Game of Thrones security council simulation at yale october 10-13, 2013

Page created by Justin Brewer
Game of Thrones security council simulation at yale october 10-13, 2013
Game of
Game ofThrones
security council simulation at yale
october 10-13, 2013
Game of Thrones security council simulation at yale october 10-13, 2013
welcome to SCSY

Dear Delegates,

I am thrilled to welcome you to the most dynamic, engaging, and – most importantly – fun Security Council
Simulation at Yale yet! My name is Melody Wang, and I am your Undersecretary General for Committees. For a full
year, our Secretariat has been hard at work, shaping a range of creative committees for your enjoyment. You can
fight for your life in the Hunger Games, grab land in the African Redistribution Committee, save a nation in the
White House Task Force: US National Security Council, or more. Let your Dais team know how you want to
proceed, because it takes delegates and Chairs alike to bring a simulation to life.

While contributing to your committee is crucial, I encourage you to look beyond Yale’s walls by contributing to this
year’s featured charitable organization. I am proud to announce that SCSY will collect donations for Hemispheres, a
program that opens the world of Model United Nations to New Haven high school students. With your support,
these students can delve into studies of both historical and contemporary international relations issues, learn
leadership skills, and participate in Model United Nations simulations. I highly encourage you to give to this worthy

Please seek me out during the conference if you have any comments or questions. I am delighted to have you on
Yale’s campus this weekend, and I wish you the best of luck as you embark on your adventures to save yourself, your
country, or even your entire world in committee!


Melody Wang

USG for Committees
Game of Thrones security council simulation at yale october 10-13, 2013
welcome to Game of Thrones !

role of the committee
Game of Thrones security council simulation at yale october 10-13, 2013
history of the committee
         Game of Thrones takes place in Westeros,           Visenya, his wives—and also sisters: the Targaryens
which has history dating back over 12,500 years back.       practice incest to keep bloodlines pure. Unbeknownst to
Much of Westerosi history is grounded in legends of         the rest of the world, three dragons survived the volcanic
dragons, magic, and heroic battles.                         explosion, and these dragons are Aegon’s primary
                                                            weapon. As Aegon fights his way through Westeros, he
Ancient Times                                               accumulates allies in the Houses of Tully, Tyrell, and
                                                            Lannister. Aegon’s war is given legitimacy with the
          In the beginning of time, Westeros was a place    blessing of the Gods; he reigns over Westeros.
of pure magic where the Giants, who are said to be twice              Following Aegon’s death, his son Aenys, born
as tall and 12 times as strong as humans, coexisted with    of incest, becomes king. In reaction to an uprising that
Children of the Forest, who worshipped nature gods and      contests the legitimacy of his reign, Aenys’s Hand—the
exercised powerful magic. But this free land of magic       King’s closest advisor—Maegor violently dispenses
and mystery did not last forever: The First Men, a          with the uprising, resulting in an extended period of
human group, invades Westeros using bronze weapons          bloodshed. The Targaryen line of kings yields skilled
and reinforced ships, eventually gaining control of the     compromisers and incompetent rulers, and over the next
open lands after a truce with the Children of the Forest,   hundreds of years, groups rebel against the kingdom, but
establishing the beginning of what was to become the        each time, they are suppressed. During this period,
seven great kingdoms of Westeros. Summer came and           dragons become extinct.
went as the First Men and the Children of the Forests
lived in harmony. A devastating winter—the Long             The Mad King
Night—descended upon Westeros, during which the
White Walkers invaded; the White Walkers are a                       Circa 262 AL (Post Aegon I’s Landing), Aerys
mythological race that can resurrect the dead as their      II Targaryen assumes the throne. In his late years,
servants. To defend the realm against the Walkers, the      Aerys, the ‘Mad King,’ suffered from severe bouts of
Wall was constructed in the North, and the Night’s          paranoia and insanity—he becomes distrusting of his
Watch was tasked with patrolling the wall.                  Hand Tywin Lannister. Aerys’ son, Prince Rhaegar,
          In coming years, Westeros continued to see        causes a rebellion by abducting the late Lyanna Stark of
conflict, as the Andals, a foreign race, crossed the        Winterfell, whom Rhaegar had declared to be Queen of
Narrow Sea and conquered territory; the Andals are the      Love and Beauty at a tournament.
predecessors to the modern Ironborn, a fiercely                      Aerys kills Lyanna’s brother and father and is
independent sea-faring group. Another group, the            on the hunt for the heads of Ned Stark and Robert
Valyrian Freehold, discovers dragons and using magic,       Baratheon, Lyanna’s betrothed. Together, House Stark,
trains the dragons to fight in war in nearby Essos, the     Baratheon, Arryn, and Tully launch Robert’s Rebellion,
eastern counterpart to Westeros. Ultimately, an             also known as War of the Usurper. The Tyrells remain
enormous volcanic explosion kills most of the dragons       loyal to Mad King. The Lannisters, including Tywin, the
and the heartland of the Valyrian Freehold.                 former Hand of the King, and his son Jaime, a member
                                                            of the Kingsguard, appear loyal to the throne. The rebels
Early Days                                                  win battle after battle and kill Prince Rhaegar during
                                                                     Meanwhile, the Lannisters march to King’s
         Meanwhile in Westeros, order begins to settle      Landing to support King Aerys, only to turn on the Mad
in, as the many small kingdoms become consolidated          King and ransack the city. Jaime Lannister breaks his
into the modern Seven Kingdoms: the Kingdom of the          sacred oath to protect the king and stabs King Aerys
North, The Kingdom of the Vale, the Kingdom of the          Targaryen in the back while Lannister bannermen
Isles and Rivers, the Kingdom of the Rock, the              murder Aerys’ wife and two eldest children. Following
Kingdom of the Reach, the Storm Kingdom, and the            this bloodbath, Robert Baratheon lays claim to the
Kingdom of Dome.                                            throne, citing bloodlines that trace back to Aegon V,
                                                            Robert' great-grandfather. Cersei Lannister becomes
The Targaryen Reign                                         queen of the realm as Robert’s arranged wife. Prince
                                                            Viserys and Princess Daenerys, Aerys’ youngest
        Aegon the Conquerer, head of the House
Targaryen, invades Westeroes with Rhaenys and
Game of Thrones security council simulation at yale october 10-13, 2013
children and the last of the Targaryens, escape to the   Free Cities of Essos for safety.

contemporary challenges
         Under King Robert Baratheon’s rule,                confront Stannis on land. Wounded and broken,
life in Westeros returns to normalcy: rebellions            Stannis retreats to Storm’s End, leaving his
occur and the lords crush them; marriages are               opponents King’s Landing still in the hands of
arranged and beautiful children are born. In                Joffrey, at least for now.
King’s Landing, the union between Houses                              Tywin Lannister plots with Walden
Baratheon and Lannister yield three gorgeous                Frey, who murders Robb and Catelyn Stark at
blonde children, Prince Joffrey, Princess                   the wedding feast of Robb’s uncle. Stannis
Myrcella, and Prince Tommen. Yet Robert never               retreats to safety after his failed attack on King’s
sees his children grow into adulthood as he is              Landing, but has the help of Lady Melisandre,
fatally wounded by a wild boar when drunk on a              whose black magic has proved to be a
royal hunting trip.                                         formidable weapon against Stannis’ foes. The
         Replacing the late Jon Arryn as Hand of            battle over the Iron Throne continues, but to the
the King, Ned Stark from the North discovers                North, a possibly even bigger struggle presents
the ancestral truth of the new king, Joffrey                itself: reports have reached the capital that White
Baratheon—that Joffrey is borne from the incest             Walkers—thought to be extinct—and Wildings
of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. After Robert’s               are invading the Seven Kingdoms. Winter is
death, Ned is proclaimed a traitor after declaring          coming.
Joffrey’s illegitimate claim to the throne. Ned                       House Tyrell and House Lannister form
Stark is ultimately executed, propelling the                a historic alliance, following their victorious
realm into the War of the Five Kings.                       defense of King’s Landing; Margarery Tyrell is
         Rob Stark raises the north’s forces to             set to marry King Joffrey. Matrimony brings the
fight for independence and vengeance for his                much needed wealth and aid of the Tyrells to
father. Allied with House Tyrell, Renly                     King’s Landing, but will the Tyrell’s ambitions
Baratheon, Robert’s brother, claims his right to            outpace the wealth they can provide? Tywin
the throne by popularity while Stannis, a proven            Lannister returns to serve as Hand of the King to
commander and Robert’s other brother, asserts               his grandson, appointing new members the small
his right to be king as well. Seeing the absence            council. But the kingdom is still at war. Robb
of the Starks in the North, Balon Greyjoy fights            Stark continues to amass forces in the North, and
to return the Iron Islands to the great kingdom             stories of Stannis and his use of black magic
they once were by conquering Stark territory.               persist. Meanwhile, reports that the mythical
         While Joffrey, a boy king on the Iron              White Walkers have resurfaced reach the capital,
Throne, rules King’s Landing, the four other                and abroad, the latest news reports that Daenrys
kings marshal the rest of the Westeros. Renly’s             Targaryen has married a Dorthraki warlord who
quest for the throne is promptly stopped by his             commands forces in excess of 40,000. How will
brother with dark magic. The Tyrells, formerly              the small council respond to the challenges the
allied with Renly, must choose which side to                realm faces?
support. Meanwhile Stannis amasses enough                             Not to mention, internal troubles plague
forces and sails to King’s Landing with a full              the council. Tyrion Lannister has learned that
fleet, ready to capture the city. He is met with            Joffrey had ordered his execution; Cersei
Wildfire, a volatile inextinguishable material              Lannister remains suspicious of Margaery
that explodes on contact, thwarting his sea                 Tyrell’s ambitions and has said that if Margaery
forces. All the while, the Lannisters and Tyrells           calls her “sister” again, she will have her son’s
Game of Thrones security council simulation at yale october 10-13, 2013
betrothed strangled in her sleep. Tywin                      realm should take, palace intrigue remains
Lannister remains in control of King’s                       pervasive—meaning influential members of the
Landing’s affairs, but Cersei grows ever                     court can wield a significant impact on policy
resentful of her father’s resistance to giving her           decisions. In the end, everyone is a pawn in the
authority. While the small council and the Hand              game of thrones.
of the King ultimately decide what actions the

structure of the committee
parliamentary procedures
Game of Thrones will be run as an extended                   Directives, etc. are preferred in writing. Since no
moderated caucus, with speaking time to be                   laptops are allowed inside committee at SCSY, these
determined by members of the committee. Hearing              will be handwritten by any committee member.
the opinions of the assembled Westerosi, the director                 Finally, delegates are permitted to
of the committee will set the agenda and select              communicate with those within the committee and
speakers. When appropriate, the director will                friends, spies, or relatives operating outside the
entertain motions of unmoderated caucus to facilitate        committee room. Notes to those not present in the
unstructured discussion among members of King                committee will be addressed to the Crisis Staff, who is
Joffrey’s court.                                             also able to answer to provide more detailed insights
          The committee will not operate based on            into the ongoing events of the Seven Kingdoms.
simple majority due to the unique composition of             These notes and inquiries may be passed forward at
this committee. Only members of the king’s council           any time, and we will do our best to provide you with
will be allowed to case votes to approve actions; these      a timely response.
members include: King Joffrey, the Hand of the King,                  This committee begins at the end of season 3
the Grand Master, Master of Coin, Master of Ships,           of Game of Thrones. While the events of this
and Master of Whisperers. All other members are              committee will be inspired by the television series
encouraged and expected to advocate their own                and George R. R. Martin’s books, the crises will not
interests, but must convince voting members in order         be bound to the original version and will be driven by
for actions of the kingdom to be taken. Every                the delegates.
committee member is permitted to contact allies and
mobilize resources at their disposal. Resolutions,

                                                          controversial claim over the Iron Throne, providing
King Joffrey Baratheon                                    legitimacy to the challenges of the throne of Robert’s
                                                          brothers, Stannis and Renly Baratheon. Joffrey is spoiled,
Joffrey is the current ruler of the Seven Kingdoms,       arrogant, cowardly, and sadistic, a tyrannical ruler who
having claimed the Iron Throne after the death of his     is prone to rash outbursts of senseless violence. He gets
father, King Robert Baratheo. However, rumors circulate   what he wants, and takes the opinions of his mother,
as to whether or not Joffrey is the legitimate child of   Cersei Lannister, into account, although lately, he has
Robert Baratheon, leading to Joffrey’s tenuous and        found Cersei meddlesome and shunned her counsel.
Game of Thrones security council simulation at yale october 10-13, 2013
Joffrey acts without concern for any consequences,
practicing his archery on whores, capriciously ordering
killings, consumed by egotistical delusions of grandeur
and an exaggerated estimation of his own ability.

Tywin Lannister, Hand of the
Lord Tywin Lannister is the head of House Lannister,
Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, and Hand
of the King to his grandson, King Joffrey Baratheon. As
Hand of the King, he sits in the most powerful
appointed position in the Seven Kingdoms, second only
to the King in authority and responsibility. He is the
King’s closest advisor, appointed and authorized to
make decisions in the King’s name. Lord Tywin is the
highest-ranking member of the Small Council and leads         Grand Maester Pycelle
meetings of the council as proxy for when the king is
absent. The Hand of the King coordinates and carries          The Grand Maester is the King’s personal maester, a
out the king’s plans, and is often the real power behind      learned man wise in history, science and medicine who
the throne, responsible for holding the realm together.       provides counsel. Grand Maester Pycelle has served on
Lord Tywin Lannister is intelligent, calculating, ruthless,   the Small Council for decades, under three kings. He
and the richest man in the Seven Kingdoms. His                plays up his age to appear harmless but is actually
primary concern is his family’s legacy. His children, save    mentally sharp and dangerous. He is loyal to Queen
Tyrion, are in awe of him and heed his counsel. He            Cersei Lannister and has promoted the interests of
possesses a very conservative, patrician set of social        House Lannister on the small council for years.
values, in which women are suited to securing marriage-
alliances and little else; thus, Cersei is disregarded as a
means to an end, not a standard-bearer for the Lannister
Game of Thrones security council simulation at yale october 10-13, 2013
foremost spymaster and intelligence agent. Despite his
Petyr Baelish, Master of Coin                                public persona of being nothing more than a pudgy man
                                                             well suited to the pleasantries of court life, Varys is a
Also known as Littlefinger, Petyr Baelish serves as          cunning and ruthless manipulator of court politics, on-
Master of Coin, or treasurer of the Seven Kingdoms, on       par with Littlefinger, with whom he frequently spars.
the Small Council. He is a skilled manipulator and uses      Unlike Baelish, Varys insists that his goals are to achieve
his ownership of brothels in King’s Landing to accrue        what he honestly feels is best for the realm, though of
intelligence on political rivals. He has many spies, which   course, what he and the current king feels is best might
makes him a “knowledgeable” man. He is a friend of           be two separate things. His sophisticated intelligence
Lady Catelyn Stark, and his father was a wartime friend      network spans both Westeros and Essos, and refers to
of Catelyn’s father, Lord Hoster Tully. Due to his low       his agents and sources of information as “little birds”.
birthright, he is very ambitious and craves power and        One of his jobs is to keep an eye on the movements of
status. He possesses considerable skill in commerce and      Daenerys Targaryen and ensure that she does not
coin, and is a master of court intrigue. His brilliance      become a threat to King Robert’s reign.
matched only by his ambition and his gift for political
improvisation. He is often wrongly underestimated by
many high lords due to his low birth, a mistake that
often comes back to haunt those who make this

                                                             Mathis Rowan, Advisor
                                                             Lord Mathis Rowan is the head of House Rowan, and is
                                                             married to Bethany Redwyne. His liege lord is Mace
                                                             Tyrell, and fought alongside Lord Tywin Lannister at the
Mace Tyrell, Master of Ships                                 battle for King’s Landing. He was made a member-
                                                             without-portfolio of the Small Council.
Mace Tyrell is the Lord of Highgarden and the head of
House Tyrell, in addition to being the Warden of the
South. The Tyrells are one of the most powerful and
richest families in Westeros, second only to the             Paxter Redwyne, Advisor
Lannisters (who are less militarily powerful). He is
known for showing good judgment in delegating tasks to       Paxter Redwyne is the Lord of the Arbor and head of
trusted, skilled subordinates, such as the famous general    House Redwyne, a vassal family of House Tyrell of
Randyll Tarly, who often commands Mace’s forces in           Highgarden. Lord Redwyne commands one of the
battle. Mace has one son, Loras, and a daughter,             largest fleets in the Seven Kingdoms, which anchors at
Margaery, destined to wed Joffrey.                           the Arbor. He is the first cousin and oldest friend of his
                                                             liege lord, Mace Tyrell. Lord Varys knows of Lord
                                                             Redwyne’s sexual proclivity towards prepubescent boys,
                                                             a point of leverage and tension between the two.
Varys, Master of Whisperers
Varys, also known as the Spider, is a eunuch and the         Oberyn Martell, Advisor
Master of Whisperers on the king’s Small Council. He is
a skilled manipulator and commands a network of              Oberyn, known as the Red Viper, sits in place of his
informants across two continents, serving as the King’s      brother, Doran Martell, on the Small Council. Doran
                                                             Martell is the Prince of Dorne and the Lord of Sunspear.
Game of Thrones security council simulation at yale october 10-13, 2013
He heads House Martell, and is the older brother of the
late Princess Elia, who was murdered and raped by Ser
Gregor Clegane, who takes his orders directly from his
liege lord, Tywin Lannister. Oberyn is a forceful, lusty
man with a quick wit and barbed tongue. He had a very
close relationship with his sister Elia; they were
inseparable as children. After learning of his sister’s
death, along with the murder of her children by another
Lannister knight, he has desired revenge ever since. He
and his brother Doran worked in secret for years
planning on bringing an end to the reign of Robert
Baratheon and destroying House Lannister.

Tyrion Lannister, Periphery
Tyrion Lannister is the youngest son of Lord Tywin
Lannister, and uses his wit and intellect to overcome the
prejudice he faces as a dwarf. He is falsely accused of the
attempted assassination of Bran Stark and taken captive.
His imprisonment by Catelyn Stark, even though he is
eventually released, causes the House Lannister to attack
the Riverlands and triggers a conflict, which is then
escalated into full war by the death of Robert Baratheon
and arrest and execution of Eddard Stark. During his
time as Hand of the King, Tyrion holds the city together,
strengthens and organizes the defenses, and makes an
alliance with House Martell. Tyrion gets along well with
Jaime and his niece and nephew, Myrcella and Tommen,
but has a colder relationship with Cersei and his sadistic
nephew Joffrey. In the battle for King’s Landing, he is
seriously wounded, and later comes to realize Joffrey         Cersei Lannister, Periphery
had ordered his execution.
                                                              Cersei is the widow of King Robert Baratheon and
                                                              Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms. While acting as
                                                              regent, she clashes with the acting Hand of the King
                                                              Tyrion Lannister, and has troubles controlling King
                                                              Joffrey’s erratic behavior. Cersei is willful, ambitious,
                                                              and has a certain cunning. Her quick temper and her
                                                              easily wounded pride frequently lead her to make rash
                                                              decisions, and she rarely considers what unintended
                                                              consequences her actions might have. She resents her
                                                              father for marrying her off to Robert Baratheon and for
                                                              never granting her as much power as she craved, but
                                                              also admires and seeks to emulate his brutal
                                                              effectiveness as a politician. She loathes her younger
                                                              brother Tyrion, and the only person she can truly be said
                                                              to love are her twin brother, Jaime, and her children;
                                                              that being said, she won’t hesitate to turn on them
                                                              suddenly, as she views them all as extensions of herself.
Game of Thrones security council simulation at yale october 10-13, 2013
Lady Olenna Tyrell, Periphery
                                                          Olenna is the matriarch of the House Tyrell,
                                                          grandmother of Margaery. Her no-nonsense approach
                                                          and skills of negotiation, not to mention the wisdom
                                                          that comes with her years, come in handy in the capitol.
                                                          She has a talent for seeing past the facades those around
                                                          her put up and is unafraid to question others to get to
                                                          the truth. Olenna has previously worked together with
Margaery Tyrell, Periphery                                Varys in a plan to marry Sansa and Loras, her
                                                          grandson—only to be outwitted by Littlefinger. Olenna
                                                          is a skilled player of court politics, knowing she has the
Betrothed to Joffrey, Margaery Tyrell is often wrongly
                                                          upper hand and when to make concessions, always
underestimated by others. Margaery was previously
                                                          keeping the preservation and betterment of House Tyrell
married to Renly Boratheon; after his death, she became
                                                          at the forefront of her priorities.
engaged to King Joffrey because of her ambitions to be
the queen. Clever and pragmatic, Margaery visits
orphanages around the capitol to curry favor with the
people of King’s Landing. She acts with a deceiving
innocence and sweetness that belies how power-hungry
she is.
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