Gearing up for Snowmass 2021 - Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-KeeKim (Chair-elect) APS Division of Particles and Fields - CERN Indico

Page created by Lawrence Gibson
Gearing up for Snowmass 2021 - Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-KeeKim (Chair-elect) APS Division of Particles and Fields - CERN Indico
Gearing up for Snowmass 2021
Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-Kee Kim (Chair-elect)
             APS Division of Particles and Fields

8/1/19           P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019            1
Gearing up for Snowmass 2021 - Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-KeeKim (Chair-elect) APS Division of Particles and Fields - CERN Indico
Planning Long-Term Strategies for Particle Physics
Europe and U.S.
• Frequency: 7 years (Europe), ~8 years (U.S.)
• Process: ~2 years in total (~1 year on science by the community + ~1 year priorities)
                                                         Snowmass (U.S.)                           P5 (U.S.)

     Year     11    12   13     14    15     16     17     18    19    20    21     22   23   24    25    26   27

 2006 plan         Europe            Executing the 2013 plan

  2008 plan              U.S.                     10 year plan: Executing the 2014 plan
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Gearing up for Snowmass 2021 - Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-KeeKim (Chair-elect) APS Division of Particles and Fields - CERN Indico
Snowmass: Historical Context
           Snowmass Summer Studies: 3 weeks in Snowmass, Colorado
              “~a thousand physicists gathered for three weeks to talk
     about the future of particle physics in the U.S. — and the rest of the world”

      Snowmass Village                                                Snowmass Village
                                                               in the Colorado Rockies near Aspen

• Initiated by Division of Particles and Fields (DPF): The DPF is independent of funding
  agencies; free to define our science goals as a global community
• Organization and Support from APS, DPF, DPB, (DAP, DNP), NASA, NSF and DOE (also
  through the various national labs)

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Gearing up for Snowmass 2021 - Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-KeeKim (Chair-elect) APS Division of Particles and Fields - CERN Indico
Snowmass: Historical Context

 Examples (not exhaustive)

 • 1982: Concentrate on the next collider: The concept of the SSC was born.
    • 1984, 1986 Snowmass Studies on SSC reference design and physics
 • 1988: High Energy Physics in the 1990s
    • Broader goal – more people (>500)
 • 1990: Research Directions for Decade
    • SSC + Complementary opportunities
 • Topical summer studies continue every couple years, but the decadal study begins to
   take prominence as an overall community planning process.
 • 2001: A summer study on the future of particle physics
 • 2013: Similar in its scope to 2001, but spread out through the year

   8/1/19                         P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019                        4
Gearing up for Snowmass 2021 - Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-KeeKim (Chair-elect) APS Division of Particles and Fields - CERN Indico
Snowmass 2013
The planning process included more than a year of workshops. It presented a status
of the field and exciting opportunities going forward. It did NOT prioritize.

• The final reports were completed in about 6 months
• P5 (Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel) takes the scientific input from Snowmass
  and formulates a strategic plan to address the science within specified funding constraints
• A successful Snowmass process results in community buy-in, even when hard budgetary
  decisions need to be made

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Gearing up for Snowmass 2021 - Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-KeeKim (Chair-elect) APS Division of Particles and Fields - CERN Indico
Snowmass 2013
                                                     Snowmass (2012-2013) à P5 (2013-2014)

Particle Physics is Global!!

The worldwide particle physics community can together address the full breadth
of the field's most urgent scientific questions with
     – each major player hosting a unique world-class facility at home
     – partnering in high-priority facilities hosted elsewhere
Region strategic planning is in the global context

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Gearing up for Snowmass 2021 - Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-KeeKim (Chair-elect) APS Division of Particles and Fields - CERN Indico
Facilities in Europe
 ATLAS                   CMS

                                                Distribution of 13,583 CERN users
                                              by location of institution (78 countries)

  8/1/19               P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019                                    7
Gearing up for Snowmass 2021 - Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-KeeKim (Chair-elect) APS Division of Particles and Fields - CERN Indico
U.S. Facilities

                                            SNOLAB Dark Matter, Neutrino

                                              Fermilab Neutrino, Precision
            Neutrino, Dark Matter SURF
                                                    BNL QCD
                   Dark Energy DESI         ORNL  JLab  QCD
                                            Neutrino, Precision

                             Dark Energy LSST/DES

                    Facilities for accelerator science + R&D in U.S.
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Gearing up for Snowmass 2021 - Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-KeeKim (Chair-elect) APS Division of Particles and Fields - CERN Indico
U.S.: Fermilab
  Short- & long-baseline neutrino program
               Muon program                                 More than 4,000 users from 52 countries
                                                                • Africa: 3
                                                                • Americas: 12
                                                                • Asia: 7
                                                                • Middle East: 4
                                                                • Europe: 26
                                                            More than 100 nationalities

  8/1/19                            P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019
Gearing up for Snowmass 2021 - Priscilla Cushman (Chair) and Young-KeeKim (Chair-elect) APS Division of Particles and Fields - CERN Indico
U.S.: SURF (Sanford Underground Research Facility)

           Dark Matter and Neutrino

          LZ: ~250 collaborators                     DUNE: ~1,000 collaborators
       37 institutions in 5 countries         179 institutions in 30 countries plus CERN

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U.S.: BNL and JLab

                                                         RHIC: ~1,000 users from 24 countries
         RHIC heavy ion collider


                                              1,630 users in 278 institutions from 39 countries
           Electron accelerator

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Other U.S. Facilities
 Neutrinos                                    Dark Energy
                                                                       DES at CTIO, Chile
                                                                       •   ~400 scientists from 26
                                                                       •   7 countries: U.S., Australia,
                                                                           Brazil, Germany,
                                                                           Switzerland, Spain, UK

                                                                       DESI at Kitt Peak, U.S.
                                                                       •   450 scientists from 73
                                                                       •   11 countries: U.S., Australia,
                                                                           Brazil, China, France,
 IceCube Neutrino Observatory                                              Germany, Korea, Mexico,
 in Antarctica                                                             Spain, Switzerland, UK
 •   ~270 scientists
 •   49 institutions                                                   LSST, Chile
 •   12 countries: US, Germany, Belgium,
                                                                       •   Material contributions from
     Sweden, Australia, Canada, Denmark,                                   U.S., Brazil, Chile, France
     Japan, New Zealand, South Korea,
     Switzerland, UK

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Particle Physics is not isolated: Other Planning Processes

 Long-Range Plan for Nuclear Science (2015)
     Funded by Nuclear Physics Offices of funding agencies
     Fundamental Symmetries and Neutrinos
     QCD: Structure of Hadrons and Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter

 Decadal survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics (2010)
     Dark Energy
     Cosmic Microwave Background
     Indirect dark matter searches

   8/1/19                   P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019                13
Particle Physics is Global: Other Planning Processes

   • The European Strategy for Particle Physics

    • The Japanese Strategy for Particle Physics (ILC, Hyper-K, …)
    • Proposals by the Chinese Particle Physics Community (CEPC, …)

  • Canadian 5-Year Long Range Plan: 2017 – 2021
  • Latin America
           •   October 2018: Creation of LASF4RI (Latin American Strategy Forum for
               Research Infrastructure)
           •   Pilot Project: HECAP (High Energy, Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics)

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We provide input to others (Cycles are not in synch)
 year      11     12     13     14    15     16     17    18     19     20      21   22   23   24   25   26   27

                Europe               Executing the 2013 plan
                         U.S.                     10 year plan: Executing the 2014 plan
                                           Canada Executing the current plan
                           Input:                              Europe
                           Recent example                  planning

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DPF White paper to European Strategy Group (ESG) Group

  Time                   Process

                         •   Distribute a statement from DPF EC aligned to P5
  July 2018              •   Identify editors for the white paper: 2 per category
                             (1 theorist + 1 experimentalist)

                         •   Collect input from the DPF community (white
  Aug. – Sept. 2018
                             paper) via email
  October 2018           •   Draft a white paper

                         •   Circulate the DRAFT write paper / get feedback
  Nov. – Mid Dec. 2018       from the community (2-3 weeks)
                         •   Finalize the write paper (~2 weeks)

  Late Dec. 2018         •   Submit the white paper to the ESG

  8/1/19                      P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019                       16
DPF White paper to European Strategy Group (ESG) Group
 • DPF white papers
     – Developed by the DPF Executive Committee and the group of editors. Input
       was solicited from the community.
     – Recent progress on the 2014 P5 recommendations
     – Research interests in the U.S. community beyond the P5 timescale
     – Activities within the U.S. and global communities on theory, accelerator
       development, computing, and detector R&D
     – Another 20 individual submissions

                                                                     (Input# 150) Activities on theory,
                                                                accelerator, computing, detector R&D

   (Input# 149) Progress on P5;
   Research interests beyond the P5 timescale

  8/1/19                           P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019                                        17
U.S. Community Submission to ESG
 •     Other individual submissions include:
         – Future Colliders
            • ILC (66, 77, 107), CLIC (145, 146), CEPC (29, 51), FCCee,eh,hh (132,
               133, 135, 136, 140), HE-LHC (160)
         – Neutrinos
            • Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment, DUNE (123)
            • The Short-Baseline Neutrino Program at Fermilab (137)
            • Status of Fermilab’s Neutrino Facilities (167)
         – Dark Matter
            • MAGIS-1K: A 1000 m Atom Interferometer Device for Searches in Dark
              Matter and Gravity Waves (161)
         – Flavor Physics
             • Charged LFV. using Intense Muon Beams at Future Facilities (25)
         – Electron-Ion Collider
             • Electron Ion Collider Accelerator Science and Technology - Designs,
               R&D and Synergies with European research in Accelerators (74)
             • Synergies between a U.S.-based Electron-Ion Collider and the
               European research in Particle Physics (99)
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Snowmass 2021
year   11      12      13     14    15     16        17   18     19     20    21      22   23   24   25   26   27

             Europe                Executing the 2013 plan
                       U.S.                     10 year plan: Executing the 2014 plan
                                         Canada Executing the current plan
                        The European Strategy will                           U.S.
                        provide input to Snowmass
                                                 •    Launch: 2020 APS April Meeting
                                                 •    Final Meeting: 2021 Summer (~10 days)
                                                 •    Report: ~End 2021

   8/1/19                                       P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019                                     19
Snowmass YOUNG

                     Please join Snomass Young

          •   Send email to
          •   Subject: blank
          •   Body: Subscribe snowmass-young YOUR NAME

 8/1/19                   P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019   20
P5 (2014) provided the US strategic Plan
           10 year plan in the context of a 20-year vision
                 The Physics Scientific Drivers
 • Use the Higgs boson as a new tool          •    What is the nature of physics at the
   for discovery                                   electroweak scale and beyond?
 • Explore the unknown: new particles, •           What structures underlie the forces
   interactions, and physical principles           and matter in the universe?
 • Pursue the physics associated with         •    What is the nature of neutrino
   neutrino mass                                   masses?
 • Identify the new physics of dark           •    What is the nature of dark matter
   matter                                          in the universe?
 • Understand cosmic acceleration:
   dark energy and inflation

  8/1/19                      P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019                             21
P5: Strategic Plan for U.S. Particle Physics in the Global Context

                 A: Constant for 3 yrs + 2% increase (based on 2013 appropriated)
                 B. Constant for 3 yrs + 3% increase (based on 2014 Presidential budget)
                 C. Unconstrained (but prioritized)

 P5 is a subpanel of the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP)
  and is charged by and provides advice to both DOE and NSF
   8/1/19                     P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019                          22
• P5 is deemed “successful” in DOE budget process
    • Don’t start revising
8/1/19                       it too
                         P. Cushman andsoon!
                                       Y-K Kim DPF 2019   23
Snowmass è P5 is good publicity

DOE is making a big effort to increase public engagement with
High Energy Physics

P5 is featured prominently. Details from Snowmass 2013.

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P5 Implementation Status: FY 2019
 § Approximate Construction        § Expected Physics
                                                                                 All projects on budget & schedule
                                                                                 •   Projects fully funded in FY19
HEP Science Output
                                                                                       –   Muon g-2: 1st beam 2017
                                                                                       –   Mu2e : 1st data in ~2020
                    [>$200M]                                                           –   LHC detector upgrades (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb):
                                                                                           on track for 2019/20 installation
                                                                                       –   LSST: full science operations 2023
                                                                                       –   DESI: 1st light on April 1, 2019
                                                                                       –   DM-G2(SuperCDMS,LZ,ADMX) 1stdata ~2020
                                                                                 •   HL-LHC accelerator and detector upgrades
LBNF/DUNE (and PIP-II)                                                               started on schedule
                                                                                 •   LBNF/DUNE & PIP-II schedules advanced due
                                                                                     to strong support by Admin & Congress
Project funding needs are projected to decrease in 2025
  o Funding for HL-LHC projects complete in FY 2024/2025
  o Funding for Line-Item Construction Projects LBNF/DUNE
    and PIP-II peak in FY 2025, and completes by FY 2027/2028
  o Only CMB-S4 project remains in the list of P5 recommendations
     – Future Collider project has dependency on strategic planning
        in Europe and Asia
  o Continuous new ideas and new input to budget formulation is
    critically important to continue the pursuit of funded Discovery
    Science (new Projects)
  o Submit new Mission Needs (CD-0) at the rate of one/year from
    FY 2019 through FY 2035+

           From Alan Stone, DPF EC meeting, April 2019

                            P. Cushman and Y-K Kim
                                   DPF 2019
Working Backwards from FY 2025
     }   When the current P5 report was released in May 2014, the FY 2015 budget
         was already in Congress and the FY 2016 budget was being formulated
     }   To provide timely input to the FY 2025 budget formulation, the “next P5”
         report will be required by March 2023

FY 2023
        Spend the Fiscal Year Budget
                          Budget Release

FY 2024 OMB
                                            Budget and    Spend the Fiscal Year Budget
Budget Review                              Appropriations
FY 2025 DOE Internal Planning with OMB                                    Budget Release
                                                                                            Budget and    Spend the Fiscal Year Budget
Budget OMB and OSTP Guidance Review                                                        Appropriations
          Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

          CY 2022                          Calendar Year 2023                              Calendar Year 2024              Calendar Year 2025

    Q2 FY 2023                                                  18 Months
                                       From Alan Stone, DPF EC meeting, April 2019
                                                           P. Cushman and Y-K Kim
                                                                  DPF 2019
FY 2020
        Spend the Fiscal Year Budget
FY 2021 OMB

                      Budget and   Spend the Fiscal Year Budget
Budget Review       Appropriations
FY 2022 DOE Internal Planning with OMB

                                                  Budget and    Spend the Fiscal Year Budget
Budget OMB and OSTP Guidance Review             Appropriations
         Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

          CY 2019                 Calendar Year 2020                              Calendar Year 2021                      Calendar Year 2022

  DPF Planning                                                   Snowmass                                                                    P5
                                                                     NAS Decadal Survey (18+ mo)
FY 2023
        Spend the Fiscal Year Budget
FY 2024 OMB

                      Budget and   Spend the Fiscal Year Budget
Budget Review       Appropriations
FY 2025 DOE Internal Planning with OMB

                                                  Budget and    Spend the Fiscal Year Budget
Budget OMB and OSTP Guidance Review             Appropriations
         Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

         CY 2022                  Calendar Year 2023                              Calendar Year 2024                      Calendar Year 2025
              P5 Report                                     18 Months
                                        From Alan Stone, DPF EC meeting, April 2019
                                                       P. Cushman and Y-K Kim
                                                              DPF 2019
Timeline for updating the U.S. Strategy
o May 2014 P5 report was successful because it was well informed by the
  science community, including information from:
    –   2010 New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics
    –   2012 Report of the Subcommittee on Future Projects of High Energy Physics (Japan)
    –   2013 European Strategy for Particle Physics Report
    –   2013 U.S. Particle Physics Community-driven “Snowmass” process
o The timeline of processes that impact the next strategic plan:
    – 2018-20: New NAS Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey
    – 2019: Start of European Strategy for Particle Physics process
    – 2019/20: Anticipated Japanese decision on ILC
    – 2020: Release of updated European Strategy for Particle Physics
    – 2020: Earliest opportunity for National Science Board to approve obligating MREFC
      for HL-LHC
o New Snowmass Process will be officially inaugurated at the 2020 April APS Mtg.
o Yearlong sequence of workshops culminating in a 10-day Summer Study in 2021

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2013 Physics Groups and Cross-cutting Groups

           Intensity     Facilities

                       Communication with


  8/1/19                P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019   30
Physics Groups and Cross-cutting Groups
 Our first task is to determine a complete set of physics and cross-cutting topics.
 The new topics define the working groups and final summary papers (in ArXiv)
                as well as generating multiple white papers

 We need to be broader than Funding Agency boundaries.
 P5 can always draw a stricter boundary after we have done our work
     e.g. 0nbb, gravitational waves, gamma ray astrophysics.
     DPF will be joined by subsets of DAP, DPB, DNP, DGRAV, DCOMP
     Important to define the science overlap that is specific to particle physics
 2013 was organized according to Energy, Cosmic, Intensity Frontier
   We need continuity, but we can evolve
        e.g. Intensity may split into 2 groups and 0nbb might join neutrinos
        P5 can always package them together later if needed

 New cross-cutting groups and new computational categories
 Theory will have its own frontier, but phenomenology will be unified with
 experiment and liaisons between the two identified.
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Need a long term sustainable web/wiki platform


  8/1/19          P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019   32
ENGAGE is maintained by APS, but not ready

 In the meantime, we will explore using SLACK (FNAL) as our primary
 community discussion platform. Look for an announcement when ready.

 APS will also provide some resources for workshop coordination
 e.g. registration tools, code of conduct, disability accommodation, TBD
  8/1/19                     P. Cushman and Y-K Kim DPF 2019               33
Draft Timeline for Snowmass 2021
  DPF Program committee is currently reviewing the old topics

  Late August: Begin the process of community involvement on new draft topics
               Call for site selection proposals for summer 2021

  October: Finalize topics and cross-cutting categories.
           DPF Exec will establish detailed job descriptions for co-conveners
           Program Committee will accept nominations, collate recommendations
                 and submit to DPF Exec for convener selection
           Sub-conveners will also be selected by DPF exec, after convener nomination

  Spring 2020: Secure funding for workshops and overall plan
               Choose 2021 site, date, and duration

  Spring 2020 – Spring 2021: Conduct workshops, prepare initial white papers

  Summer 2021: Snowmass Summer Study Final Collation

  Report due by December 2021
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