CIO Insights - Reality check - 2018 The investment landscape ahead - Annual Outlook - Deutsche Bank

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CIO Insights - Reality check - 2018 The investment landscape ahead - Annual Outlook - Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Bank                    Annual Outlook
Wealth Management                        EMEA

CIO Insights

Reality check — 2018
The investment landscape ahead
CIO Insights - Reality check - 2018 The investment landscape ahead - Annual Outlook - Deutsche Bank
CIO Insights
Letter to Investors

Letter to Investors

Reality check

Overall, 2017 turned out to be a good year for investors with
synchronized global growth translating into healthy returns for most
                                                                                                          Christian Nolting
risky assets. Investors also became accustomed to low levels of
                                                                                                            Global CIO

Looking forward into 2018, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth
is likely to remain at similar levels to 2017, and there seems to
be room for some further price expansion in risky assets. But it
would be a mistake to assume that continued economic growth
will automatically translate into a similarly high level of investment
returns as in the year just ending or that these returns will be                                     We expect
repeated again throughout the coming year. In short, we need an
investment “reality check”.
                                                                                                     another year of
                                                                                                     positive, if rather
We expect another year of positive, if generally rather lower,
investment returns. But as we discuss in our Ten Themes for 2018
(starting on page 5), this year will be subtly different from 2017. We
                                                                                                     lower, investment
believe that you should be prepared for, at the least, higher levels
of volatility: as we put it, forewarned is forearmed (Theme 1). Our                                  returns.
central macroeconomic scenario is that growth gazumps geopolitics
(Theme 2) but it is worth considering some alternative risk scenarios
and what they might mean, as we do on page 17: politics is not
the only threat here and we would keep an eye on inflation too, for

A crucial focus will be the consequences of central banks in
transition (Theme 3). Efforts to return to a more traditional monetary
policy approach will continue. We think that they will proceed very
cautiously and that their approach will manage to avoid major
asset class reversals. But even the most gentle withdrawal of policy
support could blunt some asset class returns. For this reason, we
would suggest that you, for example, “flashlight” fixed income
(Theme 4): shine the light into each compartment of this asset class
and take a realistic view of what is possible.

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a
reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer to disclosures and risk warnings at
the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Letter to Investors

                                                      As we tread higher up the investment                  8): economic and policy fundamentals
                                                      returns mountain, the journey will                    could be in conflict here with shorter-
I remain a strong                                     become more tiring. Nonetheless, we                   term factors. Oil markets seem unlikely
                                                      think that there is still some oxygen for             to be upset, however, and we expect a
believer in being                                     equities (Theme 5). But, as they climb                strong case of oil déjà vu (Theme 9) – we
                                                      higher, markets will need the support                 think that the potential for higher U.S.
invested and staying                                  of solid earnings growth as we do not                 production will continue to keep a lid on oil
                                                      expect a further expansion in valuation               prices, as it did in 2017. Finally, we look at
invested but we need to                               multiples. Within this asset class, we                key selected longer-term portfolio drivers
                                                      see the potential for further gains in                in tomorrow’s themes today (Theme 10)
be realistic about what                               the “new” emerging (EM) Asian equity                  and this year highlight smart mobility
                                                      market (Theme 6) where valuations are                 and artificial intelligence (AI) as likely
is achievable                                         still attractive, and which should gain               economic disruptors.
                                                      from the region’s increased exposure
                                                      to technology. But with returns in                    I remain a strong believer in being
                                                      conventional assets and asset classes                 invested and staying invested, but I think
                                                      probably lower on average than in 2017,               that we all need to be realistic about what
                                                      and volatility higher, we think that it could         is achievable and try at all times to avoid
                                                      be worthwhile to explore investment                   complacency - a potential danger in the
                                                      alternatives (Theme 7).                               coming year. 2018 will mark a decade
                                                                                                            since the start of quantitative easing (QE)
                                                      During 2018, in an environment of slow                by the Fed and I think that the process
                                                      but continuous change in monetary policy,             of exiting it will be as interesting as QE
                                                      unexpected events could well lead to more             was. This new and evolving political and
                                                      volatility than in 2017. Exchange rates are           policy landscape will generate plenty of
                                                      usually an early echo of such uncertainty             investment opportunities: watch out for
                                                      and we would expect dynamic foreign                   them.
                                                      exchange (FX) drivers in 2018 (Theme

                                                                                               Christian Nolting
                                                                                                 Global CIO

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights


                                                      5          Ten Themes
                                                                                                            24         Alternatives

                                                                 Ten Themes                                            Hedge funds
                                                                 for 2018

                                                      16         Macroeconomics
                                                                                                            25         Data tables

                                                                 Growth without                                        Macroeconomic
                                                                 tears                                                 forecasts

                                                      18         Multi Asset
                                                                                                            26         Data tables

                                                                 Forward but                                           Asset class
                                                                 not so fast                                           forecasts

Inside the cover

Looking forward into 2018, we can see a
fertile landscape for investment returns,             20         Equities
                                                                                                            27         Glossary

but with sunlight sometimes interrupted
by clouds.
                                                                 Room for more

                                                                                                            29         Disclaimer

                                                      22         Fixed income and foreign exchange
                                                                                                            34         Contacts

                                                                 of the chef

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Ten Themes

                           10                                                    Themes
                                                                                 for 2018
                                                                                 Forward but not so fast
                                                                                 2017 was characterized by resilience, accelerating growth,
                                                                                 low volatility and earnings growth. With economic growth
                                                                                 accelerating around the globe in a synchronized manner, financial
                                                                                 markets notched up healthy returns. However, 2018 is likely to
                                                                                 be rather different. Our base case scenario is that GDP growth
                                                                                 remains close to current levels in most economies: global growth
                                                                                 is put at 3.8% in 2018 after 3.7% in 2017. However, continued
                                                                                 growth does not necessarily lead down a one-way path of
                                                                                 positive returns. Elevated valuation levels across most asset
                                                                                 classes suggest that markets have anticipated this revival of
                                                                                 economic strength. So as not to extrapolate the performance
                                                                                 of 2017, we believe a “reality check” is in order, which is the
                                                                                 backdrop of our Ten Themes for 2018.

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Ten Themes







Forewarned                                             60

is forearmed


                                                                    VIX               VSTOXX              MOVE                 Oil                Gold

                                                            95% of Historical Range            Average Spread Level          Current Spread

                                                      Figure 1:
                                                      Volatility is at abnormally low levels
                                                      Source: FactSet, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Data as of November 28, 2017.
                                                      95% of historical range is between the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles.

                                                      Volatility is not just depressed in the               asset classes priced close to perfection
                                                      equity market, but is near record lows in             (in other words, on the assumption that
                                                      almost all asset classes. To put it another           everything goes right), they could be
                                                      way, the S&P 500 looks like it could                  vulnerable to short-term reversals.
                                                      complete 2017 without a pullback of 5%
                                                      or more – for the first time since 1995.              Investment implications
                                                      But this is not the time to be complacent:            This is the time to start thinking about
                                                      low levels of volatility are unlikely to be           reconfiguring portfolios. Being realistic
                                                      sustained through 2018. There are plenty              is key. Selectivity, active management,
                                                      of potential political risks out there, for           risk management (perhaps through risk
                                                      example in U.S. politics (run-up to the               return engineering and option overlays)
                                                      mid-term elections, Trump legislative                 and tactical positioning are likely to be
                                                      agenda), European politics (Brexit, Italian           important drivers of performance.
                                                      elections) or geopolitical events featuring
                                                      Saudi Arabia or North Korea. With many

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Ten Themes







Growth gazumps
geopolitics                                            0.5%



                                                           Nov 82       Nov 87       Nov 92        Nov 97       Nov 02       Nov 07       Nov 12        Nov 17

                                                         U.S. 10-year minus 2-year yields           U.S. recessions

                                                      Figure 2:
                                                      U.S. yield curve inversion historically precedes recessions – but with a gap
                                                      Source: Thomson Reuters, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Data as of November 17, 2017.

                                                      While geopolitical and domestic political             rising unemployment) that may tell us if
                                                      concerns will continue, we expect growth              the U.S. economic expansion is set to hit
                                                      momentum in the major developed and                   an inflection point or continue its upward
                                                      emerging market economies to come                     trajectory. But history suggests that
                                                      out on top. Consumer demand will likely               even if we get a U.S. yield curve inversion
                                                      be the key driver of global growth as the             (which still appears some way off), then
                                                      probability of recession remains fairly low           we still could be many months away from
                                                      over the course of the year in all major              the start of recession.
                                                      economies. Individual and corporate
                                                      tax cuts remain a catalyst for better                 Investment implications
                                                      U.S. growth. While the positioning of                 Continued growth should help risky
                                                      individual countries within the business              assets, and will probably favour equities
                                                      cycle can be debated, the reality is that             over bonds. Strong domestic demand
                                                      the major driver and determinant for                  growth could aid certain market
                                                      financial markets will be the U.S., which             segments, for example small cap equities
                                                      is in a late phase of the economic cycle.             in the U.S. and European small/mid cap
                                                      As a result, we will look out for key                 equities.
                                                      indicators (e.g. U.S. yield curve inverting,

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Ten Themes

                                                      USD bn                                                                     Peak QE:

                                                      200                                                             March 2017




Central banks                                           0

in transition

                                                             08    09         10   11      12       13      14      15      16         17   18           19

                                                            BoE         Fed          BoJ           ECB           Total

                                                      Figure 3:
                                                      Central bank bond purchases are starting to slow
                                                      Source: Deutsche Bank Global Markets, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. ECB and Fed data
                                                      is for six month moving averages; others are 12 month moving averages. Assumptions are that
                                                      the Fed will redeem maturing assets as per the announced cap during their September 2017
                                                      decision. We assume that the ECB will cut buying to €30bn per month from January 2018 to
                                                      September 2018 and then to €10bn a month in October, November and December 2018, and
                                                      then to zero for 2019.

                                                      Global central banks are likely to remain             Investment implications
                                                      accommodative even as some slowly                     Generally accommodative central banks
                                                      begin the normalization of their balance              will favour risky assets overall. Further
                                                      sheets. The Fed could prove to be slightly            Fed tightening could also strengthen
                                                      more hawkish in 2018 than in 2017, but                the U.S. dollar, at least early in the
                                                      the broad thrust of policy will continue,             year, with implications for investment
                                                      as the ECB and BoJ move only slowly                   returns – it would, for example, benefit
                                                      to reduce asset purchases. However,                   the total return of U.S. bonds relative to
                                                      changes in the U.S. Federal Open Market               Europeans. In the bond sector, we would
                                                      Committee (FOMC) composition will                     favour active management and also be
                                                      add to uncertainty, and markets will also             cautious on European core government
                                                      be thinking about future changes in the               bonds – short and long duration – but
                                                      leadership of the European Central Bank               we stay positive on emerging markets
                                                      (ECB) and Bank of Japan (BoJ). Inflation              hard currency bonds. Floating rate bonds
                                                      could start to become more of an issue –              could be useful as the shorter end of the
                                                      perhaps due to growing upwards wage                   yield curve moves higher.
                                                      pressure - but won’t derail the current
                                                      policy trajectory.

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Ten Themes








"Flashlight"                                           300

fixed income


                                                                U.S. High Yield   EUR High Yield   U.S. Investment Grade EUR Investment Grade   EM Bonds

                                                            95% of Historical Range          Average Spread Level              Current Spread

                                                      Figure 4:
                                                      Corporate spreads are close to the bottom of their historical range
                                                      Source: FactSet, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Data as of November 28, 2017. 95% of
                                                      the historical range is between the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles. High yield spreads are truncated
                                                      on the upside (U.S. = 1455, EUR = 1836).

                                                      The authenticity of the thirty year plus              struggle in 2018. There will continue
                                                      bull market in bonds in recent years has              to be high quality carry opportunities,
                                                      been challenged by the unprecedented                  but the overall picture suggests that
                                                      non-traditional, quantitative easing (QE)             the return profile in credit will be less
                                                      policy of global central banks. In fact,              attractive than in 2017.
                                                      the Federal Reserve estimates that their
                                                      massive bond buying has depressed                     Investment implications
                                                      10-year Treasury yields by ~100 bps. In               Many sovereign bonds could have
                                                      fact, due to QE, around 17% of all bonds              negative performance in 2018 as policy
                                                      outstanding (sovereign and credit) trade              normalization continues. Within the
                                                      with negative interest rates. As investors            main credit space, you will need to be
                                                      have moved into more risky fixed income               selective. Emerging markets are still
                                                      sectors in the search for yield, this has             likely to provide opportunities, with our
                                                      compressed yields significantly – to                  forecasts suggesting that emerging
                                                      the extent that European high yield                   market sovereigns could offer the highest
                                                      has recently been yielding less than                  total returns in the fixed income space in
                                                      the 10-year U.S. Treasury. Against this               2018.
                                                      background, government bonds will likely

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Ten Themes

05                                                               2008


                                                                                                                                                                           io n
                                                                                        2011                                                  ea


                                                                                                                                                        v e ra g e D is


                                                                     2009                         2013                      2016

                                                                  52.8%                          31.6%                   30.1%
Still some oxygen
for equities                                                                                                    2015

                                                                                          2014                                            2017

                                                                                       36.8%                                           48.6%

                                                         S&P 500 Sector Dispersion

                                                      Figure 5:
                                                      Equities sector dispersion is growing again
                                                      Source: FactSet, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Data as of November 29, 2017.

                                                      Global equity markets have hit multiple               strong. Emerging markets could slightly
                                                      record highs in 2017, but there is room               outperform developed markets over the
                                                      for further, probably smaller, gains on the           next 12 months and our focus here is
                                                      back of continued economic growth. The                on Asia (see next theme), but selectivity
                                                      truth is that earnings will need to be the            will be important. At a sectoral level, we
                                                      driver of equity performance as valuation             would suggest following earnings growth
                                                      multiples are likely to contract slightly.            (e.g. technology and financials) and we
                                                      Selectivity is going to be critical as sector         have tactical global overweights on both
                                                      dispersion will probably continue to grow.            these sectors and healthcare. We have
                                                                                                            an underweight on telecoms and utilities.
                                                      Investment implications                               Intra-sector correlations are notably
                                                      At a geographic level, there are                      lower now than a year ago and this trend
                                                      arguments to favour Europe and Japan                  may continue into 2018, providing a
                                                      over the U.S., but regional differentiation           further argument for stock selection.
                                                      within the developed markets may not be

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Ten Themes

                                                              20.4%                     18.0%                     21.2%                     20.7%

                                                             2007                      2008                      2009                      2010

                                                              17.4%                     17.2%                     18.4%                     18.6%

                                                                                                                  23.9%                     26.3%
                                                              20.5%                     22.3%

                                                             2011                      2012                      2013                      2014

The "New" EM                                                  18.8%                     16.6%                     14.5%                     12.3%

Asia equity market                                                                                32.8%


                                                                2015                             2016                                   2017

                                                                10.6%                             10.4%                                  10.1%

                                                         Info Tech Weight            Commodities Weight (Energy and Materials)

                                                      Figure 6:
                                                      Importance of Tech in MSCI Asia ex-Japan has risen sharply
                                                      Source: FactSet, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Data as of November 28, 2017.

                                                      The outperformance of emerging                        equities is their increasing exposure
                                                      markets in 2017 had its foundations in                to the tech sector, one of our favourite
                                                      above-average earnings growth and                     sectors. Whereas commodities (energy
                                                      substantial upward revisions to earnings              and materials) had the largest weighting
                                                      estimates through the year. We expect                 in the MSCI Asia ex-Japan 10 years ago,
                                                      that environment to continue, particularly            tech now leads the rankings with a 39%
                                                      for Asian emerging markets where solid                share.
                                                      economic growth is encouraging double
                                                      digit earnings growth; upwards revisions              Investment implications
                                                      made to expected 2018 earnings are                    Favour Asia within emerging markets.
                                                      also the strongest in any region. Despite             Active management could be important,
                                                      this, Asia still has attractive valuations,           with tech becoming a bigger story in
                                                      for example relative to the MSCI AC                   Asian emerging markets.
                                                      World Index. Another important dynamic
                                                      driving our preference for Asian EM

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Ten Themes

                                                                           7.7%                                       8.1%
                                                     6.9%                                    6.5%                                                        6.2%

                                                              Australia                                China                                  Japan
                                                                                             6.2%                                     5.4%
                                                     7.0%                 6.6%                                   6.5%

                                                                             8.4%                                                                         8.1%
                                                                                              5.6%               6.1%
                                                       5.3%                                                                          5.8%

                                                                France                                 Germany                                Italy

Explore investment                                                        5.3%                4.9%               6.0%                                 4.2%

alternatives                                          7.7%                       9.0%
                                                                                              5.7%                                    5.6%               6.6%

                                                                Spain                                   UK                                    U.S.
                                                                                                               5.3%                   5.4%             5.3%
                                                     7.6%                  7.6%

                                                         Industrials             Office       Retail           Total

                                                      Figure 7:
                                                      Forecast real estate returns on a 5-year annualized basis
                                                      Source: Deutsche Asset Management, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Data as of
                                                      September 2017.

                                                      Expectations of slimmer pickings                       Investment implications
                                                      in equities and fixed income should                    Hedge funds and some other alternatives
                                                      encourage exploration of investment                    may in some cases be able to mitigate
                                                      alternatives (which does not necessarily               downside risk, but this will depend on
                                                      mean alternative investments). One                     the type of hedge fund strategy used.
                                                      time-honoured use of different sorts                   Other specific areas such as hybrids,
                                                      of investment is diversification: over                 convertibles, and floating rate bonds
                                                      the long-term, non-traditional asset                   could be interesting, but be selective on
                                                      classes such as real estate, hedge funds,              real estate (by type or geography). Look
                                                      convertibles and floating rate bonds can               also at new, non-traditional alternative
                                                      provide a different mix of return levels vs.           approaches such as factor investing and
                                                      variability of returns and thus help “plug             big data. But please note that alternative
                                                      the gaps” in a portfolio.                              investments are not suitable for and may
                                                                                                             not be available to all investors.

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Ten Themes

                                                       145                                                                                               0%

                                                       143                                                                                               5%

                                                       141                                                                                               10%

                                                       139                                                                                               15%

                                                       137                                                                                               20%

                                                       135                                                                                               25%

Dynamic                                                133                                                                                               30%

FX drivers                                             131                                                                                               35%

                                                       129                                                                                               40%

                                                       127                                                                                               45%

                                                       125                                                                                               50%
                                                             14                       15                         16                        17
                                                         Euro Trade Weighted Index              Sentix Euro Break-Up Index (rhs, inverted)

                                                      Figure 8:
                                                      Italian election could pose a euro risk
                                                      Source: Bloomberg Finance LP, Sentix, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Data as of
                                                      December 2, 2017. Break-Up index measures probability given by investors to a break-up of the
                                                      Eurozone in the next 12 months.

                                                      Multiple factors will drive exchange rates            markets looking for clues from a wide
                                                      in 2018. During 2017 the relationship                 range of political, policy and economic
                                                      between the U.S. dollar and the euro                  indicators, currencies could be more
                                                      drifted apart from that between U.S. and              vulnerable to volatility in 2018.
                                                      European 2-year yields and alternative
                                                      drivers are already in play. In addition to           Investment implications
                                                      interest rate differentials, central bank             Favor the U.S. dollar in early 2018, in the
                                                      rhetoric, politics (e.g. tax cuts) and fund           wake of Fed tightening, but be prepared
                                                      flows exist and can impact valuations.                for a euro revival later in the year.
                                                      Note, for example, the relationship                   Look beyond investing around obvious
                                                      between President Trump’s approval                    currency pairs: consider, for example,
                                                      ratings and the DXY dollar index.                     a trade-weighted U.S. dollar index or a
                                                      Specific drivers in 2018 could include                basket of the currency against sterling,
                                                      U.S. earnings repatriation benefiting                 the Japanese yen, the Swiss franc and
                                                      the U.S. dollar and fears around the                  the Chinese renminbi. Minor currency
                                                      Italian election impacting the euro. With             pairs could also offer opportunities.

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Ten Themes


                                                      $58     Current WTI Price




                                                                                            $48           $48

Oil déjà vu

                                                      $46        $46




                                                                Permian      Scoop        Eagle Ford     Permian       Permian       Other U.S.    Other U.S.
                                                                                                        (Delaware)     (Central)    (non-shale)     (shale)

                                                            Mean Breakeven Prices for New Wells by Region

                                                      Figure 9:
                                                      Oil prices are now above U.S. breakeven levels
                                                      Source: FactSet, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Data of November 2017.

                                                      We don’t expect a further surge in oil                production will rise to a record high of
                                                      prices, but be aware that oil market                  9.8mn b/d. It is also possible that further
                                                      dynamics are shifting. In particular, rising          increases in U.S. oil rig productivity lift
                                                      political tensions in the Middle East                 production further. A further negative
                                                      may add to concerns about temporary                   factor on global oil prices over the longer
                                                      supply disruption. Short-term spikes in               term could be the changing energy-use
                                                      prices are possible but we continue to                landscape with (for example) increased
                                                      believe that U.S. production will likely              use of electric vehicles lowering oil
                                                      accelerate in response to higher prices,              demand.
                                                      ultimately keeping a lid on them. Oil
                                                      prices are currently well above estimated             Investment implications
                                                      breakeven levels for sources of U.S.                  Be cautious on oil and related sectors.
                                                      shale and non-shale output, which range               Short-term oil price gains, for example
                                                      from $46-$55/b. The U.S. government’s                 due to OPEC production limitations, are
                                                      Energy Information Administration                     likely to be short-lived.
                                                      (EIA) currently anticipates that U.S.

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Ten Themes


Tomorrow's                                                                                   2022

themes today                                                                         320,000


                                                         Estimation of Fully Autonomous Car Shipments

                                                      Figure 10:
                                                      Autonomous vehicle shipments are forecast to rise
                                                      Source: Bloomberg Intelligence, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Data as of November 2017.

                                                      Long term investments that benefit                    and problem solving in a disciplined
                                                      from evolving secular trends remain                   manner will attract more investment to
                                                      important drivers of portfolios. We                   this theme.
                                                      re-iterate our long-term secular themes
                                                      that we introduced last year that focused             Investment implications
                                                      on infrastructure, cyber security, global             You could approach investing in these
                                                      aging and millennials. This year we add               areas through multiple ways, for example
                                                      two additional themes: smart mobility                 through theme-based exchange traded
                                                      and artificial intelligence (AI). Smart               funds (ETFs) or (for some clients) via
                                                      mobility is a new tech theme focused on               private equity investment related to
                                                      the multiple implications of self-driving             AI, Smart Mobility and so on. The
                                                      cars and other technological advances                 radical change that AI creates will
                                                      in transport. There will be implications              not be painless – so you don’t just
                                                      for car makers, batteries, powertrains                need to look for the opportunities it
                                                      and the whole charging infrastructure                 creates in individual firms/sectors, you
                                                      – possibly including power generation.                need to look for dangers to existing
                                                      AI has an impact on multiple sectors,                 investments. Possible social responses
                                                      including smart mobility. The quest to                (e.g. through education) could also create
                                                      “intelligently” automate repetitive tasks,            opportunities.
                                                      anticipate human action/preferences,

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights


                                                 Growth without tears

Figure 11:                                       Further evidence of synchronized global growth, combined with
Growth forecasts for 2018
Source: Deutsche Bank
                                                 a careful approach from policymakers, is likely to ensure another
Wealth Management. Data as of                    year of solid global economic recovery in 2018. But political and
November 17, 2017.
*The ASEAN 5 are Indonesia, Malaysia,
                                                 policy risks have not completely disappeared.
the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

Developed Markets                                All on the up                                         of tapering by the European Central Bank,
                                                                                                       although the Bank of Japan is likely to keep
                                                 Growth data has been almost universally               faith with its current policy.
                                                 good in 2017, as continued signs of U.S.
                                                 economic vibrancy matched the stronger                Political and policy risks
              2.0                                growth in Europe, Japan and in many
                                                 emerging markets. At the same time,                   Risks remain, however, many of them
            Germany                              inflation has generally remained low, giving          political. In the U.S., the current focus is on
                                                 central banks the option to keep monetary             whether or not President Trump manages
                                                 policy relatively loose.                              to get Congress to agree to tax reforms.
               2.0                                                                                     The outcome of this process is likely to
                                                 The U.S. recovery has continued to benefit            become clear in the first quarter of 2018
         Italy                                   from labour market healing, and has also              and the focus will then turn to the mid-
          1.2                                    been underpinned by sound household                   term Congressional elections in November
                                                 and business finances and some modest                 2018. In Europe, continuing debate around
                                                 stimulus from Washington. In Europe                   Brexit could create growth uncertainties,
                                                 both business sentiment and hard data                 not just in the UK. The Italian general
          UK                                     suggest that the recovery is expected                 election, most likely to be held in the spring,
          1.3                                    to continue and a strengthening labour                could also still throw up some surprises.
                                                 market will boost consumption. We do                  In the emerging markets, political and
          Japan                                  not expect substantial fiscal stimulus in             economic concerns may centre around
                                                 Europe but there may be an increased                  markets such as Brazil and South Africa.
                                                 degree of flexibility around budget deficits.         Mexico will also be wary of President
                                                 Japan is now experiencing a pick-up in                Trump’s ambition of renegotiating the
                                                 consumption after more than two years of              North American Free Trade Agreement
                                                 stagnation. Consumption will further help             (NAFTA).
Emerging Markets                                 drive the Chinese economy, with structural
                                                 reforms also boosting the economy over                Other risks to the macro-economic outlook
                                                 the medium-term: so far the People’s Bank             may be policy-related. Here there are both
                                                 of China (PBoC) has managed to gently                 upside and downside risks to growth. In the
                                 China           deleverage the economy without causing                U.S., one upside risk is that we get a bigger
                                  6.5            economic or investment upset.                         stimulus from Washington than we expect,
                                                                                                       so "animal spirits” kick in, and that with
                          ASEAN 5*
                                                 Global growth therefore looks likely to               monetary policy still relatively loose, we get
                                                 pick up slightly in 2018, to reach 3.8%.              a sharp pick up in U.S. growth and inflation.
             Russia                              A further increase in growth in the U.S.              The U.S. downside risk is that policy
              2.0                                and the emerging markets (in aggregate)               risk and political turmoil in Washington
                                                 will be only particularly offset by slower            intensify, that the economic recovery
            Brazil                               growth in China, the Eurozone and UK.                 (already the third longest in history) simply
                                                 This seems likely to set the stage nicely             runs out of steam, that financial conditions
                                                 for further interest rate rises by the U.S.           begin to tighten and bite and that we get
                                                 Federal Reserve (Fed) and the introduction            sharp disinflation. We discuss these and

                                                 Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable
                                                 indicator of future performance. Readers should refer to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of
                                                 this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights

other threats to the global economy in the
box on the following page.
                                                Potential risks for 2018
Inflation                                       Further evidence of synchronized global growth, combined
As we noted in the last CIO Insights,
                                                with a careful approach from policymakers, is likely to ensure
inflation has very much been “the dog           another year of solid global economic recovery in 2018. But
that didn’t bark in the night” in the
current recovery: rates have remained
                                                political and policy risks have not completely disappeared.
obstinately low. The chart below illustrates
the personal consumption expenditure
(PCE) rate of inflation for the U.S., the
                                                 1   Excessive central bank tightening
Fed’s preferred measure. However, it            The first risk arises from central banks, especially the Federal Reserve, which is
is still worth considering what might           widely expected to raise interest rates at least twice in 2018, in line with a healthily
cause an unexpected increase in prices,         growing economy. If however the Fed were to raise rates too aggressively under its
particularly as, after the central banks’       new chairman, other central banks might be forced to turn more hawkish as well
various quantitative easing programs, the       in order not to be excessively misaligned, which could result in a global monetary
monetary base has been much expanded.           squeeze that would put the brakes on global synchronized growth. This scenario
One possibility would be a supply-side          would be detrimental for both equity and bond prices and might also strengthen
shock, for example through an increase in       the U.S. dollar, putting pressure on emerging markets and on commodity prices.
the oil price. We are now accustomed to
living in a world with ample oil supplies:       2   Oil supply shock
geopolitical events could however lead
                                                Over the last few years, crude oil production in the United States has kept the oil
to a supply cut. Upward movements
                                                price in check by increasing global supply every time that OPEC has reduced its
in metals prices could also have an
                                                output, thereby creating a price ceiling that has prevented an energy-induced boost
inflationary impact. In the U.S., inflation
                                                to inflation. However, a geopolitical shock to supplies large enough to outstrip the
expectations are tame but Eurozone
                                                capacity of the United States to fill the gap could push prices up in a short period
inflation expectations could move up from
                                                of time, to the detriment of economic growth. Both the credit sector (with the
their current low levels if, for example,
                                                exception of energy-related bonds) and equity markets would suffer as a result.
skilled labour shortages add to upward
pressure on wages, or rising house prices
have an effect on rents. The example of the
                                                 3   Credit bubbles
UK, where inflation is already troublesome,     The current economic expansion has been achieved partly thanks to a constant
should remind us that this is a problem that    increase in public and private debt. While the banking system and corporate
never really goes away.                         balance sheets are more solid than they were before the financial crisis of 2007-
                                                2008, a credit crisis triggered by spiralling defaults is a risk factor to take into
                                                consideration. Concerns over excessive credit growth focus on China. The Chinese
                                                authorities have been successful in reducing the rate of credit growth, but it
                                                remains high. Rising debt is closely linked to asset price inflation in the Chinese
Figure 12:                                      property market and the share of the financial sector in Chinese GDP has more
U.S. inflation* remains obstinately low         than tripled over the last 20 years, to around 16% now. China’s economic resilience
Source: Deutsche Bank Wealth Management.        has been a key driver of the strong growth in emerging markets this year, and they
Data as of November 17, 2017.                   would be very vulnerable to any Chinese reversal, with developed markets in the
*Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE)         firing line too. Equities and corporate bonds would suffer, while developed market
measure                                         government bonds and safe haven assets such as gold and the Japanese Yen
                                                could benefit.

                                                 4   Geopolitics
                                                Throughout 2017, financial markets have shrugged off geopolitical concerns
                                                with, for example, rising tensions between North Korea and the United States
1.5                                             not making any sustained dent into equity market performance. However, there
                                                could be a crunch point: if markets start to believe an escalation of tensions will
0.5                                             lead towards war, this would have an immediate negative impact on all risky asset
                                                classes, with the only exception of some safe haven assets such as gold. But other
                                                safe haven assets such as Japanese Yen might not prove immune – given that
-1.5                                            Japan itself could be threatened by the reach of North Korean missiles. Geopolitical
 Jan 2008                            May 2017   crises are also possible elsewhere.
       Total   Core         Fed's Target

                                                Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a
                                                reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer to disclosures and risk warnings
                                                at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Multi Asset

                                                      Multi Asset

                                                      Forward but not so fast

                                                      Looking out over a 3-month horizon, our strategic asset allocation
                                                      still suggests a broadly “risk on” approach with a focus on
                                                      equities. But we expect returns next year to be rather lower than
                                                      those recently enjoyed by investors.

Stéphane Junod
CIO EMEA and Head of Wealth                           Our multi asset investment process has                 In coming months we continue to expect
Discretionary EMEA                                    three pillars: we start with the initial               a generally supportive economic and
                                                      views of our committee members and                     policy environment, with continued
                                                      key risk takers (Pillar 1) and then refine             global growth accompanied by only
                                                      the results through consideration of                   modest and careful efforts to tighten
                                                      individual scorings of asset classes on                monetary policy. Macroeconomic scores
                                                      macroeconomic, valuations and technical                in our Pillar 2 assessment were generally
                                                      factors (Pillar 2) and using four models to            positive in late 2017 although they were
                                                      asset the overall level of risk (Pillar 3).            partially offset by negative scores on
                                                                                                             valuations for many asset classes.

                                                      Figure 13:
                                                      Seasonality trends on the S&P 500: average monthly returns
                                                      Source: Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Data as of November 17, 2017.













                                                                Jan       Feb   Mar   Apr     May      Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep      Oct     Nov     Dec

                                                             Since 1928         Since 1980          Since 1990            Since 2010

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Multi Asset

Still “risk on”
                                                                                 Figure 14:
What is interesting at the moment is that, despite all the                       Asset allocation (balanced portfolio as of December 8, 2017)
concerns around a possible late cycle environment, our four risk
models in late 2017 generally supported a “risk on” approach.                                                                          Equity De
Our macro indicator remained at very high levels, with the                                                                                          ped
global surprise indicator (data meeting expectations) stabilizing                                                                                         rke
in very positive territory too. Risk and regime indicators were                                                  es
                                                                                                              iti                      Equity

also positive.                                                                                                                 ves



This, combined with general good news on earnings,

encourages us to keep faith in equities, despite high valuation

levels, current low levels of volatility and the length of the

current economic cycle. However, we are growing slightly more

                                                                               Fixed Inc
cautious and think that valuation multiples could move down to
more normal levels during 2018, meaning that further earnings
growth will be necessary to sustain the upward moves in prices.
If earnings growth disappoints, this could refocus attention on
increased levels of corporate debt, possibly unsettling markets.
Possibly negative seasonality at the start of 2018 (see Figure
13) could also temporarily dent returns.




On fixed income, we see further opportunities in emerging



markets debt (after a good year for this asset class) but are

                                                                                                                                           ed I


                                                                                                                                               ncome                  g
cautious on high yield, believing that only slight further spread                                               om                                          M
                                                                                                              nc                                             ar
tightening is likely versus Treasuries. We have a broadly                                                  e                                                     ts
                                                                                                        Fix                           Fix
                                                                                                                                         ed I
neutral view on investment grade credit, believing that the                                                                                  ncom
                                                                                                                                                 e Credit
fundamentals and market technicals still offer support. We
continue to underweight government bonds (seeing little
opportunity for returns here) but keep an appreciable allocation
to cash. We are short duration as economic momentum and                                     Equity
changed central bank direction should drive rates higher, even if
                                                                                                   Developed Markets                                           33.0%
we expect this move to be gradual and market-friendly.
                                                                                                   Emerging Markets                                             9.0%
On commodities, we do not expect a sharp further upwards
                                                                                            Fixed Income
move in the oil price and believe that the overall global
economic environment will not be supportive for gold, despite                                      Credit                                                      15.0%
geopolitical uncertainties.
                                                                                                   Sovereigns                                                  18.0%

                                                                                                   Emerging Markets                                             6.0%

Preparing for lower returns                                                                 Cash                                                                4.0%

                                                                                            Commodities                                                         3.0%
Our 12-month forecasts do imply, however, that multi asset
                                                                                            Alternatives                                                       12.0%
returns may be lower in 2018 than the historical average of
the last 20 years. This lower return environment calls over the
longer term for both active risk taking (if you want to maintain                 Footnote: Asset allocation as of December 8, 2017. 1 Alternative
returns at current levels) and active risk management. Including                 investments are not suitable for and may not be available to all investors.
a higher proportion of risky assets in a portfolio should push us                Restrictions apply. Sources: EMEA Regional Investment Committee,
further up the risk-return curve, boosting expected returns but                  Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. This allocation may not be suitable
at the cost of increasing risk; active risk management would                     for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. No
                                                                                 assurance can be given that any forecast, investment objectives and/
then aim to trade a slight decrease in returns (because of the
                                                                                 or expected returns will be achieved. Allocations are subject to change
cost of implementing the strategy) for achieving reduced risk.                   without notice. Forecasts are based on assumptions, estimates, opinions
                                                                                 and hypothetical models that may prove to be incorrect. Investments come
                                                                                 with risk. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and your capital
                                                                                 may be at risk. You might not get back the amount originally invested at any
                                                                                 point in time. Readers should refer to disclaimers and risk warnings at the
                                                                                 end of this document.

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights


Room for more

After strong gains in 2017, fears are growing that equities are about to peak.
But continued growth and supportive policy should leave room for further modest index increases.

                                      UK (FTSE 100)
                            Index change YTD (GBP):           Switzerland (SMI)
                                                                                                                              Europe and Japan
                              End-Dec 2018 forecast:
                                                              Index change YTD (CHF):
                                                              +13.3%                                                          over the U.S.
                                              7,500           End-Dec 2018 forecast:
                               Eurozone (Eurostoxx 50)        9,450
                              Index change YTD (EUR):                                                                         At a regional level, U.S. valuations
  United States (S&P 500)                                     Asia ex. Japan (MSCI Asia ex Japan)
Index change YTD (USD):
                                End-Dec 2018 forecast:                   Index change YTD (USD):                              appear expensive relative to history,
                  +18.3%                         3,780                                    +35.3%
                                                                           End-Dec 2018 forecast:
                                                                                                                              although they are cheap vs. current
  End-Dec 2018 forecast:
                    2,750                                                                    760                              levels. Valuations in Europe appear more
                                                                                                    Japan (MSCI Japan)        attractive, although we have now adopted
                                                                                                    Index change YTD (JPY):
                                                                                                    +16.2%                    a neutral stance on German equities.
                                                                                                    End-Dec 2018 forecast:    We are positive on Japanese equities,
                                    Latam (MSCI Latam)                                                                        believing that there is room for a further
                                    Index change YTD (USD):
                                    +16.9%                                                                                    catch-up with other developed markets.
                                    End-Dec 2018 forecast:

                                                                                                                              Emerging markets
                                                                                                                              keep on going
                                                                                                                              We are positive on emerging markets,
Figure 15:
                                                                                                                              even after their strong performance
Equity market forecasts and January-November 2017 index change by region
                                                                                                                              in 2017. We see a highly supportive
Data as of November 30, 2017; forecasts are as of December 8, 2017. All returns are YTD.
                                                                                                                              environment with generally good
Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P., Deutsche Bank Wealth Management
                                                                                                                              economic growth, low inflation and
                                                                                                                              realistic earnings expectations. Valuations
                                                                                                                              are also still reasonable, particularly in
There is a whiff of “late cycle” in the air.                    Earnings growth will be key                                   Asia. Within emerging markets we favour
Another year of unexpectedly strong                                                                                           Asia, but are more cautious on Latin
global economic growth has culminated                           Don’t expect a completely smooth ride.                        America. All in all, emerging markets look
in close to the longest uninterrupted                           Volatility is likely to increase and rising                   poised to slightly outperform developed
expansion of the U.S. equity market in                          interest rates and already stretched                          markets over the next 12 months.
history and made for rather stretched                           valuations are likely to result in a                          However, selectivity will be important as
valuations. Investors increasingly fret                         contraction of price/earnings (P/E) ratios                    certain regions, such as Latin America,
about being near the peak.                                      throughout developed markets, with the                        carry higher levels of risk.
                                                                likely exception of Japan. So further rises
But we believe that it would be                                 in markets will require continued growth
premature to conclude that the end                              in earnings. We believe that this will be
of the expansion is nigh. Time and                              forthcoming, with earnings expected to
again, equities have shown to do well                           grow between 5.5% and 16% for major
in a late cycle environment. Moreover,                          markets, with emerging markets at the
solid global economic growth, broadly                           upper end of this range and the FTSE 100
accommodative central bank policies and                         at the lower. Tech and financials are likely
the potential for tax reform in the U.S. in                     to be the key drivers. On the other hand,
early 2018 are likely to support stronger                       we don’t believe that earnings will keep
corporate earnings as we head into next                         surprising on the upside as they have
year, further underpinning equity markets.                      done in 2017.

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights

Figure 16:
Equity views by sector
Source: Deutsche Bank Wealth Management. Data as of November 17, 2017.
                                                                                                                 Overweight                    Neutral                  Underweight

S E C TO R                           POSITIVES                                          N E G AT I V E S                                     REGIONAL


             Consumer                –– Healthy consumer sentiment in the U.S.,
                                        Japan, China and other markets
                                                                                        –– Problems continue for U.S department stores
                                                                                        –– UK consumer sentiment weakens in
                                                                                                                                             Auto & components

             Discretionary           –– Gentle increase in global inflation to             anticipation of Brexit: retail and car sales      Durable & apparel
                                        drive margins                                      already showing weakness
             VIEW                                                                                                                            Consumer service
                                     –– Urbanisation in emerging markets                –– Eurozone: Improving macro conditions to
                                        drives demand for premium goods and                encourage some tightening in policy.
                                        global brands                                   –– Sluggish demand in some emerging markets

             Consumer                –– Staples a prime beneficiary of emerging
                                        market improvements, through both macro/
                                                                                        –– Underlying business trends tough and
                                                                                           unlikely to improve soon

             Staples                    consumption and FX                              –– Input costs could become an issue in some         Food retail
                                     –– More reasonable valuations                         sectors
             VIEW                                                                                                                            Food products
                                     –– Continued M&A activity, including cross         –– Use of sector as some form of bond proxy is
                                        sub-sector attempts.                               mostly a headwind
                                                                                        –– Progress in e-commerce is a double edged
                                                                                           sword for many fast-moving consumer               Household &
                                                                                           goods (FMCG)                                      personal products

             Energy                  ––
                                          Oil markets look relatively stable
                                          U.S. rig count growth has moderated for now
                                                                                        –– OPEC has no exit strategy from its current
                                                                                                                                             Equipment & services

                                     ––   Dividend risk appears to be decreasing        –– As always, valuations imply some price            Integrated
             VIEW                    ––   Industry planning for “lower (prices) for        recovery which may not materialize                Exploration &
                                          longer”                                       –– Fracking as the marginal producer may cap         production
                                                                                           upside for oil prices
                                                                                                                                             Refining & marketing

             Financials              –– U.S. interest rate cycle is turning
                                     –– Rising dividends and share buybacks
                                                                                        –– Low yield environment still hurting margins
                                                                                           and investment income outside the US.

                                     –– Capital management and cost cutting to          –– Regulation likely to weigh on banking             Insurance
             VIEW                       offset headwinds                                   activities
                                                                                                                                             Diverse financials

             Heath Care              –– Enough product innovation to find equities
                                        with superior growth outlook
                                                                                        –– Continued pricing pressure in competitive
                                                                                           indication areas

                                     –– Biotech valuations still attractive             –– Large cap pharma and biotech face growth          Biotech
             VIEW                    –– Mid and small cap companies could benefit          challenges
                                        from acquisition by mature companies keen       –– Pharma earnings could suffer from negative        Medtech
                                        to bolster pipelines                               revisions and aggregate growth will decelerate
                                                                                                                                             Services & facilities

             Industrials             –– Chinese demand is holding up and
                                        European demand has improved
                                                                                        –– Sector valuation back to a premium
                                                                                        –– Long-term attractive but strong economic

                                     –– Energy and materials capital expenditure is        improvement needed for sustained                  Rails & earnings
             VIEW                       improving                                          outperformance
                                                                                                                                             Aerospace & defence
                                     –– Leading indicators surprise on the upside       –– Cost pressures from raw materials and other
                                                                                           costs not yet passed on to consumers

             Information             –– Diverse sector with clear market leaders in
                                        subsectors and increasing barriers to entry
                                                                                        –– Short product cycles can potentially disrupt
                                                                                           business models
                                                                                                                                             Software & service

             Technology              –– Growth potential from innovation and            –– Smartphone penetration, previously a key          Hardware
                                        disruption of other industries                     growth drive, has now entered saturation
             VIEW                                                                                                                            Semiconductors
                                     –– Solid balance sheets and strong future cash        phase
                                        flow generation                                 –– Earnings interpretation complicated by
                                                                                           several factors

             Materials               –– Synchronized global growth bullish for sector
                                     –– Earnings from chemicals largely positive
                                                                                        –– Environmental controls in China could hit

                                     –– A lot of mergers and acquisition activity       –– Specialty chemicals hit by raw materials prices   Metals & mining
             VIEW                                                                       –– Rebound of U.S. dollar or China slowdown
                                                                                           would be a negative

             Telecom                 –– Operating performance has improved
                                     –– Data monetisation remains a key theme
                                                                                        –– Promotions could heat up competition and
                                                                                           hit pricing

             Services                –– Valuations back to more attractive “pre-        –– Content costs increasing in many markets
                                        M&A” levels                                     –– Penetration rates in U.S. close to saturation

             Utilities               –– In Europe, H1 2017 mostly ahead of
                                                                                        –– Rising bond yields would not help regulated

                                     –– Forecasts suggest that European sector will     –– UK government suggesting price cap on
             VIEW                       end a decade of earnings decline                   energy tariffs
                                     –– Market-friendly policy measures in some         –– Demand picture in wind sector getting more
                                        markets, notably Brazil                            challenging

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Fixed income and foreign exchange

Fixed income and foreign exchange

Compliments of the chef

The central bank chefs will remain in control of the fixed income kitchen in 2018,
as they push on with policy normalization. The process should go smoothly, but
previous spread tightening means that fixed income returns are likely to be rather
lower in 2018 than this year. We don’t expect a sharp reversal in the market, but
this will be a year to be cautious and selective.

                                                                                                            Central banks in 2018
     33%                                                                                                    Central banks will continue to move
                                                                                                            only slowly along the long road to policy
                                                                                                            normalization, with monetary policy
                                                                                                            remaining broadly accommodative.

                                                                                                            A Fed rate rise in December 2017 is likely
                                                                                                            to be followed by at least two more in the
20                                                                                                          course of 2018; as importantly, the Fed
                                                                                                            has already determined how it will run
                                                                                                            down its balance sheet and this process
15                                                                                                          appears to be running smoothly. Markets
                                                                                                            are assuming that Jerome Powell taking
                                                                                                            over as Fed chair will not result in any
10                                                                                                          significant change in policy. However
 Jul 2017                       Jan 2018                        Jul 2018                        Jan 2019    the combination of Fed balance sheet
                                                                                                            reduction needs and budget deficit
     Germany          France          Italy        Spain          Netherlands          Belgium              financing needs could increase bill supply
                                                                                                            over the next year, with the Q1 2018
Figure 17:                                                                                                  increase in supply perhaps as high as
ECB purchase program could be curtailed by 33% issuer limit                                                 USD350bn. This will have implications
Source: Deutsche Bank Asset Management forecasts. Data as of November 16, 2017.                             for the U.S. Treasuries yield curve, as
                                                                                                            discussed below.

                                                                                                            The ECB is some way behind on the
                                                                                                            path to normalization, but over the
                                                                                                            course of 2018 we are likely to see
                                                                                                            asset purchases wound down to zero:
                                                                                                            the program is currently scheduled to
                                                                                                            end in September 2018, and seems
                                                                                                            unlikely to run beyond the fourth quarter
                                                                                                            of the year at the latest. This could be
                                                                                                            as much due to technical factors as
                                                                                                            economic ones: as Figure 17 shows,
                                                                                                            the ECB could next year hit the 33%
                                                                                                            issuer limit for German bonds. (The ECB
                                                                                                            defines a maximum share of a country’s
                                                                                                            outstanding securities that it is prepared
                                                                                                            to buy, to avoid it becoming the dominant

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
CIO Insights
Fixed income and foreign exchange

creditor to EU governments: it can                    grade due to their large cash investments
change this limit, but any upwards move               held overseas (12-month spread forecast
would be politically sensitive.) Mr Draghi            lowered to 80 bps from 90 bps). In fact,              The lesson from 2017
has however been careful to promise                   we see some room for tightening in both
to maintain current interest rate levels              U.S. and European investment grade. We                is that foreign exchange
until well beyond the end of quantitative             are rather cooler on high yield, although
easing and to reinvest the principal from             a better default environment should give              drivers are likely to be
maturing bonds for as long as necessary.              some support to both U.S. and European
With Eurozone inflation likely to remain              markets (U.S. 12-month spread forecast                diverse, and include
below the 2% ECB target in 2018 and                   revised from 360 bps to 350 bps; the
2019, the ECB is under no pressure to                 European forecast moves from 275 bps                  politics and fund flows
tighten policy soon.                                  to 260 bps). European high yield may
                                                      be less attractive when compared to the               as well as economic
The Bank of Japan (BoJ) has already                   U.S., on the basis of valuations (spreads
pushed back its inflation target for                  to default rate), and relative valuation to           fundamentals.
another year, and seems very relaxed                  equities. We have slightly upgraded our
about maintaining current policy for                  outlook for emerging market (EM) credit
as long as possible: we do not expect                 (12 months spread forecast 270 bps
meaningful change until 2019. The BoJ’s               from 280 bps) as EM companies have
yield curve control policy has been very              benefited from the global synchronized
successful so far and we think that the               recovery. More accessible investment
10-year yield could be kept at around                 opportunities could however exist in EM
0% without major market volume: in                    sovereigns, which we remain positive on.
fact, BoJ monthly purchases appear to
be running at around ¥50 trillion at an
annualized rate, rather than the previous
                                                      Foreign exchange
¥80 trillion.
                                                      Given that returns on fixed income
                                                      investments are likely to be relatively low
Government bonds                                      in 2018, foreign exchange trends could
                                                      prove particularly important. These were
Central banks have been managing                      not entirely as expected in 2017: the
radical monetary policy for nearly 10                 euro strengthened against the U.S. dollar
years now – and they have learnt much                 for much of the year, despite policy (in
from the experience, at least on the                  terms of interest rate differentials) and
need for careful communication of their               economic growth being theoretically
intentions. So they are likely to be very             in the dollar’s favour. Supporting the
transparent and methodical as they taper              euro was a growing sense of economic
their asset purchases. The net result is              optimism around Europe, as well as
likely to be a very gradual increase in               a belief (for most of the year) that
interest rates accompanied by, in the                 European political risks had dissipated,
case of the U.S., a slight flattening of              at least to a degree. In recent months,
the yield curve for the reasons given                 however, the dollar has showed signs of
above. Our 12-month forecast for global               strength and we think that it could make
sovereign rates remains unchanged at                  further ground against the euro in early
the longer end (U.S. 10 year at 2.6%,                 2018 (in the wake of the end-2017 Fed
German 10 year at 0.8%, UK 10 year at                 rate rise and in anticipation of tax reform)
1.4% and Japan 10 year at 0.10%).                     before the euro, in turn, gathers strength
                                                      again later in the year. The lesson from
                                                      2017 is that foreign exchange drivers are
Corporates                                            likely to be diverse, and include politics
                                                      and fund flows as well as economic
2018 will be a year where it will pay
                                                      fundamentals. It could also pay to look
to be selective, cautious and aware of
                                                      at a variety of currency based indices or
specific factors in individual corporate
                                                      currency pairs.
credit markets. So, for example, our
expectations of tax reform and business
friendly policies in the U.S. (e.g. tax cuts
and repatriation) should benefit U.S.
corporations, especially investment

Marketing Material - Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Readers should refer
to disclosures and risk warnings at the end of this document. Produced in December 2017.
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