COTTON Yearbook 2019 - IDH The Sustainable Trade Initiative

Page created by Bernard Pena
COTTON Yearbook 2019 - IDH The Sustainable Trade Initiative
Cotton Yearbook 2019   1

COTTON Yearbook 2019 - IDH The Sustainable Trade Initiative
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                     2

                       INTRODUCTION                                                          3

                       BETTER COTTON GROWTH AND INNOVATION FUND                              5

                       •   Better Cotton GIF: Introduction                                   5

                       •   2019-20 Season                                                    6

                       •   Driving Innovations                                               12

                              Skill Development for Field Facilitators in India              12

                              Scale Partners Management Systems Review                       13

                              Better Cotton Innovation Challenge                             14

                       •   Key meetings 2019                                                 15

                       MOZAMBIQUE CLIMATE RESILIENCE PROJECT                             16

                       •   Introduction                                                      17

                       •   Program activities                                                18

                       MAHARASHTRA PROGRAM                                               22

                       •   Introduction                                                  23

                       •   Converting Insights to Action                                 25

                       •   From The Field: Securing Smallholder Livelihoods in Rainfed
                           Maharashtra – Jalna, Maharashtra                              27

                       GENDER INTERVENTION                                               32
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                       Cotton is one of the most significant crops in     programs, and leveraging public and private
                       the global textile industry. From cultivation to   financing – all of which will help meet the
                       processing, 250 million smallholder farmers        Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
                       are dependent on the crop for their livelihood
                                                                          IDH continues to invest in key partnerships,
                       and income. Due to the scale, global reach
                                                                          working closely with the Better Cotton
                       and resilience of the crop, it is one of the
                                                                          Initiative (BCI) on the Better Cotton Growth
                       world’s most important fibers and cash
                                                                          and Innovation Fund (“Better Cotton GIF”
                       crops. However, the environmental impact
                                                                          or “the Fund”) as a partner, funder and fund
                       of the crop can be extensive in the face of
                                                                          manager, and investing in farmer capacity-
                       stark agronomic and social challenges. The
                                                                          building programs and innovations, with the
                       crop can be incredibly water-intensive and
                                                                          aim of training five million farmers on more
                       is often synonymous with poor pesticide
                                                                          sustainable practices and having Better
                                                                          Cotton account for 30% of global cotton
                       Cotton programs by IDH – The Sustainable           production by 2020.
                       Trade Initiative (IDH) aim to target key
                                                                          This year, IDH, in collaboration with BCI and
                       sustainability issues in cotton production.
                                                                          supported by the Better Cotton GIF launched
                       They focus on water efficiency, pesticide
                                                                          a global innovation platform, The Better
                       management, gender inclusion and
                                                                          Cotton Innovation Challenge, to identify
                       biodiversity management with the aim of
                                                                          solutions that can transform the way cotton
                       improving the livelihoods of smallholder
                                                                          is produced today.
                       farmers. IDH pilots initiatives in key cotton
                       regions and explores opportunities to scale        Maintaining project work in key cotton-
                       and achieve impact through innovative              producing regions enables IDH to incubate
                       capacity-building models, climate resilience       new cotton approaches and foster key
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Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                          4

relationships in the regions. Our continued,    against volatile weather conditions and          Trade Center, female cotton cultivators
focused work in Maharashtra has led to          poverty by employing a coordinated and           account for 70% of the labor in sowing and
notable outputs – the piloting of approaches    multi-pillar approach that leverages access      90% of the labor in cotton picking .
including Lint-based Cotton Marketing           to water and training on good agricultural
                                                                                                 Our gender intervention program works to
system and integration of female co-farmers     practices. This is intended to increase farmer
                                                                                                 educate and break down perceptions of
in BCI projects. IDH has also successfully      productivity, provide access to alternative
                                                                                                 gender that can be damaging, especially
implemented a climate resilience program        livelihood activities, diversify income, and
                                                                                                 those that directly affect women in the field.
reaching out to 6,300 cotton farmers.           improve food intake.
                                                                                                 In this yearbook, we share stories from the
Mozambique is a strategic region for IDH        Gender discrimination remains a prevalent        field, resulting from the gender sensitization
investment. We are excited to look ahead        problem throughout the cotton sector even        training that we rolled out to Implementing
into the final year of our pilot program,       though women play a critical role in cotton      Partners in 2018.
which focuses on increasing farmer resilience   cultivation. According to the International
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                       Better Cotton
                       Growth and
                       Innovation Fund
                       The Better Cotton Growth and Innovation           The Fund provides a mechanism for BCI
                       Fund (“Better Cotton GIF” or “the Fund”) is       Retailer and Brand Members to make
                       a global program designed to support the          investments that can lead to tangible
                       Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) in its goal of     impact at the field level that cannot be
                       reaching five million farmers in key cotton-      achieved alone. It works with Implementing
                       producing countries and having Better             Partners (IPs) for farmer capacity-building
                       Cotton account for 30% of global cotton           in six countries – India, Pakistan, China,
                       production by 2020.                               Mozambique, Mali and Turkey.

                       IDH is a strategic partner to the Fund and
                                                                                                               Growth &
                       plays multiple roles as strategic partner                      N                       Innovation
                                                                                   PLE ISHES


                       and fund manager, funder, and partner for


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                       delivering innovations for farmer capacity-
                       building on more sustainable production                                                mi
                                                                                                                   global cotton p
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                       The Fund identifies, supports, and invests in
                                                                                                    Better            Better    Better for
                       field-level programs and innovations, while                                  for the
                                                                                                                     for the
                                                                                                                               the sector’s
                                                                             Market                                                                                       Far
                       supporting the adoption of the Better Cotton
                       Standard System by governments, trade
                       associations and other entities. It is governed
                       by the BCI Council in partnership with                                                                                                  PR
                                                                                  SU                                                                                           S
                                                                                       P P LIE S                                                                    O D U CE
                       BCI Retailer and Brand Members, BCI Civil
                       Society Members, and donors.                                                               et
                                                                                                                        ter Cotto

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2019-20 Season
In the 2019-20 cotton season, the Fund worked with
1.8 million* cotton farmers in India, Pakistan, China,
Mozambique, Mali and Turkey. The farmers received
training and support from the Fund through regional
IPs. The Better Cotton GIF directly invested €11 million*
from BCI Retailer and Brand Members, public donors
(DFAT), and IDH, and mobilized an additional €4.3
million* in co-funding from IPs and supply chain
partners (social enterprises, ginners, spinning mills, and
garment manufacturers), creating a total portfolio value
of €15.3 million.

India                                                Pakistan                                              China

The Fund worked with 17 IPs on 26 projects           The Fund worked with eight IPs on 17                  The Fund worked with five IPs on five
in 2019-20.                                          projects in 2019-20.                                  projects in 2019-20.

Estimated Program Results 2019-20*                   Estimated Program Results 2019-20*                    Estimated Program Results 2019-20*
• Fund Investment: €6,197,164                        • Fund Investment: €3,998,366                         • Fund Investment: €538,486
• Participating Farmers: 1,019,252                   • Participating Farmers: 495,558                      • Participating Farmers: 116,224
• Area Covered: 1,596,166 ha                         • Area Covered: 1,400,292 ha                          • Area Covered: 173,968 ha
• Better Cotton Production: 1,194,210 MT             • Better Cotton Production: 1,202,318 MT              • Better Cotton Production: 311,350 MT

           Implementing Partners                                 Implementing Partners                                 Implementing Partners
     Ambuja Cement Foundation | AFPRO |
   AKRSPI | Arvind Ltd. | Basil Commodities |            Agriculture Extension Department Punjab|              CottonConnect | Huangmei Cooperative |
 CottonConnect | Deshpande Foundation | DSC             CABI | CottonConnect | Lok Sanjh | REEDS |              Nongxi Cooperative | Songzi Agricultural
   | KK Fibers | Lupin Foundation | MYKAPS |            Smart Agriculture | SWRDO | WWF Pakistan              Extension Center | Zhong Wang Cooperative
 PRDIS | Puneet Enterprises | Spectrum | STAC |
             Udyansh | WWF India

*The figures presented within the report are 2019-20 season estimates. BCI will publish final season figures once the 2019-20 cotton season is complete.
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Mozambique                                           Mali                                                  Turkey

The Fund worked with two IPs on two                  The Fund worked with one IP on one project            The Fund worked with two IPs on two
projects in 2019-20.                                 in 2019-20.                                           projects in 2019-20.

Estimated Program Results 2019-20*                   Estimated Program Results 2019-20*                    Estimated Program Results 2019-20*
• Fund Investment: €53,040                           • Fund Investment: €99,137                            • Fund Investment: €230,338
• Participating Farmers: 85,000                      • Participating Farmers: 87,287                       • Participating Farmers: 3,600
• Area Covered: 66,250 ha                            • Area Covered: 297,000 ha                            • Area Covered: 27,807 ha
• Better Cotton Production: 26,398 MT                • Better Cotton Production: 320,760 MT                • Better Cotton Production: 61,476 MT

In the Southern Hemisphere, the cotton season
runs from October to September. The 2019-20
season thus reports against 2018-19 contracted
figures in the case of Mozambique.

           Implementing Partners                                 Implementing Partners                                 Implementing Partners
                Sanam | SAN-JFS                                             CMDT                                         CANBEL | WWF Turkey

*The figures presented within the report are 2019-20 season estimates. BCI will publish final season figures once the 2019-20 cotton season is complete.
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                                                                             Farmer Story

             Implementing Partner: Lok Sanjh

             Lok Sanjh has been a BCI Implementing Partner (IP)              Manzooran Bibi lives in Basti Mumtazabad of Bahawalnagar district of Punjab.
             since 2012. Lok Sanjh has gone from working with 10,000         A mother of four, she is the primary breadwinner for the family. She grows
             smallholder farmers in its first year, to 138,782 farmers in    cotton on about two acres (0.81 ha) of land to earn a livelihood for her family. To
             2019-20, working in 1,378 villages across Toba Tek Singh,       improve her income, Manzooran Bibi wanted to boost the productivity and the
             Jhang, Layyah, Bhakar and Bahawalnagar districts in             quality of her cotton. She joined the BCI program through Lok Sanjh Foundation
             Pakistan.                                                       and became a licensed BCI Farmer in 2019.

             These districts deal with several challenges in cotton          In the local rural community, female participation in this kind of learning project is
             production including soil deterioration, overuse of             limited, but she joined the BCI program against all odds. She is now a trained BCI
             pesticides, declining supply and quality of water and           Farmer and is managing all field operations herself.
             loss of biodiversity. Through the BCI program, Lok Sanjh
                                                                             “I was an ordinary cotton farmer. I was using traditional methods to grow my
             helped farmers in the region to reduce their pesticide use,
                                                                             crop. Since joining BCI, I have received trainings
             and improve soil health through better soil management
                                                                             for better cotton farming.”
             and efficient use of fertilizer. The farmers in the project
             area are increasingly adopting soil analysis techniques to      With BCI, Manzooran Bibi has adopted
             assess fertilizers requirements for their cotton crop. In the   management practices to maximize fiber quality.
             2019-2020 crop season, more than 35% farmers got soils          She is adept at picking cotton in a way which
             analyzed.                                                       maintains the fibre quality and is well aware of the
                                                                             importance of clean cotton in terms of improved
             Lok Sanjh is also encouraging gender balance in its staff
                                                                             fiber quality.
             and field programs. In the first year, the IP had less than 5
             percent female staff in the BCI program as social challenges    She also advises female farmers and cotton pickers
             made it harder for females to work in rural areas. Through      in her neighborhood to enhance cotton production
             various interventions, Lok Sanjh has been able to engage        and maintain fiber quality. Manzooran Bibi has been
             more than 12 percent female staff in the BCI projects this      an iconic female BCI Farmer among her farming
             year.                                                           community, inspiring others by her courage and
                                                                             hard work. She aspires to be the lead farmer of her
             The IP continues to work towards bringing efficiency and
                                                                             learning group.
             scale in making sustainable agriculture mainstream. A
             female farmer under the Lok Sanjh project shares her story      Manzooran Bibi
             on improving cotton quality to improve her income.              Basti Mumtazabad, Bahawalnagar District,
                                                                             Punjab – Pakistan
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                                                                Farmer Story
Implementing Partner: Huangmei Huinong Technology
                                                                Zhou Yongming is a cotton farmer in China. For years, he was growing cotton by
Huangmei Huinong Technology Cooperative is a private            transplanting cotton seed from a nutrition bowl to the field. As the process was
business supported by Hubei provincial and municipal            quite labor-intensive, he had been growing cotton on only 0.2 ha of his land. He
scientific research centers, and technology experts             joined the BCI project in 2019 and has now adopted direct seeding short-season
from Huangmei county. It focuses on application of new          cultivation. He now grows cotton on 46 mu (7.5 acre) land.
agricultural theory, experiments, demonstration and
                                                                After joining the BCI project, Zhou regularly attended the trainings and kept in
promotion of new technology and novel breeds, and
                                                                touch with the Producer Unit and agriculture technology service center in his
development and sales of new products.
                                                                area, for recommendations and solutions for any issues he faced while farming.
Joined BCI as an Implementing Partner (IP) in March 2019.
                                                                Zhou has also been able to considerably bring down his input cost. He says, “I
It is engaging with two local partners in Xiaochi and Fenlu
                                                                reduced the frequency of pesticide application instead of sticking to my previous
to work in 47 villages, with 2 Producer Units, 14 Field
                                                                routine of applying it every seven days. I also decreased fertilizer consumption at
Facilitators, and 7,648 farmers to facilitate production of
                                                                the field. Together, they resulted in lesser labor cost at my farms too.”
Better Cotton.
                                                                “In all, my input cost decreased by 380 yuan (€50) per mu, which means that
This year, the IP has been working to establish a BCI project
                                                                the total cost for my 46 mu land dropped by 17,480 yuan
in the area, in which 90% of the local farmers have joined.
They are working with farmers through concentrated
trainings, demo plots for sustainable agricultural practices,   2019 was also a rather challenging year for the
and sharing training materials and Better Cotton Standard       farmers in the region, due to severe drought.
materials with farmers.                                         However, Zhou still had an average yield of 260 kg
                                                                of seed cotton per mu from his farm, which was
The IP helped the farmers to select prime quality seeds,
                                                                30 kg more than the harvest in the previous year.
promote direct seeding after the wheat crop is harvested
                                                                Participation in the BCI project has resulted in low
and increase density to around 3500 plants per mu (1ha is
                                                                input cost and improved yield for Zhou, increasing
equal to 15 mu), decrease fertilizer consumption by 20%,
                                                                his income by 25,760 yuan (€3,385) from his farm
increase application of organic fertilizer and use pesticide
according to the advice of pest forecast.
                                                                Zhou Yongming
A farmer associated with the project shares his story of        Duanyao Village, Huangmei, Hubei – China
how his income increased with the decrease in input costs
for his crop.
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                                                              Farmer Story
Implementing Partner: Aga Khan Rural Support
Programme (India)                                             Suresh Makwana is a smallholder farmer with a total 1 ha of land in Rajkot, Gujarat.In 2016, he
                                                              joined a BCI project managed by Implementing Partner Aga Khan Rural Support Programme
Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) - AKRSP(I)
                                                              India (AKRSPI). The training and learnings imparted in the program have helped Suresh
- has been a BCI Implementing Partner since 2018. In
                                                              improve his income.
2019-20, the organization worked working with 7,500
farmers in two Producer Units in Junagadh and Rajkot          Before joining the program, cultivating 1 ha of land was the only source of livelihood for
in Gujarat.                                                   Suresh’s four-member family. Due to excessive use of agrochemicals, the C:N ratio of his
                                                              land was 0.2 (much lower than the standard ratio, which is between 0.75 and 1). This resulted
The villages under the project have been facing water-        in deterioration of soil fertility and affected the agricultural productivity. Suresh was using
related challenges including depleting ground water           an open well for irrigation. He was cultivating cotton, green gram and maize in the Kharif
and increased salinity. AKRSP(I) has been working             (monsoon) season and wheat, chickpeas and cumin in the Rabi (spring) season. The total
                                                              annual expenditure incurred for cultivating his land was INR 56,950 and his total annual
to reduce salinity and increase water use efficiency
                                                              income was INR 71,900.
by increasing awareness on water management and
promoting efficient irrigation practices such as drip and     He says, “I joined the BCI program in 2016 and received a drip irrigation system in 2016
alternate furrow irrigation.                                  from AKRSPI. I adopted water management practices with the help of a series of trainings,
                                                              farmer’s learning meetings, and exposure visits. I started using biopesticides and biofertilizers,
AKRSP(I) is also working to create awareness among            which resulted in low input costs and improved soil quality for my land. In the soil test report
the farmers and farm workers in their project area on         done in 2019, my land recorded C:N ratio of 0.55, which was a considerable improvement.
worker rights, minimum wages and equality, and child          This was owing to the changes I adopted in my farming practices. I also started cultivating on
labor. In addition, the organization has been training        the 0.2 ha of my fallow land through land development and restoration
farmers on reducing pesticide use. Farmers in the
area have been informed on pesticide groups and               Speaking about the overall impact of the interventions on his income,
recommended dose for pest control. They have also             he says, “I am now growing new crops including groundnut, sesame,
been trained on identifying pesticides through color          tomatoes and chili. This gives me additional income of INR 253,400 in
codes for their impact on the environment and humans.         a year. Besides, I was able to bring down my input cost from INR 28,475
                                                              to INR 15,542 per acre. I am earning a net income of INR 257,583 every
The farmers under the by AKRSP(I) BCI project                 year from my land and INR 560 per day by selling milk to the dairy.”
have also increased usage of bio-pesticides and bio-          Suresh has enrolled his daughter and son in private school in
fertilizers, which is helping in improving the soil quality   the region and become an inspiration for other farmers. He
and also reducing their input cost. A farmer from the         has also been felicitated by AKRSPI with Best Farmer Award
project area shares his story of how he has been able         for the year of 2018-19.
to turn around his field’s soil quality by changing his       Suresh Makwana
farming practices.                                            Rajkot, Gujarat
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                                                                 Farmer Story
Implementing Partner: WWF Turkey

WWF Turkey has been a BCI Implementing Partner since             Arif Karaağaç joined the BCI project being implemented by WWF Turkey
2019. In the 2019-20 season, the organization worked in          in 2019. He grows cotton on 1.58 ha of on land. The BCI field team then
85 villages with 1,125 farmers in Söke, Germencik, ncirliova,    consisted of agricultural engineers, and Arif joined the program, believing
Koçarlı, and Efeler districts.                                   that he would benefit from their knowledge and experience.

This region deals with several challenges including flood        Joining the project has helped Arif to bring down the usage of
irrigation, overuse of pesticides, and overuse of fertilizers.   agrochemicals on his farm. He says, “Before I joined the program, I followed
To meet some of these challenges, WWF Turkey has                 what my neighboring farmers were doing. I would blindly adopt the same
created a multi-stakeholder platform so that all related         practices. When they started spraying pesticides, I would immediately
parties own the problem and create a solution around             start spraying it on my farm. When they started to apply fertilizers, I would
that. One of the achievements of this platform is a modern       immediately follow that too.”
irrigation model that will be piloted soon. After a financial
                                                                 After becoming a BCI Farmer, however, Arif is
model is designed, the model will be rolled out at scale
                                                                 more aware about the pesticides and
in 2020-21 cotton season. WWF Turkey is also using an
                                                                 fertilizers that he uses in the farm. He
electronic soil analysis equipment that can analyze soil
                                                                 is also wary about the intervals at
quality in 15 minutes, making it possible for farmers to use
                                                                 which he sprays them. He says, “This
fertilizers more effectively.
                                                                 has resulted in reduced consumption
The IP says, “We wouldn’t have been able to start working        of agrochemicals on my farm and
on cotton in such an elaborate manner without partnering         brought down my input costs as
with the Better Cotton GIF. For the past two years, it has       well.”
been helping us engage in fruitful dialogues with the broad
                                                                 Arif Karaağaç
spectrum of cotton stakeholders. This has also contributed
                                                                 BCI Farmer - Turkey
a great deal to our work in the Buyuk Menderes River Basin
as part of our larger WWF landscape approach.”

A farmer under the project shares his experience of how
as a BCI Farmer he is now taking more informed decisions
about his cotton cultivation.
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Driving Innovation
Skill Development for Field Facilitators in India
Project Implementer: Kuza

In 2019, the Better Cotton GIF launched           All the FFs (634) used the learning modules,      In Phase Two of the project, the Better
an online skill development tool for Field        including a standardized assessment tool that     Cotton GIF will assess adoption of learning
Facilitators (FF) in India. The learning          enables users to identify skills gaps and then    by FFs and measure demonstration of
platform enables FFs to undertake                 suggests a personalized learning path. Sixty-     enhanced skills during farmer training
personalised and self-directed learning with      three percent of FFs (398) also completed a       by FFs. Based on the outcome of the
a view to ensure a consistent skill set across    user survey to provide feedback on the tool.      assessment, the tool will either be rolled out
Implementing Partners (IPs). The pilot was        Seventy-six percent of the respondents said       in 2020 to all IPs in Maharashtra and Gujarat,
conducted in Maharashtra and Gujarat with         that they found the tool useful, while 57% said   or expanded to include a new language; e.g.,
six IPs. As many as 504 FFs participated in       they found the training relevant to their work    Punjabi.
the initial roll-out, followed by an additional   and will regularly use the learning. However,
134 FFs.                                          82% of the survey participants indicated that
                                                  they would prefer a combination of online and
                                                  classroom learning.
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Scale Partners Management Systems Review
Project Implementers: Think Through Consulting (TTC) and KPMG

In 2019, the Better Cotton GIF carried out    (P&C) and result-based management       3. Improve quality of training and awareness plans
a Management Systems Review for our           framework. Five cross-cutting gaps         and modules developed by IPs on program
largest Implementing Partners (IPs) in        were identified, and CAPs provided.        management aspects and capacity-building
India. These Scale Partners are an integral   The review was concluded with a
                                                                                      Based on these findings, the Better Cotton GIF will
part of our ability to reach and impact       follow-up assessment to check if
                                                                                      work with KPMG Phase Two of the project, which
large number of smallholder farmers. The      the IPs had been able to address
                                                                                      will provide capacity-building for Scale Partners
rationale for the review was to identify      the gaps. The end line assessment
                                                                                      on strategic organizational management skills. The
gaps in the capacity of these IPs and to      concluded that:
                                                                                      pedagogical approach developed will then be used to
strengthen the capacity of those partners
                                              1.   There was a need to conduct        inform capacity-building for other IPs.
willing to scale up their outreach to more
                                                   refresher training on BCI Theory
than 100,000 farmers, while delivering a
                                                   of Change and P&C
high-impact program.
                                              2. Need to develop a Management
Eight IPs were assessed and provided
                                                 Information System platform to
Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) on how

                                                 be used by IPs for data collection
to improve their implementation by
                                                 and reporting                                                          Organization design

aligning it to BCI’s Principle and Criteria                                                                                and structure

                                                                                                   al m
                                                                                                                     Leadership and governance

                                                                                                               Strategic planning and decision-making

                                                                                      Stra                 Project delivery and management processes
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                                                         14

  Better Cotton Innovation Challenge                                   1) Customized learning for farmers:                        receive mentorship from experts and access to
                                                                          Farmers are treated as one homogeneous                  networking opportunities with industry leaders.
  To scale the BCI program further and in a                               group and similar content is provided                   In the end, a maximum of four global winners will
  financially viable manner, IDH and BCI set                              to them every year. We want to identify                 be awarded the prize and potentially have the
  up a global innovation platform, The Better                             innovations that will lead to BCI Farmers               opportunity to launch their innovation.
  Cotton Innovation Challenge, to identify                                receiving customized trainings based
  solutions that can transform the way cotton                                                                                     The Innovation Challenge will create an open
                                                                          on their specific needs, preferences, and
  is produced today.                                                                                                              pipeline of ideas that, with Better Cotton GIF
                                                                          knowledge gaps.
                                                                                                                                  seed funding, will be developed into new viable
  Funded by the Better Cotton GIF and                                  2) Efficiency of Data Collection and                       service delivery models to improve farmer
  developed in partnership with Dalberg, the                              Documentation: Field Facilitators desire                livelihoods and achieve greater field-level impact.
  Challenge seeks to involve a global pool                                to spend more time training farmers, but                Through the Challenge, the Better Cotton
  of innovators to develop innovations that                               50-70% of their total time is spent on                  GIF aims to drive an independent process for
  have the potential to drive breakthrough                                data collection.                                        pioneering pipeline development and funding,
  performance at field level and enable BCI to                                                                                    and to utilize its expertise and vast network of
  achieve scale in a more efficient way, with                             As for any verification model, quality data             partners to actively drive and enable innovation
  higher learning and adoption outcomes.                                  is imperative to ensure that the cotton                 in the cotton sector, addressing the many
                                                                          is indeed produced more sustainably.                    challenges it faces today.
  This first round of the Innovation Challenge                            Data collection helps assert compliance
  was launched in November 2019 and                                       of Better Cotton production practices                   At the time of publishing this report, a jury
  focused on two opportunity areas that were                              on the ground and track the progress of                 composed of external experts, alongside BCI, IDH
  shortlisted after thorough exploration and                              farmers.                                                and Dalberg have selected the 5 semi finalists
  consultation with BCI on ongoing challenges                                                                                     that will move to next phase of the Better
  and gaps in implementation.                                          Innovators will undergo three competitive                  Cotton Innovation Challenge, pilot testing the
                                                                       application stages through 2020 and                        innovations and looking at ways to scale further.
                      1                             2                               3                            4
                Application               Detailed Proposal                   On-Ground                    Final Award
                                                                               Testing                                             The winner(s) will receive significant
                 ~8 weeks                     4-6 weeks                       8-10 weeks                     2 weeks               recognition, prize money (up to
                                            20 semifinalist                  5 semifinalist              1-4 semifinalist
                                                                                                                                   €135,000), and the potential to
What?       First public window for    First shortlist of applicants          Second shortlist of      Final selection basedon
          innovators to apply to the
          Challenge via a simple and
                                            working towards a
                                       detailed proposal for jury
                                                                            innovators developing
                                                                           and testing the product/
                                                                                                       evaluation of on-ground
                                                                                                       testing and awarding of
                                                                                                                                   launch their innovation with over 2
           open online application
                                                evaluation                          service           prize to Challenge winner
                                                                                                                                   million farmers.
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                                                        15

Key Better Cotton GIF Meetings 2019
                  21-23 January:                                                    24 June 2019:                                                    7 November 2019:
           Field Impact and Innovation                                       Field Impact and Innovation                                     Buyer and Investor Committee (BIC)
                Committee (FIIC)                                                  Committee (FIIC)                                           The BIC team met in Bonn, Germany.
            The FIIC met in Utrecht, The                                     The FIIC met in Amsterdam,                                       The team confirmed their support
            Netherlands, and approved                                        The Netherlands, at Fashion                                       to Better Cotton GIF 2020 AOP
             53 projects for investment                                       for Good to set the Better                                      and agreed to update its terms of
           from 35 applicants across six                                     Cotton GIF funding priorities                                    reference in the following months.
                     countries.                                              and strategy for the 2020-21

                                                       June                                                            October

                       January                                                           June                                                             November

                                               11-13 June 2019:                                                15-25 October 2019:
                                  BCI Global Cotton Sustainability Conference                                RFP face-to-face meetings
                                BCI hosted its annual global cotton conference                               In August, the Better Cotton
                                  in Shanghai, China, bringing the entire sector                               GIF launched its Request
                             together, including retailers and brands, supply chain                              for Proposal (RFP) for
                              partners, CSOs, and government representatives, to                               BCI implementation in the
                              collaborate on a more sustainable future for cotton.                            2020-21 season. In October,
                                                                                                                 applicants were invited
                                                 12 June 2019:                                                 for face-to-face meetings
                                      Buyer and Investor Committee (BIC)                                         to discuss their project
                                               Shanghai, China                                                  proposal with the Better
                                   The BIC is a platform that operates within the                                Cotton GIF secretariat,
                                 governance framework of the Better Cotton GIF,                                 in preparation for a final
                                 which allows representative brands and retailers                             investment decision by the
                                  to provide input on investment decisions, share                                 FIIC in January 2020.
                                 knowledge, and propose new strategic initiatives
                                   that support the supply and demand of Better
Cotton Yearbook 2019                 16

Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                                            17

                                                                                                   Where We Work
In Mozambique, agriculture production              This starts with developing the household
– predominately rain-fed agriculture –             and community as a reliable safety net and
contributes 25% to GDP and is the main             implementing a holistic livelihood approach
economic activity for many people.                 for robust asset development and risk                                                               Cabo Delgado

Smallholder farmers represent 95% of the           mitigation.
country’s agricultural production.
                                                   The Mozambique Climate Resilience Program
                                                                                                                                        Titimane                Namialo
Located on Africa’s Southeastern coast,            (the “Program”) works with four private
Mozambique suffers from periodic cyclones,         sector partners – Olam, San JFS, Plexus, and                                                    Palacua

droughts, floods, and related epidemics.           SANAM – with additional technical support             Tete
Climate change will likely exacerbate this         from Action for Food Production (AFPRO),
existing climate variability and result in more    to increase farmer resilience against                                               Zambezia

severe droughts, unpredictable rains, floods       volatile weather conditions and poverty by
and uncontrolled fires. This, combined with        employing a coordinated and multi-pillar
the fact that agriculture is currently practiced   approach that leverages access to water and
on less than 10% of arable land – whilst           training on good agricultural practices. This                            Sofala
lacking access to credit, markets, high quality    is intended to increase farmer productivity,
inputs – makes the sector, and especially its      provide access to alternative livelihood
smallholder farmers, extremely vulnerable to       activities, diversify income, and improve
external shocks.                                   food intake. The program aims to equip
                                                   farming communities with the ability to make
For these reasons, ensuring the resiliency of
                                                   informed decisions on their farming practices
smallholder farmers against climate change                                                                               Inhambane
                                                   and to help them gain access to multiple             Gaza
and other shocks is essential to securing the
                                                   livelihood options. Farmer households are
agricultural productivity as well as the health
                                                   offered a variety of tools for empowerment
and well-being of Mozambique and its people.
                                                   and a greater chance to institutionalize a
It requires mitigating the impact of climate
                                                   systemic change that will lead to improved          Maputo
change by de-risking farmer livelihoods and
                                                   livelihoods, increased economic security, and
maximizing all possible and existing assets.
                                                   overall improvement in health and the quality
                                                   of life.
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                         18

Program Funding

By leveraging investments from our private
sector partners, with match-funded support
from the Dutch Embassy of Mozambique
and IDH, we have developed and are now
testing an innovative model that supports
diversification. The aim is to ultimately
increase sustainable performance and
profitability and reduce smallholder farmers’
dependency on a single cash crop for their

IDH supports the program in its three roles
of convening, piloting, and co-funding.

2019 Summary
                                                 A gender study was conducted in partnership      Working across the five project sites and with
In the second year of the Program, over          with Solidaridad Southern Africa to improve      our private sector partners has proved to be
EUR 385,000 in public and private sector         our understanding of the social dynamics         a very effective way of testing the Program’s
contributions were invested to service 484       within our intervention communities and to       theory of change and for understanding
direct beneficiaries across the five projects.   help further improve the Program design.         the common denominators for maximizing
With the completion of most water                Overall, the Program continues to progress       the impact at the farmer and business level.
harvesting and water management                  in its second year of implementation,            While the pillars of our work remain the
structures and some rebuilding that was          especially at the community level, where         same, the local conditions and organizational
required due to unexpected flooding,             water availability has visibly improved living   approach of each of our partners vary. These
farmers were able to leverage the                conditions and established new livelihood        differences have enriched our experiences,
available water for cotton production,           opportunities in the communities. IDH            yielding best practices that can be shared
crop diversification, and animal husbandry       and its partners continue to sharpen their       with and applied by others.
activities. Additional support was also          understanding of the local realities and
provided for the community-level                 evaluate the successes and failures of the
entrepreneurs to increase the availability of    implementation activities through continuous
solar energy technology services.                engagement with the communities.
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                               19

Access to Water
                                                 essential component of the Program for              site. All activities received additional support
In this second year of implementation we
                                                 establishing ownership and ensuring long-           from AFPRO, who advised the partners’
have observed visible improvements in the
                                                 term sustainability of the structures. While        village coordinators on land preparation,
capacity of the partners and local contractors
                                                 the structures can now be leveraged to              selection of crops and varieties, planting, and
for developing the water infrastructure.
                                                 harvest additional water in most project sites,     irrigation methods. The training also covered
Continuous involvement and on-site training
                                                 natural weathering and sudden and heavy             nursery preparation, seedling transplantation,
have helped improve the capacity of the local
                                                 rainfalls will demand additional repair work in     fertilizers and pesticides application,
communities, which is essential for ensuring
                                                 the future.                                         scheduling irrigation, and harvesting
they have the knowledge and tools to
conduct repairs independently in the future.     Crop Diversification
This season, approximately 370 community                                                             The growing success of horticultural
members across the five villages were            In our second year of implementation, our
                                                                                                     cultivation by the leading group of farmers
involved in the activities, with support from    senior agronomist continued to support and
                                                                                                     has resulted in positive spillover effects, with
AFPRO’s engineers.                               monitor the implementation of second crop
                                                                                                     other farmers wanting to join the Program to
                                                 activities across all villages, providing on-site
                                                                                                     receive training and make use of previously
Community engagement and capacity-               training and demonstrations at each project
                                                                                                     unproductive land.
building is and will continue to be an
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                          20

Animal Husbandry                              Cotton Production                                 for weeding and pest management; and
                                                                                                training on good agriculture practices.
In this second year of implementation,        This season, trust and engagement between
communities received refresher trainings      the cotton concessionaires and farmers            Access to Energy
on animal and health management and           continued to improve with increasing
                                                                                                The partners and entrepreneurs developed
additional support from local district        appetite and commitment to grow cotton.
                                                                                                a business model and repayment
offices for vaccines and other veterinary     The partners were able to service a total
                                                                                                mechanism for the solar kits that ensures
support services.                             of 519 farmers compared to 189 farmers
                                                                                                ownership and long-term sustainability.
                                              in the previous season. This is the result
We found that individual management                                                             In this model, the entrepreneurs agreed
                                              of increasing farmer confidence in soil
of animal husbandry activities is more                                                          to pay for 30% to 50% of the cost of the
                                              conservation and land development activities
effective for ensuring proper management                                                        solar panel and equipment, which was
                                              of the Program and improvements in land
of chickens and goats than enforcing                                                            then match-funded by the Program’s
                                              management by farmers with better access
shared responsibility. This coming                                                              investment.
                                              to extension services, along with stabilization
season, we will continue to explore best
                                              of the price of cotton.                           Since the first year of implementation, the
practices for individual management and
                                                                                                mobile charging services made available
establishing a governance system for          The coming season will continue to focus on
                                                                                                through the solar kits has increased
distributing successfully bred offspring to   building the trust and confidence with the
                                                                                                interest in the community to further invest
new beneficiaries.                            farmers; timely supply of inputs and support
                                                                                                in solar energy and replicate the model.
                                                                                                However, the upfront investment that’s
                                                                                                required continues to be a challenge.

                                                                                                In the coming season, we will continue to
                                                                                                find solutions for the ongoing challenges
                                                                                                and build a stronger business model to
                                                                                                expand the activities in the villages and
                                                                                                benefit more community members.
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                       21

Digital Micro-Learning Toolkit for Farmer
Capacity-Building                                               Farmer Narrative
We’ve partnered with Kuza – a leading social technology
                                                                Salvador Daissene is a BCI farmer from Niassa province in
enterprise that specializes in developing micro-learning
                                                                Mozambique. He has joined the BCI project being implemented by
content – to develop digital training materials on:
                                                                SAN-JFS in the region. He has been growing cotton and other crops
i.     good agricultural practices for cotton and three other   since 2002. In 2019-20, he cultivated cotton in 11 ha, corn in 4 ha, and
       high-value crops                                         sugarcane in 5 ha land. He also has a small garden in which he grows
ii.    poultry management                                       tomato, cabbage and onion.
iii.   watershed management
                                                                His main income is from the cotton crop, which helps him to sponsor
iv.    farm planning and decision-making                        studies for his three children. He believes that BCI is good not only
v.     crop-budgeting and group-saving                          for environment but also for the cotton-growing community. He
                                                                has attended several trainings by SAN-JFS, in which he learned to
Additionally, Kuza will provide access to the learning
                                                                improve culture management practices, pest
materials through a digital kit that can successfully operate
                                                                monitoring and pesticide management.
off-grid in even the remotest areas of Mozambique. An
entrepreneur from each project site will be trained on          He has also been focusing on the “decent
providing crop advisory services to farmers using Kuza’s        work” aspect on his farms. Since he
digital toolkit.                                                owns more than 20 ha, he regularly hires
                                                                temporary workers and local community
The aim of this project is to provide farmers with more
                                                                members for land-clearing, sowing,
dynamic and engaging training material and a platform that
                                                                weeding, thinning, pesticide application, and
allows farmers to learn at their own pace and time, which,
                                                                harvesting. In addition to cash payments, he
when combined, will increase adoption of more sustainable
                                                                also gives meals to his workers.
                       agricultural practices leading to
                       improvements in livelihoods and          Salvador Daissene
                                     resilience.                BCI Farmer - Mozambique
Cotton Yearbook 2019   22

Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                 23

As the largest cotton growing state in the country, Maharashtra covers about 34% of total
cotton area and contributes to 17% of the production. However, in comparison with most
other states in 5-700 range, Maharashtra produces significantly low yields of 398 kgs/ha, due
to a variety of reason including rainfed dependence, pest attacks, poor soil quality among
others. Given Maharashtra’s position as a major agricultural hub, combined with these major
challenges faced by smallholder cotton farmers, there is significant potential for IDH to align
Maharashtra’s cotton landscape with national and global sustainable production agendas.

Building Public Private Collaboration             Maharashtra Cotton Water Platform

Expert Group Meetings with the                    IDH, in collaboration with 2030 Water
Government of Maharashtra                         Resource Group (2030WRG) under an MoU
                                                  signed in April 2017, lead the development
In 2019, IDH signed an MOU with the
                                                  of the initiatives and working groups under
Maharashtra government under the
                                                  the Maharashtra Cotton Water Platform in
World Bank-funded project to promote
                                                  its Phase 1 till December 2019. Established
sustainable agriculture – State of Maharashtra
                                                  under the broader Maharashtra Water Multi-
Agribusiness and Rural Transformation
                                                  Stakeholder Platform, the Maharashtra
(SMART) – with the goal of strengthening
                                                  Cotton Water Platform was formed under the
off-taker relationships with 4,000 cotton
                                                  guidance and leadership of the Department of
                                                  Agriculture, bringing together representatives
IDH continued the sub-national government         from the public sector, global and local cotton
engagement through participation in value         supply chain actors, financial institutions, and
chain consultations for the SMART project,        civil society to deliver innovative solutions
as well as expert consultations for the Public-   to improve water use efficiency, increase the
Private Partnership for Integrated Agriculture    income of the cotton farming communities,
Development (PPP-IAD) program.                    and support partnerships with cotton supply
                                                  chain actors.
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                           24

In 2019, IDH co-hosted a Platform meeting on May 9th that focussed on two key
discussion themes:
                                                                                                  Converting Insights to
Theme #1: Financing for Water-efficient           Theme #2: Partnerships for area-based
forms of Irrigation to Cotton farmers             approaches to pest management
                                                                                                  As convenor of the Maharashtra Cotton
This theme revealed commonly known                The potential for an area-based approach        Water platform, IDH also led the
challenges that bankers face when working         for pest management in Maharashtra’s            development of two sector reports –
with smallholder farmers which included:          cotton belt was explored. It was discussed      conceptualised and delivered through a
                                                  that for an effective area-based approach       consultative process involving 60+ key
•   Lack of credit history at individual          at scale, certain elements need to be           government, industry, civil society and
    farmer level                                  plugged in including monitoring weather         finance-sector actors. These sector reports
•   Need for a contiguous area where banks        at smaller scales for more accurate crop-       in Maharashtra - ‘Towards Doubling Cotton
    can work with multiple farmers so as to       weather models, Monitoring of the farmers’      Farmer Incomes’ (based on the Prime
    reduce overall transaction costs              adoption of recommended practices as            Minister’s strategic agenda to drive livelihood
                                                  well as an understanding of crops-use of        security) and, a ‘Business Case for Gender
•   The need for farmer segments where                                                            Mainstreaming in Cotton’ on the gender
                                                  chemicals in multi-cropping/ intercropping
    there is multi-cropping and in general                                                        division of roles and responsibilities on
    diversification of livelihoods are more                                                       the farm, participation in decision-making
    financeable, as there is fallback in cases    The discussion also explored how Artificial     and access to productive resources, were
    of particular crop losses and therefore       Intelligence based solutions could be           launched in May 2019 at a launch event
    reduction in risks for the banks              incorporated to support area-based              which included 100+ people across 60+
                                                  surveillance, intervention and monitoring.      organizations from the sector.
Some models of outreach were also
                                                  A benefit of this approach is that it would
proposed including working with FPOs to
                                                  add a level of verification and document
attain credit guarantees from Government
                                                  data point for further analysis and record
schemes as well as a tripartite agreement
                                                  purposes. It would also be real time and
for irrigation between the bank, farmer
                                                  can be built for purpose when it comes to
and the ultimate off-taker. These were
                                                  dissemination for advisory. As a platform
explored further in a closed-door
                                                  member, Wadhwani AI for Social Good
consultation between the Chair of MCWP
                                                  took the lead in following up with individual
(and Project Director – Project on Climate
                                                  members to further build out their AI
Resilient Agriculture) and leading financial
                                                  solution on integrated pest management
institutions to apply to their access to credit
                                                  being piloted in Maharashtra.
strategy in the project areas.
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                             25

Establishing the Business Case of Integrating Women                         Establishing the Business Case of Investing in Smallholder
Cultivators in Maharashtra                                                  Livelihoods

Women play a critical role                                                  The report — ‘Towards Doubling Cotton
in cotton cultivation. To                         Delivering High Impact.
                                                                            Farmer Incomes in Maharashtra’ —
assess their potential, IDH                                                 outlines a strategy towards doubling
commissioned ‘Business case             Business case                       net household income of Indian farmers.
                                          for gender                                                                       Towards doubling
for gender mainstreaming in             mainstreaming
                                                                                                                         CoTTon Farmer inComes
                                         in cotton in                       This study assesses a range of
cotton in Maharashtra’ report,           Maharashtra                                                                        in maharashTra
                                                                            intervention strategies (decreased
which presents findings from
                                                                            cost of cultivation, increase in yield,
gender analysis of cotton
                                                                            adhering to market requirements,
cultivation in Maharashtra,
                                                                            moving beyond cotton, and livelihood
conducted by IDH and
                                                                            diversification) that could potentially
Sattva. The analysis built
                                                                            contribute to increasing cotton farmers’
an understanding of the
                                                                            incomes, quantifying the economics of
gender division of roles and
                                                                            implementation, and the incremental
responsibilities in the farm
                                                                            value added.
and the burden of labour,
participating in decision-making and access to productive                   The study also identified game changer solutions transform the
resources and ecosystem support in the form of trainings,                   entire cotton value chain – one example of this was Lint Based
finance, extension services and government schemes.                         Marketing. In the cotton value chain, the common system uses an
The study examined both the economic contributions of                       expert to subjectively price seed cotton on the basis of weight
women cultivators on the farm and the various barriers                      and quality. Under the proposed LBM, fast, accurate and unbiased
that limit their role in cultivation.                                       machine readings could be used to price cotton lint for weight and
                                                                            quality, while rewarding producers for producing cotton of such
Taking to Action: Informed by findings of this study, IDH
will be working with BCI to pilot interventions to integrate
women co-farmers in BCI farms in Maharashtra. The pilot,                    Taking to Action: Going forward, IDH will pilot this approach with
planned for 2020, is designed to be a scalable model                        participation from progressive actors in the cotton value chain
that can be replicated seamlessly across implementing                       and the state government to assess the additional value that can
partners and geographies, to drive economic and                             be shared with smallholder farmers and the scope for a wider
social sustainability of cotton production through                          adoption in the sector
mainstreaming of women cotton cultivators.
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                    26

From The Field: Securing Smallholder Livelihoods                                                Gender at a Program Planning Level

in Rainfed Maharashtra – Jalna, Maharashtra                                                 •    Gender analysis through FGD at all
                                                                                                 37 villages
At the field level, the project implemented
                                                                                            •    Gender sensitization training of all
by Watershed Organization Trust in
                                                                                                 staff of WOTR
Maharashtra scaled from four to thirty-seven
villages, engaging 6,300 farmers through                                                    •    Ensuring at least 40% representation
an integrated, participatory and gender-                                                         of women in baseline/endline
inclusive approach of agro-meteorological                                                        assessments (40%)
advisory services, training on good                                                         •    Ensuring at least 40% representation
agricultural practices, and community-based                                                      of women in selected para-
watershed management                                                                             agronomists/ master trainers
In 2019, the program demonstrated a high                                                    •    Gender Planning guided by IDH
level of local community self- contribution      in costs of production and over 1/3rd of        study on the business case for
towards watershed works (creating wage           the project farmers taking up a second          mainstreaming women’s roles in
employment of over 75,000 man days) to           crop owing to improved soil and water           cotton cultivation
deliver on results that exceeded the set         management activities. .
targets for 2019 - yielding a 20% reduction

Watershed Activities

Through the implementation of watershed activities as part
of this project, water harvesting potential of 766 TCM has
been created through various structures which will lead to
increased water availability and area under irrigation. The
treated catchment area of 1,896 ha will also be protected from
soil erosion and consequently, soil moisture will be retained.
The watershed works have also created wage employment
of 75,840 person-days in summer months, during which
agricultural activity is restricted on account of limited access
to water.
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                                    27

Good Agricultural Practices                        in the 30 project villages were trained          AE program started out strongly in Jalna,
                                                   on understanding of water availability,          reaching 6 blocks and more than 40 villages.
Farmers were also trained on Good                  community’s existing needs and                   To bring quality agri-services to the cotton
Agriculture practices such as Deep                 requirements of water, equitable sharing of      farmers, 19 rural youth agri-entrepreneurs
Ploughing, Soil Testing, and Intercropping         excess water and dynamics of groundwater         were selected and trained at the Center
while soil samples were collected from             withdrawals. This consideration of various       of Excellence, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra.
around 3000 farmers enabling them to               local claims on water resources in the           They are currently undergoing business
calculate and plan fertiliser requirement          village has provided communities with a          plan preparation and mentorship, to deliver
based on the recommendations on soil               strong basis for making decisions regarding      essential services in the areas of inputs, credit
health cards. 4,031 farmers were linked            appropriate cropping patterns, area to be        and market linkages.
to 9 automatic weather stations allowing           taken for cultivation, the irrigation method
for informed decisions on crop cultivation         etc. so as to optimize output per drop of
based on timely and weather specific               water.
advisories received. Overall, the project
reported that nearly 80% of the trained            Developing Service Delivery Models for
farmers had demonstrated improved                  Agri-services
practices as a result.
                                                   A new partnership was formed with
                                                   Syngenta Foundation India (SFI), to
                                                   integrate the Agri-Entrepreneur (AE)
                                                   model into the project areas in Jalna. In this
                                                   model, SFI selects and trains unemployed
                                                   village youth to provide products and
                                                   services to 150-200 smallholders in
                                                   two to three villages. The AE network
                                                   replaces conventional and inadequate
                                                   ‘point solutions’ with one holistic provider,
Figure 2 Snake and Ladder themed training on GAP   whereby the AEs provide fee-based services
                                                   includes credit access and market linkages,
Community-based Water Budgeting                    as well as access to high-quality inputs and
                                                   farming advice. Each AE has to come from
Water Budgeting is an exercise geared              one of the villages she or he serves: trusting
towards ensuring optimum and most                  relationships are crucial.
efficient use of water. Community members
                                                                                                       Figure 3 Automated Weather Stations for Hyper-
                                                                                                                    locale crop advisories
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                      28

Key Project Results:
No. producers and community members trained on sustainable production        Cost of cultivation

                                                        Annual Output        Crop          Baseline          Avg. cost of cultivation
Topic                             Baseline
                                                 Male     Female     Total   Cotton - cost “Rs. 9,338 per   “Rs. 7,488 per acre
                                                                             of cultivation acre (HH Survey (Farmer diary 2019 of
Good Agricultural Practices
                                     0           3319       1870     5189                   data 2018)”     representative farmers)”
(farmer training)
Water budgeting (Jalsewaks)          0           47           8       55
                                                                             Indicators                        Baseline       Achieved
Soil testing (farmers)               0           2377       1244     3621
                                                                                                                             (Year 2019)
Empowerment of women/                                                        Area protected from soil          1,500 ha        3,352 ha
                                     0           465          437     902
gender (FGD)                                                                 erosion and moisture retained
                                                                             Increase in acess to water       8,775 TCM       9,541 TCM
No. of producers reached by service delivery
                                                                             (water harvesting potential)
                                                        Annual Output        Improved use of water as a        5 villages    30 villages
Topic                             Baseline                                   resource - water budgets
                                                 Male     Female     Total
                                                                             Increase in area under            1,800 ha        2,125 ha
Microirrigation devices              0            61          0         61   irrigation
Soil testing                         0           2139       670      2809    Increase in farmers taking          1,050          1,965
                                                                             second crop
Crop advisories                      0           3672         359    4031
Trap crop seeds                      0           756          252    1008
Vermicmposting bed                   0           64           11      75

No. of smallholder producers organized/aggregated by the program

Topic                                                   Mid-term Output

                                                       Male         Female

Farmer Producer Organizations                           409          74

Self-Help Groups                                        0            1405
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                      29

             Hrishikesh Pagire

             Hrishikesh Pagire of Pagirwadi village shares
             his experience of how passionate he is
             about natural farming and how the project
             initiatives helped him to learn new things
             about crop diversification in his field with
             increased productivity and less risk.

             Pagirwadi is a small village in Ambad
             taluka of Jalna district in Maharashtra. The
             green patch in the village was a surprising
             element in this parched area of Marathwada.
             Hrishikesh Pagire, a second year commerce
             student, is practicing the organic farming
             methods on his agriculture land. In his very
             first attempt, he has earned a profit of Rs.
             60,000 on cotton crop against an investment
             of Rs. 10,000 on two acres of land.

             Hrishikesh is very concerned about his
             farmland and the fertility of soil; this is
             why he decided to adopt organic farming
                                                              training session, Hrishikesh got detailed       Hrishikesh has already decided to live in
             practices to win the battle against severe
                                                              information about organic farming practices.    his own village and to take up farming as
             drought conditions. His strong desire to
                                                              He narrated his experience at the training      a full-time career. On organic farming, he
             learn organic farming methods has finally
                                                              session with conviction:“It was really worth    says, “Saving water and the environment is
             been realized with the dedicated support
                                                              it staying there for 4 days and learning so     the need of the hour. We must protect our
             from WOTR, which is actively working in the
                                                              many things about agriculture. I successfully   own environment and try different methods
             drought prone areas spreading awareness
                                                              completed the session, which motivated me       of organic farming to get more agriculture
             about organic farming. During the agricultural
                                                              to become a successful farmer.”                 production by using less water.”
Cotton Yearbook 2019                                                                                                                       30

Premchand Bhagchand Naglot

Premchand Bhagchand Naglot is the
Sarpanch of the village Dhangar Pimpalgaon
in Ambad taluka of Jalna district in
Maharashtra. He is also one of the farmers
who directly benefitted from the one of
the two check dams built in the village. He
narrates how the construction of the check
dam has helped him.

“Ours is a small village of about 250 families
and we have always faced water scarcity
in the past. In summer, water tankers used
to ply regularly bringing drinking water to
the village. For too long we ignored the
plight of the cattle in the village due to
paucity of fodder and water. Under such
conditions, WOTR started a project in our
village to increase the water retention
capacity of the land through different soil
and water conservation measures. In this
project, watershed development work was          to increase our agriculture yield. Farmers     Agricultural yield has improved. The important
undertaken to harvest rainwater. Various         in the villages are also applying organic      thing is that we have green fodder available
area and drainage line treatments were done      formulations on their crops and trying         for my animals; I am cultivating fodder for
following the ridge-to-valley approach that      to reduce the dependence on the use of         animal feed. I am growing maize in the rabi
included two check dams and 16 earthen           chemical fertilizers and pesticides.”          season because of the water availability. I am
gully plugs.                                                                                    also growing pigeon pea and cotton. With the
                                                 “Personally, I have immensely benefited from
                                                                                                water available, I am growing vegetables all
Our village is reaping the benefits of the       the check dam built on the stream near my
                                                                                                year round, which was not the case earlier,” he
project by following sustainable agriculture     farm. Thanks to the check dam, I have water
practices that we’ve been advised to follow      available in my both bore well and well.
You can also read