Godzilla Methodology Means for Determining Center of Gravity
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Marine amphibious assault vehicles maneuver back to USS Tortuga at Hat Yao Beach, Krabi Province, Thailand, as part of joint/combined exercise Cobra Gold 2012 (U.S. Marine Corps/Courtney White) Godzilla Methodology Means for Determining Center of Gravity By James P. Butler hat are enemy force capabili- staffs need to address in planning mili- how to determine the center of gravity. W ties? Where does the enemy derive its strength? What are the enemy’s objectives? Combatant tary operations. One of the terms commonly used while conducting an analysis of enemy How does a military planner or analyst determine the “it”? How does a military commander determine his own center of commanders are often tasked with iden- force capabilities is center of gravity. gravity so he can protect it? This article tifying which enemy forces will need to Military analysts and historians com- attempts to identify a methodology for be attacked, destroyed, or neutralized monly refer to a force or capability as determining centers of gravity. in order to achieve established military the “enemy center of gravity,” meaning The term center of gravity first objectives. These are some of the ques- that this force is of such strength that appeared in Michael Howard and tions combatant commanders and their it will need to be addressed (attacked, Peter Paret’s translation of Carl von destroyed, or neutralized) to achieve the Clausewitz’s immortal discussion of objective of the operation. Although warfare On War.1 Clausewitz actually Dr. James P. Butler is a Professor of Joint Military use of this term is common, seldom used the German term Schwerpunkt to Operations at the Naval War College. does anyone offer an explanation for describe “that area where the greatest 26 Forum / Means for Determining Center of Gravity JFQ 72, 1st Quarter 2014
concentration of enemy troops can be destroyed; and finally he indicates that the commanders need to know what to at- found.”2 In the English translation of the purpose of this destruction is to achieve tack (the enemy center of gravity) and book, center of gravity is defined as “the a political or military objective. If one what to defend (the friendly center of hub of all power and movement, on which were to look at Operation Desert Storm in gravity). Rapidly attacking the enemy everything depends. That is the point August of 1990 for an example of center center of gravity may be a determining against which all our energies should be of gravity, analysis would identify Saddam factor in the outcome of war. directed.”3 This definition indicates that a Hussein and his inner circle security ap- For years, commanders and their staffs center of gravity is not just any concentra- paratus as the enemy strategic center of have struggled to correctly identify centers tion of military strength, but the source of gravity and the Republican Guard as the of gravity. If an enemy has multiple forces strength that must be attacked. operational center of gravity.7 Although that are strong and formidable, how does Planners and analysts of modern Saddam had multiple critical strengths a planner determine which one is the cen- warfare expend great time and energy (for example, an integrated air defense ter of gravity? For example, enemy sources analyzing enemy force capabilities to pre- system, land-based ballistic missiles, of strength may include a strong army, pare for military operations. Where does missile-armed surface combatant ships, superior navy, and formidable air force. the enemy derive its strength? What is the and sea mine inventories and delivery Which force should commanders devote enemy’s source of power? Analysis may platforms) available during this operation, their maximum effort toward attacking, reveal that a particular leader is the source the Republican Guard was the source of neutralizing, or destroying? of power at the strategic level of war or power used to achieve his objective of that an elite division or army component occupying and holding Kuwait. That was Center of Gravity Analysis is the source of power at the operational the force the allies needed to degrade, In answering these questions, Vego pro- level.4 These sources of power where the neutralize, or destroy to prevent Saddam poses that commanders and their staffs enemy derives its strength are commonly from achieving his operational objective conduct an analysis of objectives and the referred to as centers of gravity. of defeating or neutralizing the coali- military situation to determine centers Joint doctrine defines center of gravity tion force attempting to liberate Kuwait, of gravity. The purpose of analyzing the as “a source of power that provides moral which was linked to his strategic objective military situation is to determine critical or physical strength, freedom of action, of retaining Kuwait as a 19th province.8 factors, which are things “considered or will to act.”5 Joint doctrine also speci- essential for the accomplishment of the fies that centers of gravity may be found Why Is This Important? specific military objective.”11 Critical at all three levels of war (strategic, opera- Commanders need to effectively factors can be tangible (physical things tional, and tactical) and that they should employ their forces in order to enhance that can be measured or touched) or be nested, meaning the destruction of an their ability to achieve objectives. The intangible (abstract things that are dif- operational-level center of gravity should strength of forces needs to be applied ficult to measure). For example, in mea- have a major impact on the strategic cen- toward achieving objectives, not wasted suring the tangible aspects of an army ter of gravity. For example, destruction on secondary, insignificant actions. division, one could count the number of an operational-level center of gravity Many of the principles of war directly of troops or tanks or artillery pieces (for example, an elite army division) will apply in determining the importance assigned to the unit. Intangible factors impact the strategic center of gravity (the of centers of gravity.9 For example, the of the army division might include a nation’s will to fight). commander should direct the operation discussion of unit morale, training, or Milan Vego, one of the foremost the- toward a clearly defined goal (which warfighting ability. orists on operational warfare, emphasizes emphasizes the principle of objective). In addition to identifying tangible the importance of identifying the center The commander should also concen- and intangible factors, Vego proposes di- of gravity and defines it as “a source of trate the effects of combat power at viding critical factors into two categories: massed strength—physical or moral—or the most advantageous place and time critical strengths and critical weaknesses. a source of leverage whose serious deg- (emphasizes the principle of mass) and Critical strengths are “primary sources of radation, dislocation, neutralization, or minimize the expending of combat physical or moral potential/power or ele- destruction would have the most decisive power on secondary efforts (emphasiz- ments that integrate, protect, and sustain impact on the enemy’s or one’s own ing economy of force).10 Although all the specific sources of combat potential/ ability to accomplish a given political/ principles of war can be addressed to power.”12 Determination of what forces military objective.”6 The value of Vego’s varying degrees in this way, their rel- are critical is based on the good judg- definition is that he addresses three key evance is not as direct. ment and experience of commanders and aspects of a center of gravity. First, he Time is also a critical element their staffs. Elements are deemed critical identifies the center of gravity as a source in warfare. The efforts of the com- strengths if they affect or potentially af- of physical or moral strength; he then in- mander should be synchronized toward fect accomplishment of the objective. dicates that this source of strength should achieving the objective in the shortest Critical weaknesses are sources of power, be degraded, dislocated, neutralized, or possible time. To be successful in warfare, essential for accomplishing the objective, JFQ 72, 1st Quarter 2014 Butler 27
USS John C. Stennis and USS George Washington in Andaman Sea with their carrier strike groups (U.S. Navy/Kenneth Abbate) that are grossly inadequate to accomplish if the attacking force had the ability to How does one know if he has selected the mission.13 At the operational level exploit this vulnerability. On the other the correct center of gravity? Even if one of war, a force might be considered as hand, identification of critical strengths explicitly followed Vego’s recommenda- a critical weakness if it were necessary as critical vulnerabilities is often more tion for conducting an analysis of force to accomplish the objective and it was difficult. Determination of vulnerabilities capabilities, one could still select the considered to be deficient in some aspect in elements considered critical strengths wrong element on the critical strength such as mobility, firepower, doctrine, mo- is possible, especially if one considers at- list. This could be a costly error if forces rale, or training. In determining critical tacking logistic support or sustainment were wasted attacking the wrong center strengths and weaknesses, it is essential requirements. For example, if a carrier of gravity. The Godzilla Methodology to keep military objectives in mind. strike group (a naval force composed of a was developed to resolve this problem Consideration should be given only to carrier and multiple cruisers, destroyers, and assist military planners in determin- those elements (critical strengths or criti- frigates, and submarines) is identified as a ing which element on a list of critical cal weaknesses) that have some effect on critical strength, its vulnerability may be strengths is the correct center of gravity. accomplishing the objective. its logistic support. Rather than attacking Continuing to follow Vego’s analytical the carrier strike group directly, an enemy The Godzilla Methodology construct, other factors to be considered might attack this force indirectly by tar- Since Godzilla first terrorized Japan in are those that are vulnerable to attack. geting its supply ships. Ishiro Honda’s 1954 film (appropri- Those elements (critical strengths or Having identified critical strengths, ately titled Godzilla), this monster has critical weaknesses) open to attack or ex- critical weaknesses, and critical vulnerabil- wreaked havoc on civilizations through- ploitation because of some deficiency are ities, the next step in determining center out the world.16 As a fictional creature identified by Vego as critical vulnerabili- of gravity is to look at the list of elements born from the fallout of atomic bomb ties.14 It is often easier to identify elements considered critical strengths. One of the testing in the Pacific, this giant quasi- considered critical weaknesses as critical elements on that list is the center of grav- dinosaur has gained popularity as both vulnerabilities because their deficiency ity, a critical strength that is essential for a destructive monster and as a hero, a may lend itself to the reason the force achieving the objective. This is where the defender of friends. is vulnerable to attack. For example, an analysis could lead to problems and er- Godzilla had the power to reach out infantry battalion (composed of approxi- rors—the misidentification of the center and destroy antagonist forces and protect mately 850 men) might be considered a of gravity is a common mistake. The cen- friendly forces from harm. For example, critical weakness because it does not pos- ter of gravity may not be the strongest or as an antagonist, he was depicted sinking sess the ability to defend itself from attack largest force on the critical strength list. ships, downing aircraft, and even destroy- from the air.15 This same deficiency might Reasoning must be employed to deter- ing cities; as a hero, he was depicted as lead those conducting the analysis to mine which critical strength is necessary defending friends from imminent de- consider this force a critical vulnerability to achieve the objective. struction by other mythical monsters. 28 Forum / Means for Determining Center of Gravity JFQ 72, 1st Quarter 2014
The basic premise of the Godzilla in order to establish an airfield, which their objective? Surprisingly, the answer Methodology is to use this mythical would be used to facilitate follow-on op- is still no. In fact, it is not until Godzilla monster to determine which force on the erations for the island-hopping concept destroys the amphibious attack force that critical strengths list is required to achieve developed during World War II. the Allied operational objective is pre- the objective. Godzilla destroys (re- Godzilla will defend the Japanese- vented. Thus, the amphibious attack force moves) one force at a time from the list held island from attack by Allied forces. is the enemy operational center of gravity. of critical strengths until removal of a par- If the Japanese had conducted an analysis It is the only force capable of establishing ticular force prevents the objective from of force capabilities to determine the lodgment ashore. being achieved. When that happens and Allied operational- level critical strengths, Determining the center of gravity is the objective can no longer be achieved they may have identified the following only one step in identifying how to attack because of the removal (neutralization elements: the submarines assigned to the enemy. After determining the enemy or destruction) of a particular force, then commander, Submarine Forces Pacific; center of gravity, the Japanese staff of- that force is the center of gravity. The the land-based air in the region; a fast car- ficers would still have to continue their Godzilla Methodology allows planners rier force (consisting of aircraft carriers, analysis to determine how to attack it and to identify which force is the center of fast battleships, cruisers, and destroy- the other enemy forces identified in the gravity by comparing forces identified as ers); a fire support group (consisting of analysis of critical strength forces. For critical strengths to the objective. battleships, cruisers, and destroyers) used example, the Japanese staff officers would By definition, the center of gravity is primarily for force protection and gunfire also need to address how to defeat or a source of strength whose destruction or support; and an amphibious attack force neutralize the Allied fast carrier force and neutralization would have a decisive im- (composed of cruisers, destroyers, de- fire support group. These forces would pact on the enemy’s or one’s own ability stroyer escorts, escort carriers, transports, have been assigned to support and pro- to accomplish a given political/military cargo ships, landing craft, mine craft, and tect the amphibious attack force so the objective.17 Having determined which supply vessels carrying one or more Army Japanese would have to deal with each force is the center of gravity, planners can or Marine divisions). of these forces in some way (deception continue their analysis to determine how Using Godzilla as a destructive may be used in addition to annihilation) to attack (enemy) or defend (friendly) force, the Japanese staff officers could before commencing an attack on the am- sources of power. have examined this list of Allied critical phibious attack force. strengths by destroying one force at a In this example, the amphibious at- An Example time, and then analyzing the impact the tack force possesses minimal strength To illustrate this methodology, Godzilla removal of each force would have had on during its transition to the amphibious will be used to determine centers of achieving the objective. For example, if operating area. It has significant potential gravity for a notional Allied amphibious the Japanese used Godzilla to destroy all strength because of the infantry division operation in the Pacific during World the Allied submarines operating in the onboard, but only minimal offensive War II. Looking first at the enemy region, would that prevent the Allies from strength while in transit. This is the fact objectives, Godzilla will support Japa- achieving their operational objective of that causes staff officers the greatest prob- nese forces by destroying Allied critical establishing lodgment ashore? The answer lem when trying to determine centers strengths until one is identified whose is no. Considering all the forces that re- of gravity. The fast carrier force and fire removal would prevent the Allies from main on the critical strength list, the Allies support groups obviously possess greater achieving their operational objective. could still conduct an amphibious landing dynamic strength, so why are they not Having determined the enemy (Allied) and achieve their objective (seizing the the center of gravity? The answer lies with center of gravity, the Godzilla Method- island). Thus, the Allied submarines are the objective. If the objective is to seize ology will then be used to determine not the center of gravity. Continuing and occupy an island, then the amphibi- the friendly (Japanese) center of gravity. with this methodology, if Godzilla de- ous attack force is the only force that can The ultimate strategic objective of stroyed all the land-based aircraft in the achieve that objective. This is the only the Allied forces in the Pacific during operational region, would this prevent force listed as a critical strength that has World War II was “the unconditional sur- the Allies from achieving their operational the ability to seize and hold territory. render of Japan.”18 The immediate Allied objective? Once again, the answer is no. Aircraft, ships, and submarines cannot strategic objective was “to obtain posi- The Allies could still use their remaining seize and hold territory; only the am- tions from which the ultimate surrender forces to assault and occupy the island. phibious forces of the amphibious attack of Japan can be forced by intensive air Thus, land-based aircraft should not be force can do that. bombardment, by sea and air blockade, considered the center of gravity. Godzilla This methodology can also be used and by invasion if necessary.”19 An Allied could then destroy another force, such as to determine the friendly (Japanese) generic operational-level objective, nested the fast carrier force or the fire support center of gravity. The Japanese strategic under these strategic objectives, might group. Would removal of either of these objective in the Pacific during World have been to seize an island in the Pacific forces prevent the Allies from achieving War II was to win a great engagement JFQ 72, 1st Quarter 2014 Butler 29
center of gravity, the Godzilla methodol- ogy may provide an answer. Without application of this imaginative methodol- ogy, planners may make costly mistakes by focusing their attack on the wrong force. Mistakes of this type can lead to catastrophic consequences. JFQ Notes 1 Carl von Clausewitz, On War, ed. and trans. Michael Howard and Peter Paret (Princ- eton: Princeton University Press, 1976). 2 Ibid., 485. 3 Ibid., 595. 4 Joint Publication (JP) 3-0, Joint Opera- tions (Washington, DC: The Joint Staff, August 11, 2011), identifies three levels of war to Members of 82nd Airborne board C-17 Globemaster III to conduct static line jump during mobility air distinguish between national objectives and tac- forces exercise (U.S. Air Force/Jason Robertson) tical actions. The strategic level is the highest, referring to the employment of the instruments at sea (decisive battle) with the Allies to attack the Allied forces en route to the is- of national power to achieve theater, national, negotiate a settlement.20 An example of land to prevent the landing. The Japanese or multinational objectives. The operational level links the tactical to the strategic, and the a theater-strategic objective may have naval fire support group is the friendly tactical is characterized as the employment of been to maintain control over a particular operational-level center of gravity that forces in relation to each other. geographic region to keep the Japanese should be protected. Protection in this 5 JP 5-0, Joint Operational Planning (Wash- sea lines of communication open, their example does not mean this force should ington, DC: The Joint Staff, August 11, 2011), resources flowing, and their territorial ex- be held back and hidden from harm, but III-22. 6 Milan Vego, Joint Operational Warfare: pansion boundaries intact. An operational rather that it should be used in the attack Theory and Practice (Newport, RI: U.S. Naval objective may have been to prevent the with the support of other forces on the War College, 2009), VII-13. Allies from attacking this notional island list of critical strengths. For example, the 7 U.S. Naval War College, Joint Operation in the Pacific. If Japanese planners were to land-based air could be used to provide Planning Process (JOPP) Workbook (Newport, compile a list of friendly critical strengths protection from aircraft attack and the RI: U.S. Naval War College, 2012), C-7–C-9. 8 Ibid., C-7. (Japanese forces), it would be similar to submarines could be used to provide 9 Nine principles of war are recognized in the Allies, and might include a naval fire defense in depth for the Japanese naval joint doctrine: objective, offensive, mass, ma- support group (multiple types of war- fire support group as it attacks the Allied neuver, economy of force, unity of command, ships such as aircraft carriers, battleships, center of gravity. security, surprise, and simplicity. See JP 3-0. cruisers, and destroyers), submarines, The Godzilla Methodology provides 10 JP 3-0, A-1–A-5. 11 Vego, VII-14. land-based air, and an infantry battalion. a simple but effective means of identify- 12 Ibid. In using the Godzilla Methodology to ing centers of gravity. This mythical film 13 Ibid., VII-16. determine the friendly center of gravity, figure can be used by commanders and 14 Ibid. each element on the critical strength list their staffs during the planning process to 15 Yves J. Bellanger, U.S. Army Infantry would be analyzed and removed one item determine which forces are necessary to Divisions 1943–45: Volume 1—Organization, Doctrine and Equipment (Solihull, England: at a time until the objective cannot be achieve military objectives. Identification Helion and Company Limited, 2002), 53. achieved. For example, if all the subma- of enemy centers of gravity allows com- 16 David Kalat, A Critical History and rines in the area were removed, could the manders to focus their efforts on the Filmography of Toho’s Godzilla Series, 2nd ed. Japanese still prevent the Allies from at- neutralization or destruction of those (Jefferson, NC: McFarland Company, 2010), 2. tacking this notional island? Yes, they have forces that have a decisive impact on ac- 17 Vego, VII-13. 18 Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean other forces that would allow the Japanese complishing a given political/military Areas, Campaign Plan Granite (College Park, to achieve their objective. It is easy to objective. The identification of friendly MD: Department of the Navy, 1944), 1. ascertain that the naval fire support group centers of gravity allows commanders to 19 Ibid. would be the critical strength necessary focus their efforts to protect and possibly 20 David C. Evans and Mark R. Peattie, for achieving the objective of preventing enhance the capability of those forces Kaigun: Strategy, Tactics, and Technology in the Imperial Japanese Navy 1887–1941 (Annapolis, the Allies from seizing this notional island necessary for achieving objectives. MD: Naval Institute Press, 1997), 515. in the Pacific. This is the only force with If commanders are having difficulty enough mobility and strength available to determining which force is the enemy 30 Forum / Means for Determining Center of Gravity JFQ 72, 1st Quarter 2014
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