre                                 and blossom, teaching them how to
                                                                         site, we work with the Northampton                             grow edibles and then prepare food to
The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s                              Hope Centre for the local homeless                             be served at our pop-up café and other
leading gardening charity, dedicated to                                  community.                                                     local events. We also collect, store and
advancing horticulture and promoting gardening.                             The objective is to bring healing,                          gravity-feed water below raised beds
    Our community campaigns support more
than 5,000 groups in creating greener and
                                                                         while connecting with Mother                                   within our polytunnel, allowing the
more interconnected communities. For more                                Earth and reducing our impact on                               water to soak upwards into the soil,
information about RHS Britain in Bloom, RHS                              the environment. This has led to                               reducing the amount used. Our raised
It’s Your Neighbourhood and RHS Affiliated                               regeneration of a disused farm building                        beds are made from recycled concrete
Societies, please visit
                                                                         and garden to create a social gathering                        panels from an old tractor shed on the
                                                                         space, where we host groups and                                farm. Sammuel Yisrael, Sol Havens

Grass Roots • Spring 2019
Grass Roots Build a pond for wildlife - Join our new campaign - RHS

                   Wise Ways with
                   Water in 2019

                                                                                                               RHS / JASON BYE
                   Whatever your local conditions, water is a key issue for gardeners and
                   community groups. That’s why this year we’re focusing on this precious
                   resource, and are encouraging you to do the same.
                                                                                                                                 Water saving heroes
                   It may be that you are struggling to keep      risk of flooding from the River Beal and                       The Allotment Project in
                   your beds well watered, or it may be flood     its tributaries.                                               Norfolk helps to reduce
                   risk that is more front of mind. For some,        Under the guidance of scientists from                       environmental impact through
                   it increasingly seems that both situations     the MFFP, volunteers (pictured below)                          water management.
                   – too dry and too wet – could occur at         planted 7,500 individual ‘plugs’, each
                   different times of the year.                   containing 12 different species of                             The Reepham High School Allotment
                      Making the best use of rainwater,           sphagnum at 30 sites, and are carefully                        Project, set up by 2018 RHS School
                   whether for sheer necessity or to reduce       monitoring their performance alongside                         Gardening Champion of the Year
                   storm-water flow and flood risk, does          a similar area without the moss. Marian                        Matt Willer, is a hotspot of invention
                   not just make for lower-impact gardening,      Herod, secretary of the group said: ‘We’ve                     when it comes to upcycling and water
                   but protects our fresh water sources too.      learned a lot of new skills during the                         saving. Most recently, sails, railway
                                                                  project, such as how to ID species, so now                     sleepers and a steep embankment
                   Planting for flood risk                        I can recognise the varieties that grow on                     were put to good use by pupils and
                   Volunteer-led group Friends of Crompton        the moor. I also learned how to use GPS                        volunteers in helping capture and
                   Moor has been key to a pioneering              to locate the planting sites.’                                 store rainwater, diverting it to two
                   initiative to help protect Manchester from        The group is due to plant another                           underground containers. An outdoor
                   flooding, working alongside Trees for Cities   3,500 more sphagnum plugs and 3,100                            washing-line has also found a new life
                   and the Moors for the Future Partnership       trees to join the 900 planted last year.                       with a plastic cover that makes use of
                   (MFFP). The wildlife conservation group        City of Trees also plans to install 12                         its upward funnel (pictured above) to
                   has planted sphagnum moss – essential          experimental tree planting plots with                          harvest even more water. The group
                   for vulnerable peat bog habitats – across      varying ground preparation techniques                          estimates they harvested 6,000L of
                   selected sections of the moor above            to monitor changes in surface water                            water during last winter from various
                   Oldham to help slow rainwater flow. The        runoff, working alongside Manchester                           water catchment containers.
                   community below the moor is at high            Metropolitan University.                             

                                                                                                               Get involved
                                                                                                               Let us know how you are managing water
                                                                                                               in your community. Please send an image
                                                                                                               and short description on social media or in
                                                                                                               an email to (no
                                                                                                               more than 150 words) before 17 May.
                                                                                                                  The most innovative examples will have
                                                                                                               a chance to win a 250L water butt, or if
                                                                                                               more appropriate, a voucher to the same
                                                                                                               value for trees.
                                                                                                                  With this issue of Grass Roots you
                                                                                                               will find some brilliant borage seeds – a
                                                                                                               hardworking edible that will tolerate wet
                                                                                                               and dry conditions and also attract bees.
                                                                                                                  See for more

                                                                                                               tips and inspiration, and for a link to the
                                                                                                               RHS research survey on water use that
                                                                                                               helps shape our work in this area.

Grass Roots Build a pond for wildlife - Join our new campaign - RHS

2019 Britain
in Bloom UK
With spring sprung early, the 2019 Britain
in Bloom UK Finalists are now well underway
in their preparations for the year ahead. This
year’s top Bloomers hail from all corners of
the UK, from the picturesque coastal village
of Sark in the Channel Islands, to Canary
Wharf in the urban heart of London.
   There are 70 entries in the UK Finals
competition for 2019, which include
seasoned entrants such as Harrogate in

                                                                                                                                                                   FARNHAM TOWN COUNCIL
Yorkshire, following a year’s rest for the
group, and first-time entrants Bexhill on
Sea in East Sussex. To see the full list, visit

George joins youth                                Landfill
climate strikes                                   communities fund
RHS Young Ambassador George                       The SUEZ Communities Trust provides
Hassall was one of more than 10,000               funding from its Landfill Communities
young people that went on strike in               Fund to not-for-profit organisations
                                                                                              BBC / ELECTRIC RAY

February and March calling for action             for projects such as conservation and
on climate change. He spoke at the rally          community facilitates. The smaller
in Manchester in February and then                fund offers grants of up to £20,000,
appeared alongside Energy Minister                while the larger fund offer grants
Claire Perry on BBC Breakfast, holding            of up to £50,000. There are no
her to task on the UK’s commitment                application deadlines, but check your                            Britain in Bloom is back
to reducing its emissions.                        eligibility on the site before applying                          for a second series                           – the site must be within one of 80
                                                  specific zones in England or Scotland.                           Britain in Bloom – the BBC Two programme
                                                                              which follows 15 groups as they take part
                                                                                                                   in Bloom – has returned for a second
Say you will for nature                                                                                            series. Each of the 30 minute episodes
Young people are making their voices                                                                               tell the story of one community’s Bloom
heard through the #iwill4nature                   Reduce night lighting                                            experience. It is presented by Chris Bavin, a
initiative, supported by the youth charity        for wildlife                                                     former flower trader and presenter of BBC’s
Step Up To Serve and linked to Defra’s            A study by Newcastle University,                                 Eat Well for Less? and Britain’s Best Home
Year of Green Action. The hashtag is              published in Global Change Biology,                              Cook. Chris fell in love with the community
being used to promote young people’s              has shown the benefit of reducing night                          gardening competition in the first series:
commitment to the environment                     lighting, even for part of the night, for                        “The sense of purpose, achievement and
and to practical volunteering.                    wildlife such as moths. The study found                          fulfilment for volunteers was very real,”
Community groups can get involved                 that all-night lighting disrupts moths’                          he said. Groups in this series include five
by pledging their support to social and           pollinating activities, but that with                            UK Finalists; Amersham, Marlborough,
environmental action on the #iwill                lighting during only half of the night                           Llandudno, Prestatyn and Pateley Bridge.
website, inviting young people to                 they could still fulfil this function.                           It airs on BBC Two until April 12th, but
join in.                                                     is also available on iPlayer.

Grass Roots • Spring 2019
Grass Roots Build a pond for wildlife - Join our new campaign - RHS

Fund for
community groups
The WREN FCC Community Action                                 Growing good health in Salford
Fund is again open for applications,
closing on 12 June. The scheme                                A dozen community gardening projects
offers funding of between £2,000                              with a focus on health and wellbeing
and £100,000 to eligible projects to                          are now underway in Salford, thanks to
develop amenities within 10 miles                             the Grow Well Fund, supported by RHS
of a FCC Environment Landfill site                            Garden Bridgewater, Salford Community
(England only). There is also a FCC                           Voluntary Services and Salford Clinical
Scottish scheme. The project site                             Commissioning Group.

                                                                                                                                                         RHS / HELEN YATES
must be open to the public during                               The fund is part of a wider programme
daylight hours without restriction,                           of RHS Community Outreach work to get
or with reasonable costs in place.                            Salfordians growing ahead of the fifth RHS                                                   garden opening in 2020, with a particular
                                                              focus on boosting the social, economic and   a not-for-profit allotment shop, a
                                                              environmental wellbeing of the area.         therapeutic community care farm,
                                                                Grants of up to £2,000 are supporting a    a supportive growing space for people
Slug pellets get safer                                        range of projects. These include a weekly    with cancer and their carers, and the
Widely used slug pellets containing                           after-school gardening and cooking club,     revival of a community horticultural show.
the poisonous compound
metaldehyde have been banned
from sale by the UK government
due to the risk they pose to birds
and mammals. Ferric phosphate-
based pellets are considered more
wildlife-friendly and continue to be
available, but the RHS recommends
these as a last resort, encouraging
the attracting of natural predators
and seasonal management instead.

Plant pests discovered
Two more non-native landscape and
garden pests have been identified in
the UK – the eight-toothed spruce
bark beetle (Ips typographus), which
mainly lives on Norway spruce and
pines, has been found in Kent, and
the string cottony scale (Takahashia
japonica), was discovered on a
magnolia in Berkshire. The RHS
is keen to hear from anyone who
                                       RHS / RICHARD DAWSON

finds string cottony scale, which
could also be found on mulberry,
elder, sycamore or dogwood.

Get our news online                                           Nurture the next generation of horticulturists
                                                              The RHS is looking for mentors for this      while adding to their own professional
Did you know that you can access
back issues of Grass Roots on                                 year’s RHS Green Plan It Challenge to help   development. The RHS is seeking industry
our website? Just visit                              inspire the next generation through the      mentors from all backgrounds, able to
uk/grassroots. Feel free to share                             power of plants.                             commit to volunteering once per week
this link with your co-gardeners                                The programme encourages children          for 10 weeks during autumn/winter 2019.
and friends. If you sign-up to our                            to build their leadership, creative and        Training and support will be provided and
monthly e-news, also at this link,                            decision-making skills with the support      mentors are matched with a school local
you can have it delivered to your                             of volunteer mentors from the world of       to them. Visit
inbox each quarter along with                                 horticulture. Mentors have a chance to       greenplanit to find out more and to apply
monthly news, tips and case studies.                          spread their knowledge and passion,          before 13 May.

Grass Roots Build a pond for wildlife - Join our new campaign - RHS

Big or small, ponds for all
Each year, the Wild About Gardens campaign zeroes in on a theme to inspire action for an animal or
habitat that needs our help. This year, we’re asking you to add a pond to your garden or green space.

With a new network of ponds across the
UK, together we can help tackle the sharp
decline in freshwater species.
   Only a small number of the UK’s natural
ponds and wetlands remain, and many
of these are in poor condition due to
pollution. This is linked to a huge decline
in related wildlife – including in frogs and
toads, water voles and insects – with
13 per cent of all British UK freshwater
species facing extinction*.
   Even a small pond could benefit our
threatened amphibians and pond-dwelling
insects, but it could also become a feeding
ground for birds, hedgehogs and bats –
the best natural garden pest controllers.
   Once you’ve created your pond/s, add it
to our online map and help inspire others.

                                                                                   *State of Nature 2016 report, RSPB.
Grass Roots • Spring 2019
Grass Roots Build a pond for wildlife - Join our new campaign - RHS

                                                                                                                   Pond dipping
                                                                                                                   Once you have a pond, get
                                                                    Growing for all wildlife                       exploring with others and find out
                                                                    Wild About Gardens is a partnership            what lives there. If you don’t have
                                                                    campaign between the Wildlife Trusts           a pond and still want to see what
                                                                    and the RHS to tackle the decline in           is going on (summer is the best
                                                                    British wildlife. The last 50 years has seen   time for this), find a pond or lake
                                                                    a decline in more than half of the UK’s        in your area that you can visit with
                                                                    plant and animal species, with a clear link    permission, or check out your local
                                                                    to diminishing habitat*. Go Wild About         Wildlife Trust for details of activities
                                                                    Gardens with us and help turn the UK’s         at their reserves.
                                                                    estimated 24 million gardens into a
                                                                    network of nature reserves.                    Things to consider when
                                                                       From edging veggie plots with nectar-       planning your event:
                                                                    rich flowers to allowing whole patches to      ✿ Ask everyone to wear old
                                                                    grow wild, community gardening groups            clothes and wellies.
                                                                    are helping to lead the charge to halt the     ✿ Cover all scratches and
                                                                    decline in British wildlife.                     cuts with plasters.
                                                                       Is your community group working hard        ✿ Make sure that children
                                                                    for wildlife? We’d love to hear what you         are accompanied.
                                                                    are up to. Share your stories on social
                                                                    media, or email us: @WildAbtGardens;           Equipment
                                                          ;          ✿ A white tray (a cat litter tray
                                                                               or washing-up bowl is ideal).
                                                                       Download your pond toolkit, along with      ✿ A small pond net.
                                                                    other guides on helping British species,       ✿ Take the Wild About Gardens
                                                                    and sign-up to our monthly e-news for            ID sheet (from downloadable
                                                                    regular tips and wildlife gardening news.        booklet) and a more detailed
                                                                                    field guide if you have one.
                                        MARK HAMBLIN / 2020VISION

                                                                                                                   Get started
                                                                                                                   ✿ Put a small amount of pond
                                                                                                                     water into your tray.
                                                                                                                   ✿ Dip your net into the pond
                                                                                                                     and pull it through the water.
                                                                                                                   ✿ Empty your net into the tray and
                                                                                                                     look carefully. Use a magnifying
                                                                                                                     glass to see the smaller creatures.
                                                                                                                     Ensure your net is empty, and
                                                                                                                     if anything is stuck, dip it back
                                                                                                                     in the pond and swish around.
                                                                                                                   ✿ Use a camera, notes and
                                                                                                                     sketchbook to record what you
                                                                                                                     find, and compare this with
                                                                                                                     your ID sheet or field guide.
                                                                                                                   ✿ When you’ve finished, gently

                                                                                                                     empty the tray back into the
                                                                                                                     pond (don’t empty it in another
                                                                                                                     pond as this can spread disease

              Walthamstow goes wild for ponds                                                                        and invasive weeds). Wash your
                                                                                                                     hands and disinfect the net.
              An energetic bunch of volunteers with                   ‘We jumped at the chance to get              ✿ Make sure wildlife is not left in
              Walthamstow Village in Bloom helped                   involved,’ says group coordinator Helen          the tray for long, especially in
              to kick-off the 2019 Wild About Gardens               Lerner. ‘We’ve had a wildlife pond on our        the sun, and never without water.
              campaign by creating a mini network of                to-do-list for a while and this seemed like      You can dip again and compare
              ponds in East London. The group added                 the perfect opportunity.’ Could you make         samples in different parts of the
              container ponds to front gardens; a wildlife          a network of ponds in your area or               pond to make sure you’re not
              pond and bog garden to a churchyard; and              encourage residents to add their own?            harming wildlife in one area.
              a small pond to a block of flats.                     See p8 for tips.

Grass Roots Build a pond for wildlife - Join our new campaign - RHS

Make a wildlife pond
Make a watery home for            Adding fresh water to a wildlife garden         materials will quickly be colonised by
wildlife with the advice of RHS   means that hedgehogs have somewhere             a whole host of creatures, and help
Senior Horticultural Advisor      to drink and frogs, newts and other             form a living chain of habitats across
and wildlife gardening expert,    amphibians have a place to feed and             the neighbourhood.
Helen Bostock.                    breed. All ponds – large, small, dug or           By creating new ponds, community
                                  container – are also good news for bats,        groups can play a huge role in helping to
                                  damselflies, dragonflies, other insects. Even   restore our lost freshwater habitats across
                                  basic container ponds made from upcycled        the UK. It also offers a great opportunity to

Grass Roots • Spring 2019
Grass Roots Build a pond for wildlife - Join our new campaign - RHS

                    mobilise volunteers to get stuck-in and find                          ✿ Don’t use cuttings or water samples          baskets usually have lattice sides to allow
                    satisfaction in creating something tangible                             from other ponds to get your pond            water, air and other gases to flow through.
                    for wildlife, while creating a place to sit and                         started – this can spread disease            Unless the mesh is very fine, they should
                    observe nature. A pond can also be a rich                               and introduce invasive species.              also be lined with hessian or fabric to
                    learning tool for young people.                                       ✿ If using sand at the bottom of your          prevent the soil washing out. Aim for a
                                                                                            pond, use washed builders’ sand to           mix of marginal plants for the shallow
                    Siting your pond                                                        ensure it does not contain chemicals         areas, deep water plants (oxygenators)
                    Think about where your pond will add the                                that could contaminate the water.            and floating plants such as water lilies.
                    most value for wildlife. If there is space in                         ✿ Vegetation or long grass, as well as
                    an existing wildlife garden, with plenty of                             stones, half pots and logs around your       ✿ Use aquatic compost for your plants.
                    cover and food for birds and pollinators,                               pond offer further shelter for young         ✿ To stabilise taller plants, place large rocks
                    this is a perfect spot. A wildlife area may                             frogs and insect habitat.                      and stones in the base of containers.
                    also already be fenced, which provides a                                                                             ✿ Plants should be planted to the same
                    safety measure for children, and also helps                           Planting your pond                               soil-depth as in the original container.
                    restrict access by animals such as dogs,                              Plants oxygenate your water and provide        ✿ Firm plants in well and then apply
                    which can disturb and damage wildlife.                                food and breeding places for wildlife,           a thin layer of grit or fine gravel.
                      Opt for a spot that has a mix of sun                                while also decorating your pond. Plants        ✿ Floating plants can be placed gently
                    and shade. The sunlight allows plants to                              will naturally take root in your pond over       on the water’s surface. Separate large
                    thrive, oxygenating the water, while the                              time, but if you want to get it started          clumps and aim for one plant per
                    shade helps keep water cooler in summer                               more quickly, seek out some from the RHS         square metre.
                    and prevent algae blooms. Overhanging                                 website or the Wild About Gardens online
                    branches, leaves and dead wood can                                    booklet from quality plant centres. Use        n Search ‘pond plants’ on the RHS site for
                    add habitat, but excess leaves should                                 UK native species where possible.              a list of plants, and visit wildaboutgardens.
                    be removed in autumn.                                                   Growing your pond plants in containers is for more tips and advice on
                                                                                          a good option for a smaller pond as it helps   maintaining your pond, plus ways to
                    Which type of pond?                                                   prevent them from dominating. Aquatic          get involved in the campaign.
                    In general, it’s the bigger the better when
                    it comes to creating new habitats, and
                    larger ponds will allow for a more self-
                    sustaining ecosystem that can better
                    withstand fluctuations in rainfall. It will
                    also be able to support a wider range of
                    wildlife, and create more opportunities
                    for community activities to observe and
                    protect the creatures that live there.
                       Digging a new pond and lining it with
                    butyl rubber sheeting will allow the most
                    natural shape and graded areas, but there
                    are some good pre-formed textured wildlife
                    ponds on the market, and baths, sinks,
                    half-barrels and watertight pots can all be
                    repurposed for smaller ponds. A 2x2m pond
                    with at least 60cm-depth is perfect for

                    overwintering frogs, but for smaller spaces
                                                                                                                                                                                            DEREK GIBBONS

                    just 20–30cm-deep will also be of value.

                    Tips for your new wildlife pond
                    ✿ Make sure to have some graded depths,
                      as the shallowest water can often
                      provide the richest habitat.                                                                                                                Volunteers at the
                    ✿ Be sure that wildlife can get in and out,                                                                                                   North End Pond, an It’s
                      with gently-sloping sides, stacked logs,                                                                                                    Your Neighbourhood
                                                                                                                                                                  project in Stony
                      bricks, stones, or an untreated                                                                                                             Stratford in Bloom.
                      wooden ramp.
                    ✿ Allow it to fill naturally with rainwater if                                                                                                Adding plants to ponds
                      you can (creating it in spring or autumn                                                                                                    in aquatic baskets is a
                      will make this easier), or use captured                                                                                                     good way to manage
                                                                      RHS / TIM SANDALL

                                                                                                                                                                  their size.
                      rainwater. If you are using tap water,
                      leave it standing in buckets for a few
                      days to allow the chlorine to dissipate.

Grass Roots Build a pond for wildlife - Join our new campaign - RHS

                                                                                                RHS / AMY COPEMAN
Green roofs
A green roof could complement your community growing space, add
greenery to a built-up area and help to reduce stormwater flow. The
smallest could add more habitat to a bug hotel, while the largest could
help to insulate and cool buildings.

Green roofs have been around for centuries,      as conservatories and extensions. Even a
from the ancient Hanging Gardens of              simple Sedum mat on top of a garden shed
Babylon to the German ‘Terassen hauser’          or a bike shelter can contribute to reducing
apartment gardens of the 20th century.           temperatures locally, providing a stepping
They are experiencing a revival                  stone for insects and small animals and in
wordwide, as the associated potential            retaining some rainfall.
environmental benefits for urban areas
are recognised.                                  Types of green roofs
   On deeper roofs and where rainfall events     Green roofs can be ‘extensive’, with a
are spaced out, there is growing scientific      shallow soil system for low-maintenance
evidence that they can play an important         green carpets or creeping plants, while
role in reducing stormwater runoff by up         at the other end of the spectrum are
to 80 per cent, as well as in reducing the       ‘intensive’ roofs, with deeper soil to
pressure on the drainage system. They            accommodate shrubs, climbers, perennials,
have also been found to boost urban              bedding and even small trees. There is also
biodiversity and assist in the cooling and       a more recent development in a form of
insulation of buildings, particularly in older   semi-extensive roofs which fall between
building stock, or for ‘leaky’ spaces such       the two categories.

Grass Roots • Spring 2019

                                                                                      Semi-extensive green roofs                      Stipa tenuissima and even bulbs such
                                                                                      A semi extensive green roof needs 10-20cm       as Muscari, or small Allium species
                                                                                      (4-8in) depth of growing medium, enough         such as A. flavum and A. pulchellum.
                                                                                      to support perennials, but not shrubs and
                                                                                      trees. They can be created on a gently          Intensive green roofs: Drought-tolerant
                                                                                      sloping shed roof, for example, by building     plants for exposed and windy roofs; those
                                                                                      a grid of wooden cells on top of the roof       which tolerate extremes of wet and dry for
                                                                                      and filling the cells with compost. Suitable    those which are dry in summer and wet in
                                                                                      waterproofing, root barrier, drainage and       winter. Search for drought-resistant plants
                                                                                      filter layers are necessary.                    and ‘wet and dry’ on the RHS website for
                                                                                          Semi-extensive green roofs take longer      further ideas.
                                                                                      (12–18 months) to establish, during which
                                                                                      time they will need weeding, watering           Practical considerations
                                                                                      and feeding, and it may sometimes be            ✿ If you would like to install a green roof
                                                                                      necessary to replant areas that have failed.      but can only do it on light building
                                                                                                                                        structures, consider pre-fabricated
                                                                                      Intensive green roofs                             Sedum matting.
                                                                                      Intensive green roofs (such as pictured left)   ✿ You will need to secure permissions from
                                                                                      are developed on deeper substrates and            the building owner if installing a green
                                                                                      need at least 30cm (1ft) depth of growing         roof on a permanent structure such as
                                                                                      medium, much of which needs to be                 an outbuilding or a house, and to find
                                                                                      organic matter, and hence require                 out whether planning permission
                                                                                      a much stronger structure as a base.              is required.
                                                                                      They offer a whole host of benefits, such       ✿ If you are opting for an intensive green
                                                                                      as greater storm water retention and better       roof, you may need to check with a
                                                                                      building insulation, but require planning         chartered structural engineer or surveyor
                    Extensive green roofs                                             and construction by suitable architects           that the roof will be able to take the
                    These generally require a 5–15cm (2–6in)                          and/or contractors.                               weight of the design you have in mind.
                    depth of growing medium that can                                                                                  ✿ If your design is complicated, you
                    consist mainly of lightweight inorganic                           Suitable plants                                   may need to get plans drawn up by an
                    materials such as perlite, leca, sand,                            Extensive green roofs: Mat-forming                architect specialising in roof gardens.
                    rockwool and crushed tiles or concrete.                           species of Sedum, Sempervivum (and other        ✿ Roof gardens can be subject to strong
                    The typical layers of an extensive green                          succulents) and moss, such as Sedum acre,         winds, with turbulence on the protected
                    roof include waterproofing and insulation                         S. rupestre, and S. album; bulbous species        side of solid walls and fences. Use slatted
                    layers, a root barrier membrane, a                                which tolerate dry conditions; low growing,       or mesh screens where possible, as they
                    drainage layer, a filter layer and then                           mat-forming grasses.                              filter the wind before it hits the garden.
                    the growing medium above. It may be
                    necessary to incorporate drains into                              Semi-extensive green roofs: Dry habitat         For diagrams and further information, see
                    the system, which should be boxed in                              perennials and ornamental grasses such, where there is more about
                    to prevent them clogging up.                                      as Rudbeckia, Achillea, Potentilla, Armeria,    ‘blue roofs’ designed to capture rainwater
                       The simplest way to add extra green to                         Dianthus, Helictotrichon sempervirens,          and reduce stormwater flow.
                    a roof could be to consider ready-grown
                    mats of Sedum. Grown inside geotextile
                    pockets filled with substrate, these living
                                                                                                                                                          RHS Greening Grey Britain
                    mats are often available from contractors                                                                                             community project on the
                    who install green roofs. They are usually                                                                                             roof of Maldevic House,
                    self-sustaining and should not require
                    considerable watering or weeding. Sedum                                                                                               Far left
                                                                                                                                                          The permaculture rooftop
                    is often selected as it is drought- and
                                                                                                                                                          food garden at the Reading
                    frost-tolerant, as well as being favoured                                                                                             International Solidarity
                    by pollinators. However, if your aim is                                                                                               Centre.
                                                                  RHS / TIM SANDALL

                    primarily to help reduce water run-off, a                                                                                             Left
                    semi-extensive roof with greater depth                                                                                                A green roof on ‘A Garden
                                                                                                                                                          for Bees’ by Ness Botanic
                    may be more effective, planting small,

                    herbaceous species such as Stachys
                    (lamb’s ears) or Salvia (sage).                                   n Thank you to RHS Principal Scientist Dr Tijana Blanusa and
                                                                                      the RHS Gardening Advice team for assistance with this article.


  Plastic waste pays off

The 5p levy on plastic bags to               of 5p bags from Tesco stores in August        Community Enabler in each region on-hand
reduce the amount of single-use              2017. Initially reserved for environmental    to advise on applications. In Scotland,
plastics used and discarded in the           campaigns, the scheme now has a broader       greenspace scotland supports applicants
UK is also helping direct profits            remit to support projects that are of         to get to the funding stage.
toward good causes.                          benefit to the local community.                  Three community projects are selected
                                                The retailer has also recently announced   in each local area surrounding a Tesco store
According to the Department for              the Tesco Bags of Help Centenary Grant        every second month before being voted on
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the     Fund for 2019, which includes an offer for    by customers (if there are enough eligible
UK Government’s 5p levy introduced           communities in Northern Ireland. Wider-       applicants). The project that wins the most
on single-use plastic bags in 2015 has       reaching community projects are invited       votes in its area is offered a grant of up to
successfully reduced their use by close to   to apply, with increased grant amounts        £4,000, second place receives a grant of
85 per cent. It has also funnelled many      in larger regions. Customer votes will take   up to £2,000, and third place, up to £1,000.
millions from the charges towards good       place in Tesco stores throughout the UK,      Customers can request a token when they
causes, with community gardening and         in July/August and November/December          buy their shopping that they can use
environmental projects key beneficiaries.    2019. The project that receives the most      to vote on a project of their choice, so
                                             votes in its region will receive a grant of   it is worth encouraging your supporters
Tesco community grants                       up to £25,000, second place up to £15,000     to do so.
Tesco’s Bags of Help is perhaps the most     and third place up to £10,000. In Northern
well-known scheme originating from the       Ireland, grants will be up to £50,000,        Eligible projects
levy, and since it was launched says it      £30,000 and £20,000 respectively.             The funding can cover a wide range of
has gifted more than £67m to 21,000                                                        activities, such as the creation of a new
community projects in England, Scotland      Bags of Help – how it works                   garden or space in the community, an
and Wales. It is now voluntarily funded      The supermarket has partnered with            event that will bring people together,
by the retailer following the removal        community charity Groundwork, with a          equipment for a group or site, or the

Grass Roots • Spring 2019

                                            covering of sessional staff costs for
                                            a training programme. Constituted
                                                                                                            Other supermarket funds
                                            community groups (those that adhere to                          All supermarkets are encouraged to          Asda
                                            a set of rules on aims and operation), and                      use the profit from the plastic bag         Asda supports community projects
                                            not-for-profit organisations can apply. The                     levy to fund community causes. While        through several different funds:
                                            project must take place within 12 months                        this is not compulsory, most do fund        Local Impact Funding, support for
                                            of receiving the funding. Groups can seek                       community-scale projects. Here is           smaller scale events and initiatives;
                                            funding for a discrete project, match-                          an overview of other offers from the        Significant Local Community
                                            funding or just a top-up to complement                          major retailers. In addition to the         Projects, larger scale projects that
                                            an existing fund.                                               levy, many of the retailers now             help transform an area and improve
                                               Previously successful applicants can                         produce their bags from recycled            the lives of local people; and Top-up
                                            apply for further funding once the first                        plastic and will recycle bags brought       Funding Grants to support existing
                                            project is completed, as long as the specific                   back to the store.                          funding. You can also nominate
                                            need for further funding is different. For                                                                  for the community-based Green
                                            example, it could take place on the same                        Sainsburys                                  Token scheme at your local store.
                                            site, but the secondary funding could cover                     Apply at your closest Sainsbury’s 
                                            events there rather than the creation                           store, or online during the month of
                                            of the garden.                                                  May to be the supermarket’s 2019            Waitrose
                                                                                                            charity of the year in the Local Charity    Waitrose’s Community Matters offers
                                            Tips on a successful application                                Scheme.        between £500 and £1,000 to be split
                                            ✿ Make use of your Community Enabler                                                                        between three local causes each
                                              – they can work with you on your                              Co-op                                       month. Visit your local store and
                                              application, ensuring it is as strong                         Each store chooses up to three              ask for a leaflet to apply.
                                              as it can be.                                                 projects to support each year, with
                                            ✿ Explain the idea for your project fully,                      the 2019 fund offering grants of            community_matters.html
                                              as well as how it would come to life,                         between £100 and £2,000 opening
                                              using the full 300 words available                            this spring. Enquire at your local store,   Spar
                                              on the online form.                                           or visit                  Spar supports community

                                            ✿ Consider collaborations. ‘For it to be                                                                    projects local to their stores
                                              successful they should show that it isn’t                     Morrisons                                   – enquire at your nearest store to
                                              just one person’s idea – there should be                      The Morrisons Foundation supports           find out how to apply. If you are
                                              a demand and interest in the community                        projects that ‘make a difference in         successful locally, the store can also
                                              for the project’, explains Community                          communities’. Please note that only         apply for match funding from the
                                              Enabler Caroline Crawford.                                    registered charities are eligible to        Blakemore Foundation community
                                                                                                            apply.              trust on your behalf.
                                            n See
                                            tescocommunityscheme for FAQs
                                            and to apply for grants.
                             CASEY CARLIN

                                            Top left
                                            Volunteers from Leighton Linslade in Bloom
                                            at work on their community garden, funded
                                            by a Tesco grant.
                                                                                            BONNIE DUNDEE

                                            The Runcorn ‘Old Town Bloomers’ pop-up
                                            garden, also funded by Tesco.
                                            Its Your Neighbourhood group Bonnie
                                            Dundee at the opening of their Bags of
                                            Help-funded garden.


Teaching maths and
science in the garden
An allotment, raised bed or even hanging baskets can give rise to                                   taste, brightly coloured foliage and flowers
engaging lessons that look wider than the garden, and it needn’t                                    for sight, textured plants for touch and
be restricted to the school grounds.                                                                rustling bamboo and trees for sound. Once
                                                                                                    you have a ready bounty, you could vote
For the RHS Campaign for School                contrasting textures using soft and hard             for the sweetest fruit, the nicest smells
Gardening, the garden is a natural (in         objects such as feathery grasses and                 and the most beautiful colours.
all senses of the word), extension of the      hard pebbles.
classroom. There are plenty of ways                                                                 Habitats and food chains
to incorporate science and maths into          Spot the difference                                  Making a bug hotel from recycled
gardening with young people without            Suggest the gathering of different flowers,          materials is a great chance to think about
following the curriculum. Take a look          leaves or a mixture of natural objects to            the interconnections between species.
through our suggestions below.                 sort according to chosen characteristics –           Encourage your young helpers to look for
                                               making different piles on the ground to              habitats and evidence of food chains in the
Colour challenge                               do this. The children could then further             local environment. Share information on
Collect a selection of natural materials       distinguish between living and non-                  garden pests and their natural predators, or
and then encourage the group to sort           living things and describe the differences           go on a bug hunt and use a key to identify
them according to colours. Ask them to         between the two.                                     the creatures you find.
take a look around and describe what
natural colours they can see. You could ask    Go on a treasure hunt                                The living compost heap
questions such as, ‘why do you think plants    On a plan of the garden, mark out a specific         Share facts about your compost heap as
might be different colours?’ and ‘which        route with a treat at the end. This could            a unique habitat teaming with life. You
plants change colour during the year?’         encourage younger children to visualise and          can study and observe decomposition as a
                                               understand directions. Repeat the process            group. You could also discover, for example,
Texture hunt                                   in reverse to further test their skills.             that living things need oxygen to survive,
Encourage the discovery of textures in                                                              and that the compost heap requires mixing
the garden by collecting leaves. Are they      Test the senses                                      to keep it healthy.
shiny, prickly, ribbed, hairy, rough, smooth   Grow plants together to stimulate taste,
or sticky? Children could make rough bark      smell, sight and hearing. Grow herbs and             Plant parts
rubbings on the trees, and feel and compare    roses for scent, vegetables and fruit for            Dig up a weed such as a dandelion and
                                                                                                    then study the plant’s parts, from root
                                                                                                    to flower. Pick a petal from a buttercup
                                                                                                    and see the nectary at its base. Draw
                                                                                                    the different parts of a plant and label
                                                                                                    them together.

                                                                                                    What do plants need?
                                                                                                    Conduct an experiment using the same
                                                                                                    plants or seeds but varying the amount of
                                                                                                    light, temperature and water you give each
                                                                                                    one. Record the results and ask what they
                                                                                                    tell you about what seeds need to grow.

                                                                                                    Grow and save
                                                                                                    Look at the cost of a packet of seeds and
                                                                                                    work out how much each seed costs. If you
                                                                                                    are growing edible produce, record how
                                                                                                    much you harvest throughout the season
                                                                                                    and ask your group how much they would
                                                                                                    pay for the same amount in a shop.
                                                                                                                                                   RHS / HELEN YATES

                                                                                RHS / TIM SANDALL

Grass Roots • Spring 2019

                    The circle of life
                    Sow borlotti beans and observe them
                    growing. Leave some to go to seed instead
                    of harvesting them, and then collect the
                    seeds when the plant starts to die back.
                    Store them over winter and then sow them
                    the following season. Make a diagram
                    together of the cycle and record how
                    long the process takes.

                    Shapes and symmetry
                    Explore symmetry by looking at leaves,
                    butterflies, flowers and beetles. There are
                    many circles and spheres found in nature
                    but few squares or rectangles. Ask your
                    group: ‘how many lines of symmetry
                    can you find?’.

                    Measuring sticks
                    Make giant rulers together and measure
                    length, perimeter, height and area. Mark
                    the ruler in multiples of 2, 5 and 10, or use
                    it to make holes to sow seeds outdoors.
                    Measure a trowel and then use it to
                    calculate the length of a bed.

                    Simple sums
                    Ask younger children to count how many
                    large seeds you have, or count the number
                    of bulbs you are planting out, to improve
                    their maths skills. Ask older children to work
                    out how many seeds you’ll have left once
                    you have sown the amount you want.

                    n For more ideas and inspiration on how
                    to work with children in the garden, visit
                    n Looking to link up with a local school?
                    Find Campaign for School Gardening
                    members in your area at
                    n Was this information helpful? Please
                    share your feedback and let us know if
                    there is something else you would like
                    guidance on.



                       Big or small,
  ponds for all

Grass Roots • Spring 2019
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