GIT Volume 9 September 2013 EMEA Edition - GIT Sicherheit

Page created by Jean Evans
GIT Volume 9 September 2013 EMEA Edition - GIT Sicherheit
Volume 9
          September 2013

79 824

           EMEA Edition


         GIT SECURITY AWARD Finalists

         Special Focus Access Control

         Camera Tests

         Transec 2014

         Personal Protection

         Visual Alarm Devices

         COVER: Milestone Systems
         Video Management for Matterhorn
         Gotthard Bahn
GIT Volume 9 September 2013 EMEA Edition - GIT Sicherheit
GIT Volume 9 September 2013 EMEA Edition - GIT Sicherheit
Access the Future                                                                         .H\0DQDJHPHQW

       The move from analog systems to IP networks. Easy integration of de-
       vices from different manufactures into one security system. Standard-
       ized interfaces for better connectivity. Interoperability as a commodity.    5),'5HDGHU
           Reading these lines, some of you may start to get bored since they       IRUDFFHVVFRQWURO
       have already read tons of articles about the latest developments in          3URYHQN+]DQGIXWXUHRULHQWHG
       video surveillance. But I am not talking about video surveillance, my        0+]6PDUWFDUGWHFKQRORJ\LQDVLQJOHUHDGHU
       topic is access control.                                                     7KHDGYDQWDJHV
           Already in the past one could find great and modern access control       ‡ ,QGHSHQGHQWRISURSULHWDU\FDUGVDQG
       systems installed all over the world. There are very solid products on        UHDGHUV\VWHPV
       the market that are more or less unchanged since decades. They still do      ‡ )OH[LELOLW\SUR[(QWU\ŠLVFRPSDWLEOHZLWKDQ\
              the job. And there are clever solutions using the latest technology    DFFHVVFRQWUROV\VWHP
                   for almost any access control challenge. The access control                                 ZZZSUR[HQWU\FRP
                       market is a conservative market where it takes years be-
                        fore new product ideas conquer the market. It works if
                          the product idea is strong enough. Off-line door sys-     +LJKVSHHGDFFHVVFRQWURO
                           tems are just one example. NFC systems probably will
                           be the next.                                             ‡   $XWRPDWLFFRQWURORI
                               Yes, we have up-to-date access control technology        JDWHVEDUULHUVDQG
                           in the market. A look at the products nominated for
                                                                                    ‡   $XWRPDWLFYHKLFOHDQG
                           GIT SECURITY Award in this issue clearly shows this.
                          But some elements are still missing until we really can
                         talk about the topics mentioned in my introduction.
                            Integration of most access control elements into net-                               ZZZWUDQVSHHGGH
                       worked systems is more a nightmare than plug and play
                     unless you buy everything from one vendor or you are an
                     absolute integration expert. Proprietary products domi-        3HUIHFWPDQDJHPHQW
                      nate the market. But there is movement in the market          (OHFWURQLFDOO\ UHFRUGHG FRQWURO RI NH\V DQG
                       that will change the game.                                   YDOXDEOHV SUR[6DIHŠ NH\ VDIHV DUH WKH SUHIHU
                            ONVIF, the leading global standardization initiative    UHG FKRLFH IRU DLUSRUWV XQLYHUVLWLHV KRVSLWDOV
                         just recently announced the availability of the release    SXEOLFXWLOLWLHVDQGRIILFHFRPSOH[HVZKLFKUH
                          candidate for Profile C, which enables interoperability   TXLUHDFRPELQDWLRQRINH\PDQDJHPHQWDVVHW
                           between clients and devices of physical access control   PDQDJHPHQW DQG SDUNLQJ DUHD PDQDJHPHQW
                           systems and network-based video systems. The new         ZKLOH SURYLGLQJ DFFHVV IRU HPSOR\HHV ZLWK
                          profile, which is available for review on the ONVIF
                     website, extends the functionality of the global interface                                 ZZZSUR[VDIHFRP
                specification into physical access control.
                 Hopefully this is a first step to enable systems integrators to
             more easily deploy an integrated IP-based video and access con-
            trol solution from a variety of different video and access control
              Baldvin Gislason Bern, Chairman of ONVIF’s Profile C Working
          Group is absolutely right when he states that, “Integration between
         IP-based physical access control systems and video surveillance is no
        longer considered a luxury in today’s market”. Let us all hope, that this
        only a start and that we see more access control products in the fu-
       ture that interact without relying on complicated integrations between
           Access control devices that work with the latest technology, enable
       secure systems and communicate with each other. What a great out-
       look to access the future.

       Enjoy reading this issue!

                                                                                     + H U P D Q Q  % D K O V H Q  6 W U  
                                                                                     '   %DUVLQJKDXVHQ
       Heiko Baumgartner                                                             7HO  
       For GIT’s Safety and Security team
                                                                                     Z Z Z  G H L V W H U F R P
GIT Volume 9 September 2013 EMEA Edition - GIT Sicherheit
Volume 9
          September 2013

79 824

           EMEA Edition


         GIT SECURITY AWARD Finalists

         Special Focus Access Control

         Camera Tests

         Transec 2014

         Personal Protection

         Visual Alarm Devices

         COVER: Milestone Systems
         Video Management for Matterhorn
         Gotthard Bahn

                                                         DATA CENTRE
                                                                                                            16 TIME + ACCESS
                                                                                                                                                                       10 YEAR TRENDS
     A Look to the Hills                                 MANAGEMENT                                            More than Just                                          Meeting the Needs of
     Effective Video                                     Now Possible:                                         Coming and Going                                        the First Responder
     Management Increases                                Standardized Data                                     Isgus Celebrates Its                                    in the Modern World
     Safety on the Matterhorn                            Centre Construction                                   125th Anniversary                                       Mass Spectrometry: By
     Gotthard Railway                                    Standardized Modules –                                                                                        Dr. Chris Petty, Co-founder
                                                         Revolution in Data Centre                                                                                     and VP of Business Deve-
                                                         Construction                                                                                                  lopment at 908 Devices

EDITOR’S NOTE                                                      CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENT                                                  Fire Protection
Access the Future                                                  A World‘s First 70-Inch
Heiko Baumgartner                                         3       For the First Time: eyevis with                                    FIRE DETECTION
                                                                   New EC-70-LWQX-1000-Cube                              21          Silent Alarm Standard
                                                                                                                                      Shedding Light on the New Standard for
                                Management                         GIT SECURITY AWARD                                                 Visual Alarm Devices                                   42
                                                                   Take Part and Win a Camera
URBAN SECURITY                                                     Your vote for the GIT SECURITY AWARD 2014,
Integrated Safety and                                              volume 9                                              22               Security
Security for Smart Cities
Enabling Cities to Be Safe, Competitive and Resilient   12                                                                           COVER STORY
                                                                         Safety                                                       A Look to the Hills
DATA CENTRE MANAGEMENT                                                                                                                Effective Video Management Increases
Now Possible: Standardized Data Centre                             10 YEAR TRENDS                                                     Safety on the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway              44
Construction                                                       Meeting the Needs of the First Responder in
Standardized Modules – Revolution in                               the Modern World                                                   VIDEO MARKET
Data Centre Construction                                14        Mass Spectrometry: By Dr. Chris Petty, Co-founder                  Video Security in the Year 2020
                                                                   and VP of Business Development at 908 Devices         33          Gazing into the Crystal Ball –
TIME + ACCESS                                                                                                                         By Dr. Magnus Ekerot (Part 1)                          46
More than Just Coming and Going                                    EVENT
Isgus Celebrates Its 125th Anniversary                  16        Work and Health                                                    VIDEO MANAGEMENT
                                                                   A+A Trade Fair and Conference with                                 Sensitive Trackers
EVENT                                                              Strong Focus on Prevention                            36          See More, Understand Better, Perform Faster            48
Facing the Threat
Transport Security Expo 2014 Convenes in                           Well Suited                                                        In the Cloud and on Safe Ground
London as Potential New Threats Emerge                  18        Viking Haztech Dry Suit in Cold Water Diving Tests    40          Panasonic Strenghtens its Security Business
                                                                                                                                      with the Acquisition of              50
Shenzhen – the Global Security Capital
CPSE 2013 – the 14th China Public Security                                                                                            Plenty of Alternatives, Plenty of Confusion
Expo Is Bound to Be the Global Focus Again              20                                                                           Storage for VMS: Storage Area Network
                                                                                                                                      or Network Attached Storage                            54
4     GIT Security 5/2013                                                                                                                                       
GIT Volume 9 September 2013 EMEA Edition - GIT Sicherheit
                                                                                                                                            IN S E CU R IT Y S O LU T I O N S

                                                 46 VIDEO MARKET
                                                                                                 48VIDEO MANAGE-
Silent Alarm                                        Video Security                                 MENT
Standard                                            in the Year 2020                               Sensitive Trackers
Shedding Light on the                               Gazing into the Crystal Ball                   See More, Understand
New Standard for                                    – By Dr. Magnus Ekerot                         Better, Perform Faster
Visual Alarm Devices                                (Part 1)

   VIDEO SURVEILLANCE                                                      Simplicity First
   Really Old Meets Really New                                             British Access Control Manufacturer
   Dallmeier HD Cameras Watch over Saint Nicholas               52        Paxton Expands on the European Mainland                 62
   ACCESS CONTROL                                                          Who’s in the Pool
   The New Key to Eternal Youth                                            International Scottish Swim Center Selects
   High-tech Access Transponders for Young Homes                56        Salto for Access Control                                64
   The End of Dealing with Legacy Security Systems              58        CAMERA TEST
                                                                           Test the Best!
                                                                                                                                            Don’t accept any patchwork in your
   Pins for Pads
   Intelligent Management of Mobile Devices                                In Focus: Canon VBH-610D                                  66    video security system. Instead, rely on
   in Education                                                 60        In Focus: Samsung SND-6084-R                              67    a tailor-made solution with components
                                                                                                                                            from a single source. In capturing,
                                                                                                                                            recording, analyzing, evaluating and
                                                                                                                                            documenting our products set new
                                                                                                                                            benchmarks for quality, reliability and
                                                                                                                                            functionality. They are perfectly matched
                                                                                                                                            with each other so that you can work
                                                                                                                                            professionally with professional products.
                                                                                                                                            Quality from a single source, made
                                                                                                                                            in Germany.

   News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6    BusinessPartner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70     Competence in Video Security
   Fire Protection Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 41                 Company Index / Imprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
   Security Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59, 65, 68
GIT Volume 9 September 2013 EMEA Edition - GIT Sicherheit
+++          News + + +
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      OCS and Wavesight Deliver CCTV Network                                         Onvif: RFQ for Updated Test Specification
      OCS has been selected by Lin-                                                  Onvif has issued a public Request    common functionalities shared by
      colnshire Council to supply, install,                                          for Quotations to update the exist-  Onvif conformant video manage-
      commission and deploy the com-                                                 ing Test Specification and Test Tool ment systems and devices such as
      munication infrastructure in a ma-                                             for the group’s global standard for  IP cameras or encoders that send,
      jor fiber-to-wireless switch-out and                                           the interface of IP-based physical   configure, request or control the
      IP camera upgrade in the area of                                               security products. The organiza-     streaming of media data over an IP
      Boston. In its tender, the council                                             tion’s Device Test Tool is used by   network. Also included in the RFQ
      challenged the industry to come up                                             its members to test conformance of   is continued development for con-
      with a solution capable of meeting                                             IP-based physical security products  formance of Profile G, which over-
      a broad set of requirements that                                               with the Onvif Test Specification.   sees storage, searching, retrieval
      would effectively reduce its overall                                           The RFQ will include the release of  and playback of media on devices
      Opex costs over the lifetime of the                                            an updated version of the Device     or clients that support recording
      contract. Wavesight, in conjunction                                            Test Tool and Test Specification for capabilities and on-board storage.
      with OCS Security Services, recom-    NVRs. At the core of the infrastruc-     Profile S, which encompasses the
      mended the overall solution, which    ture are three town-center build-
      is due to be installed in three phas- ings (Pilgrim Hospital, Assembly
      es and will be achieved using 103     Rooms and the Town Hall), con-           Digital Video Recording Technology with Northern Rail
      license-exempt Wavesight wire-        nected in a ring using Wavemax-N         With the objective of improving the   images in a 16-way split-screen can
      less radios, 61 Panasonic IP CCTV     wireless IP transceivers.                playback image quality of video       each be displayed at 480x270 reso-
      cameras, and a series of Panasonic                       captured by all the cameras in-       lution. Network bandwidth of up to
                                                                                     stalled at a station and at a higher  32Mbp ensures no ‘jitter’ or distor-
                                                                                     frame whilst maintaining the ability  tion in the display of video transmit-
      HSM Relaunches Website                                                         to store the recorded video for up to ted over a network. The two SRD-
      The newly designed website from         images, descriptive instruction        31 days, Northern Rail in England     1673D DVRs are recording images
      HSM is available in seven languag-      videos, data sheets and operat-        has recently installed two 16-chan-   captured by Samsung’s SCB-3000
      es. Simplifying navigation through-     ing manuals directly alongside the     nel Samsung Techwin SRD-1673D         day/night cameras with intelligent
      out the product ranges was one of       products. Once the user has found      DVRs with 4TB on-board storage at     video analytics and wide dynamic
      the main focuses of the relaunch.       a document shredder, he can pro-       Horwich Station, Lancashire. Each     range technology, coping with situ-
      These are now arranged according        ceed to the purchasing procedure       unit can record 650TVL in real time   ations where there are strong con-
      to function under shredding, cut-       directly using the “Commerce           across all 16 channels and, with a    trasting lighting conditions.
      ting or pressing, simplifying navi-     Connector” e-commerce tool. The        HDMI main monitor video output,
      gation. The product range now has       tool is in use for Germany, Austria,
      a fully integrated product finder for   the Netherlands, Great Britain and
      document shredders. The user will       Northern Ireland.      Hikvision at Dubai’s Grosvenor House
      also find extensive information,                                               One of the world’s largest man-
                                                                                     made marinas, the Dubai Marina
                                                                                     in the United Arabs Emirates sits on
      Moxa Receives Aon Hewitt’s Best Employer 2013 Award                            some of the most prime commercial
      Aon Hewitt announced that Moxa        leader, accepted the award on be-        real estate in the UAE. Prominently
      has received its Best Employer        half of JE Hsu, founder and Chair-       located among this cluster is the
      2013 award for Taiwan. Other re-      man of the Board. According to           Grosvenor House Dubai – the first
      cipients of the award in Taiwan       Michael Lin “Moxa is a company           luxury hotel built in the Dubai Ma-
      include Chailease, American Ex-       owned by our people. Our employ-         rina. The Grosvenor House consists
      press International, Fedex Express,   ees are at the center of everything      of two 45-story towers, encompass-
      and ­Schneider Electric. Michael Lin, that we do, and we care about the        ing 749 rooms, suites, and apart-
      President of the Moxa Group Ex-       long-term development of their           ments. Furthermore, these towers
      ecutive Board’s Global Infrastruc-    talents and careers.”                    also include a wealth of exclusive
      ture unit and a long-time company                            bars, restaurants, and spas, as well
                                                                                     as spacious meeting and banquet-
                                                                                     ing facilities. Mohamed Kasim,
      HIS: Axis Market-leading in Network Cameras and Video Encoders                 Manager of Security Solutions at
      Axis Communications has an-             that we offer high-quality security    HCL Infosystems MEA. (the Dubai-        rectly outside to accurately identify
      nounced that the Company has re-        solutions in a global market in con-   based integrator for this project),     incoming and outgoing customers.
      mained “its global market-leading       junction with our loyal partners,”     chose Hikvision for this project. The   As such, this dome camera faces
      position in network cameras and         says Ray Mauritsson, the Company’s     lighting condition in the main en-      the brunt of direct sunlight in the
      security cameras and has also taken     President. “IHS estimates contin-      trance area proved especially note-     day and near total darkness in the
      first place in video encoders”. This is ued high market growth, however,       worthy. As such, Kasim chose the        evening. However, the camera’s
      shown in a report from information      slightly lower than previously, over   manufacturer’s DS-2CD764FWD-            1.3 mega-pixels (1,280 x 960) of
      and analytics firm IHS. “We have        the next five years. IHS also indi-    EI 1.3MP WDR Dome Camera to             high resolution provide the quality
      further strengthened our position       cates the market today is more frag-   overcome these potential pitfalls.      of image and 120dB wide dynamic
      due to our long-term strategy of        mented, with many vendors offering     Along with the main southern exit,      range provides the technology to
      continuous releases of innovative       network video products for security    as well as the hotel’s auxiliary exits, overcome these issues with flying
      network video products and the fact     solutions.”     the camera is required to face di-

      6     GIT Security 5/2013                                                                                                    
GIT Volume 9 September 2013 EMEA Edition - GIT Sicherheit
GIT Volume 9 September 2013 EMEA Edition - GIT Sicherheit
+++          News + + +
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      PPG Distributor Ezi Security Wins with                                           Bosch: Video Surveillance for Driverless Metro Line in Milan
      Elkosta M50 Bollard
      During the July Security 2013 Ex-     said, “Winners were chosen on the
      hibition at the Sydney Convention     basis of innovation, originality and
      & Exhibition Center, Australia, the   the potential benefits the product
      winners of the prestigious New        provides to the overall security in-
      Product of the Year Award included    dustry. This bollard was selected for
      PPG‘s Australian distributor, Ezi Se- its unique design and practicality.”
      curity Systems who won first place    The integrated hydraulic drive unit
      with the hydraulic M50 bollard.       is a new technology that minimizes
      Early in 2013 the bollard success-    the cost and labor overhead tradi-
      fully passed the ASTM F2656-07        tionally associated with bollards.
      crash test at Karco Engineering in    The M50 can be installed any-
      Adelanto, California. A 6.8 tonne     where a threat is deemed that has
      truck impacted the bollard at a       shallow foundations and needs
      speed of 80kmh. It bollard resisted   fast operating speeds.
      easily and reached a P2 rating. Ky-   stephan.stephani@
      lie McRorie, Exhibition Manager,

                                                                                       The longest metro system in Italy,     as minimally invasive as possible.
                                                                                       the Milan metro with a total length    This was why the decision was made
                                                                                       of 92 kilometers and 101 stations      to install a wireless LAN network
      Salto Opens New Italian Office                                                   has a daily ridership of over one      to cover the 13 kilometers of line,
      Salto Systems has opened an office       market, concentrating on support-       million people. To secure this im-     along with 19 new stations, where
      in Bologna to support the com-           ing dealers and end users as well       portant transport system, Bosch Se-    video cameras and a public address
      pany’s growth in the Italian market.     as maintaining and developing re-       curity Systems is supporting Milan’s   system needed to be integrated. The
      Located in a central area of the city,   lationships with architects, security   new driverless metro line 5, which     main tasks of the surveillance and
      the focus for the office will be sales   consultants, system integrators, ho-    opened earlier this year, with a se-   evacuation solution were to provide
      and technical support for the Italian    tels           curity solution that combines video    video monitoring and passenger
                                                                                       surveillance and public address        movement control on trains and
                                                                                       communication for managing pas-        in stations. This included providing
                                                                                       senger information and evacuation      public information while guarantee-
                                                                                       measures. Due to the peculiarity of    ing increased passenger control and
      Building the Future Award                                                        the city’s ancient architecture and    safety, as well as the management
                                                                                       the resultant constraints, lines of    of any system alarms and diagnos-
                                                                                       communication between the single       tics together with continuous event
                                                                                       security components needed to be       recording.

                                                                                       TDSi Secures Rubicon Group Holdings in Jordan
                                                                                       Global Entertainment Consortium,     reader on the inside as well as out-
                                                                                       Rubicon Group Holding (RGH), is      side of the secure area to keep a
                                                                                       using TDSi’s access control and se-  log of the traffic moving both ways.
                                                                                       curity systems to secure its central RGH also specified that the system
                                                                                       server facility in Amman, Jordan.    be linked to the fire control system
                                                                                       Locally based security installer and so that in the case of an emer-
                                                                                       partner Soter Security specified and gency, the doors could be opened
                                                                                       installed a Microgarde controller    automatically to ensure everyone is
                                                                                       and two Exprox readers, supplying    able to exit the building. The Micro-
                                                                                       the manufacturer’s proximity cards   garde controller delivers a wealth
                                                                                       for authorized individuals to gain   of access control features and func-
                                                                                       access. Rubicon Group Holding is a   tionality. The Windows-based PC
      The Security Institute was chosen        cate and Diploma courses in secu-       global transmedia company special-   application minimizes the need for
      as this year’s recipient for “The        rity management at levels 3 and         ising in multi-platform digital pro- training providing users with both
      Building The Future Award 2013”          5 respectively. The Institute was       duction, educational content, and    familiarity and confidence. With an
      at the British Security Industry As-     also recognized for creating and        location-based themed entertain-     easy-to-use interface connecting to
      sociation (BSIA). The reasons for        presenting its own annual awards,       ment. As well as securing the access fire and intruder alarm systems, the
      this included the development and        such as the Wilf Knight and George      to the server room, RGH also speci-  system also offers wider integra-
      management of the Register of            Van Schalkwyk awards for aca-           fied that it wanted to record which  tion capabilities to other security
      Chartered Security Professionals         demic excellence, and publishing a      individuals enter and also exit the  and management systems through
      in partnership with the Worshipful       series of ‘Good Practice Guides’ for    room and at what times. Soter Se-    a simple Application Programming
      Company of Security Professionals,       security practitioners.                 curity therefore installed an Exprox
      and providing accredited Certifi-
      8     GIT Security 5/2013                                                                                                     
GIT Volume 9 September 2013 EMEA Edition - GIT Sicherheit
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Video Analytics for Car Dealership
Xtralis announced that Secontec, a security in-     2/2X with Intrusion Trace for primary detection.     Adpro reduced the insurance rates for the car
staller in Germany, selected and installed Adpro    The system provides remote visual verification       dealerships and interrupted theft while still
Fasttrace 2X & i-Lids approved Intrusion Trace      with bi-directional audio and appropriate alarm      providing a welcoming experience for potential
to protect Volkswagen and Audi dealership car       handling that secures car dealerships through-       customers.
lots. Several cameras are used for a variety of     out Germany in cities such as Stuttgart, Frank-
security applications connected to the FastTrace    furt, Berlin, and Hamburg. The deployment of

IMS: Hikvision in Leading Position
For the second consecutive financial year, Hik-     “The World Market for CCTV and Video Surveil-        the fields of Network Security Cameras, rising to
vision has held the top global position with a      lance Equipment – 2013 Edition”, from IMS Re-        No.3 from last year’s 4th position, and standing
dominant market share of 8% of the CCTV and         search, now part of IHS. While maintaining its       out by gaining 11.1% of the worldwide market
Video Surveillance Equipment in 2012. This is an    position as the world‘s finest DVR supplier for      share of megapixel network security cameras.
improvement from last year’s 5.9% in market         four consecutive years, the Company has also
share, according to a recently released report      accomplished other notable achievements in 

BSIA Chairman’s Awards
The commitment and dedication of four in-           lected by Geoff Zeidler, each of the winners was     of Securitas Security Solutions Limited. And the
dustry stalwarts was recognized as this year’s      selected in recognition of the significant impact    highly regarded award for Contribution to the
prestigious British Security Industry Association   that their career-long contributions have had        Industry recognizes those individuals who have
Chairman’s Awards were presented by Associa-        on the UK’s private security industry. The Chair-    made a career-long commitment to the ongoing
tion Chairman, Geoff Zeid­ler. The awards were      man’s Award for Contribution to Standards was        success of the private security industry. This year,
presented at the Association’s Annual Lunch at      presented to Stewart Taylor of Cooper Security.      the award was presented to Julie Kenny CBE
the London Hilton on Park Lane, in the following    The award for Contribution to Training was pre-      DL of Pyronix, the most recent Immediate Past
categories: Contribution to the Industry, Contri-   sented to Mike Britnell, Acting Chief Executive of   Chair of the BSIA.
bution to the Community, Contribution to Train-     Skills for Security. The Award for Contribution to
ing and Contribution to Standards. Personally se-   the Community was presented to Owen Stanley
GIT Volume 9 September 2013 EMEA Edition - GIT Sicherheit
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      Patol Fire Detection for Colombian Coal Conveying                              Milan Show Ties up with South American Events

      An automatic fire detection sys-        of fire in conveyors and transport     The organization of Sicurezza, the      buyers from interesting countries
      tem from Patol has been selected        systems through infra-red monitor-     international biennial exhibition       around the world. The particularly
      to protect the main conveyer belt       ing technology, importantly before     of security and fire prevention or-     promising market of Brazil, where
      which handles 75% of the mining         a flame condition is reached. It is    ganized by Fiera Milano, is up and      complex social and security situa-
      production volume at one of the         being installed on the coal belt       running. The next edition from          tions abound, will be served by Ex-
      world’s largest thermal coal pro-       conveyor BC-201 for Carbones del       12–14 November 2014 will provide        posec, an international security ex-
      ducers. The Company is supplying        Cerrejón at their integrated mining    the starting point for discussion       hibition, from 13–15 May 2014 and
      the detector from its Series 5000       and transport complex in La Gua-       through conferences, workshops,         FISP, the international security and
      air purged range, specifically de-      jira, northern Colombia.               and round tables on the hot sub-        personal protection trade show,
      veloped to provide early warning                       jects of intelligence, IP Security      from 8–10 October 2014 in Sao
                                                                                     and integration. Over the coming        Paulo at the Centro de Exposicoes
                                                                                     months, event organizers have           Imigrantes Exhibition Center.
      Morse Watchmans Key Control at Phoenix Airport                                 planned actions to contact new
      Key control systems from Morse      to hold keys needed for access to
      Watchmans are in place at Phoenix   secured areas of facilities that are
      Sky Harbor International Airport to restricted from the general public.
      maintain strict security procedures Authorized users who have permis-          Apollo Fire Detectors Hot Favourite in Cheltenham
      for the safekeeping and access of   sion to enter these restricted areas       Located at its current site since     National Operations Manager (In-
      facility keys. Installed throughout can access keys which they have            1898, the Cheltenham Race Course      tegral Fire) at Integral UK, explains:
      the airport complex for use in all  been pre-programmed to use by              is an internationally recognised      “With the grandstand suffering
      back of house operations (i.e. me-  entering their PIN code and swip-          racing venue. Throughout the year     from ongoing faults with its legacy
      chanical, fleet pool, maintenance,  ing a pre-issued badge. If the crite-      it welcomes more than 700,000         detection equipment and Festival
      etc.), the various Illuminated key  ria entered matches the informa-           visitors, with numbers reaching       Week less than three months away,
      control cabinets enable controlled  tion stored in the system database,        their peak during Festival Week,      we were asked to refit the main
      access to keys and provide foren-   the key cabinet will unlock and the        the highlight of which is the Bet-    grandstand, function rooms and
      sic capabilities such as automated  necessary key can be removed or            fred Cheltenham Gold Cup. Since       boxes. The system we implemented
      tracking, alarm and reporting func- returned.                                  2003, more than £20m has been         used Advance four loop panels
      tions. The cabinets can be used                   invested in a new enclosure and       with Apollo XP95 equipment. We
                                                                                     additional race day facilities with   work with Apollo’s products on a
                                                                                     The Centaur – a new conference        regular basis and chose the XP95
                                                                                     and events centre – at the heart      range because it is a robust, cost
      ONVIF Publishes Profile G                                                      of this redevelopment. Part of this   effective and easy to install suite of
      Onvif announced the Release Can-        video technology. Profile G will en-   investment has seen Integral UK, a    fire detection products, ideally suit-
      didate for Profile G, the specifi-      compass devices ranging from cam-      UK installer, upgrade the site’s fire ed to this type of environment.”
      cation designed to store, search,       eras and encoders to networked         detection equipment. Tony Marsh,
      retrieve and playback media on          video recorders (NVR) and client
      devices or clients that support re-     systems such as video management
      cording capabilities and on-board       systems, building management sys-
      storage. As with Profile S, which the   tems and physical security informa-    Lincensing Program: Vidicore and Objectvideo
      organization introduced in 2012 as      tion management (PSIM) systems,        Vidicore and Objectvideo an-          integrators and security directors
      the standard interface to stream        among others. For example, Profile     nounced that the video analytics      who use our Riva products from
      video and audio between conform-        G can be deployed between a PSIM       embedded in Vidicore˙s Riva brand-    intellectual property concerns,”
      ant devices and clients, Profile G      solution integrating video playback    ed product portfolio are fully li-    said Achim Hauschke, CEO of Vidi-
      now brings video playback into          from a NVR, including specific fea-    censed under the Objectvideo pat-     core. “This agreement eliminates
      the Profile concept. Having global      tures such as starting and ending      ent licensing program. The patent     all those concerns for our partners
      interface specifications, with spe-     recording; searching video using       license protects systems integra-     and gives us freedom to continue
      cific functionalities easily identi-    various filters such as time, event    tors, security directors and anyone   to develop new and improved vid-
      fied by Profiles, makes it easier for   or metadata; video retrieval and       who installs or uses Riva intelligent eo analytic features that meet our
      end users, integrators, consultants     playback; and, on the receiver side,   IP cameras an d encoders from         customers‘ business intelligence
      and manufacturers to harness the        creating a source of IP media.         Vidicore. “We take a proactive        and security needs.”
      opportunities offered by network                         approach to protecting systems

      10     GIT Security 5/2013                                                                                                   
+++          n e ws           +++          n e ws                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               +++   n e ws    +++        n e ws        +++          n e ws        + + + News
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NEWS                +++

Elmdene Appoints Business Develop Manager                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ocularis Integration with Elerts
Elmdene International, subsidiary of Potter Elec-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  An integration between ­    Onssi’s     a smartphone submits an incident
tric Signal, announced the appointment of Hannah                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ocularis video management soft-         report using the Elerts application,
Broadhurst as Business Development Manager to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ware (VMS) platform and the Elerts      the manufacturer’s cloud-based
help drive forward the company‘s ambitious growth                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  software solution enables security      software matches the GPS location
plans. Hannah Broadhurst has already spent eleven                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  personnel to receive immediate,         of that smartphone with a data-
years in the security sector, the last six focusing spe-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           actionable information about inci-      base of camera field of view poly-
cifically on intruder products.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                dents occurring anywhere within a       gons. Information is instantly sent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   facility, campus or transit system.     to Ocularis, which then automati-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Now any individual with a smart-        cally pushes live footage from the
Bosch Partners with Seetec                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         phone can be an active participant      camera closest to the incident to a
Seetec is the latest member of the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in maintaining a more secure envi-      command center or other display.
Bosch Integration Partner Program                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ronment. When an individual with
which is designed to promote and
enhance interoperability between
Bosch products and other lead-
ing security products, applications,
software or systems. Companies of
any size using Seetec video man-
                                                © 2013 Genetec. All rights reserved. Stratocast, the Stratocast logo, Genetec, and the Genetec logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Genetec. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

agement solutions can now benefit
from the features of the latest of
the manufacturer’s IP video cam-
eras as well as from its product
range for indoor and outdoor appli-
cations. This comprises the Dinion,
Autodome and Flexidome families
of IP cameras, the Videojet encod-
ers, VIP network video servers.

Hikvision: Good Surveillance
for Our Lady of Good Counsel
In Tirana, Albania, Our Lady of Good
Counsel is a Catholic university-
hospital complex comprised of five
buildings. Their vision is to heal the
sick through research and treat-
ment and to provide young people
with an education for life. Ensuring
the physical safety of patients and
security of premises is of paramount
importance. The existing analog sur-
veillance cameras were not able to
capture sufficient detail. Hikvision
installed the DS-2CD2032-I 3MP
IR bullet network cameras with
a resolution of 2,048x1,526 and
H.264/MJPEG compression, the DS-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Security at Your Fingertips.
2CD2132-I and DS-2CD7153-E van-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Stratocast is a modern approach to business security,
dal-proof mini dome network cam-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               providing hassle-free, HD video monitoring that can be
eras with day/night auto switch as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               accessed from any laptop, tablet, or phone. With the
well as the DS-7732NI-ST 32-chan-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ability to instantly view live and recorded video safely
nel and DS-7608NI-ST 8-channel
network video recorders with VGA,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              stored in the cloud, your business is never far away.
HDMI and USB interfaces. The new
cost-efficient system addressed all                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Find out about affordable subscription plans at
the former problems by producing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
real-time, high quality video and
playback. Our Lady of Good Coun-
sel can now focus on the sick and
young, thus accomplishing their
vision and attaining the noble pur-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            L AUNCH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PARTNER S

poses they set to achieve.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GIT Security 5/2013     11


Integrated Safety and Security
for Smart Cities
Enabling Cities to Be Safe, Competitive and Resilient

Urbanization is one of the megatrends         Authorities are faced with managing cities that    the European Commission, even in the compara-
of our time. According to the United          are growing rapidly and becoming increasingly      tively safe EU the costs associated with crime
                                              complex, often developing organically to meet      and natural disasters account for at least 5 per-
Nations, by the year 2025 the global          increased demands and changing social and          cent of the joint GDP.
population will have grown to over eight      economic patterns – often without any long-            The majority of these enormous costs are
billion, with significantly more than half    term strategic planning. Towering skyscrapers,     borne by the public sector. Civic authorities are
living in major conurbations. As people,      packed transportation networks, multi-tenant       responsible for delivering continued access to
                                              buildings and untold thousands of people flock-    education, employment, health care, utilities
and the infrastructure required to sup-       ing to sports and entertainment venues mean        and transportation, all of which have a funda-
port them, are increasingly concentrated      that more and more people are being squeezed       mental need for safety and security. As business
in urban spaces, this presents a number       into ever tighter spaces. Anonymous crowds of      continuity becomes an ever greater issue in en-
of challenges. The safety and security        people are ideal soft targets for criminals and    suring the ongoing economic prosperity of a city,
                                              terrorists, as illustrated so vividly during the   the concept of “urban security” – protecting city
of urban environments is a basic pre-         recent attack in Boston. Smart city concepts,      residents and critical urban infrastructures such
requisite for modern cities to thrive and     which are networked across all disciplines and     as airports, data centers, roads and power grids
prosper. However, urbanization also           where traffic, people and transportation flows     – takes on vital significance. Ultimately, urban
                                              can be controlled holistically, can provide a      safety and security gives cities advantages in the
increases the vulnerability of cities: ter-
                                              counterbalance.                                    global competition for investors and well edu-
rorist attacks, crime, social unrest and          In general, there is a clear correlation be-   cated citizens who value their quality of life.
heightened impact of natural disasters        tween the size of a city and its crime rate. The
are just some of the safety and security      cost implications of criminal activity are sig-    Resilient Cities Are Better Prepared
                                              nificant: The World Bank has estimated that, de-   Each city has facilities whose protection is par-
issues that need to be addressed. The
                                              pending on the country, the total cost of crime    ticularly vital. When such critical infrastructures
public and private sector have to work        can be as much as 25 percent of the gross do-      are attacked or subject to a natural disaster, the
together to find effective solutions.         mestic product (GDP). According to estimates by    consequences are far-reaching, as demonstrated

12     GIT Security 5/2013                                                                                           

so graphically by the flooding of the River Elbe
in Germany or Hurricane Katrina in the U.S.
Therefore, it is crucial that suitable preventive
measures be taken to ensure the reliability and
resilience of infrastructures and business pro-
cesses. They must first help manage critical situ-
ations as efficiently as possible and then enable
a quick return to normal operations.
     Airports are a good example. As vital regional
hubs they are prime potential targets for terror-
ist attacks, which would have a lasting debilitat-
ing effect on the entire region. The ever present
threat to air travel, and the many national and
international regulations subsequently passed
to secure it, have led to a dramatic increase in
the range of security solutions deployed. Today’s
airports are large and complex facilities which
require a multi-layered security strategy – from
the perimeter to the terminal buildings.
     Public facilities, including airports, are highly
reliant on their IT infrastructure. For this reason,
the protection of data centers has dramati-              If an incident occurs an immediate and effective respond is needed
cally increased in importance and is now part
of virtually any critical infrastructure scenario.
Similarly, there are very few organizations in           entire security concept. There are essentially four   plex as rerouting public transport after a terror-
the private sector which are not in some way or          stages in the safety and security cycle: preven-      ist attack on a strategically important building.
another dependent on data. Cyber threats are             tion, protection, response and recovery.
obviously an important part of the equation, but             Prevention can be subdivided into two areas:      Integrating Safety and Security Sytems
it is just as vital that network security measures       prevention of emergencies or accidents, and           with Command and Control Centers
be backed by physical security provisions. Again,        prevention of crime. An example of the first area     By adopting systems which are able to integrate
the trend is towards integrated systems whose            are fire safety and extinguishing procedures to       the different elements of the safety and security
open architecture facilitates the development of         ensure continuity of power supply in the event        cycle, those responsible for protecting a city are
ever “smarter” security solutions.                       of a fire. Prevention of crime is a more wide-        able to do so much more effectively. The systems
                                                         ranging field, particularly in urban environments     in place need to be able to accommodate the
Safe Evacuation of Crowds                                where the threats are many and varied: vandal-        complexities of the city environment as well
Whether it is a busy train station during com-           ism and graffiti, anti-social behavior, robberies,    as the needs of the various stakeholders, from
muter rush hour or a major sporting event at a           burglaries, political demonstrations, organized       private-sector corporations to public authorities
stadium, large numbers of people in a confined           crime and political terrorism to name but a few.      and intervention forces.
area present their own challenges in terms of                Similarly, protection can be divided into two         In the event of an incident, city authorities
safety and security. In the event of a threat, the       areas: protection of the physical infrastructure      may well need to call on the services of sev-
first priority is to remove people from the source       and IT networks, which are at the core of the         eral different law-enforcement or emergency
of danger. However, this is easier said than done:       smart city. Cities are a collection of urban infra-   agencies – from police and fire department to
The right instructions need to be delivered in the       structures housing key resources such as univer-      transportation and traffic management to pri-
right way and at the right time to avoid panic           sities, museums and churches, public buildings,       vate security resources. Only if those authorities
and to ensure people are evacuated as quickly            private sector facilities including offices and       have a complete overview of the situation and
and as reliably as possible.                             production sites, transportation networks, and        the available operating resources can they make
      Crowd simulation research has helped to            critical infrastructures such as airports and data    meaningful decisions on how to deal with the
identify how people react in different scenarios.        centers. The protection of this “virtual back-        incident. By integrating a variety of systems –
Instructions based on real-time data and man-            bone” is becoming more and more critical.             communication, automatic alarm, information
aged from a central command and control point                If an incident does occur, it is important to     and video surveillance systems – into a central
have consistently proven to be the most effec-           have in place the means and protective mea-           command and control platform, comprehen-
tive. This relies on the different elements of safe-     sures to respond immediately and effectively.         sive and consistent incident response can be
ty and security systems working together and             The speed with which intervention resources           achieved. This is at the very heart of a smart,
drawing information from a variety of sources to         are able to mobilize, and the clarity and imme-       resilient and safe city.
allow those tasked with responding to the inci-          diacy of the information they have to work with,
dent to do so quickly and efficiently.                   are vital factors, as are the coordination of the
                                                         resources and the support provided to first re-
The Four Phases of the Safety and Se-                    sponders.
curity Cycle                                                 How resilient and failsafe urban infrastruc-
The sheer diversity of safety and security chal-         tures ultimately are can be measured by how           ▶ContaCt
lenges faced by today’s cities means that a holis-       quickly normal operations are resumed after an        Siemens Building Technologies
tic approach is becoming the strategy of choice.         incident. Getting back to a normal state of op-       Zug, Switzerland
Solutions providers are moving away from stan-           eration as quickly and as smoothly as possible is     Tel.: +41 41 724 24 24
dalone products and systems and towards net-             the objective, whether it is as simple as reopen-
worked solutions which cover all stages of the           ing a tunnel after a traffic accident or as com-                                                                                                                     GIT Security 5/2013     13

                                                                                                         RiMatrix S is a complete data centre:
                                                                                                         a defined number of server and net-
                                                                                                         work racks, climate control, power
                                                                                                         supply, and back-up, as well as moni-
                                                                                                         toring features. Together, they form a
                                                                                                         complete server module.

Data Centre Management

Now Possible:
Standardized Data Centre Construction
Standardized Modules – Revolution in Data Centre Construction

With a system called “RiMatrix S” the        In the past, the individual planning and configu-    Complete Server Modules
systems supplier of IT infrastructure        ration of data centres was complex and time          RiMatrix S is a complete data centre that com-
                                             consuming. Highly variable demands on avail-         prises the following standard components: a
solutions Rittal is introducing the          ability and safety, as well as a variety of struc-   defined number of so called “TS IT” server and
world’s first concept for standardized       tural conditions and budgets, have made plan-        network racks, climate control, power supply,
data centre construction. While data         ning and construction phases that lasted several     and back-up, as well as monitoring features. To-
                                             months an inevitability.                             gether, they form a complete server module.
centres previously used to be planned            “With the RiMatrix S, Rittal is making a para-       To allow a higher packing density of the
solely on a made-to-measure basis and        digm shift in the IT world, because never before     server and network components, Rittal has de-
were correspondingly time-consuming          has a complete data centre been available un-        veloped a new climate control system (zero-U-
                                             der a single article number,” explained Bernd        space cooling system, ZUCS) for the RiMatrix
and costly, ­Rittal is now setting new
                                             Hanstein, Vice President, Product Management         S, completely implemented within a false floor.
standards with its RiMatrix S. Based         IT at Rittal. “RiMatrix S is the answer to such IT   The air/water heat exchangers are located di-
on pre-planned, pre-configured and           requirements as speed, efficiency, security, and     rectly below the server frame. The related fans
                                             flexibility.” In future, customers will no longer    blow the cool air through a perforated base
coordinated data centre modules, both
                                             have to reckon with long planning and delivery       plate directly in front of the server level. Be-
new data centres can be built and ex-        times: RiMatrix S can be delivered within six        cause the doors and side panels, and the server
tensions to existing ones made quickly       weeks of ordering.                                   racks would only impede the flow of air, only
and easily and at any time. Indeed, this         By concentrating on standardised data cen-       frames are installed in the RiMatrix S. The cold
                                             tre modules and perfectly coordinated compo-         and warm air zones are carefully separated from
makes Rittal the world’s first provider of   nents, RiMatrix S achieves a very low PUE (pow-      each other by the partitioning between frame,
standardized data centre construction.       er usage effectiveness) value of 1.15.               ceiling, and the 19” level. High availability is

14     GIT Security 5/2013                                                                                          

                                                                                                                      are displayed via the RiZone software, which the
                                                                                                                      administrator can also use to intervene. A fire
                                                                                                                      extinguishing system for the server module can
                                                                                                                      also be provided as an option.

                                                                                                                      Larger Units Through Combination
                                                                                                                      The smallest RiMatrix S variant, the Single 6,
        RiMatrix S is the answer to such                                                                              consists of six racks to accommodate servers
                                                                                                                      and an additional frame for network technology.
        IT requirements as speed,
                                                                                                                      The larger version, the Single 9, has nine server
        efficiency, security, and flexibility.                                                                        racks. One major aspect is the compatibility of
                                                                                                                      the server modules with larger units: Both the
                                                                                                                      mirrored arrangement, which leads to a joint
                                                                                                                      cold or hot zone, as well as arranging servers
                                                                                                                      in bays to form long rows, can be easily and
                                                                                                                      quickly implemented. RiMatrix S is both per-
                                                                                                                      fectly suited for the construction of a new data
                                                                                                                      centre in permanent structures with additional
                                                                                                                      aisle containment, as well as for the installation
                                                                                                                      of a new data centre in an outdoor area using
                                                                                                                      high-cube containers. The extension of an exist-
                                                                                                                      ing data centre and its accommodation in the
                                                                                                                      security room by Rittal are easily possible with
    Bernd Hanstein,                                                                                                   this global innovation.
    Vice President,
    Product Management IT                                                                                             Expansion And Addition
    at Rittal                                                                                                         Rittal is expanding its IT infrastructure range
                                                                                                                      with the concept of a standardised data centre.
                                                                                                                      “A data centre planned and built by the cus-
                                                                                                                      tomer with individual RiMatrix components is
also achieved in terms of climate control by an                   up by a UPS system. The UPS is a rack-mounted       a choice that still remains, of course. This is the
n+1 redundancy.                                                   modular system and follows the principle of n+1     only way we can offer a data centre that best
                                                                  redundancy. When the “Rittal PDU Managed”           fits the needs of each customer,” Mr Hanstein
The Emphasis Is on Customer Benefit                               power distribution unit is installed, it is even    stressed
Rittal also focuses benefits to the customer                      possible to measure the power consumption
when it comes to uninterruptible power supply:                    right down to the individual socket.
Power supply and distribution are already pre-                    The Rittal CMC III (Computer Multi Control)
configured in the RiMatrix S, so either the cus-                  monitoring system takes over the entire moni-
tomer existing UPS can be used or a new UPS                       toring procedure: Consisting of a processing        ▶ContaCt
can be easily installed. The power distribution in                unit and up to 32 interacting sensors, it records   Rittal, Herborn, Germany
the RiMatrix S is designed for the redundant A                    every physical parameter such as temperature,       Tel.: +49 2772 505 0
and B supply paths, where the B path is backed                    humidity, or smoke. All these measured values ·

                                                                                                 VIDEOWALL SYSTEMS FOR COMMAND & CONTROL
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                Your competent partner for complete large screen solutions:
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                  eyevis GmbH | Hundsschleestrasse 23 | 72766 Reutlingen | Germany
                  Tel.: +49 (0) 7121 43303-0 | Fax: +49 (0) 7121 4 3303-22 | |                                                                                                                                  GIT Security 5/2013     15

Time + Access

More than
Just Coming
and Going
Isgus Celebrates Its
125th Anniversary

Time recording systems have been avail-
able from Isgus since 1888 when the
Company was established developing
time and attendance clocks. These days
it‘s no longer just about recording the
IN’s and OUT’s of employees, but above
all optimizing processes. Matthias Erler
of GIT SECURITY asked the Managing
Director of Isgus, Stefan Beetz, to explain
all that’s involved.

GIT SECURITY: Mr Beetz, this year we are            Stefan Beetz: 125 years ago it was all about           I‘m totally convinced ... not least because
celebrating the 10th anniversary of our in-         recording the points in time when employees            you have just come from Cebit where you
ternational edition GIT SECURITY, the sister        came to work and went home. The evaluation             naturally see things that you couldn‘t pos-
publication to GIT SICHERHEIT. This looks           and interpretation of these time stamps was a          sibly imagine in the year 1888. What were the
quite modest when compared to the 125               manual process completed by employees in the           highlights at your booth?
Isgus years of Isgus longevity. Back then, 125      personnel department. Nowadays the term time
years ago, in principle the most important          recording embraces a whole lot more. It‘s not          Stefan Beetz: At this year‘s CeBit we were able to
thing for time recording already existed – the      just about recording event times – the customer        present a complete barrier-free workflow accord-
time stamp clock developed by your Company          today expects fully automatic solutions that cal-      ing to the BITV standard. This is of particular inter-
in 1888 that could clearly record attendance        culate the hours worked taking into account all        est to the Civil Service and public service buildings
times. Would you agree with that?                   the legal and negotiated rules and regulations. It     as the use of barrier-free software is compulsory
                                                    goes without saying that the data is forwarded to      here. Our solution also enables employees with
Stefan Beetz: This slightly provocative theory      a wages and salary program. Such a modern time         sight impairment to look after their ‚time card‘
of yours could mean that there have been no         recording system is also present in a company to       themselves or to request holidays via the system.
fundamental innovations at Isgus in the past        make processes more transparent and to discover        We also showed a further developed version of
125 years. The opposite is in fact the case: only   ways of improvement or potential for optimiza-         the RPS module (Resource Planning), with whose
through our constant innovations have we            tion. The term ‚time recording‘ no longer only         help a company can very quickly and transpar-
been able to look back on such a long com-          covers the area of staff time recording but also in-   ently obtain an overview of the utilization of the
pany history. Otherwise we would have gone          cludes the recording of times that are needed for      production capacity and may promptly react to
the same way as many other companies in our         tasks, projects or customer jobs; the operational      variations (through illness, failure of a machine
town, formerly the largest clock town in the        and machine data recording. Also the planning of       etc.). A further innovation is our web-based visitor
world: we would have disappeared from the           staff and resources as well as access control are      administration with which the customer adminis-
market!                                             important elements of our product portfolio. You       ters visitors and controls access to the buildings.
                                                    can see how much innovation and added value
Could you sketch roughly what has changed           can be found in our products and services com-         Cebit had the headline theme of ‚Share­
over this period?                                   pared with time recording 125 years ago.               conomy‘ – this is supposed to describe the

16     GIT Security 5/2013                                                                                                       

„change of corporate understanding from
having to sharing“. Does this theme echo
your own time management, access control
and staff scheduling solutions?

Stefan Beetz: The subject of sharing is very im-
portant both for us and our customers as it in-
volves the sharing of information that has been
gathered with the help of our systems. Whereas
earlier the focus was on the collection and re-
cording of values, our customers today expect
the captured values to be correspondingly pre-
pared, interpreted and made available. This cov-
ers the optimum use of people, machinery and
other resources in operational activity. This can    What about future developments?                      Stefan Beetz: This question is difficult to answer
only be achieved by quickly informing all those                                                           as our Zeus solutions is suitable for all indus-
involved.                                            Stefan Beetz: A great deal. Our customers as         tries and sizes of company. What we can say for
                                                     well as ourselves develop new ideas daily that       sure though is that the area of traditional time
Could you give us an example?                        don‘t all necessarily appear in new products         recording from where we have come is viewed
                                                     but show the vitality of the market. In the fu-      by many customers today as standard and it is
Stefan Beetz: If a machine was out of action be-     ture this will be about extending the processes      increasingly important to provide complex solu-
cause of a fault, the foreman or factory manager     around time and data recording and thereby           tions in which our personnel deployment plan-
was informed and he would then begin to build        putting a tool in the hands of our customers         ning, operational data recording, access control,
up a picture of the effects of this downtime and     that helps them to analyze the processes and,        WebWorkflow or RPS modules are used. These
then to initiate appropriate measures. Today Zeus    as a result, enables an optimization of these.       solutions cannot be island solutions but must
provides the foreman not only with the informa-      The subject of the Internet, including world-        instead be seamlessly integrated into the EDP/
tion that the machine is out of action but also      wide access to important company data and            IT environment of the customer. One can also
what the effects will be on current customer         information, also provides a whole raft of new,      say, with just time recording alone we would no
projects and orders. By using this information the   innovative ideas that are keeping us busy. We        longer be able to perform in the market so suc-
foreman can now look at alternatives, such as        and our customers certainly won‘t be lacking         cessfully. It is essential as a basis for the other
whether the job can be produced on another ma-       ideas.                                               modules, but is not enough for our customers on
chine. Zeus also supports him with this process                                                           its own.
by showing the available machines and staff.         Mr Beetz, throughout Europe there are, as
                                                     your website also states, 14,000 Isgus instal-       And how does it look with growth from a
You could say that the subject of time record-       lations – but perhaps you could tell us about        geographic perspective?
ing increasingly involves company divisions          one or two important current reference pro-
and processes that are either directly or indi-      jects?                                               Stefan Beetz: Isgus has always been an inter-
rectly connected with it ...                                                                              nationally operational organization that has not
                                                     Stefan Beetz: A project that would certainly         just concentrated on the German home market .
Stefan Beetz: That is one aspect – the Internet      mean something to most readers would be the          We still follow this strategy of internationaliza-
is also taking on an ever more important role in     Olympic Summer games in London last year. As         tion today. For sure it was easy before to sell a
addition: for this reason we are providing more      previously in Vancouver, the Isgus Group was a       product (namely a time recorder) worldwide be-
and more functions and information available in      Partner of the German house and equipped it          cause it just had to correctly print the time and
a web browser through the continued develop-         with a complete access control system, includ-       date. These days we have to support the legal
ment of our Zeus WebServices that, if required,      ing accreditation via the Internet. Such a project   structures and trade agreements of each country
can be accessed worldwide.                           is a challenge for all involved and impressively     in which we sell our products, which represents
                                                     proves the capability of our solutions. I can say    quite a challenge. We have however taken the
How are these improvements received in               to you that we are already looking forward to        conscious decision to continue this way and are
practice? Is there a discrepancy between in-         the next Olympic Winter games in Sotschi. Our        represented today, as well as in Germany and
novation and demand?                                 Zeus solution is however also installed in the       the German-speaking countries of Austria and
                                                     Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technol-        Switzerland, in almost all European countries,
Stefan Beetz: It is practically impossible to        ogie (Federal Ministry of Economy and Technol-       the United Arab Emirates and North America.
achieve complete satisfaction between innova-        ogy) in Berlin, at the Dachser, Schenker and DSV     These countries will provide interesting growth
tion and demand as we are moving in a very           freight companies, Metro Germany, Intersport         opportunities for Isgus in the coming years that
dynamic market where our customers as well           Germany, the Europapark in Rust and is in use        we want to seize.
as our solutions are constantly changing. Our        at many other well-known customers. We also
customers are our most important source of           have numerous customers in traditional medi-         Mr Beetz, many thanks for the conversation.
ideas for new solutions; this feedback enables       um-sized companies. We have the largest num-
us to achieve the best possible match between        ber of installations in Germany here of course,
innovation and demand. It is our job to gather       in all branches of industry and in all sizes of
the most varied customer ideas, to group them        company.
together and to incorporate them into new de-                                                             ▶ContaCt
velopments. This ensures that our solutions are      In which of these industries are you growing         Britta Bausch
always oriented toward the needs of our poten-       quickest and where do you believe the larg-          Isgus, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
tial and existing customers.                         est potential lies?                                  Tel.: +49 7720 393 180 ·                                                                                                                GIT Security 5/2013     17
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