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Geometry-invariant gradient refractive
                 index lens: analytical ray tracing

                 Mehdi Bahrami
                 Alexander V. Goncharov

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Journal of Biomedical Optics 17(5), 055001 (May 2012)

                Geometry-invariant gradient refractive index lens:
                analytical ray tracing
                Mehdi Bahrami and Alexander V. Goncharov
                National University of Ireland, Galway, School of Physics, Applied Optics Group, University Road, Galway, Ireland

                              Abstract. A new class of gradient refractive index (GRIN) lens is introduced and analyzed. The interior iso-indicial
                              contours mimic the external shape of the lens, which leads to an invariant geometry of the GRIN structure. The lens
                              model employs a conventional surface representation using a coincoid of revolution with a higher-order aspheric
                              term. This model has a unique feature, namely, it allows analytical paraxial ray tracing. The height and the angle of
                              an arbitrary incident ray can be found inside the lens in a closed-form expression, which is used to calculate the
                              main optical characteristics of the lens, including the optical power and third-order monochromatic aberration
                              coefficients. Moreover, due to strong coupling of the external surface shape to the GRIN structure, the proposed
                              GRIN lens is well suited for studying accommodation mechanism in the eye. To show the power of the model,
                              several examples are given emphasizing the usefulness of the analytical solution. The presented geometry-invariant
                              GRIN lens can be used for modeling and reconstructing the crystalline lens of the human eye and other types of eyes
                              featuring a GRIN lens. © 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.5.055001]
                              Keywords: gradient index lens; crystalline lens; exact ray tracing; lens paradox.
                              Paper 11690 received Nov. 25, 2011; revised manuscript received Mar. 22, 2012; accepted for publication Mar. 22, 2012; published
                              online May 7, 2012.

                1     Introduction                                                                 lens17 and using Sands’ third-order aberrations study in inhomo-
                Recent advances in new materials facilitate the application of                     geneous lenses,18 this model presents approximated formulas for
                                                                                                   the power of the lens and its spherical aberration. Another recent
                gradient refractive index (GRIN) lenses in a variety of optical
                                                                                                   model proposed by Díaz et al. uses a combination of polynomials
                devices, especially in the development of bio-inspired lenses1
                                                                                                   and trigonometric functions for describing the refractive index
                and optical systems. Employing optical elements with a spatially
                                                                                                   distribution.19 The coefficients of the refractive index of the lens
                variable index of refraction is a powerful way to achieve
                                                                                                   are given as a linear function of age. Both models, Goncharov and
                improved imaging. The best example of such a GRIN lens is
                                                                                                   Dainty and Díaz et al., are complete eye models providing age-
                the well-known Luneburg lens,2 which is free from all monochro-
                                                                                                   dependent equations for the curvatures of the cornea and lens.
                matic aberrations. The crystalline lens in the human eye is another                Following the Navarro et al. model for the GRIN lens in vitro,14
                example of a GRIN lens. In the present paper we explore a new                      in a recent work by Castro et al., the power law of the GRIN lens
                mathematical model describing the crystalline GRIN lens. The                       profile has been modified to account for a possible toricity of the
                gradual variation of the refractive index of the crystalline lens                  lens surface.12 The variety of eye models featuring different
                has been known for a long time and several models have been                        GRIN profiles shows the great interest in lens structure and its
                developed to account for the GRIN structure.3–7 Advances in ocu-                   effect on optical performance. In spite of the apparent progress
                lar aberration measurements,8 magnetic resonance imaging,9,10                      made in this area, there is no simple GRIN lens model providing
                optical tomography,11 optical coherence tomography imaging,12                      exact paraxial equations for the path of the rays inside the GRIN
                and X-ray Talbot interferometry13 have enabled researchers to                      structure. It would be beneficial to have an analytical way to
                improve existing eye models. Using this new data, several                          calculate the power and the third-order aberrations for the lens.
                research groups have attempted to construct more realistic mod-                    Analytical solutions can help researchers gain a better under-
                els of the GRIN lens. Navarro et al. proposed a GRIN lens model                    standing of the GRIN structure role in image formation and sim-
                with concentric iso-indical contours mimicking the external                        plify the optical analysis of the lens. In addition, if such a model
                conic surfaces of the lens.14 The GRIN spatial distribution of                     could also provide a more realistic (continuous) geometry of the
                this model follows the experimental age-dependent formula sug-                     GRIN lens’s iso-indicial contours, it would become a valuable
                gested in earlier work.15 For the first time, a GRIN lens model                    tool for reconstructing the human eye and modeling the accom-
                features a curved equatorial plane, where anterior and posterior                   modation mechanism. In the following section we introduce such
                hemispheres meet. Using a different approach, Goncharov and                        a GRIN lens model and outline its main geometrical properties.
                Dainty introduced a wide-field schematic eye model with a
                GRIN lens, which uses a fourth-order polynomial describing                         2       Parametric Model of the GRIN Lens
                the refractive structure of the lens.16 Similar to the Navarro
                model, the external shape of the lens defines its GRIN structure.                  2.1      Refractive Index Equation Based on Experimental
                By estimating a parabolic path for the rays in the human GRIN                               Data
                                                                                                   There are many experimental studies focusing on the distribu-
                Address all correspondence to: Mehdi Bahrami, National University of Ireland,      tion of refractive index in the crystalline lens. In 1969 Nakao
                Galway, School of Physics, Applied Optics Group, University Road, Galway,
                Ireland. Tel: +353 91 495350; Fax: +353 91 495529; E-mail: m.bahrami1@
                                                                             0091-3286/2012/$25.00 © 2012 SPIE

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                               055001-1                                             May 2012   •   Vol. 17(5)

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Bahrami and Goncharov: Geometry-invariant gradient refractive index lens: analytical ray tracing

                et al. suggested a parabolic distribution for the refractive index                 hemispheres. Based on this approach, Eq. (7) represents our
                in all directions:20                                                               new description for the surface of iso-indical contours:

                                          nðrÞ ¼ c0 þ c1 r 2 ;                          (1)        ρ2a ¼ 2r a ðt a þ zÞ − ð1 þ ka Þðt a þ zÞ2 þ ba ðt a þ zÞ3 ;
                where c0 is the refractive index at the center of the lens, c1 is the                      − ta ≤ z < 0                                                    (7a)
                difference between the central index and the surface index, and r
                is a normalized distance from the lens center defining the geom-
                etry of the lens. Following this approach, Smith et al.6 intro-                    ρ2p ¼ 2r p ðt p − zÞ − ð1 þ k p Þðt p − zÞ2 þ bp ðt p − zÞ3 ;
                duced more terms in Eq. (1) to get a better fit to experimental                            0 ≤ z ≤ tp                                                      (7b)
                data.21 Later, Smith et al.15 proposed power-law to describe the
                distribution of refractive index along the optical axis as:                        where subscripts a and p respectively stand for anterior and pos-
                                                                                                   terior parts of the lens, and t is the intercept of the iso-indicial
                                          nðrÞ ¼ c0 þ c1 r 2p ;                         (2)        contours measured from the origin O along the optical axis.
                                                                                                   Figure 1 depicts the continuous contours described by
                where the parameter p in the exponent is used to account for age-                  Eq. (7). With these recent techniques one could determine
                related changes in the GRIN lens. Equation (2) was used by                         the intercept and the radius of curvature of the external surface,
                Navarro et al. as a starting point for modeling GRIN lenses                        T and R, respectively. Iso-indical contours plots obtained by
                in vitro.14 For clarity we rewrite Eq. (2) as                                      Jones et al. 9 show that the center of curvature of the inner con-
                                                                                                   tours gradually shifts toward the center O as a result of their
                                     nðζÞ ¼ nc þ ðns − nc Þðζ 2 Þp ;                    (3)        steepening. This effect is more obvious in younger eyes,
                                                                                                   where central contours are still distinguishable. The simplest
                where ζ is the normalized distance from the center of the lens, nc                 way to account for such a gradual change in curvature with
                and ns are the refractive indices at the center and at the surface of              depth is to define r as a linear function of the normalized dis-
                the GRIN lens, respectively. Here, ζ changes between −1 to þ1                      tance from the center, r ¼ Rζ. It is worth noting that for both
                to cover both anterior and posterior hemispheres of the lens; also                 anterior and posterior hemispheres r, R, t, and T are numerically
                we avoid introducing complex numbers by using the form ðζ 2 Þp .
                                                                                                   positive quantities; see Fig. 1.
                                                                                                       By using Eq. (3), now we shall derive the continuity condi-
                2.2     Geometry of Iso-Indicial Contours                                          tion and find the corresponding refractive index for each iso-
                From the optical design point of view, it is convenient to                         indicial contour. To satisfy the continuity condition we have
                describe the external surfaces of the GRIN lens as a conicoid                      to fulfill two constraints for an iso-indicial contour: zero deri-
                of revolution:                                                                     vative, dρ∕dz ¼ 0, and equal heights, ρa ðzc Þ ¼ ρp ðzc Þ, at the
                                                                                                   joining point zc , as shown in Fig. 1. Using the first constraint,
                                                  cρ2                                              we determine ba and bp . As a result, for both hemispheres of the
                                   z¼       pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;          (4)        lens we have:
                                         1 þ 1 − ð1 þ kÞc2 ρ2

                where c and k are respectively the curvature and the conic con-                                                         ρ
                stant of the surface, and ρ is the distance from the optical z axis.
                There are other possible mathematical representations for the
                geometry GRIN lens, for example hyperbolic cosines22 or
                Fourier series of cosines.23 However these alternative represen-
                tations do not have a straight forward connection with the radius
                of curvature and conic constant of the lens surface. On the other
                hand, using Eq. (4) greatly simplifies the parameterization of the                               Ra          ra             -rp        -R p
                surface. Following the idea of constructing the lens with conic
                surfaces on both sides,14 one might get discontinuity of iso-indi-
                cial contours in equatorial interface joining two hemispheres. To
                avoid this problem, one could add an additional term on the right
                side of Eq. (4). Before we derive the continuity condition for iso-                                                    O
                                                                                                                 -T a     -t a    zc              tp    Tp                    z
                indicial contours at the equatorial interface, it is more convenient
                to rewrite Eq. (4) as a function of surface sag:

                                          ρ2 ¼ 2rz − ð1 þ kÞz2 ;                        (5)

                where r is the radius of curvature of the surface. Now introdu-
                cing an additional term on the right side will help achieve the
                continuity condition. The surface equation becomes as:

                                    ρ2 ¼ 2rz − ð1 þ kÞz2 þ bz3 ;                        (6)

                where b is a constant, which is used to satisfy the continuity
                condition by making the first derivative dρ∕dz ¼ 0 at the                          Fig. 1 Iso-indicial shells based on Eq. (7). Solid lines indicate the ante-
                equatorial interface connecting the posterior and anterior                         rior part of the lens and the dashed lines specify the posterior part.

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                              055001-2                                                      May 2012   •   Vol. 17(5)

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Bahrami and Goncharov: Geometry-invariant gradient refractive index lens: analytical ray tracing

                                           2 ð1 þ ka Þðt a þ zc Þ − r a                             Experimental data suggest that for human eyes p is always larger
                                   ba ¼                                 ;                 (8a)      than 2 (e.g., Ref. 14) and therefore Eq. (12) can be simplified to
                                           3       ðt a þ zc Þ2
                                         2 ð1 þ kp Þðt p − zc Þ − r p                                                      ¼
                                                                                                                                   ðn − ns Þ
                                    bp ¼                              :                   (8b)                    F GRIN
                                                                                                                             2p − 1 c
                                         3       ðt p − zc Þ2                                                                                  Ra Rp

                Using the second constraint we find the coordinate of the joining                   Finally, the total power of the lens is
                point as a function of the lens parameters r a , r p , k a , k p , ta , and tp :               ns − naqu     2p              1   1    n − ns
                                                                                                    F thin   ¼           þ       ðn − ns Þ     þ     þ vit   ;
                                                 2η                                                               Ra       2p − 1 c          Ra Rp      −Rp
                                       zc ¼     pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;                        (9)
                                            −μ − μ2 − 4νη                                                                                                                         (14)

                where                                                                               where naqu and nvit are respectively the refractive indices of the
                                                                                                    media before and after the lens.
                η¼ ½−t 2a ð1þka Þþ4t a r a þt p ð−6r p þt p ð1þkp Þð3þ2r p ÞÞ;
                   3                                                                                4      Optical Path Length
                   2                                                                                One other useful characteristic of an optical element is its optical
                μ¼ ½−t a ð1þka Þþ2r a þ3r p −t p ð1þk p Þð3−t p ð1þkp Þþr p Þ;
                   3                                                                                path length (OPL), defined as the product of the geometric
                         1                                                                          length of the light path and the refractive index of the medium.25
                 and ν¼ ½2−ka þ3kp −2t p ð1þkp Þ2 .                                                In a GRIN lens the refractive index gradually changes, then the
                                                                                                    OPL can be calculated as the sum of the small propagations in
                                                                                                    each infinitely thin iso-indicial shell. Since the paraxial thick-
                In the following sections we shall describe the optical properties
                                                                                                    ness of these thin shells is simply T a dζ and T p dζ for anterior
                of this GRIN lens model.
                                                                                                    and posterior hemispheres, respectively, using Eq. (3) we can
                                                                                                    define the paraxial OPL of the presented GRIN model as
                3     Thin Lens Approximation                                                                              Z   0
                The optical characteristics of a GRIN lens, such as the optical                                 OPL ¼              ðnc þ ðns − nc Þðζ 2 Þp ÞT a dζ
                power and third-order aberrations, are usually not available in                                            −1
                analytical form. However, in some cases (e.g., Ref. 24) and                                                            1
                for our GRIN lens model it is possible to derive analytical                                                þ               ðnc þ ðns − nc Þðζ 2 Þp ÞT p dζ;       (15)
                expressions, which are given in Secs. 6 and 7. Although in
                Sec. 5 we discuss exact paraxial equations, it would be useful                      which results
                to start with a simplified power equation. The optical power of                                                                       2nc p þ ns
                the GRIN lens can be described as the sum of the contributions                                        OPL ¼ ðT a þ T p Þ                         :                (16)
                                                                                                                                                       2p þ 1
                from three components: the anterior surface of the lens, F as ; the
                GRIN structure of the lens, F GRIN ; and the posterior surface of
                                                                                                        It is worth mentioning that the geometry of the iso-indicial
                the lens, F ps . The optical power for the anterior and the posterior
                                                                                                    contours is not contributing to the paraxial OPL of the lens, so
                surfaces are given by a conventional equation25
                                                                                                    Eq. (16) is applicable for any GRIN lens employing the paraxial
                                                      n2 − n1                                       refractive index distribution in Eq. (3) (e.g., the GRIN lens
                                               Fs ¼           ;                           (10)      model proposed by Navarro et al.14).
                where n1 and n2 are respectively the refractive indices before                      5      Analytical Paraxial Ray Tracing
                and after the surface and R is the radius of curvature. To derive                   It is notoriously difficult to perform exact ray tracing through a
                the expression for the optical power arising from the GRIN                          GRIN lens, which is done numerically using optical design soft-
                structure of the lens, we consider the GRIN lens structure as                       ware. Even exact paraxial ray tracing equations are not available
                an infinite sum of thin homogeneous shells. Now by adding                           for GRIN lenses. One could also use an approximate method,
                the power of all shells and considering that their thickness is                     where the ray path within the GRIN lens is assumed to be para-
                negligibly small, we can obtain an approximate expression                           bolic.17 However, it would be desirable to have an exact method
                for the lens power. To do this, we rewrite Eq. (10) using the                       for paraxial ray tracing so that all optical characteristics of the
                definition of derivative in a continuous medium                                     lens can be found in closed form. Due to the linear dependence
                                                                                                    of the iso-indicial contours radius r on the normalized axial dis-
                                                         n 0 ðζÞδζ
                                           δF GRIN ¼               :                      (11)      tance, ζ ¼ z∕T, we are able to derive a closed-form solution for
                                                              R                                     paraxial ray tracing in the geometry-invariant GRIN lens. Para-
                                                                                                    xial ray tracing is based on two main equations.25 According to
                Using Eq. (3) and taking the integral we find the optical power
                                                                                                    the first one we have
                of the GRIN structure.
                                           Z                                                                          n2 u2 ¼ n1 u1 −
                                                                                                                                                      ðn − n1 Þ;
                                             2pðns − nc Þðζ 2 Þp−2
                                               0                                                                                                                                  (17)
                              F GRIN   ¼                           dζ                                                                              R1 2
                                          −1       −Ra ζ
                                           Z 1                                                      where n1 and n2 are respectively the refractive indices before
                                               2pðns − nc Þðζ 2 Þp−2

                                         −                            dζ:                 (12)      and after the interface surface, u1 and u2 are the angles of
                                             0        Rp ζ                                          the incident and refracted rays, y1 is the height of the ray at

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                                  055001-3                                                        May 2012    •   Vol. 17(5)

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Bahrami and Goncharov: Geometry-invariant gradient refractive index lens: analytical ray tracing

                the surface, and R1 is the radius of the surface. For the next sur-                      z þ δz yðz þ 2δzÞ − yðz þ δzÞ
                face located at the axial distance d 2 from the first one, the height               n
                                                                                                           T             δz
                of the incident ray, y2 , is obtained by                                                                                          
                                                                                                             z yðz þ δzÞ − yðzÞ     yðzÞ     z þ δz     z
                                                                                                        ¼n                      þ         n          −n      :
                                                                                                             T        δz          Rðz∕TÞ       T        T
                                              y 2 ¼ y 1 þ d 2 u2 :                    (18)

                Following the same approach used to derive Eq. (11), we rewrite                    Finally considering u and y as continuous functions of z, we
                the axial thickness of the infinitely thin shells as d2 ¼ δz, then                 expand Eq. (20) around the origin for δz and keep only the
                Eq. (18) becomes                                                                   first order terms, which gives us

                                                                                                            yðzÞn 0 ðz∕TÞ n 0 ðz∕TÞy 0 ðzÞ
                                                                0                                                        −                 − nðz∕TÞy 0 0 ðzÞ ¼ 0:      (21)
                                                uðzÞ ¼ y ðzÞ.                         (19)                       Rz              T
                                                                                                   Solving Eq. (21) for the anterior and posterior hemispheres
                Using Eq. (3) and substituting the definition of the derivative                    (where T corresponds to T a and T p , respectively) leads to a gen-
                from Eq. (19) into Eq. (17) results in                                             eral ray equation:

                                       >          −1 þ 2p − α −1 þ 2p þ α        1 nc − ns −z2p
                                       > 12 1
                                       > c   F                ;           ; 1 −    ;
                                       >              4p            4p          2p      nc    Ta
                                       >        c2      1 þ 2p − α 1 þ 2p þ α         1 nc − ns −z2p
                                       >    þ z 2 F1              ;           ;1 þ ;                      −T a ≤ z < 0
                                       <        Ta          4p         4p            2p    nc    Ta
                                yðzÞ ¼                                                                                                                               (22)
                                       >          −1 þ 2p − β −1 þ 2p þ β        1 nc − ns  z 2p
                                       > c   F                ;           ; 1 −    ;
                                           12 1
                                                      4p            4p          2p      nc    Tp
                                       >        c2      1 þ 2p − β 1 þ 2p þ β         1 nc − ns  z 2p
                                       : þ z 2F1                  ;           ;1 þ ;                      0 ≤ z ≤ T p;
                                                Ta          4p         4p            2p    nc    Tp

                                                                                                                             ℱ2 T a u0 þ y0 ðℱ5 þ ℱ4 γ 1 Þ
                where    2F1   is Gaussian (ordinary) hypergeometric function                                       c1 ¼ −
                and                                                                                                          ℱ2 ℱ3 γ 2 − ℱ1 ðℱ5 þ ℱ4 γ 1 Þ
                                      qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi                                             y0  ℱ
                                α¼     8T a p∕Ra þ ð1 − 2pÞ2                                                         c2 ¼ −      þ 1 c1 ;
                                                                                                                              ℱ2 ℱ2

                                                                                                   where u0 and y0 are respectively the angle and the height of the
                                      qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi                  incident ray after refraction by the anterior surface of the lens
                                β¼     8T p p∕Rp þ ð1 − 2pÞ2                                       and the expressions for ℱi and γ j are given in the appendix.
                                                                                                   Using Eqs. (19) and (22), the angle of the ray can be found as

                                > c1 −z2p−1           −1 þ 6p þ α −1 þ 6p − α           1 nc − ns −z2p
                                >   γ              F                  ;            ; 2 −    ;
                                > Ta 2 Ta        2 1
                                                              4p            4p           2p     nc     Ta
                                             −z 2p         1 þ 6p − α 1 þ 6p þ α          1 nc − ns −z2p
                                    þ γ1                                ;         ;2 þ ;                                            −T a ≤ z < 0
                                >                     F
                                >     Ta     Ta 2 1            4p           4p           2p     nc     Ta
                                > þ c2 F 1 þ 2p − α ; 1 þ 2p þ α ; 1 þ 1 ; nc − ns −z 2p
                                <     Ta 2 1         4p            4p          2p     nc     Ta
                         uðzÞ ¼                                                                                                                                  (23)
                                > c1  z 2p−1          −1 þ 6p þ β −1 þ 6p − β           1 nc − ns  z 2p
                                >   γ            2 F1                 ;            ;2 − ;
                                > Tp 4 Tp                     4p            4p           2p     nc     Tp
                                >     c2      z 2p         1 þ 6p − β 1 þ 6p þ β          1 nc − ns z 2p
                                > þ γ3
                                >                     F                 ;         ;2 þ ;                                             0 ≤ z ≤ T p:
                                >     Ta     Tp 2 1             4p          4p           2p     nc     Tp
                                >     c        1 þ 2p − β 1 þ 2p þ β            1 n − ns z 2p
                                >   þ 2 2F1                  ;            ;1 þ ; c
                                :     Ta             4p            4p          2p     nc     Tp

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                              055001-4                                                  May 2012   •   Vol. 17(5)

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Bahrami and Goncharov: Geometry-invariant gradient refractive index lens: analytical ray tracing

                Both the height yðzÞ and the angle uðzÞ of the ray are necessary                   contribution to the primary third-order monochromatic aber-
                to describe the optical properties of the GRIN lens, which is the                  rations. The coefficient of third-order spherical aberration is
                main goal of Secs. 6 and 7.                                                        given by26
                   It is worth mentioning that the tilt or decenter of the lens can                                                 2                                      
                be seen as a change in the angle and the height of the incident                                        u2 − u1               u2 u1            ðn2 u2 − n1 u1 Þ3
                                                                                                    SI ¼ −y                                    −           þk                     ;
                ray, respectively, and Eqs. (22) and (23) are still applicable.                                      1∕n2 − 1∕n1             n2 n1              ðn2 − n1 Þ2
                6     Analytical Expression for Optical Power
                In this section we present an analytical expression for the                        where y is the height of the marginal ray at the surface, u1 and u2
                optical power of the GRIN lens derived with the help of                            are respectively the incident and refracted rays angles relative to
                Eqs. (22) and (23). First we consider the power of a homo-                         the optical axis, n1 and n2 are respectively the refractive indices
                geneous lens:25                                                                    before and after the surface, and k is the conic constant of the
                                                                                                   surface. Similar to our derivation of Eq. (20), from Eq. (28) we
                        ðn2 − n1 Þ ðn2 − n3 Þ   ðn − n3 Þðn2 − n1 Þ                                find the contribution of an infinitely thin layer within the GRIN
                FL ¼              −           þd 2                  ;                 (24)
                           R1         R2            n2 R1 R2                                       structure as
                where n1 , n2 , and n3 are respectively the refractive indices of                                        Tn2 ðTz Þy 0 02 ðzÞ½−n 0 ðTz Þy 0 ðzÞ þ TnðTz Þy 0 0 ðzÞ
                the medium before the lens, within the lens, and the medium                        δSI ¼ −yðzÞ
                                                                                                                                                n 02 ðTz Þ
                after the lens; d is the thickness of the lens, and R1 and R2 are
                respectively the radius of curvatures for the anterior and pos-                                  ½n 0 ðTz Þy 0 ðzÞ þ TnðTz Þy 0 0 ðzÞ3
                                                                                                            þk                                          δz;                          (29)
                terior surfaces. Equation (24) is derived from Eqs. (17) and                                                     Tn 02 ðTz Þ
                (18). Using a similar approach, Eqs. (22) and (23) will
                give the optical power of the GRIN lens                                            then by considering the contribution of the anterior and posterior
                                                                                                   surfaces and summing up all thin layer contributions of the
                                     ðns − naqu Þ             ðn − nvit Þ
                           F ¼ Aa                 þ AGRIN − Ap s                                   GRIN structure we have
                                         Ra                     −Rp                                X                                        2                
                                                                                                                                u0 − ua              u0 ua
                                        ðns − nvit Þðns − naqu Þ                                           SI ¼ − y 0                                  −
                                 þ Ad                            ;                    (25)                                   1∕ns − 1∕naqu           ns naqu
                                              −ns Ra Rp                                                                                  
                                                                                                                     ðns u0 − naqu ua Þ3
                                                                                                                 þ ka
                where Aa , AGRIN , Ap , and Ad are constants associated with the                                         ðns − naqu Þ2
                                                                                                                   Z T                                            
                GRIN structure of the lens, the expressions of which are given                                         p                   up − uðT p Þ 2 up uðT p Þ
                in Appendix. For a simple lens, where ns ¼ nc , it can be                                        þ       dSI − yðT p Þ                           −
                                                                                                                    −T a                  1∕nvit − 1∕ns     nvit   ns
                shown that Aa ¼ 1, AGRIN ¼ 0, Ap ¼ 1, and Ad ¼ T a þ T p ,
                which reduces Eq. (25) to Eq. (24). On the other hand, by                                               ½nvit up − ns uðT p Þ3
                assuming ta and tp are small enough to be ignored, we get                                        þ kp                           ;                                    (30)
                                                                                                                             ðnvit − ns Þ2
                Aa ¼ 1, AGRIN ¼ F GRIN , Ap ¼ 1, and Ad ¼ 0, which simplifies
                Eq. (25) to Eq. (14).                                                              where ua is the marginal ray angle at the anterior surface and
                   Using Eq. (25), we can find the focal length, f , and the back                  uðT p Þ and up are the angles of the marginal ray immediately
                focal length of the lens, f back as                                                before and after the posterior surface, respectively. The latter
                                                      nvit                                         can be derived using Eq. (17)
                                                f ¼        ;                          (26)                                                                  
                                                       F                                                                1                yðT p Þ
                                                                                                                  up ¼       n uðT p Þ þ         ðnvit − ns Þ :                      (31)
                                                                                                                       nvit s             Rp
                                                                                                       In addition to the marginal ray we also need to trace the
                                              f back ¼ f Bf ;                         (27)
                                                                                                   chief (principal) ray when calculating coefficients for off-axis
                                                                                                   aberrations. Using the chief and the marginal rays, the contribu-
                where Bf is defined in the Appendix.
                                                                                                   tion of a single conic surface to the aberration coefficient of
                    We shall stress that the optical power of the lens is not
                                                                                                   third-order coma could be written as26
                affected by its tilt or decenter and remains one of the fundamen-
                tal characteristics of the lens.                                                                                        2                               
                                                                                                                           u2 − u1                   uc2 − uc1
                                                                                                                                                 u2 u1
                                                                                                      SII ¼ −y                                     −
                                                                                                                         1∕n2 − 1∕n1             n2 n1u2 − u1
                7     Third-Order Aberrations                                                                                                        
                In general, the contribution of a GRIN lens to Seidel aberrations                                                   ðn u − n1 u1 Þ 2
                                                                                                               þ kðn2 uc2 − n1 uc1 Þ 2 2               ;                             (32)
                can be divided in two parts. The first part is the surface contri-                                                    ðn2 − n1 Þ2
                bution of the interface between the homogeneous medium and
                inhomogeneous (GRIN) medium. The second part is the transfer                       where uc1 and uc2 are respectively the angle of the incident and
                contribution originating inside the GRIN media. For a GRIN                         refracted chief ray. Note that the angles uc1 and uc2 are measured
                lens with iso-indicial contours being coincident with the                          with respect to the optical axis.
                external surfaces, the surface contribution can be calculated                          Similar to our derivation of Eq. (29), we find the contribution
                as a conventional contribution from an interface between homo-                     to aberration coma from an infinitely thin layer of the GRIN
                geneous media. Therefore we shall start with a single surface                      structure:

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                              055001-5                                                           May 2012     •   Vol. 17(5)

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                                                                                                      X                                      2                             2
                                        TnðTz Þ2 y 0 0 ðzÞ½−n 0 ðTz Þy 0 ðzÞ þ TnðTz Þy 0 0 ðzÞ                                 u0 − ua               u0 ua          uc0 − uca
                δSII ¼ −yðzÞ yc0 0 ðzÞ                                                                      SIII ¼ −y0                                   −
                                                               n 0 ðTz Þ2                                                     1∕ns − 1∕naqu            ns naqu         u0 − ua
                            0 z                         z 00                                                                                ðns u0 − naqu ua Þ
                      þk n            0
                                    y ðzÞ þ Tn              y ðzÞ                                                þ k a ðns uc0 − naqu uca    Þ2
                              T c                       T c                                                                                    ðns − naqu Þ2
                                                                                                                   Z T                                                   
                            ½n 0 ðTz Þy 0 ðzÞ þ TnðTz Þy 0 0 ðzÞ2                                                      p                      up − uðT p Þ 2 up uðT p Þ
                        ×                                           δz;                     (33)                 þ        dSIII − yðT p Þ                               −
                                            Tn 0 ðTz Þ2                                                              −T a                    1∕nvit − 1∕ns         nvit   ns
                                                                                                                     ucp − uc ðT p Þ
                                                                                                                 ×                      þ kp ½nvit ucp − ns uc ðT p Þ2
                where yc is the chief ray height defined by the general ray equa-                                       ua − ua
                tion, Eq. (22), for which the input height at the anterior surface is                                ½nvit up − ns uðT p Þ
                y0 ¼ 0, since in the human eye the aperture stop (iris) approxi-                                 ×                          .                                     (37)
                mately coincides with the front surface of the lens, and u0 is the                                       ðnvit − ns Þ2
                chief ray angle after the refraction from the anterior surface,
                                                                                                          In a similar way, the field curvature of a single surface can be
                u0 ¼ uc0 . These initial conditions are reflected in coefficients
                                                                                                       achievable as
                c1 and c2 . Now using Eq. (23) we could also find the chief
                angle uc within the GRIN lens. Finally by tracing both marginal                                                                         n2 u2 − n1 u1
                and chief rays we get the total third-order coma coefficient of the                                  SIV ¼ −n1 ðuc1 y − u1 yc Þ2                      ;           (38)
                GRIN lens:
                                                                                                       where yc is the height of the chief ray at the surface. Then for an
                X                                       2                              
                                           u0 − ua               u0   u         uc0 − uca              infinitely thin layer we have
                     SII ¼ −y0                                      − a
                                        1∕ns − 1∕naqu            ns naqu         u0 − ua                         ½−yc ðzÞy0 ðzÞþyðzÞyc0 ðzÞ2 ½n0 ðTz Þy0 ðzÞþTnðTz Þy00 ðzÞ
                                                                              2                       δSIV ¼−                                                                δz;
                                                      ðns u0 − naqu ua Þ                                                                  TyðzÞ
                             þ ka ðns uc0 − naqu uca Þ
                                                        ðns − naqu Þ2                                                                                                             (39)
                               Z T                                    
                                    p                    up − uðT p Þ 2
                             þ        dSII − yðT p Þ                                                   and finally for the GRIN lens we have
                                 −T a                   1∕nvit − 1∕ns
                                                                                                   X                        ns u0 − naqu ua
                                 up uðT p Þ ucp − uc ðT p Þ                                                 SIV ¼ −naqu y0 u2ca
                             ×        −                                                                                               ns
                                 nvit     ns         ua − ua                                                        Z T
                                                              ½nvit up − ns uðT p Þ2                             þ       dSIV − ns ½uc ðT p ÞyðT p Þ
                             þ kp ½nvit ucp − ns uc ðT p Þ                           ; (34)                             −T a
                                                                   ðnvit − ns Þ2
                                                                                                                                            nvit up − ns uðT p Þ
                                                                                                                     − uðT p Þyc ðT p Þ2                        :                (40)
                                                                                                                                                 yðT p Þnvit
                where ucp is the outgoing chief ray angle at the posterior surface,
                which could be calculated as up in Eq. (31), and uca is the angle                          Despite the advantages of the Seidel theory, the third-order
                of the incident chief ray on the anterior lens surface.                                aberration calculations are limited to centered, rotationally sym-
                   Following the same concept we can calculate aberration                              metric systems, and do not support tilted or decentered elements,
                coefficients for third-order astigmatism, where the contribution                       such as the crystalline lens in the eye. However, deriving the
                of a single surface has the following form                                             Seidel aberration coefficients of the GRIN lens in closed form
                                                                                                       is useful for understanding the nature of aberration compensa-
                                                   2                             2
                                      u2 − u1               u2 u1          uc2 − uc1                   tion inside the GRIN structure. In addition to this, in vitro stu-
                  SIII ¼ −y                                   −                                        dies of the crystalline lens and its reconstruction based on the
                                    1∕n2 − 1∕n1             n2 n1           u2 − u1
                                                                                                      experimentally measured lenticular aberrations can benefit from
                                                        ðn2 u2 − n1 u1 Þ                               the Seidel aberration representation.
                            þ kðn2 uc2 − n1 uc1 Þ2                                          (35)
                                                          ðn2 − n1 Þ2                                      It is worth mentioning that the capability of the geometry-
                                                                                                       invariant GRIN lens model is not limited to paraxial ray tracing
                                                                                                       and third-order aberration theory. In future work numerical ray
                and the contribution of an infinitely thin layer is                                    tracing will be developed to calculate Zernike coefficients of the
                                                                                                      GRIN model lens, which can take the tilt and decenter of the
                                       TnðTz Þ2 y 00 ðzÞ½−n 0 ðTz Þy 0 ðzÞ þ TnðTz Þy 00 ðzÞ
                δSIII ¼ −yðzÞ yc00 ðzÞ2                                                                lens into account.
                                                             n 0 ðTz Þ2
                                z 0               z 00 2                                               8    Numerical Examples
                       þ k½n 0    yc ðzÞ þ Tn          y ðzÞ
                                T                 T c                                                  We present an example of the eye model with the corneal and
                        n 0 ð z Þy 0 ðzÞ þ TnðTz Þy 00 ðzÞ                                             lenticular shape corresponding to a 40-year-old eye16 with
                       × T                                 δz;                              (36)       GRIN profile exponent p ¼ 3.13 found in.14 Figure 2 shows
                                      Tn 0 ðTz Þ2
                                                                                                       the main optical characteristics of the GRIN lens including
                                                                                                       the optical power, focal length, back focal length, as well as
                and the total third-order astigmatism coefficient of the GRIN                          Seidel aberration coefficients; the lens geometry and GRIN
                lens is                                                                                structure parameters are given on the left side. Figure 2 actually

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                                     055001-6                                                    May 2012     •   Vol. 17(5)

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Bahrami and Goncharov: Geometry-invariant gradient refractive index lens: analytical ray tracing

                Fig. 2 Optical characteristics of a typical 40-year-old eye (each contour indicates 0.005 change in the refractive index). The image depicts the user
                interface for the open-source code available from the authors.27

                depicts the user interface for the open-source code written by the                 p.16,19,30–32 The latter parameter is the most challenging one
                authors, available at.27 This code incorporates all mathematical                   to analyze, since calculating the contribution of the GRIN
                expressions presented in this paper.                                               structure to the lens power has not been derived in an easily
                   The optical power of the lens shown in Fig. 2 is based on the                   accessible form.
                thin lens approximation in Eq. (14), and the exact power formula                       Pierscionek32 suggested that a slight change in the slope of
                in Eq. (25). It is easy to see that the difference in optical power                refractive index in the cortex might compensate the increase in
                calculation is less than 1.4%, which indicates that Eq. (14) is                    lens curvature and prevent the eye from becoming myopic with
                useful especially if one wants to determine the exponent p                         age. Using Eq. (14) we can calculate the optical power change in
                for a given optical power. This can be done by solving                             the lens due to an age-related increase in the exponent p.
                Eq. (14) for p, which leads to                                                     Following a recent study14 we select three age groups (20-,
                                                                                                   40-, and 60-year-olds) with corresponding empirical value for
                            Ra nvit þ Rp ðnaqu þ FRa Þ − ns ðRa þ Rp Þ                             p, see Table 1. To study the effect of p independently from
                     p¼                                                  .            (41)         other variables, such radii and central thickness, all three age
                           2½Ra nvit þ Rp ðnaqu þ FRa Þ − nc ðRa þ Rp Þ
                                                                                                   groups have identical lens geometry. In Fig. 2 we can see that
                                                                                                   1 D change in the optical power can be attributed to GRIN
                Knowing the external shape, measuring the optical power of the
                                                                                                   profile steepening alone.
                lens and the surface refractive index ns , and assuming nc is based
                                                                                                       It can be seen from Eq. (25) that one can easily adjust other
                on extensive experimental data, one could determine the GRIN
                                                                                                   parameters of the lens affecting the lens paradox and take into
                profile exponent p for lenses in vitro. This approach provides a
                                                                                                   account their effect due to aging on the lens power. To adjust
                practical way to approximate the GRIN profile, which defines
                                                                                                   these parameters in a meaningful way, more experimental
                all optical characteristics of the lens.
                    The optical power of the crystalline lens and its age-related
                changes have been a controversial topic for decades. Many stu-                     Table 1 Three age groups (20-, 40-, and 60-year old) with corre-
                dies (e.g., Ref. 28) show that for an unaccommodated lens, its                     sponding empirical value for p and corresponding powers.
                external surfaces become more curved and therefore more
                powerful with age. On the other hand, measurements of the
                                                                                                   Age (year)       p        Thin lens power (D)    Exact power (D)
                total optical power of the eye suggest that the power does
                not change much with age.29 This lens paradox might be                             20             2.87            20.074                  19.815
                explained, at least in part, by adjusting the center and surface
                refractive indices of the GRIN structure (nc and ns ), the axial                   40             3.13            19.884                  19.629
                position of the peak in the refractive index profile (T a or T p ),                60             4.28            19.359                  19.115
                the lens axial thickness (T a þ T p ), and also the exponent

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                              055001-7                                             May 2012   •   Vol. 17(5)

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Bahrami and Goncharov: Geometry-invariant gradient refractive index lens: analytical ray tracing

                               Ra = 1.060         1.0           Rp = 1.045                         Appendix: Coefficient Definitions
                                                                                                                      −1 þ 2p − α −1 þ 2p þ α      1 n − ns
                                                                                                     ℱ1 ¼ 2 F 1                  ;            ;1 − ; c
                                                                                                                          4p          4p          2p   nc

                                                  nc = 1.509                                                                                                     
                                                                                                                      1 þ 2p − α 1 þ 2p þ α      1 n − ns
                                 1.0     - 0.5                 0.5      1.0                          ℱ2 ¼ 2 F 1                 ;           ;1 þ ; c
                                                                                                                          4p         4p         2p   nc

                                                 - 0.5                                                                                                               
                                                                                                                      −1 þ 6p þ α −1 þ 6p − α      1 n − ns
                                                                                                     ℱ3 ¼ 2 F 1                  ;            ;2 − ; c
                                                                                                                          4p          4p          2p   nc
                                                 - 1.0         ns = 1.357
                                                                                                                      1 þ 6p − α 1 þ 6p þ α     1 n − ns
                Fig. 3 The octopus eye model (each iso-indicial contour at 0.008 step                ℱ4 ¼ 2 F 1                 ;           ;2 − ; c
                                                                                                                          4p         4p         2p   nc
                in the refractive index).
                                                                                                                      1 þ 2p − α 1 þ 6p − α     1 n − ns
                                                                                                     ℱ5 ¼ 2 F 1                 ;           ;1 þ ; c
                                                                                                                          4p         4p         2p   nc
                data on the age-related changes in the GRIN structure is
                                                                                                                      −1 þ 6p þ β 1 þ 6p − β      1 n − ns
                    The model presented here is not only useful for human eyes,                      ℱ6 ¼ 2 F 1                  ;           ;2 − ; c
                it can also be beneficial for animal eye studies. For example,                                            4p          4p         2p   nc
                Fig. 3 shows the octopus eye model based on the experimental                                                                                     
                data provided by Jagger et al.,33 where a strictly symmetrical                                        1 þ 6p − β 1 þ 6p þ β      1 n − ns
                lens was modeled. The original experimental data shows                               ℱ7 ¼ 2 F 1                 ;           ;2 þ ; c
                                                                                                                          4p         4p         2p   nc
                some departure from symmetry, which is taken into account
                in our model, presented in Fig. 3.                                                                                                               
                                                                                                                      1 þ 2p − β 1 þ 2p þ β      1 n − ns
                                                                                                     ℱ8 ¼ 2 F 1                 ;           ;1 þ ; c
                                                                                                                          4p         4p         2p   nc
                9     Conclusion                                                                                                                                     
                The characterization of GRIN lenses by ray-tracing is notor-                                          −1 þ 2p þ β −1 þ 2p − β     1 n − ns
                                                                                                     ℱ9 ¼ 2 F 1                  ;            ;1 − ; c
                iously difficult and usually requires numerical methods, while                                            4p          4p          2p   nc
                only a handful of analytical solutions exist (e.g., Lundberg lens).
                    In light of this, we introduce and analyze a new class of                                                                                        
                                                                                                                      −1 þ 2p − β −1 þ 2p þ β      1 n − ns
                GRIN lens, which has the following properties. The refractive                       ℱ10 ¼ 2 F 1                  ;            ;1 − ; c
                index distribution is based on the power law defined by the                                               4p          4p          2p   nc
                exponent p, which can be adjusted in a continuous manner.
                The mathematical description of the external surfaces is a stan-                                               nc − ns ð1 þ 2pÞ2 − α2
                dard conicoid of revolution with a higher-order term. Iso-inditial                                      γ1 ¼
                                                                                                                                  nc       8p þ 4
                contours feature smooth connection between the anterior and
                posterior hemispheres. Analytical paraxial ray tracing is possi-
                                                                                                                               nc − ns ð1 − 2pÞ2 − α2
                ble, which provides expressions for all optical characteristics of                                      γ2 ¼
                the lens and its monochromatic aberrations. The description for                                                   nc       8p − 4
                aberration coefficients of a thin homogeneous layer is useful for
                a general GRIN lens description.                                                                               nc − ns ð1 þ 2pÞ2 − β2
                    A few examples are presented to illustrate the advantage of                                         γ3 ¼
                                                                                                                                  nc       8p þ 4
                this GRIN mode with special emphasis given to the thin lens
                approximation formula. The latter is very accurate, and can
                                                                                                                               nc − ns ð1 − 2pÞ2 − β2
                be used to analyze the role of exponent p in lens paradox.                                              γ4 ¼
                One could also determine the exponent p for a given optical                                                       nc       8p − 4
                power measured experimentally in vitro.
                    The interior iso-indicial contours mimic the external shape of                            ns ½γ 4 T a ðγ 1 ℱ4 þ ℱ5 Þℱ6 þ γ 2 T p ℱ3 ðγ 3 ℱ7 þ ℱ8 Þ
                                                                                                   AGRIN ¼
                the lens, which leads to invariant geometry of the GRIN struc-                                            T a T p ½γ 2 ℱ2 ℱ3 − ℱ1 ðγ 1 ℱ4 þ ℱ5 Þ
                ture. Due to this strong coupling between the external shape of
                the lens and its GRIN structure, one could study the changes in
                aberrations with accommodation. A dispersion model and chro-                                  γ 4 T a ℱ2 ℱ6 þ T p ℱ1 ðγ 3 ℱ7 þ ℱ8 Þ
                                                                                                       Aa ¼
                matic aberrations of the lens will be derived in future work.                                  T p ½ℱ1 ðγ 1 ℱ4 þ ℱ5 Þ − γ 2 ℱ2 ℱ3 
                    The new GRIN lens model can be used for other types of
                eyes, even for such an extreme case as the octopus eye. A
                                                                                                              γ 2 T p ℱ3 ℱ8 þ T a ðγ 1 ℱ4 þ ℱ5 Þℱ9
                user-friendly software incorporating all mathematical expres-                          Ap ¼
                sions is available from the authors.27                                                         T a ½ℱ1 ðγ 1 ℱ4 þ ℱ5 Þ − γ 2 ℱ2 ℱ3 

                Journal of Biomedical Optics                                              055001-8                                               May 2012   •   Vol. 17(5)

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