Genetic Counseling in Oncology 2019 - 6th Introductory Course in Genetic Counseling - SAKK

Page created by Ashley Ball
Genetic Counseling in Oncology 2019 - 6th Introductory Course in Genetic Counseling - SAKK
           in Oncology

      6th Introductory Course in
      Genetic Counseling
      in Oncology 2019

Genetic Counseling in Oncology 2019 - 6th Introductory Course in Genetic Counseling - SAKK
Location:	Fachhochschule St. Gallen, close to the main train station.
Date:	Friday, 08.03.2019, 9 a.m.
       to Saturday, 09.03.2019, 4 p.m.
Course fee:     CHF 490.–
CME points: SGMO: 13 / SGMG: 9 / AIM: 9 / SGGG: 13

Scientific committee:
PD.Dr.Cornelia Leo, Rudolf Morant, Dr. med. Manuela ­Rabaglio, Dr. med.Susanna Stoll,
all Members of the SAKK Network for ­Cancer Predisposition Testing and Counseling (CPTC).
This already well established yearly course is the official SAKK course organized under the auspices
of the CPCT network of the SAKK.
It is intended for medical doctors of various s­ ubspecialties, geneticists, nursing professionals
and other health care professionals involved in genetic counseling in oncology.

The number of applicants is limited to a maximum of 30. The course is open to participants from all
parts of the country. All slides and most talks will be in English.
Welcome to our 6th Introductory Course in
­Genetic Counseling in Oncology 2019

Genetic counseling in oncology, nowadays
­mostly done by clinicians, continues to gain                 Applications:
 ­importance each year, as technology as well as              For applications please use the enclosed
  genetic and medical knowledge advance at a                  application form, or alternatively the
  rapid pace paired with increased acceptance by              ­electronic version and email, fax or send to:
  professionals and the public. The results of                 SAKK Coordinating Center
  ­genetic testing not only help in early detection            Bettina Althaus
   and prevention of cancer, but increasingly also   
   determine the treatment of cancer, be it the type           Phone: 031 508 41 31.
   of surgery, chemotherapy, the application of
   new drugs, such as PARP inhibitors, and immu-              Application will be final after paying the
   notherapy. Also the scope of genetic counseling            course fee of CHF 490.– to:
   in oncology continues to surpass the original              IBAN: CH18 0079 0016 2556 0707 8
   fields of breast and ovarian cancer, thus getting          Bank: Berner Kantonalbank AG, 3001 Bern
   ­increasingly relevant for clinicians of other fields,     BIC/SWIFT: KBBECH22XXX
    such as gastroenterology, urology and                     Account holder: Schweizerische
    ­endocrinology.                                           ­Arbeitsgemeinschaft für
     This yearly introductory SAKK course organized            Klinische Krebsforschung, 3008 Bern
     by a scientific committee of the CPTC group
     ­responds to this increasing need by offering a          Additional information:
      compact course with essential theoretical and           Dr. med. Rudolf Morant
      practical knowledge, but also providing a               Tumorzentrum ZeTuP Rapperswil
      ­platform for discussions with our distinguished
       faculty and for networking with interested             Phone: 055 536 13 00.
        We welcome participants from all language             Links:
        ­areas of Switzerland, and therefore our official
         course language is English, but shall still allow    oncology-2019
         discussions in your native language.                 or / #veranstaltungen
           On behalf of our scientific committee I wish you
         a very informative, challenging and successful
         course as a basis for your own genetic
         ­counseling activity.

Dr. Rudolf Morant, member CPTC,
Leiter Tumorzentrum ZeTuP Rapperswil.

               Friday, 8th of March 2019

09.00 – 09.10	Welcome and Introduction
               Dr. med. Rudolf Morant, FMH Onkologie / Hämatologie, Ärztlicher Leiter,
               Tumorzentrum ZeTuP Rapperswil

09.10 – 09.50	Who? How? Why? The basics of genetic counseling
               Prof. emeritus Dr. med. Hansjakob Müller, medizinische Genetik Universität Basel

09.50 – 10.20	Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Carcinoma (BRCA 1 / 2) ,
               Genetics, clinical presentations and testing
               Dr. med. Susanna Stoll, FMH Onkologie, Klinik für Med. Onkologie USZ
               and Triemlispital

10.20 – 10.50	Management of patients with BRC 1 / 2 mutations,
               including risk reducing mastectomies
               Dr. med. Kathrin Schwedler , LA, Frauenklinik Kantonsspital Luzern

10.50 – 11.15	coffee break

11.15 – 11.45	Hereditary Breast Cancer beyond BRCA 1 / 2
               PD Dr. med. Cornelia Leo, LAe Frauenklinik,
               Leiterin Interdisziplinäres Brustzentrum, Kantonsspital Baden

11.45 – 12.15	National and international Guidelines referring to genetic
               counseling and testing, Dr. med. Sheila Unger, MD, FRCPC, Service of Medical
               Genetics, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois CHUV, Lausanne

12.15 – 12.30	Discussion

12.30 – 13.45	Lunch break in the Lokremise
                                                                                      see next page
Friday, 8th of March 2019

13.45 – 14.15	Risk assessment- mathematical models and their use in clinical practice
               PD Dr. med. Nicole Bürki, FMH Gynäkologie / Geburtshilfe, Basel,
               Frauenklinik Universitätsspital Basel

14.15 – 14.45	Hereditary tumors- the view of the clinical geneticist
               Dr. med. Silvia Miranda Azzarello-Burri, FMH Medizinische Genetik
               Institut für Med. Genetik, Universität Zürich, Schlieren

14.45 – 15.15	Hereditary tumor syndromes- the role of the pathologist
               Prof. Dr. med. Wolfram Jochum, FMH Pathologie, CA Inst. für Pathologie KSSG

15.15 – 15.30	Discussion

15.30 – 16.00	coffee break

16.00 – 17.15	Workshop: The SAKK counseling manual (Beratungsleitfaden der SAKK)
               In groups according to language of the participants
               Prof. Dr. med. Peter Dubsky, Leiter Brustzentrum Klinik St. Anna in Luzern

17.15 – 18.00	Familial tumor syndromes of the gastrointestinal tract:
               genetics, clinical presentation, management.
               Dr. med. Dorothea Wand, FMH Medizinische Genetik, OA, Medizinische Genetik,
               Unversitätsspital Basel

18.00 – 18.30 L egal aspects of genetic testing
               Prof. Dr. med. Thomas D. Szucs,
               Director European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine, University of Basel

19.00          Apero and Dinner at the Restaurant Militärkantine for participants and speakers
Saturday, 9th of March 2019

08.30 – 08.40	Summary and Introduction to the second course day
               Dr. med. Rudolf Morant

08.40 – 09.10 O
               varian Cancer: Genetics and the consequence of BRCA testing
              on prevention and treatment
              Dr. med. Salome Riniker, FMH Onkologie, Brustzentrum Kantonsspital St. Gallen

09.10 – 09.55 Identification of genes predisposing to cancer –
              and reading of laboratory reports
              Dr. med. Benno Röthlisberger, Medizinische Genetik, Kantonsspital Aarau

09.55 – 10.15	Discussion

10.15 – 10.45	coffee break

10.45 – 11.15    ractical aspects of genetic counseling
                Dr. med. Barbara Bolliger, FMH Onkologie / Hämatologie, Tumor- und Brustzentrum
                ZeTuP St. Gallen

11.45 – 12.15   E thical aspects of genetic investigations
                 Dr. med. Benno Röthlisberger, Nationale Ethikkommission NEK

12.15 – 12.30	Discussion

12.30 – 13.45	Lunch break in the Lokremise

13.45 – 14.15	Genetics of prostate cancer
               Dr. med. Rudolf Morant, FMH Onkologie / Hämatologie, ZeTuP Rapperswil

14.15 – 15.30	Workshops: discussion and presentation of clinical cases
               various speakers, moderated by Manuela Rabaglio

15.30 – 16.00	Discussion, Course Evaluation, Summary and Farewell
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