Gaining altitude - AIM-Meteo Briefing

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Gaining altitude - AIM-Meteo Briefing
Gaining altitude   Annual Report 2015
Gaining altitude - AIM-Meteo Briefing
Introduction                                                             1

       Foreword                                                                 2
       Johan Decuyper, Chief Executive Officer                                  2
       Renaud Lorand, Chairman of the Board of Directors                        4

       Activity report 2015                                                     6
       Facts & figures 2015                                                     8

       Mission, Vision, Strategy                                                9

       Performances 2015                                                       10
         Towards ever more efficiency                                          11
         Movements - Growth for the 2nd year running                           12
         Interview - Léon Verhallen, Brussels Airport                          14
         Safety - To garantee safety                                           15
         Interview - Aliénor de Vareilles and Etienne Paquay, Belgocontrol     18
         Capacity - The en-route delay affected by the 27 May incident         19
         Interview - Youcha Mackelbert, Belgocontrol                           22
         Environment - Sustainable efficiency                                  23
         Interview - Pieter Steurbaut and Michaël Sanczuk, Brussels Airlines   26
         Cost-efficiency - Challenging charging scheme                         27

       Strategy 2015                                                           30
         Heading for a new Belgocontrol                                        30

       Annual report 2015                                                      40
       Corporate governance                                                    42
       Management Report of the Board of Directors                             46
       Report of the Board of Auditors                                         52
       Annual accounts 2015                                                    54

       Glossary                                                                62
Gaining altitude - AIM-Meteo Briefing
Belgocontrol is an autonomous public              Belgocontrol offers a panoply of other            As a provider of integrated services,
company, created in 1998, with the main           services which are essential to a safe control    Belgocontrol plays a driving role in the
mission to guarantee the safety of air            and management of air traffic, such as            aeronautical sector and positions itself
navigation, passengers and overflown              accurate, reliable and real-time aeronautical     internationally as an expert, totally in step
population in the civil airspace for which        and meteorological information. Belgocontrol      with the Single European Sky philosophy.
Belgium is responsible and which is one of        is responsible for managing all communica-        The restructuring of the European airspace
the most complex in Europe. Belgocontrol          tion, navigation and surveillance systems vital   into Functional Airspace Blocks (FAB), in which
combines its mission of public service with       to its own activity and that of its customers:    the European member States are involved, is
the high quality of its service provision by      airlines and other airspace users, the Belgian    one of the most visible results of the Single
cutting costs, optimizing capacity, flow and      airports and public authorities. The company      European Sky regulations. Belgocontrol,
punctuality of air traffic, and by supporting     also offers training and consultancy services     with its counterparts in Germany, France,
sustainable development to air navigation.        to external customers.                            Luxembourg, the Netherlands and
                                                                                                    Switzerland created the FABEC (FAB Europe
Its zone of activities extends from ground                                                          Central), a common Functional Airspace Block
level - the control of movements at Brussels                                                        which aims to improve efficiency of air navi-
Airport and the airports of Antwerp, Charleroi,                                                     gation in the heart of Europe.
Liege and Ostend - to flight level 245 (7,500
metres) for Belgium and between the flight
levels 145/165 and 245 for the Grand Duchy
of Luxembourg. The sectors above flight
level 245 fall within the competence of the                                                                                                               1
EUROCONTROL centre in Maastricht (the
Netherlands), to which Belgium has delegat-
ed air traffic control for its upper airspace.

                                                                                                                                                         Belgocontrol • Annual Report 2015
Gaining altitude - AIM-Meteo Briefing

           Five questions
              for Johan Decuyper
                                                                                              Chief Executive Officer

  2        How would you concisely                                 necessary for the further improvement of our
           summarize 2015?                                         operations. Needless to say we first focused on
                                                                   repairing and improving the installations con-
           Last year will always remain in our memories as         cerned. However we have also refined our crisis
           the year of the power failure, which took place         procedures to allow us to react more effectively
           on 27 May. Yet, although it was regrettable,            in this type of emergency situation. We have also
           I do in fact also remember the positive side of the     mapped out possible single points of failure in
           incident in particular. On that day we managed          our organisation, to minimise the risk or impact
           to carry out our core task in extremely difficult       of incidents in the future. In this way we have
           circumstances, namely we succeeded in guar-             turned an issue into an opportunity, helping
           anteeing the safety of air traffic. I can only praise   the organisation to emerge as stronger.
           the way our staff reacted. Their commitment
           to helping people at that moment was really
           amazing. Not only that, it also became very             Of which accomplishments are
           clear that we have the necessary knowledge              Belgocontrol particularly proud
           and experience in-house to deal with such a             in 2015?
                                                                   I was bold enough to answer that one in June
           Since then we have used the power failure as            already, but my expectations turned out to be
           an opportunity to get a number of processes up          right: Belgocontrol ended the year with positive     Johan Decuyper
           and running or in place more quickly, which are         results. This was the first time since 2008.         Chief Executive Officer
Gaining altitude - AIM-Meteo Briefing
Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        message of Johan Decuyper,
                                                                                                           Which developments in                                 control in our country and all across Europe.
                                                                                                           the aviation sector affect                            We have dropped our previously defensive
                                                                                                           Belgocontrol’s future?                                attitude in this regard and are now participating
                                                                                                                                                                 in consideration of how this airspace is best
                                                                                                           In domestic terms my first thoughts go to             organised, not forgetting the interests of Belgian
       Safety is and remains our top priority. In addition we also aim to                                  the collaboration between Belgocontrol and            air traffic as a whole.
       focus on everything that helps to guarantee service continuity so                                   Defence Ministry. The business case, which was
       that we can keep on providing the services that are expected, even                                  developed in 2015, clearly shows that there are
       when there are problems.                                                                            many advantages to working more closely and           Which objective must
                                                                                                           to having a joint location on one site. This not      Belgocontrol certainly achieve
       Belgocontrol scores very well in terms of cost-efficiency and we                                    only has benefits in the areas of logistics and       in 2016?
       want that to remain so.                                                                             personnel but also and particularly in more
                                                                                                           efficient use of Belgian airspace, which in the       Belgocontrol scores very well in terms of cost-
                                                                                                           end is in our customers’ interest.                    efficiency and we want that to remain so. If we
                                                                                                                                                                 keep on going as we are we will be the cheapest
                                                                                                           On an international level we continue collab-         ANSP within FABEC by 2019, with an en-route
                                                                                                           orating on a SingleEuropean airspace. This will       unit rate of 57.71 €. That is nearly 4 € better than
                                                                                                           determine the future of air traffic and air traffic   in 2015.

This marks an end to the difficult financial         and in 2016 we will also be reinforcing our team                                                                                                                       3
period we have endured for some time now.            where necessary.

This result is largely thanks to the third
management contract. Belgocontrol is now             What does Belgocontrol plan
paid appropriately for the services it provides,     to focus on in 2016?
which includes regional airports. Of course this
is in return for a commitment which we met in        Safety is and remains our top priority. In addition
2015 and are sure to continue meeting in the         we also aim to focus on everything that helps to
future. We continue to make efforts to improve       guarantee service continuity so that we can
our services.                                        keep on providing the services that are expected,
                                                     even when there are problems. We did a lot of
Our financial difficulties meant that over the       work on this last year, but it seems that our
past years investments had to be strictly limited    customers sometimes expect even more of us
to the necessities, in other words everything to     than is strictly stipulated in our management

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Belgocontrol • Annual Report 2015
do with safety. On the other hand we had to          contract. We plan to get together with them
keep making savings in our operational and           and look at how we can meet their expectations,
personnel costs. From now on Belgocontrol can        taking into account the relevant terms, both
invest sensibly in materials and people. Last year   operational and financial. This is a very
we already recruited 43 new members of staff,        fundamental exercise which is currently
including 13 candidates air traffic controllers,     underway.
Gaining altitude - AIM-Meteo Briefing

                                                Five questions
                                                   for Renaud Lorand
                                                                                                                  Chairman of the Board of Directors

  4                                             How would you describe                              And we want this to continue.
                                                                                                    In this way we also want to have a say in
                                                Beyond the return to a financial equilibrium,       the public debate about matters such as the
                                                2015 was marked by an increased awareness           utilisation of runways and flight paths: by
                                                of Belgocontrol’s social role. Belgocontrol has     objectively providing our scientific knowledge to
                                                always done its work properly by providing          all parties concerned. Our role in the debate is
                                                the services expected from it. To this end, our     to inform and advice, but never to decide. Based
                                                teams have a unique expertise and knowledge         on the decision we will then act accordingly,
                                                in the field of air traffic management in Belgian   focused on our primordial role: to guarantee the
                                                airspace, which we can utilise to the full.         safety, capacity and efficiency of air traffic.
                                                Belgocontrol delivers high quality work, as is
                                                shown once again in our activity indicators.
                                                                                                    Of which accomplishments are
                                                Now, we want to go beyond the call of duty and      Belgocontrol particularly proud
                                                we intend to communicate more openly about          in 2015?
                                                what we do. This will in particular clear up lots
                                                of misunderstandings. The launch of the website     If we ignore for a moment the power failure that
                                       and our successful participation            occured in May, all operational indicators in the
           Renaud Lorand                        for the first time in Open Bedrijvendag (business   annual report were positive. The power failure
           Chairman of the Board of Directors   open day) are examples of this new transparency.    obviously had a major impact on delays in 2015.
Gaining altitude - AIM-Meteo Briefing
message of Renaud Lorand,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Chairman of the Board of Directors
                                                                                                             Which developments in                                Which objective must
                                                                                                             the aviation sector determine                        Belgocontrol certainly achieve
                                                                                                             the future of Belgocontrol?                          in 2016?

                                                                                                             Month after month we see the latest growth           The environment remains a focus area: how
       Now, we also communicate more openly about what we do,                                                figures from Belgian airports and airline compa-     can we reconcile our sector’s economic interests
       which clears up lots of misunderstandings.                                                            nies. The entire sector is on the up: it overcomes   with the quality of our living environment.
                                                                                                             challenges and adversity and this is to everyone’s   Belgocontrol always gets involved with projects
       Without losing sight of the other elements we should certainly give                                   advantage. Although an increase in passengers        aimed at finding solutions in this domain.
       special attention to the customer focus in 2016. In return for the                                    does not mean more air movements – aircraft          We will also continue to be an enthusiastic
       correct remuneration we are more than ever keen and willing to                                        are larger and better filled – Belgocontrol has      supporter of all those who take initiatives in
       meet our commitments towards our customers.                                                           a part to play in that positive scenario. A safe     this area and we will also take our own
                                                                                                             airspace and efficient traffic attract even more     initiatives.
                                                                                                             customers. We wish to continue working on that
                                                                                                             challenge together with all other players in the
                                                                                                             Belgian air traffic sector.

However, without that incident the result was         What does Belgocontrol plan                                                                                                                                         5
extremely positive. Clearly we need to avoid such     to focus on in 2016?
incidents as much as we can in the future. Indeed
we have already taken all the necessary steps.        Last year the importance of Belgocontrol in the
                                                      Belgian air traffic sector became very clear, even
But the rest of the positive results demonstrate      if it was during the unfortunate power failure.
that we are performing very well in our tasks.        We are fully aware of the role we play in the
Our common daily goal is to continue such             whole picture. An air traffic sector that performs
operations, and make improvements wherever            well is a crucial part of the country’s economy.
possible.                                             Belgocontrol is a part of this upon which other
                                                      partners rely. We want to deserve their trust and
We can say that the new company strategy –            work together on extending the air traffic sector
focused on results and the customer, a proactive      in our country and within the international context.
approach, a positive focus, flexibility – is paying
off. We must continue to use this as a guide and      We are not frightened of all the heavy com-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Belgocontrol • Annual Report 2015
develop each aspect further. Without losing           petition in the industry – including air traffic
sight of the other elements we should certainly       control. We know, now more than ever, that we
give special attention to the customer focus          have the people and the know-how in-house to
in 2016. In return for the correct remuneration       remain strong. Not only that, but from now on
we are more than ever keen and willing to meet        we also have the means to make the necessary
our commitments towards our customers.                investments.
Gaining altitude - AIM-Meteo Briefing
   report 2015
Gaining altitude - AIM-Meteo Briefing
activity report 2015
Facts & figures 2015                  8

Mission, Vision, Strategy             9

Performances 2015                    10

    Movements                        12

    Safety		                         15

    Capacity		                       19

    Environment                      23

                                               Belgocontrol • Annual Report 2015
    Cost-efficiency                  27

Strategy 2015		                      30

    Heading for a new Belgocontrol   30
Gaining altitude - AIM-Meteo Briefing
activity report 2015

                       Facts & figures 2015
                                                                                                              minute average ATFM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Evolution of the number of movements                                                                                         Evolution of the number of severe incidents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   controlled by Belgocontrol                                                                                                   A (severe) and B (major)
                                                                                                              arrival delay per flight
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1400000                                                                                                                                                 25
                                                                                                              at Brussels Airport
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1240000                                                                                                                                                 20

                                                                                                                                                movements                                                                                                                                                                                +3.98%


                                                                                                                                                controlled by                                                                     1080000                                                                                                                                                 15
                                                                                                                                                Belgocontrol                                                                                                                                                                                                                              10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   760000                                                                                                                                                  5

                             24.7 millions €
                                                                                                                                                    the first significant
                                                                                                                                                    positive result                                                                600000                                                                                                                                                  0
                                                                                                                                                    since 2008                                                                                                       2008      2009           2010    2011   2012     2013        2014      2015                                                 00    01    02   03     04   05   06     07   08    09    10   11   12   13   14     15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ■A ■B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1,083,128 movements were controlled by Belgocontrol in 2015, or 3.98 %                                                       Without equalling the 2014 record, Belgocontrol registered a very good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   more than in 2014.                                                                                                           performance with 5 incidents per million movements.
                                      30       of average ATFM en-route delay per flight                                                                                                  700000
                                     generated by Belgocontrol                                                                                                                                                                                                     Reduction of the Determined Unit Cost (DUC) (2015-2019)                                                                      Evolution of the number of employees
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the en-route service
                       Average ATFM en-route delay per flight (in minutes)

       8                                                                                        0.24                                                                                                                                                          68                                                      -12.4%                                                              950
                                                                       20                                      0.20                                                                       500000   Number of en-route movements                               66       65.90                                           -2.6% p.a.                                                                                      919

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Number of employees as at 31 dec
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              64                                                                                                                          900
                                                                                 0.17                  0.17                                                                               400000                                  Determined Unit Cost in €
                                                                                                                                          0.15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     868
                                                                       15                                             0.14                            0.14                    0.14 0.14                                                                       62                      61.79
                                                                                                                                                                   0.13                                                                                                                              60.95                                                                                850
                                                                                                                                                                                          300000                                                              60                                              60.04                                                                                                                                 829
                                                                       10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 58.74                                                                                                                                                797
                                                                                                                                                                                  0.08 200000                                                                 58                                                                          57.71                                           800                                                                    787
                                                                             5                                               0.04                                                 0.07                                                                                                                                                                                                    750
                                                                                        0.03                                        0.03 0.03                                             100000                                                              54
                                                                                                                                                           0.02 0.02
                                                                             0                                                               0.00                                         0                                                                   52                                                                                                                          700
                                                                                   2008           2009           2010         2011         2012      2013         2014          2015                                                                                   2014           2015           2016     2017        2018            2019                                                        2010         2011            2012             2013         2014          2015
                                                                                 ■■ KPI - All causes combined           ■ Target: all causes combined                                                                                                              Reduction of the Determined United Cost (DUC) of the en-route service in real
                                                                                 ■■ KPI - CRSTMP causes                 ■ Target CRSTMP causes                                                                                                                     terms (2009) proposed by Belgium and Luxembourg in the finance section of
                                                                                      Traffic                                                                                                                                                                      its performance plan submitted to the European Commission.
                                                                                 Without the impact of the power failure of 27 May 2015 Belgocontrol would have achieved
                                                                                 the target of average en-route delay reduction per flight by 0.05 minute

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Cooperation with                                                   27/05                                                                                             New version of the
                                                                                               Belgocontrol and Brussels Airport Company put the                                                                                                                               Defence                                                            An electrical problem                                                                             air traffic control
                                                                                               website on line, offering transparent data on the                                                                                                                       Signature of a framework                                           paralyses air traffic                                                                             software

                                                                                               current and expected use of runways, the trajectory taken                                                                                                                       agreement with Defence                                             above Belgium for                                                                                 After several years of
                                                                                               by aircraft around the airport and all useful information on                                                                                                                    and DGCA with a view to                                            several hours. Once                                                                               development, a new
                                                                                               the management of arrivals and departures.                                                                                                                                      integrating the Aeronautical                                       the problem resolved,                                                                             version of the software
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Information Publication                                            immediate action is                                                                               used to process flight

                                                                                               Air traffic controller recruitment:                                                                                                                                             (AIP) Office and publishing                                        taken to implement a                                                                              plans (Eurocat Version IV)
                                                                                               Launching of the new air traffic controller recruitment                                                                                                                         a common Civil and Military                                        structural continuity                                                                             is installed in the CANAC
                                                                                               procedure. 3.700 applicants attended the selection                                                                                                                              AIP.                                                               management system.                                                                                2 approach and en-route
                                                                                               procedure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           control centre.
mission vision strategy
 Mission                                                         Vision                                                                                                      Strategy
 “ Belgocontrol is responsible for the                           The air traffic control sector in Europe is constantly evolving in economic, technological and             In order to deliver its vision, Belgocontrol
 safety, efficiency, capacity and punctuality                    operational terms. Belgocontrol wishes to anticipate these evolutions proactively and shape                wants to have its services evolve quickly
 of the overflying and approaching air                           the air traffic control environment of tomorrow by achieving the following vision:                         in consultation with its customers by
 traffic. Belgocontrol also manages air                          “ Belgocontrol wants to continue playing an important role in air traffic in the heart of                  establishing a threefold strategy:
 traffic movements at the five Belgian                           the European airspace and for the Belgian airports, thanks to a high-performing and
 public airports. ”                                              innovative service provision in consultation with its stakeholders. ”                                      1) Solid partnerships: actively develop
                                                                                                                                                                                partnerships with the other air traffic actors
                                                                 Through this vision, Belgocontrol expresses its wish to be the privileged partner of airspace                  in Belgium and Europe.
                                                                 users and airports by providing them with high-quality, high-performance and innovative                    2) Reliable and efficient service provision:
                                                                 services.                                                                                                      develop new working means and methods
                                                                                                                                                                                focussing on innovation, proactivity, taking
                                                                                                                                                                                responsibility and transparency.
                                                                                                                                                                            3) A more flexible and participative
                                                                                                                                                                                organisation: develop together a work
                                                                                                                                                                                environment in which everyone can
                                                                                                                  ANTWERP                                                       give the best of themselves, where the                    9
                                                                                                                                                                                emphasis is on personal development,
                                                                                                              BRUSSELS                                                          and where employees take pride in their
                                                                                                                                   LIEGE                                        company.

                                                                                                                  CHARLEROI                                                 For this strategy to succeed, Belgocontrol
                                                                                                                                                                            will need every employee to commit and
                                                                                                                                                                            contribute to it.

                                                                 Airspace (≤ FL245) above Belgium and the
                                                                 Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Belgocontrol • Annual Report 2015
            New landing systems at Liege Airport                                                                      Reorganisation of                              Synergy between Defence and Belgocontrol
            Order of new instrument Landing Systems (ILS) for runways 05R/25L at                                      Belgocontrol                                   Finalisation of the strategic study on the implementation of

            Liege Airport, to allow for landing even in reduced visibility conditions.                                with the creation of a                         synergies between Defence and Belgocontrol as regards air

                                                                                                                      Directorate General Program                    traffic control.

            Security strengthened at Charleroi Airport                                                                & Project Delivery and an
            An agreement has been signed between Belgocontrol, SOWAER (the                                            airspace management cell,                      New approach procedure for Antwerp Airport
            Walloon Airport Company), Charleroi Airport and the Walloon Regional                                      ‘Airspace, Procedure Design                    Implementation of a first Required Navigation performance-
            Council to install an advanced surface, movement guidance and control                                     and Environment’.                              based approach procedure (RNP - Required Navigation
            system (A-SMGCS) at Charleroi Airport. This system will be used to guide                                                                                 Performance) in Belgium. This technique enables satellite
            pilots on the airport’s taxiways in all visibility conditions.                                                                                           data to be used to ensure far more precise navigation.
  towards ever more efficiency
performances 2015
Towards ever
more efficiency
The year 2015 posed new challenges
to Belgocontrol: it will have to meet the
new European performance indicators
included in the FABEC performance plan
by 2019 and implement its strategy to
optimise its services. 2015 will also be
remembered for the power failure which
took place on 27 May, disrupting air traffic
in Belgian airspace. This event created
a real awareness, which has lead to a           11
significant change in the way services
and their continuity are approached.
Belgocontrol is prepared to address the
challenges, having the means to make the
necessary investments, and to continue
implementing its strategy focused on its
customers, its mission and the quality
of service provided, towards ever more

                                                   Belgocontrol • Annual Report 2015
activity report 2015
                                                                                                                          just before the economic crisis took its toll on   Uneven growth in regional airports
                           movements                                                                                      air traffic, with a difference of just 2.8%.
                                                                                                                          This gap should close entirely in 2016.            In 2015, regional air traffic increased by +2.5%
                                                                                                                          According to forecasts made by                     across the 4 airports - Antwerp, Charleroi,
                                                                                                                          EUROCONTROL, the recovery should                   Liege and Ostend – achieving a grand total
                                                                                                                          continue, all be it with a light deceleration,     of 274,736 movements compared to 268,001
                                                                                                                          in the coming years.                               the year before.

                                                                                                                          Brussels Airport continues to climb                The positive trend witnessed in 2015 is
                                                                                                                                                                             different from what has been observed in
                                                                                                                          The traffic at Brussels Airport continued to       previous years: the airports of Antwerp and
                                                                                                                          climb in 2015 with a growth in traffic volumes     Ostend are growing while those in Liege and
                                                                                                                          of +3.38% compared to 2014. Here, air traffic      Charleroi are in decline. This applies to both
                                                                                                                          controllers at Belgocontrol managed                IFR traffic (commercial aviation) and VFR
                                                                                                                          239,349 movements compared to 231,528              traffic (general aviation). Antwerp has

                       Growth for
                                                                                                                          the year before. This progression in the           recorded the most significant growth
                                                                                                                          number of movements over two years is              rates (+11.67%) in particular with regard to
                                                                                                                          the result of growing competition between          commercial traffic (+26.66%). Ostend is also

                       the 2nd year running
                                                                                                                          the airlines, particularly low cost, new           performing well (+8.60%) with an increase
                                                                                                                          connections that have been added and the           of 19.08% in IFR traffic. This good perfor-
   12                                                                                                                     development of Brussels Airport as the ‘hub’       mance, generated by commercial traffic
                                                                                                                          of Star Alliance.                                  in particular, is due to the fact that Belgian
                                                                                                                                                                             companies like JetairFly and Thomas Cook
                                                                                                                          Apart from an upturn in 2011, the number of        have extended their offer at these airports.
                       In 2015, Belgocontrol managed a total of 1,083,128 movements, representing an                      movements had been in continuous decline
                       increase of +3.98% compared to traffic recorded in 2014. This growth is nearly twice               ever since 2008. The volumes in traffic now        On the other hand, Liege and Charleroi
                       the level recorded in 2014. The main driver has been the control centre CANAC 2                    seem to be growing more sustainably and            are both in decline at -3.09% and -2.38%
                       with an increase of +4.97% compared to 2014. Brussels Airport also increased nicely                are approaching the levels achieved in 2008,       respectively. This decline is particularly due
                       with +3.38% compared to the year before. The regional airports returned to growth,                 before the economic crisis affected air traffic.   to VFR traffic, as the commercial traffic at
                       achieving combined levels of +2.5%.                                                                                                                   these airports has little impact on these
                                                                                                                          The number of flights is now following the         figures (-0.91% and -0.97%). In 2015, the
                                                                                                                          upward trend in the number of passengers,          IFR traffic at these airports had been very
                       In 2015, the air traffic control centre CANAC 2,   This growth in traffic managed by CANAC 2       although progression is not at a comparable        variable, with ups and down in traffic from
                       which monitors the approach and en-route           is far greater than the average growth levels   rate. With 23.4 million passengers in 2015,        one month to the next.
                       air traffic up to flight level 245, controlled     recorded in FABEC’s control centres, which      Brussels Airport has now set a new frequency
                       569,043 movements, which is a remarkable           are at +2.48%.                                  record. The number of passengers has grown         In traffic terms, Charleroi remains the most
                       increase of +4.97% compared to 2014. The                                                           by +7.0% compared to 2014.                         important regional airport with 91,496
                       growth was positive throughout the year            This second consecutive year of growth is a                                                        movements in 2015 (IFR and VFR combined),
                       with some peaks (>5%) in the months of             stronger sign of the comeback of air traffic.   Looking at the year in more detail, the month      followed by Liege (64,520), Antwerp (62,889)
                       June, July and August and some records in          The volumes in air traffic managed by           of May was the only one with a light decline       and Ostend (55,831).
                       November (+8.11%) and December (+9.58%).           CANAC 2 are close to levels achieved in 2008,   in terms of movements (-0.37%).
performances 2015
Growth within FABEC                                      This is somewhat different to growth in the                is showing by far the biggest increase of         Munich on the other hand is positive (+0.8%).
                                                         airspace managed by LVNL (Netherlands)                     all FABEC’s major airports (those present         Zurich remained the only Swiss airport in
In 2015 FABEC witnessed a grand total of                 (+3.10%) and also the MUAC centre in                       in the top 20 of 41 member countries of           Europe’s top 20 in 2015 and was rather stable
5,612,328 flights, representing an increase              Maastricht (+2.48%), which manages the                     EUROCONTROL). This is followed by the             compared to 2014 (+0.3%). Despite a status
of 1.81% compared to 2014.                               upper airspace (above 24,500 feet) in                      Netherlands’ main airport, Schiphol, which        quo in terms of traffic levels (+0.2%), Geneva
                                                         Belgium-Luxembourg, the Netherlands and                    is growing by +2.9%. FABEC’s most popular         decreased to 21st place in the European top.
On a country basis, traffic volumes in                   the North-East of Germany. This means that                 airport, Paris Charles De Gaulle, is evolving
overflight are growing everywhere, as was                the most sustained growth (+4.97%) is from                 slightly with +0.9%. The second airport in        The average annual growth rate forecast by
the case in 2014. Once again the smallest                the airspace controlled by Belgocontrol.                   Paris, Orly, is growing a little stronger at      EUROCONTROL until 2021 in FABEC is +1.9%.
increase was in Germany (+1.64%), closely                                                                           +1.4%. Two out of the three German airports
followed by both France (+1.65%) and                     When it comes to airport traffic it is Brussels            in the European top 20 are in slight decline
Switzerland (+1.69%).                                    Airport, with its growth rate of +3.38%, that              (Frankfurt -0.2% and Dusseldorf -0.3%).

      CANAC 2 - Movements (in thousands)                                                    Regional airports - Movements (in thousands)

600                                                                                   400

550                                                                                   350

                                                    569,043                           300                                                                +2.5%

450                                                                                   250                                                           274,736
400                                                                                   200
      2003 04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15                        2003 04      05   06    07   08   09   10   11     12   13     14    15

      Brussels Airport - Movements (in thousands)                                           Regional airports - Movements IFR (in thousands)

300                                                                                    70

                                                                                             +19.08% +26.66%                       -0.91%           -0.97%
275                                                                                    50

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Belgocontrol • Annual Report 2015
                                                        +3.38%                         40



                                                        239,349                         0
      2003 04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15                            OSTEND             ANTWERP         CHARLEROI             LIEGE

                                                                                            ■ 2014 ■ 2015


activity report 2015
                       Interview                                                                                                   Thereafter, we offer them a simulation of costs,       that Belgocontrol is not sufficiently present in
                                                                                                                                   which not only includes the airport charges,           its relations with customers. For example, every

                       Léon                                                                                                        but also those demanded by air traffic control,
                                                                                                                                   and Belgocontrol has very attractive rates!
                                                                                                                                                                                          three months, an important meeting is held -
                                                                                                                                                                                          the AOC (Airline Operators Committee) and BAR

                       Verhallen                                                                                                   The reduced costs of Brussels Airport and
                                                                                                                                   Belgocontrol allow us to offer a very beneficial
                                                                                                                                   package to airlines.
                                                                                                                                                                                          (Board of Airline Representatives) attended by
                                                                                                                                                                                          both the operational and commercial managers
                                                                                                                                                                                          of the airlines, handling companies, airport etc.
                       Head of Aviation Marketing,
                       Brussels Airport
                                                                                                                                   When we then add the quality of the airport            The airport development projects are presented
                                                                                                                                   services, handling services and air traffic            there, like the Connector, or the runway
                                                                                               Click here for
                                                                                               the interview                       control offered by Belgocontrol, Brussels Airport      renovation works. This means that everyone
                                                                                                                                   becomes truly competitive. Belgocontrol is an          knows what’s going on and can act accordingly.
                                                                                                                                   asset in attracting airlines. But the most essential   If Belgocontrol were to attend, I suppose this
                                                                                                                                   criterion for a company still is that it must          would be appreciated. It could provide informa-
                         Belgocontrol is an asset                                                                                  have a profitable market there to be exploited         tion on its operative and technical projects and
                         in attracting airlines.                           namely the Brussels Airlines hub and its Star           and, therefore, also slots available at the times      show an even firmer commitment to the airport
                                                                           Alliance partners, the companies of all the             desired, in order to allow for connections with        community.
                                                                           national operators - Jetairfly and Thomas Cook          other flights.
                       Do you think the crisis that has                    Airlines - and, finally, the major long haul airlines
                       negatively affected air traffic growth              connecting Brussels Airport to the world’s largest      How did you deal with the blackout
   14                  in Europe since 2008 is behind us?                  airports. As a national airport, and the gateway        on 27 May 2015?
                                                                           into Belgium, we are responsible in this respect.
                       Yes, I do. Fuel prices are very low, which is a     We seek to play this role, striking a balance           I was on board a plane at that exact time,
                       good thing for the health of airlines and air       in the competition brought about by new                 waiting to take off. The pilot informed us of
                       traffic growth. The number of passengers            companies and our key client, Brussels Airlines.        the blackout and asked that we wait patiently.
                       has continued to grow throughout the crisis.        I am therefore optimistic for Brussels Airport          Finally, we returned to the terminal. There were       This interview took place before the March 22
                       People continue to travel and move around           and aviation in general and firmly believe that         a lot of people, but the atmosphere was relaxed.       attacks at Brussels Airport.
                       despite everything. If the number of flights        this growth will continue.*                             Passengers had been informed of the situation
                       has not mirrored this evolution, it is because                                                              and understood that these things do happen.
                       of the structural changes seen in the strategy      Does Belgocontrol play an important                     Belgocontrol quickly and correctly informed us
                       adopted by airlines, notably the renewal of         role in the development of Brussels                     and we were therefore able to relay this informa-
                       the fleet with larger aircraft and the increasing   Airport?                                                tion. The situation appeared to be under control
                       importance of maximizing the seat load factor.                                                              at all times. During the following days, there was
                       However, for the last two years, we have seen       It certainly does. The quality of air control           some confusion surrounding responsibilities, but
                       that the number of movements continues to           services is an integral part of the business cases      the main thing is that the services were restored
                       increase anyway, mainly due to the greater          we present to companies in promoting Brussels           fairly quickly.
                       competition between the low-cost companies          Airport.We are proud to tell these companies
                       such as Ryanair and Vueling, which have             that they need not fear punctuality issues at           What does Belgocontrol need to improve?
                       launched or extended their business at Brussels     Brussels Airport, which is one of Europe’s best,
                       Airport. Naturally, we continue to develop          and that runway taxi times are very short               Belgocontrol is an important partner for
                       the other three segments of our strategy too,       indeed. These are important factors for them.           Aviation Marketing. But I personally believe
performances 2015
                                                                          To garantee safety
                                                                          In 2015, Belgocontrol had to face an exceptional event: a power failure which
                                                                          required the evacuation of the airspace under its responsibility. Faced with such a
                                                                          large-scale incident, safety was always guaranteed. The company has gained in
                                                                          reputation and is now more than ever determined to pursue continuous
                                                                          improvement in all its services and processes, those relating to safety as a priority,
                                                                          and to go beyond the European objectives. Although the incident rate is slightly
                                                                          higher than in 2014, a year when Belgocontrol achieved the best result in its history,
                                                                          the safety culture and maturity of the Safety Management System (SMS) continue
                                                                          to steadily improve.

> More and more incidents, even      0.000554%, which is 5
   if minor, have been reported       incidents per million flights,        THE SMS’S THREE FIELDS OF ACTION. The safety management system (SMS)
   by the air traffic controllers     Belgocontrol is still                 relies on 3 proactive and responsive fields of action.                                                     15
   (680 compared to 622 in            well below its internal
   2014). After analysis, lessons     objective of 0.0015%.                 1. Proactive: the systematic analysis of               The BSA-ANS has carried out follow-up
   will be learned from them.                                                   the risk associated with change. Each               audits in the Belgocontrol facilities.
   This is the starting point for   > The safety culture has steadily          new system, procedure, technology, piece            No safety failings were found.
   continuous improvement.             improved by 9% in 2015.                  of equipment and operational concept is
                                                                                studied in depth from a safety point of view.     3. Reactive: t he reporting and the syste-
> A and B incidents for            > Belgocontrol continues to               In 2015, there were 51 change notifications           matic analysis of Safety Related Occurences
   which Belgocontrol bears            improve its scores in the Safety        sent to the BSA-ANS, the most important of            (SRO ). Each incident is reported and filed.
   responsibility have slightly        Maturity Survey, showing the            which concerned a new software version                It is then analysed to see what lessons can
   increased compared to 2014.         increasing maturity of its              for the CANAC 2 air traffic control centre,           be learned and to avoid a similar incident
   Unfortunately 2 category A          Safety Management System.               the monthly validation procedures for                 occurring again.
   and 4 category B incidents                                                  diesel generators, revision of the ‘Leuven
   were registered. This rate       > The Safety Management                   Rechtdoor’ departure route and the                   In 2015, 680 incidents were reported.
   still remains extremely             Unit (SMU) and Quality                  precision approach procedures at Antwerp             Among these, Belgocontrol bears responsi-

                                                                                                                                                                                          Belgocontrol • Annual Report 2015
   low. It is the 3rd best score       departments have been                   and Charleroi airports.                              bility for 54 incidents including 2 in category
  over the last 10 years.              merged into a Safety & Quality                                                               A (severe), 4 in category B (major), 6 in
                                       Service in order to maximise         2. Proactive: permanent audit of the safety            category C (significant) and 42 in category E
> With a proportion of A and          collaboration. The company’s             level. Internal and external audits are carried     (no impact on safety).
   B incidents per number of           ISO 9001 certificate was                 out to identify the processes with the
   movements that reached              renewed in December.                     highest risk level and take corrective actions.
activity report 2015
                       Incident rate                                                           An increasingly integrated safety                                          This means that the air traffic controllers have                                                                                                                              “Just Culture” aims to promote reporting
                                                                                               culture                                                                    increasingly integrated the need to report                                                                                                                                    events associated with safety by the air traffic
                       The performance indicator used by                                                                                                                  every incident, even the most minor.                                                                                                                                          controllers. It is based on the principle that
                       Belgocontrol sets the objective of not                                  For the 6th consecutive year, the number of                                                                                                                                                                                                              an air traffic controller will not be blamed for
                       exceeding 1 category A or B incident per                                incidents reported has increased. It went                                  The safety culture has steadily improved since                                                                                                                                actions or decisions which are consistent with
                       100,000 movements controlled. This means                                from 622 in 2014 to 680 in 2015. This 9%                                   the Safety Management System was set up                                                                                                                                       his experience and training.
                       that A and B incidents should represent less                            increase does not mean there have been                                     in 2004. Despite a certain maturity in the
                       than 0.0010% of movements controlled.                                   more incidents, but rather that they are                                   system, this culture is continually increasing                                                                                                                                At the same time, other actions will be
                       In 2015, with a score of 0.000554%, which                               reported more systematically by the air traffic                            due in particular to better reporting tools, fast                                                                                                                             undertaken by Belgocontrol so as to continue
                       is about 5 A and B incidents per million                                controllers. Many more incidents which have                                follow-up and the management’s use of the                                                                                                                                     with reinforcing the safety culture in the
                       movements, Belgocontrol shows an excellent                              no impact on safety (category E) have been                                 Just Culture principles.                                                                                                                                                      company such as reviewing responsibilities in
                       result given the increase in traffic compared                           reported.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                regard to safety, on-going training at all levels
                       to previous years.

                            Evolution of the proportion of A and B incidents compared                                       Evolution of the number of category                                                                                                                                    Number of incidents reported (per year) by Belgocontrol air
                            to number of movements (%)                                                                      A (severe) and B (major) incidents                                                                                                                                     traffic controllers
                       20                                                                                              25                                                                                                                                                      700                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              100

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               600                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              80
                                                                                                                       20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      680
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               500                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              60
                                                                                                                       15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       40

                                                                                                                       10                                                                                                                                                      300                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              20

                        5                                                                                               5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               200                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              9%              0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               100                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -20
                                                                                     0.000554%                          0                                                                                                                                                              0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -40
                             00   01   02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09    10   11   12   13       14   15              00   01   02    03   04       05   06   07    08   09   10   11    12   13   14             15                                                                          00                 01                  02                03                  04               05                    06                   07                  08                09                 10            11                 12                    13               14          15

                            ■ Max accepted 0.0015 ■ A&B ~ Mvmts ■ Target < 0.0010                                           ■A ■B                                                                                                                                                                  ■ Σ Belgocontrol ATCO reported occurences ■ % Δ
                            With 6 incidents (A and B) per million movements, Belgocontrol obtains a                                                                                                                                                                                               The number of incidents reported has increased from 622 in 2014 to 680 in
                            very good score of 0.000554 % . Thereby Belgocontrol reaches a substantial                                                                                                                                                                                             2015. This increase of 9% does not mean that there are much more incidents,
                            lower score than the safety target (0.0010%) and the tolerance threshold                                                                                                                                                                                               but that they are more systematically reported by the air traffic controllers.
                            of 0.0015%.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Types of reported occurences by all ATS units 2015
                        EVOLUTION OF INCIDENTS (SRO - SAFETY RELATED OCCURENCES) ACCORDING TO SEVERITY                                                                                                    225
                                                       2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     EBOS
                                                                                                                                                                                                          150                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EBLG
                        A - Severe                          9         4         6         1         7         1    1    6          5         5         2         3          2         1         2
                                                                                                                                                                                                          125                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EBCI
                        B - Major                          10         9         6         5         5        10    7    9         11         4         7         4          3         3         4
                                                                                                                                                                                                          100                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EBAW
                        C - Significant                     2         2         3         6         5        11   12   12          9         8         8         8          7        12         6          75
                        D - Non determined                  3         1         2         4         0         3    5    1          0         2         0         0          0         0         0          50
                        E - No impact on safety             3         1         2         2         4         6   11    4          3         3     12           16         16        11        42          25
                                                                                                                                                                                                            0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EBBR TWR
                        TOTAL                              27        17        19     18       21            31   36   32         28        22     29           31         28        27        54                                                             t                           t                      ion                  ion                     ion                         R                          s                             s                     ion                     nce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         s                         s                       s              ers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                am                       en                          en                      t                   rs                      rs                          CL                        ure                           ort                     s                                              ue                       ort                      od
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 m                       ara                 ncu                     xcu
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 C                         d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    t re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         p                       nfu                     pli
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ss                      rep                       th                 Oth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     e                      rin                         rin                        sep                  Yi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              AT                       oce                                                  co                      om                 SS                         AS                          me
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Las                    inf                         inf                         te                                                Ye                       fm                       pr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               en                      gn                      nc                                            TC                          ng
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ua                          RW                   RW                          on                   AT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              M                                                llsi                       no                                                                       rki
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ace                   t   ion                     eq                                                                     vi   ati                                               Ac                       Ca                                                                                              Wo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     sp                           ara                     Ina
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              d                                                                       de                          nf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     m                                                                            LoA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            sep                                                                                                 CFT                       ati
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    um                                                                                                      A                        vi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              nim                                                                                                                          FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mi                                                                                                                           AC
performances 2015
of the organisation, improvement of internal       • E xecuting the national action plan reducing     An increasingly mature Safety                                      But Belgocontrol wants to go further than
communication of information connected               the risk of intrusion into airspace (Airspace     Management System (SMS)                                            just complying with the European objectives
with safety and assessing the contribution of        Infringement Risk).                                                                                                  in regard to safety. It aims to achieve a score
these different actions to the safety culture.                                                         Each year, Belgocontrol cooperates with the                        of 5 for a maximum of objectives and even be
                                                   In regard to intrusions into airspace without       EoSM – Effectiveness of Safety Management                          ‘Best in class’ when it can.
A special study is in progress in collaboration    authorisation, the coordinated action               - an audit intended to measure the effective-
with EUROCONTROL to determine trends in            between the General Directorate for Civil           ness of its safety management. 26 objectives                       A power failure, no impact on safety
regard to the safety culture.                      Aviation (SPF Mobility), the Defence Air            spread over 11 domains are scrutinised and
                                                   Component, EUROCONTROL, Belgocontrol                a score of 1 (the lowest) to 5 (the highest)                       This is a technical incident of the utmost
Most frequent incidents                            and the sporting and recreational aviation          is assigned to them. In 2015, Belgocontrol                         severity which occurred on 27 May 2015.
                                                   federations have led to concrete actions.           obtained a score of 3 for 7 of                                     It made the CANAC 2 control centre’s radar
Belgocontrol’s responsibility is only involved                                                         the 26 objectives, 4 for 12 objectives and                         (for approach and en-route traffic) and radio
in a minority of incidents (54 out of 680,         In 2014 after publication of a brochure             5 for 7 objectives. This is a clear improvement                    communication systems unavailable. Brussels
being 7.9%). Just like last year, in 2015 the      intended to make the VFR pilots aware of this       compared to 2014 since 2 additional                                and the regional airports’ control towers were
most frequent type of incident concerned           issue, data from a survey of pilots between         objectives obtained the maximum score                              able to continue operating at full capacity.
attempts to blind pilots or air traffic control-   April 2013 and May 2015 was studied.                of 5. Belgocontrol will continue to develop                        Due to the operational and technical staff’s
lers with laser pointers. Intrusion into an        This survey clearly showed the relationship         its Safety Management System in order                              skills and efficient cooperation of neighbour-
airspace by VFR (Visual Flight Rules - visual      between intrusion into airspace, the location,      to achieve a score of at least 4 with all the                      ing control centres, air traffic safety was never
flight) pilots without prior authorisation is      time, weather conditions and the pilot’s            objectives, as imposed for the European                            compromised.
the second most frequent type of incident.         experience. This data will help better focusing     Commission for 31 December 2019.
These two phenomena affect regional                the actions.                                                                                                           The final report on incident management              17
airports in particular, but not exclusively.                                                                                                                              showed certain points for improving, like
                                                   Systematic and standardised analysis                                                                                   the audit of all critical systxems, contingency
Belgocontrol’s systematic incident reporting       of incidents                                                                                                           procedures, regular training in use of backup
                                                                                                        Maturity of the SMS
has contributed to dealing with these                                                                   (Safety Management System).                                       systems.
problems, now recognised as risks for aviation     Systematic analysis of reported incidents is         Number of targets per maturity level.
and integrated into the national safety plan.      crucial. It not only encourages the air traffic      25                                                                All the information drawn from this incident
                                                   controllers to report all the incidents, but also                                                                      has been brought into specific continuing
The follow-up of systematic reporting of           and most importantly enables determining             20                                                                improvement projects to further improve the
these incidents means that these remain            their cause and taking the necessary meas-                                                                             quality of service and our top priority, safety.
action priorities for the official authorities.    ures to ensure they do not occur again.
The national safety plan has defined the           To assess the severity of these incidents,                                       7                  7
operational objectives in order to reduce the      since 2010 Belgocontrol has been using the             5

occurrence of the most frequent incidences.        standardised Risk Analysis Tool (RAT), and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Belgocontrol • Annual Report 2015
Performing certain objectives involves close
collaboration from Belgocontrol, in particular:
                                                   is therefore complying with the European
                                                   objective which required use of this tool by
                                                                                                                • • • • •
                                                                                                                   1        2         3        4         5

• Pointing lasers at aircraft;                    December 2014 at the latest. The severity of          Scores obtained by Belgocontrol’s Safety Management
• Implementing the European Action Plan           an incident is determined by several criteria         System for the 26 targets of the Safety Maturity Survey
                                                                                                         (1 being the lowest, 5 the highest). Following an audit by the
   for the Prevention of Runway Incursions         such as vertical and/or horizontal separation         Belgian Supervisory Authority (BSA), these results have been
   - EAPPRI;                                       and the level of control over the separation.         sent to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
activity report 2015
                       Interview                                                                                                                                                            traffic controllers to explain to them why they
                                                                                                                                                                                            are needed, and why it is in both their own and

                       Aliénor                                                                                                                                                              everybody else’s interest, because it involves air
                                                                                                                                                                                            traffic safety. They are also invited to discuss the

                       de Vareilles                                                                                                                                                         problems they encounter in their everyday work

                                                                                                                                                                                            and what should be improved. It is absolutely
                       Process & Monitoring Manager DGO                                                                                                                                     essential to build a relationshipt of trust. I also
                                                                                                                                                                                            play a part in training courses by indicating the

                       Etienne                                                                   Click here for                                          Click here for
                                                                                                                                                                                            safety aspects that need to be included in them.

                       Paquay                                                                                                                                                               Etienne : The diversity and importance of this
                                                                                                 the interview                                           the interview
                                                                                                                                                                                            work for Belgocontrol, and more generally for
                       Monitoring Manager DGS                                                                                                                                               the contribution to safety of air navigation.
                                                                                                                                1                                                     2
                                                                                                                                                                                            Without this work done in compliance with
                                                                                                                                                                                            regulatory requirements concerning safety, our
                                                                            and Systems - ndlr), we need to co-operate                paid to our role, in particular with agreement to     equipment and the whole company would not
                                                                            closely in our job. When a change occurs at               further tests before commissioning.                   be certified, and Belgocontrol could not fulfil its
                         Safety Assessments:                                Belgocontrol, three aspects need to be consid-                                                                  obligations. I have a great deal of contact with
                         “a vital part of implementing                      ered: equipment, users and procedures.                    Etienne: The new version of the Eurocat               our regulator (BSA-ANS) as well as with
                         Belgocontrol’s mission”.                           A system change often results in a modification           software, of course, but it was an operational        equipment manufacturers. We act in total
   18                                                                       of procedure or working methods, which in turn            challenge rather than a technical one. In my          transparency, since the aim is to put in place
                                                                            need to be assessed from the safety point of view.        area, the ILS (Instrument Landing System) at          certified, safe equipment, and ensure that my
                       What role do you play in safety?                                                                               Liege airport, which will enable landing in poor      colleagues can maintain it and use it following
                                                                            Then there is the whole certification aspect.             visibility conditions, was a major project.           tried-and-tested procedures.
                       Aliénor : Our role is to analyse the risks           Safety assessments are rigorous documents
                       associated with changes. For my part, these are      that follow international regulations. They in            What motivates you in this work?                      We provide real assistance to colleagues in their
                       operational type changes, such as working            turn impose standardised procedures, on the                                                                     day-to-day work. It is very rewarding. We are
                       procedures and methods used by air traffic           basis of which Belgocontrol is certified as an air        Aliénor : It’s a highly rewarding job, because        available for them whenever they need to carry
                       controllers. I provide support concerning the        navigation service provider by its regulator, the         you see the company from end to end - from the        out a change to a system, and we explain the
                       rules to be followed, so that an operational         BSA-ANS (Belgian Safety Authority for Air                 air traffic controller who manages the traffic to     safety aspects that need to be taken into
                       change is applied with due regard to safety.         Navigation Services). Consequently, this work is          the technician who maintains the systems.             account for the specific action they have to carry
                       I contribute to compiling what we call safety        essential for Belgocontrol to fulfil its obligations.     As safety is embedded at all levels of the            out, as well as the added value of the process.
                       assessments. It is one of the Safety                                                                           company, we are in contact with every level,
                       Management System’s (SMS) practical                  Outstanding examples in 2015?                             and it is really rewarding to participate so widely   We’ve produced a coaching tool that summaris-
                       applications in the operational area.                                                                          in the organisation. The human factor also plays      es the project process, training, interoperability...
                                                                            Aliénor: Putting version 4 of the Eurocat                 a major part. It is collaborative work. I provide
                       Etienne : My work is very similar, but it focuses    software into operation for use in the CANAC 2            support concerning the rules relating to safety       So we also play a part in strengthening the
                       on changes for equipment, systems, software,         control centre. It was an extremely important             that must be adopted to implement a change.           safety culture, monitoring procedures and
                       etc: - in other words, on air traffic controllers’   project for the company, given that it affects the        So we take time to work on the safety culture         reporting any problems encountered.
                       tools. Even though we report to different            very core of air traffic control. In addition, I really   and promotion by holding information                  We are totally open-minded and willing to listen.
                       departments in the organisation (Operations          was able to see that special attention was being          workshops, lots of communication with the air         This is an essential part of our work.
performances 2015
Do you take part in investigations
following an incident?                                                                                     capacity
Aliénor : Not directly, since my safety           Etienne : The situation is slightly different in the
practitioners team is part of the same            DG Systems because the safety practitioners
department as the air traffic controllers and,    are also trained as investigators for techni-
under a regulation of the EASA (European          cal-type incidents. As they do not work directly
Aviation Safety Agency), investigators must be    on the ground, they can carry out their tasks
independent. It is in order to comply with this   totally independently.
obligation that the SMU (Safety Management
Unit) created the OSU (Operational Safety Unit)
which does not report to the operational
management and which carries out, impartially,
the investigations that follow an incident.
However, we participate after the investigation

                                                                                                         The en-route delay
in order to implement the recommendations
and changes recommended by the investigation

                                                                                                         affected by                                                                                   19

                                                                                                         the 27 May incident
                                                                                                         For 2015, Belgocontrol failed to achieve its aim to reduce en-route delays.
                                                                                                         The main cause for this failure is the impact of the power cut experienced on
                                                                                                         27 May 2015, which paralysed Belgian airspace and forced air traffic controllers
                                                                                                         to apply the “clear the sky” procedure consisting of the diversion of all flights to
                                                                                                         the nearest airports and airspaces. At no time was traffic safety compromised.
                                                                                                         But the numerous regulations issued at the time caused major delays. Without
                                                                                                         the impact of this event, Belgocontrol would have achieved its aim and made a
                                                                                                         positive contribution towards the performance recorded by FABEC. By contrast,
                                                                                                         Belgocontrol fully achieved its aims relating to the delay in arrivals at airports.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Belgocontrol • Annual Report 2015
                                                                                                         The reduction of en-route delays:             (2015-2019), the European Commission
                                                                                                         a common target for FABEC                     kept the average ATFM en-route delay
                                                                                                                                                       per flight as an indicator. Delays are
                                                                                                         In order to measure performance in capacity   effectively a considerable cost for airlines
                                                                                                         during this second reference period           and have a negative impact on the
activity report 2015
                                                                                                        environment, resulting in unnecessary fuel                        CANAC 2 to 0.08 minute per flight in 2015, of
                                                                                                        consumption.                                                      all causes combined, and to just 0.07 minute
                       > I mpact of the 27/05 failure on         phenomena, and which                                                                                    per flight for CRSTMP causes. These objectives
                          the en-route delay: 66% of the          Belgocontrol can control.             Performance in capacity is assessed by the                        are by far the most ambitious set by FABEC.
                          en-route delay for 2015 was                                                   Performance Review Body of the European
                          generated on 27 May following         > FABEC fails to reach its target:     Commission, at the level of FABs (Functional                      During the 3 years of the 1st reference period
                          the power cut caused by a                the global objective of FABEC to     Airspace Blocks) and on the basis of their                        (2012-2014), Belgocontrol fully achieved its
                          monthly inspection of a back-up          reduce the en-route delays           performance plan. The performance of FABEC                        aims with en-route delays that were almost
                          generator.                               established in the 2015              as a whole will be assessed with regards to                       null (0.03 minute per flight in 2012; 0.08 in
                          The impact of this event took the        performance plan consisted of        two separate aims: the en-route delay of                          2013 and 0.02 in 2014). The 2015 failing of
                          average en-route delay per flight        limiting the average en-route        all causes combined and the delay caused                          this objective was due purely to the power
                          generated by Belgocontrol to             delay to 0.48 minute per flight      exclusively by CRSTMP (C-Capacity, R-Routing,                     failure experienced on 27 May 2015, which
                          0.14 minute per flight, thereby          (all causes combined) and to         S-Staffing, T-Equipment, M-Airspace                               paralysed air traffic and forced Belgocontrol
                          causing it to fail to achieve its        0.37 minute per flight for           management, P-Special events) aspects, over                       air traffic controllers to issue numerous traffic
                          aim to reduce delays, set as             CRSTMP causes. In 2015, FABEC        which service providers can have a direct                         regulations so as to free up the airspace.
                          0.07 minute per flight for 2015          recorded an average delay of         influence. This latter objective is connected                     Regulations generating major delays.
                          (causes classed as CRSTMP                0.70 minute per flight and           with a financial incentive system. For 2015,
                          - C-Capacity, R-Routing,                 0.48 minute per flight for           FABEC has set itself the aim of not exceeding                     In actual fact, 66% of the en-route delays in
                          S-Staffing, T-Equipment,                 CRSTMP causes.                       0.48 minute’ en-route delay per flight, of                        2015 were caused on 27 May. The impact of
                          M-Airspace management,                                                        various causes combined. The target is set                        this incident took the average en-route delay
   20                     P-Special events). Without this       > Objectives achieved at the           as 0.37 minute per flight for CRSTMP causes                       to 0.14 minute per flight. Without this failure,
                          failure, Belgocontrol would have         airports: the 2nd reference          only. The objective is FABEC’s contribution                       Belgocontrol would have achieved its target,
                          achieved its aim and scored a            period (2015-2019) concerning        towards the European global target of                             scoring 0.05 minute per flight and would
                          fantastic 0.05 minute per flight.        the assessment of the perfor-        0.5 minute per flight.
                                                                   mance of air navigation service                                     ATFM en-route delay per flight - yearly performance
                       > The most ambitious target: as            providers by the European
                                                                                                                                       ATFM en-route delay per flight (in minutes)                                       Number of en-route movements
                          for the 1st reference period (2012-      Commission introduced target         Impact of the                  30                                                                                                       700000
                          2014), Belgocontrol takes a              delay reductions dealing             27 May failure
                          far-off look a the most                  specifically with the manage-                                       25            0.24

                          ambitious objective set by               ment of arrivals at airports. In     In the extension of the                                                                                                                 500000
                          FABEC, so as to make a best              the FABEC performance plan,          FABEC objective relating       20
                                                                                                                                            0.17       0.17
                          possible contribution towards            Belgocontrol has two goals: to       to en-route capacity, each                                               0.15
                                                                                                                                       15                        0.14
                          the global objective and,                limit the average delay per flight   member was assigned                                                                      0.13 0.14 0.14
                          beyond that, the European one.           (for CRSTMP causes only) to          a contribution to the          10                                                                                                0.09
                                                                                                                                                                                                          0.08    0.08    0.08    0.08
                          This target is for en-route delays       0.12 minute at Brussels Airport      objective. To make a                                                            0.08                                                    200000

                          per flight, due to all causes            and to 0.06 minute at Liege          positive contribution           5
                                                                                                                                                                           0.03 0.03
                                                                                                                                                                                                          0.07    0.07     0.07   0.07   0.07
                          combined, to reach 0.08 minute,          Airport. These two goals were        to the FABEC objective,
                                                                                                                                                                                           0.02 0.02
                          whereas those due to CRSTMP              achieved as Belgocontrol             Belgocontrol needs to           0                                                                                                       0
                                                                                                                                             2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
                          causes, should reach 0.07                successfully limited these delays    reduce the average ATFM
                                                                                                                                      ■■ KPI - En-route delay per flight (all causes combined) ■ Annual target (all causes combined)
                          minute per flight, i.e. those that       respectively to 0.06 and             delay generated by its        ■■ KPI - En-route delay per flight (CRSTMP causes)       ■ Annual target (CRSTMP causes)
                          do not stem from external                0.00 minute per flight.              national control centre          En-route traffic
performances 2015
therefore, as in 2014, have achieved the best                                       requiring the mobilisation of operative teams,                                  per flight at Brussels Airport and 0.06 minute                                  not only the control towers of the five public
result within FABEC.                                                                particularly for training, also tend to make                                    at Liege Airport. Only CRSTMP causes, namely                                    airports, but also the flight offices of these
                                                                                    capacity management more complex.                                               those over which Belgocontrol can have an                                       airports and the CANAC 2 control centre for
FABEC fails to reach its target                                                                                                                                     influence, are considered for this indicator                                    approach and en-route traffic control.
                                                                                    These factors impact the reduction in the                                       connected with a financial incentive.                                           The AMS implements the concept of
FABEC did not reach its objective for this 2                            nd
                                                                                    en-route delay, just as does increased air                                                                                                                      Collaborative Decision Making (CDM),
reference period (2015-2019) as it records                                          traffic. The denser the traffic, the greater the                                These objectives were achieved in 2015, as                                      enabling a permanent exchange of informa-
an average cumulative ATFM delay en-route                                           risk of bottlenecks. This increase has come                                     the average ATFM arrival delay per flight was                                   tion between the various players in the chain
of 0.70 minute per flight for miscellaneous                                         to 3.98% for Belgocontrol as compared with                                      just 0.06 minute at Brussels Airport and zero                                   of airport activities, so as to best manage
causes, whereas it had aimed to not exceed                                          2014, meaning 115 flights more per day, and                                     at Liege Airport (0.00 minute).                                                 punctuality.
0.48. If only CRSTMP causes are considered,                                         to 1.81% for FABEC, namely 270 extra flights
FABEC approaches the target, yet still fails to                                     each day.                                                                       The punctuality at the airports is an impor-                                    Thus in 2015, taxi time was less than
achieve it: 0.48 minute per flight instead                                                                                                                          tant factor in facilitating their development                                   15 minute for 96.59% of all flights (97.83%
of 0.37.                                                                            Punctuality at the airports:                                                    and allowing them to offer optimal service.                                     in 2014) and 94.09% of take-offs took place
                                                                                    objectives fully achieved                                                       Alongside the new European indicators relat-                                    within the 3-minute tolerance period in
It should be noted that these objectives                                                                                                                            ing to arrivals, Belgocontrol kept indicators to                                respect of the scheduled time (89.17% in
are extremely ambitious and that other                                              The 2nd reference period has introduced                                         assess and improve punctuality in departures                                    2014).
objectives in other areas, such as cost-                                            new key performance indicators in the area                                      at Brussels Airport.
efficiency, tend to have a negative influence                                       of capacity: the average ATFM arrival delay
on pcapacity performance. The evolution                                             per flight at the airports. For Belgocontrol,                                   The management of punctuality at Brussels
of European ATM systems brought about                                               only Brussels Airport and Liege Airport are                                     Airport means considerable involvement                                                                                                                     21
by the SESAR programme and the im-                                                  concerned. Two separate goals have been                                         of AMS, the tower air traffic control system
provements to the FABEC airspace design                                             fixed: not to exceed 0.12 minute in delay                                       developed by Belgocontrol, which equips

Average ATFM en-route delay per flight by FABEC ANSP                                                 Average ATFM arrival delay per flight at Brussels Airport                                                   Average ATFM arrival delay per flight at Liege Airport

         0.08          0.18          0.37          0.35          0.22        0.16       0.48         Delay in arrival per flight (in minutes)                                   Number of arrivals (movements)   Delay in arrival per flight (in minutes)                                    Number of arrivals (movements)
         0.07          0.14          0.29          0.27          0.17        0.14       0.37
1.00                                                                                                 1.80                                                                                               140000   0.80                                                                                                 20000
0.90                                0.86                                                             1.60                                                                                                        0.70                                                                                                 18000
0.80                                                                                                                                                                                                   130000
                                                                                                     1.40                                                                                                                                                                                                             16000
                                                                                       0.70                                                          1.26                                                        0.60
0.70                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  14000
                                           0.61                                                      1.20                                                                                              120000
0.60                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  12000
                                                                                              0.48   1.00                              0.88
0.50                                                                                                                     0.84                                                                          110000    0.40                                                                                                 10000
                                                                                                     0.80 0.65                                                                                                          0.30
0.40                  0.34                                                                                                                                                                                       0.30                                                                                                 8000
                                                                                                     0.60                                                                                              100000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Belgocontrol • Annual Report 2015
0.30                         0.23                                                                                                                                                                                                     0.20                                                                            6000
                                                  0.21                                               0.40                                                                                                        0.20                                             0.14
0.20   0.14 0.14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4000
                                                         0.11   0.09 0.07 0.09 0.06                                                                    0.12     0.12     0.12      0.12
                                                                                                                                                                                                       90000                                        0.09
0.10                                                                                                 0.20                                                                                     0.11               0.10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               0.03                                0.06         0.06    0.06     0.06         0.06    2000
                                                                                                                 0.01           0.07          0.03         0.06                                                                              0.00          0.00       0.00                                            0
0.00                                                                                                 0.00                                                                                              80000     0.00
       Belgocontrol    MUAC          DSNA           DFS         Skyguide     LVNL        FABEC                2012         2013         2014           2015      2016    2017      2018       2019                        2012          2013          2014          2015       2016     2017    2018          2019
■ ■ KPI (all causes combined)                    ■ ■ KPI (CRSTMP causes)                           ■■ KPI - Arrival delay per flight                       ■■ A
                                                                                                                                                                  nnual target (CRSTMP causes)                  ■■ KPI - Arrival delay per flight                          ■■ A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 nnual target (CRSTMP causes)
■  Annual target                                ■  Annual target (CRSTMP causes)                      (all causes combined)                                   Number of arrivals                                  (all causes combined)                                      Number of arrivals
     (all causes combined)                                                                           ■■ KPI - Arrival delay per flight                                                                          ■■ KPI - Arrival delay per flight
                                                                                                         (CRSTMP causes)                                                                                             (CRSTMP causes)
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