GOLDEN PATH e Way of Retail - Strategies to a bright future - Golden Technologies

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GOLDEN PATH e Way of Retail - Strategies to a bright future - Golden Technologies
GOLDEN PATH                         HME RETAIL RESOURCE

    e Way of Retail
    Strategies to a bright future

                                        Bundle Selling
                                        Store Layouts
                                        Tracking Metrics
                                        Digital Media                                     WINTER 2017
GOLDEN PATH e Way of Retail - Strategies to a bright future - Golden Technologies
Comfort Comes from Custom Tailoring
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                       Are you on the right path to retail?
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GOLDEN PATH e Way of Retail - Strategies to a bright future - Golden Technologies

I                                                                 GOLDEN PATH
      ntroducing the Golden Path
      retail journal. The Golden Path
      is the industry’s first “retail only”                                                                                                        HME RETAIL RESOURCE
journal focusing specifically on the
retail needs of the HME business.
The vision for the Golden Path is to
                                                                  WINTER 2017
inform, educate and explain retail                                THE WAY OF RETAIL
principles, ideas and events for HME
retailers. The Golden Path’s name                                 2                                      Advantages of Product Bundle Sales
itself refers to the journal’s mission to                                                                By Carl S. Lloyd |                         Reprinted from April 2016

build a retail community among the
HME industry.                                                     4                                      3 Musts for Achieving Retail Success
   The team at Golden is very excited about the future                                                   How to gain an edge over the competition
of retail. We are excited for those providers who have                                                   By John Smid |                           Reprinted from June 2016

seen the opportunity with retail and have become serious
about their success as a retailer. Not all providers have         6                                      4 Keys to Great Customer Service
the “retail mindset” or “retail capacity,” however many                                                  By Ed Dziedzic
do. We salute those retailers that have taken that plunge
into this very different world of business, especially when       8                                      Tracking Metrics Builds Value
compared to doing business as a provider. Retailers have                                                 By Mike Scarsella |                          Reprinted from June 2016

diversified their revenue streams away from third party
pay. They have reorganized their business centering the           10                                     Digital Marketing the Right Way
customer, or beneficiary, as the most important focus.                                                   By Tim Robinson |                           Reprinted from September 2016

Holiday selling seasons have become an important focus
along with newspaper advertising and customer service             12                                     Golden Opportunities Calendar
training. Outdoor signage, floor layout, showroom product
and utilization of manufacturers’ representatives now play a      16                                     The Importance of Effective Collateral
much more important role. Location, location, location….the                                              By Carrie Ernest |                         Reprinted from October 2016

“Golden Rule” of retail applies and all must abide.
   The Golden Path has a mission to be both an informative        18                                     The Hats of HME Salespeople
and interesting resource journal for retailers and their teams.                                            By Darrell Bradshaw |                           Reprinted from August 2016

Something to be used to inspire creativity, new methods
and trends all with the hope of helping providers become          20                                     Change the Way You Think
successful retailers.                                                                                    By Darrell Bradshaw

                                                                  22                                     Not Just For TV Anymore!
                                                                                                         By Tim Robinson

                                                                  24                                     The American Dream
                                                                                                         By C.J. Copley
     C.J. Copley, MBA, Executive Vice President
     Golden Technologies                                                           = Originally appeared in HomeCare Magazine

                                                                  GOLDEN PATH                         HME RETAIL RESOURCE

                                                                      e Way of Retail
                                                                      Strategies to a bright future

                                                                                                                                   Cover photo by: Tim Robinson
                                                                                                                                   Permit granted by: U.S. Department of Interior
                                                                                                                                   Bureau of Land Management
                                                                                                          Bundle Selling
                                                                                                          Store Layouts
                                                                                                          Tracking Metrics
                                                                                                                                   Red Rock/Sloan Canyon Field Office
                                                                                                                                   Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area
                                                                                                          Digital Media

                                                                                             WINTER 2017

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GOLDEN PATH e Way of Retail - Strategies to a bright future - Golden Technologies

                                                                                                                                                                                             APRIL 2016


                                                                                                              The Leading Business Magazine for HME and Home Health Professionals

                                                                                                                              BUILDING ON
                                                                                                                              YOUR REVENUE

Advantages of
                                                                                                                              Stack more profit on top of your business foundation
                                                                                                                              to make 2016 your strongest year yet

                                                                                                                                                              PROFILE, PAGE 30:
                                                                                                                                                                  I wouldn’t put
                                                                                                                                                              anyone in a patient’s
                                                                                                                                                             house that I would not
                                                                                                                                                            put in my parents’ house.
                                                                                                                                                                - LAURIE MALONE

Product Bundle Sales
                                                                                                             Reprinted from April 2016

By Carl S. Lloyd

          ompetitive bidding changes and     before deciding on a purchase—and       efficiencies, thus reducing marketing
          out of control audits along with   consumers love choices because they     and distribution cost. It allows the
          ongoing insurance reductions       make them feel in control.              consumer to look at one single source
have inspired HME providers to                                                       that offers several solutions.
explore other opportunities to help          Business Benefits                          When effective, a product bundling
offset the cost difference. Retail sales     Bundling is attractive to consumers     strategy can significantly increase
and product bundling play a significant      who benefit from a single, value-       profits on individual sales over time.
role for the future to enhance both          oriented purchase of complementary      Selling multiple products in one
profits and company growth.                  offerings. Bundling helps to increase   solution means a greater initial return

What is product bundling?
Product bundling is the combining
of two or more products or services
together, creating differentiation and
greater value, therefore enhancing the
offer to the customer for a basic rate.
   Bundling has been researched for
more than 40 years, and it can go by
many names: gifts sets, package deals,
collections. While it does not always
pan out, bundling has been shown
to be a very effective and profitable
marketing strategy under a variety
of circumstances, including so called
“pure-bundling,” in which a group of
products are available only as a bundle
and are not sold separately.
   Bundling is based upon the idea
that consumers usually save 7 to 15
percent more on the value of the
grouped package than the individual
items when purchased separately.
Consumers typically compare prices

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GOLDEN PATH e Way of Retail - Strategies to a bright future - Golden Technologies
“         If a customer has multiple needs and your product
          bundle addresses most or all of them, this is convenient for
          the customer so that they can make one stop instead
          of multiple ones.

on the cost of acquiring a customer.       businesses sell more items in one           Keys to Success
   Bundled pricing is a strategy to        customer encounter, and can open            As with all business strategies, there
help generate a large range of buyers:     doors to new products and new               will be some trial and error with
buyers looking for deals, buyers looking   marketing channels. If the product          product bundling. Typically long-
for convenience or buyers looking          combination is right, the decision to       term benefits and better customer
for advice on items that complement        bundle often involves taking these          relationships develop if customer
each other. Bundled pricing may be         three variables into consideration:         convenience and value is your
accompanied by a discount, but it                                                      motivation. Your business should
doesn’t have to be. As a seller, you       •   Volume: Bundling typically              carefully analyze revenue and profit
can make your sales efforts more               increases unit sales volume.            projections for both unbundled
efficient simply by selling more items     •   Margins: Bundling can lower             and bundled options. If bundled
as bundles, and you can ultimately             the cost of goods sold, and can         solutions generate lower profits with
maximize your sales from each                  therefore increase your profit          no customer advantages, this strategy
customer that you attract.                     margins.                                makes little sense. Therefore, it is
   Consider a rolling walker—this          •   Exposure: Bundling may offer new        critical to track product bundling
item assists with walking, sitting             marketing channel opportunities         performance and customer satisfaction
and standing, and it could easily be           or exposure to new potential            to help ensure that there are long-
bundled with related mobility items            customers and referral sources.         term benefits.
such as a shower bench, raised toilet                                                     All of these factors must be
seat with arms, grab bars, lift chair or   Customer Benefits                           considered in terms of the revenue
even a scooter.                            Customers often prefer to achieve a         opportunity and exposure for potential
   In this example, the psychological      cluster of satisfactions through one        bundle offers. Determine if and how
strategy is to use bundling as a way       purchase. People buy products to solve      bundling has a place in your store,
to package less popular products with      problems or to address specific needs.      and develop a marketing plan that
hot-selling items. Although this is        If a customer has multiple needs and        will increase value for your customers,
sometimes criticized, it still attracts    your product bundle addresses most or       referral sources and your organization.
a large range of buyers looking for        all of them, this is convenient for the        Be selective. With the right bundle,
a deal. You can also create long-          customer so that they can make one          everyone can win.
term opportunities for add-on sales        stop instead of many.
when you get multiple products in             Additionally, customers often
a customer’s hands. As with most           experience economies of scale when
marketing practices, there is no exact     buying a bundle of products. If
formula for how to create a bundled        they have a need for the individual
package that will succeed in the           components in the bundle, they              Carl S. Lloyd is the Western
                                                                                       regional vice president for
marketplace, and any formula will          typically understand that the total         Golden Technologies. For
have several qualities that appear         price is lower when the products are        more information, visit
common to many practices.                  purchased as a bundle.
   This marketing tool can help

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GOLDEN PATH e Way of Retail - Strategies to a bright future - Golden Technologies
3 Musts for
                                                                                                           RETAIL SALES

                                                                                                                                                                                                               JUNE 2016

                                                                                                                 The Leading Business Magazine for HME and Home Health Professionals         



                                                                                                                          CYBER                  CONNECTED                  INTEROPERABILITY          MHEALTH

Retail Success
                                                                                                                         SECURITY               PATIENT DATA

                                                                                                                              Retail Strategies & Metrics | 4 Pages of Products | Health Care & the Election

                                                                                                                Reprinted from June 2016

How to gain an edge over the competition
                                                                                              THINK MILK
By John Smid                                                                                     AND

                                                                                 GREET THE
           uring the past nine years, the HME industry has
           begun to accept the retail concept: It is a tool
           that may provide much-needed support in light            ADVERTISE

of plummeting reimbursement revenues from CMS and
secondary insurance providers. However, simply providing
items to consumers who are willing to pay cash does not
necessarily make you a retail provider. There are many
categories (such as ADLs, scooters, bath safety, supportive
footwear, pain management, etc.) within the industry that
are beginning to see a rather significant paradigm shift that
experienced retailers are targeting, and this is yielding retail
   During my 15 years in the HME industry, I have viewed
my target market as my grandmother—94-years-old with
several medical and age-related challenges. My grandmother
lived through the Great Depression—and although she has
seen many good financial times in her life—by nature, she
                                                                   1   Advertise.         There are many reasons that a retailer
                                                                         needs to advertise. First and foremost, if you don’t
                                                                   advertise, you probably will not be in business very long.
is a saver. Within the past three or four years though, I have     I often hear business owners say that adverting is a cost
witnessed a significant change in spending patterns within         they simply cannot afford during these challenging industry
the HME industry. What does this mean?                             times; however, I maintain that this is the most important
   We have all listened to many industry experts discuss           time to advertise.
the baby boomers—the portion of our population born                   Think of your marketing budget as an investment. We
between 1946 and 1964. The difference between my                   all have a plan for retirement, right? Advertising is exactly
grandmother—the saver—and the baby boomer generation               that—an investment in your future business. Advertising
is that the baby boomers have money—and baby boomers               doesn’t just mean discounting products; it should also be
spend money. In fact, 77 percent of all domestic assets are        used to introduce new products or even to differentiate
currently controlled by the baby boomer generation. The            your business from your competition and to maintain your
baby boomer customer is generally willing to spend a littler       reputation in your community among those you serve and
more to get the product they want (and need) to take care of       interact with most frequently.
their condition.                                                      It is equally important your staff be properly trained in
   Let’s dive deeper into the concept of retail by addressing      product knowledge in order to maximize your marketing
three retail must-dos. All are equally important to achieving      plan. Ask yourself: Do they understand the product’s
success.                                                           features, and more importantly, do they understand the

6                      | GOLDENTECH.COM
GOLDEN PATH e Way of Retail - Strategies to a bright future - Golden Technologies
product’s benefits? Can they show the       common? They are all thriving in              with the products you select to put on
appropriate value to the consumer?          their categories.                             the retail floor, plays a huge part in the
Manufacturers who are focused on               It sounds simple, but perhaps it’s         success or failure of your profitability
helping retailers grow their retail         so simple that we often forget how            as a retailer. I find the most simplistic
businesses should be willing to take        simple it is to put into practice. “Good      way to identify the correct products
the time to train your staff. This retail   Morning, welcome to ABC Medical.              in every category is this—if my own
education is ultimately insurance for       My name is John, and I’m here                 mother or father needed a product in
your marketing investment.                  to take care of you.” Demonstrate             this category, what would I choose for
                                            that you know your store and your             them?

2     Greet the customer. I
      don’t know what it is specifically
about the HME industry, but this is
                                            products; you have the experience
                                            with various diagnoses and needs and
                                            be your patient’s guide. As Golden
                                                                                             As the HME expert, you know why
                                                                                          one product is better than another—
                                                                                          maybe the features will provide
one area where most providers can           Technology’s southeast regional vice          additional benefits, so your choice is
stand to improve. Too often, the first      president, Darrell Bradshaw, explains,        Product X. However, the consumer
person a customer sees upon entering        typically DME consumers, “Simply              does not have the information and
an HME store is an individual who           don’t know what they don’t know.”             expertise you have, so they may believe
is elbow-deep in discharge papers,          Your customers may have an idea of            they should choose Product Y, simply
or someone who is focused on their          what they want, but they often don’t          because it costs less money or is better
computer performing daily tasks. My         know what they need.                          reimbursed by their insurance. It is
position allows me to visit 15 to 20           Your customers have enough                 your responsibility as a retailer to
retailers each week—and on average,         challenges in their daily lives, and          share your product knowledge with
less than 20 percent of the HME stores      you have a huge opportunity to help           your customer so they will be better
I visit take this most critical step of     them with their challenges. A simple          informed to make the best purchase—
greeting the customer seriously.            greeting is totally in your control, and      just as you would make for an aging
   The old adage is, “You have seven        it absolutely sets the stage for the rest     loved one.
feet and seven seconds,” to greet the       of the visit!                                    Manufacturers hear so often that
customer, and to do so properly. If you                                                   another supplier can provide a similar
do not think this is important, let’s
simply look outside the HME industry
for some examples.
                                            3  Think milk and eggs
                                               (move frequently
                                            shopped items to the
                                                                                          product for at a lower cost. Be cautious
                                                                                          of this. Retail success is often based on
                                                                                          one simple value equation. A sale will
   Look at Cabela’s and Bass Pro            back of the store). Everyone                  never take place unless the value meets
Shops. Both retailers rotate their          knows this philosophy—right? A                or exceeds the price. The lower the
staff so there is always a minimum          grocer does not exactly make tons of          price, the lower the value—and most
of two employees up front who make          money on milk and eggs, but chances           importantly to you the as a retailer, the
a point greet customers before they         are, a consumer is in the grocery store       lower the gross margin dollars. Train
get through the turnstile and enter         looking for milk and eggs. A good             your staff to understand this, and if
the store. Consider the restaurants         retailer will direct their customers          you truly sell value over price, you will
Outback Steakhouse and Applebee’s—          through products that generate higher         watch your metrics soar.
the employees almost always open            margins than milk and eggs, often
the door for you and they welcome           with incentives to at least stop and take
you when you enter. Even the world’s        a look.
largest retailer, Walmart, has a friendly      New items are best introduced in           John Smid is the Midwest
                                                                                          regional vice president of
employee stationed at the front of          these high traffic areas. As HME              Golden Technologies, Inc.
each store, armed with those famous         retailers, it is important to ask,            For more information, visit
words, “Welcome to Walmart!” What           “What are my milk and eggs?” The
do each of these businesses have in         importance of store layout, coupled

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GOLDEN PATH e Way of Retail - Strategies to a bright future - Golden Technologies

4 Keys to Great
Customer Service
By Ed Dziedzic

        or the better part of my 63        the best customer service that we can?     right.” Basically, keeping in mind that
        years, I have been involved in       Below, are four points to take into      at all times we must continue doing the
        Customer Service in one aspect     consideration when interacting with        right thing.
or another. I have been fortunate that     customers:                                    Looking at the big picture also
the companies and places I have worked                                                means working with a customer and
emphasized taking care of the customer.    #1. DO THE RIGHT THING.                    making allowances for something that
I can remember as a boy pumping            Whatever that may be, we are to do         you may not do on a routine or daily
gas, the owner would tell me, “Always      the right thing. It may mean replacing     basis. For example, you may allow a
say thank you.” One boss told us to        a part or a product. It may mean           product return as a favor in a show of
“Treat the customer as if they were your   giving a credit or a couple of freebies,   good faith, demonstrating a willingness
mother,” and another boss instructed us    if the situation seems appropriate. It     to work with your customer in building
to “Do the right thing.”                   may be spending an extra few minutes       a solid relationship. The result for this
   This article is not meant to give       to ensure that the customer is educated    type of effort builds trust, and is seen
tips such as to smile when you answer      and confident in their purchase. And       with increased business.
a call, or to say the person’s name        sometimes, it may be saying “no.”
three times during a conversation, or      Whatever the situation calls for, do the   #3. WE ARE ALL CUSTOMERS!
anything like that. Those are certainly    right thing.                               Let’s remember that. Whether we are
good tips, but for this segment we want                                               dining out at a restaurant or making
to take a look at our mindset when we      #2. LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE.               a purchase, we are all customers. Ask
are working with our customers.            This means that when we address the        yourself: “How do I want to be treated
   Consider this familiar adage:           immediate issue we take into account       by those in customer service roles?”
   “The Customer is always right.”         what the results or ramifications will     and show respect accordingly.
   Is this true or false?                  be. How will this affect our business
   By the intent of the statement, it is   in the long run, or even tomorrow? In      #4. REFER TO #1.
true. The customer should receive the      this day of social media, we want to be    It may not be the easiest answer, but it
product or service they have requested     sensitive to not only what is said, but    will be the correct one.
and paid for, and they should be           how quickly we say it. While we don’t
shown the utmost respect.                  roll over every time someone mentions
   But in essence, is the customer         “legal stuff” or Facebook, we need         Ed Dziedzic is the director of
                                                                                      customer support services,
always correct, say in their demands?      to be cognizant of how we are being        Golden Technologies, Inc.
The answer is no. So how do we             portrayed to the public. In addition,      For more information, visit
handle those particular situations, and    when mistakes happen we want to be
how do we ensure that we are giving        known as a company that “makes it

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GOLDEN PATH e Way of Retail - Strategies to a bright future - Golden Technologies
The Path to Success
Ultrafabrics and Golden Technologies are paving the way

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                                                                                   Shown, top| to bottom: Brisa® | Original
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GOLDEN PATH e Way of Retail - Strategies to a bright future - Golden Technologies

                                                                                                                                                                                                              JUNE 2016

Tracking Metrics
                                                                                                                The Leading Business Magazine for HME and Home Health Professionals         


Builds Value
                                                                                                                         CYBER                  CONNECTED                  INTEROPERABILITY          MHEALTH
                                                                                                                        SECURITY               PATIENT DATA

                                                                                                                             Retail Strategies & Metrics | 4 Pages of Products | Health Care & the Election

                                                                                                               Reprinted from June 2016

Reviewing performance should be a top priority to
effectively improve your bottom line
By Mike Scarsella

    am a golfer. I started playing when I was four years old,     on stats I gathered from each round I played, showing
    and it has been my primary hobby ever since. My father        me my putting performance, how many greens I hit in
    taught me at a very young age that the path to being a        regulation, how many fairways I hit off the tee and a few
good player is practice. I spent countless hours on the driving   hundred other metrics I kept track of in my little notebook.
range pounding ball after ball until my hands hurt. After a       The results were a consistent improvement in my game
few weeks of this dedicated work, my game had not improved.       and a much more efficient and enjoyable practice routine.
In fact, it had gotten worse. That is when my father told         The concept of specific measurement and analysis to target
me that it’s not about how much you practice, but how you         improvement is not rocket science. It follows logic that is
practice. Each practice session needed a goal, a purpose,         easy to understand but may prove difficult to apply on a
something to accomplish. These goals were based on what           regular basis. In other words, it is much easier to walk out
areas of my game needed improvement.                              to the range and just start hitting golf balls.
  Determining the areas in which to improve were based               The same holds true for business—retail businesses

10                     | GOLDENTECH.COM
“    In addition to knowing your cost, you must also know your
     competition inside and out.

especially. There are many things a          the Internet side of the industry and           Average Ticket—This is
retailer needs to accomplish each day        honestly evaluate how you measure            a measurement of how much each
just to keep the doors open. Finding         up.                                          customer spends in your store on
time to review performance metrics              After calculating cost and                average. Obviously, you want this
has a tendency to fall to the bottom of      determining your competition, you            number to be as high as possible
the priority list (or off it completely).    need to nail down the baseline for your      and on the rise. This metric brings a
But to effectively improve your              company’s performance. You do not            focus on bundle selling, higher value
business—and ultimately your bottom          know how to get where you want to go         products, custom options, accessories
line—it should be priority No. 1.            if you do not know where you are right       and special added services your
   Before you can effectively measure        now. Once you establish the baseline,        company provides.
and improve your retail business, you        you can then work toward specific               Traffic Flow—Keeping track
have to have a strong hold on two key        goals and benchmarks of success. So,         of how many customers walk through
areas—cost structure and competition.        what should you measure? There are           your door each day is vital. It allows
Understanding the true cost associated       dozens of retail metrics to choose from,     you to note trends and seasonality,
with the retail side of your business is     and each retailer needs to determine         leading to more efficient staffing
vital to ensuring long-term profitability.   the ones that work best for his or           and scheduling. It provides a basis
This cost goes far beyond just               her business. That being said, here          to measure the success of specific
acquisition cost and includes overhead,      are a few that I believe should be on        marketing programs. It also sits as
burdened wages, delivery, service,           everyone’s list.                             the basis on metrics such as close
maintenance, marketing and inventory            Gross Margin—This is the                  rates, cost per customer and cost per
costs. It requires a regular and detailed    most important metric of all. Nothing        transaction.
profit and loss review that clearly          else matters without a competitive,             As I mentioned above, there are
separates your retail business from          profitable gross margin. Use your            dozens of retail metrics you can
your third-party paying business.            recently gathered understanding of           employ. The point is to actually
   In addition to knowing your cost,         your cost and competition to set the         employ them. Retail is all about
you must also know your competition          right gross margin for each product in       value—offering value to your
inside and out. This means knowing           your retail store.                           customers and building value for
not just competing companies, but             Dollars Per Square                          your company. Retail metrics allow
competing products as well. It means         Foot—Each inch of your retail space          you to make the right decisions to
knowing not just the selling price of        is incredibly valuable. This metric          continually build this value. They
the guy down the street, but also the        illuminates                                  change the discussion from “What
additional services he offers. This also     what products are making the most of         does this cost me?” to “What does this
means knowing how each of your               the space they are taking up. Dollars        earn for me?”—which leads to happier
products stacks up against Internet          per foot quickly highlights your rock        customers and a healthier bottom line.
retailers. Knowing your competition          stars and your underperformers,
allows you to make specific decisions        allowing you to change up your
about what your value chain will look        product mix to maximize sell-through.        Mike Scarsella is the northeast
                                                                                          regional vice president at
like to best position your store in the      Measuring this number will also              Golden Technologies, Inc.
                                                                                          For more information, visit
broad retail market space. Shop your         get you focused on display and help
competition, learn about competitive         you use your space as effectively as
products you do not carry, explore           possible.

                                                                                        GOLDENTECH.COM       |               11

Digital Marketing
the Right Way
                                                                                                              Reprinted from September 2016

By Tim Robinson

          igital media is all the rage.    when you have time, but even then,         to Facebook is not a good use of your
          Facebook is part of our daily    you have not seen any meaningful           time. You need to define what you
          lives. Sixteen years worth of    results.                                   want to accomplish with your efforts.
videos are uploaded to YouTube daily.         No matter what camp you’re in,          Time is money, so you should not be
Live-streaming social media apps are       chances are you’re struggling to find      wasting time posting to any digital
changing the way we see the world. And     your footing in this digital age.          platform if you don’t have a goal in
while HME suppliers will not likely be        If your digital marketing efforts are   mind.
behind the next hit mobile app, there      struggling it’s most likely because of         Pro tip: Start with one platform
are plenty of ways you can use digital     two big reasons: 1. You are not patient.   (Facebook, for example) and build up your
media to create content that should be     and 2. You are not consistent.             following. Don’t do Facebook, Twitter and a
                                                                                      blog all at once—or they will all suffer.

“ No matter what camp you’re in,
  chances are you’re struggling to find
                                                                                      MAKE A CALENDAR
                                                                                      Facebook, Twitter and blogs thrive
                                                                                      when they are fed consistently and on
      your footing in this digital age.                                               schedule. Chart out what content you
                                                                                      are going to post and when. Don’t
                                                                                      worry about repeating yourself, as
used in your marketing plans, a process       Your efforts are not failing because    long as it is on a different day, at a
often referred to as content marketing.    of the quality of your content; in fact,   different time, with a slightly different
   If you have tried creating content,     I believe there is no such thing as        worded message.
chances are you fall into one of two       bad content. It is how you use your
camps:                                     content, present it and what you want      STOP HARD SELLING
   Camp Digital: You believe you           to get out of it that matters. Here are    If you post a photo of a product you
can apply some, if not all, of these       a few things you can do to get yourself    sell, name the price, and the features
digital tools to help grow your business   on track to success with your digital      and benefits, then you just totally
and sales. You believe there is a direct   marketing efforts.                         missed the point of social media. You
benefit to your bottom line, but you                                                  need to provide something of value to
sometimes cannot put your finger on it.    MAKE A PLAN                                anyone following your page. Stories are
   Camp Analog: You do not                 You would not start a business without     what move people.
think any of these tools will have a       a business plan. Likewise, you should         Once you have picked a platform
meaningful impact on your bottom           not jump into digital media without        you want to focus on, you have to
line. You do some digital marketing        one. Posting randomly without reason       speak the language of that platform.

12                    | GOLDENTECH.COM
Illustration: Camp Analog v. Camp Digital by Embla Ester

SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS                          in some cases, information about a                  digital media-marketing tool available.
TRANSLATED                                      product you sell.                                   Add a “Subscribe for Email Coupons
Facebook: Post no more than twice                  Pro tip: If you tweet @someone on                and Updates” link anywhere you can.
a day. Facebook wants its content to            Twitter, add a period before .@ so that             An email distribution service such as
generate likes, comments, and shares.           everyone who follows you will see the tweet. If     Mail Chimp can be free or low-cost
If it is not “social,” this platform will       you don’t, only you and the person you tweeted      for a small business, and allow you to
bury you, even if you pay money                 to will see it.                                     reach subscribers who may not take
to boost a post. The best thing you                Blogs: Blogs come in a variety of                part in social media with news and
can do is share photos and stories              styles and formats, and are moving                  store specials.
of satisfied customers (with their              into stand-alone content marketing
approval), exciting stories about your          pages that provide value to a select                BE PATIENT
employees getting promoted or their             audience.                                           All social media and content
kids’ graduations and your store’s                 Begin posting once a month and                   marketing takes time. If you post
social gatherings. Also promote events          build up from there. Set up posts to                something worth sharing, often and
in your community.                              go up at the same time every month,                 on-schedule, then your efforts will
    Pro tip: Videos get more exposure on        for example the first Tuesday, at noon.             pay off in time. Just pace yourself,
Facebook. Facebook Live video streaming         Promote the blog post on Facebook                   start somewhere small and build
is also highlighted more often to all of your   and Twitter, and post at a few different            your following.
followers.                                      times during the week to capture
    Twitter: You can post as many               different audiences. After a while, you
times as you want in a day on Twitter,          will have a reservoir of content you
because the stream is always changing.          can recycle and promote content again               Tim Edwin Robinson is the
                                                                                                    director of digital media at
Twitter is all about listening. Try a tool      at a later date.                                    Golden Technologies, Inc.
such as Hootsuite, and set up keyword                                                               For more information, visit
searches. Respond directly to people            CAPTURE EMAIL ADDRESSES
and offer them help, services and,              At this time, email is the most valuable

                                                                                                  GOLDENTECH.COM        |                    13
2017 Promotional Schedule
     OPPORTUNITIES                        JANUARY                 FEBRUARY                      MARCH
   HOLIDAY SELLING SEASON                New Year’s Gift          Valentine’s Day            March Madness

        PRODUCT SHOWCASE                  Snowbird States          Snowbird States
                                        Scooters / Lift Chairs   Scooters / Lift Chairs          All States
                                                                                            Scooters / Lift Chairs
                                         Snowfilled States        Snowfilled States
                                            Lift Chairs              Lift Chairs

         ADVERTISING FOCUS              Gifts for a New You!     Gifts for a Loved One

                  CHANGE POP             New Year / New You              Love                      Spring

CHECK LC / SCOOTER INVENTORY                                          Spring PO’s            Mother’s Day PO’s

     TECH SERVICE TRAINING                                         Philadelphia, PA              Austin, TX

                  TRADE SHOW                                       Medtrade Spring            Medtrade Spring

                     WEBINARS          Content Marketing 101      TV Advertising 101      Facebook Advertising 101
      Text “goldentech” to 44222
    to be automatically invited to
        each of our 12 webinars!

                                             APRIL                     MAY                        JUNE
   HOLIDAY SELLING SEASON                Spring is Coming           Mother’s Day               Father’s Day

                                             All States               All States                 All States
                                        Scooters / Lift Chairs   Scooters / Lift Chairs     Scooters / Lift Chairs

         ADVERTISING FOCUS                  Gift of a Lift          Gifts for Mom               Gifts for Dad

                  CHANGE POP                Mother’s Day             Mother’s Day               Father’s Day

CHECK LC / SCOOTER INVENTORY             Father’s Day PO’s           Summer PO’s               Closeout PO’s

     TECH SERVICE TRAINING                  Phoenix, AZ             North Carolina

                  TRADE SHOW                                                              VGM Heartland Conference

                     WEBINARS           E-Mail Marketing 101       Online Contests            Online Customer
      Text “goldentech” to 44222                                                                   Service
    to be automatically invited to
        each of our 12 webinars!

             14                      | GOLDENTECH.COM
Golden Technologies, Inc. offers MORE than great lift chairs and scooters. We are your partner for success!
    Follow these Golden Opportunities to maximize promotions and motivate your staff for each season.

    OPPORTUNITIES                           JULY                  AUGUST                           SEPT
   HOLIDAY SELLING SEASON            Independence Day            Summer Sizzel                  Falling Prices

                                          All States                All States                    All States
                                     Scooters / Lift Chairs    Scooters / Lift Chairs        Scooters / Lift Chairs

          ADVERTISING FOCUS          Gifts of Independence       Gifts of Summer               Gifts of Comfort

                  CHANGE POP                Summer                     Sale                           Fall

CHECK LC / SCOOTER INVENTORY             Closeout PO’s               Falls PO’s                 Closeout PO’s

     TECH SERVICE TRAINING                                          Akron, OH                  Costa Mesa, CA

                                      Getting Found Online          Advanced                      Advanced
                     WEBINARS                                  Facebook Advertising            E-Mail Marketing
      Text “goldentech” to 44222
    to be automatically invited to
        each of our 12 webinars!

                                        OCTOBER                 NOVEMBER                     DECEMBER
   HOLIDAY SELLING SEASON               Spooky Deals          Thanksgiving Savings          Christmas Specials

                                          All States                All States                    All States
                                     Scooters / Lift Chairs    Scooters / Lift Chairs        Scooters / Lift Chairs

          ADVERTISING FOCUS             Gift of Mobility          Gift of Mobility              Gift of Mobility

                  CHANGE POP               Halloween                 Holidays                      Holidays

CHECK LC / SCOOTER INVENTORY            Medtrade PO’s              Holiday PO’s                    Holidays

     TECH SERVICE TRAINING                                       Kansas City, MO                   Maryland

                  TRADE SHOW             Medtrade Fall

                                            Advanced                Advanced                      Advanced
                     WEBINARS        Social Media Marketing      Video Marketing              Content Marketing
      Text “goldentech” to 44222
    to be automatically invited to
        each of our 12 webinars!

                                                                       GOLDENTECH.COM   |                    15
Grow, Evolve, Adapt.
                                         A changing industry landscape requires
                                         a dynamic retail solution.

All successful businesses need to be fluid – evolving and changing as market forces shift and
technologies advance. HME businesses are no exception, especially now.
With over 50 years of combined HME, health care and traditional retail experience, VGM Retail has
developed programs and services to assist and encourage VGM members to grow, evolve and adapt to this
new industry landscape. Whether you’re just beginning to explore a cash business model, a large portion
of your revenue is already coming from cash, or you’re somewhere in between, VGM Retail’s consulting
programs can help you adjust and conquer this new retail world.

Our programs include:
  Strategic Business Assessments
  An on-site analysis of the desired market’s condition and viability for retail operations and long-term execution of the
  fundamentals of retail health care. This service is available for both existing locations and those looking to open a new location.

  Consulting Services
  Every member situation is a bit unique, and occasionally a member needs only one or two of our services to reach a certain
  goal or finish a specific project. Services include:
       Financial Analysis and Projection
       Marketing and Advertising
       Store Experience and Design
       Product Sourcing and Merchandising
       Operations and Training

  Management Services Contracts
  Our Management Services offering creates an ongoing partnership to support primarily in the areas of product sourcing and
  analysis, day-to-day operational expertise and marketing support to drive traffic to your retail locations. The goal is to provide
  you with consistent, knowledgeable support in the areas of your retail business where you may be too busy or under-staffed
  to gain and deliver expertise and outcomes to grow and maintain the business.

  The Health & Wellness Store Model
  VGM Retail’s Health & Wellness Store concept is a complete store package that provides all the tools and resources needed
  to open and manage a cash-only “health and wellness lifestyle” retail store. With this all-cash model, a provider will be able to
  give their customers exactly what they need immediately without having to deal with third party billing and reimbursement.
  It is a quick and simple way to start or expand into retail, either as a stand-alone entity or infused with their existing business.

                                             CONNECT WITH US!
                              Twitter: @VGMRetail | Blog:
Are you considering adding retail to your current operations? Are you adding a new location to your
HME fleet. Our new Roadshows will assist you in determining success in your market.
To reflect the changes and needs of the industry, we’ve upgraded and expanded our Retail Science
Roadshows for 2017. Every event we host will be customized around the viability and potential for
retail operations in that specific region through a detailed market analysis of the area and examples
of real retail success.

NEW FOR 2017 – Retail Customer Service Training Seminars
Twenty-first century retail is all about the customer experience. In a health care-focused world, making a positive
impression becomes even more important. With the changing landscape of the health care industry, incremental sales
are now an essential part of the consumer health care experience. But, how do you make sure the customer is satisfied
with their in-store interactions and have the products they need to become or stay healthy, while also capitalizing on
the financial opportunity for you?
Our day-long, hands-on customer service training seminars are designed to teach front-line employees and senior leaders
the sales process, techniques to suggest and sell add-on products through caretailing best practices, and implement an
incremental sales program.

          All event dates and locations will be announced in January 2017.
                   Stay tuned to
                          and our VGM Retail blog for updates!
The Importance

of Effective
Its top priority is to help increase sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Reprinted from October 2016

By Carrie Ernest

       eeing well-made signs or banners      especially true in the HME industry,                                                                        about the products you sell. If you
       that highlight certain products       because potential customers do not                                                                          have a customer who comes into your
       we can relate to often take us to     typically window shop for a lift chair,                                                                     store for a walker, chances are good
that “feel-good place.” An attractive        walker or compression socks.                                                                                that this customer may also need a
model photographed in a flattering             This is where your creative                                                                               lift chair one day soon. I understand
outfit can help us imagine ourselves         marketing strategy comes into play.                                                                         that not even a top marketing or
in the same outfit. Add a sale price—        Have a greeter at your front door. This                                                                     sales guru may be able to help a
say 50 percent off—to an item you            person should not only be cheerful,                                                                         customer see the importance of a lift
already want, and the store has the deal     but should also be knowledgeable                                                                            chair today while he’s shopping for
practically made.
   Developing a marketing strategy is
not just about the perfect model on the
perfect store sign (promotion), or the                                                                                                                                                                   Live a Golden Life
                                                                                                                                                                                                         with MaxiComfort®

perfect dress (product), or the store that
is located on the perfect corner with
huge glass windows to allow potential
customers to see all of the hustle and
bustle inside (place) or even the perfect
                                                                                            Improve Circulation              Enjoy the Pressure Relief             Watch TV with Ease                         Stand Effortlessly
                                                                                                                                 of Zero-gravity

price. All of these factors must come
together cohesively and must be well
thought out to get consumer traffic
through the door. We all know that                 Golden Scooters                                                Golden Lift Chairs
                                                    SUPERIOR DESIGNS | FIRST CLASS LUXURY
                                                                 FALL 2016
                                                                                                                    AMERICA’S #1 SELLING BRAND
                                                                                                                          WINTER 2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Golden Power Wheelchairs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     HIGHLY DEPENDABLE WITH MAXIMUM MANEUVERABILITY,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SUPERIOR STABILITY AND GREATEST FUNCTIONALITY

increased foot traffic equals increased
sales, but without a strategy—and
without all of the critical components
needed to drive increased foot traffic—
you will have an empty store, no                                                                                                                                                        CO

matter how great your products are.



                                                                                                                                                                                             by Go

   If no one knows what you sell—or,

more importantly, why they should
                                                                                                                                                                Our American made power lift
                                                                                                                                                          recliners come in a variety of shapes
                                                                                                                                                              and sizes for the perfect fit. Our
                                                                                                                                                           premium fabrics match nearly every

purchase those items—you will
                                                                                                                                                         décor, and our patented technologies
                                                                                                                                                                give you the most comfortable
                                                                                                                                                          powered lift and recline experience.

likely not have more than a handful
of customers in your store. This is

16                     | GOLDENTECH.COM
“    Collateral may take on various forms, but the most important
     role of collateral is to be effective at increasing sales.

a walker, but if you have the correct
collateral—banners, posters, ad slicks,
sell sheets, brochures, bag inserts (for
your customer to review when he
gets home) and perhaps a lift chair
sale promotion going on throughout
the store—your customer may just
get home and remember the product
images he saw on the banners with the
sales promotion message the next time
he struggles to stand up from his old

Defining Collateral
Collateral, by definition, is a collection
of media tools or advertisements
used to support the sale of a product.
Collateral may take on various
forms, but the most important role
of collateral is to be effective at
increasing sales. In other words,
creating collateral that appears
outdated, or that fails to accurately
describe the features and benefits of
your products, would be ineffective.
But when your collateral is tied
together with a cohesive concept or
theme, you will increase foot traffic
and sales will soar.                         that will educate the consumer about        collateral—that he can customize his
   Start by defining your audience           your products. Create sell sheets that      lift chair, you will have a satisfied
and creating marketing tools that            give the technical details, too, so all     customer for life.
will speak directly to them. Use             customers will know the measurements
appropriate color schemes with lifestyle     of the lift chair and can figure out        Carrie Ernest is the marketing
                                                                                         manager at Golden
images so your customer can really           which chair will best fit their homes       Technologies, Inc.
                                                                                         For more information,
picture himself in a brand new lift          and lifestyles.                             visit
chair. Make sure your brochures define          Once you have shown your
the details—the features and benefits        customer—through the use of effective

                                                                                       GOLDENTECH.COM       |                17

The Hats of HME
Salespeople                                                                                                    Reprinted from August 2016

Change the way you think about the process, and selling can be enjoyable and rewarding.

By Darrell Bradshaw

             any people think that
             selling is difficult,
             frustrating, scary or even
tiresome to master. The art of selling
is none of these things, but it can be
if we allow our negative emotions or
stereotypes to be at the forefront of our
interactions with patients or customers.
The truth is, selling can absolutely be
easy, fun, enjoyable and rewarding. All
you have to do is change the way you
think about the process, and you will
have a new perspective on customer
interactions. I have been in many home
medical equipment stores (HMEs) and
observed the sales process, and I have
talked to many HME salespeople about
how they sell. The verdict is that most
salespeople in the medical world are
better than they realize, and this article
may help you to see that not only are
you good, but you are also providing
a huge and necessary service to your
   To really understand this—and to
get that better perspective—let’s take a     manipulation. On the other side of                             Put on Your

look at a few basics.                        the spectrum, some people believe                              Educator Hat
   First, what is sales? Some people         that selling is just waiting around for                          In an HME store,
have the mistaken idea that making           a customer to independently select a                           a salesperson is not
the sale is about aggressively pushing       product to bring to the register and                        just a salesperson. An
a customer into making a purchase            pay. That is just being lazy. In reality,   HME salesperson, often wears many
while making as much money as                true selling (like so many other things     hats. The first hat that an HME
possible. That is not selling—that is        in life), is somewhere in the middle.       salesperson needs to wear is that of an

18                      | GOLDENTECH.COM
“ Every good salesperson has their heart in their work.

educator. When a customer comes into         true if you educate them on all of the       bit of reassurance. And, yes, it helps
an HME store, they most often need           products they might need.                    you to make the sale. Every good
education about the products they will                                                    salesperson has their heart in their
be using. This is really what sales is all                     Put on Your                work. This is another reason I say

about. An HME sale is always more                              Encourager Hat             that HME salespeople are some of the
about educating the customer than                               The second hat that       best.
it is about anything else. With HME                           an HME salesperson
products, the patient needs more                           wears is that of a                                 Put on Your

education than for nearly any other          counselor and encourager. The word                               Assistant Hat
type of purchase. It is necessary for an     encourage simply means to “instill                                The third hat is the
HME salesperson to be able to teach          courage” in another person, and it                              hat of an assistant.
and instruct the customer in the use         is absolutely necessary to have this                         When a product is
of the products they sale. They should       as part of your sales process. Many          selected, it is not just enough to
be able to do this well, and they must       times an HME customer needs a                educate or encourage. It is imperative
also know how to use each product            little encouragement, and not just as        to assist by demonstrating and serving.
                                                                                          Assisting is not just educating—it
                                                                                          involves hands-on training.

“ Most
                                                                                             Many of you may be thinking, “I
        salespeople in the medical world                                                  already do all of these things.” Plenty
                                                                                          of the HME salespeople I see are very
  are better than they realize.                                                           good and just don’t know it. But, don’t
                                                                                          rest. Keep honing the skills of wearing
                                                                                          the above-mentioned three hats. One
properly in order to do so. Beyond           it relates to a product or a service         great step to take is to constantly
this, an HME salesperson should              you offer. If a customer is in your          evaluate yourself on each sale. Ask
also know the related products that          store, they are most likely facing a         yourself: Which hats did I wear?
could help improve the quality of life       medical difficulty. It can be very           Did I help in each area of educator,
for the customer they are educating.         disheartening and even depressing to         encourager and assistant? Only you
For example, if a customer comes in          have several ailments and to feel lost       can really answer that, and only you
to purchase a lift chair, do you also        in how to get the help that’s needed         can honestly see how each area could
explain the need for a raised toilet         to continue being as active as possible.     be a little better on the next sale.
seat and grab bars for the bathroom?         By truly encouraging the customer
The patient needs to be able to stand        on a personal level, you will build a
in every room, and they will not have        relationship, help with their needs and      Darrell Bradshaw is the
                                                                                          Southeast regional vice
the lift chair in the bathroom. As an        allow them to feel positive emotions         president at Golden
HME salesperson, you have the ability        during a potentially mundane errand.         Technologies, Inc. For
                                                                                          more information, visit
to add quality to the life of your           This small gesture will mean the   
customers, but that is only going to be      world to someone seeking that extra

                                                                                        GOLDENTECH.COM       |                 19

Not Just For TV
By Tim Robinson

             e certainly don’t have          station or local cable network you want    up are pretty unlikely.
             to sell you on the power        to advertise on, and they will put you
             of television or radio.         in touch with a sales rep who can give     Cable TV
However, most people believe it’s too        you all the rates you could imagine.       You can find the best bang for your
expensive or too difficult to advertise on   They can work with any budget.             buck in broadcasting by advertising
TV. But, a commercial doesn’t just have      They’ll even give you a schedule           through your cable provider. You can
to be only on TV anymore. Through            (called a “traffic” report) of when        insert your commercial during any
the power of social media you can share      your commercial is expected to run.        cable program. The same rates go for
and promote your commercial on your          When you’re happy with that, all you       local TV. Off-peak hours are available
own. Finally, your own showroom              have to do is give them your TV spot       for only a few dollars (we’ve seen
can host a feature presentation of your      download link, your money (of course!)     rates as low as $12 a play), but you
commercial on a loop for all your            and you’ve made an ad buy! If you          absolutely cannot beat the audience of
customers to see.                            want, Golden can also connect you          a major college sporting event that is
                                             directly with the station(s) you plan to   important to your local area. Again,
Getting a TV Spot                            air on and we will deliver HD quality      since you know your area best, call
Golden offers our dealers free custom        spots directly to them online.             the cable company that serves your
TV spot tagging. That’s right, FREE!            You can advertise on local TV for       community and ask to speak with a
  If you’re a Golden customer all you        as little as $30 and up, depending on      sales representative. What’s amazing
have to do is fill out a form at http://     the size of your “market” (based on        about cable is you can localize down and                   population and coverage area). While       to your immediate local community to
upload your store logo. We will send         prime time or “peak hour,” time-slots      maximize your impact.
you back a download link. It’s really        cost more, the exposure may definitely
that easy!                                   be worth it. For most DME suppliers,       Online Video Advertising
  So, once you get your high quality         you can’t beat the value of advertising    Embrace the power and reach of
TV commercial, what do you do                on daytime TV shows such as “The           social media by uploading your TV
with it?                                     Price is Right.” The local news is         commercial online. There’s two major
                                             also a sure bet for targeting adults       places you should upload your TV
Advertise on Local Broadcast TV              aged 50 and over. While you can save       spot online: Facebook and YouTube.
You don’t need your own “Mad Men”            some money playing your commercial         Facebook allows you to promote your
advertising team, because chances are        during off-peak hours, the chances of      TV commercial from your business
that you would best know the market          someone seeing your commercial at          Facebook page. When you update your
that you live in and what TV stations        night when your business is closed, and    status just click “upload video.” Once
people love to watch. So, call the TV        then calling you the next day to follow    you post, you can then click the blue

20                      | GOLDENTECH.COM
button on the bottom to “boost post”         immediate attention when they walk           lift chairs. They are easy to update
and put money behind your post as            in your store. Providing initial product     anytime with a flash drive whenever
an online advertisement with many            information is a great way to really         Golden releases a new product video,
customizable controls to reach people        draw in the attention of your customers      which are automatically sent to dealers
that live in your community and              while they begin to browse.                  who have registered their players.
haven’t liked your Facebook page (yet!).
You can also upload your commercial          Media Players                                Touchscreen Desktop / iPad
to YouTube which allows you to               Golden offers a turn-key HD media            Video Players
embed it on your website for free. Even      player kit ($59.95 available at www.         Another great resource is having a
if it doesn’t ever play on television, you to              desktop computer with an interactive
can still gain notoriety by having your      make it easy for you to set up one or        touch screen or mobile device, like
custom tagged commercial embedded            more TVs in your store as a digital          an iPad, which is ready to show your
on your website.                             billboard. Dealers who have ordered          customers the same product videos that
                                             and started using the Golden Digital         we have listed on YouTube for you to
In-Store                                     Media Player have already seen an            watch at anytime. You can have your
You can also use your free custom TV         impact on sales!                             sales team bring them to a customer
spots from Golden as a product loop in          Mark Gawel, Owner of Access ONE           to show them more information on the
your own DME store. It works well to         by MSG in Fort Wayne, Indiana, said,         product their interested in, even if you
remind customers just why they came          “I’ve watched our customers become           don’t carry it in store.
in to visit you in the first place, and      so interested while sitting in a Golden         So don’t think a “TV Spot” is just
it can be a useful tool in listing out       Lift Chair!” Mark adds, “Actually,           for TV anymore!
(on screen) many of the benefits that        they are so well educated and aware of
the Golden products could have. It’s         the product by the time a sales person
great to be able to remind customers         tends to our customer, a sale has
about the features and benefits in a         already been generated!”                     Tim Edwin Robinson is the
                                                                                          director of digital media at
medium that is visually compelling. It’s        Some dealers have quickly learned         Golden Technologies, Inc.
also very helpful when, for instance,        you may need more than just one!             For more information, visit
you are talking with another customer        Some are placing one by Golden
and you can’t give every customer            scooters and another by Golden

                                                                                        GOLDENTECH.COM        |               21

Team Up with Golden
for Growth
By Veena Choudary

           ur Golden story began when      Our Regional Vice President, Mike          profit items and set up the new display.
           we, as the new management       Scarsella, used his extensive furniture    Golden teamwork was evident when
           for Apex Pharmacy,              knowledge and background to identify       reps and VPs who were not even from
Homecare and Nutrition Center,             the best area on the sales floor for the   our region contributed both ideas
contacted the company Golden for           chairs, and in training both the staff     and solutions to help us grow: Todd
advice regarding our lift chair display.   and management team who were now           Godek, Mike Zeman and John Smid
We weren’t expecting an entire team        able to better appreciate the true value   to name a few. We were elated when
of Golden representatives to come in       in promoting lift chair sales.             the Regional VP, Darrell Bradshaw,
to help! Our area Sales Representative        Starting with a modest five chair       from the Southeast showed us how to
Tom Corey designed a display for our       display that is now up to twelve, Tom      use Golden’s flagship selling center to
retail floor recommending the best         and Mike together pulled out tools         properly educate our customers on the
models for our geographic location.        to help us remove fixtures with lower      various Golden lift chairs, accessories,

22                     | GOLDENTECH.COM
You can also read