GLOBAL TRAVEL PLANNER 2019-2020 - Visit Noosa

Page created by Frank Guzman
GLOBAL TRAVEL PLANNER 2019-2020 - Visit Noosa

Queensland, Australia
GLOBAL TRAVEL PLANNER 2019-2020 - Visit Noosa
The Relaxation Capital of Australia
Noosa offers a kaleidoscope of colour – from the crystal clear ocean and river
systems to white sandy beaches, lush green hinterland and a network of national
park trails to explore. Blended with a cosmopolitan lifestyle and exquisite sunsets,
Noosa leaves a lasting impression on its visitors.
Locally sourced produce is served at most    The official Noosa Global Travel Planner
Noosa restaurants, prepared by world-class   2019-2020 provides the travel trade with an
chefs in an alfresco setting that matches    easy to use, inspirational and educational
the year-round warm and sunny climate.       guide to assist in planning and booking your
Noosa is regularly touted as Australia’s     client’s dream holiday.
favourite beach holiday destination.

                                                                                            Need help?
                                                                                            Please contact us:
                                                                                            Australia: 1 3000 NOOSA
                                                                                            (1 3000 66672)                  @VisitNoosa
                                                                                            Overseas: +61 7 5430 5000       @VisitNoosa
GLOBAL TRAVEL PLANNER 2019-2020 - Visit Noosa
45 47                                7          31

                                                               44                        8

                                                                               To Lady Elliot Island   00   Accommodation






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                                Mt. Tinbeerwah








                                                 To Brisbane
GLOBAL TRAVEL PLANNER 2019-2020 - Visit Noosa
                                                                                                                                                                     WALKING TRACK KEY            BEACH ACCESS                    NATIONAL PARK
                                                          4WD BEACH ACCESS
                                                          TO RAINBOW BEACH                                                                                               PALM GROVE CIRCUIT       subject to storm surges         INFORMATION CENTRE
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and tidal influences
                                                          & FRASER ISLAND                  TO RAINBOW BEACH                                                              TANGLEWOOD TRACK                                    NOOSA NATIONAL PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                  WALKING TRACK              WALKING TRACK MAP COURTESY
                                                                                            & FRASER ISLAND                                                              NOOSA HILL TRACK                                    OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                  HIGH SURF                  PROTECTION AGENCY
                                                                                                                                                                         COASTAL TRACK
                                                                                                                                                                                                  BEWARE SWIMMING
                                                        MOTOR VEHICLE                                                                                                    ALEXANDRIA BAY TRACK     NOT ADVISED

  & NOOSA                                                     10
N NATIONAL PARK                                                                                                              18
                                                   SHEEP ISLAND                                                                     3
                                                   CONSERVATION                                                             39
                                                                                                                                20 26
                                                       PARK                                                                  42              11
                                                                                                                                    12                                                                                                     LION
                 TO NOOSA                                                                                                      21

                                                                                                                                                   Not a

                                                                                                               AVE NO SIA

               HINTERLAND &                                                                    22                                                  Road

              BRUCE HIGHWAY                                  NOOSA                                                                   13

                                                                                  6   24
                                                                                                                                                        NOOSA JUNCTION
                                                                                                                                                          BUS STATION                                                   MAP KEY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            00   ACCOMMODATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ACCREDITED VISITOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 INFORMATION CENTRE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MINOR ROADS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MAJOR ROADS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TRAFFIC LIGHTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MAJOR ROUNDABOUTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MINOR ROUNDABOUTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WALKING TRACKS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BIKE TRACKS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FERRY ROUTES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NOOSA FERRY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 DEPARTURE POINT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CARAVAN PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BOAT RAMP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 GOLF COURSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PATROLLED BEACHES
                                                                                                                                                                                              9                                  NO FLAGS = NO SWIM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 OFF LEASH DOG AREA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SPORTS FACILITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 THEATRE/ARTS CENTRE

                                                                                                                                             TO MARCUS BEACH,                                                                    POOL
      TO EUMUNDI,               TO SUNSHINE MOTORWAY,                                                                                     PEREGIAN BEACH, COOLUM                                                                 LOOKOUT
                                  COOLUM & SUNSHINE                                                                                          & SUNSHINE COAST
     6 YANDINA &                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FUEL STATION         7
   BRUCE HIGHWAY                    COAST AIRPORT         TO EUMARELLA RD                                                                        AIRPORT
GLOBAL TRAVEL PLANNER 2019-2020 - Visit Noosa
Visitor Essentials                                                                                               Travel
       Climate                                                                                                          Information
       Noosa is famous for its mild          SEASONAL AVERAGES            LOW C     LOW F      HIGH C     HIGH F
       climate. It has an average annual
       temperature of 28 degrees             SUMMER
                                             (Dec - Feb)                  21 C      69 F       28 C       82 F
       celcius (82 degrees Fahrenheit)
       in summer and 21 degrees celcius      AUTUMN
                                             (March - May)                16 C      60 F       25 C       77 F
       (69 degrees Fahrenheit) in winter.
       For further climate information,      WINTER
                                             (June - August)              10 C      50 F       21 C       69 F
       please refer to the Australian
       Bureau of Meteorology                 SPRING
                                             (Sept - Nov)                 15 C      59 F       25 C       77 F

       Holiday Seasons                                                                                                 TRAVEL                                operating 24 hours a day, seven            to transfer to/from Brisbane and
       Holiday periods are based around                                                                                                                      days a week, BNE has two major             Sunshine Coast Airports to Noosa.
                                                                          April - September
       seasons, climate, major events,       LOW SEASON
                                                                          (may exclude school holidays)                INFORMATION                           terminals with 33 airlines flying          Greyhound Australia operates an
       school and public holidays.                                                                                                                           to 83 domestic and international
       Prices and availability fluctuate     SHOULDER SEASON
                                                                          October - December and                       Air                                   destinations. Visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                        extensive bus network around
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Australia, with Noosa a popular
                                                                          February - March                             Sunshine Coast Airport (MCY)
                                                                                                                                                             Brisbane Airport offers a range of         stop for many travellers.
                                                                          December - January and                       Sunshine Coast Airport offers
       For further information on            HIGH SEASON                                                                                                     transfer services and most major 
                                                                          March - April                                multiple daily flights from Sydney
       school and public holidays, visit                                                                                                                     car rental brands.                         Public bus services operate
                                                                                                                       and Melbourne with Jetstar                                                                                            and Virgin Australia, as well as                                                 regularly in the local area - for
                                                                                                                       multiple direct weekly services
                                                                                                                                                             Road                                       more details go to
       For a list of major events in Noosa please see page 51.                                                                                               Noosa is an easy 90-minute
                                                                                                                       from Adelaide with Jetstar. Qantas
                                                                                                                       offers daily flights to and from
                                                                                                                                                             drive north of Brisbane on the             Rail
                                                                                                                                                             Bruce Highway. All major car hire          Trains from Brisbane stop at
                                                                                                                       Sydney. Seasonal Auckland-
                                                                                                                                                             companies operate to and from              Nambour and Cooroy, where public
                                                                                                                       Sunshine Coast (AKL-MCY) direct
    Beach & Sun Safety                                                                                                 flights operate with Air New
                                                                                                                       Zealand, with connections through
                                                                                                                                                             Noosa. Shuttle services (Con-X-
                                                                                                                                                             ion Transfer Services), limousines
                                                                                                                                                                                                        bus services connect passengers
                                                                                                                                                                                                        heading to Noosa. For timetables
                                                                                                                                                             and private cars are all available         visit
                                                                                                                       to international destinations.
         Beach Safety                              Sun Safety                              Clothing                    A new international runway will        MAJOR CENTRES                       DISTANCE              DRIVE TIME
    Enjoy Noosa’s beautiful beaches         The Australian sun can be harmful      In keeping with the relaxed Noosa   be completed by the end of 2020        (from Noosa)                        (kms)                 (hours)
    safely - swim between the flags         – always cover up and protect          lifestyle, smart casual clothing    which will attract new direct
                                                                                                                                                              Sunshine Coast Airport              40                    30 min
    on patrolled beaches and follow         yourself against UV rays. Surf life    is standard. A jacket or jumper     connections from domestic and
    the instructions and advice of the      savers on the beach have a ready                                           international destinations.            Rainbow Beach                       100                   1 hr 20 min
                                                                                   may be required during winter,
    surf life savers on duty. Red and       supply of sunscreen if required.       especially in the evenings.         Visit      Hervey Bay                          175                   2 hr 15 min
    yellow flags indicate the safest                                                                                                                          Fraser Island
    patrolled swimming area.                                                                                           Brisbane Airport (BNE)
                                                                                                                                                              via beach/vehicle ferry             80                    1 hr 30 min
                                                                                                                       Brisbane Airport is 90 minutes’
                                                                                                                                                              - 4WD access only
                                                                                                                       drive from Noosa and is
                                                                                                                       Queensland’s domestic and              Brisbane                            150                   1 hr 30 min
                                                                                                                       international gateway. Servicing
                                                                                                                                                              Gold Coast                          250                   2 hr 30 min
                                                                                                                       23.4 million passengers in 2018 and
                                                                                                                                                              Sydney                              1100                  13 hr 30 min
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           9
GLOBAL TRAVEL PLANNER 2019-2020 - Visit Noosa
     Since the 1960s, the Noosa community has                                                                                                                       World Surfing Reserve
     fought hard to protect and conserve Noosa’s
     natural assets. This is apparent as soon as you
     arrive in Noosa.
     Amongst the cocktail bars, fine dining
     restaurants and boutique shopping, the area
     has an abundance of accessible national park,
     bushland, sparkling waterways and turquoise
     beaches with low-rise buildings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             What is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                      World Surfing Reserve?
                                                                                                                                                                                                        A global program that
                                                                                                                                                                                                    preserves outstanding waves,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     surf zones and surrounding
                                                                                                                                                                                                      environments around the
                                                                                           What is a                                                                                                  world in partnership with
                                                                                                                       Noosa is officially recognised as the 10th World Surfing Reserve,                 local communities.
                                                                                      Biosphere Reserve?
                                                                                      Maintaining the balance          chosen for its beautiful point breaks and visionary coastal conservation.
                                                                                    between the community and          This ensures visitors have access to crystal clear surfing waves for
     UNESCO Biosphere Reserve                                                         environment to ensure a          years to come, whether you are learning to surf or searching for world-class breaks.
                                                                                     sustainable destination for
                                                       Noosa was declared              generations to come.
                                                       a UNESCO Biosphere
                                                       Reserve in 2007, a global
                                                                                                                         Plastic Free Noosa
                                                       recognition of people living in harmony with nature.
                                                                                                                        In 2018, our Plastic Free
                                                       Noosa was the first Biosphere Reserve in Queensland               Champions eliminated
                                                       and covers approximately 150,000 hectares.                          1.6 million pieces of
                                                       The area is rich in biodiversity with more than 300              single-use plastic from
                                                                                                                         the Noosa community.
                                                       bird species (that’s almost half of Australia’s total bird
                                                       varieties), 1300 plant species, 60 distinct ecosystems
                                                       and hundreds of native animals. About 35% of Noosa is
                                                       in protected national park and it is an important whale
                                                       migration area to over 20,000 whales annually.
                                                       The best bit – Noosa’s natural surrounds are accessible
                                                       by a variety of activities and tours including kayaking,
                                                       boating, hiking, biking, paddling and glamping!

                                                                                                                    PLASTIC FREE NOOSA                                         containers, food ware (cutlery, cups, plates) and
                                                                                                                                                                               plastic bags.
                                                                                                                    Plastic Free Noosa is a whole-of-community project to
                                                                                                                    reduce Noosa’s plastic footprint by encouraging the        Plastics are forever and should never be used once
                                                                                                                    community to switch from single-use plastics to            and thrown away. All items above have readily-
                                                                                                                    sustainable alternatives.                                  available reusable or compostable alternatives.
                                                                                                                    Plastic Free Noosa works with cafés, restaurants,          As Australia’s plastic free pilot destination, Noosa is
                                                                                                                    markets and major events to eliminate the use of six       showing what can be achieved when a community
                                                                                                                    key plastic items that are commonly used - plastic         works together, and makes the switch.
                                                                                                                    water bottles, straws, coffee cups and lids, takeaway
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       11
GLOBAL TRAVEL PLANNER 2019-2020 - Visit Noosa
Noosa's Beaches                                                                                    Noosa
        & Hastings Street                                                                                  National Park
                                                                                                           Consistently recognised as a top
                                                                                                           Queensland experience and one of
                                                                                                           Australia’s most visited National
                                                                                                           Parks, Noosa National Park                                      The Noosa Coastal Walk
                                                                                                           rewards visitors with a variety of                               is 10.8km return and is
                                                                                                           walking tracks, stunning coastal,                              one of the only places in
                                                                                                                                                                          Australia you can literally
                                                                                                           bush and rainforest scenery, and                              walk alongside the stunning
                                                                                                           hidden bays offering world-class                                   turquoise ocean the
                                                                                                           surfing breaks. Koalas, dolphins,                                   whole way around!
                                                                                                           whales and turtles frolic in this
                                                                                                           accessible natural environment,
                                                                                                           which is an easy boardwalk stroll
     Noosa is blessed with a variety of beaches offering
                                                                                                           from bustling Hastings Street.
     pristine bays and open surf beaches. Head to Noosa
     Main Beach if you are looking for a calm, sheltered                                                   This iconic coastal trail leads
     beach offering perfect learn-to-surf waves. It is one                                                 you to the southern end of the
     of the few beaches in Australia that faces north and is                                               National Park, with glorious vistas
     protected by a headland.                                                                              to neighbouring beaches including
                                                                                                           Sunshine Beach and Peregian
     Bordering Noosa Main Beach is Hastings Street – an
                                                                                                           Beach, which are also popular with
     eclectic offering of boutique shops (many selling local
     labels) and a mouth-watering mix of well regarded
     restaurants, cafés, coffee nooks and ice cream shops.
     The trees that line Hastings Street are strung with
     fairy lights, providing a magical feel each evening.

                                                                                         The Noosa
     Noosa River & Noosa Everglades                                                Everglades is one of
                                                                                   only two in the world
     The Noosa River is a water enthusiast’s paradise offering everything from       and home to half
                                                                                    of Australia’s bird
     stand-up paddle and jet skis, to fishing and boating. The river extends all          species.
     the way into the Noosa Everglades where you will experience breathtaking
     beauty and tranquillity.
     The Noosa Everglades is a pristine wilderness area, fondly known as the
     ‘River of Mirrors’ due to its amazing reflective and pure waters. The area
                                                                                                               Noosa Country Drive
     is a photographer’s dream, a bird watcher’s paradise and a nature lover’s
     dream escape.                                                                                                                               Noosa’s hinterland and country areas are a collection of distinctive
                                                                                                                                                 villages and historical towns nestled amongst spectacular hills and
                                                                                                                                                 valleys just a short drive from the coast. Discover a world of arts,
                                                                                                                                                 crafts, locally produced foods and incredible natural beauty.
                                                                                                                                                 Visit galleries, cheese makers, breweries, book stores or buy fresh
                                                                                                                                                 local produce at farm gates and markets. For the active, explore one of
                                                                                                                                                 the eight scenic hinterland trails, suitable for walking, mountain biking,
                                                                                                                                                 horse-riding or birdwatching.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                            13
GLOBAL TRAVEL PLANNER 2019-2020 - Visit Noosa
                                                               Noosa’s idyllic location between the fertile soil
                                                               of the hinterland and abundance of pristine
                                                               waterways, means we boast a bountiful supply of
                                                               fresh local produce. Whether you crave hand-picked
                                                               strawberries, macadamias, local crab or juicy red
                                                               tomatoes, local produce is easily sourced from the
                                                               farm gate, farmers markets, Noosa restaurants, cafés
                                                               and even local supermarkets.
                                                               Noosa’s foodie reputation is held in high regard,
                                                               home to several of Australia’s leading chefs and five
                                                               restaurants that are rated in Australia’s top 100. Noosa
                                                               is also well known for the acclaimed Noosa Food &
                                                               Wine Festival held in May celebrating local breweries,
                                                               producers, coffee culture and celebrity chefs.

     Great Beach Drive &
     Cooloola Great Walk
     Between Noosa and Rainbow Beach is the Great Sandy
     National Park and Cooloola Recreation Area. The
     area is home to Teewah Coloured Sands, the pristine
     wilderness of the Noosa Everglades, long stretches
     of beach, a 500,000-year-old sand-mass, forests,
     paperbark swamps, wildflowers, rare and endangered
     animals, with stunning views and walking trails. Visit                                                               Slow Food Noosa
     the lighthouse at Double Island Point and keep a watch                                                               Visitors to Noosa can easily
     out for migrating whales from July – November.                                                                       recognise our best restaurants
     This magnificent stretch of coastline is the only place                                                              and producers thanks to
     in the world where two UNESCO Biosphere Reserves                                                                     Australia’s first ‘Snail of Approval’ program.
     sit side by side - the Great Sandy Biosphere and Noosa                                                               The program is part of the global Slow Food
     Biosphere.                                                                                                           movement, providing a quality assurance guide
     This amazing coastal and bushland scenery can be                                                                     on food outlets that are leaders in the Slow Food
     experienced on a four wheel drive tour along the                                                                     philosophy of ‘good, clean and fair’ food. From
     beach from Noosa on The Great Beach Drive or hiking                                                                  producers and food artisans to restaurant owners,
     88km on the Cooloola Great Walk. Each experience                                                                     chefs and even a cooking school, the Snail of Approval
     offers a rich diversity as you embark on a once in a                                                                 program places Noosa firmly on the global foodie map
     lifetime journey. Continue on from Rainbow Beach all                                                                 as creators and champions of responsible food.
     the way to World Heritage-listed Fraser Island.                                                            
14                                                                                                                                                                                 15
GLOBAL TRAVEL PLANNER 2019-2020 - Visit Noosa
                                                                                                                                                Home to globally awarded day
                                                                                                                                                  spas, Noosa is the perfect
                                                                                                                                                    escape to restore life’s
                                                                                                                                                balance. Unwind with luxurious
                                                                                                                                                    pampering in a day spa,
                                                                                                                                                massage room, healing retreat,
                                                                                                                                                yoga on the beach or state-of-
                                                                                                                                                    the-art Pilates studios.
                                                                                                                                                                                             FAMILY FUN
                                                                                                                                                                                    There are several attractions to

                             noosa's top ten                                                                                                                                        excite and thrill. Cuddle a koala
                                                                                                                                                                                    at Australia Zoo, board the Mary
                                                                                                              DISCOVER THE NOOSA                                                     Valley Rattler steam train, visit
                                       RELAX ON A NOOSA BEACH                                                     EVERGLADES                                                           the Ginger Factory, SeaLife,
                                          One of the most difficult                                           Canoe or cruise through the                                              Aussie World or the Maleny
                                       decisions on a holiday to Noosa                                        stunning Noosa Everglades,                                             Botanic Gardens & Bird World.
                                         is which beach to relax on.                                         one of only two everglades in
                                         There are endless choices,                                         the world. Discover an ancient
                                       including beautiful Noosa Main                                      system of waterways with clear
                                         Beach, Sunshine Beach and                                           lakes and dark tannin waters
                                               Peregian Beach.                                             that provide stunning mirrored
                                                                                                                      reflections.                 CATCH A FERRY AND
                                                                                                                                                 DISCOVER THE DELIGHTS
                                                                                                                                                   OF THE NOOSA RIVER
                                                                              DISCOVER NOOSA’S                                                       Buy an all-day pass and
        WALK IN THE NOOSA                                                         VILLAGES                                                       catch the Noosa Ferry between
         NATIONAL PARK                                                      Noosa rewards visitors with                                            Noosa Marina and Hastings
      The Noosa National Park at the                                       friendly Australian beachside                                          Street to explore the beautiful
     end of Hastings Street features                                        communities and hinterland                                           Noosa River. Be transported to               MARKETS
     spectacular coastal scenery and                                         villages. Each town offers                                         your favourite Noosa restaurant,         Shop like a local and visit
     provides a home for many native                                        its own unique experiences                                               or enjoy a sunset cruise.         one of our exciting markets.
       Australian animals including                                        where you can expect a warm                                                                                The Original Eumundi Markets
          koalas, brush turkeys,                                          welcome, laid-back atmosphere,                                                                             has an international reputation
        echidna and kookaburras.                                            stunning vistas with access                                                                              as Australia’s premier art, craft
                                                                            to great food, shopping and                                                                                 and produce market, set in
                                                                                      activities.            NOOSA COUNTRY DRIVE                                                       the township of Eumundi on
                                                                                                                  Venture to the Noosa                                                   Wednesday and Saturday
                                                                                                               hinterland surrounding this                                            morning. Visit Noosa Farmers
                                               SHOP ON                                                        coastal getaway, dotted with                                             Markets, voted best farmers
                                            HASTINGS STREET                                                lakes, lookouts and scenic trails.                                        market in Australia, held every
                                         Regarded as the style hub of                                         Historic towns welcome you                                                     Sunday morning.
                                        Noosa, this bustling beachside                                     with cafés, galleries, farm gates                                            Other great local markets
                                          strip is home to an exciting                                       and markets. Stay in lakefront                                         include Peregian Beach Markets,
                                        range of fashion labels, unique                                     cottages, B&Bs, health retreats                                          Noosa Marina Markets, Pomona
                                       jewellery, surf gear, homewares,                                          or glamp under Noosa’s                                                Markets, Cooran and Kin Kin
                                           art and beauty products.                                                    starry skies.                                                         village markets.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                       17
GLOBAL TRAVEL PLANNER 2019-2020 - Visit Noosa
     Noosa works in partnership with Visit Sunshine Coast, Fraser Coast Tourism & Events and
     Destination Gympie Region to offer visitors some of the most breathtaking natural scenery you
     can experience in Australia, just north of Noosa on day trips or overnight stays.

                                                                                                     FRASER ISLAND & HERVEY BAY
                                                                                                     World Heritage-listed Fraser Island is the world’s
                                                                                                     largest sand island and an area of remarkable natural
                                                                                                     beauty. Blessed with long white beaches, coloured
                                                                                                     sand cliffs, sand blows, rocky headlands and amazingly
                                                                                                     clear freshwater lakes, it is a perfect extension to
                                                                                                     your Noosa holiday. Swim in over 100 freshwater lakes
                                                                                                     including Lake McKenzie and Eli Creek, walk through
                                                                                                     towering rainforest, drive on 120km of beach highway
                                                                                                     and visit the Maheno shipwreck.
                                                                                                     The whales’ playground of Hervey Bay is about a three
     RAINBOW BEACH                                                                                   hour drive north of Noosa on the Bruce Highway where
     You will find the quiet yet stunning beachside town of                                          you can join a half-day whale watching tour in the calm
     Rainbow Beach 100km by road (60km via Great Beach                                               waters off Fraser Island, spotting humpback whales
     Drive) north of Noosa along the Cooloola section of the                                         with their calves.
     Great Sandy National Park.
     The town is a hidden treasure and offers a                                                      LADY ELLIOT ISLAND
     breathtaking coastline, 72 shades of coloured sands                                             Flights to Lady Elliot Island depart daily from Hervey
     on cliff faces and some of the best coastal views in                                            Bay Airport, about 3 hours’ drive north of Noosa. This
     Australia. Rainbow Beach is also the southern gateway                                           award-winning nature-based resort is perfect for a
     to World Heritage-listed K’gari (Fraser Island).                                                day tour to explore this underwater wonderland or for
     Do not miss the magnificent sunrise or sunsets at                                               overnight stays.
     Carlo Sand Blow, a 15-hectare sand mass that is over                                            Snorkel (safe for beginners) or dive the southernmost
     500,000 years old. Marine and wildlife are abundant,                                            point of the Great Barrier Reef and explore nature’s
     including millions of soldier crabs, thousands of                                               year-round seasonal migration including turtle nesting,
     whales (seasonal) and it is a breeding ground to the                                            giant manta rays, humpback whales and sea birds,
     endangered Grey Nurse Sharks, which attracts diver                                              as well as an array of other marine life and unspoilt
     from around the world.                                                                          coral reef.

18                                                                                                                                                             19
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Noosa offers a place to
                                                                                                                                                                                                    stay for everyone, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                      stylish five-star resorts,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    exclusive islands, glamping,

     SUGGESTED ITINERARY                                       Day 2                                                                                                                                 houseboats, apartments,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          B&Bs or RV stops
                                                               Explore the lesser known side to Noosa on a day                                                                                              and camping.
     Day 1                                                     traversing the countryside. Home to warm welcomes
     Every visit to Noosa requires at least a day exploring    and exquisite local produce at farm gates where you                                                            Day 4
     the town… most people wish they could stay longer!        can taste feijoas, pick strawberries and finish at a   Day 3                                                   Cross the Noosa River on a 5-minute car ferry ride
     Soak up the natural beauty of the Noosa National          craft brewery.
                                                                                                                      An absolute must is a visit to the Noosa Everglades.    and you arrive on the Noosa North Shore – the
     Park or drive the coast road to explore Sunshine,         For the more adventurous, join a mountain biking       Cruise, kayak or canoe the ‘River of Mirrors’ known     gateway to the Great Beach Drive. Join a 4WD tour
     Sunrise or Peregian Beach villages.                       adventure, navigating through National Park on         for its breathtaking reflective waters and complete     from Noosa, driving on the sand. The 88km drive
     Explore the many boutiques lining Hastings Street         well designed trails. Hike up Mt Tinweerbah or Mt      wilderness experience. Home to over 44% of              passes through Rainbow Beach and all the way
     and dine at one of the award-winning restaurants          Cooroora for spectacular 360-degree views.             Australia’s bird species, Eastern Grey Kangaroos ,      to Fraser Island, passing historical landmarks,
     with beachfront or river views. Hire a jet ski, spot      There are country towns dotted throughout the          echidnas, koalas and a variety of other Australian      stunning natural scenery and the Double Island Point
     dolphins on a jet boat ride or learn to surf in a World   Noosa Hinterland with the scenery alone worthy of a    wildlife and all just a 20-minute drive from the town   Lighthouse where you will see humpback whales in
     Surfing Reserve.                                          day out exploring.                                     of Noosa.                                               season (June – November).

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   21

                                    Alaya Verde                                                    Map Ref. 1
                                    355 RINGTAIL CREEK ROAD, RINGTAIL CREEK QLD
                                    A boutique, three suite private luxury hinterland retreat. Situated
                                    15 minutes northwest of central Noosa, guests unwind to nature’s symphony.
                                    Surrounded by tall forests and abundant wildlife. An upscale, ambient, organic
                                    and memorable experience of Noosa’s vibrant hinterland.
                                    Property facilities: BBQ, lap pool, surrounded by forest
                                    Target markets: Honeymoon, FIT.
                                    Room type: B&B – pavilion rooms.

                                      Rating           Rooms            WiFi              From Rate
                                      4.5 star *       3                Yes - free        $250pn
     +61 7 5485 3099       @AlayaVerde                     @alayaverde_noosa                                                        *
                                                                                                                     Self rated

                                    Eumarella Shores, Noosa Lake Retreat                                     Map Ref. 2
                                    251 EUMARELLA ROAD, LAKE WEYBA, NOOSA QLD
                                    Secluded, private, fully self-contained lakehouses nestled on the water’s edge, beneath
                                    the tree canopy. Explore the lake in your canoe, be entertained by the kangaroos or
                                    bushwalk in the nature refuge. The perfect balance of luxury and nature, just minutes
                                    from Noosa make this retreat the ideal base for your Noosa holiday.
                                    Property facilities: Fully self-contained, spa baths, wood fires, lake on your
                                    doorstep and nature reserve in your backyard. Under cover car-parking.
                                    Complimentary use of 2 person canoe.
                                    Disabled facilities: Lakehouse with access friendly ramp and bathroom.
                                    Target markets: Couples, families, groups.
                                    Room type: Fully self-contained.

                                      Rating           Rooms            WiFi              From Rate
                                      4.5 star *       7                Yes - free        $300pn
     +61 7 5449 1738        @eumarellashores             @eumarella_shores                                                        *
                                                                                                                     Self rated
22                                                                                                                                23

                                                 Fairshore Noosa                                         Map Ref. 3       Habitat Noosa                                Map Ref. 5
                                                 5/41 HASTINGS STREET, NOOSA HEADS QLD                                    ELANDA POINT, NOOSA HEADS QLD
                                                 Fairshore Noosa’s absolute beachfront apartments boast one of            Habitat Noosa is uniquely located in the Cooloola National Park, a
                                                 the Sunshine Coast’s truly idyllic locations. Situated in the Hastings   short 5-minute boat ride from the Noosa Everglades, and a
                                                 Street precinct, all of Fairshore’s first class Noosa apartments         25-minute shuttle transfer from Noosa.
                                                 front directly onto the sands of Noosa’s Main Beach and offer            The 26ha site, with 500m of private beach frontage on the Noosa
                                                 uninterrupted ocean views, making it the perfect Hastings Street         River provides glamping accommodation in either the Luxury
                                                 and Noosa Heads holiday accommodation.                                   Paperbark Tents or Wilderness Tents.
                                                 Property facilities: Beachfront pool, spa, gymnasium, games              Home to a large colony of Grey Kangaroos, birdlife and starry
                                                 room, tour desk, BBQ area.                                               night sky.
                                                 Target markets: Families, couples.                                       Room type: Glamping accommodation – Paperbark or Wilderness
                                                 Room type: 2 bedroom self-contained apartments.                          tents.
                                                    Rating          Rooms             WiFi             From Rate          Total number of rooms: 18, guest capacity 66
                                                                                                                          Property facilities: Ensuite, 30m 2, private deck, restaurant and bar
                                                    4.5 star        21                Yes              $550pn             onsite, tours and activities.
                                                 +61 7 5447 3444 |                             Target markets: Families, backpackers, couples, groups.
                                                                                           Starting from rate per room:
                                                      @FairshoreNoosa                                                     Luxury Paperbark Glamping Tent $250pn
                                                      @fairshorenoosa                                                     Wilderness Tent                       $132pn

                                                                                                                          +61 7 5485 3165 |
                                                                                                                            @habitatnoosa          @habitatnoosa

                                 Glamacamp                                                    Map Ref. 4                  Ivory Palms Resort                                      Map Ref. 6
                                 SUNSHINE COAST QLD                                                                       73 HILTON TERRACE, NOOSAVILLE QLD
                                 Exclusive tent hire and styling for boutique accommodation, lounge and dining            Ivory Palms Resort is an easy 25-minute drive from Sunshine
                                 for specialty celebrations and events on the beautiful Sunshine Coast.                   Coast Airport or a 90-minute drive from the hustle and bustle of
                                 Accommodation, Dining, Lounge, Picnics, Styling, Hire.                                   Brisbane. With an extensive range of suitable accommodation
                                                                                                                          options, offering over 130 rooms with choices from self-contained
                                 Our glamorous 5m, 6m and 7m tents are set up as required, enabling our services
                                                                                                                          one bedroom apartments, two bedroom villas, and two and three
                                 to be brought directly to you at your chosen site. Glamacamp’s Tents can be
                                                                                                                          bedroom townhouses.
                                 customised, joined and styled to suit any budget and occasion, from basic to grand.
                                                                                                                          Kick up your feet and relax by one of the three pools or get active
                                 We are a small exclusive boutique brand with a standard and quality like no other.       on the tennis court or jumping pillow, here at Ivory Palms there
                                 Property facilities: Dependent on tent location.                                         is more than enough to keep you entertained. With multiple
                                 Target markets: Elopements, couples, families, small groups.                             barbeque areas, a games room, two spas and a sauna, you will
                                 Room type: Glamping tent.                                                                never want to leave. Noosa is a great place for any family or
                                                                                                                          couple. Hop onto the Noosa Ferry for a scenic cruise down the
                                 From rate: Please contact us for commissionable rates.
                                                                                                                          Noosa River to Noosa Heads, famed for its beautiful dining,
                                                                                                                          shopping and beach or take a short 10-minute stroll to the many
     +61 427 909 714                                                                                                      cafes and restaurants located on Gympie Terrace.       @glamacampnoosa                @glamacampnoosa                                                                      Property facilities: 3 pools, jumping pillow, tennis court, café and
                                                                                                                          bar, conference room, games room, playground, sauna and spa.
                                                                                                                          Target markets: Families, groups, couples.
                                                                                                                          Room type: Self-contained apartments.

                                                                                                                            Rating           Rooms             WiFi             From Rate
                                                                                                                            4 star           130               Yes              $150pn
                                                                                                                          +61 7 5473 1700 |
24                                                                                                                                                                                                25

     Kingfisher Bay Resort                                  Map Ref. 7           Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort                          Map Ref. 8
     KINGFISHER BAY, FRASER ISLAND QLD                                           SOUTHERN GREAT BARRIER REEF QLD
     If you travel in search of 5-star outdoor experiences, memories             Lady Elliot Island on the southern tip of Australia’s iconic Great
     to last a lifetime, and the ultimate Australian adventure – you’ll          Barrier Reef is famous for its unspoilt coral reef and amazing
     find it all at Kingfisher Bay Resort, nestled on the western bay of         array of marine life including turtles, manta rays and the entire
     Fraser Island.                                                              cast of ‘Finding Nemo’.
     From swimming in the world-famous Lake McKenzie, to cruising                Lady Elliot Island features a low-key Eco Resort focused on
     along 75-Mile Beach, hiking through secret sand dunes, exploring            providing guests with a genuine ecotourism experience.
     the ruins of the Maheno shipwreck, or paddling through the
                                                                                 Property facilities: Beachfront café and lagoon bar, beachfront
     freshwater mangrove creeks in canoes – the adventures you’ll
                                                                                 dining room, beach volleyball court, children’s playground,
     have in this World Heritage-listed wonderland are endless. The
                                                                                 gift shop, guest laundry, PADI dive shop, reef education centre,
     resort provides easy access to the island’s iconic sites and a
                                                                                 resort pool, kids club (5-12yrs in QLD & NSW school holidays).
     fully immersive ecotourism experience. Fraser Island offers an
     unforgettable experience and is a MUST for every East Coast                 Target markets: Families, adventure seekers, groups,
     itinerary.                                                                  eco travellers.
                                                                                 Room type: Hotel.
     Disabled facilities: Ramp for easy access.
     Property facilities: 4 swimming pools, 3 restaurants, conference
     facilities, 4 bars, ranger-guided activities.
     Target markets: Singles, couples, families, seniors, groups.
     Room type: Hotel, king rooms, 2 and 3 bedroom villas.

       Rating           Rooms            WiFi             From Rate                Rating            Rooms           WiFi             From Rate
       4 star           152              Yes*             Contracted               3.5 star *        43              Limited          $185 pp/pn

                                                                                 +61 7 5536 3644 | Freecall 1800 072 200
      +61 7 4194 9300 | 1800 072 555 (toll free in Australia)           |               
          @kingfisherbayresort                                                       @ladyelliotislandecoresort
          @kingfisherbayresort                                  *
                                                                    Self rated       @ladyelliotislandecoresort #ladyelliotisland           *
                                                                                                                                                Self rated
26                                                                                                                                                           27

                                                Luxico                                       Map Ref. 9                                              Mantra French Quarter                                                     Map Ref. 11
                                                SUNSHINE COAST QLD                                                                                   62 HASTINGS STREET, NOOSA HEADS QLD
                                                LUXICO is Australia’s first ‘Home Hotel’ offering VIPs, families and                                 Located on Hastings Street, Mantra French Quarter is the perfect place to enjoy
                                                affluent travellers access to Australia’s best homes with hotel-style                                a seaside escape to Noosa. Mantra French Quarter is set back from the hustle
                                                24/7 concierge support.                                                                              and bustle of Hastings Street yet offers direct access to the shopping, dining
                                                Noosa offers two breathtaking properties with expansive ocean                                        and entertainment hub, making it the perfect place to enjoy the best of Noosa.
                                                views in the villages of Sunshine and Sunrise Beach. Azure provides                                  Mantra French Quarter offers self-contained one and two bedroom apartments
                                                four bedrooms plus study, infinity swimming pool, spa, cinema and                                    or opt to pay a little extra for a newly refurbished one or two bedroom deluxe
                                                wine cellar. Sunrise Retreat has five bedrooms, commercial grade                                     apartment.
                                                gym, 25m pool with waterslide and sauna and spa.                                                     Property facilities: 24 hour reception, complimentary parking, lagoon pool,
                                                We exclusively manage designer and luxury homes in Noosa,                                            sauna, spa, children’s wading pool.
                                                as well as across Brisbane, Byron Bay, Sydney, Palm Beach,                                           Target markets: Families, couples, honeymoon.
                                                Melbourne, Mornington Peninsula and Port Douglas, providing                                          Room type: Self-contained apartments.
                                                luxurious accommodation with a personalised touch.                                                     Rating           Rooms            WiFi              From Rate
                                                Property facilities: All properties are provisioned to five star
                                                                                                                                                       4 star *         109              Yes**             $259pn
                                                standards. When staying with LUXICO enjoy gourmet welcome               +61 7 5665 4183
                                                hamper, luxurious linen, gorgeous toiletries, on-call concierge         @MantraHotels
                                                (24/7), personal welcome, free WiFi, all the essentials and a few       @mantrahotels #mantrahotels #mantrafrenchquarter                         *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Self rated
                                                local treats.
                                                Target markets: Families, corporates and celebrities.
                                                Room type: Luxury homes, penthouses and private estates.
                                                Total number of rooms: More than 150 properties in Australia.                                        Noosa Crest                                                              Map Ref. 12
                                                From rate: From $4,500 per night.                                                                    2 NOOSA DRIVE, NOOSA HEADS QLD
                                                                                                                                                     Noosa Crest is nestled on top of the world at Noosa Hill, amidst beautifully
                                                +61 3 8547 4758 |                                                                 landscaped gardens. The resort boasts multi-million dollar views of Laguna Bay
                                                                                                                              and the ocean beyond, the Noosa River and the picturesque hinterland. With direct
                                                                                                                                                     access to Noosa River via the resort’s private boardwalk, Noosa Crest is also within
                                                                                                                                                     5 minutes’ walk of Noosa’s famed Hastings Street, main beach and some of the
                                                    @luxico #luxico #luxiconcierge #homehotel
                                                                                                                                                     best dining and shopping experiences on the Sunshine Coast.
                                                                                                                                                     Property facilities: Private boardwalk to Hastings Street, flood lit tennis court,
                               Makepeace Island                                             Map Ref. 10                                              two pools, two spas, one sauna.
                                                                                                                                                     Target markets: Family, mature age couples, honeymooners.
                               LOT 55, NOOSA RIVER QLD
                                                                                                                                                     Room type: Self-contained apartments.
                               Makepeace Island is your private island sanctuary within minutes of Noosa –
                               perfect for a short getaway, a significant birthday celebration or a longer stay with
                               family, friends or colleagues. The Australian home of Sir Richard Branson, Brett                                        Rating           Rooms             WiFi             From Rate
                               Godfrey and Radek Sali, Makepeace Island is incredibly special… offering a unique                                       4.5 star         37                Yes              $215pn
                               fusion of luxury and wilderness, creating an idyllic place to escape and unwind.         +61 7 5449 5700
                               Property facilities: 500,000 litre swimming pool, 15-person heated spa, tennis            @noosacrestresort
                               court, kayaks & stand-up paddle boards, river fishing, gymnasium, outdoor cinema,                @noosacrest
                               outdoor chess, walking trails, free WiFi.
                               Target markets: Multi-generation families, celebratory events, corporate retreats,
                               wellness retreats.
                               Room type: Exclusive use private island.
                               Total number of rooms: 11: 3 x Master Villas (2-bedroom), 1 x Island House (4 x
                               1-bedroom), 1 x Boathouse (1-bedroom)
     +61 7 5447 1196           From Rate: From $10,000 per night.         @MakepeaceIsland         @makepeaceisland

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 29

     Noosa International Resort                              Map Ref. 13                                    Peppers Noosa Resort & Villas                                         Map Ref. 15
     EDGAR BENNETT AVENUE, NOOSA HEADS QLD                                                                  33A VIEWLAND DRIVE, NOOSA HEADS QLD
     One and two bedroom self-contained and air conditioned                                                 Nestled in the Noosa National Park, Peppers Noosa Resort & Villas offers elegant,
     apartments perfectly located close to Hastings Street, Noosa                                           spacious and contemporary accommodation immersed in natural surrounds.
     National Park and Noosa Junction.                                                                      Laze in the free-form swimming pool or dine in View Restaurant, where you will be
     Families, couples and groups will feel at home in these spacious                                       treated with dishes of fresh, local and seasonal produce. If visiting on business,
     Noosa apartments, set on two acres of tropical gardens.                                                enjoy first class facilities in our conference and events spaces.

     Property facilities: Two lagoon pools, three spas,                                                     Property facilities: 24-hour reception, concierge, tour desk, complimentary
     sauna, steam room, gymnasium, tour desk, BBQ area.                                                     parking, heated lagoon pool, 25m lap pool, gym, steam room, theatrette,
                                                                                                            games room, seasonal pool bar.
     Target markets: Families, couples, groups.
                                                                                                            Target markets: Families, couples, honeymoon, groups.
     Room type: Self-contained apartments.
                                                                                                            Room type: Apartments, villas and penthouses.
       Rating          Rooms            WiFi             From Rate
                                                                                                              Rating          Rooms            WiFi            From Rate
       3.5 star        67               Yes              $175pn
                                                                                                              5 star *        170              Yes**           $299pn
     +61 7 5447 4822 |                         +61 7 5665 4183                                            @PeppersHotels                                                         *
                                                                                                                                                                                          Self rated

                                                                                                                            RACV Noosa Resort                                     Map Ref. 16
                                                                                                                            94 NOOSA DRIVE, NOOSA HEADS QLD
                                                                                                                            All apartments and villas feature a lounge area, kitchen, laundry
                                                                                                                            facilities, Foxtel TV, DVD player and large private bathrooms.
                                                                                                                            All have a balcony or terrace with outdoor seating. Some villas
                                                                                                                            offer a private plunge pool or rooftop spa and exclusive, secure,
                                                                                                                            undercover car parks. Free shuttle to Hastings Street and Noosa
                                                                                                                            Main Beach operates daily.
                                                                                                                            Property facilities: Heated (29°) pools, water slides, interactive
                                                                                                                            water splash area, flood lit tennis court, restaurant and sunset
                                                                                                                            bar with wood-fired pizza oven, day spa, gym, retail shop,
     Noosa Residences                                        Map Ref. 14
                                                                                                                            playground, bike hire, 24 hour reception.
     3 MORWONG DRIVE, NOOSA HEADS QLD                                                                                       Disabled facilities: Wheel chair accessible room.
     Noosa Residences is an exclusive complex of 23 architect-                                                              Target markets: Families, couples, tour groups.
     designed holiday homes just a few minutes’ stroll from                                                                 Room type: Apartments, suites and self-contained apartments
     Hastings Street and Noosa’s Main Beach. The luxurious two-and                                                          and villas.
     three-bedroom houses capture the best of coastal living with
     rainforest, ocean and hinterland views. Each substantial house                                                           Rating           Rooms           WiFi             From Rate
     offers multiple decks to enjoy the stunning views, as well as                                                            5 star           170             Yes              $340pn
     designer kitchens, bathrooms, and stylish interiors. Noosa
     Residences puts the holiday back into house.                                                                           +61 7 5341 6300 |
     Property facilities: Year round heated swimming pool.
     Target markets: FIT, honeymoon, families, groups.
     Room type: Houses.
       Rating          Rooms            WiFi             From Rate
       5 star *        17               Yes              $465pn

     +61 7 5474 6700 |
        @noosaresidences                                        *
                                                                    Self rated

30                                                                                                                                                                                                     31

                                         Rainbow Ocean Palms Resort                                             Map Ref. 17                                                          Sofitel Noosa Pacific Resort                            Map Ref. 20
                                         103 COOLOOLA DRIVE, RAINBOW BEACH QLD                                                                                                       14 - 16 HASTINGS STREET, NOOSA HEADS QLD
                                         Rainbow Ocean Palms Resort is a small, luxury boutique resort positioned on                                                                 Ease into luxury in one of our 176 rooms, suites or villas, each with
                                         the highest point in Rainbow Beach, offering panoramic ocean views to World                                                                 a private balcony and 24-hour room service. Indulge in your own
                                         Heritage-listed Fraser Island (K’gari). The resort is nestled up against Carlo                                                              chic pool Cabana with personal butler.
                                         Sandblow and has direct access to walking tracks in the national park.                                                                      Sophisticated haute cuisine is offered at Peter Kuruvita’s Noosa
                                         Property facilities: Wet edge pool, free parking, BBQ facilities, free WiFi.                                                                Beach House restaurant or pamper yourself in our AQUA Day Spa.
                                         Target markets: Couples, honeymooners, families and adventure travellers                                                                    Property facilities: Day spa, 3 bars, 1 restaurant, room service,
                                         Room type: Spacious self-contained apartments.                                                                                              24 hour reception, secure undercover car parking, swim-up pool
                                                                                                                                                                                     bar, gymnasium, lagoon-style pool.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Disabled facilities: Accessible hotel rooms and ramps, guest lifts,
                                                                                                                                                                                     wheelchair access to Noosa Beach House Restaurant.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Target markets: Couples, honeymoon, families, groups, singles.
                                           Rating          Rooms            WiFi             From Rate
                                                                                                                                                                                     Room type: Hotel.
                                           4.5 star        10               Yes - free       $259pn
                                                                                                                                                                                       Rating           Rooms            WiFi              From Rate
     +61 7 5486 3211
                                            @rainbowoceanpalms                                                                                                                                                     5 star           176              Yes               $289pn
                                                                                                                                                                                     +61 7 5449 4888 |
                                         Seahaven Resort                                                        Map Ref. 18                                                             @sofitelnoosa            @sofitelnoosapacific
                                         15 HASTINGS STREET, NOOSA HEADS QLD
                                         Absolute beachfront location on beautiful Laguna Bay with luxury one and two
                                         bedroom fully serviced apartments or smaller studios. Enjoy vibrant Hastings
                                         Street cafés and restaurants with shopping at your doorstop.
                                         Property facilities: Beachfront location, three pools, gym, free onsite parking,
                                         BBQ area.
                                         Disabled facilities: Accessible bathrooms in two beachfront apartments and
                                         one Hastings studio.
                                         Target markets: Families and couples.
                                         Room type: Self-contained serviced apartments.
                                                                                                                                                                     Stay Noosa - Noosa Blue Resort                                          Map Ref. 21
                                                                                                                                                                     16 NOOSA DRIVE, NOOSA HEADS QLD
                                          Rating          Rooms            WiFi             From Rate                                                                Positioned on the crest of Noosa Hill, Noosa Blue is a relaxing, tranquil resort
                                                                                                                                                                     with beautiful pool, hinterland or garden views from every room. Guests enjoy the
                                          4.5 star        68               Yes - free       Please contact for
                                                                                                                                                                     choice of one-bedroom deluxe suites with large private balconies, or penthouse
                                                                                            commissionable rates
     +61 7 5447 3422                                                                                                                                                 apartments with rooftop terraces, hot tub and barbeque facilities.               #seahavennoosa                                                                                                          Property facilities: 2 heated pools, café, free WiFi, steam room, yoga, pilates                    #seahavennoosa                                                                                                          and massage centre, BBQ areas, free undercover secure parking, tour desk and
                                                                                                                                                                     car hire.
                                                                                                                                                                     Disabled facilities: Disabled friendly room.
                                         Stay Noosa - Beach Road Holiday Homes                                  Map Ref. 19                                          Target markets: Couples.
                                         90 BEACH ROAD, NOOSA NORTH SHORE QLD                                                                                        Room type: Self-contained apartments.
                                         Fringed by native bushland, unspoilt beaches and pristine waterways, and
                                         situated at the gateway to the Cooloola-Great Sandy National Park, Beach Road                                                Rating           Rooms            WiFi             From Rate
                                         Holiday Homes allows you to get back to nature without sacrificing 5-star luxury.                                            4.5 star *       64               Yes - free       $165pn
                                         The architect designed, eco-inspired homes offer an unparalleled opportunity to             +61 7 5447 5699
                                         relax and rejuvenate.                                                                   @noosablue
                                                                                                                                              @noosablueresort                                                         *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Self rated
                                         Property facilities: Leisure Centre offering swimming pool, spa, tennis court,
                                         BBQs, media room, games and pool room, children’s playroom for younger
                                         Target markets: Families, couples, groups, corporate, weddings.
                                         Room type: 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom houses.

                                           Rating          Rooms            WiFi             From Rate
                                           5 star   *
                                                           24               Yes - free       $278pn
     +61 7 5440 5806      @BeachRoadHolidayHomes           @beachroadholidayhomes                                                  *
                                                                                                                        Self rated

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                33

                                                                                                                      Stay Noosa - Noosa Lakes Resort                                        Map Ref. 23
                                                                                                                      3 HILTON TERRACE, NOOSAVILLE QLD
                                                                                                                      Located only metres from the pristine Noosa River, on the shores of Lake
                                                                                                                      Doonella, Noosa Lakes Resort provides a relaxing resort environment with a
                                                                                                                      variety of great room options for singles, couples, families and business people.
                                                                                                                      Property facilities: 3 lagoon style swimming pools, BBQ area, free parking,
                                                                                                                      bike hire, free WiFi.
                                                                                                                      Disabled facilities: Disabled friendly room.
                                                                                                                      Target markets: Families, groups, couples.
                                                                                                                      Room type: Studios, one bedroom apartments, two bedroom townhouses.

                                                                                                                       Rating           Rooms            WiFi             From Rate
                                                                                                                       3.5 star *       74               Yes - free       $100pn
                                                                               +61 7 5447 1400
                                                                                        @noosalakesresort                                                          *
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Self rated

                                                                                                                                      The Islander Noosa Resort                              Map Ref. 24
                                                                                                                                      187 GYMPIE TERRACE, NOOSAVILLE QLD
                                                                                                                                      The Islander Noosa Resort offers affordable holidays with the
                                                                                                                                      best facilities and is centrally located to explore Noosa and the
                                                                                                                                      Sunshine Coast. Self-contained villas on four acres of tropical
                                                                                                                                      gardens across from the Noosa River foreshore and in the heart
                                                                                                                                      of Noosaville, with shops, restaurants and supermarkets all
                                                                                                                                      within a few minutes stroll.
                                                                                                                                      Property facilities: Three pools (one heated year round),
                                                                                                                                      two tennis courts, two saunas, three spas, gym, games room,
                                                                                                                                      barbeques and clubhouse, pool hoist for guests with a disability,
                                                                                                                                      full security and undercover parking, Moondoggy’s Cafe Bar,
                                                                                                                                      restaurants, hairdresser, shoe and boutique shops on resort
     Stay Noosa -                                         Map Ref. 22
                                                                                                                                      Target markets: Families, seniors, groups, conference.
     Culgoa Point Beach Resort                                                                                                        Room type: 2 and 3 bedroom fully self-contained villas.
     Nestled on the longest private beach in Noosa, Culgoa Point
     Beach Resort overlooks the pristine waters of the Noosa River,
     the Noosa North Shore, and beyond. Located on Noosa Sound,                                                                         Rating           Rooms            WiFi             From Rate
     within easy walking distance of the fabulous restaurants, cafes
     and shops of Noosa and Noosaville, the resort offers apartments                                                                    3.5 star         60               Yes              $180 - $285pn
     in garden, marina and beachside positions, all with large
     entertaining and spacious outdoor areas.                                                                                         +61 7 5440 9200
     Property facilities: Private beach and direct access to Noosa
     River, exclusive use marina, swimming pool, BBQ areas, landscaped
     gardens, SUP, kayak hire and bike hire.                                                                                             @theislandernoosaresort
     Target markets: Families, couples.                                                                                                  @the_islander_noosa_resort
     Room type: 1, 2 and 3 bedroom self-contained apartments.

       Rating          Rooms           WiFi             From Rate
       4 star   *
                       55              Yes - free       $143pn

     +61 7 5449 6400
        @culgoapointbeachresort                               *
                                                                  Self rated
34                                                                                                                                                                                                                   35
The Retreat Beach Houses                                                 Map Ref. 25
                              390 DAVID LOW WAY, PEREGIAN BEACH QLD
                              Nestled in the sand dunes of Noosa and surrounded by nature, The Retreat
                              Beach Houses are the ultimate accommodation option for a holiday of absolute
                              relaxation. With 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms, these free-standing, fully self-contained
                              spacious 2 storey beach houses are designed to capture the essence of a
                              Queensland beach holiday. Spread out on 5 acres of pristine beachfront land
                              with no roads to cross, a lagoon-style heated pool and full size tennis court,

                              beach towels, boogie boards and plenty of extras.
                              Property facilities: Direct beach access, lagoon pool, full size tennis court,
                              beach and pool toys, BBQs, undercover parking.
                              Target markets: Families, groups.
                              Room type: Self-contained houses.
                               Rating            Rooms            WiFi             From Rate
                               4.5 star          15               Yes              $230pn
     +61 7 5448 1922      @TheRetreatBeachHouses           @the_retreat_beach_houses

                              The Sebel Noosa                                                          Map Ref. 26
                              32 HASTINGS STREET, NOOSA HEADS QLD
                              Located on iconic Hastings St, The Sebel Noosa is the perfect place to relax,
                              explore and indulge. Spacious, fully self-contained one or two bedroom apartments
                              with separate living and dining areas, balconies, large bedrooms and beautifully
                              appointed bathrooms ensure guests feel instantly relaxed. Guests can indulge in a
                              high tea, relax pool side with a drink, explore Noosa National Park; bike ride through
                              Noosa Woods or simply watch a sunset on Noosa’s iconic Main Beach. Sebel Hosts
                              are ready to make each guests’ stay memorable.
                              Property facilities: Gymnasium, complimentary secure undercover car parking,
                              outdoor swimming pool, heated jacuzzi, children’s wading pool, WiFi.
                              Disabled facilities: All apartments have access via lift from car park and pool area.
                              Target markets: Families, groups, couples, wedding parties, honeymoon.
                              Room type: Apartment.

                                Rating           Rooms            WiFi              From Rate
     +61 7 5474 6400            4.5 star *       78               Yes               $298pn       @TheSebelNoosa             @thesebelnoosa                                 *
                                                                                                              Self rated

36                                                                                                                                37

                                                                                                       Con-x-ion Transfer Services
                                                                                                       Safe, trusted and reliable, Con-X-ion Airport Shuttle has been the brand that both
                                                                                                       locals and tourists alike prefer as their main ground transport provider.
                                                                                                       Travellers are welcomed from the moment they arrive with our on-site airport staff
                                                                                                       to support them. Con-X-ion Airport shuttle provide door-to-door services allowing
                                                                                                       for a convenient and personalised service at an exceptionally cost-effective price.
                                                                                                       Con-X-ion offer hourly services from both Sunshine Coast and Brisbane airports.
                                                                                                       Book now for an efficient, convenient and safe way to travel!
                                                                                                       Office hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week.
                                                                                                       Tour details: Airport shuttles, premiums and attractions, please visit website for
                                                                                                       more information.
                                                                                                       Target markets: Families, FIT, singles, couples, groups and backpackers.
                                                                                                       From rate: Brisbane to Sunshine Coast (transit stop) $41; Sunshine Coast to
                                                                                                       Sunshine Coast (Coolum/Marcoola area) $18. For rates to your destination please
                                                                                                       visit our website.
                                                                         +61 7 5477 0888
                                                                                     @cxnairporttransfers        @cxn_australia        @ConXionAus

                                                                                                       Croc Tours                                                   Map Ref. 28
                                                                                                       SUNSHINE COAST QLD
                                                                                                       Croc Tours is a locally owned company that specialise in small group day tours
                                                                                                       to Australia Zoo. Join us for an Australia Zoo adventure and enjoy numerous live
                                                                                                       wildlife shows including AUSTRALIA ZOO Wildlife Warriors within the purpose built
                                                                                                       Crocoseum. Croc Tours is passionate about wildlife conservation and it’s a pleasure
                                                                                                       linking tourists to Australia Zoo. Our vehicles are modern, fully air conditioned
                                                                                                       with plenty of leg room, designed for total comfort. Book now for an efficient,
                                                                                                       convenient and safe way to travel!
                                                                                                       Tour details: Pick up and drop off from accommodation - Visit to Glass House
                                                                                                       Mountains Lookout - Day admission into Australia Zoo - 5hrs plus to explore Australia
     Australia Zoo                                        Map Ref. 27
                                                                                                       Zoo - Option to cuddle a koala, inclusive of an 8 x 10 photograph to take home.
     1638 STEVE IRWIN WAY, BEERWAH QLD                                                                 Inclusions: Air conditioned vehicle, visit to Glass House Mountains
     Australia Zoo, one hour north of Brisbane on the Sunshine Coast,                                  Target markets: International travellers, families, groups.
     was made famous by the Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin. The                                          From rate: Return transfer and general entry package $149 Adult, $99 Child.
     110-acre zoo is the most interactive conservation destination                                     Koala Cuddle Adventure – Return transfer and general entry, Koala Cuddle inclusive
     on the planet where you can get up close to animals including       +61 (0) 498 761 184
                                                                        of 8 x 10 photograph to take home - $159 Adult, $109 Child.
     koalas, wombats and kangaroos! Watch a saltwater crocodile
     strike from the water’s edge in the daily Wildlife Warriors show,                @CrocTours
     and explore the world’s busiest Wildlife Hospital, where you can
     watch vets saving endangered Australian animals.
     Available facilities: Free parking, ATMs, cafe, playground,
                                                                                                       Everglades Eco Safaris                                                 Map Ref. 29
                                                                                                       NOOSA EVERGLADES ACCESS VIA HABITAT NOOSA QLD
     toilets, telephones.
                                                                                                       Queensland’s multi award winning tour group offers you a choice of
     Disabled facilities: Bathrooms, lift, ramp, car parking,
                                                                                                       unforgettable wilderness experiences into one of Australia’s most pristine
     Opening hours: 9.00am – 5.00pm every day excluding
                                                                                                       regions. Choose from half day or full day river cruises and canoeing safaris.
     Christmas Day.
                                                                                                       A place you must see to believe.
     Tour details: Please visit the website for tour options.
                                                                                                       Office hours: 9am – 6pm daily.
     Target markets: Education, groups, families, backpacker, couples,
                                                                                                       Tour details: Noosa Everglades Cruise & Canoe with morning tea and Aussie
                                                                                                       roast lunch. Noosa Everglades Cruise with morning tea and Aussie roast lunch.
     From rate: Adult $59.00, Child (3-14 years) $35.00,                                               Serenity Afternoon Cruise - enjoy a sunset cruise with sparkling wine and
     Pensioner/Student $47.00, Family 4 $172.00, Family 5 $189.00                                      antipasto platter.
     Awards: Australian Tourism Award, Tourism Queensland Awards.                                      What to bring: Swimwear, sunscreen, camera, towel, hat, insect repellent,
     WiFi: Yes.                                                                                        refillable water bottle.
                                                                                                       Inclusions: Meals and refreshments provided during tour.
                                                                                                       Courtesy transport: Free shuttle bus servicing greater Noosa area.
     Contact: Erina Kilmore | +61 7 5436 2020                                                          Target markets: Families, backpackers, couples, private charter groups.
                                                                         +61 7 5449 0393 |                                                  From rate: $79 Adult / $65 Child / $265 family.
       @AustraliaZoo        @australiazoo                           @evergladesecosafaris          @evergladesecosafaris
38                                                                                                                                                                                             39

                                                                Epic Ocean Adventures                                     Map Ref. 30                                                                  Ginger Factory                                          Map Ref. 32
                                                                NOOSA HEADS AND RAINBOW BEACH                                                                                                          50 PIONEER ROAD, YANDINA, SUNSHINE COAST QLD
                                                                Unique Australian 4x4 aquatic experiences to Sunshine Coast’s                                                                          Play, Taste and Discover at the Ginger Factory, home of Buderim
                                                                secret National Park location, Double Island Point. Experience                                                                         Ginger and one of the Sunshine Coast’s most popular tourist
                                                                the thrill and freedom of the Great Beach Drive along the magical                                                                      attractions.
                                                                Marine Park coastline. Buzzing with wildlife with plenty to see,                                                                       Open daily, the Ginger Factory offers great shopping, fun rides,
                                                                dolphins, whales, turtles, rays and more.                                                                                              informative tours and a fantastic café featuring modern Australian
                                                                                                                                                                                                       cuisine. Set in beautiful tropical gardens, it is the perfect place to
                                                                Departs Noosa and Rainbow Beach daily.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       experience the authentic taste of Queensland and is an all year-
                                                                Tour details: Dolphin View Kayak Tours, Surf lessons (Australia’s                                                                      round destination.
                                                                longest wave), Stand Up Paddle Eco Tours (please see website for                                                                       Opening hours: Open daily (excluding Christmas Day)
                                                                full options).
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tour details: Take a guided tour and learn how ginger is grown,
                                                                Opening hours: 8.30am - 6.00pm daily.                                                                                                  harvested and processed into Buderim Ginger products, including
                                                                What to bring: Towel, water, sunscreen, camera, beach wear.                                                                            tastings. Discover the fascinating world of the Honey Bee,
                                                                Equipment provided: All fully approved equipment.                                                                                      including tastings. Join the Gingerbread Man on an exciting water
                                                                Courtesy transport: 4WD beach transport included.                                                                                      journey around the world. Enjoy a ride around the grounds aboard
                                                                Target markets: Individuals, couples, honeymooners, families,                                                                          Moreton, a 118-year-old historical train.
                                                                groups, backpackers.                                                                                                                   Available facilities: Unique shopping, fully licensed café,
                                                                From rate: AU$69pp.                                                                                                                    ice-creamery, rides and tours. Off street parking. Clean amenities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       EFTPOS, Alipay and Union Pay. WiFi.
                                                                +61 (0) 408 738 192 |                                                                                  Disabled facilities: Wheelchair friendly. Disabled amenities and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Target markets: The Ginger Factory has something for everyone.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       From rate: Train ride tickets $8.50 per person or enjoy everything
                                                                                                                                                                                                       with a Play, Taste & Discover Bundle $44 for an adult.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       +61 7 5447 8431 |
                                                                    @epicoceanadventures                                                                                                                 @thegingerfactory          @ginger_factory

                                               Fraser Explorer Tours                                                          Map Ref. 31                                             Go Ride A Wave                                                           Map Ref. 33
                                               Fraser Explorer’s one and two-day off-roading tours on World Heritage-listed                                                           CLAUDE BATTEN DRIVE, NOOSA HEADS QLD
                                               Fraser Island offer a fun experience for all types of travellers. All tours include                                                    Go Ride A Wave provides 2 hour surf lessons daily at 10am and 2pm.
                                               meals, accommodation and transfers. Get ready to see some of the best scenery                                                          We include a long sleeve rash vest or wetsuit and a soft beginner surfboard with
                                               this side of the east coast as we head out on Fraser Island’s famous sand tracks                                                       2 hours of instruction and fun in a safe and controlled environment. All visitors to
                                               and explore pristine rainforest, crystal-clear freshwater lakes, visit the historic                                                    Noosa should try Australia’s favourite activity.
                                               Maheno Shipwreck and paddle in freshwater creeks. Tours depart daily from
                                                                                                                                                                                      Tour details: 2 hour surf lesson daily at 10am and 2pm.
                                               Hervey Bay and Rainbow Beach.
                                                                                                                                                                                      What to bring: Bathers and towel.
                                               Target markets: Families, singles, couples, groups.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Equipment provided: Long sleeve rash vest or wetsuit and soft beginner surfboard.
                                               What to bring: Personal effects, camera, hat, sunscreen, water bottle,
                                                                                                                                                                                      Courtesy transport: Pick up and drop off (Noosa area).
                                               swimmers, towel.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Target markets: Couples, groups, families, backpackers.
                                               Inclusions: 1 x breakfast, 1 x dinner, 2 x lunch, 2 days 4WD Island touring,
                                               accommodation at Eurong Beach Resort.                                                                                                  From rate: Adult $72. Child under 18 $62.
                                               Courtesy transport: Pick up from accommodation in Rainbow Beach or
                                               Hervey Bay for both day and overnight tours.
     +61 7 4194 9300                                                                                                                        Contact: Peter Fidler | +61 400 182 614
     1800 372 737 (within Australia)                                                                                                        1300 132 441 (within Australia)      @fraserexplorertours                                                                                  @gorideawave                   @FraserExplorerTours                                                                                       @gorideawave

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     Great Beach Drive 4WD Tours                              Map Ref. 34                                    Kanu Kapers Australia                                                    Map Ref. 36
     Intimate and personalised 4WD tours capturing the dramatic                                              BOREEN POINT QLD
     coastline, scenery and wildlife of the Great Beach Drive. Indulge                                       Immerse yourself in the wilderness on an environmentally sustainable guided or
     in a unique once-in-a-lifetime experience driving on over 70                                            self-guided kayaking adventure in the pristine Noosa Everglades, one of just two
     kilometres of golden sandy beaches from Noosa to Rainbow                                                Everglades in the world - a place of serene natural beauty, bursting with rare bird and
     Beach. From start to finish, our tour offers you the freedom                                            plant species. Family operated by a kayak champion using locally handcrafted kayaks.
     to explore, to stay a little longer and to make the most of this
                                                                                                             Tour details: Explore the ancient waterways extending 60km through the Great Sandy
     amazing experience. There is the option to book your own private
                                                                                                             National Park on a Guided or Self-Guided Tour. Overnight adventures available.
     touring experience, including the exhilaration of driving yourself
     on the beach, with your driver/guide acting as your instructor.                                         What to bring: All tours: waterproof shoes; sun smart clothing, sunscreen, hat,
                                                                                                             insect repellent; water bottle; wind proof jacket; towel; change of clothes; camera.
     Opening hours: Guaranteed daily departures excluding
                                                                                                             Self-Guided: food and water. Guided Tour: delicious fresh food included.
     Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
                                                                                                             Equipment provided: Self-Guided: Kayak and camping equipment; map with photos
     Tour details: Day trips and private charters, including to Hervey Bay.
                                                                                                             and kayaking instruction; esky; dry bag. Guided: professional guide; kayaking
     What to bring: Hat, sunscreen, camera, swimmers and towel.                                              equipment; delicious buffet lunch, water refill.
     Inclusions: Lunch including glass of beer, wine or soft drink,                                          Target markets: Groups, couples, families, backpackers.
     morning/afternoon tea, bottled water, National Park fees,
                                                                                                             From Rate: Self-Guided from $99pp. Guided from $189pp.
     professional driver/guide.                                               +61 7 5485 3328
     Courtesy transport: Pick up and drop off from Mooloolaba to    
     Noosaville including Hastings St, Noosa.                                 @kanukapersaustralia          @kanukapersau
     Target markets: Individuals, couples, honeymooners, families,
     small groups.
     From rate: From $195 per adult and $120 per child (under 14).                                                            Maleny Botanic Gardens & Bird World
     Family rate $575 (2 adults, 2 children under 14).                                                                        233 MALENY STANLEY RIVER ROAD, MALENY QLD               Map Ref. 37
     Private tours from $985 per 4x4 wagon.                                                                                   Overlooking a backdrop of the iconic Glass House Mountains, our
     Contact: Jan Foletta | +61 7 5486 3131                                                                                   18 acres of gardens are surrounded by stunning waterfalls and                                                                                               lakes, adding to the majestic nature of this unique attraction high                                                                                              on the escarpment. Four walk-through aviaries are home to over
                                                                                                                              700 native and exotic birds from around the world.
      @Greatbeachdrive4wdtours           @Greatbeachdrive4wdtours
                                                                                                                              Tour details: Daily interactive fully guided Aviary Tours – 10:30am,
                                                                                                                              12:30 and 2:00pm. (See website for additional tour times in peak
     Ikatan Spa Noosa                                         Map Ref. 35                                                     Opening hours: 9am – 4:30pm daily (except Christmas Day).
     46 GRAYS ROAD, DOONAN QLD                                                                                                Available facilities: Onsite café, gift shop, golf buggy hire, four
     ikatan is the Sunshine Coast’s most awarded destination day spa,                                                         walk-through aviaries featuring over 700 exotic birds with
     set on acreage just minutes from Noosa and a short drive from                                                            interactive tours offered throughout the day.
     Sunshine Coast Airport and Mooloolaba. ikatan is known as the                                                            Disabled facilities: Disabled toilets, disabled parking, use of golf
     ‘Best Spa in Noosa’ offering authentic spa treatments, packages                                                          carts to enjoy the gardens (extra cost).
     and full day retreats, focused on de-stressing and wellness.                                                             What to bring: Comfortable walking shoes, closed-in shoes
     Surrounded by tropical gardens, where life is at a slower pace,                                                          preferable for the aviary tours, sunscreen and hat.
     best describes the atmosphere and ambience at ikatan Spa.                                                                Inclusions: Free Wifi, free photo opportunities with our birds
     Renowned for an authentic spa experience and unique massages                                                             and bird handler, 18 gazebos and picnic areas with Glass House
     as well as traditional Balinese treatments.                                                                              Mountain views, 6 kms of walking paths, 8 acres of gardens.
     Available facilities: Day retreats, spa parties, packages, body                                                          Target markets: Families, groups, seniors, weddings, special events.
     treatments, massage, facials, pedicures, head massage. Food and                                                          From rate: Adult $35, Child (3-14 years) $14, Concession $30,
     wine menu, tropical gardens, private car parking. Double room or                                                         Family Day Pass (2 adults & 2 children) $84.
     single treatment rooms.                                                                                                  +61 400 091 731 |
     Disabled facilities: Disabled car parking, access to treatment                                                 
     room, gardens and bathroom.                                                                                                 @malenybotanicgardensandbirdworld
     What to bring: Everything for treatments is supplied.                                                                       @malenybotanicgardens
     Inclusions: Complimentary glass of champagne or pot of herbal
     tea for each guest.
     Courtesy transport: BMW transfer booked at time of booking
     spa treatments.
     Target markets: Adults only.
     From rate: Massage from $155pp – Day Retreat $955pp.
     +61 7 5471 1199 |
      @ikatanspa          @ikatanspanoosa
42                                                                                                                                                                                                     43
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