GET A HEAD START Begin Your Career in the Financial Services Industry with Us - FSTEP

Page created by Josephine Arnold

Begin Your Career in     Managed by   In collaboration with

the Financial Services
Industry with Us

The Financial Sector Talent Enrichment Programme
(FSTEP) is an intensive graduate training
programme designed to equip talent with the right
skills and knowledge for their transition into the
financial services industry.

                                                      It consists of a 3-month period of comprehensive and
                                                      interactive classroom training followed by a 9-month
                                                      period of on-the-job training with the respective
                                                      participating banks or insurance companies in

      FSTEP trainees will receive a minimum
      monthly allowance of RM2,600
      throughout the 3+9-month programme.


   GET ENRICHED                    GET PAID                GET CONNECTED              GET A HEAD START

 with technical, personal       by the respective            with a network of        in launching your career
 and leadership skills to                  banks or        banking and insurance       in the financial services
 succeed in your career       insurance companies             professionals in                 industry
                                 throughout the                  Malaysia
                             3+9-month programme


                                     STEP 2                                                  STEP 4

         STEP 1                                                  STEP 3                                                   STEP 5

                                             will                                         Candidates
                                  be notified to                                        attend
                                   attend                                              with representatives
                                    interview                                           from participating
 APRIL 2022 INTAKE                                                                      financial institution
Application: January - March                                                                     FSTEP                 The respective
   Training: April - June                                                                                          participating financial
                                                             Candidates will
                                                                                                                   institutions will
                                                            undergo an
         Apply Now

                                                                                                    Degree of any discipline with
                                                                                                    a minimum CGPA of 3.00 or
                                 Malaysian citizen                                                  professional qualification
                                                                                                    (e.g., ACCA, CIMA)

                                 Fresh graduate or
                                 work experience                                                    Age 30 and below
                                 exceeding years

                                 Active involvement in
                                                                                                    Proficient in English
                                 co-curricular activities

   Under the                                                                  , JPA scholars can apply to join FSTEP and       their bond
   commitments with the respective participating financial institutions. Kindly visit for more information.


Develop a solid foundation in the             TECHNICAL
                                         TRAINING IN BANKING                            DIGITAL     Future-proof yourself to stay
key areas of banking and insurance.
                                             & INSURANCE                               BANKING      relevant in a fast-changing
Go in-depth with professionally
                                                                                                    industry. Challenge the
developed courses taught by panel
                                                                                                    boundaries of convention,
trainers with vast experience in the
                                                                                                    disruption in the market place
financial services industry.
                                                                                                    and blaze a trail for others to
Θ   Financial Service Sector                                                                        follow. Courageously venture
Θ   Retail Credit                                                                                   forward by cultivating a digital
Θ   Risk Management                                                                                 and innovative mindset.
Θ   AML/CFT                                                                                         Θ   Digital Banking
Θ   Islamic Banking                                                                                 Θ   Intrapreneurship
Θ   Insurance & Takaful                                                                             Θ   Design Thinking
Θ   Ethics in Banking                                                                               Θ   Big Data & AI
Θ   Environmental, Social & Governance                                                              Θ   Cybersecurity
                                                                                                    Θ   FinTech

Embrace the leader in you! Fast
track your career towards                         AGILE                                EXECUTIVE    Let your presence light up the
management roles using                         LEADERSHIP                              PRESENCE     room! Master the art of standing
timeless leadership principles                                                                      out through an authentic,
that inspire performance,                                                                           consistent and powerful character
develop teams and influence                                                                          that draws strength from within.
                                                                                                    Θ   Service Mindset
Θ   Empathic Leadership                                                                             Θ   Civility at Workplace
Θ   Principles of Problem Solving                                                                   Θ   Basics of Communication
Θ   Principles of Mindfulness                                                                       Θ   Effective Negotiation Skills
Θ   Principles of Change                                                                            Θ   Building A Synergistic Team
Θ   Principles of EQ                                                                                Θ   Professional Image Branding
Θ   Principles of Effective Execution
                                              COMMUNICATE                            SIMULATION
                                               WITH IMPACT                           BOARD GAME
Communicate with ease using the
language of business and project                                                                    Enter the financial services industry
a professional image. Stamp your                                                                    with a keen understanding of how
mark on the corporate world                                                                         businesses operate, what their
through effective workplace                                                                          needs really are and what makes
communication with excellent                                                                        them tick in an intensive,
business writing and                                                                                experiential simulation.
presentation skills!

                                          PROMINENT LEADER
                                              SESSION                                  FIELD TRIP   Get ready for an adventure to explore
                                                                                                    the world beyond classrooms. Visit key
                                                                                                    institutions as well as experience team
Take a peek into the minds of                                                                       activities in the outdoor green space in
industry leaders and get inspired                                                                   the middle of the city! Your next big
by how they think, act and                                                                          idea may be just right outside the door.
ultimately, made their way to the
top of the industry!                                                                                Θ   Bank Negara Malaysia
                                                                                                    Θ   Maybank Urban Farm
                                                                                                    Θ   Bursa Malaysia
                                                                                                    Θ   HLX

 Note: The listed modules are not exhaustive and are subject to change.

    A certificate will be awarded upon completion of the programme by the Asian Banking School.


     Yugendran Murugiah                       Siti Nurfahani binti Abdul Rauf                           Gan Jia Min
    Bachelor of Business (Hons),                  BEng (Hons) in Mechanical &                      MEng (Hons) Mechanical
     Int. Business & Marketing,                         Manufacturing,                                  Engineering,
          Taylor’s University                     Universiti Malaysia Sarawak                      University of Cambridge
        Standard Chartered                          Malayan Banking Berhad                       OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad
       Bank Malaysia Berhad

     I came to FSTEP without any              FSTEP programme was very insightful;               FSTEP has given me plenty of
expectations. I am proud to say that I           an eye-opening experience with so          opportunities to network with many
have learned so much in the span of 3              many valuable takeaways. I am           other graduates who are also starting
  months’ time. FSTEP enabled me to           thankful to be given the opportunity to          out their careers in the financial
 identify and explore specific skills to         be part of the programme, meeting           services industry. These connections
 stay relevant in the evolving banking             industry leaders and widen my            have taught me the different working
                industry.                      network within the financial industry.       cultures that exist in different financial
                                              It is definitely a good starting point for    institutions from where they are from.
                                              graduates who are seeking for positive
                                              career growth in the financial industry.

I am currently in my final year at university.                        Will I be offered a permanent position after FSTEP?
Am I eligible to apply for FSTEP?                                    Generally, FSTEP trainees will be offered a permanent role
Yes, you may apply for FSTEP as long as you have                     (based on       performance) after the 9-month on-the-job
obtained your final academic results and completed your               training with the respective               financial
internship by the time FSTEP commences.                              institutions.

Is FSTEP, a full-time or part-time training                          Does FSTEP accept graduates with non-finance
programme?                                                           qualifications (e.g., Psychology, Engineering and
FSTEP is a full-time training programme. During the                  Computer Science)?
3-month classroom training, sessions start from 8.30am               We accept graduates with finance and non-finance
to 4.30pm on weekdays.                                               qualifications, provided they meet our admission

How much do I need to pay to join FSTEP?
FSTEP does not charge any fees. In fact, upon joining                Do I have to sign a bond?
FSTEP, trainees will be paid a minimum monthly                       Generally, you will be bonded throughout the 3+9-month
allowance of RM2,600 (for 3+9-month) by the respective                        programme. If you withdraw during the programme,
             financial institutions.                                  you will need to reimburse a sum of money to
                                                                     sponsoring financial institution as stated in the contract/
                                                                     Letter of Offer.


Note: The above are the participating financial institutions from the recent three batches.

                                 APPLY HERE

       Asian Banking School (201201039737 (1024215-T))
       Level 3, Bangunan AICB
       10, Jalan Dato Onn
       50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

       +603-2701 7822
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