Good news to warm your winter days - Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT

Page created by Anne Frank
Good news to warm your winter days - Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT
Revival NSW & ACT

                            JULY 2018

  Good news to warm your winter
            Focussing on what’s happening in our
              church throughout ACT and NSW

          In this issue we report on NYC18 , the NSW State
        Conference, recent baptisms, outreaches, upcoming
                    events and much more... enjoy.
                          One Vision team

                    NSW STATE CONFERENCE 2018
Good news to warm your winter days - Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT
The blessings rained down!

The bleak weather did little to dampen the spirits
of those who attended the NSW State Conference
     on the June long weekend in Newcastle.

Close to 400 people attended the six sessions centred on our
theme of ‘God and You – making the connection’ and you can
  listen (or relisten) to all of the talks and testimonies on our
website, or search for Revival NSW in
                         your Podcast app.

We were also blessed with four baptisms and look forward to
Good news to warm your winter days - Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT
seeing our new brothers and sisters become established in
    their new life with God now that they have made the

             Sue Gardner (Hunter Revival Fellowship)

                     READ THE FULL STORY

                        TRUE STORIES

          Meet Pamela Graham

         ‘My husband and I had a pretty sad
          marriage before we both became

  ​ e started off okay but quickly fell into long periods of not
talking to each other. We didn't know what to do or how to fix
it, and many times I felt like leaving him. We were using drugs
Good news to warm your winter days - Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT
daily to get through life and keep up a pretence.

 In early 1980 we started to wonder if there was a God and got
in touch with an old friend who had had a spiritual experience
some years earlier. He asked if we wanted to come to a Revival
                     Fellowship meeting...

                     READ THE FULL STORY

                 MY CORNER OF THE VINEYARD

                 Coffs Harbour
Good news to warm your winter days - Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT
The Revival Fellowship at Co!s Harbour has been
  going for several decades, one of six centres
         between Sydney and Brisbane.

  The whole Coffs Coast is a lovely, usually sunny region
  with Coffs Harbour the central hub. Coffs is a popular
 holiday destination as well as a great place to retire so a
 while ago, some wag dubbed the Coffs assembly 'God’s
                     Waiting Room'.

   But now there are lots of young families and some of
  our little ones have grown up into great young people.

   We do get quite a few inter-fellowship visitors and
   would love to see all of you at one time or another.
                  Henry Smit (Coffs Harbour)

                    READ THE FULL STORY
Good news to warm your winter days - Revival Fellowship NSW & ACT

         NYC18 - Best One Yet!

National Youngies Camp (NYC) has come and gone
for another year. The saying goes every year, 'This
   year was the best NYC yet', and it really was.

  Sometimes we underestimate what a huge blessing it is
   to come together to a camp full of like-minded, Spirit-
filled people.

   This year was a massive eye opener for me for two
     reasons. Firstly, I learnt a lot from Matt Allen’s
 workshop, which was about our walk with God being
  like a tap. And secondly, during a talk about mental
health issues, I learnt not to underestimate the power of
                      the prayer-line...
                 Brie Nugent (Hunter Valley)

                  READ THE FULL STORY


Sydney Town Hall Outreaches
Once a month, members of the Revival Fellowship
      in Sydney, Central Coast, Newcastle and
   Wollongong meet together on the steps of the
  Sydney Town Hall to tell people about Jesus and
  His salvation message. We spoke to Jesse Jesus,
from the Central Coast fellowship, to tell us a little
               bit about these events.

     We saw the need of salvation for Sydney, the most
    populated city in Australia. The idea was to show the
  love of God through songs to Sydney, a city comparable
   to Sodom and Gomorrah - lots of evil and a vanishing
                       desire for God.

   Our very first outreach was almost a year ago. On that
    day we saw things we never thought we’d see on our
   own doorstep - people receiving the Holy Spirit on the
           spot, and people asking us for prayer.

         The Lord has really blessed us ever since.
                   Jesse Jesus (Central Coast)


Welcome to our new sisters!
Welcome to our new sisters who were recently
             baptised in Sydney.

     Our new sister Ala (top photo) was baptised at the
     Sydney meeting on Sunday 17 June. And our new
 sisters Nai & Mereani were baptised a week earlier in the
 Parramatta River. And Franny (bottom pic) was baptised
              at NYC18 camp! Praise the Lord!
Repent, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the
   forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gi! of the Holy Ghost.
                                 Acts 2:38

                              MORE NEWS...

                              ONE VISION

      One Vision is here for you
Do you need pamphlets or a banner for
 outreaching in your fellowship? Contact the One
Vision team and we can send you some resources!

           Email the One Vision team here

                     READ MORE


         What’s coming up?
Don’t miss out on the great events that are coming
     up around our state. Visit the events page
  on to find out what you
                  can be a part of.

             Coming Soon in 2018....

Sydney Town Hall Outreach on Saturday 14 July
Teens Weekend, Central Coast on 24-25 August
Kids Camp, Morisset on 6-11 October
Teens weekend, Sydney on 13-14 October
Men’s mountain weekend, Tumbarrumba on 27-28

                   FOR MORE INFO

                 ONE VISION TEAM

Help us share the good news!
Our One Vision Team are always looking for
   testimonies, events and good news from your
              corner of the vineyard.

Our mission is to communicate what’s happening throughout
   NSW and ACT, to lead initiatives like this newsletter, to
   produce new outreach materials, and to provide more
awareness of how we can help each other and our churches in
                      God's service.

                                 EMAIL US

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           Copyright © 2018 Revival Fellowship, All rights reserved.

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