Get Ready for SRD II Compliance - Impact and opportunities for intermediaries - Broadridge

Page created by Jim Mendoza
Get Ready for SRD II Compliance - Impact and opportunities for intermediaries - Broadridge
Get Ready for SRD II

Impact and opportunities for intermediaries
Get Ready for SRD II Compliance - Impact and opportunities for intermediaries - Broadridge
The deadline for SRD II
compliance is fast approaching
The revised Shareholder Rights                                    The requirements for intermediaries fall under two core
                                                                  areas: the need to offer an effective proxy voting service, and
Directive (SRD II) will significantly                             the need to identify shareholders when requested by issuers.
impact shareholder communications.
                                                                  The obligations on intermediaries are significant: information
Issuers, investors and intermediaries                             must be passed quickly and securely, placing demands
must comply with new requirements                                 on technology and communication flow as all requests,
                                                                  responses and authentications need to pass through
on how information is shared.                                     multiple parties.

The scope of the regulation is global, impacting any financial    The countdown is on for implementation in September
intermediary holding or servicing European equities, wherever     2020, meaning firms must get ready now.
it is located. Crucially, the time to act and get ready is now.
                                                                  Broadridge is at the forefront of the changes impacting
The regulation aims to increase the accuracy and                  the investor communications industry. SRD II introduces
transparency of communications between issuers and                challenging requirements and we are committed to
investors – facilitating more active shareholder engagement.      providing new solutions to meet these requirements,
The new rules will have a significant impact across the entire    streamline critical investor communications and drive
investor communications chain from issuer to investor, and        transparency.
particularly intermediaries who must comply with new rules
on the sharing of information.                                    Let us show you what’s next.
Get Ready for SRD II Compliance - Impact and opportunities for intermediaries - Broadridge
What this means for you:
The new requirements
  1                                  2                                  3

Agenda Distribution                Vote Confirmation                   Shareholder Disclosure
and Voting

• D
   istribution of proxy notices   • If requested by a shareholder,   • D
                                                                          isclosure requests for listed
  to all clients ’without delay’     issuers must confirm receipt        companies must be passed
                                     and recording of vote               electronically passed through
• S ame-day processing of vote
                                     instructions                        the communications chain
                                   • The flow of this information     • R
                                                                          esponses must be made
• E lectronic, machine readable
                                     will likely take place through      within the same business day
  messaging required, with
                                     the chain of intermediaries,
  minimum standards for                                                • A
                                                                          uthentication / validation
                                     placing an additional demand
  data formatting                                                        required to verify all requests
                                     on the communication flow
                                                                       • E lectronic, machine readable
                                                                         process required
A comprehensive suite of
solutions for SRD II compliance
Broadridge offers comprehensive, end-to-end support through
the voting process for all intermediary types, including retail,
commercial and private banks, and wealth managers as well as                SRD II-ready Asset Servicing
institutional brokers, custodians and CSDs. We help you meet your           from Broadridge
new SRD II compliance obligations on time and with confidence.
                                                                           Our holistic Asset Servicing
• O
   ur flexible Global Proxy Solution enables you to provide a             solution improves your
  seamless proxy voting service to institutional or retail clients,        operational efficiency, timeliness
  tailored to your requirements, through a state-of-the-art                and accuracy and reduces costly
  streamlined, intuitive, online experience.                               risk associated with missing
                                                                           corporate actions.
• Our unique Shareholder Disclosure Hub enables you to pass
  on or respond to shareholder identification requests accurately          Broadridge’s SRD II-ready platform
  and securely within the required deadlines                               allows you to streamline and
                                                                           manage the entire asset servicing
                                                                           life cycle, from announcement
                                                                           data capture and cleansing to
                                                                           client election and instruction

       1                                      2                              3

    Agenda Distribution                     Vote Confirmation              Shareholder Disclosure
    and Voting                              (institutional clients)

        SOLUTION                                                      SOLUTION

        Global Proxy Solution                                         Shareholder
        •	Manages translation and distribution of meeting            Disclosure
           agendas for all markets, EU and non-EU
        •	Vote processing without delay                              •	Provides shareholder ID monitoring
        •	Facilitation of confirmation requests for                  •	Request forwarding
           institutional shareholders                                 •	Response filing
        •	Recording and counting of votes cast                       •	Helping intermediaries to fulfill
                                                                         shareholder ID obligations
Unrivalled proxy voting
technology and infrastructure
Our secure, state-of-the-       It allows you to minimise the impact            4. Integrated research and analytics –
                                of SRD II on your business by taking            freedom of choice through seamless
art platform supports           action now to comply with all the               access to your preferred sources of
every part of the proxy         requirements.                                   independent voting research and
                                                                                analytics. Direct access to third party
lifecycle and enables           1. Direct sourcing of meeting                   vendors and Broadridge analytics.
                                agendas in local markets – across
shareholder participation       all markets, we can remove the                  5. Vote processing, execution and
through a proven, world-        complexity of sourcing meeting                  confirmation – cross-border and local
                                notifications and agendas.                      market solution that improves the
class experience.                                                               efficiency and cost effectiveness of vote
                                2. Agenda translation and                       execution and meeting attendance,
                                distribution – distribution of                  enabling every vote to get to the right
                                notifications and agendas, translated           place, at the right time. This supports
                                into the English language where                 intermediaries’ requirements to
                                required, through a choice of online            evidence shareholder engagement and
                                and branded delivery tools, including           enhance corporate governance.
                                via third party proxy advisors.
                                                                                6. Meeting results – sourced and
                                3. Entitlement calculations – fully             tracked with full online access.
                                reconciled, beginning on notification
                                date through record date with the               Additional service options to support
                                latest account positions.                       your voting process include:
                                                                                • Power of attorney solicitation services
                                                                                • Securities lending management services
                                                                                • Vote confirmation services
                                                                                • Securities class actions services.

                                                  2   Agenda translation
                                                       and distribution
1   Direct sourcing of
    meeting agendas in
    local markets

                         5    ote processing, execution
                             and confirmation
6    Meeting results

                                                                                         3    Entitlement calculations

                                                                    4   Integrated research and analytics

           TRANSPARENT                                               ACCURATE
           Ensuring that investors have complete                     Powerful processing ensures millions of votes
           understanding as to where their vote is in                are counted correctly and records properly
           the process, ultimately culminating in a vote             reconciled every day.
           confirmation where available.

           LOW RISK                                                  COST EFFICIENT
           The process is highly automated, secure                   Leveraging our global infrastructure provides
           and ISO 27001 certified and the complete                  industry-leading economies of scale, delivering
           process having a near 0% error rate.                      operational and cost efficiencies.

           FAST                                                      SIMPLE
           Delivering information to investors earlier,              Simply enable compliance and increase
           giving them more time to research and make                operational efficiency with our comprehensive,
           voting decisions.                                         end-to-end global proxy solution.

Flexible global proxy
user experiences
Our unique ‘freedom of choice’ model enables flexible delivery of
meeting information and ballots to institutional or retail clients,
or their agents, through your chosen channel, while providing
robust management and monitoring capabilities.

                   Institutional Clients                                      Retail Clients

  We provide a flexible offering to support your           We provide a white-labelled online interface for retail
  institutional clients with a single consolidated         shareholders, enabling you to create a seamless
  dashboard for proxy management (ProxyEdge®)              customised voting experience within your existing online
  tailored to your precise voting and reporting needs.     portal. Investor Mailbox consolidates all communications
  Our unique ‘freedom of choice’ model enables the         into a single portal and the ProxyVoteTM app provides a
  delivery via your clients’ preferred channel.            powerful mobile voting platform.

ProxyEdge®           Vote Agents               SWIFT        Investor            Email           ProxyVoteTM
                 (eg. ISS, GlassLewis)                      Mailbox                            desktop/mobile
A new solution for
shareholder disclosure
Broadridge’s Shareholder Disclosure                             Simple API
                                                                Make use of the platform quickly through seamless
Hub is an EU market-wide platform                               connectively with our APIs.
based on blockchain technology that
                                                                Risk Reduction
enables you to respond efficiently and                          Significantly reduce risk, such as the risk of data leakage to
                                                                unauthorised recipients, and the risk of failure to forward
securely to issuer requests within the                          or respond to a request.
required deadlines.
                                                                Cost Savings
Our solution manages all requests and responses,                Avoid the need to build and support your own multi-
authenticating disclosure requests and delivering these         jurisdiction message communication solutions.
through straight-forward interfaces for all intermediaries.
                                                                Efficient Processing
Regulatory Compliance                                           Utilise automated file uploads, easy to use interfaces and
Support your compliance obligations across EU/EAA markets       standard reports.
with all SRD II shareholder disclosure obligations, providing
simple oversight and proof of compliance status.                Blockchain Technology
                                                                Rely on Broadridge to handle complex data chains
Operational Efficiency                                          accurately, quickly, securely and transparently.
Manage single EU/EAA wide platform, rather than multiple
separate ones.

Data Security
Support your compliance requirements for all data
protection legislation, including GDPR.

Account management and                            Comprehensive breadth of
client service excellence                         additional service choices
Best-in-class client services                     A wide range of support for
from full-time dedicated                          all your institutional and retail
account teams based in the                        clients’ needs
same timezones where our
clients are located                               Highest standards of
                                                  cybersecurity and
Delivery of operational and                       business continuity
cost efficiencies                                 Minimise the risk of data,
Fully automated, award-                           compliance and reputational risk
winning solutions for proxy                       through our robust security and
distribution and vote processing                  business continuity model
                                                  Neutral and transparent
Advanced, leading solutions                       Broadridge is a neutral and
Significant, ongoing investments                  independent service provider,
in technology and resources                       committed to bringing
to help firms meet regulatory                     transparency to the shareholder
requirements and prepare for                      voting network security and
market change                                     business continuity model

Committed global market
Supporting proxy processing
for 30 years, with ISO 27001
certified operations and fully
audited by external firms

Broadridge, a global fintech leader with $4 billion in revenue, provides
communications, technology, data and analytics solutions. We help drive business
transformation for our clients with solutions for enriching client engagement,
navigating risk, optimising efficiency and generating revenue growth.                 Communications
                                                                                      Technology                                                                        Data and Analytics

© 2020 Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc., Broadridge and the Broadridge
logo are registered trademarks of Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.
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