Global warming - facts, assessment, countermeasures
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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 Ž2000. 157–168 www.elsevier.nlrlocaterjpetscieng Global warming — facts, assessment, countermeasures Dagobert G. Kessel ) German Petroleum Institute, Walther-Nernst-Strasse 7, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany Received 12 December 1998; accepted 15 December 1999 Abstract Global primary energy consumption amounts to 8.38 billion tonnes oil equivalent ŽOE. Ž1996. and is projected to increase by 1.3% per year for the industrialized countries and by up to 9.2% per year for the developing countries. Fossil energy’s share was 7.541 billion tonnes OE in 1996 with rising tendency. The order of magnitude of proved reserves of fossil energy sources is 950 billion tonnes OE Ž1996., and certain present probable and possible reserves will become proved ones in the years to come. Fossil energy will, therefore, remain the number one energy source until far into the next century. The use of fossil energy produced 23.8 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide ŽCO 2 . in 1996 with oil and gas contributing about 60% to this figure. It is estimated that continued use of fossil energy will lead to an increase of the average global temperature by 1.0–3.58C in the coming 50–100 years. Though the forecasts of future CO 2-emissions from fossil energy use as well as the magnitude of their influence on global warming are much disputed, the impact of CO 2-emissions on global warming itself is widely admitted. There is much dissense on the climatic consequences of global warming. It cannot be ruled out, however, that these consequences may be detrimental to mankind. This has in a sense of a Ano regret policyB triggered substantial activity worldwide to decrease emission of greenhouse gases, especially of CO 2 , and various attempts have been made to set binding limits for the emission of these gases. The harmonized worldwide implementation of CO 2-reduction strategies is, however, far from being realized. OECD-countries have made substantial progress in applying these strategies. Nevertheless, the contribution of the industrialized countries to worldwide CO 2-emissions is still over-pro- portionally large. The cost of developing and applying CO 2-reduction technologies are tremendous and prohibitive for most of the emerging economies. There is an obligation of the industrialized countries in their own interest to develop and make available these technologies wherever they are needed. The costrefficiency ratio of CO 2-reduction measures must be a decisive criterion for their application. There are serious obstacles, though, to reducing CO 2-emissions while satisfying the energy needs of our world, e.g. lacking international harmonization, national needs and egoisms, rapid growth of world population and strongly increasing energy demand of emerging economies. In summing up, though an anthropogenic contribution to global warming cannot be proved for the time being, it cannot be ruled out forever. Therefore, internationally harmonized measures for CO 2-reduction have to be taken in the sense of a Ano regret policyB to avert potential damage from mankind and, thus, contribute in this sense to a sustainable development with fossil energy. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: global warming; greenhouse effect; CO 2 -emissions; global temperatures; climate models; fossil energy ) Fax: q49-5323-711200. 0920-4105r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 0 - 4 1 0 5 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 0 3 0 - 9
158 D.G. Kesselr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 (2000) 157–168 1. Introduction greenhouse effect is beneficial, since it forms the basis for the great variety of plant and animal life on Fossil energy sources today contribute 90% to earth. Where it is too strong or too weak, life cannot worldwide primary energy consumption with oil and exist. Examples exist in our planetary system: The natural gas being the dominant sources with more Martian atmosphere contains too little carbon diox- than 60%. It is inevitable that using these resources ide which results in a temperature of about y608C. affects our environment in many ways, some being The atmosphere of the Venus contains too much only short-term events, others however of long-term carbon dioxide contributing to a temperature of about importance. q4308C! In this article, the most persistent problem of Besides these naturally produced greenhouse fossil energy use, the generation of carbon dioxide as gases, there are so-called anthropogenic gases gener- inevitable end product of all energetic use of oil, ated by human activities, in the first place carbon natural gas, and coal, is discussed. dioxide, but also methane and other gases. The emis- The anthropogenic CO 2 is supposed to be respon- sion of these gases by industry, traffic, power plants, sible for the warming of the earth’s atmosphere by home heating, and burning of tropical forests creates the so-called greenhouse effect. It is feared that this the so-called anthropogenic greenhouse effect. warming might lead to a non-sustainable develop- It is generally accepted that an increasing atmo- ment of the earth. The existence of the greenhouse spheric concentration of these anthropogenic gases effect was first postulated by ARRHENIUS in 1896. will lead to an increase of the global temperature. According to his hypothesis, specific gases in the There are, however, widely differing opinions on the atmosphere of the earth, in the first place water magnitude of this increase and on its impact on the vapor, but also carbon dioxide, methane, di-nitrogen global climate. There is growing concern that the oxide, ozone, and halogenated hydrocarbons, permit anthropogenic greenhouse effect — if it indeed does the transmission of the sun’s radiation Žshort wave- exist — might lead to a non-sustainable develop- lengths. but not that of the long wavelength infrared ment of the earth’s climate with negative conse- radiation reflected by the surface of the earth. With- quences for mankind. Fig. 1 shows the contributions out this naturally occurring effect, the average tem- of the above mentioned greenhouse gases to the perature of the earth’s surface would be y188C as natural and the anthropogenic greenhouse effect ac- compared to its real value of 158C. This natural cording to the view of some Austrian scientists. The Fig. 1. Contribution of different gases to greenhouse effect.
D.G. Kesselr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 (2000) 157–168 159 Fig. 2. World fossil energy consumption 1988–1996 Žyearly increaserdecrease.. large bandwidths indicate the substantial uncertain- be drawn from this situation together with the prob- ties involved. lems to be solved. This article will not and cannot give an undis- puted answer to whether or not the continued use of 2. Present situation, forecasts, trends fossil energy as the main contribution to the anthro- pogenic greenhouse effect will lead to a non-sus- Fig. 2 displays the development of the global tainable development. primary energy consumption from 1988 to 1996. It It will, however, critically assess the presently shows a generally increasing trend, which is only existing knowledge on whether or not an anthro- temporarily interrupted by the economic change in pogenic influence on the global temperature can be Eastern Europe ŽBP Statistical Review of World proved and discuss the consequences which have to Energy, 1997.. Fig. 3. Increase of world fossil energy consumption 1992–2010.
160 D.G. Kesselr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 (2000) 157–168 Fig. 4. Contribution of worldwide CO 2 -emissions from fossil fuels by region for the years 1973 and 1995 ŽIEA, 1995.. Fig. 3 shows an IEA-forecast of the global fossil 1973 to 1995 for different regions and for the differ- energy consumption for the period 1992 to 2010 ent fossil energy sources, respectively. Though the ŽIEA, 1995–1997; Ziesing, 1995.. As can be seen, OECD-countries have decreased their share by more there is an increase by 33–45% depending on the than 11%, they are still contributing one half of the scenario. Consumption on the non-OECD world will global emissions. The strongly increasing contribu- increase at about four times Ž4.1%ra. the rate of the tion of the Asian region, especially of China, and the OECD-countries Ž1.1%ra.. Yet OECD-countries will substantial decrease of the share of Russia linked to still consume 47% of primary energy as compared to the economic transition from the Soviet Union to 55% in 1996! present day Russia are interesting to note. Figs. 4 and 5 show the development of the CO 2- Fig. 6 gives a forecast of the global CO 2-emis- emissions from using fossil energy for the time span sions for the period 1992–2010. In agreement with Fig. 5. Contribution to worldwide CO 2 -emissions by fuel for the years 1973 and 1995 ŽIEA, 1995..
D.G. Kesselr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 (2000) 157–168 161 Fig. 6. Predicted increase of anthropogenic CO 2 -emissions from 1992 to 2010 ŽIEA, 1995.. the rapid increase of primary energy consumption in greenhouse effect, we are confronted with three com- the non-OECD world, the increase of CO 2-emissions plexes of important questions: is strongest in this region, though it is still small by absolute figures. This is underscored by Fig. 7 Žper capita increaserdecrease of CO 2-emissions.. 1. What is the data basis we have at hand for It is predicted that the CO 2-concentration of the detecting changes in the global temperature, and atmosphere will increase from its present value of how reliable is it? about 350 ppmv to 600–900 ppmv by the year 2050. 2. How does an increase of CO 2-concentration in the These figures form the basis for our subsequent atmosphere influence the average global tempera- discussion. Apart from the uncertainties of every ture in the complex coupled system atmosphere– forecast, this basis is reliable. In directing our discus- hydrosphere–pedosphere and how can it be sepa- sion towards the assessment of the anthropogenic rated from non-greenhouse gas-related influences Fig. 7. Predicted increase of per capita anthropogenic CO 2 -emissions from 1992 to 2010 ŽIEA, 1995..
162 D.G. Kesselr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 (2000) 157–168 on that temperature Že.g. solar activity, changes of The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change the inclination of the earth’s axis.? ŽIPCC. surface temperature history reveals for the 3. What is the sensitivity of the global climate with last 100 years a temperature rise of about 0.78C. At respect to increasing atmospheric concentrations least half of this warming occurred pre-1940, i.e. at a of greenhouse gases? Or, in other terms, what is time, when anthropogenic greenhouse effect was at the inertia of the system atmosphere–hydro- best negligible. This leaves about 0.38C for a sus- sphere–pedosphere with respect to changes of the pected anthropogenic greenhouse effect. And even atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases? this may be too much, since it is known that the end of the nineteenth century as a reference basis was an especially cool time so that any warming trend there- after would be untypically high. 3. Data basis for global temperatures All in all, the reliable record of global tempera- ture and its variations is of very short duration. There are basically three methods for measuring Considering the fact that the natural short to long- temperatures at or close to the surface of the earth: term variations of the global temperature generated e.g. by solar activity or volcanos and other so far –thermometer measurements on the earth’s sur- unknown reasons it is evident that temperature rises face attributed to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect are –radiosonde measurements hardly statistically significant. –satellite measurements. The latter two measure the temperature in the 4. Climate models, climate predictions, and their troposphererstratosphere. assessment Systematic thermometer and radiosonde measure- ments have only existed in the last several decades. Powerful climate models compute the complete Thermometer measurements are made mainly on- three-dimensional circulation of the coupled system shore; seaborne measurements apart from being dif- of oceans and the atmosphere. A typical model ficult to make are performed mainly along the large subdivides ocean and atmosphere in a multitude of shipping lanes and leave large and possibly im- discrete layers Žfrom the sea bottom to the upper portant parts of the oceans out of consideration. boundary of the atmosphere.. Each layer consists of Altogether, geographic coverage of thermometer a two-dimensional lattice of thousands of points. The measurements is rather sparse Žworldwide 1400 mea- model solves the coupled equations for the transport surement stations, practically all onshore., and the of heat, momentum, atmospheric humidity and ocean results are often biased by the effect of nearby heat salinity for this three-dimensional system. A typical sources like cities or airports. Considerable effort has grid resolution is 500 = 500 km. Physical processes been spent to make adjustments to the observed active on a smaller scale cannot be resolved; they are values, but the adjustments often were of the same parameterized, that means averaged over one grid order of magnitude as the suspected trend of temper- cell. It is obvious that for a global computation ature variation. Therefore, the reliability of these incorporating all the relevant physical processes like temperature records has to be assessed critically natural variability, variations Žanthropogenic too!. of ŽChristy, 1997.. the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmo- Satellite measurements are truly global ones. In sphere and their vertical distribution, effect of clouds, contrast to the ground-based temperature readings, of aerosols, ocean currents, salinity variations in the they are measuring the average temperature of the oceans, sea ice etc. with sufficient resolution leads to troposphere which should be especially affected by excessive computing time even for the fastest exist- warming as a consequence of increasing greenhouse ing supercomputers. gases. Unfortunately, these measurements only exist There are more drawbacks with the application of for the past 20 years. existing climate models ŽCubasch et al., 1995;
D.G. Kesselr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 (2000) 157–168 163 Michaels, 1997; Kellow, 1997; Kerr, 1997; Michaels Future concentrations of greenhouse gases. Pre- and Knappenberger, 1996; Santer et al., 1996; Calder, dictions of future development of atmospheric green- 1997; Pearce, 1997.: house gas concentrations are uncertain. This is not Instability of coupled ocean r atmosphere models. only true for the emissions, but also for our knowl- Even if an ocean or atmosphere climate model can edge of the global carbon cycle which determines simulate for itself the present climate, this does not how the greenhouse gases are exchanged and dis- mean that the same good results are obtained, if both tributed between ocean and atmosphere. are coupled together. Experience shows that interac- The GCold Start ProblemH . Most present coupled tively coupling both models together in general leads oceanratmosphere climate models assume that ocean to a phenomenon called Aclimate driftB. This means and atmosphere are in equilibrium with the present that such a coupled model develops over time from a concentration of greenhouse gases. Neglecting the realistic climate state to a new, unrealistic one. To historical development of the greenhouse gas con- overcome this problem, so-called flux adjustments centration means that any previous warming due to are applied, correcting the fluxes e.g. of heat or fresh those gases is left unconsidered. It is estimated that water from the atmosphere into the ocean and vice this error can amount to about 0.48C within 50 years. versa. These flux corrections are frequently as large Coupling between the earth’s surface and the as the fluxes themselves and can, therefore, be mid-troposphere. From the early 1960s to the late considered as genuine manipulation quantities. As 1970s, the free troposphere was warming strongly, climate modeller, you have, therefore, the choice while the surface was slightly cooling. After this, between using flux corrections to properly history- things changed completely: the surface was warming match the present climate, or doing without flux strongly, whilst the temperature of the troposphere corrections with the consequence of working with an from 1.5 km upwards remained more or less stable. unrealistic climate state. In more drastic terms, you This indicates that the coupling between surface and have the choice between pestilence and cholera! mid-troposphere is not as close as assumed in cli- Feedback problems. A climate model which simu- mate modeling. lates the present climate sufficiently well can predict The predictions on global warming based on cli- the development of the climate over extended future mate models reflect the development of these models time periods only, if it quantitatively takes care of since 1988. Their still immature state as well as the and incorporates the climate changes occurring dur- insufficient understanding of many physical and ing these time periods, e.g. cloudrradiation feedback chemical processes which determine the climate and effects, interactive biosphere, ground hydrology, its change are evident ŽFig. 8.. aerosols, interactive carbon cycle. An issue which is In 1988, indications on global warming appeared discussed controversially is the positive feedback of to take more and more shape. As a consequence of water vapor to the atmosphere triggered by anthro- this, the above mentioned IPCC was instituted, con- pogenic greenhouse gas-induced warming. This ef- sisting of 170 specialists. The objective of this panel fect would greatly reinforce global warming. Each of was to scientificly investigate the suspected effect of these feedback effects must be calculated in a sepa- global warming. The first IPCC report was issued in rate model, which would blow up the computing 1992. Based on the increase of carbon dioxide con- capacity of any institution. centration from 270 ppmv in 1870 to 350 ppmv SensitiÕity against initial conditions. Climate today, it suspected a human influence on the global models normally start with the greenhouse gas con- climate. Starting from here and based on assumed centration of today. But even today, informations on emission scenarios, the very immature climate mod- the temperature or salinity distribution of the oceans els of that time predicted a warming of up to 88C are sparse, let alone for time periods long ago. until the year 2100. As climate models became more Monte Carlo simulations have, however, shown that and more refined, the predictions were corrected the results of climate models critically depend on the down to a warming of up to 68C ŽRio Conference. initial conditions of the physical parameters in- and then to 1.0–3.58C with an average of 28C in the volved. IPCC report of 1996; this corresponds to a warming
164 D.G. Kesselr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 (2000) 157–168 Fig. 8. Different forecasts for climate change. rate of 0.1 to 0.38C per decade ŽFakten und Argu- that climate changes occurring today will influence mente, 1997.. In the light of the above mentioned the climate of the future. facts, even these predictions are based on statistically The climate of the earth has never been static. not significant data and very coarse climate models There have been times when the atmospheric CO 2- and are, therefore, of qualitative rather than quantita- concentration was much higher than it is today. tive character. They are by no means a justification Climate is continuously assaulted by many distur- for panic reactions, for penalizing energy taxes or bances and has to react and has reacted through overly stringent legislation. hundreds of millions of years. Under the influence of Coming back to the second question asked further these disturbances, it has assumed a specific state at above, it has to be stated that neither the existing any time without having an alternative. With this in data base nor the capabilities of present climate mind, the demands of Article 2 of the Rio Conven- models allow to separate the influence of natural tion on Climate Change do not make any sense as effects like variations of the inclination of the earth’s general statements, but only when they are focused axis, solar activity or natural aerosols from a sus- on safeguarding the well-being of mankind Žfood pected anthropogenic warming of the atmosphere. A production, sustainable economic development.. firm trend of an anthropogenic greenhouse effect is, ADamagingB global warming has to be understood in therefore, not established for the time being. this sense. It is also only in this sense that the limit Some remarks have to be made with respect to the for a AsustainableB warming of 0.1–0.28C per decade third question on the sensitivity of the earth’s climate as propagated by climatologists has to be understood. on an increase of the temperature of the atmosphere. The apparent lack of dramatic and damaging global warming despite an increase of atmospheric CO 2 from 270 to 350 ppmv in the last 100 years indicates 5. Countermeasures against damaging global clearly that the sensitivity of the climate is less than warming assumed by many people or that the climate reacts in a very inert way on changes in the CO 2-concentra- The discussion of the previous sections showed tion. Especially the oceans are retarding climate that based on the global temperature record of the changes. By this inert reaction of the oceans, climate last hundred years and considering the still immature changes which occurred centuries ago are still influ- state of available climate models, the existence of an encing our present climate. It is, however, also true anthropogenic greenhouse effect cannot be proved
D.G. Kesselr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 (2000) 157–168 165 unambiguously and quantitatively for the time being. work Convention on Climate Change, 1997. is an This does not mean, however, that it does not exist. improvement as compared to Rio and a step in the Even if we cannot detect a significant trend of right direction in that it sets different binding CO 2- anthropogenic global warming now, it is probable emission levels for different countries. However, the that it will become visible someday if we are going emission share of the industrialized countries is still on with business as usual. After all, a qualitative very high and hardly acceptable for the emerging correlation between CO 2-content and temperature of economies. The possibility to trade emission certifi- the atmosphere does exist. With a problem of such cates gives the rich countries an unfair advantage importance for mankind, it appears prudent to take over the poor ones and tempts them to go on with precautionary measures now in the sense of a Ano business as usual. The option to trade CO 2-emissions regret policyB. against reforestation efforts is equally problematic, The climate conferences of Toronto Ž1988., Rio since reforestation is not possible everywhere in the de Janeiro Ž1992., Berlin Ž1995. have undertaken to world and its effect on the atmospheric CO 2-con- design and install such measures by setting binding centration is very unclear. On the other hand, the limits for CO 2-emissions. So far, these attempts have emission limits of the Kyoto protocol appear to be been more or less unsuccessful. too massive to be realized without damaging the There are several reasons, as follows, for this lack economies of the industrialized countries. It has, of success. therefore, to be expected that the CO 2-emissions Ž1. The Rio Convention did not properly consider regulations negotiated in Kyoto will turn out to be the individual needs and interests of the different not as binding as anticipated and hoped. nations. Asking for a uniform CO 2-reduction com- Ž3. In the light of the discussion of Sections 3 and mitment for all nations in an extremely heteroge- 4 and from a point of view of a Ano regret policyB, neous world, where the industrialized countries with the planned CO 2-emission reduction measures ap- about one fifth of the global population produce pear to be exaggerated. This lowers the motivation of more than 70% of the global CO 2-emissions cannot countries to strictly apply them. be considered reasonable and cannot work. This So, what has to be done in this situation? problem is illustrated in Table 1. In the first place, the data base for the climate Ž2. The final protocol of the Kyoto conference models has to be improved, especially as far as the 1997 ŽKyoto Protocol to the United Nations Frame- oceans are concerned. Our understanding of the physical and chemical processes of atmosphererhy- drosphererpedosphere interaction, of cloud genera- Table 1 tion, of the impact of clouds on ground temperatures, The global Adirty dozenB and the surfacertroposphere coupling to name a few, Carbon dioxide emissions 1995 has to be enhanced. With this enhanced understand- Country Total emissions in Per capita emissions ing, climate models have to be further improved to million tonnes in tonnes obtain more reliable climate predictions. The time USA 5475 20.52 lag between increase of atmospheric CO 2-concentra- VR China 3196 2.68 tion and its impact on the climate has to be thor- Russia 1820 12.26 oughly determined. Japan 1126 9.03 On this rational basis, in a second step, CO 2- India 910 0.9 emission reduction measures have to be designed Germany 833 10.24 Great Britain 539 9.29 which are commensurate with the observed trends as Ukraine 437 8.48 well as with predictions from improved climate mod- Canada 433 14.83 els. Horror scenarios are unjustified and should be Italy 411 7.19 discarded. Exaggerated reactions like energy- or South Korea 370 8.33 CO 2-taxes should be avoided, since they damage Mexico 359 3.93 economies more than a tolerable increase in atmo- Source: Oak Ridge National Lab. spheric CO 2-concentration!
166 D.G. Kesselr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 (2000) 157–168 In the third place, the international harmonization tection measures. Opposite to public opinion, the oil of these measures should be achieved in a way industry is in the forefront of these efforts as shown acceptable to a clear majority of nations. This is the by the following examples. most formidable task, since it has to consider the – The European refining industry has, according present situation as well as the most likely future to CONCAWE, improved its energy efficiency since developments; it has to take care of individual na- 1980 by more than 20%. For this reason, it could tional needs and interests as well as the capabilities stabilize its own fuel consumption at a level of 6% of various countries to develop and implement CO 2- of the crude oil throughput, though in this time, reduction technologies. It has to consider not only additional energy was needed to Ž1. increase its ecological aspects but also economic consequences. conversion capacity, Ž2. produce octane and MTBE Joint implementation is an important element in this for replacing lead, and Ž3. reduce the sulphur content task, since it makes sure that those countries which of diesel and gas oil. are in a state to develop efficient CO 2-reduction – By applying enhanced drilling technology and technologies make these available tocountries where using advanced materials, sea water contamination a maximum CO 2-reduction can be achieved at mini- by offshore drilling has been reduced drastically, in mum cost. the North Sea, e.g. by 75% since drilling activities Inside these general objectives, what are the started there. Drilling muds today are mostly strategies for reducing anthropogenic CO 2-emis- biodegradable. Oil-based muds are practically not sions? used in offshore operations any more. – Offshore oil spills originating from transport of 1. AÕoid CO 2-emitting processes where possible oil have been reduced to less than 0.003% of the 2. ImproÕe energy efficiency Žcombined cycle gen- worldwide oil consumption. This can locally still eration, isolation of buildings, vehicles. lead to severe damages, but the achievement has to 3. Replace CO 2-intensive processes by less CO 2- be acknowledged. emitting ones Že.g. replacing coal by gas. – Emissions of sulphur dioxide, sulphur content 4. Substitute CO 2-emitting processes by CO 2-AfreeB of mineral oil products, and oil content of refinery ones Žrenewable energy, nuclear energy,fuel cells.. waste waters were drastically reduced. – Oil companies like Shell and BP are heavily investing in solar energy. 6. What has been achieved until now? – Environmentally enhanced petroleum products were developed ŽBooth et al., 1997.. There is no doubt that awareness of the need to These examples show that the oil industry under- preserve our environment has grown worldwide dur- takes substantial efforts to protect the environment as ing the last decades, though in many parts of the effectively as possible. It is important to state that world this awareness is hidden behind more urgent most of these efforts are done on a voluntary basis. needs to be satisfied. This is the most effective and most economic way of In the industralized countries CO 2-emissions are protecting the environment, especially if it is accom- growing slower than energy consumption mainly panied by an independent, thorough monitoring pro- because of replacing fossil energy by nuclear and cess and supported by, e.g. tax incentives. It is in any renewable energy and by replacing coal by natural case more effective and by far more economic than gas. Overall, energy efficiency of industrial produc- stringent and inflexible penalizing legal measures, tion has been enhanced. As an example, the share of which by the way normally have a very bad costref- German industry in German energy consumption has ficiency ratio and are often problematic to enforce. dropped from about 50% in the 1950s to about 27% There is still a great potential for reducing CO 2- at present. emissions, especially in the following areas The big industries, especially in most of the OECD-countries, have made substantial progress in – households Žbetter insulation, more efficient applying CO 2-reduction and other environment pro- heating or air conditioning installations.
D.G. Kesselr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 (2000) 157–168 167 – traffic Žfurther improvement of mileage by bet- concentration and global warming does not exist at ter fuels and motor technology, alternative propul- present, mainly because of sion concepts Žfuel cells., improvement of public traffic, homogenization of traffic fluxes by intelli- Ø an insufficient data basis gent traffic control.. Ø lacking understanding of important physical pro- cesses of the atmosphererhydrosphererpedoshere Apart from this, ongoing efforts to increase the interaction share of economic renewable energy must be intensi- Ø the immature state of climate models. fied, though figures like those recently predicted by the Shell Transport and Trading Co. Ž50% share by – A statistically significant global warming trend the year 2050. appear overly optimistic. as a consequence of anthropogenic CO 2-emissions cannot be unambiguously detected for the time be- ing. 7. Problems with CO 2-reduction measures – Nevertheless, on the basis of the existing quali- tative correlation between atmospheric CO 2-content and global temperature, the predicted substantial in- There are serious obstacles, though, to reduce or crease of anthropogenic CO 2-emissions requires ap- even stabilize global CO 2-emissions: propriate precautionary reduction measures in a sense of a Ano regret strategyB. – Too slow progress of international harmoniza- – However, the drastic demand to stabilize CO 2- tion of CO 2-reduction measures, extreme hetero- emissions on the 1990-level until 2008–2012 is not geneity of nations, national egoisms supported by any significant evidence of anthro- – Rapid growth of world population pogenic atmospheric warming at present. To achieve – Strongly increasing energy demand of emerging this stabilization, OECD- and Non-OECD-European economies countries would have to reduce their CO 2-emissions – Still too high CO 2-emissions of industrialized by 44–47% until 2010, if CO 2-emissions in the other countries countries develop according to the IEA-forecast ŽIEA – Insufficient development state of joint imple- World Energy Outlook 1995.. This appears to be too mentation measures. massive a reduction to be achieved without doing harm to national economies. The basic reason for these obstacles is evident – As in the past years, CO 2-reduction measures from Fig. 7. If mankind turns out to be unable to should be developed and implemented on a volun- solve these problems, the so far undetectable anthro- tary basis and supported by governments, e.g. through pogenic greenhouse effect may become very real, tax incentives. Industrialized countries have a special and it might then be too late for a Ano regret policyB. responsibility in this respect. – International harmonization of CO 2-reduction efforts is of utmost importance. It requires establish- ing a fair system to distribute these efforts according 8. Summary and conclusions to the specific conditions and capabilities of the individual countries. Joint implementation is an espe- – Global consumption of fossil energy Žoil, natu- cially recommendable tool in this context. ral gas, coal. is predicted to increase by 33–45% from 1990–2010. – Global anthropogenic CO 2-emissions are pre- References dicted to rise by 34–46% from 1990–2010 if the present trends are extrapolated. Booth, M. et al., 1997. The continuing evolution of environmen- – An established and generally accepted quantita- tally enhanced petroleum products. Proceedings 15th World tive relationship between rising atmospheric CO 2- Petroleum Congress, Beijing.
168 D.G. Kesselr Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 26 (2000) 157–168 BP Statistical Review of World Energy, 1997. Kerr, R.A., 1997. Greenhouse forecasting still cloudy. Science Calder, N., 1997. The Manic Sun — Wheather Theories Con- 276, 1040–1042, May. founded. Pilkington Press, Yelvertoft Manor, Yelvertoft, Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Northamptonshire, NN6 6LF, UK. Climate Change, 1997. Christy, J.R., 1997. The role of satellite measurements. ACount- Michaels, P.J., 1997. The search for an explanation of the appar- down to KyotoB: The Consequences of the Mandatory Global ent lack of dramatic and damaging global warming. ACount- Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reductions. Australian APEC Study down to KyotoB: The Consequences of the Mandatory Global Center, Canberra, 19–21 August. Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reductions. Australian APEC Study Cubasch, U., Santer, B.D., Hegerl, G.C., 1995. Klimamodelle-wo Center, Canberra, 19–21 August. stehen wir? Phys. Bl. 51 Ž4., 269–276. Michaels, P.J., Knappenberger, P.C., 1996. Human effect on Fakten und Argumente ŽNovember 1997., Deutsche Shell Ak- global climate? Nature 384, 522–523, December. tiengesellschaft, Hamburg. Pearce, F., 1997. Greenhouse wars. New Scientist No. 2091, 19 IEA, World Energy Outlook, 1995–1997 Editions, Paris. July, pp. 37–43. Kellow, A., 1997. The political economy of FCCC: who wins? Santer, D. et al., 1996. A search for human influence on the who looses? ACountdown to KyotoB: The Consequences of the thermal structure of the atmosphere. Nature 382, 39–46, July. Mandatory Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reductions. Ziesing, H.-J., 1995. Klimaschutz nach der ersten UN-Vertragss- Australian APEC Study Center, Canberra, 19–21 August. taatenkonferenz in Berlin DIW-Weekly Report 20r95.
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