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Google AdWords:
A Primer on Higher Education
Digital Advertising
  H a y l e y S u p p l e | Paid Media Specialist at Converge Consulting

  In higher education, your website is your storefront. Your goal is to get
  qualified traffic to your website and convert these visits into prospective
  students, increase the engagement of your alumni, and much more. Your
  website design and optimization tactics can sometimes do only so much—
  this is where Google AdWords comes into play.
  Higher education is becoming one of                       The white paper below is a primer on
  the top industries using Google AdWords                   Google AdWords – one of the most
  to drive traffic to their websites. More                  popular paid advertising mediums in
  and more colleges are using paid search                   higher education. It will walk you through
  tactics to generate leads due to high search              the process of setting up and building a
  volume, specific targeting opportunities,                 search engine marketing campaign and
  and transparent tracking tools. However,                  will also advise you of the key strategies
  simply building and starting a Google                     and tactics to consider when starting
  AdWords campaign can be costly if you                     your campaign.
  have no experience running and optimizing
  previous search campaigns.
Getting Started
         You’ve decided that you want to start a Google AdWords campaign now
         what? First, you will need to make sure you have a Google account or Gmail
         in order to move forward. Once you have that taken care of, go to adwords. to get started. You will create a campaign, choose your budget,
         submit your billing information, and start building your campaign.

Ad Groups                                                         Settings

When it comes to deciding how to divide your campaign             There are a variety of settings you can use for your
into different Ad Groups, the main things you’ll want to          campaign, with the more important ones being the
consider are the differences you want to showcase in the          campaign type, locations and bid strategy.
campaign. If your landing page, keywords, or ad copy need
to be different, you will want to use separate Ad Groups.         campaign type

                                            For example,          With your AdWords campaign, you can choose to advertise
                                            if you are            on the Search Network, Display Network, or both. This
                                            advertising for       decision is based on user preference. Some choose to
                                            a variety of MBA      advertise only on the Search Network because the ads are
                                            programs at your      targeted specifically to Internet users who are searching
                                            institution, you      for your keywords on the Google search engine. When
                                            will want different   advertising on the Display Network, your ads are eligible
                                            keywords and ads      to appear on a variety of websites that are relevant to
                                            relating to the       your keywords. In addition to your text ads, you can also
                                            specific programs     create and/or use banner, video and other types of ads on
                                            and will also want    the Display Network. If you aren’t sure what networks are
                                            your landing          best for your campaign, start out advertising on both the
                                            page to differ        Search and Display Networks, monitor the differences in
                                            by program.           performance, and adjust accordingly if needed. You could
                                            By having your        also consider running a separate campaign for each network
                                            campaign split        if you want to better control how much you are spending.
                                            into more spe-
cific Ad Groups, your ads will appear more relevant to the
Internet user’s search query and your click through rate (CTR)
should increase. Having a higher CTR helps improve your
quality score, which can greatly benefit your campaign when
it comes to positioning and cost per click (CPC).

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bid strategy                                                                                           You can also utilize ad
                                                                                                       scheduling to control
When choosing a bidding strategy, consider how much                                                    what time of the day
time you will have to manage your campaign. If you plan on                                             and/or day(s) of the
being very involved, you can select “I’ll manually set my bids                                         week you want to
for clicks”. With this option, you will manually set cost per                                          advertise. It’s recom-
click (CPC) bids and are able to adjust them frequently                                                mended not to set
based on performance. If you do not have as much time                                                  specific ad scheduling
to manage your campaign, you can select bidding options                                                when first starting your
where AdWords will set bids based on your budget or                                                    campaign; once you
conversion goals. You can also create your own unique                                                  have sufficient data
Flexible Bidding Strategy to target a specific position on                                             on the performance of
the search results, maximize click counts, and more.                                                   your campaign, setting
                                                                                                       specific ad scheduling
                                                                                                       may make more sense
                                                                                                       based on traffic and
                                                                                                       conversion rates.


                                                                 When writing ads for your campaign, there a few key things
                                                                 to keep in mind.
When deciding on the location targeting for your campaign,       relevancy
consider the goals of your campaign and also characteristics     You want the ad to be as relevant as possible to your
of your institution. For example, if your institution does       keywords and landing page. Keep in mind what you are
well with attracting prospective students locally, focus your    trying to advertise and rely heavily on your keyword list
advertising on geographic areas you want to draw more            and text from your landing page when developing ad text.
students from. On the other hand, you can analyze your
current student body to determine the likelihood of where        grammar , punctuation , and capitalization
you believe prospective students will come from and then         Make sure your ad text makes sense and is free of grammar
base your location targeting on that.                            errors before going live with the campaign. Be consistent
                                                                 with what words you choose to capitalize, and don’t forget
                                                                 you can use only one exclamation point per ad.

                                                                 call to action
                                                                 It is important to include a call to action in every ad so
                                                                 prospective students know what you want them to do next.
                                                                 When determining what call to action to use, keep in mind
                                                                 what you are trying to accomplish with the campaign.
                                                                                                        “Request More
                                                                                                        Information!”, “Apply
                                                                                                        Today!”, and “Schedule
schedule                                                                                                Your Campus Visit!”
You can utilize the ad scheduling option to set start and end                                           are examples of calls
dates for your campaigns. This is commonly used in higher                                               to action that are
education when advertising for events such as open houses,                                              frequently used in
grad fairs, webinars, and more.                                                                         higher education.

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multiple ads                                                    Ad Extensions
It is important to create at least two ads per Ad Group
in order to test and evaluate what ad text and strategies
work best for your institution. Some things to test out         Ad Extensions are a great tool to use when creating
are different descriptive phrases, different calls to action,   campaigns. Ad Extensions are additional features that can
and dynamic vs. static ad headlines.                            appear with your ad in order to help differentiate your ad
                                                                from your competitor’s ad. The Ad Extensions most com-
                                                                monly used are location, call, sitelinks and social extensions.
Keywords                                                        Setting up these Ad Extensions is pretty self-explanatory,
                                                                but there are some important things to keep in mind.

When developing your keyword list, use your landing page
and Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool to develop
keyword ideas. It is important to also use your personal
knowledge and common sense. For example, what keyword
phrase would you search when considering a masters in
accounting? Some other keyword strategies to consider are
using different keyword match types and geographically
modified keywords.
                                                                Ad Extensions appear more often with your ad when you
As your campaign runs, use the Search Query Report to
                                                                have top ad positioning. While location and call extensions
determine which searches are leading to visits to your
                                                                can be triggered at any ad position, sitelinks are triggered
website. Based on this information, consider adding
                                                                only when they appear in top positions due to top placement
keywords and negative keywords, or deleting keywords
                                                                formatting. For this reason, it is imperative to consider this
that are not performing well.
                                                                when determining your bids. Ad Extensions can significantly
                                                                improve your click through rate (CTR), which can lead to a
                                                                higher quality score. A higher quality score can benefit your
Audiences                                                       campaign in a variety of ways, including better positioning,
                                                                a lower cost per click (CPC), and more.

The Audiences tab is a newer feature in Google AdWords
where you can use remarketing lists to cater search ads to      Dimensions
Internet users who have visited your website before. With
your remarketing list search ads (RLSA) you can create
customized ad text, adjust bids and use broader keywords
                                                                You can use the Dimensions tab to segment campaign
to target these Internet users. RLSA can be confusing and
                                                                reporting in a variety of ways. Segment the reporting based
requires coding be inserted on your website — I suggest
                                                                on time of day, user location, search term, and more. Then
listening to the Google+ Your Business webinar “Improving
                                                                use this information to optimize your campaign accordingly.
Your Search Campaigns with Remarketing Lists for Search
                                                                For example, if
Ads” before trying this out with your campaign.
                                                                you see that your
                                                                ads receive the
                                                                most impressions
                                                                between 7 a.m.
                                                                and 1 p.m., use
                                                                ad scheduling to
                                                                allocate a higher
                                                                percentage of
                                                                your campaign
                                                                budget during
                                                                this time frame.

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Tracking                                                          In Conclusion
Regardless of what you are trying to accomplish with your         When building and optimizing your campaign, it is impor-
campaign, it is important to track results for future analysis.   tant to keep in mind that there are not necessarily ‘‘right’’
You can use Cconversion tracking within Google AdWords            and ‘‘wrong’’ ways to do things. As long as you track and
or use Google Analytics to track online conversions. You can      measure your results, it is good to test out a variety of ideas
also set up a Google forwarding number to monitor the calls       based on the goals of your campaign.
you are receiving from your AdWords campaign. Analyze and
compare your conversion metrics to your costs to help you
make future advertising decisions.

                             About the Author
                             Hayley Supple is a Paid Media Specialist at Converge Consulting. Before joining Converge,
                             Hayley worked for a large marketing firm where she handled over 200 paid media campaigns
                             for small and medium-sized businesses. Hayley’s focus is to not only be dedicated to
                             her clients’ marketing needs, but to also find creative, innovative marketing solutions that
                             set them apart from their competitors. Hayley earned her B.B.A. in Marketing and an
                             Entrepreneurial Management Certificate from the University of Iowa.
Here are some of my favorite resources when it comes       Twitter
to learning about search engine marketing trends           Search Engine Land - @sengineland
and staying up-to-date on new and upcoming Google
                                                           Google AdWords - @adwords
AdWords features.
                                                           PPC Hero - @ppchero

                                                           White Papers
Learn with Google Webinars -
experienced/webinars                                       Navigating The Google Display Network: How to Succeed
                                                           & Gain Conversions
WordStream Search Marketing Webinars                                              display-network
Hanapin Marketing -              Hanapin Marketing
resources/webinars                                         AdWords White Paper: Getting Maximum Value from
                                                           AdWords Pay-Per-Click
Search Engine Journal -
                                                           Bid Like a Pro: Strategies for Success with AdWords
Search Engine Roundtable -            Enhanced Campaigns -        
PPC Hero -
WordStream -

Websites                                                   “Google AdWords For Dummies” by Howie Jacobson
Google Trends -                      “Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords” by Bryan Todd
AdWords Help Center -

KeywordSpy -

Google AdWords Ad Preview and Diagnosis

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