Getting ready for the PSN - Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask - A Gamma Whitepaper

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Getting ready for the PSN - Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask - A Gamma Whitepaper
A Gamma Whitepaper

Getting ready for
the PSN
Everything you wanted to know
but were afraid to ask
Getting ready for the Public Services Network

PSN Migration
Everything you wanted to know
but were afraid to ask
This document is aimed at information communications and
technology (ICT) decision makers and managers working in the
public sector in the UK. It provides a basic overview of the UK
Government’s public services network (PSN) programme. More
importantly it argues the case for migrating your organisation
to the PSN gradually and in a non-disruptive way rather than
diving in headlong.
The Government intends the PSN to embrace           Contract RM1035. It allows public sector bodies
every public sector organisation in the UK up to    to start reaping some of the benefits of PSN
and including central government departments.       immediately without the upheaval of wholesale,
It will provide a shared infrastructure for         overnight technology change.
government agencies, devolved administrations,
local councils, NHS trusts, schools and
                                                    Why the need for change?
universities and third sector charitable
organisations together with housing associations,
                                                    Public sector organisations are no different to
the criminal justice service and others.
                                                    commercial businesses when it comes to facing
                                                    the daily challenges of operating in an uncertain
It has been said that the PSN is one of the
                                                    economic climate. They must strive to provide
biggest change management projects in
                                                    ever better services while cutting their costs and
Europe if not the world. It will see something
                                                    raising their efficiency.
approaching five million users by 2015. To aid
gradual migration the Government has created
a transitional framework agreement known as

Getting ready for the Public Services Network

Improved ICT is being hailed as the key to               and costly legacy services, replacing them with
achieving this aim. To deliver these improvements        one consolidated, shared solution offering better
in practical terms HM Government’s cabinet office        performance, connectivity, security, reliability and
has conceived the Public Services Network (PSN).         availability at less cost and with less trouble.

A top tier ‘super’ network run by several providers,     For those public sector bodies currently stuck with
the PSN promises new levels of collaboration,            legacy offerings that are no longer delivering the
security, reliability and connectivity. At the same      value for money, performance and efficiencies that
time, by replacing the multiple go-it-alone systems      they once did, the PSN promises to be a breath of
currently in use across the public sector it aims to     fresh air.
eliminate costly duplication of effort and introduce
new economies of scale.                                  The PSN is represented as a purchasing
                                                         framework agreement. The public sector is no
And duplication of effort is the critical factor here.   stranger to the power of group purchasing through
Government estimates suggest that out of the             such frameworks. The PSN takes collaborative
more than £2 billion a year spent on public sector       buying one stage further. Instead of going to
communications and networking, an astonishing            market as several hundred different buying groups
one quarter is wasted on duplicated services. With       the public sector can for the first time meet vendors
yet more budget cuts on the way the public sector        as one. The potential benefits at the negotiating
has to rein in spending somewhere. The PSN is            table will be obvious.
central government’s answer. Estimates for 2014
suggest the PSN has the ability to deliver savings       In technical terms the PSN is best thought of
of at least £130 million over the year.                  as a dedicated, private Internet: more than just
                                                         an Intranet but with none of the insecurities and
                                                         uncertainties that haunt the Internet itself. To
                                                         the user it will look like a single, secure virtual
                                                         private network (VPN) spanning the entire public
                                                         sector. Behind the scenes it will be formed from
                                                         many existing commercial networks from multiple

                                                         With no need to buy, own and manage physical
What is PSN?                                             network assets, public bodies can make savings
                                                         twice over: in the capital costs of hardware and
The PSN is being promoted as the network to end          circuits and in the operational costs of running and
all networks: the last network you’ll ever need.         maintenance. It’s a win-win all round. Or is it?
At a stroke it promises to sweep away ageing

Getting ready for the Public Services Network

Many organisations in the public sector are not          The main benefits in moving to these new services
ready to make the jump to PSN yet. Most public           are:
sector ICT people already have their hands full
delivering quality public services in the face           •      Substantial cash savings in line rentals and
of budget cutbacks, staff reductions and an                     call charges
unrelenting pressure to keep on performing better        •      Tighter control over pricing of services
still. The idea of wholesale change on the scale of      •      Like-for-like replacement services enabling
PSN can be daunting.                                            simple before/after comparisons
                                                         •      Easier buying of services through eAuctions
Stepping Stone                                                  and online catalogues
                                                         •      Realisation of Government policy through
Recognising this problem, central Government                    a procurement agenda benefiting SMEs in
is throwing the public sector a lifeline in the                 particular
shape of Telephony Services Contract RM1035.             •      Better management of spend
This purchasing framework agreement offers               •      Driving the adoption of innovative solutions
a convenient stepping stone between costly,                     through competition and service flexibility
inefficient legacy services and the all-embracing
ideal of the PSN. Something that can deliver better      There are 10 suppliers authorised to provide these
performance, efficiency and savings today while          services and all can deliver them nationally across
giving the public sector some breathing space to         the UK. It should be noted that PSN compliance
prepare for full transition to the PSN tomorrow.         at this stage is not mandatory but it is in suppliers’
                                                         own interests to offer guidance and an eventual
Covering telephony and data services, Contract           pathway to migration.
RM1035 provides a shortlist of pre-approved and
qualified vendors offering the most competitive          The need for such migration is enshrined within
prices. Buyers simply choose the organisation they       the terms of Contract RM1035. As an umbrella
feel is best qualified to meet their particular needs.   framework it is set to run for 18 months only, with
                                                         individual contract awards under the framework
Under the umbrella of Contract RM1035 public             running for up to a maximum of three 12 month
sector organisations throughout the UK can buy           periods. That effectively gives the public sector
traditional telephony services including voice calls,    three years to move to PSN.
voice connectivity (lines), broadband services,
data access services and bundles of some or all          Clearly it is in the Government’s interest to move
of these. The contract also covers the provision of      the public sector away as soon as possible from
inbound voice services, for example those used by        costly legacy deals and onto services which are
call centres and call handling bureaus.                  both better and lower cost. Contract RM1035 is the
                                                         vehicle to make that happen.

Getting ready for the Public Services Network

What do you need to do?                                to stay with the same supplier but negotiate
                                                       betters terms and better services. Alternatively
                                                       user organisations may engage in short form
Given that eventual migration to the PSN is
                                                       competitive tender among selected suppliers or
inevitable public sector organisations cannot
                                                       resort to a general tenders/responses format.
delay. They need to do something now, whether
it is simply renegotiating non cost effective
telecommunications contracts or moving to new          What should you expect?
providers. These steps may well be on the cards
anyway since existing contracts may be close to        Most immediately, expect the business of
running out, requirements of the business may be       buying networks and services to become much
changing or it might be time to start thinking about   simpler and much quicker. The competitive and
upgrading to new technologies and services.            fast moving market created by the PSN and its
                                                       transitional framework has resulted in a lively and
Engaging with one of the approved providers on         interactive environment for suppliers and end user
Contract RM1035 early on is a crucial starting         organisations.
point. Gamma for example can help with auditing
current services provision, flagging those that        The very nature of the short list of vendors on
are out of date, identifying lines that are no         the transitional framework guarantees that all the
longer in use but still being paid for, or services    suppliers are trustworthy and can be relied upon.
that have become out of date and needlessly            Equally public sector decision makers can more
expensive. The company can then help with              easily justify investments in ICT and will spend less
defining new requirements and mapping out a            time on the business of procurement.
telecommunications strategy for the future.
                                                       One thing you can certainly expect is change.
Suppliers should also be ready to help project         There will be substantive change in the way the
manage any migration onto the new framework.           public sector communicates and works. Some of
A case in point, Gamma already has much                those changes may be administrative only: all user
experience working with local authorities, NHS         organisations will be aware of are improvements in
trusts, universities, housing associations and         service and reductions in costs. There may also be
other public sector organisations in moving them       access to more flexible account management for
from legacy solutions to more flexible and more        example consolidated online billing and a single
economical networks and cloud services.                point of contact.

The Government’s own Web portal contains a full        In other cases the changes may run deeper.
listing of suppliers and costed services allowing      Take the example of legacy ISDN services. Now
decision makers to select those that they prefer.      largely regarded as a has-been technology ISDN
In some cases user organisations may be able           is nonetheless still widely used thanks in part to

Getting ready for the Public Services Network

market inertia. Yet there are big gains to be made     centres. It is one of the country’s largest
from a few relatively simple changes.                  networks and incorporates diverse routing and
                                                       redundancy throughout for maximum availability,
Some suppliers - Gamma for example - can               all underpinned with service level agreements.
transfer users onto their own and significantly        Gamma’s network now handles 8% of all UK
less costly ISDN services, so bringing immediate       telephone traffic amounting to more than 800
savings over legacy vendors. Better yet they can       million minutes a month.
offer even more value when transitioning users
to alternative SIP-based services potentially          The company is equally strong in data and
uncovering savings of 25% or more on calls and         its portfolio includes unified communications,
up to 50% on line rental while offering richer         converged Ethernet and super fast broadband.
functionality, for example disaster recovery or more   Holding the largest share of the SIP trunk market
flexible inbound calling.                              in the UK, Gamma is also the country’s leading
                                                       provider of cloud based SIP telephony and allied
What happens next?                                     services including business continuity, inbound call
                                                       handling and integrated mobile telephony.

Despite the return of some optimism the financial
outlook in the UK remains uncertain. For public
                                                       To find out how Gamma can help you embark
sector organisations saving money and raising
                                                       on the journey to PSN via transitional
efficiency has never been more important. Getting
                                                       framework contract RM1035 please contact us
ready for PSN migration via the contract RM1035
                                                       at or phone 0800 168 1808.
transitional framework makes more sense than

Gamma has a long track record of working with
public sector bodies. By taking stock of their
existing telecoms estates, providing advice and
consultancy, then migrating them seamlessly to
new networks and services, Gamma saves them
money, increases collaboration, productivity and
efficiency and offers them a ready-made route to
broader solutions like the PSN.

The company’s solutions are delivered over its
own next generation network which incorporates
more than 3,000km of self-owned fibre spanning
all the UK’s major business and population

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