Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK ditches its planes

Page created by Helen Simmons
Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK ditches its planes

Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK
ditches its planes
2018 - 04 - 13 -

The planned phasing out of the United           German planes, the report warns.
Kingdom‟s last Tornado aircraft has             German defense leaders decided in 2016
German officials scrambling to deal with        to extend the life of the Tornado through
the increasing costs of a shrinking fleet.      2035, with an assessment planned this
Continuing aircraft reductions in the tri-      summer of implementation plans to that
national program, which also includes           end. Berlin originally purchased 357
Italy, have led to “significant technical,      aircraft; 93 are still in the inventory today,
logistical and financial risk” in maintaining   88 of which belong to the Luftwaffe,
the 1980s-era fighter-bombers, officials        according to the defense ministry.
have told lawmakers in a confidential
report seen by Defense News.                    A handful of German Tornados packed
                                                with reconnaissance equipment are
While the prospect of Britain‟s exit from       currently deployed in support of
the aircraft program has been known             Operation Inherent Resolve, flying
since November 2016, there is “no               missions over Iraq and Syria. The
sufficient and comprehensive planning in        defense ministry‟s March 2018 report
place” for sustaining the remaining             leaves open the...
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Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK ditches its planes

    Inspection and Repair as Necessary (IRAN)
    of PN Islanders
    2018 - 04 - 25 -

    Ref: AC-PNBAC-2018-10
    Organisme: Navy
    Date limite: 16.05.2018
    Montant: 42 100 020 PHP
    Contact: LT Roger V. Collado
    Tel: 63-02-8891301
    Lire la suite

    Support Services on aircraft NC-212 and
    King Air 350i
    2018 - 04 - 25 -

    Ref: 12/IV/2018
    Organisme: Indonesian Navy
    Date limite: 09.05.2018
    Contact: Eka Raharja
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    Viper Engine MK632-43 Spare Parts for
    Aircraft MB339
    2018 - 04 - 24 -

    Ref: HGR18010
    Organisme: LA - Aviation Support
    Date limite: 22.05.2018
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    PZL-130 TC-II Orlik in 2018
    2018 - 04 - 21 -

    Ref: 2018/S 078-173447
    Organisme: Air Force
    Date limite: 28.05.2018
    Montant HT: 754 234 EUR
    Contact: Piotr Traczyk
    Tel: +48 261511116 ; Fax: +48 261511300
    Lire la suite

Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK ditches its planes
Spares/ Components for the Scheduled
    Maintenance of FA-50PH Aircraft
    2018 - 04 - 21 -

    Ref: PB-PAFBAC-176-18
    Organisme: Air Force
    Date limite: 08.05.2018
    Montant HT: 144 600 000 PHP
    Contact: Richard Domingo Cuchapin
    Tel: 63-2-8546701 Ext.6051
    Lire la suite

    Purchase of materials for landing and
    rescue parachute on Mig-29, Su-22 and F-16
    2018 - 04 - 20 -

    Ref: 2018/S 077-172870
    Organisme: Air Force
    Date limite: 18.05.2018
    Montant HT: 443 000 EUR
    Contact: Jacek Gajewski
    Tel: +48 261430316 ; Fax: +48 261430189
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    Fourniture d’une installation de sablage
    humide pour travaux de préparation de
    surface sur pièces d’aéronef
    2018 - 04 - 20 -

    Ref: 18-55215
    Organisme: SIAé
    Date limite: 01.01.2018
    Contact: Xavier Fieschi
    Tel: 04-22-43-19-45 ; Fax: 04-22-43-11-33
    Lire la suite

Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK ditches its planes
Rénovation du système de combat sur
    aéronefs Atlantique 2 de la Marine nationale
    au profit de l’AIA CP
    2018 - 04 - 20 -

    Ref : 18-53590
    Organisme: SIAé
    Date limite: 29.05.2018
    Contact: Bernard Castaner
    Tel: (+33)4-73-42-44-50 ; Fax: (+33)4-73-42-45-50
    Lire la suite

    Cougar Helicopter Material Purchase
    2018 - 04 - 19 -

    Ref: HK18-B7-012
    Organisme: Air Force
    Date limite: 07.05.2018
    Contact: Tedarik Uzmani
    Tel: +90 312-298 6524 ; Fax: +90 312-249 1057
    Lire la suite

    Short and medium range reconnaissance
    pods for Gripen aircraft (RFI)
    2018 - 04 - 18 -

    Ref: 419933
    Organisme: FMV
    Date limite: 31.05.2018
    Contact: Dan Tilert
    Lire la suite

    MCO du parc de machines                                d’essais
    mécaniques de DGA TA
    2018 - 04 - 14 -

    Ref: No 18-49939
    Organisme: S2A
    Date limite: 17/05/2018
    Contact: Céline Kologrecki
    Tel: +33 562575313 ; Fax: +33 562575053
    Lire la suite

Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK ditches its planes
Inspection and repair of CN-235 aircraft
    components (NFSC)
    2018 - 04 - 13 -

    Ref: BLV18012
    Organisme: LA - Aviation Support
    Date limite: 15.05.2018
    Lire la suite

    Procurement Of Spares For IL-76 Aircraft
    2018 - 04 - 13 -

    Ref: AIRHQ/DPROC/R1625542/PUR
    Organisme: Air Force
    Date limite: 20.06.2018
    Contact: CDR S Yadav
    Lire la suite

    RRC for AW-139 Helicopters
    2018 - 04 - 13 -

    Ref: RRC/03-0568-00 CIP
    Organisme: Army
    Date limite: 30.04.2018
    Tel: 051-9280190 ; Fax: 051-9280909
    Lire la suite

    Inspection and repair of C-130 aircraft
    components (NFSC)
    2018 - 04 - 12 -

    Ref: BLV18024
    Organisme: LA - Aviation Support
    Date limite: 11.05.2018
    Lire la suite

    Procurement of Spares For MI-17 Helicopter
    2018 - 04 - 11 -

    Ref: AIRHQ/DPROC/R1825507/PUR Organisme: Air Force Date
    limite: 14.06.2018 Contact: CDR S YADAV...
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Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK ditches its planes

    Defense Department                           Marines 3D-print
    halts F-35 deliveries                        replacement part for F-35
    amid repair bill                             landing gear door
    disagreement with                            2018 - 04 - 24 -
    2018 - 04 - 11 -

    The     Pentagon      has      suspended     The U.S. Marine Corps is breaking
    acceptance of most F-35 deliveries as        new technological ground with 3D
    manufacturer Lockheed Martin and             printing, recently finding a way to
    the F-35 program office debate who           combat a lack of spare parts and slow
    should be responsible for fixing jets        production turnovers by printing a part
    after a production issue last year.          for an F-35B Lightning II aircraft.
    “While all work in our factories
    remains active, the F-35 Joint               Last week, Marines with Combat
    Program Office has temporarily               Logistic Battalion 31, with the 31st
    suspended accepting aircraft until we        Marine Expeditionary Unit, out of
    reach an agreement on a contractual          Marine Corps bases in Japan,
    issue and we expect this to be               announced they are capable of
    resolved     soon,”       a     Lockheed     “additive manufacturing” of temporary
    spokeswoman         confirmed       in   a   parts to aid in sustained operations
    statement, adding that the company           through 3D printing. “I think 3D
    remains confident that it can meet its       printing is definitely the future -- it‟s
    delivery target of 91 aircraft for 2018.     absolutely the direction the Marine
                                                 Corps needs to be going,” Marine
    News of the delivery pause was first         Corps Sgt. Adrian Willis said in a
    reported by Reuters. The dispute is          press release. In October 2016, a
    rooted in a quality control issue that       Marine Corps infantry battalion out of
    caused F-35 deliveries to stop from          Camp Lejeune, N.C., became the first
    Sept. 21 to Oct. 20. At the time,            unit in the Corps to possess a 3D
    corrosion was found in fastener holes        printer. Marines of 2nd Battalion, 8th
    of F-35As being repaired at Hill Air         Marine Regiment began testing 3D
    Force Base in Utah. Lockheed and the         printing to produce facility upgrades
    JPO were able to agree on...                 and other temporary...
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Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK ditches its planes

    US Air Force to start transforming tankers
    into WC-135 ‘nuke sniffers’ this year
    2018 - 04 - 25 -

    The Air Force is set to begin turning the first of three KC-135R
    tankers into WC-135 Constant Phoenix “nuclear sniffers” this year,
    a conversion the service‟s top general said Tuesday is necessary
    given the legacy aircraft‟s advanced age. The Air Force‟s two WC-
    135s planes are among the most rare and specialized aircraft…
    Lire la suite

    Aero Vodochody and IAI to collaborate on
    advanced L-159
    2018 - 04 - 24 -

    Czech Republic-based Aero Vodochody and Israel Aerospace
    Industries are to develop and market an advanced version of the
    former‟s L-159 trainer and light attack aircraft. The partners will
    integrate a new avionics suite and “other solutions” onto the
    platform, as well as jointly marketing the Honeywell F124…
    Lire la suite

    Les Harrier espagnols augmentent leurs
    2018 - 04 - 19 -

    La Armada española continúa actualizando las capacidades de
    sus cazas de combate Harrier AV 8B+, después de treinta años de
    servicio. La Novena Escuadrilla de la Flotilla de Aeronaves ha
    modificado recientemente 20 lanzadores de bombas múltiples
    para incrementar la capacidad de lanzamiento de armamento
    inteligente, en concreto, de bombas Gbu-38 JDAM…
    Lire la suite

    US Marines Complete First F/A-18, APKWS
    Operational Flights
    2018 - 04 - 16 -

    The Marine Corps‟ F/A-18 squadrons recently flew with the
    Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System (APKWS), a highly
    accurate 2.75 rocket that provides air-to-ground weapon support.
    APKWS allows the F/A-18A-D to maintain a forward-firing, moving-
    target capability while increasing available ordnance per aircraft…
    Lire la suite

Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK ditches its planes
USAF To Fly the B-52 into the 2050s with
    New Engines, Radars
    2018 - 04 - 13 -

    The U.S. Air Force has finally decided to fund a re-engining of the
    B-52H bomber, and has described a plan to keep the fleet of 76
    jets in service until at least 2050. The fleet will also receive new
    radars. The service now plans to retire the much younger but
    costly-to-operate B-1 and B-2 stealth bombers as new…
    Lire la suite

    Israel offers more capabilities for SA
    2018 - 04 - 12 -

    The South African Air Force has been offered enhanced
    capabilities for its Gripen fighter aircraft with a suit of new
    advanced systems developed by Israeli company Rafael. The
    Israeli company‟s offers a concept that it claims can bring fighter
    aircraft to a an advanced 4.5 generation standard by upgrading…
    Lire la suite

    Czech Air Force Gripen fleet completes
    MS20 upgrade giving enhanced operational
    2018 - 04 - 11 -

    The Czech Air Force has successfully completed the MS20
    capability upgrade to its fleet of Gripen fighter aircraft. The
    upgrade greatly increases Gripen‟s combat and communication
    capabilities. The MS20 upgrade brings a number of improvements.
    The upgrade greatly enhances Gripen‟s ability to engage ground
    targets by incorporating unguided and laser-guided bombs…
    Lire la suite

    Northrop to begin cutting in aerial refueling
    capability in E-2D Advanced Hawkeye
    production this year
    2018 - 04 - 11 -

    This year, Northrop Grumman will begin manufacturing the first E-
    2D Advanced Hawkeye early warning aircraft built from the ground
    up with an aerial refueling capability, program officials said
    Tuesday. Northrop will start cutting in modifications to the
    production line starting with the 46th of 75 planned aircraft…
    Lire la suite

Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK ditches its planes
South Africa : No maintenance contracts in
    place for 21 Squadron aircraft - so no flying
    2018 - 04 - 23 -

    A telling question has been asked by Congress of the People
    (COPE) chief whip, Deidre Carter, after her party was told the SA
    Air Force‟s (SAAF) VIP squadron – 21 – is grounded because of
    delays in processing and awarding maintenance contracts for
    aircraft. “If the air force cannot keep six aircraft operational…
    Lire la suite

    Northrop Grumman to support Japan’s E-
    2C Hawkeye
    2018 - 04 - 20 -

    Northrop Grumman was awarded a contract from the U.S. Navy for
    identifying friend or foe technology compatible with the E-2C
    Hawkeye. The deal, announced Thursday by the Department of
    Defense, is valued at more than $51.8 million…
    Lire la suite

    Cobham opens refuelling pod workshop at
    RAF Brize Norton
    2018 - 04 - 18 -

    Cobham has established a new off-wing repairs and modification
    workshop at RAF Brize Norton to support the A330 Multi Role
    Tanker Transport „Voyager‟ aircraft. The workshop opened its
    doors in late December 2017 and has now received CAA approval
    for on-site support of Voyager‟s wing-mounted aerial refuelling
    pods (WARPs) to begin under EASA 145 regulations…
    Lire la suite

    Le Vénézuéla prépare avec la Russie
    l’inspection de ses Su-30 Mk2
    2018 - 04 - 16 -

    La Aviación Militar de Venezuela está planificando con Rusia la
    inspección capital de su sistema de aviones de caza Sukhoi Su-
    30MK2. En tal sentido, a comienzos de abril, se recibió la visita de
    una comisión rusa con la que se sostuvo una reunión en el
    Servicio de Electrónica de la Aviación Militar…
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Germany fears steeper Tornado costs after the UK ditches its planes
Airbus et ENAER signent un accord pour le
     MCO des avions CN235 et C212 de l’armée
     2018 - 04 - 13 -

     En el transcurso de la recién clausurada FIDAE 2018, Airbus y la
     Empresa Nacional de Aeronáutica de Chile (ENAER) han firmado
     un acuerdo para el soporte de la flota de aviones CN235 y C212
     del Ejército chileno. Mediante este acuerdo, Airbus tiene como
     objetivo optimizar el servicio que presta a este operador…
     Lire la suite

     MTU Maintenance Canada signs CF6-50
     and accessory repair contract with
     Lockheed Martin
     2018 - 04 - 12 -

     MTU Maintenance Canada and Lockheed Martin have signed two
     contracts covering the maintenance, repair and overhaul of CF6-
     50C2 engines as well as accessory repair for the engines.
     Combined, the contracts have a value of around 135 million U.S.
     Dollars. These contracts support Lockheed Martin in their
     maintenance program for KC-10 Extender refuelling tanker…
     Lire la suite


     GE and the U.S. Army conduct T901
     Preliminary Design Review for ITEP
     2018 - 04 - 25 -

     GE Aviation hosted the U.S. Army for the successful Preliminary
     Design Review (PDR) of the T901-GE-900 engine in early March.
     The T901 is GE Aviation‟s engine for the Improved Turbine Engine
     Program (ITEP), the U.S. Army‟s undertaking to re-engine its
     Boeing (News - Alert) AH-64 Apaches and Sikorsky UH-60…
     Lire la suite

     Espagne: Indra, Thales, INTA participeront
     à la modernisation des Chinook
     2018 - 04 - 24 -

     La modernización de los 17 helicópteros CH-47D Chinook del
     Ejército de Tierra es uno de los programas prioritarios recogidos
     dentro del nuevo ciclo inversor del Ministerio de Defensa. Estados
     Unidos ha dado ya el primer paso para poner en marchar este
     proyecto valorado en 1.055 millones de euros y liderado por…
     Lire la suite

McDonnell Douglas Helicopters relies on
     Thales’ lightweight rocket launchers for its
     global customers
     2018 - 04 - 17 -

     Thales is pleased to announce the qualification of the FZ220
     rocket launcher for unguided and guided munition (70mm) on the
     latest McDonnell Douglas‟ light helicopter (MD530G). This
     qualification follows the trials ran in Arizona, in Yuma Proving
     Ground (YPG), a United States Army facility in March 2018…
     Lire la suite

     Rheinmetall Group and Sikorsky will lead
     in-service support for the CH-53K
     2018 - 04 - 20 -

     Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company, announced its German
     industrialization plan for competing in the German Air Force
     “Schwerer Transporthubschrauber” (STH) Program with the world
     class heavy lift helicopter, the CH-53K King Stallion…
     Lire la suite

     US Army stops accepting AH-64E helos
     from Boeing due to safety concerns
     2018 - 04 - 20 -

     The U.S. Army has stopped taking deliveries of AH-64E Apache
     attack helicopters from Boeing because the service is not confident
     in the durability of what it deems a “critical safety” item, Defense
     News has learned. “We stopped accepting deliveries of new AH-64
     Echoes because of a strap pack nut that we believe to be really
     suspect,” Brig. Gen. Thomas Todd…
     Lire la suite


     BAE Systems will set up MRO                                   and
     vocational training centre in Malaysia
     2018 - 04 - 18 -

     BAE Systems Inc, the wholly owned US subsidiary of the British
     defence, security, and aerospace company BAE Systems PLC, is
     planning to set up a maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)
     facility and a vocational training centre in Malaysia. BAE Systems
     International Ltd South East Asia managing director John Brosnan
     said the conditional assessment would be dependent on
     Malaysia‟s decision to choose...
     Lire la suite

Jet Aviation plans to complete Hawker
                         Pacific acquisition in May
                         2018 - 04 - 16 -

                         Jet Aviation hopes to complete its $250 million acquisition of fellow
                         business aviation services provider Hawker Pacific in May, and
                         says it is eyeing further expansion through strategic acquisitions
                         and organic growth, as part of a strategy to provide global
                         coverage for its customers. The Swiss company, headquartered in
                         Basel, says ownership of Hawker Pacific will expand its presence
                         in the Asia-Pacific...
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