Women in Red Vodafone Power to you - Celebrating inspirational women - Gender Networks

Page created by Brian Lyons
Women in Red Vodafone Power to you - Celebrating inspirational women - Gender Networks
Women in Red
Celebrating inspirational
Compiled by Siobhan Brookman

Power to you
Women in Red Vodafone Power to you - Celebrating inspirational women - Gender Networks
Why diversity matters – a message from Vittorio Colao

At Vodafone we recognise the importance of        I have also set a goal of increasing female        I hope that it will provide a platform for them
gender diversity and the fact that women,         representation throughout the company,             to pass on their tips to others around them
both as our customers and employees, are          particularly within the senior leadership          and highlight the key value and outstanding
one of the keys to our successes in the future.   teams and in other key leadership and              contribution that our female employees are
                                                  management positions.                              bringing to the company, around the World.
In Vodafone’s latest annual report I
emphasised our commitment to women, how           We are making good progress in this area, and      I look forward to seeing Women in Red
we are addressing the gender gap in mobile        I am excited by this initiative to highlight and   develop and continuing to reflect the
phone ownership in emerging economies,            recognise the skills and expertise of women        expertise, talent and increasing value those
and the social and economic impact of             within Vodafone.                                   women are bringing to Vodafone.
extending women’s access to mobile phones.
                                                  Women in Red is an excellent initiative that
The Connected Women report found that             will showcase some of our female workforce
stabilising the gender gap in our markets         who have been nominated by their
could have an economic benefit for women          colleagues as ‘inspiring’ individuals.
                                                                                                     Vittorio Colao
and society of more than US$22.3 billion
                                                                                                     Chief Executive, Vodafone Group
annually from 2020.

Women in Red Vodafone Power to you - Celebrating inspirational women - Gender Networks
Introduction           4   Katherine Bennett        23
Alessandra Di Cosmo    6   Katherine (Kit) Haines
Anja Wuebbeling        7   Bornheimer               24

Annette Sorraine       8   Kathryn Holmes           25

Candice Pearce         9   Linda Chemtai            26

Dana Berceanu         10   Megan Doberneck          27

Eileen Fetchick       11   Natalie Longhurst        28

Elaine Gunaydin       12   Nataliya Kudlayeva       29

Elizabeth Rumsey      13   Nikki Dicks              30

Ferhan Gunen          14   Nitu Kaushal             31

Fiona Chalk           15   Sandra Healy             32

Ghada Adel            16   Sandra Jones             33

Guia Lanciani         17   Simone Moors             34

Hamshy Raveendran     18   Siobhan Brookman         35

Helga Bauer           19   Victoria Reis            36

Jane Brownsord        20   Zoe Garner-Glowski       37

Jeni Mundy            21   The Vodafone Group
                           Women’s Network          38
June Sugiyama         22

Women in Red Vodafone Power to you - Celebrating inspirational women - Gender Networks
Throughout my career I have had the opportunity to meet,                        I took their inspiration and applied many of their principles to
and to work with, women who seem to manage a successful                         my own life, and somehow found ways to get this balance
career, sometimes married and bringing up children, or                          right. I can now reflect and be proud of what I have achieved.
simply balancing the demands of a hectic personal life.

My children are now old enough to fend for           I then asked them to nominate two more and so         Within this booklet I have attempted to capture
themselves, ‘on track’ and ‘doing well’, so I have   we organically grew to reach our initial group.       some of the reasons why individuals have been
time to see how I can help others to find that                                                             nominated, and that is not for us to contest or
                                                     Many of you will ask ‘what is the definition of
balance.                                                                                                   debate, but for us to embrace.
                                                     inspiring?’ Well, from my perspective this is clear
The initiative to create Women in Red is my          and, whilst there are many definitions that could     If the Women in Red pilot is a success, my vision
simple offering to women in business to see how      be applied, for Women in Red I have taken a           is to pass this initiative over to the Women’s
we can help them find inspiration and guidance,      broad view.                                           Network and we will then, hopefully, see this
by benefitting from the journeys of some of our                                                            managed by an online voting tool, resulting in
                                                     Inspiring may mean that the individual has
successful and inspirational women, sharing                                                                an annual publication of 50 of Vodafone’s most
                                                     managed a successful career and a family; they
their knowledge and their top tips.                                                                        inspiring women, around the globe.
                                                     may have raised money for charity; they seem to
This first publication is a pilot, accelerated       manage multiple activities within their business      In this way, we can then recognise, showcase,
somewhat from my original timeline, so we            role, but at the same time they manage their          and celebrate the growing influence of women
could launch on international Women’s Day on         work-life balance; they may have undertaken           in our business, at all levels over the coming
the 8th March. The result is a showcase of 32        some exceptionally brave and courageous               years.
women in Vodafone who have been nominated            activities in their personal life that have given
as ‘inspiring’.                                      them a strength of character that others admire;
                                                     and they have done this all with a smile and a
I started within my own network and selected
                                                     positive approach to life!
four people around me who I admired and who
had inspired me and many around them.

Women in Red Vodafone Power to you - Celebrating inspirational women - Gender Networks
I hope the legacy will be to show everybody
what is possible. This collection of advice will,
I hope, help the readers (both men and women)
map their own journey with more speed, less
complexity and, most importantly, be able to
create a network of trust and collaboration
with their fellow colleagues.
Happy reading and thanks to all who
participated in making this happen and special
thanks to Margaret I’ons for her effort in
designing this booklet.

Siobhan Brookman
Sales & Commercial Operations
Vodafone Group

Women in Red Vodafone Power to you - Celebrating inspirational women - Gender Networks
Alessandra Di Cosmo
                                  Head of Post-Paid & Family CVM, Consumer Division
                                  Vodafone Italy

                                  Nominated for her passion, drive and making an impact

Alessandra joined Vodafone in January 2006 and    Alessandra started her career at Accenture        She is happily married and she shares with her
is currently head of Post-Paid & Family CVM in    (formerly Andersen Consulting) where she          husband a great passion for travelling around
the Italian consumer division, with full          worked for five years on several strategic        the world.
responsibility for fixed and post-paid customer   consulting projects in TLC industry.
base management activities.
                                                  Enthusiastic, passionate, extremely focussed on
Prior to this Alessandra performed different      people management, Alessandra is recognised
positions in Vodafone marketing teams with        as being an inspiring leader and a strong
increasing exposure and responsibilities.         achiever.

Alessandra’s top tips
        Be fully aware of your strengths and              Always engage people working with                  Be curious and open minded. Don’t
        leverage on them.                                 you and make them feel part of it if               forget we all need to learn to reach
                                                          you want to maximise their                         higher levels.

Women in Red Vodafone Power to you - Celebrating inspirational women - Gender Networks
Anja Wuebbeling
                                    Cloud & Hosting Services
                                    Vodafone Group

                                    Nominated for her passion and commitment to the development of women in sales

Anja is currently working in the Central &           Anja is passionate about people and the           encourage growth through personal
Southern Europe Team in Cloud & Hosting              potential of growth on a personal level and she   development and the exchange of best practise.
Services with accountability for channel             gives lectures on various sales and performance   The initiative has now spread to other areas of
development and reselling activities within the      related topics. Anja established the Women &      Vodafone.
transformational partner landscape.                  Enterprise Sales programme for Vodafone
                                                                                                       Anja studied Market Communications and HR,
                                                     Germany in 2013, she is a strong believer that
Prior to that Anja was leading the strategic                                                           graduating in 2003.
                                                     diverse teams deliver better results.
customer retention “Must WIN” programme
                                                                                                       During free time she loves travelling, sports
within Enterprise Germany.                           Anja was nominated in 2014 as a Vodafone Hero
                                                                                                       (diving and trekking), mental health, and body
                                                     for her work in strengthening the female sales
Anja started her career in the financial sector at                                                     balance sessions such as yoga and pilates.
                                                     force with the aim to help them operate
Deutsche Bank from 1997 to 1999 before
                                                     successfully in the current enterprise
joining Vodafone.
                                                     environment, increase their visibility, and

Anja’s top tips
         Be confident about the present and of               Go and find your garden of growth.                 Be clear in what you want to achieve.
         the qualities that make you lively,                 Manage your environment – challenge                Make decisions. Give people pictures,
         respectful and shine. Be trustful and               yourself every day finding and facing              so they understand what you want
         pro-active in how you discover and                  things that make you go to the next                them to do. Speak up if you think
         show these qualities.                               step of developing yourself and the                something is not right or efficient.
                                                             organisation and inspire others                    Treat others as you would like to be
                                                             around you.                                        treated.

Women in Red Vodafone Power to you - Celebrating inspirational women - Gender Networks
Annette Sorraine
                                    Head of Ireland and the Nordics
                                    Vodafone Global Enterprise

                                    Nominated for her passion, attitude and being genuine

Annette joined Vodafone in 2013 and her day-       geographical boundaries, Annette delivers        Annette believes balance is important and that
to-day job involves constant focus on revenue      financial and operational results.               your career has to work for all the elements of
growth within her regions, relationship                                                             your life and have the right intensity at the right
                                                   She was brought up believing there should be
development between Vodafone Global                                                                 time. Push to do something bigger or be in a
                                                   no limits so be whoever you want to be and
Enterprise and its customer base, and devising                                                      holding position.
                                                   place no boundaries on yourself.
sales strategies tailored to each customer.
                                                                                                    Annette lives in Ireland with her 7 year old son
                                                   Whilst Annette does not have a long term plan,
Being a people person, Annette dedicates much                                                       Finn.
                                                   she has thought through the next two steps for
of her time to coaching and people
                                                   the coming three to five years.
                                                   The roles Annette has performed have not
With a successful track record working in teams
                                                   necessarily been bigger but have given her a
and collaborating across departments and
                                                   rounded set of experiences.

Annette’s top tips
        Be flexible, have an open mind, and                Trust your instincts – it’s about                 Be genuinely interested in people and
        look at every opportunity for what it is           situations not just about people. I               treat them as you find them.
        rather than trying to follow a                     believe in trusting your instinct,                Remember how you made them feel
        predetermined plan.                                background, morality and ethical                  not what you told them. Treat each
                                                           experience so trust yourself and your             person individually, don’t make
                                                           own judgment. Believe in yourself.                assumptions, and try to understand
                                                                                                             them and their position.

Women in Red Vodafone Power to you - Celebrating inspirational women - Gender Networks
Candice Pearce
                                  Proposition Manager
                                  Vodafone Global Enterprise

                                  Nominated for her passion and efforts on employee engagement and charity work

Candice is a Proposition Manager in the           Candice has also been an Employee                       On a personal note, Candice was born in
Vodafone Global Enterprise marketing team and     Engagement Champion for the past two years              Johannesburg, South Africa and lived in Dublin,
has a key focus on Enterprise Mobility            and led the first ‘Regional Relay’ charity initiative   Ireland before moving to the UK in 2012.
Management and Bring Your Own ‘everything’        in Group Enterprise with nine volunteering days
                                                                                                          She loves dancing and has performed in flash
(BYOx).                                           completed across six regions including the UK,
                                                                                                          mobs in Dublin including the performance of the
                                                  South Africa and India.
She joined Global Enterprise in 2012 as part of                                                           ‘Haka’ to promote a New Zealand versus Ireland
the graduate scheme and has completed roles       She is passionate about team work and finding           rugby match.
in the product team and partnering team where     platforms which encourage engagement, such
she was responsible for the development of the    as her charitable projects, which have raised over
partner portal and product performance            £5,000 during her time at Vodafone.

Candice’s top tips
        Make a difference; think about your                Look out for others and take time to                    Have a work-life balance. It is
        legacy in your current role and what               get to know your team and build a                       important to make sure you find
        you want to be remembered for.                     good network.                                           something you enjoy outside of work
                                                                                                                   that you’re passionate about and
                                                                                                                   commit to spending time on it.

Women in Red Vodafone Power to you - Celebrating inspirational women - Gender Networks
Dana Berceanu
                                   Head of Enterprise Mobility Product Development, Enterprise Products & Services
                                   Vodafone Group

                                   Nominated for her determination and drive and for achieving an admirable ‘diverse’ career

Dana joined the Vodafone family in October           After three years, the average revenue per           Dana joined Vodafone Group in 2010 as part of
1997 (in Romania) just after she graduated with      business user was four times larger than for a       the Vodafone Business Services team leading
a degree in Maths and Computer Science.              normal user and the solution was awarded “The        the development and implementation of
                                                     Best IT&C Service in Romania”.                       processes and associated governance
She started her career in the Technology
                                                                                                          instruments to deploy and lifecycle manage the
department being involved in network rollout         Dana’s role for the next three years was Director
                                                                                                          enterprise portfolio.
and the setting up of the technical programme        of Fixed-Mobile Convergence & Corporate
for entering the fixed wireless data business.       Solutions for Vodafone Romania where she was         Dana moved to her current role in January 2013
                                                     accountable for developing and executing             to build differentiated mobility products and to
In 2002 Dana moved to product management
                                                     Vodafone’s strategy to become a total                address the needs of enterprise customers.
for business, having the opportunity to be part of
                                                     communications provider for business
the team that developed the Integrated Services                                                           She is happily married and has two children,
Strategy concept.                                                                                         Matei 16 and Ioana 10, that are ‘enjoying’ their
                                                                                                          mother’s maths skills!

Dana’s top tips
        Have the courage to look for the                      Be clear about what are you trying to                Trust is hard to build and easy to lose.
        opportunities that could bring change                 achieve and shape your way – scope                   Keep your promises or reset the
        and try to be in the middle of                        the possibilities and take action. If a              expectation.
        something new.                                        path is blocked, try another until you
                                                              achieve your goal. This is not just about
                                                              your career, it’s about everything you

Eileen Fetchick
                                   HR Business Partner
                                   Vodafone Americas

                                   Nominated for her empathy and displaying strong emotional intelligence

Eileen is a US-based HR Business Partner          Prior to joining Vodafone, Eileen helped build      Eileen’s favourite pastime, fitting for an HR
assigned to the Vodafone CSSO Americas Team.      the US business for Australian-based Brambles       professional, is reading biographies.
                                                  Industries’ Security Transport Division, managing
She supports a number of functions and teams                                                          Her love of cooking, shared by her daughter
                                                  inside sales and operations.
including: VTMP, Bank of America Operations,                                                          Kristen, keeps her front and centre entertaining
Service Management, and the Design and            Before this Eileen spent several years in           her extended family.
Delivery Americas teams.                          Corporate Communications for Air Express
                                                                                                      Over the last few years, Eileen has morphed into
                                                  International headquartered in Darien,
Eileen joined Vodafone through the Telecoms                                                           a motocross cheerleader, having joined her son’s
Management Practice in 2002.                                                                          and husband’s passion for racing motocross.
                                                                                                      Eileen lives in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.

Eileen’s top tips
        Be true to yourself: never compromise              Learn to trust your inner voice as it               Be prepared and always do your
        your values, integrity or the fabric of            will be the voice that leads you to the             homework, properly prepare and be
        who you are. Apply your true self to               right decision.                                     ready for any situation.
        every situation in your daily life.

Elaine Gunaydin
                                    Americas Bid & Pricing Team Leader, Sales & Commercial Operations
                                    Vodafone Group

                                    Nominated for her resilient character and getting the job done no matter how tough the ask

Elaine is Bid and Pricing Team Leader for          She was recognised as one of the first women to   In her spare time, she enjoys travel, cooking and
Vodafone Global Enterprise Americas, and has       successfully manage an engineering division       volunteering at a community children’s charity.
been with Vodafone for four years working out of   and significantly improve performance.
the New York office.
                                                   Elaine moved to the USA in 1996 with BT Global
She has over 20 years’ experience in the global    Services and has extensive experience in bid
telecommunications market and has worked           management, project management, service
with global and multinational customers for        management and strategic partnerships.
most of her career.
                                                   Elaine is originally from Scotland, but now
Elaine previously worked for BT and was            enjoys living in New York with her husband.
successful in many different roles, including
managing 90 field engineers early in her career.

Elaine’s top tips
        Take risks – if you have never failed at           Bring people with you on the                       “Dare Greatly – have the courage to
        anything, you haven’t reached high                 journey – making others successful                 show up and be seen” (Brene Brown).
        enough.                                            is hugely rewarding.

Elizabeth Rumsey
                                     Global Bid Manager, Sales & Commercial Operations
                                     Vodafone Group

                                     Nominated for her drive, commitment and capacity to deliver

Elizabeth joined Vodafone in October 2012 and         Elizabeth's career began in investment banking,   Elizabeth grew up near Nashville, Tennessee in
is currently in a player/coach role leading a         where she worked for five years in UK mergers     the United States, but is an ardent Anglophile
team of bid managers supporting Vodafone              and acquisitions for both Lehman Brothers and     after nearly fifteen years in the UK.
Global Enterprise accounts headquartered in           JP Morgan Cazenove.
                                                                                                        She lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband,
Northern Europe. She is also Chair of the
                                                      She then joined Richard Branson's Virgin Group,   three year old son, and the first of what she
Vodafone Group Women’s Network.
                                                      initially providing commercial support to the     hopes will become a succession of happy au
She has represented both the Pricing and Bid          group's Investment Advisory Committee before      pairs helping to give her family a better work-life
functions in the Global Enterprise Rapid Win          being chosen to lead the finance function for     balance.
Room over the past two financial years and was        Virgin Galactic, where she successfully
recognised by her peers and the senior                completed a fundraise valuing the company at
leadership team as one of the SHINE award             c.$1 billion.
winners for 2014.

Elizabeth’s top tips
        Take strategic decisions about your life              Attitude can make the biggest                      Believe in yourself and don’t be too
        as you would your job. Decide what you                difference – try to move in the                    self-critical. People notice when you
        want to achieve and what changes you                  direction of working for good people.              are afraid – act confident even if you
        need to make. Don’t be afraid to move                 Who you work for can make or break                 don’t feel confident. If you don’t show
        in a different direction if that suits your           your success. Make choices based on                confidence in yourself, people won’t
        life and make your own choices.                       people.                                            have confidence in you.

Ferhan Gunen
                                   Head of Service Operations
                                   Vodafone UK

                                   Nominated for being brave, customer focussed and driven to succeed

Ferhan joined Vodafone in 2006 when Vodafone         In 2011, Ferhan joined Vodafone UK as Head of     Since December 2013 Ferhan has been Head of
Turkey was being established and spent five          Core Network. It was a very exciting time and     Service Operations for Vodafone in the UK which
years there in different operational and strategic   Vodafone UK had an unbeatable experience in       includes mobile network operations and fixed
planning roles.                                      delivering network assurance with both quality    and mobile service assurance.
                                                     and availability during London 2012 Olympics.
She led the technology programme for 3G                                                                Ferhan enjoys joining yoga classes, is happily
changing Vodafone’s position in the Turkish          2013 was the year of 4G and Core Network          married, and has a 10 year old son, Baturalp.
market completely.                                   accelerated the 4G launch dramatically with its
                                                     agile delivery.

Ferhan’s top tips
        Listen to your gut, heart and mind. You               Build the team and support them.                  Be authentic, explain yourself and if
        know what is correct and what is                      Without a team we cannot be where we              English is a second language don’t be
        needed so listen to it and ignore the                 are so support them on the way.                   scared to open up to who you are
        noise around you.                                                                                       interacting with to create a platform to
                                                                                                                move forward from.

Fiona Chalk
                                     Programme Manager
                                     Vodafone Group

                                     Nominated for her focus and ability to prioritise on what is important

Fiona has been with Vodafone for 14 years in a     In addition, Fiona is responsible for Vodafone’s   Fiona enjoys being outdoors, running, skiing and
number of roles including procurement              Cloud & Collaboration programme, which             sailing, as well as cooking for friends and family.
specialist, sales manager, strategy, product       delivers conferencing products.
                                                                                                      She recently combined her love of wine and
manager, and business manager to Board
                                                   Fiona is currently in a job share, working three   running by completing the Marathon du Medoc,
                                                   days a week, so she can spend more time with       a marathon through the premier vineyards of
Fiona is currently the Principal Programme         her young family, Henry 5 and Florence 3.          Bordeaux with 22 wine tasting stops at the
Manager for One Net, working with product                                                             chateaux.
                                                   This means Fiona has to be absolutely focussed
managers, operating companies, and Group
                                                   on lining up the programme deliverables for the
Technology to deliver new features into
                                                   first three days of the week. Then the team have
Vodafone’s One Net portfolio. She is also
                                                   two days to execute before Fiona returns to
responsible for launching One Net in new
                                                   chase them up!

Fiona’s top tips
        Be clear about the role and                         Be focussed on what matters,                       Do business with a smile and a
        responsibility you are fulfilling.                  prioritise ruthlessly.                             positive attitude – it helps achieve
                                                                                                               results and is more fun into the

Ghada Adel
                                   Head of Enterprise Marketing & Products
                                   Vodafone Egypt

                                   Nominated for her strength of character

Ghada started in Vodafone Egypt’s Technology        Ghada graduated from Cairo University and then   She was selected for the first Inspire program
department in 2003 and then moved to Finance        went on to complete an MBA.                      which enabled her to develop and head the
where she was heavily involved in rolling out the                                                    Customer Insights initiative turning it from being
                                                    She launched the Vodafone One Loyalty
Sarbanes Oxley program across Vodafone.                                                              data focussed to being customer and
                                                    program that reduced high value customer
                                                                                                     intelligence focussed and, thereby, supporting
Ghada performed various roles including CRM         churn by 30% and created the CVM function in
                                                                                                     Vodafone Egypt to gain leading market share.
senior manager before moving onto her current       Vodafone Egypt.
role as Head of Enterprise Marketing & Products,                                                     Ghada lives on the outskirts of Cairo and works in
where she led and launched the marketing                                                             the Smart Village location.
transformation program that enabled Vodafone
Egypt to achieve double digit revenue growth in

Ghada’s top tips
        Be determined and don’t let anything                Embrace teamwork and collaboration                Network well and stay in touch.
        prevent you from reaching your                      – it is key to success.

Guia Lanciani
                                   Head of Customer Solutions & Service Operations, Southern Europe
                                   Vodafone Italy

                                   Nominated for her drive, energy, persistence and being customer obsessed

Guia started her career 15 years ago with          Guia feels lucky that Vodafone has given her the   She also has a physics degree from the
Vodafone Italy focussing mainly on the             opportunity to move every three years and she      University of Rome and two high school
enterprise market.                                 now has a significant breadth of experience that   degrees, one of which is from Iowa City, USA
                                                   she would not have otherwise gained.               where she spent a year.
She has, however, gained experience across
many disciplines, notably product and offer        Prior to Vodafone, she worked as a consultant in   In her spare time Guia enjoys playing tennis,
marketing, sales, customer service provisioning,   IT security with Securteam, a small company        reading biographies, and travelling.
and product delivery.                              that was later bought by Atos Origin.
                                                                                                      Guia is married and has two daughters who are
It was during her time in customer service         In 2003 Guia, took part in a Vodafone talent       aged 4 and 13.
provisioning where she was accountable for the     programme and this gave her the opportunity to
design and delivery of fixed line services that    complete an MBA at Henley Management
gave her a passion for providing excellent         College.
customer services.

Guia’s top tips
        Persist, persist and persist: failure is            Choose your battles: keep your focus               Be curious and always question if
        not an option and moving forward does               on what matters and be sure you can                there is a better way. Don’t accept
        not always have to be upwards –                     make a difference – less can be more               when people say “this is how we have
        sideways roles will enable you to learn.            so it is important to prioritise.                  always done it”. Keep an open mind to

Hamshy Raveendran
                                  Global Account Manager
                                  Vodafone Global Enterprise

                                  Nominated for her determination, effectiveness and courage

Hamshy joined Vodafone in July 2013 and is        Hamshy was part of the team that launched        On a personal level, Hamshy was born in Sri
currently a Global Account Manager based in       BlackBerry in the Middle East and was            Lanka and moved to Toronto, Canada when she
New York.                                         nominated by her industry peers for the 2011     was nine years old. Her parents migrated from
                                                  Channel Sales Manager Award at the Annual        Sri Lanka to Canada during the civil war to give
Previously, Hamshy was in the wireless industry
                                                  Middle East Retail Awards.                       their children a better life.
based in the Middle East and Asia Pacific where
she was responsible for BlackBerry’s commercial   Incredibly passionate about empowering           To date, she has lived in Sri Lanka, Canada,
strategy and sales, focussed on UAE, Lebanon,     women. Hamshy is the co-chair of the Americas    United Arab Emirates, Singapore, and the USA.
Jordan, Oman, Bahrain and Malaysia.               Women’s Network and is a key member leading
                                                                                                   In her spare time, Hamshy enjoys travelling,
                                                  the strategy for the initiative.
                                                                                                   reading, yoga, kizomba, and Barry’s bootcamp.

Hamshy’s top tips
        ‘Fake it until you make it’ – don’t be            Be comfortable with being                         You have a responsibility to pave the
        scared to voice your opinion or be                uncomfortable – push yourself and                 way. I believe it’s everyone’s
        fearful of making the wrong decision.             you will learn from uncomfortable                 responsibility to achieve their
        Be empowered and believe in yourself.             experiences. They will prepare you for            ultimate potential and set an example
                                                          a world that’s ever changing.                     for other men and women.

Helga Bauer
                                   Bid Lead, VSSB
                                   Vodafone Hungary

                                   Nominated for her leadership, engagement with her team and being authentic

After an intermezzo at the European Parliament       After achieving the highest award with her bid     She has a great passion for the nature and
in Brussels Helga decided to gain experience in      management team supporting Middle East and         people of Africa and loves to cook and bake –
the corporate world.                                 Africa on client satisfaction – since you should   often for her team.
                                                     always leave on the top – she decided to pursue
She joined IBM as a bid manager but changed                                                             Fond of languages, besides speaking Hungarian,
                                                     new challenges at a start-up company based in
her role quickly after to lead the same team.                                                           Slovak, Czech and English, she is learning now
                                                     Slovakia setting up processes from scratch and
In the 3½ years at IBM’s shared services centre in   defining measurements as an Operations
Budapest she grew her responsibilities from 12       Manager.                                           Helga is a proud mother of her daughter Katinka,
to 32 people and from 8 to 62 countries.                                                                aged 14.
                                                     Missing the buzz of corporate life Helga decided
                                                     to move back to Hungary and joined Vodafone
                                                     in June 2014.

Helga’s top tips
        Small things can go a long way – don’t                We all make mistakes – don’t be afraid,            Everyone has an invisible sign
        ever assume that they are not                         give your best, and if you made a                  hanging from their neck saying “make
        important, or are worthless, however                  mistake learn from it, that’s all you              me feel important”. Never forget this
        small.                                                can do.                                            message when working with people.

Jane Brownsord
                                   Global Bid Manager, Sales & Commercial Operations
                                   Vodafone Group

                                   Nominated for her commitment to customers

Jane joined Vodafone in September 2012 as a          to studying as a mature student for a Masters in   Bid Management benefits from Jane’s strong
proposal writer (on contract for maternity cover).   Marketing at the University of Portsmouth.         communications skills, both internally with the
She quickly stepped into bid management,                                                                bid team and through stakeholder engagement,
                                                     A career break to have children followed, with
initially through a job share role before                                                               and importantly through articulation of the
                                                     two years living in New Zealand before returning
transferring to full time.                                                                              value proposition to the customer.
                                                     to the UK to set up in business as a freelance
After an early career in book publishing, public     marketer working for small technology/             Jane was recently recognised by one of our
relations and marketing, Jane became a partner       consultancy firms who needed web site              customers who said they chose to stay with
in a graphic design business which she               creation, marketing collateral, social media and   Vodafone because of their engagement with
developed into a successful B2B full-service         PR support.                                        Jane.
                                                     Jane then moved back into PR working for           Jane is married with three children (Eliza 15,
An interest whilst studying Chartered Marketing      Achilles Group as their Global PR and Brand        Luke 13 and Gabby 10).
Institute qualifications at night school, led on     Manager.

Jane’s top tips
        Adopt a mentor – find somebody whom                   Ask questions and really listen – stay             Help people without the expectation
        you respect and have an affinity with.                open to all different kinds of                     of anything in return. Be generous
        It’s great to have a sounding board, to               information and your conclusions will              with your skills and knowledge. It
        safely road-test ideas and to be                      be better formed as a result.                      reinforces and strengthens your skills
        challenged to look at your behaviour                  Sometimes asking the really obvious                and feels good in the process.
        differently.                                          questions gets people to open up.

Jeni Mundy
                                   Group Enterprise Product Management Director
                                   Vodafone Group

                                   Nominated for her reputation, achievement and being a great role model

Jeni is responsible for building and lifecycle       Prior to this, Jeni was Chief Technology Officer   Before beginning her career, Jeni took time out
managing a market-leading product portfolio          for Vodafone UK for five years with                from college to sail around the world. She
worldwide across all Vodafone’s enterprise           accountability for running the IT systems and      achieved distinction as a professional
customer sets.                                       mobile network for the architecture through to     yachtswoman, being a member of the first all-
                                                     design, delivery and operation of the mobile       female crew and competing in two Round The
In 2012, as part of the Vodafone Global
                                                     network and all IT systems.                        World Whitbread/Volvo Yacht Races.
Enterprise team, she led the Northern Europe
Sales function in parallel with being Director for   Previously she was Chief Technology Officer for
Product & Innovation focussing on multinational      Vodafone New Zealand rolling out 3G across the
corporate customers.                                 country.

Jeni’s top tips
        Don’t try to be someone you are not.                  Constantly challenge yourself to work              Build a strong network of contacts
                                                              at a level higher to where you operate.            around you. Network for a reason.

June Sugiyama
                                    Director of the Vodafone Americas Foundation
                                    Vodafone Americas

                                    Nominated for her successful leadership of the Americas Foundation for 15 years

June is Director of the Vodafone Americas           competition designed to seek the best wireless     and leading through innovation and disruption.
Foundation, holding the corporate philanthropy      technology solutions to address critical social
                                                                                                       June has served on several community boards
role for over 15 years.                             issues around the world.
                                                                                                       and is active with the local Giving Circle for her
Previously, she worked for AirTouch and Pacific     June enjoys the challenge of developing            current hometown community of Oakland,
Telesis International who were acquired by          alignment between corporate philanthropy with      California.
Vodafone.                                           corporate strategy.
                                                                                                       Born in Japan, June plays the Japanese harp
She most recently led the transition of the         Her latest efforts are focused on women and        called the Koto. She runs, loves art and jazz.
Foundation’s strategy towards technology for        girls in sciences and technology, and
                                                                                                       “How can we get there together?” is the
social impact.                                      connecting employees with their communities.
                                                                                                       question she asks most when talking to her
She also developed the Vodafone Americas            She’s listed in 40 Women to Watch Over 40, as      non-profit partners.
Foundation Wireless Innovation Project, a           one of the leaders dispelling the myth of ageism

June’s top tips
        Listen first, think of what value you can            Ask your friends, colleagues, your                  Don’t underestimate yourself, you
        bring in what you say or do.                         boss even, for help, opinions and                   never know what you can accomplish
                                                             advice; they may have that jewel of                 until you try, just take it one step at a
                                                             wisdom for you.                                     time.

Katherine Bennett
                                   Head of National Sales
                                   Vodafone Global Enterprise

                                   Nominated for her focus, drive and not being scared to show her feminine side

Katherine joined Vodafone in January 2013 as       Before joining Vodafone, Katherine was a               Katherine won numerous awards during her time
the Head of National Sales and has made a          Regional Director reporting directly to the CEO        at Dell. In 2008 she was awarded “EMEA Sales
significant impact on the business including a     at Star Technology Services.                           Director of the Year”, in 2007 “EMEA Services &
significant transformation of her team through                                                            Solutions Director of the Year”, and in 2005
                                                   Earlier, Katherine’s career at Dell saw her excel in
upskilling and recruitment drives.                                                                        “EMEA Annual Sales Achievers Award – UK Sales
                                                   various sales roles including Director & General
Katherine has also set up, from scratch, a desk-   Manager for UK Corporate Accounts, Director of
based account team in Budapest which will          UK & Ireland Services, and Solutions Director.         Katherine is happily married and spends what
significantly improve the support of the                                                                  spare time she has keeping fit and walking her
                                                   Previously as Sales Director in the Global
Vodafone Global Enterprise customer base.                                                                 dog.
                                                   Segment, Katherine closed a significant
                                                   managed and consulting services contract that
                                                   was in excess of $200m.

Katherine’s top tips
        Find a good mentor who will give you                In your career don’t be frightened to                  Don’t be frightened to take risks and, if
        some guidance and advise on your                    look at the experiences you haven’t                    you are hiring, consider thinking
        career plan.                                        had. Try and get yourself into a role                  outside of the box and recruit on
                                                            that will test you and enable you to                   competencies. Look for people who
                                                            learn new skills.                                      have the ability and can show they’ve
                                                                                                                   done new things and been successful.

Katherine (Kit) Haines Bornheimer
                                    Field Marketing Lead
                                    Vodafone Americas

                                    Nominated for successfully changing the brand perception of Vodafone in the US

Kit has spent her career in technology marketing      Prior to joining Vodafone, Kit was the Director of   In her spare time Kit enjoys cooking with her
or, as she likes to put it, “making tech talkable”.   Marketing at Motorola Mobility overseeing a          husband and two daughters, where together
                                                      portfolio of video infrastructure and distribution   they write a food blog, The Stout Sprout.
Kit joined Vodafone in July 2014 and is the Field
Marketing Lead in the Americas.                                                                            Kit’s passion for sustainable, local agriculture
                                                      Before that she was the Director of Global           means Saturday mornings are often spent with
She has an accomplished background and is
                                                      Enterprise Advertising for AT&T.                     her 4 and 7-year-old at the farmer’s market, and
passionate about the brand perception of
                                                                                                           Saturday afternoons in the kitchen.
Vodafone achieving success with new initiatives.      Kit has over 20 years of experience leading
                                                      worldwide teams in the delivery of integrated
Kit is also recognised as a promoter of gender
                                                      marketing and advertising campaigns.
diversity and empowering women.

Katherine’s top tips
         Be curious. Curiosity is an amazing                   When someone tells you something                     Find new ways of doing things – don’t
         thing. It means you’ll ask why                        isn’t possible, consider that but find               just settle for good enough and have
         frequently enough to get a real answer.               the answer that’s right for you.                     the confidence to believe it is right.

Kathryn Holmes
                                   Regional Change & Operations Manager
                                   Vodafone Americas

                                   Nominated for her energy and commitment to the Americas Women’s Network

Kathryn joined Vodafone in July 20011 and has      She is a fervent supporter of women’s rights and   Kathryn loves yoga and meditation and she will
held several positions from Global Service         co-chairs the Americas Women’s Network.            complete her Master’s Degree from Harvard
Manager to Regional Operations Manager.                                                               University this May.
                                                   In her personal time, Kathryn mentors and cares
She has over 19 years’ experience in               for some of the 100,000 foster youth in US state   Kathryn lives off Cape Cod Massachusetts, with
telecommunication and mobility, beginning at       custody.                                           her fabulous son and two dogs.
Cellular One and later joining AT&T
                                                   She is passionate about animal rights and
implementing frame relay networks.
                                                   advocates changing the cruelty laws in her
As the industry evolved, she worked with iBasis,   home state of Massachusetts.
implementing the first VoIP Networks in many
countries around the world.

Kathryn’s top tips
        Be the master of your own fate and                  Trust your own instincts as they are               Attitude is everything. If something
        don’t place boundaries on yourself.                 often right.                                       doesn’t work, don’t be discouraged,
                                                                                                               take a different direction, and try

Linda Chemtai
                                   Commercial Manager, Sales & Commercial Operations
                                   Vodafone Group

                                   Nominated for her enthusiasm, flexibility and joyful approach

Linda works in the Commercial team in the         Before that Linda forged her career at DHL after     She is a big fan of art and when she was younger
newly formed Sales & Commercial Operations        her bachelor’s degree in Economics and doing a       wanted to become either a painter or writer –
function in the Africa Region. She works in the   variety of roles covering customer service, retail   the latter still being her unfulfilled dream.
Nairobi office in Kenya.                          sales and commercial – before leading pricing
                                                                                                       Linda is an enthusiastic fan of NBA and the All
                                                  for DHL Express (logistics) across Equatorial
Linda has a unique mix of experience in                                                                Blacks rugby team and she also enjoys travelling
                                                  Africa for four years.
commercial strategy, strategic pricing and bid                                                         and reading.
management with a successful track record in      Networking is key for Linda as the teams across
                                                                                                       Linda is married and her pillars in life are God,
every domain.                                     Africa are widespread and the ability to network
                                                                                                       family and work.
                                                  effectively is key to making things happen.
Linda joined the Vodafone Global Enterprise
Africa team from Safaricom, where for 1½ years
she focused on pricing and planning for the
Enterprise Business Unit.

Linda’s top tips
        Find a passion, something on which                 Seek out a mentor who allows you to                   Find a way of giving back and help
        you can focus and feel proud of.                   ask practically any question and one                  others find their passion in IT through
                                                           who gives you sound guidance.                         mentoring, coaching and teaching.

Megan Doberneck
                                  General Counsel and Company Secretary
                                  Vodafone Americas

                                  Nominated for her passion and continued efforts to empower women

Megan joined Vodafone Americas from a fixed     Megan sits on our US Board of Directors as well   Megan swam competitively for 19 years and was
line broadband provider in January 2007 where   as on the Board of Directors for the Vodafone     a member of the US national team and an All
she was the Regional Vice President for Legal   Americas Foundation.                              American collegiate swimmer.
and Regulatory Affairs.
                                                She attended the University of California at      She has recently broken her bad habit of running
In addition to serving as General Counsel and   Berkeley for her undergraduate education and      marathons but remains an avid skier.
Company Secretary for the Vodafone’s Americas   earned her law degree from Columbia University
                                                                                                  Megan lives in Denver, Colorado, has been
business, Megan was responsible for our US      in New York, NY.
                                                                                                  married to Jon for 15 years and they have two
holding companies from November 2008
                                                Megan is a key supporter of being yourself and    sons, Owen (11) and Sebastian (10).
through February 2014, when Vodafone closed
                                                trusting yourself to make the right decisions.
the sale of its ownership interest in Verizon

Megan’s top tips
        Trust the head on your shoulders. You            Take advantage of every job you have.             Embrace who you are. Understand
        will always have to make decisions               Good, bad or ugly, you can take                   how and where you are at your best;
        outside of your comfort zone so trust            something valuable away from every                everyone has his or her own style so
        yourself enough to make smart                    step along your professional path,                find the style and ways of working that
        decisions – because you will.                    even if it’s knowing that you never,              bring out your strengths.
                                                         ever, ever want to do that job again.

Natalie Longhurst
                                 Commercial In-Life Team Leader for the Americas, Sales & Commercial Operations
                                 Vodafone Group

                                 Nominated for the focus and discipline that enables the achievement of a work-life balance

Natalie joined Vodafone in January 2003 and     Lead, Pricing Operations Leader, and               She has a husband, two children, Samuel aged 3
works in the Commercial In-Life team, leading   Commercial In-Life Manager for a large fast        and Charlotte aged 1 who like to keep her very
the Americas region.                            moving consumer goods company.                     busy, and Pringle – a very friendly black
After gaining her degree in Business, Natalie   Natalie spent a sizeable part of her youth
started her career as an HP finance graduate.   growing up in the Middle East where she made       In her free time, Natalie plays tennis and has run
Before moving to Vodafone UK, she performed a   some great friends from around the world and       the 10k Race for Life. She likes to try new things
number of finance and commercial roles.         learnt about a very different culture.             and has also dabbled in aerial hoops, skiing,
                                                                                                   sailing, golf, and even knitting!
In June 2006 Natalie joined Vodafone Global     Natalie is known for her straight talking
Enterprise and has had a number of commercial   approach, high energy, passion and high heels
positions including Commercial Lead for         and also for her ability to balance her personal
Vodafone Global Enterprise’s first managed      life and her work life.
mobility deal, Northern Europe Pricing Team

Natalie’s top tips
        Love what you do – the more you enjoy            Balance – know your work-life                      Self-awareness – know yourself.
        what you do the more successful you              balance. It varies by person so choose             Commit to spending time
        will be.                                         your balance and be honest with                    understanding your motivations and
                                                         yourself if you’re not hitting it –take            that will point you in the right career
                                                         control of those decisions.                        direction. Focus on your strengths and
                                                                                                            not your weaknesses.

Nataliya Kudlayeva
                                   Principal Deal Architect, Sales & Commercial Operations
                                   Vodafone Group

                                   Nominated for commitment, drive and enthusiasm

Nataliya joined Vodafone Americas over three        Nataliya started her telecom career with a small   Nataliya and her husband are very active
years ago and in her current role leads a team of   wholesale VOIP carrier and then accepted a         members of NYC’s Ukrainian-American
commercial managers supporting high-value           position with a top US telecom services provider   community with a very busy social schedule.
opportunities for US-based accounts.                managing a team of analysts responsible for
                                                                                                       Nataliya is an avid skier in the winter months,
                                                    pricing IPVPN and hosting product sets across
Born and raised in the Ukraine, she holds an M.S.                                                      enjoys hiking in the Catskill mountains and
                                                    federal and enterprise sectors.
degree in Applied Math and Computer Science.                                                           appreciates spending summer weekends on the
                                                                                                       Long Island’s south shore.

Nataliya’s top tips
        Do not get comfortable – whenever you                No regrets – you cannot change the                 Dare to go for it – whatever “it” is.
        feel that way in your role, it means you             past, but be sure to learn from it.
        are not challenging yourself enough.

Nikki Dicks
                                    Head of Insurance
                                    Vodafone Global Enterprise

                                    Nominated for her energy, passion, attitude and being customer obsessed

Nikki is a sales and service professional, she has   Nikki has a proven track record in delivering    Prior to this Nikki was Head of Delivery where
an extremely strong background in the                business change across corporate environments    she was responsible for the transition of services
successful delivery of all components in the         and an effective, accurate programme delivery    into Cable & Wireless ensuring the smooth
sales, service and programme life cycle.             that has consistently conveyed tangible          delivery of fully outsourced Managed Services
                                                     business growth.                                 transformation.
She is a confident leader and has superb
customer relationship skills and this is reflected   Nikki transferred over from Cable & Wireless     Nikki has a personal interest in the management
in her current role as Head of Insurance at          where she was Client Managing Director for       of people and teams, specifically in the context
Vodafone Global Enterprise.                          Enterprise responsible for two large customers   of customer relationship management
                                                     in the media and financial industries.           excellence.

Nikki’s top tips
         Be authentic, be yourself, and don’t be             Build a network and have your own                 Diversify in your career to get a good
         afraid to take to take risks. Be                    brand but don’t let that brand take               respect for everyone in the
         respectful of other people’s points of              over your value. Don’t let the                    organisation and you will become a
         view; put yourself in their position                importance of being thought well of               more rounded individual.
         before you respond. Think of everyone               overtake doing the right thing.
         as a customer.

Nitu Kaushal
                                     Principle Product Manager, Cloud & Hosting
                                     Vodafone Group

                                     Nominated for her professional approach, with determination and focus

Nitu is Principle Product Manager for Cloud &         Nitu has a broad skill-set, developed from          Nitu then joined Level 3 Communications. As
Hosting Group Enterprise. Her primary                 previous managerial experience in technical,        their Senior Portfolio Product Manager, her
responsibility is for productising service            commercial, sales and strategic roles.              aptitude at rationalising and joining portfolios
experience, taking it from defining a market                                                              together to build winning solutions was noted
                                                      She began her career as an engineer, building
leading strategy, right through to                                                                        with her winning Employee of the Year, EMEA
                                                      Transport For London's broadband network at
commercialisation.                                                                                        award.
                                                      United Networks.
In parallel to this, Nitu is also ambassador to all                                                       In her personal time, Nitu enjoys endurance
                                                      Moving to Interoute Communications, she held
people champions within Enterprise Product                                                                based sports for charity, including long distance
                                                      a series of roles, from senior sales engineering,
Management, facilitating step changes towards                                                             cycling and practices hot yoga on a regular
                                                      to global account management, as well as
further speed and simplification initiatives.                                                             basis.
                                                      product management and development – Nitu
                                                      was the link that launched and maintained
                                                      Interoute's highest margin performing products.

Nitu’s top tips
         Don’t be afraid of change, be afraid of               Build your own brand and bring in your              Communicate simply – personal
         missing the chance to make things                     style of working.                                   success relies largely on our ability to
         better.                                                                                                   communicate. Be clear on what you
                                                                                                                   want and what you want others to do.

Sandra Healy
                                   Head of Retention & Growth Business Sales
                                   Vodafone Ireland

                                   Nominated for her energy and focus to drive the diversity agenda inside and outside Vodafone

Sandra joined Vodafone in March 2014 to deliver      Sandra’s main areas of focus and expertise are      Ireland, Sandra has recently been appointed to
the transformation of the Project Spring             motivation, leadership, and innovation in the       chair the Vodafone Women's Network with a
investment into Enterprise Business Sales and        workplace and her dissertation research will be     core focus on advocating real change and
she currently leads the Retention & Growth           on Vodafone Ireland.                                gender equality in Ireland.
Sales team.
                                                     Sandra is a member of the Vodafone Ireland          She also represents Vodafone on the Steering
With over 20 years’ experience in the telecoms       Diversity & Inclusion team and the Ibec Diversity   Council of the 30% Club in Ireland.
industry, Sandra has a core background in            Forum (Ibec is the national voice of business in
                                                                                                         Sandra is happily married, with two beautiful
technical engineering, presales customer             Ireland) and she is a founding member of EU
                                                                                                         Cocker Spaniels – Molly and Ralph.
solutions, and business transformation. She          Diversity Charter for Ireland.
progressed into people leadership four years                                                             “For me it's about people first – be the change
                                                     Offering consultancy and advice on diversity and
ago and is in the final stages of a Masters degree                                                       you want to be in the world and let your life
                                                     inclusion best practice for organisations across
in Work and Organisational Psychology.                                                                   speak.”

Sandra’s top tips
        Grow – do one thing that scares you                   Be true to yourself – bring your whole              Enjoy – it’s only a job!
        each day, small step changes that push                self to work and be authentic. We need
        you forward.                                          to embrace being different.

Sandra Jones
                                   Head of Customer Solutions & Service Operations
                                   Vodafone Carrier Services

                                   Nominated for strength of character and getting the job done

Sandra joined Vodafone Carrier Services in June     Sandra brings extensive experience in customer    Sandra enjoys riding horses and specialises in
2013 and leads the global development and           service within the ICT industry and has           dressage, training with Olympic gold medallist
delivery of customer solutions and service          successfully managed a number of business         Carl Hester. She attempts to ride 3-4 times a
operations.                                         transformation programmes, including the          week and is a keen competitor.
                                                    customer service integration for Cable &
As well as leading the service management                                                             To quote Sandra, “I’m a doer, not a watcher.
                                                    Wireless Worldwide and Vodafone.
capability and managing customer contracts,                                                           Downtime is doing things, not vegging. I’m a
she is accountable for Vodafone Carrier Services’   Sandra has more than 12 years of experience in    country girl at heart. I am a gadget junkie – a big
customers’ technical support and design, the        the ICT industry as well as previous global       Apple fan and anything that makes life
primary aim of which is to ensure the consistent    experience in the oil and gas sector.             manageable.”
delivery of an excellent customer service
                                                    She holds a degree in Business Management.
experience worldwide.
                                                    Sandra is married with one son who is currently
                                                    studying in the USA.

Sandra’s top tips
        Always be proactive in networks and                  Recognise you are not superwoman                   Some people want it to happen, some
        never be frightened to ask for advice.               and surround yourself with good                    wish it to happen, some make it
                                                             people (but you must not hold them                 happen – go and make it happen.
                                                             back). Also ‘buy in’ all the help you
                                                             need to make it happen.

Simone Moors
                                  Head of Northern Region
                                  Vodafone Global Enterprise

                                  Nominated for her drive and demonstration of how to have a global career and find the right

Simone returned to her native New Zealand in       Prior to this Simone was responsible for the USA   Enterprise CEO where she lead a number of
2015 to become the Head of Enterprise &            and Latin American enterprise partnerships for     strategy and transformation programs.
Government Sales for the Northern Region and       Vodafone Global Enterprise which included the
                                                                                                      Prior to Vodafone, Simone started her career in
Vodafone Global Enterprise supporting the          Verizon Wireless relationship.
                                                                                                      broadcasting in New Zealand before moving to
largest 50 customers.
                                                   Simone joined Vodafone in 2003 initially in        London to work in financial services.
Most recently she was based in New York City for   Technology in New Zealand reporting to the
                                                                                                      Simone has an MBA from Auckland University
five years where she was Vice President of Sales   CTO. She then moved to Germany in 2005 to
                                                                                                      and is passionate about people and leadership.
for Vodafone’s key accounts leading a global       take on a global technology planning and
sales team managing the top 100 USA-               strategy role.                                     She is married and has three year old twins.
headquartered multinational customers.
                                                   In 2007 she joined Global Enterprise Sales based
                                                   in the UK reporting to the Vodafone Global

Simone’s top tips
        Aim high and follow your dreams. Don’t              Continuously challenge yourself to                 Find or create a ‘circle of trust’ (people
        let plans for children or marriage stop             develop and adapt – I’ve learned more              you can go to) so that you can bounce
        you going for jobs and don’t discount               about leadership from my teams over                ideas off them or get advice.
        yourself – you have a career for a long             the years than they’ve learned from
        time.                                               me as their manager!

Siobhan Brookman
                                  Northern Europe Bid Team Leader, Sales & Commercial Operations
                                  Vodafone Group

                                  Siobhan initiated this project and is a champion of ‘employee engagement’ and diversity

Siobhan joined Vodafone in June 2012 and           Since then Siobhan worked for T-Systems as a        On a personal level, Siobhan has a passion for
currently leads the Northern Europe Bid            Business Development Manager, Interoute as          challenging and exhilarating sports – she
Management function.                               Vice President of Business Operations, and BT       crossed the Atlantic, from Bermuda to Gibraltar,
                                                   Global Service as a Deal Maker.                     aged 21 in a 49 foot yacht.
Prior to this Siobhan ran her own consultancy
firm delivering international business             Siobhan is recognised as having an inspiring        She is a keen skier and spends much of her spare
improvement and growth initiatives (BIG) and       management style and excels at building high        time competing her 17.3hh (1.8 metres) event
placed a number of senior executives in the        performing teams.                                   horse, Spruce.
telecommunication industry.
                                                   Siobhan believes that good leadership, as part of   Siobhan is happily married to Steve and has two
Siobhan started her career at IBM and had 15       an effective and professional team, where           children, Alexina 17 and Daniel 19.
successful years before moving to AT&T when        individual strengths can be developed is one of
IBM sold their Network Services venture in 1999.   the most important elements of creating a
                                                   winning culture.

Siobhan’s top tips
        Focus on what you can change and                    Be yourself and be professional but do              Take control, you are the master of
        remember that small changes can be                  not lose who you are along the way.                 your fate so decide what you want and
        as effective as big ones.                           Let your personality shine through                  go for it.
                                                            and make an impact.

Victoria Reis
                                   National Account Manager
                                   Vodafone Global Enterprise

                                   Nominated for drive, focus and determination to succeed

Victoria joined Vodafone in September 2014 and      Enterprise’s largest strategic customers where      In 2008 she received commendations from the
hit the ground running obliterating her annual      she is targeted on driving additional revenue       Lloyds TSB North & West London Business
sales target in record time.                        streams.                                            Awards for New Business Start Up.
With a cool head, quick wit and steely creative     Victoria is passionate about innovation and         After three years, when Victoria had cultivated a
vision, Victoria is actively shaping the way that   technology, taking pride in adding value to her     customer base of more than 370 corporate and
Vodafone partners and works with its clients,       customers and developing not only                   SME clients, she sold the business to Daisy
driving forward innovative ways of working and      transformational but sustainable relationships.     Telecom giving her the time to complete a full-
adding new dimensions to her role as a National                                                         time MBA in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
                                                    In December 2007 Victoria set up her own
Account Manager.                                                                                        (for which she received first class honours).
                                                    telecommunications business and grew it into a
A highly motivated and astute business woman,       reputable and successful independent telecoms       Victoria is married, has a 4 year old son, and in
Victoria has appetite for new challenges. She       service provider, offering a range of IT services   her spare time she focuses on her personal
currently manages five of Vodafone Global           and consultancy.                                    fitness and well-being.

Victoria’s top tips
        Be able to articulate what you want to               Set your goal, be disciplined in your                Adapt your approach and take a
        achieve quite early on, try to be very               approach, be confident about what you                helicopter view of things. If you need
        specific around it, and be able to                   want, and don’t be scared to socialise               to, take a step back and think about
        visualise it.                                        this. Seek out people whole really                   what your mentor may do in the
                                                             believe in you and find someone                      difficult situation you are faced with,
                                                             willing to take a risk on you.                       and then act.

You can also read