Government of India Ministry of MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata -700108 Phone ...

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Government of India Ministry of MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata -700108 Phone ...

              Government of India
               Ministry of MSME

  Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute
           111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata –700108
                     Phone 033-257705,
Government of India Ministry of MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata -700108 Phone ...

      The Annual Report of the Institute depicts important activities and programmes
 undertaken and executed by the Institute and its Branches during the year 2015-16. As
 most of the programmes are allotted by O/o the DC (MSME), due thrust is given to
 complete the same exquisitely by maintaining a well-ordered time frame and also to cater to
 the requirements of the local entrepreneurs, both prospective and existing.

      The Annual Report thus provides detailed information of various activities performed by
the Institute and its branches for promotion and development of MSMEs in West Bengal and
the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.          It is expected that the information
contained in the Report would portray the significant role being played by the Institute and
also bring forth comments for better service.

       I would like to record my appreciation for the efforts made by all Officers and Staff
 who contributed significantly in the preparation of the Report, including the entire team of
 EI & Stat div officers and staffs and especially to Sri D.Mitra, Deputy Director (SENET) and
 Sri D. Banerjee, Asstt. Director (stat), for bringing out this Report.

April, 2016                                                         K.L Rao
Place: Kolkata.                                                          Director
Government of India Ministry of MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata -700108 Phone ...


Sl.No                                   Particulars                                    Page No
                                                                                     From    To
  1      1.1 Performance at a Glance                                                   4      6
         1.2 Revenue Earning of MSME-DI,Kolkata                                        7      -
         1.3 Reimbursement Status                                                      8      -
  2     About MSME-DI, Kolkata                                                         9     12
  3     National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP)
         3.1 Marketing Assistance & Technology Up-gradation Scheme in                 13    15
         3.2 Technology & Quality Up-gradation to MSMEs (TEQUP)                       16    17
         3.3 Enabling Manufacturing Sector to be competitive through Quality          18     -
               Management Standard & Quality Tech. Tools (QMS/QTT).
         3.4 Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) for MSME         19     -
         3.5 Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme for MSMEs (LMCS)               20     -
         3.6 To support Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through    21     -
  4     Marketing Support
         4.1 National Level Vendor Development Programme (NLVDP)                      22     -
         4.2 State Level Vendor Development Programme (SLVDP)                         23    24
         4.3 Single Point Registration (NSIC)                                         25     -
  5     Micro & Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP)             26    30
  6     Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme (CGTFS) for micro & small enterprises            31    32
  7     Market Development Assistance (MDA) Scheme (Export Promotion)
        7.1    Participation in International Trade Fairs                             33    35
        7.2    Bar Code Reimbursement                                                 36    37
        7.3    Awareness Programmes on Bar Code                                       37    38
        7.4    Awareness Programme Packaging for Export                               38     -
 8      Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS)                                  39     -
 9      Incentive for ISO-9001/14001 Certification                                    40    41
 10     National Awards for small scale sector                                        42     -
 11     Human Recourse Development (HRD)
        11.1 Entrepreneurship Development Programme(EDP)                              43    45
        11.2 Industrial Motivation Campaign (IMC)                                     46    47
        11.3 Skill Development Programme (Workshop)                                   48     -
        11.4 Computer Training Programme under SENET                                  49     -
        11.5 Other Programmes conducted under PD Account                              50     -
 12      Technical Assistance Rendered and Service to Prospective Entrepreneurs       51    54
 13     Economic Investigation and Statistical Division
        13.1 Parliamentary Questions                                                  55     -
        13.2 Preparation of SIP and DIPS and other Reports                            56     -
        13.3 Delayed Payments                                                         56    57
        13.4 Other Works                                                              57     -
 14     Preparation of Project Profiles                                               58     -
 15     Representation in Important Meetings/Events                                   59    70
 16     Library                                                                       71     -
 17     Staff Strength                                                                72    73
Government of India Ministry of MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata -700108 Phone ...

18   Rajbhasha                                                          74     -
19   Photo Gallery                                                      75    79

                & ITS BRANCH INSTITUTES (2015-16)

Sl.No      Description of Activity       Target             Achievement
  1   Entrepreneurship Development         56   Completed->                    56
      Programmes (EDP)                          No. of Participants->        1277
  2   Industrial Motivation                30   Completed->                    26
      Campaign (IMC)                            No. of Participants->        1328
  3   Skill Development Programmes (Workshop) of 6 months
                  Mechanical Workshop       2   Completed->                     2
                                                No. of persons trained->       30
                         Ceramic Pottery    2   Completed->                     2
           (Glass & Ceramic Workshop)           No. of persons trained ->      14
                         Heat Treatment     2   Completed->                     1
                        (Met. Workshop)         No. of persons trained ->       5
  4   Computer Training Programmes         11   Completed->                    11
      under SENET                               No. of persons trained ->      71
  5   Units Registered under Single Point Registration with NSIC
                    MSME-DI, Kolkata        -   No. of Cases->               605
                                                Revenue Earned(Rs.) -> 14,71,161
               Br. MSME-DI,Durgapur         -   No. of Cases                  12
                                                Revenue Earned(Rs.) ->     29,000
                 Br. MSME-DI, Siliguri      -   No. of Cases->                 9
                                                Revenue Earned(Rs.) ->     25,450
                    Br. MSME-DI, Suri       -   No. of Cases->                 3
                                                Revenue Earned(Rs.) ->      7,435
               Br. MSME-DI, Port Blair      -   No. of Cases->                 2
                                                Revenue Earned(Rs.) ->      4000
                                            -   No. of Cases->               631
                                 Total:-        Revenue Earned(Rs.)-> 15,37,046
  6   National Level Vendor                 4   Completed ->                    1
      Development Programmes                    No. of units benefitted ->    301
 7(a) State Level Vendor                   15   Completed ->                   15
      Development Programmes                    No. of units benefitted ->    705
 7(b) State Level Vendor                    1   Completed ->                    1
      Development Programme                     No. of units benefitted ->     46
Government of India Ministry of MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata -700108 Phone ...

     (Br. MSME-DI,Port Blair)

8    Bar Code Reimbursement           NIL   No. of Applications
                                            Received->                     8
                                            No.of Units Reimbursed->      8
                                            Amount Disbursed->         2,67,415
9    Reimbursement on ISO-            NIL   No. of Applications
     9001:14001                             Received->                    59
                                            No.of Units Reimbursed->      27
                                            Amount Disbursed(Rs)->     12,66,755
10   Export Promotion
     Participation in International   NIL Units Participated->            22
     Trade Fairs                          Amount of
                                          Reimbursement (Rs.) ->      24,71,484
     Programme on Packaging for       1   Completed ->                     1
     Exports                              No. of beneficiaries->          46
11   National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP)
     Marketing Assistance &           -   No. of Fairs revalidated->      25
     Technology Up gradation (MATU)       No of Beneficiaries->          221
     (Revalidation cases of               Amount                Subsi 50,05,485
     Financial Year 2014-15)              Revalidated &         dy
                                          Reimbursed (Rs)-> OE         50,280
     Awareness Prog. on Product       2   Completed ->                     2
     Certification                        No. of beneficiaries->          88
     Awareness Prog. On Energy        2   Completed ->                     1
     Efficiency Technology (TEQUP)        No. of beneficiaries->          34
     Awareness Prog. On QMS/QTT       4   Completed ->                     4
                                          No. of beneficiaries->         215
     Awareness Prog. On IPR           2   Completed ->                     1
                                          No. of beneficiaries->          70
     Awareness Prog. On Business      2   Completed ->                     2
     Incubator                            No. of beneficiaries->         189
     Awareness Prog. On CGTMSE        1   Completed ->                     1
                                          No. of beneficiaries-           60
     Awareness Prog. On CLCSS         2   Completed ->                     2
                                          No. of beneficiaries->          77
     Awareness Prog. On Bar Code      8   Completed ->                     8
                                          No. of beneficiaries->         247
12    National Award                NIL No. of Applications               84
                                          No.of Applications              29
13   Project Profiles appraised     NIL Project Profiles Received->       23
                                          Revenue Earned(Rs.) ->      2,30,000
Government of India Ministry of MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata -700108 Phone ...

14   Preparation of Project Profiles
                          New                   6   1)   Monolithic Refractory
                                                    2)   Ladies Blouse & Petticoat
                                                    3)   Cow Glove Leather
                                                    4)   Iron Made Designer Gates &
                                                         Designer Grills
                                                    5)   Steel Furniture
                                                    6)   RCC Spun Pipe
                             Updated            6   1)   Fly Ash Bricks
                                                    2)   Sanitary ware
                                                    3)   Track Suit
                                                    4)   Cotton Vest
                                                    5)   Cow Nu Heat Treatment buck Leather
                                                    6)   Cow Suede Leather
15   Reports Prepared
        State Industrial Profiles (SIP)         2        i) West Bengal
                                                                (MSME-DI, Kolkata)
                                                         ii) A & N Islands
                                                                (Br.MSME-DI, Port Blair)
         District Industrial Potentiality       4   i) North 24 Parganas
         Reports (DIPS)                             ii) Murshidabad
                                                    iii) Hooghly
                                                    iv) Burdwan
16   Workshop Activities
       i) Units benefited through Workshops                                            181
       ii) Jobs undertaken                                                             248
       iii) Technical Assistance Provided to Enterprises                                46
17   Others Significant Activities
       i) No. of visitors attended                                                    2550
       ii) No .of Meetings attended with Central & State Govt.                         15
       iii) No .of Meetings attended with Associations & other Organisations            3
       iv) No. of Meetings with Banks                                                   7
       v) No. of Workshops attended                                                     9
       vi) No.of Lok Sabha Questions answered provided by                               3
       vii) No.of Rajya Sabha Questions answered provided by                            5
       viii) No.of Lok Sabha Questions answered provided by                             1
               Br.MSME-DI,Port Blair
Government of India Ministry of MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata -700108 Phone ...

       Revenue Earning From Various Activities
     by MSME-DI,Kolkata and its Branch Institutes
             During The Year 2015-16

Sl.No              Particulars               Revenue(Rs.)

 1       Workshop Revenue                      3,94,542

 2      Seminar Fees on Bar Code               15,200

 3      Project Appraisal                      2,31,450

 4      Single Point Registration (NSIC)      15,37,046

 5      Sale of Publications                    1,938

 6      Photocopy (Project Reports)             7,944

 7      SDP(Training)fees Regular course       22,000

 8      EDP Course Fees                        39,100

 9       Packaging for Exports                  8,400

 10     Sales Proceeds                         2,11,136

 11     NLVDP                                  6,27,960

 12     SLVDP                                  1,80,510

 13     PD Account                             2,89,110

                                   Total:-    35,66,536
Government of India Ministry of MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata -700108 Phone ...

                            Reimbursement Status Under
                                Different Schemes
                                    ( 2015-16 )

Sl. Name of the Programme         Amount       Amount      Amount    Balance    No. of units
No                                Sanctioned   Surrendered Disbursed Unutilised benefitted
1   ISO 9001/14000        Gen      30,00,000        -      12,66,755 17,33,245
    Reimbursement         SC        2,00,000        -           -     2,00,000       27
                          ST        2,50,000        -           -     2,50,000
                          Total    34,50,000        -      12,66,755 21,83,245
2   BAR CODE                        2,70,000        -       2,67,415    2,585         8
3   Reimbursement on               24,71,484        -       24,71,484      -         22
    International Trade Fair
4   MATU Revalidated Sub-          50,05,485        -       50,05,485      -
    cases (2014-15)       sidy                                                       221
                          OE        50,280          -        50,280         -
5   Reimbursement on               4,00,000         -        83,306     3,16,694      1
    Product Certification
6   Corporate Governance           1,00,000         -        24,537     75,463        1
    ISO 18000/22000/ 27000

Government of India Ministry of MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata -700108 Phone ...

                             ABOUT MSME-DI, KOLKATA
               Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises-Development Institute, Kolkata looks
after the promotion and development of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises in the States of
West Bengal and Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. At present there are three
Branch Institutes covering 20 districts in the state of West Bengal and one Br. Institute at
Port Blair covering three districts in the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar
Administration under the jurisdiction of MSME-DI, Kolkata.
     Districts covered by MSME-DI, Kolkata ans its Branch Institutes in West Bengal
& Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands :-

West Bengal

          MSME-DI, Kolkata                    Br. MSME-DI,   Durgapur
              1. Kolkata                            11.      Burdwan
              2. North 24-Parganas                  12.      Bankura
              3. South 24-Parganas                  13.      Purulia
              4. Howrah
              5. Hooghly                      Br. MSME-DI, Siliguri
              6. Nadia                              14.   Darjeeling
              7. Purba Midnapore                    15.   Jalpaiguri
              8. Paschim Midnapore                  16.   Cooch Behar
                                                    17.   Uttar Dinajpur
          Br. MSME-DI, Suri                         18.   Dakshin Dinajpur
                9. Birbhum                          19.   Malda
               10. Murshidabad                      20.   Alipurduar
Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar Islands Br. MSME-DI, Port Blair

                                1.      South Andaman
                                2.      North & Middle Andaman
                                3.      Nicobar Islands

Key activities of MSME-DI, Kolkata and its Branch Institutes:

       In view of the overall development and promotion of MSMEs, the Institute is
empowered with well qualified and experienced technical officers who are actively engaged
in various key activities as follows.

Consultancy Services:
Government of India Ministry of MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises - Development Institute 111-112, B. T. Road, Kolkata -700108 Phone ...

      The Institute     renders consultancy services to the prospective and existing
entrepreneurs in the  fields of:-
                i)       Project selection,
                ii)     Techno-economic feasibility,
                iii)    Marketing,
                iv)     Modernization & technology upgradation,
                v)      Reimbursement for Bar-code registration, Participation
                         in International Trade Fairs, ISO certification, Product
                         Certification, Corporate Governance Practice etc.
2.    Human Resource Development:
       To build up entrepreneurial and managerial skills, this Institute organizes various
types of training programmes:
            i. Entrepreneurship Development Programme;
           ii. Entrepreneurship & Skill Development Programme on various trades and
          iii. Management Development Programmes on Industrial Management, Working
               Capital Management, Material Management etc
          iv. Skill Development Programmes on Machine Shop Practice, Heat Treatment, Wood
               Carving, Art ware & Pottery etc; Computer Training on both Software and
               Hardware; Training on Computer Aided Design & Computer Aided
               Manufacturing, etc.

3.          Export Promotion:
          i)    Organising specialized training programme (in collaboration with eminent
                promotional agencies) on Export Management and Export Packaging.
          ii)   Providing financial assistance to eligible manufacturing MSEs for participating
                in selected International Trade Fairs under MDA scheme.

4.        Development of New Projects:
      i)      Assisting and guiding in setting up of new projects through preparatio of
             District Industrial Potentiality Survey Reports and State Industrial Profile by way
             of providing information on potential resources, infrastructure, market etc.
      ii)    Disseminating information on project status, marketing, financing, technology,
             raw materials, etc.
      iii)   Preparing viable projects, appraising of projects and assessing capacity

5.        Marketing Support:
     i)     Providing marketing assistance to small enterprises through the Single Point
            Registration Scheme of NSIC for participation in the Govt./PSU Stores Purchase
     ii)    Providing marketing assistance by organizing Vendor Development Programmes
            Buyers Sellers Meet of micro, small, medium and large units.
     iii)   Public Procurement Policy for goods produced and services rendered by Micro
            and Small Enterprises (MSEs) be procured by Central Ministries & Departments/
            Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs).

6.          Common Workshop Facilities:
            Undertaking job work at very low cost for small enterprises in the following areas :
     i) Metallurgy – Heat Treatment
     ii)Glass and Ceramic
        Mechanical Engineering
     iv)Computer Aided manufacturing – Ultra Modern CNC Wire Cutting Machines, NC
           Spark Erosion, CNC Lathe etc.
     v) Conventional – Milling, Cylindrical Grinding, Surface Grinding, Jig Boring, etc.

7.          MSE-Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP) :

         The objective of MSE-CDP is as follows:-
      i)    To support the sustainability and growth of MSEs by addressing common issues
            such as improvement of technology, skills and quality, market access, access to
            capital, etc.
      ii)       To build capacity of MSEs for common supportive action through formation of
                SPVs, consortia, upgradation of associations, etc.
      iii)      To create/upgrade infrastructural facilities in the new/existing industrial
                areas/clusters of MSEs.
       iv)      To set up common facility centers (for testing, training centre, raw material
                depot, effluent treatment, complementing production processes, etc.

8.          Modernisation & Techno-upgradation :
            Assisting the micro & small scale units to modernize and upgrade technology by
            organizing :
             Training on ISO-9000 and TQM (Total Quality Management)

9.       Small Enterprises Network (S E N E T):
        i) Providing information on various activities and programmes through Websites
            Storing various data for information and providing training on IT through Small
            Enterprises Computer Network.
         ii) Online status feed back for NSIC regn. cases and ISO-9000 reimbursement

10.         ISO-Consultancy work for ISO-9001:2000 Certification:
            The Institute renders ISO consultancy for the development of Quality Management
            System (QMS) of MSMEs for obtaining ISO-9001 certification. As per the directives of
            the O/o DC (MSME), New Delhi, the Institute also provides reimbursement of the
            charges for acquiring ISO-9001 certification to the extent of 75% of the cost subject

          to a maximum limit of Rs. 75,000/- in each case.

11.       Bar Code Registration & Reimbursement Scheme:

                 The Institute conducts Awareness programme on Bar Code Registration by GS1
          India & its reimbursement for registered MSEs. As per the present scheme, 75% of
          Bar Code registration fee is reimbursed for the units who have adopted Bar Code on
          or after 1st Jan., 2002 and 75% of annual recurring fee for the 1st three years is also
          reimbursed w.e.f. 1st June, 2007.
                Apart from above activities, the institute maintains close liaison with various
          Govt.departments, promotional agencies, trade associations & NGOs involved in the
          execution of Govt. schemes & promotional programmes for the development of
          MSMEs in the State.

                                Major schemes and programmes :

   (A) National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP)

  i)        To support Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through
  ii)       Enabling Manufacturing Sector to be competitive through Quality Management
  iii)      Standard & Quality Tech. Tools (QMS/QTT).
  iv)       Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) for MSME.
  v)        Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme for MSMEs.
  vi)       Mini Tool Room proposed to be set up by Ministry of MSME.
  vii)      Design Clinic Scheme for design expertise to MSMEs Manufacturing Sector.
  viii)     Marketing Assistance & Technology Up-gradation Scheme in MSMEs
  ix)       Technology and Quality Up-gradation Support to MSMEs
  x)        Promotion of ICT in Indian Manufacturing Sector

   (B)     Micro & Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE- CDP)
   (C)     Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme (CGTFS) for Micro & Small Enterprises
   (D)     Market Development Assistance (MDA) Scheme
   (E)     Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS)
   (F)     Incentive for ISO-9001/14001 Certification
   (G)     Incentive for Bar Code Registration & Annual Renewal
   (H)     Scheme for Capacity Building Strengthening of Data base, etc.
   (I)     National Awards for small scale sector


                                     CHAPTER - 3
                         NATIONAL MANUFACTURING

      NMCP being a flagship scheme of DC (MSME), New Delhi ,was actively implemented
during the year 2015-16. The details of various programmes implemented and performed
by this Institute under the components of NMCP are given as follows :-

                                   CHAPTER – 3.1
  Marketing Assistance & Technology Upgradation (MATU) ACTIVITY-5
          List of beneficiaries during FY2015-16 (Revalidation cases of F.Y 2014-15)
    Sl.   Name & address of the Organisation                      Duration   No.of Units
    No                                                                       benefitted
    1     Sundarban Backward Classes Welfare Socieity,            15-12-14         8
          Vill-Jirakpur, R.N.B. Road, P.O.-Basirhat, Dist: 24     to
          Parganas (N), Taki Football Ground, Taki,               22-12-14
    2     Khulna Sundarban Backward Classes Welfare Socieity,     25-12-14        9
          Vill-Jirakpur, R.N.B. Road,P.O.-Basirhat, Dist: 24      to
          Parganas (N), W.B. at Barasat Sethpukur, Barasat,       01-01-15
    3     Basirhat Women Development Socieity, Khanbahadur        02-02-15        8
          Road, Basirhat, North 24 Pgs. Pin-743411 at Banipur     to
          Loka Utsav, Banipur, 24 Pgs.(N)                         09-02-15
    4     Jirakpur Sister Nivedita Seva Mission, R.N.             13-02-15        9
          Bhattacharjee Road, P.O. Basirhat Rly. Stn., Dist-      to
          North 24 Pgs at Barasat Kachari Maidan,North 24 Pgs.    22-02-15
    5     Jan Shikshan Sansthan,                                  11-01-15        8
          R.N. Bhattacharjee, Rd., P.O. Basirhat, North 24 Pgs.    to
          at Banamalipur, Barasat, North 24 Pgs.                  20-01-15
    6     Alukaranbarh Sebha Sangha,                              26-12-14        8
          Vill & P.O. Alukaranbarh, P. S. Bhupatinagar, , Purba   to
          Medinipur at Bajarpore Gramin Pradarshani-O-Meala       31-12-14
    7     Alukaranbarh Sebha Sangha,                              15-01-15        8
          Vill & P.O. Alukaranbarh, P. S. Bhupatinagar, Block,    to
          Bhagwanpur-II, Contai, Purba Medinipur at               17-01-15
          Panchbazari Gramin Pradarshani-O-Meala
    8     Jayprakash Narayan Janmotsav Committee, Kataganj,       15-02-15       11
          Nadia at Ghoraghata Palyground, Ghoraghata, Nadia       to
    9     Jayprakash Narayan Janmotsav Committee, Kataganj,       23-11-14       11
          Nadia at Krishnanagar Town Hall Maidan,                 to
    10    Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Memorial Committee, Kataganj,        01-02-15       11
          Nadia at Chakdaha Shyama Prasad Maidan,                 To
          Chakdaha, Nadia,                                        05-02-15

11   Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Memorial Committee, Kataganj,       05-12-14   11
     Nadia at Bhudeb Smriti Maidan, Machhalandapur, 24       to
     Pgs.(N)                                                14-12-14
12   Tamralipta Pratick Welfare Mission,                    05-01-15    9
      Haldia Town, Haldia                                    to
13   Swyan Udyogi Nari                                      16-02-15   11
     38, Arabinda Sarani, Kolkata – 700 005                 to
14   Paschim Bauria Jana Kalyan Samity                      08-01-15    9
      Dhankar                                                to
15   Sparsha Welfare Foundation,                            24-02-15    7
     2/2, Jay Krishna Pal Road,                              to
     Kolkata-38                                             26-02-15
16   Paschim Bauria Jana Kalyan Samity ,                    15-01-15    9
      Uttar Khamar Gramin Mela                               to
17   Changra Women & Child Development Society at           08-01-15    9
     Basudebberia , Purba Medinipur                          to
18   Changra Women & Child Development Society ,            26-01-15    9
     Mangalmaro, Purba Medinipur                             to
     Sarathi Srijani at Hasta Shilpa Mela, Basundhara       24-02-15   11
19   Math, Uttarpara, Hooghly                                to
     Tamralipta Pratick Welfare Mission ,                   03-02-15    9
20    Vivek Mela-O-Pradarshani                               to
     Nityagopal Welfare Organisation ,                      03-09-14    9
21   Saradiya Silpa Mela, CA Ground,                        to
     Uttarpara, Hooghly                                     07-09-14
     Kalyani Town Club ,                                    02-01-15   14
22   18th Banga Sanskriti Utsav, Kalyani Town Club, Civic   to
     Center, Kalyani, Nadia                                 11-01-15
     Nityagopal Welfare Organisation ,
23                                                          to          9
     Vasanta Mela-2015, CA Ground, Uttarpara, Hooghly
24   Sparsha Welfare Foundation ,                           29-12-14    1
     Nari seva Sangha, 1/1/2A, Gariahat Road,               to
     Jodhpur Park, Kolkata -700068                          01-01-15
25                                                          28-01-15    3
     Manikpur Chaitali Sangha,
     Vivekananda Mela Pradarshani
                    Total no. of benefitted Units :-                   221

      (B) Reimbursement on State/District level Trade fair under MATU Scheme
                              (Revalidation cases of F.Y 2014-15)

   Year                   Amount Received       Amount Reimbursed       Balance Amount
                          ( lakh)          (Rs. in lakh)           (Rs. in lakh)
   2014-15   Subsidy            50,05,485              50,05,485                 Nil
             OE                   50280                  50280                   Nil

     ( C) Reimbursement on State/District level Trade fair under MATU Scheme
          Fund Received & List of beneficiaries during FY 2015-16

      Year                    Amount            Amount          Balance       No.of Units
                             Received         Reimbursed        Amount        benefitted
                            ( lakh)      (Rs. in lakh)   (Rs. in lakh)
      2015-16   Subsidy      21,50,000             Nil         21,50,000          Nil
                OE            2,50,000             Nil          2,50,000           -

        Proposal received from 47 no. MSME Units to participate in 5(Five) different trade
fairs of total amount of Rs.9,90,855 forwarded to O/o DC(MASME),New Delhi was not


                                    CHAPTER – 3.2
Support to MSMEs for Technology & Quality Up gradation(TEQUP)
      The objective of this scheme is to enhance MSMEs competitiveness in the National as
well as International Market through various activities such as i) Technology up gradation
in Packaging, ii) Skill Development in modern marketing ,iii) Taking up competitive studies
etc. Also, the objectives of the Scheme are to assist for Capacity Building of MSME
Clusters for Energy Efficiency/Clean Development Interventions and other technologies
mandated as per the global standards, Implementation of Energy Efficient Technologies
(EET) in MSME sector/units, Setting up of Carbon Credit Aggregation Centers (CCA) for
introducing and popularizing clean development mechanism(CDM) in MSME clusters and
Encouraging MSMEs to acquire product certification/ licenses from National/International
bodies and adopt other technologies mandated as per the global standards.

       MSME-DI, Kolkata has taken initiative to popularize the scheme and conducted the
following programmes during the year 2015-16 are as follows:

          i) Awareness Programme on Product Certification (TEQUP)
                                    Target          Completed
                                      2                2

                                                                      Date           No. of
  Sl.No                  Name of the Programme
  1       One day Awareness Programme on Product Certification      23-12-15
          at Janbazar Shoe Cluster, Janbazar,Kolkata
          One day Awareness Programme on Product Certification      07-03-16
  2       at Khatra, Dist.-Bankura in association with Khatra                         50
          Chamber of Commerce
                                                                        Total:-       88

          ii) Awareness Programme on Energy Efficiency Technology. (ACTIVITY No.-1)

                                    Target          Completed
                                      2                1

 Sl. No             Name of the Training Programme                   Held on      Total No. of
      1   One day awareness Programme on Energy Efficiency           22-03-16         34
          Technology in association with Fan Cluster, Bansdroni
          with Technical support of National Productivity Council
                                                                       Total:-         34

           iii) List of Reimbursement for FY 15-16 on product Certification under

     Sl.No    Name of the unit      Amount (Rs.)    Fund Received(Rs.)       Balance
       1      M/s IMP Engineers        83,306/-           4,00,000          3,16,694

Corporate Governance Practice (ACTIVITY -6)

       Under this activity, MSMEs will be encouraged to adopt good Corporate Governance
Practices for improving their competitiveness, reducing operational factors, overcoming
barriers to trade, successfully meeting the challenges of globalization and assessing lower
cost of finances. MSME-DI, Kolkata communicated information on reimbursement scheme
with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Registrar of Companies and requested to send name
of the units registered by them in the state of West Bengal on 26-06-14.

      This Institute has received one bill for reimbursement under Corporate Governance
Practice amount of Rs.24537/- but could not be reimbursed due to paucity of fund under
MDA scheme.

      Sl.No                 Name of the unit                           Amount
      1.    Neogi Technologies & Research Pvt. Ltd.                   Rs. 24,537
            Kumarpara Road, P.O. Rajpur, Kolkata – 700 149.


                                 CHAPTER – 3.3
Enabling Manufacturing Sector Competitive through Quality
Management Standard and Quality Technology Tools (QMS/QTT)

       World over, micro and small enterprises are recognized as an important constituent
of the national economies, contributing significantly to employment expansion and poverty
alleviation. Hence, recognizing the micro and small enterprises, sensitization programmes-
cum-workshops on QMS/QTT are conducted by MSME-DIs in order to make this sector
globally competitive. During the year 2015-16 , MSME-DI, Kolkata organized four
Sensitization-cum-Awareness Programme on QMS/QTT and are given below:

Awareness Programme on QMS/QTT

                                  Target          Completed
                                    4                4

Sl                                                                 Date       No. of units
                      Name of the Programme
No                                                                            benefitted
      Awareness Programme on QMS/QTT in association with         28-08-15
1                                                                                 49
      BNCCI at BNCCI Conference Hall at Kolkata.
      Awareness Programme on QMS/QTT in association with.
2     C&SSIA, 24-Pgs.(South), Kolkata, Baruipur Surgical         06-10-15         46
      Instruments Manufacturers Association(BASIMA) Press
      One day awareness programme on QMS/QTT at Malda            03-02-16
3     in association with Malda Bee Keeping & Honey                               60
      Processing Cluster Industry.
                                                                 10-02-16         60
4     At Kolkata in association with FOSMI
                                                                    Total:-       215


                                   CHAPTER – 3.4
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

     Under this component of NMCP, Officers of MSME-DI, Kolkata               attended two
Workshop programmes and the ditails of which is given below:

                                   Target          Completed
                                     2                1

                                                                   Date         No. of
  Sl No                  Name of the Programme
            Awareness Programme on IPR in association with       10-12-15
  1                                                                               70
            BNCCI at BNCCI Conference Hall at Kolkata.

Other Activities on IPR

      I)      Joynagar Moa Nirmankari Society, Radhaballavtala Road, Joynagar, Dist.
              South 24 Pgs., Pin – 743337, West Bengal has obtained Geographical
              Indications Registration (GI) for Joynagar Moa. The Society has been motivated
              and guided to apply for reimbursement for acquiring GI Registration.
              Accordingly, the Society has applied for reimbursement and it is being
              processed for onward transmission to O/o DC(MSME), New Delhi for

      II)     Enquiries were done for acquiring Geographical Indication (GI) of Saktigarh
              Langcha, Sitabhog & Mihidana of Bardhaman and Sarpuriya of Nadia District.


                                   CHAPTER – 3.5
Lean Manufacturing
      Under the Scheme, MSMEs will be assisted in reducing their manufacturing costs,
through proper personnel management, better space utilization, and scientific inventory
management, improved processed flows, reduced engineering time and so on. LMCS also
brings improvement in the quality of products and lowers costs, which are essential for
competing in national and international markets. The larger enterprises in India have been
adopting LMCS to remain competitive, but MSMEs have generally stayed away from such
Programmes as they are not fully aware of the benefits.
a)  Report On Technical Bid Evaluation For Bargachia LMP Cluster –1, held on
      The Technical Bid Evaluation Meeting for the Bargachia LMP Cluster – I was held at
the premises of MSME-DI, 111 & 112 B. T. Road, Kolkata – 700 108 on 04/09/2015. The
Bid Evaluation Meeting was held in the presence of the following Members of the Selection
     1. Shri K.D.Bhattacharya, Dy. Director (G&C); Shri M.Guha, Dy. Director (Met.) & Shri
        S.K.Sen, Asstt. Director (L/F), MSME-DI, Kolkata
     2. Shri. R.K.Pal, Representative, QCI
     3. Shri Swapan Mondal, Representative, SPV, Bargachia LMP Cluster – I
     The appraisal of technical and financial proposal of the following LMC has been
made: -
  1.    Fashion Futures, C-271 Sheikh Sarai – 1New Delhi – 110011
  2.    Boon Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., B404, Sparta Building, Beeta
        ChamberHiranandi Estate Ghodbunder Road, Thane (West) –Pin -400607,
  3.    Business Analyst Group,South Santoshpur, Ghosh Para, Jadavpur
        Kolkata -700032
      Based on the evaluation of the technical and financial proposals of the above bidders,
the committee has recommended the consultant “Boon Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.”,
Thane (West) –Pin -400607, Maharashtra.
 b) Attended 1st audit along with NPC for implementation of Lean Manufacturing
Scheme in FOSMI progressive Engg. Cluster

     v Attended the 2nd Audit of Lean Manufacturing Practice & Implementation at
       Bargachhia, Howrah as a member of implementation agency along with Auditor of
       QCI, New Delhi.
     v Deputy Director Leather Division Under NMCP - Lean programme, 1st Audit for 9 nos.
       leather units were done in association with QCI for approval of DSR for Leather
       Cluster of Indian Leather Product Association


                                  CHAPTER – 3.6
Business Incubator

     The Scheme provides early stage funding for nurturing innovative business ideas
(new indigenous technology, processes, products, procedure etc.) which could be
commercialized in a year.

      The main objective is to promote development of knowledge-based innovative
ventures and to improve the competitiveness and survival instincts of the Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Such entrepreneurial innovative ideas are sought to be
developed in reputed Technical Management institutions before these can become
commercially viable and attract venture capital.

      The idea is primarily for sustaining, at some basic or introductory level, the
incubation of ideas that would have otherwise been lost for want of support. The
expectations are that a sizeable percentage of the grantees/incubates would be graduating
to higher levels of operation that would then require other form of support under other
schemes/organizations including from Venture Capital or Angel Funding.

                        Target   Surrendered        Completed
                           5             3                 2

Awareness Programme on Business Incubator:
                                                                               No. of units
Sl                     Name of the Programme
       Awareness Programme on Business Incubator at SEACOM        21-03-16
1                                                                                  49
       Engineering College,Dhulagarh,-Howrah
       Awareness Programme on Business Incubator at Salt          29-03-16
2                                                                                  140
       Lake Engineering & Management,Dist.- North 24 Pgs
                                                                     Total:-       189

     v On 4th Sept.’2015, DD(Met.) and Asstt. Director (Met.) attended Managing Committee
       Meeting of EKTA Incubation Centre, Salt Lake City, Sector-V, Kolkata-91. In the said
       meeting, the present status of the incubates were presented to the Managing
       Committee members.


                                     CHAPTER -4

                                  MARKETING SUPPORT

       Under Marketing support, the Institute regularly renders assistance to MSEs through
Single Point Registration Scheme of NSIC for participation in the Govt. Store Purchase
Programme and registration of those units. Besides, the Institute organizes National Level
and State Level Vendor Development Programmes and Buyers-Sellers Meet at different
locations of the state to enable large, medium and small scale enterprises to participate in
such programmes and draw mutual benefits. Necessity and implementation of Public
Procurement Policy was discussed and introduced to the participants as well as
participating PSUs.

4.1 National Level Vendor Development Programme ,2015-16

      During the year 2015-16, 4 Nos. of NLVDP were allotted to MSME-DI, Kolkata and
this institute has completed 01 no of NLVDP. National Level Vendor Development
Programme-cum-Buyer Seller Meet with display of products by the participating units was
organized by the Institute in association with FOSMI at Central Park ,Kolkata.

                    National Level Vendor Development Programme

                     Alloted- 4                           Completed-1
Sl          Place                 Held on         PSUs attended         No.of Revenue
No                                                                     MSMEs    (Rs.)
1  In Association with        19-02-16      1. Eastern Railway           301  6,27,960
   Indian Small Scale         &             2. Hindustan Aeronautics
   Storage Battery &          20-02-16         Ltd.
   Components                               3.Damodar Valley
   Manufacturing                              Corporation (DVC)
   Association & FOSMI,                     4. Balmer Lawrie
   Kolkata at 28th IITF,                    5.Chittaranjan Locomotive
   Central Park, Kolkata                      Works (CLW)
                                            6.Metro Railway
                                            8.Power Grid Corporation
                                            9.Garden Reach Ship
                                              Builders & Engineers
                                                               Total:-   301  6,27,960

4.2 State Level Vendor Development Programme ,2015-16

        During the year, the Institute organized 15(Fifteen) number of SLVDP-cum-Buyer
Seller Meets in association with various Chambers of Commerce, MSME Associations, large
scale undertakings/PSUs, etc. at different districts like Kolkata, 24 Pgs(North),24 Pgs
(South),Howrah, Burdwan, Darjeeling, Purba Midnapur, Paschim Midnapur of the State
and 1(one) SLVDP was held at Wimberly Gunj,Dist.-South Andaman, Port Blair In all these
programmes, products manufactured by the MSEs and in demand of large houses were put
on show.

        The details of these programmes are depicted in the following table.

 Sl.         Place              Date             Name of PSUs            No.of   Revenu
 No                                                                      MSM        e
                                                                          Es      (Rs.)

1      Garden Reach Ship    29.09.15      1) Gardenreach Ship            52      17160
       Builders &                            Builders & Engineers
       Engineers (GRSE),                  2) NSIC
2      Barrackpur,          14/10/15      1) Hindusthan Aeronitics       70      35,000
       24 Pgs (North)                        Ltd., Barrackpur Divn.
3      IchapurRifle         18/11/15      1) Ichapur Rifle Factory       57      20,000
       Factory, Ichapur,
       24 Pgs (N)
4      MSTC Ltd.,           27/11/15      1)MSTC Ltd.                    25      Nil
5      Chittaranjan         30/11/15      1)Chittaranjan Locomotive              23,500
       Locomotive Works,                    Works (CLW)                  34
       Dist.- Burdwan                     2) NSIC,Durgapur
6      Haldia,              04-12-15      1)Indian Oil                   54      10,000
       Purba Midnapur                     2)Haldia Dock
7      IOC Complex,Haldia   16-12-15      1)Indian Oil Corporation       70      Nil
       Dist.-Purba                          Ltd,.
8      IMT Hall ,           22-12-15      1)Eastern Railway,             35      Nil
       MSME-DI,Kolkata                    2)NSIC
9      Durgachak,Haldia,    05-03-16      1) Gardenreach Ship            45      13,750
       Purba Midnapur                       Builders & Engineers
10     Kasba,Kolkata        11-03-16      1) IRCON International Ltd.    36      Nil
11     Chittaranjan         23/11/15      1)Chittaranjan Locomotive      32      25,500
       Locomotive Works,                    Works(CLW)
       Dist.- Burdwan                     2)NSIC,Durgapur


12   Siliguri;           05-12-15   1)Power Grid Corporation      40   20,000
     Dist.-Darjeeling               2)N.F Railway

13   Durgapur,           21-03-16   1) FSNL                       36   Nil
     Dist.-Burdwan                  2)DPL
14   Durgapur,           17-02-15   1)Durgapur Steel Plant        64   15,600
     Dist.-Burdwan                  2)Mejia Thermal Power
                                    3)Ferro Scrap Nigam Ltd.

15   Kirnahar, Birbhum   08/10/15    1) Bakreswar Power Plant     55   Nil
                                     2) Durgapur Projects Ltd

                                                         Total:- 705   1,80,510

                             Br.MSME-DI,Port Blair
                         Target-1        Completed -1

     Wimberly Gunj,      08-03-16    1) A & N Forest Plantation   46    Nil
1    Dist.-South                     Development Corpn.
     Andaman,                        2) APWD,Wimberly Gunj
     Port Blair                      3) ISRO,DollyGunj
                                     4) State Co-operative Bank
                                     5) SBI, Wimberly Gunj

4.3. Single Point Registration with NSIC

          One of the major activities of MSME-DI, Kolkata is providing marketing assistance
to MSEs. During the year 2015-16, Further, under marketing support for Govt. stores
purchase programme, the Institute recommended 631 no.of cases of MSEs for Single Point
Registration with NSIC in order to enable them to participate in the Government Purchase

        Name of the Inst.           No. of Cases Received        Revenue Earned (Rs.)
 MSME-DI, Kolkata                             605                      14,71,161
 Br.MSME-DI,Durgapur                             12                     29,000
 Br.MSME-DI, Siliguri                            9                      25,450
 Br.MSME-DI, Suri                                3                       7,435
 Br.MSME-DI, Port Blair                          2                       4,000
                          Total:-             631                     15,37,046


                                       CHAPTER -5
                     DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (MSE CDP)

       The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India
(GoI) has adopted the cluster development approach as a key strategy for enhancing the
productivity and competitiveness as well as capacity building of Micro and Small
Enterprises (MSEs) and their collectives in the country. Clustering of units also enables
providers of various services to them, including banks and credit agencies, to provide their
services more economically, thus reducing costs and improving the availability of services
for these enterprises.

      Under the Cluster Development Programme, the Institute has taken up as many as
14 Clusters for soft-interventions and hard-interventions. The details of activities going on
in these clusters are given as follows :-

                            Status of Cluster Development Programme

 Sl.   Cluster Identified              Place & District   If DPR prepared,   Remarks, if any
 No                                                       (for Hard
                                                          mention the year
                           DPR Prepared & Hard Intervention
 1     Re-Rolling Mill Cluster     Uluberia,           2010-11               In progress
 2     Honey Processing            Malda,              2011-12               In progress   &
       Cluster                     Dist.-Malda                               advance
 3     Lead Acid Storage Battery       Siliguri,               2012-13       In progress   &
       Cluster                         Dist.-Darjeeling                      advance
 4     Fan Cluster                     Bansdroni,              2010-11       In progress   &
                                       Dist.-Kolkata                         advance
 5     Plastic Product Cluster,        Rajganj,                2012-13       In progress   &
                                       Dist.-Jalpaiguri                      advance
 6     Silver Filigree Cluster,        Mograhat,               2011-12       In progress   &
                                       Dist.-South 24                        advance
                                       Parganas                              stage.
 7     Zari Embroidery                 Budge Budge,            2011-12       In progress   &
       Cluster                         Dist.-South 24                        advance
                                       Parganas                              stage.

 8     Murlu Roofing Tiles              Murlu,                     2012-13      In progress &
       Cluster                          Dist.- Bankura                          advance
 9     Surgical Instrument              Baruipur                   2004-05      CFC
       Cluster,                         Dist.-South 24                          completed
                                        Parganas                                and handed
                                                                                over to SPV.
 10    Refractory Bricks Cluster,       Kulti, Burdwan             2014-15      Application for
       Kulti, Burdwan.                                                          sanction is in
 11    Technology Upgradation of        Khagra, Dist.-             2007-08      UNIDO Project.
       Brass & Bell Metal Industry /    Bankura                                 In progress.
       Artisan Enterprises in
       Khagra and others areas in
       the WB and neighbouring

 Sl.   Cluster Identified                       Place & District             If DSR prepared,
 No                                                                          then mention the
                                             DSR Prepared
 1     Gauge & Bandage Cluster                  Basirhat,                        2010-11
                                                Dist.-North 24 Parganas
 2     Artificial ornaments & Gift Item,        Daspur,                          2010-11
                                                Paschim Medinipur,
 3     Bamboo Cluster,                          Baduria,                         2009-10
       Baduria Block,                           Dist.-North 24 Parganas
 4     Agarbati Works Cluster,                  Baruipur,                        2012-13
       Baruipur,                                S-24 Prgs Dist.
 5     Brass Metal Cluster,                     Goghat, Hoogly.                  2012-13
       Bali, Goghat,Hoogly
 6     Clay Doll & Terracota Cluster,           Ghurni, Nadia.                   2010-11
       Ghurni, Nadia.
 7     Earthen PotteryCluster,                  Chalteberia,                     2010-11
       Chalteberia. N-24 Prgs.                  N-24 Prgs.
 8     Fire Works Cluster,                      Baruipur, S-24 Prgs Dist.        2012-13
       Baruipur,     S-24 Prgs

b) Report On Technical Bid Evaluation Leather Goods Manufacturing Cluster held on

    The Technical Bid Evaluation Meeting for the Leather Goods Manufacturing Cluster was
held at the premises of MSME-DI, 111 & 112 B. T. Road, Kolkata – 700 108 on
21/09/2015. The Bid Evaluation Meeting was held in the presence of the following
Members of the Selection Committee:

  1. Shri Dipak Chanda, Dy. Director (L/F), MSME-DI, Kolkata
  2. Shri. Nikhil Relia, AD, Representative, QCI
  3. Shri Tushar Suraiya, Nodal Officer, SPV
     The appraisal of technical and financial proposal of the following LMC has been
made: -
                  1. Business Analyst Group
                  2. Fashion Futures,
                  3. Boon Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

      Based on the evaluation of the technical and financial proposals of the above bidders,
the committee has recommended the consultant Business Analyst Group.

Meetings Attended by the Officers of the Institute              for MSE-CDP

         Ø Attended purchase committee meeting for Murlu Roofing Tiles Cluster,

         Ø Attended purchase committee meeting for Fan Cluster on 27.08.15, Kolkata.
         Ø Held meeting with SPV of Baruipur Surgical Cluster, Baruipur, West Bengal
           for taking decision on mode of revival of the Cluster.

         Ø Attended 2 (Two) HCCI Re-rolling Mill Cluster meetings at Howrah.
         Ø Attended purchase committee meeting for Murlu Roofing Tiles ClusterBankura.
         Ø Held meeting with SPV of Baruipur Surgical Cluster, Baruipur, West Bengal
           for taking decision on mode of revival of the Cluster .
         Ø Attended meeting of SCCI Rolling Mill Cluster, Howrah on 19/11/2015

         Ø Scrutinized the Details Project Report(DPR) on refractory cluster, Asansol and
           provided technical comments on suitability of Plant & Machinery, proposed in
           the DPR, to the Director, MSME, Govt. of W.B. as per his request.

         Ø On line comments has been given for approval & sanction to prepare DPR in
           respect of Basirhat Gauge & Bandage Cluster, North 24 Pgs. Dist. after
           taking consent of the Director, MSME, Govt. of W.B. and scrutinized the
           various documents submitted by SPV.

         Ø Visited 03 nos. Clusters (Honey Processing Cluster, Malda, Fan Cluster,
           Bansdroni, Kokata, Jari & Embroidery Cluster, Magrahat, South 24 Pgs. Dist.).
           Taken photographs of these 03 clusters and compiled the status report for
           submitting to the O/o the DC(MSME), New Delhi.

         Ø Processed 03 nos. on-line application for undertaking 03 nos. Cluster under
           MSE-CDP Scheme. Consent of Govt. of W.B. has been accorded to prepare
           DSR and to undertake these cluster under MSE-CDP Scheme.

Ø Attended a meeting on MSE-CDP Cluster in the O/o the Director, MSME, Govt.
  of West Bengal.

Ø Updated the report   of 04 (four) clusters and 01 (one) industrial park at
  Durgapur developed under IID Scheme.

Ø Held meeting with SPV of Baruipur Surgical Cluster, Baruipur, West Bengal
  and prepared a report for submission to the O/o the DC(MSME), New Delhi
  recommending for redressal of the grievance of the SPV.

Ø Attended purchase committee meeting for Murlu Roofing Tiles Cluster,

Ø Attended purchase committee meeting for Fan Cluster, Kolkata.

Ø Prepared a status report on implementation of MSE-CDP Scheme (Soft
  intervention & Hard intervention) in West Bengal.

Ø Held meeting with SPV of Baruipur Surgical Cluster, Baruipur, West Bengal
  for taking decision on mode of revival of the Cluster.

Ø Scrutinized the application of 03 nos. of Cluster, taken consent from Govt. of
  W.B. and on line recommendation has been forwarded to O/o the DC(MSME),
  New Delhi for undertaking the 03 Clusters

Ø Asstt. Director (L/F), Br. MSME Development Institute, Suri, Birbhum, had
  attended purchase committee meeting of Fan Cluster, Kolkata at DIC, Kolkata
  on 24.08.2015

Ø Attended 2 (Two) HCCI Re-rolling Mill Cluster meetings at Howrah.

Ø   Attended purchase committee meeting for Murlu Roofing Tiles Cluster,

Ø Attended purchase committee meeting for Fan Cluster, Kolkata.

Ø Held meeting with SPV of Baruipur Surgical Cluster, Baruipur, West Bengal
  for taking decision on mode of revival of the Cluster .

Ø Scrutinised the application of 01 no. of Cluster. Chlak out a programme to
  visit the cluster along with GM, DIC, North 24 Pgs. and member of the cluster
  Mudra Yojana for the benefit of entrepreneurs

Ø Visited Jute Cluster at Simulpur, North 24 Parganas Dist. along with GM, DIC,
  North 24 Pgs. for assessing the status of the cluster and given on line
  comments to the office of the DC(MSME), New Delhi for accepting the cluster
  and approval for preparation of DSR

Ø Attended meeting of SCCI Rolling Mill Cluster, Howrah on 19/11/2015

Ø Attended 1st audit along with NPC for implementation of Lean Manufacturing
  Scheme in FOSMI progressive Engg. Cluster

Ø Visited to Malda Bee-Keeping & Honey Processing Cluster, located       at
  Charkadirpur, Sahapur, Block – Old Malda, Dist. Malda and collected
  photographs of the said cluster and prepared small write up, which may be
  included in the book on clusters across India published by the O/o. DC-
  MSME, New Delhi.

Ø Attended Steering Committee Meeting at Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi on
  28.07.15, appraised the status of 04 clusters and 01 Industrial Park which
  were in the agenda point of the meeting. The steering committee has kindly
  approved the preparation of DPR, extension of time and sanction of fund for
  04 clusters and 01 Industrial Park.

Ø Attended 2 nos meetings organized by Refractory manufacturing Cluster,
  Burdwan & Surgical Instrument manufacturing Cluster, Baruipur, Distt.
  South 24 Parganas

Ø Deputy Director Leather Division attended a meeting on Leather Cluster
  organized by EDI and SIDBI.GM, SIDBI was the Chief Guest .In the meeting
  various schemes were discussed and activity require for overall development of
  Leather Cluster in Kolkata.

Ø Prepared a status report on implementation of MSE-CDP Scheme (Soft
  intervention & Hard intervention) in West Bengal.

Ø Scrutinized the application of 03 nos. of Cluster, taken consent from Govt. of
  W.B. and on line recommendation has been forwarded to O/o the DC(MSME),
  New Delhi for undertaking the 03 Clusters.

Ø Scrutinised the application of 01 no. of Cluster. Chlak out a programme to
  visit the cluster along with GM, DIC, North 24 Pgs. and member of the cluster
  about Mudra Yojana for the benefit of entrepreneurs.

Ø Visited Jute Cluster at Simulpur, North 24 Parganas Dist. along with GM, DIC,
  North 24 Pgs. for assessing the status of the cluster and given on line
  comments to the office of the DC(MSME), New Delhi for accepting the cluster
  and approval for preparation of DSR.


                                      CHAPTER -6
Credit Guarantee Scheme
   (A) Awareness Programme on Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro & Small
       Enterprises (CGTMSE)

                                      Target        Completed
                                        1              1

             Sl.                                                 Date         No. of
                          Name of the Programme
             No                                                            Participants
                   Awareness Programme on CGTMSE at             17-12-15
                   Bengal National Chamber of Commerce &                       60
                   Industry (BNCCI),Kolkata

   (B)             Report of the Awarness Programme

      Industrial Motivation Campaign – an Awareness Programme on Credit Guarantee
Fund Trust for Micro & Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) was organized by MSME-DI, Kolkata
in association with Bengal National Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BNCCI) on
Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 3 p.m. at the Chamber premises. The programme was
attended by the following dignitaries.
   1.   Shri Charan Singh, Executive Director, UCO Bank
   2.   Shri K. L. Rao, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata
   3.   Shri S. P. Aduri, AGM, SIDBI
   4.   Dr. G. P. Sarkar, President, Bengal National Chamber of Commerce & Industry
   5.   Shri K. Udaya Bhaskara Reddy, Zonal Manager & General Manager, Indian Bank
      The programme started with the Welcome Address by Dr. G. P. Sarkar, President,
BNCCI, Kolkata. In his address, Dr. Sarkar welcomed all the participants and dignitaries
and spoke a few words about CGTMSE Scheme. He told that CGTMSE is a laudable scheme
of Govt. of India and urged that new entrepreneurs should come forward to take their credit
under CGTMSE cover. Shri Sarkar also requested the bankers to come forward and support
the business plan under CGTMSE.

      The Key Note Address was addressed by Shri K. L. Rao, Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata.
In his address, Shri Rao described the different schemes of MSME and urged the bankers
to send the new project proposals to MSME-DI, Kolkata for appraisal. Shri Rao told that an
appraised project report may be financed by banks under CGTMSE cover.
     The next speaker on the occasion was Shri Charan Singh, Executive Director, UCO
Bank. Shri Charan Singh told that Govt. is thinking about delisting the MLI (Member
Lending Institution) status to banks, if the NPA crosses the limit of 9%.

     Then Shri S. P. Aduri, AGM, SIDBI addressed the audience and described in detail
the CGTMSE Scheme.

      The last speaker on the occasion was Shri M. Guha, Dy. Director, MSME-DI, Kolkata.
Shri Guha described CGTMSE Scheme and requested the bankers to finance new proposals
under CGTMSE Scheme.

Court Cases handled by MSME-DI,Kolkata in respect of CGTMSE:

      1. Suvankar Halder v/s Canara Bank & Others vide Title Suit No. 1157 of 2015 in
         the City Civil Court,Kolkata,5th Bench.Secretary,Ministry of MSME is one of the
         Respondent in the case.

      2. Suvankar Halder v/s State Bank of India & Others vide Title Suit No. 1616 of
         2015 in the City Civil Court,Kolkata,7th Bench.Secretary,Ministry of MSME is
         one of the Respondent in the case.

      3. Sk.Musaraf Ali v/s United Commercial Bank vide Title Suit No. 1094 of 2015 in
         the City Civil Court,Kolkata,5th Bench.Secretary,Ministry of MSME is one of the
         Respondent in the case.

       Counsels has been appointed for 1 & 2 and all the information communicated
to the O/o DC(MSME), New Delhi relating to the court cases.


                                        CHAPTER -7

                                          MSME MDA

       MSME-DI, Kolkata renders assistance to MSMEs in order to enable them to utilize
their export potential through various avenues for competing in the global market. Besides,
the Institute organises various programmes such as Export Management Training
Programmes, Training Programmes on Packaging for Exports, Seminar on Bar Coding, etc.
every year and also disseminates information on Policies & Procedures for export, latest
rules & regulations of various organizations related to exports. The basic aim of such
programmes is to assist the MSMEs and help them overcome their constraints so that they
may have better access in the overseas market.

       The Export Division selects & recommends many MSEs to exhibit their products at
the Pavilion of the Ministry in the International Trade Fair in many foreign countries. This
office regularly prepares Business Enquiries & Bulletin on Exports. Besides as a member,
this office attends various meetings conducted by the DGFT, Kolkata, Export Inspection
Agency, Kolkata. This office maintains a good liaison with various Export Promotion
Councils and assists MSEs to export their products. The significant activities undertaken by
the Institute under Export Promotion are given as follows:

7.1 Participation in International Trade Fair

       Regular assistance under MDA scheme is rendered to MSEs for participation in
International Trade Fairs organized in different countries of the world. During the year
2015-16, the Institute assisted 22 units for participation in International Trade Fairs held
at different places of the globe and reimbursed to 22 participating units. The details are
given below:-

      List of The Units benefited through Reimbursement under MDA Scheme For
       Participation In International Trade Fair during The Financial Year 2015-16.

Sl.    Name of the Trade Fair        Name & Address of the Unit    Category    Amount
No.                                                                            Reimbursed
                                                                               for Space
                                                                               Rent &
1      13th Global Indian Festival   M/s. Sudha Creation           Woman       1,25,000
       2015 at Kualalampur,          Prop. Smt. Sudha Sharma
       Malaysia from 3rd June to     15, Pathuria Ghat Street,
       7th June, 2015.               Kolkata-6

M/s. Kiran Creation             Woman     1,25,000
Prop. Smt. Kiran Sharma
5, Raghunandan Lane,
M/s.Dris Garments               Woman     1,25,000
Prop. Smt. Smriti Laha
1, Raja Gurudas Street,
M/s. Shilpalaya                 Woman     1,25,000
Prop. Smt. Mridula Nandi
6,K.C. Bse Road, Kolkata-4
M/s. Rita’s Collection          Woman     1,25,000
Prop. Smt. Nivedita Sareswari
3248, Garia Place, Kolkata-84
M/s. Pratyasha Boutique         Woman     1,25,000
Prop. Smt. Chhanda Sarkar
BB-3, Flat No.-3, Prafulla
M/s. Aamar Kuthi                Woman     1,25,000
Prop. Ms. Anjali Bhowmick
34, Raja Basanta Ray Road,
M/s. D. B. Kniting Centre       Woman     1,25,000
Smt. Kajal Bhattacharjee
450/B, Rabindra Sarani,
M/s. Lotus Hosiery              General   1,25,000
Prop. Sri Udai Kumar Agarwal    (Male)
26/2 B, Khagendra Nath
Chatterjee Road, Kolkata-2
M/s. Awhang                     Woman     1,25,000
Prop. Smt Kavita Mallick
9/3A, Rajendra Nath
Roychowdhury Lane,
M/s. Shree Kanna’ s Boutique    Woman     1,25,000
Smt. Shamita Mukherjee
497, P. Mazumdar Road,
M/s. Piyali Handicrafts         Woman     1,25,000
Prop. Smt. Chitra Saha
7/36, Gorakhabasi Road,
Nager Bazar,
 South Dum Dum,
North 24 PGS., Kolkata-28

                                 M/s. Saree Boutique            Woman     1,25,000
                                 Prop. Smt. Sutrishna Sinha
                                 82/1A, Kabi Sukanta Sarani,
2   International Fashion Fair M/s. Essar G Fashion Pvt.        General   1,25,000
    at Ptak City, Rzgow,         Ltd.                           (Male)
    Poland during 28-30          Sri Rakes Gupta, Director
    August, 2015.                Neelam Apartment,
                                  Room No.2AB, 629,
                                 G.T. Road, Serampore, Dist-
                                 HooghlyPin 712201,
3   Thessaloniki                 M/s. S. B. Ornaments           General   91,669
    International Fair at        Prop. Sri Pratap Mondal        (Male)
    Thessaloniki, Greece         Rishi Bankim Nagar,
    during September 5-13,       Post & P.S. – Baruipur,
    2015.                        Kolkata – 700144
                                 M/s. Krishna Garments          Woman     1,25,000
                                 Smt. Krishna Das Sarkar
                                 24, Girish Vidya Ratna Lane,
                                 Gazipur,Post-Rajpur, P.S. –
                                 Sonar pur, Kolkata-700149
                                 M/s. Ilubela Enterprise        Woman     1,15,307
                                 Prop.- Smt. Ruma Ghosh
                                 89, M. G. Road, Kolkata-7
                                 M/s. Sayan Handicrafts         General   72,908
                                 Prop. Md. Niyamat Mandal       (Male)
                                 31/1, Ananta Hari Mitra
                                 Road,Nader Para,
                                 Krishna Nagar, Nadia-101
4   48 MOS (International
       th                        M/s. Reflection                Woman     1,25,000
    Trade & Business fair) in    Prop. Ms. Smarita Sengupta
    Celje, Slovenia during       A-129, Lake Gardens,
    08-13 Sept,15.               Kolkata-700045
5   AF’L Artigiano in Fiera      M/s. Krishna Handicrafts       General   66,600
    International Crafts Selling Proprietor: Sri Debasish Pal   (Male)
    Exhibition, Milan, Italy     Jambuni, Post/P.S.-Bolpur,
    during05-13Dec, 2015         Dist-Birbhum,Pin-731204,
                                 M/s. Zohaib’s Fashion          Woman     1,25,000
                                 Prop. Smt. Sanjeeda Hossain
                                 7A, Monomohan Banerjee
                                 Road, Kol-38

       Total no. of MSEs Participated       : 22 Nos. (Woman-17 & Gen.-5)
       Amount disbursed till date (21 MSEs) : Rs. 24,71,484

      7.2    Details of Bar-Code Re-imbursement during the year 2015-16

       During the year, under the scheme of Bar Coding Re-imbursement for both one time
registration and annual registration, altogether 15 cases were processed by this Institute
during the year and a sum of Rs.99,375 for one time registration and that of Rs. 52,769 for
annual recurring fee were disbursed respectively, the details of which are given in the
following table:-

(a)    Status of Bar-Coding up to during the year 2015-16 :

      Year      No.of          Appro-   Closed   Pending       Cumulative No. of cases & amount
                Applications   ved                                          disbursed
                Received                                   One time              Annual recurring fee
                                                           registration fee
                                                           No.of    Amt.        No. of    Amt.
                                                           Cases Disbursed cases          Disbursed
                                                                    (Rs.)                 (Rs.)
      2015-16        8           8        0         0         8      1,67,625      19        99,790

(b) Reimbursement of Bar Code One Time Registration Fee and Annual Recurring
Fee for the year 2015-16:
    Sl.   Name and Address of the Unit       One Time     Annual        Total
    No.                                     Registration Recurring Reimbursement
                                                Fee         Fee
    1    M/s. Picking Snacks Pvt. Ltd.        20, 625     15,370       35,995
         216 D (49/H/A), Ghosal Para,
         Nabagram, Srirampur,Hooghly
    2    M/s. J.S.P. Aqua Pvt. Ltd.           18,750       5,445       24,195
         Vill- Choutara, Post- Kaikala,
          P.S.-Haripal, Dist-Hooghly-5
    3    M/s. Mutha Brothers                  24,750      16,061       40,811
         JL No.11, Panchayat Road, Near
         Bhedi, Ghughupara,
         Bhattanagar, Liliah, Howrah,
    4    M/s. R. R. and Company               18,750      14,702       33,452
          2, Khelat Ghosh Lane,Kolkata-6
    5    M/s. Gear Merchandise Pvt.Ltd        20,625       5,693       26,318
         36/1E/1G, Topsia Road,
    6    M/s. Gold Magenta Hospitality        18,750      14,702       33,452
         Products & Services Pvt. Ltd.
         Naity Road, Basai, Kanaipur,
         Uttarapara, Hooghly, Pin-712234
    7    M/s. East Hooghly Poly Plast Ltd.    24,750      16,061       40,811
    8    M/s. Hanumanji Roller Flour           20625      11756        32,381
                                      Total  1,67,625     99,790      2,67,415

(c)       Utilisation of Fund for Bar Code during the year 2015-16

                     Fund Received     Fund Utilised          Balance
                      ( Lakh)      ( Lakh)        ( Lakh)
                        2,70,000          2,67,415              2585

7.3 Awareness Programme on Bar Code:

       Bar Coding has a significant impact on the success of any enterprise/company
andorganization. Timely and accurate capture of product information and its
communication electronically across the Supply Chain ahead of physical product flow is
critical to lowering inventory costs, inaccurate sales forecasting & dynamic production
scheduling and in product track and trace. Bar Coding not only facilitates the exchange of
information between buyers and sellers, but also provides the potential for better visibility
and sharing of information across an entire Supply Chain.

        With the objective of spreading awareness about the utilities of Bar Coding,
importance of its adoption and the facilities available from Govt. for acquiring the same, the
Institute organized 8 sensitization -cum-seminar on Bar Code for 247 candidates during
the year 2015-16 in the districts of Kolkata, Hooghly, Malda, Birbhum by MSME-
DI,Kolkata, Br.MSME-DI,Siliguri and at Burdwan by Br.MSME-DI, Durgapur and at Suri
by Br. MSME-Di,Suri. The details of these programmes are given in the table given below :-

  i) Seminar on Bar-Code during the year 2015-16
               Total Allotment=8                             Comoleted-8
  Sl.                    Venue                             Date      No.of        Revenue
  No                                                                 units         Earned
      1    Awareness Programme on Bar code at FOSMI      28-07-15     33            3,300
           Conference Hall at Kolkata
      2    One day Awareness programme on Barcode        13-08-15          50        Nil
           under NMCP-MDA schemes at the
           BNCCI,Kolkata in association with The
           Bengal Hosiery Manufacturers
           Association(B.H.M.A), Kolkata
      3    Awareness Programme on Bar -Code at           02-12-15          25        Nil
           Uttarpara, Hooghly
      4    Awareness Programme on Bar-Code at            12-01-16          34       3,400
      5    Awareness Programme on Bar-code at            27-01-16          25       2,500
      6    At Durgapur in association with Bengal        10-02-16          20         -
           Sunserban Chamber of Commerce &
           Industry at Bulbulitala
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