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WELCOME TO BATH COLLEGE                                                    Contents
and our full-time prospectus for                                           COLLEGE INFORMATION
                                                                            • You don’t have to stay at school
                                                                            • Student Life
the 2022/23 academic year.                                                  • Choosing the right course
                                                                            • Understanding courses
                                                                            • Your study programme                          9
Welcome to Bath College and our full-time prospectus for 2022/2023          • New GCSE Grades			                            11
                                                                            • Where could college take you?                13
academic year. We are glad that you’re interested in finding out more       • A Route to University                        15
about what we offer and how we could be part of your future. Here at        • T Levels                                     17
                                                                            • Student Support                              19
Bath College, we invite you to ‘Start Your Journey’ with us because we      • Additional Learning Support                  21
have so many different courses at different levels, offering a starting     • Course Fees and Financial Support            23
                                                                            • FAQ’s25
place for all, enabling you to make important decisions about your          • Information for Parents and Carers           27
education and career.                                                       • The West of England Institute of Technology  31
                                                                            • Code of Conduct			                            33
At Bath College we are committed to developing and nurturing your           • Access to Higher Education                   37
talents; so as well as a range of courses and apprenticeships, we also      • Foundation Learning                          41
support elite athletes, musicians, theatre performers and many more.       THE ARTS
                                                                            • Art and Design                               47
Whatever your goal, be it university, employment, setting up your           • Creative Media Production                    57
own business or excelling in your area of expertise, we will be here to     • Music61
                                                                            • Theatre65
help you along the way with careers guidance, welfare support, great       BUSINESS AND SERVICE INDUSTRIES
teaching, learning and assessment and lots of opportunities to make         • The Academy of Business                      69
your time at College even more enjoyable.                                   • Animal Care                                  75
                                                                            • Catering and Hospitality                     81
Our two campuses are great places to learn, and we are very                 • Computing85
                                                                            • Early Years                                  89
proud of the fact that they have friendly, supportive and welcoming         • Hair, Beauty & Complementary Therapies       91
atmospheres. Our Somer Valley campus in Westfield near Radstock is          • Health and Social Care                      103
                                                                            • Sport and Sport Science                     109
located in lovely countryside and our City Centre campus is right in the    • Travel and Tourism                          115
middle of beautiful Bath. We have invested heavily in both campuses         • Uniformed Protective Services               119
over the last few years and students and staff enjoy some great            THE TRADES
learning facilities and inspiring surroundings.                             • Air Conditioning and Refrigeration          123
                                                                            • Construction in the Built Environment       123
                                                                            • Construction Trades                         127
If you’re interested in finding out more, contact us, join one of our       • Engineering137
open events or pop in and book a campus tour. We very much look             • Motor Vehicle                               141
forward to hearing from you and really hope you will start your             • Plumbing and Electrical Engineering         145
journey with us.                                                           COLLEGE INFORMATION
                                                                            • Why Choose Bath College?                    151
                                                                            • Campus Information                          153
                                                                            • Somer Construction Centre                   157
With best wishes,                                                           • Our Academies                               159
Jayne Davis                                                                 • 14-16 Provision                             161
Principal and Chief Executive, Bath College                                 • Information for International Students      167
                                                                            • Travelling to College                       171
                                                                            • Library and Learning Resources Centres      172
                                                                            • Index173                                          @bathcollege
                                                                            • Apply online now                            175
You don’t have to
    stay in school
    College is about being the best you can be and
    preparing yourself for the rest of your life.
    It’s also about a once-in-a-lifetime experience,
    making new friends, trying new things and finding
    out more about yourself.
    Under Government
    guidelines, young
                                  Why choose                   Flexibility
                                                               Self-directed study is
    people must now stay          college?                     a key part of post-16
    in education or training                                   studying, meaning most
    until the age of 18. This     Specialisation               students are in college
    is to help you build the      Learning something           only 3/3.5 days per week.
    necessary skills and gain     you’re passionate about      This also gives you the
    meaningful experiences        is exciting and will make    opportunity to find a
    that will support you on      your career amazing.         part-time job, or volunteer
    your career path and to                                    somewhere.
                                  As a leading vocational
    reach your potential.
                                  college, we offer the
    You therefore have four       opportunity to focus on      Change in
    options to choose from        one subject area and
    when you finish Year 11, as   study it in great detail.
                                                               At Bath College you are
    you enter a stage known
                                  Learn from respected         treated like an adult and
    as post-16 education or
                                  industry experts and         will be expected to act
    Key Stage 5:
                                  combine theory with          like one.
    • Come to college
        to study a full-time
                                  practical study.
                                                               You control your destiny!     Work-based study
                                                               We will support you,
        academic or vocational
        programme.                Progression                  but we want you to own        Apprenticeships            Traineeships               Working and
                                                               your career and learning
    •   Study full-time at        All our programmes offer
                                                                                             Great progression rates    Meaningful, high quality   part-time study
        school if they have a     the opportunity to move                                    into employment and        work placements lasting    You’ll need to work a
        sixth form.               into employment or                                         combine your study with    up to 6 months that        minimum of 20 hours per
    •   Start a work-based        further study.                                             work so you can earn       prepare you for an         week and be studying
        training programme                                                                   whilst you learn.          apprenticeship.
                                  A large number of our                                                                                            part-time at college.
        in the form of an
                                  programmes carry UCAS                                      Many apprenticeships are
        apprenticeship or
                                  points and therefore                                       now completely work-
                                  allow you to progress on
    •   Combine employment                                                                   based; you don’t even
                                  to university-level study.
        with part-time study                                                                 need to come to college.

1                                                                                                                                                                            2
Student Life
    College is so much more than just your course, it’s a
    place to have fun, meet new people and experience
    new things. At Bath College we have a Students’
    Union and a dedicated team to put on a variety of
    activities for students to get involved in and make
    the most of College Life.

     Each campus has its own student social space where you can relax, play pool,
     socialise with friends or get refreshments. The Student Welfare and Participation   Socialise…
     Team and Students’ Union are also based around this area and they will be able      The Students’ Union run lots of fun events and tasters over the year, from
     to keep you up to date with what’s going on around campus.                          Freshers’ Fairs where you can pick up freebies and find out what’s going on, to
                                                                                         parties, trips and awareness events. The Students’ Union also run a number of
                                                                                         societies where students can get together with friends, or make new ones, to
     Keep fit and healthy…                                                               take part in a shared interest. Students can even set up their own!
     There is a program of free social activities for students to get fit and healthy    Societies include:
     or to meet new friends. Activities include:                                         • Art                • Dungeons and      • Gaming & Animé • RAG and
     • Dance          • Kickboxing           • Yoga           • Gym                      • Film Club            Dragons           • LGBTQ            Volunteering

     The Students’ Union                                                                 Volunteer…
     The Students’ Union is a team of students who take positive action and make         Volunteering is a great way to learn new skills, meet new people and improve
     decisions to improve the College for everyone, including:                           your employability. We run a number of community volunteering activities each
                                                                                         year or can point you in the direction of relevant opportunities. From fundraising
     •   Organising fun events and activities
                                                                                         to conservation we cover it all, we also make sure all our volunteers get the
     •   Representing all students at the College
                                                                                         recognition they deserve through our awards scheme.
     •   Being actively involved in how the College is run and decision making
     •   Running sports groups, clubs and societies
     •   Promoting discount cards through the National Union of Students (NUS)
     The team is made up of elected students and led by the President, a paid
     graduating student. Any student can get involved with the Students’ Union to
     help us improve the College experience for everyone.

    Have your say…
    It’s important that students have a say on how the college is run. We collect
    student feedback in lots of ways including: surveys, pop up feedback activities,
    question of the month, and Course Reps and our lead reps some of whom sit on
    our Board of Governors, helping to influence the direction of our college.                @bathcollsu                    @bathcollsu                    /BathCollSU

3                                                                                                                                                                             4
Choosing the                                                                         Course Level Guide
    right course                                                                         ENTRY LEVEL              QUALIFICATIONS                            You could

                                                                                                                                                                              1-2 or 3 Years
                                                                                                                                                            move onto a
                                                                                         If you have no           •   Foundation Learning at Entry Level.   Level 1 course.
                                                                                         qualifications or        •   Functional Skills at Entry Level
                                                                                         expect to need               (English, maths, and ICT)
                                                                                         support with your        •   Awards Certificates,
    It can be difficult to make the right choices. What you                              future learning.
                                                                                                                      and Diplomas at Entry Level.
                                                                                                                      Entry Level Certificates
    do next in your education is a very important step, so                                                        •   Skills For Life

    we want you to have as much information as possible
    to help you to make that choice. Whether you are                                     LEVEL 2                  QUALIFICATIONS                            You could
                                                                                                                                                            move onto
                                                                                         Foundation               • Foundation Learning Tier pathways
    moving on from GCSEs, A-levels or a vocational                                                                • Functional Skills at Level 1
                                                                                                                                                            a Level 2

                                                                                                                                                                              1 Year
                                                                                                                                                            course or an
                                                                                         If you have basic        • BTEC Awards, Certificates
    course, or thinking about returning to education as a                                qualifications or low        and Diplomas at Level 1

    mature student, Bath College has the course for you.                                 grades at GCSE.          • BTEC Introductory Diplomas
                                                                                                                      and Certificates
                                                                                                                  • NVQs at Level 1

    Advice on the                             Qualification                              LEVEL 2                  QUALIFICATIONS                            You could
                                                                                                                                                            move onto
    best course for you                       progression route                          Intermediate             •   GCSEs grades A*-C/9-4

                                                                                                                                                                              2 Years
                                                                                                                                                            a Level 3
                                                                                         If you have 4 GCSEs at
                                                                                                                  •   Functional Skills at Level 2          course or into
    Our Student Services team and             The options open to you after leaving      grades D-E/3-1 or
                                                                                                                  •   BTEC Awards, Certificates, and        a job with
                                                                                                                      Diplomas at Level 2                   training or an
    interview tutors are trained to provide   school might seem quite complex.           an NVQ 1.                •   Key Skills Level 2                    apprenticeship.
    information, advice and guidance to                                                                           •   NVQs at Level 2
    help make your decision easier.           The course level guide on page 8 shows                              •   T Level Transition Programme
                                              you what types of courses might suit
    You will need to consider                 you and how you can progress to higher
                                                                                         LEVEL 3                  QUALIFICATIONS                            You could
    questions like:                           levels and into a future career.
                                                                                         Advanced                 •   A-levels                              into higher
                                                                                                                  •   GCSE in applied subjects              education, an

                                                                                                                                                                              2 Years
    •   What career interests me?             There are a variety of courses and         If you already have      •   International Baccalaureate           apprenticeship
    •   What subjects am I good at?           qualifications open to you at the
                                                                                         at least 4 or 5 grade    •   Key Skills Level 3                    or a wide
                                                                                         A*- C/9-4 GCSEs          •   NVQs at Level 3                       range
    •   What subjects do I enjoy?             College. All of them fall into different   (including English       •   BTEC Awards, Certificates, and        of jobs.
    •   What qualifications do I              levels. The most appropriate level         and/or maths), BTEC          Diplomas at Level 3
        already have?                         of course for you will depend on the
                                                                                         Diploma, NVQ 2 or        •   T Levels
                                              qualifications and grades you already
    By considering your aspirations,          have, and sometimes on your current
    abilities and interests, it is much       experience and skills. Once you            LEVEL 4                  QUALIFICATIONS                            You will have
                                                                                                                                                            access to a

                                                                                                                                                                              2-3 Years
    easier to find a learning programme       complete your course, you should be        Higher                       Foundation Degrees                    much wider
    that suits you as an individual. Our      able to progress on to the next level      If you already have
                                                                                                                  •   Honours Degrees                       range of
                                                                                                                  •   HNCs/D’s                              careers, or you
                                                                                         your A-levels, a BTEC                                              could go into
    Student Services can be contacted on      or into a career.
                                                                                         National Certificate/
                                                                                                                  •   NVQs at Level 4 BTEC Professional     further study
    01225 328 720 or email                                                               Diploma, Access to
                                                                                                                  •   Diplomas, Certificates and Awards     at professional
    info@bathcollege.ac.uk                                                               HE or an NVQ 3.
                                                                                                                  •   Other higher diplomas                 training.

5                                                                                                                                                                                6
Level 3 Diplomas                           being paid. To join an apprenticeship
                                                                                        These are vocational courses at Level      programme we will help you to find a
                                                                                        3 (equivalent to up to three A-levels).    job with an employer who is prepared
                                                                                        They generally last for two years and      to give you practical on-the-job training
                                                                                        offer career-focused qualifications that   and to release you each week for short
                                                                                        can lead to employment at trainee          periods of College-based training.
                                                                                        management level or progression onto       We offer a range of Apprenticeships at
                                                                                        Level 4, Higher Education (university      Bath College. For more information,
                                                                                        level) courses.                            please email:
                                                                                        NVQs are work-based qualifications in      English and maths
                                                                                        which students build a portfolio which     Alongside your chosen subjects you will

    Understanding Courses                                                               provides evidence of the knowledge
                                                                                        and skills that have been developed.
                                                                                                                                   also be developing your English and
                                                                                                                                   maths skills. If you are under 19 on 31st
                                                                                                                                   August 2020 and you have obtained
                                                                                        Many NVQs incorporate periods of
                                                                                        study at College, developing the           a grade A*/9 – C/4 in GCSE English
    Both academic and vocational courses can lead to                                                                               Language and maths you no longer
                                                                                        knowledge and skills needed
    employment or Higher Education, so the choice will often be                         in the workplace                           need to study for a GCSE although
    based on whether you do better at coursework or at exams,                                                                      you’ll use both English and maths in

    and whether you have a specific career sector you wish to                           T Levels                                   your vocational course. If you have
                                                                                        Developed alongside industry to            grades D/3 or below you will continue
    work in. In some cases you can even combine academic or                             ensure that your course further meets      to study on a GCSE or Functional Skills
    vocational subjects to create the ideal course for you.                             the needs of employers, a T level is an    qualification, depending on the grade
                                                                                        exciting full time vocational equivalent   you have obtained.
                                                                                        to an A Level programme of study. It       If you are over 19 on 31st August
    Academic courses                          Foundation Learning                       is a mixture of physical and virtual in    2020 and have not achieved a GCSE
    When we talk about academic courses       Courses at Pre-Entry and Entry Level      class learning alongside a substantial     grade C/4 or higher and you want to
    we tend to think about GCSEs, A-levels    or Level 1 are for those students         period of time of at least 45 days in      continue studying these subjects until
    and traditional degree courses.           who need a basic, introductory level      the workplace                              you achieve this grade, the college will
    Generally, they are concerned with        course. They include vocational study,    Our T level Transition Programme           support you in this.
    theory and usually have examinations      English and maths skills and personal     will help you to develop key skills,
    as the main form of assessment.           and social development.                   knowledge and behaviours which will        Higher Education
                                                                                        support and prepare you to progress        (Level 4 and upwards)
    Vocational courses                        Level 2 Diplomas                          onto a T Level.                            This is the general term given to
    Vocational courses take a practical       These are vocational courses at Level                                                university level courses such as
    approach to learning and are career-      2 (equivalent to up to four GCSE          Apprenticeships                            Higher National Diplomas, Foundation
    related, providing in-depth study of
    one particular subject. They do include
                                              passes). They generally last one year     (Levels 2, 3 and 4)                        Degrees, and postgraduate
                                              and offer career-focused qualifications   Apprenticeships are for young people       qualifications. A number of
    theory, and may have externally           that can lead to employment at junior                                                undergraduate courses are
                                                                                        aged 16 to 24 who wish to gain
    assessed exams, but assessment            level or progression onto                                                            available at Bath College.
                                                                                        nationally recognised qualifications
    is usually through coursework or          Level 3 courses.                          alongside work experience whilst
    practical observations.

7                                                                                                                                                                              8
Your study                                                1. Main vocational or                       standards in applicants, so this is an
                                                                                                          integral part of your programme of study.
                                                              technical qualification
                                                                                                          At Bath College we have a team of

                                                              This is the subject that you have chosen
                                                                                                          specialist English and maths tutors who
                                                              to study. It could be training you for
                                                                                                          deliver relevant and engaging sessions.
                                                              an occupation, or preparing you for
                                                              work in a professional area. We offer

    More than just a course                                   certificates, diplomas and extended
                                                              diplomas across a range of sectors and
                                                              subjects, with qualifications from the
                                                                                                          5. Volunteering
                                                                                                          There are opportunities to volunteer
                                                                                                          both within the college and in the
                                                              relevant awarding bodies, including         local community, ranging from being
    Students no longer study just a single qualification at   BTEC, UAL and City & Guilds.                a college ambassador to refurbishing
    post-16 level. To ensure we create a talent pipeline                                                  community areas, or raising money

    for local, national and global businesses, Bath           2. Work experience                          for charity. We offer an awards system
                                                              You must complete an external work          including Volunteer of the Month or you
    College provides each student with an individualised      experience placement. These vary in         may even be invited to our end of year
    programme of study to ensure they have the                length and depending on the course you      awards presentation.
                                                              choose. This will not only enhance your
    knowledge and skills required for employment or
    further study.
                                                              learning, but provide valuable experience   6. Tutorials
                                                              and support future job applications         All students receive help and guidance
                                                              and/or university applications.             from their personal tutor throughout
                                                                                                          their programme. As a Bath College
                                                              3. Employability skills                     student you will be encouraged and
                                                              You will also have the chance to visit      supported to develop high aspirations
                                                              large organisations, attend employer        for employment, higher-level study and
                                                              talks, complete a mock-interview with a     personal goals.
                                                              relevant employer and much more. See
                                                              page 15 for more information.               6. Personal Development
                                                              4. English and maths                        Your opportunity to spend time in the
                                                              At Bath College we recognise the            week learning a new skill, developing
                                                              importance of every student having          a wider passion, or trying something
                                                              good skills in English and maths. All       totally new to benefit your own
                                                              employers and universities look for good    personal development.

9                                                                                                                                                     10
New GCSE Grades
     The government has reformed GCSEs. GCSEs
     have moved over to a different grading system
     which started with GCSE English Language, English                                       The year that you
     Literature and Maths exams in 2017.                                                     take (or took) your
                                                                                             GCSEs will affect
     The aim of the reform is to make GCSEs       This means that if you took GCSEs in       which grading system
     more challenging, so pupils are better       summer 2017, you will have received
     prepared for the future. Employers,          marks based on the A*– G grading           you are placed on:
     universities and colleges are often          system for most subjects. However,
     dissatisfied with students literacy          English Language, English Literature
     and numeracy skills even though the          and Maths will have been marked            2016 or before
     proportion of those achieving good           against the new system, which is
                                                                                             All your grades will be A*– G.
     grades has gone up in recent years.          graded from 9 – 1, with 9 being the
                                                  highest grade.
     The change means most subjects
     will be 100% exam based, which will          At Bath College, we have minimum
     take place at the end of Year 11, rather     entry grades for different levels of       2017
     than a modular style of assessment           study. The new system is quite different   Your Maths, English Language and
     throughout the course. This will ensure      to the old one, so we can’t make direct    English Literature grades will be 9 –1.
     that marking is more consistent and          comparisons for all grades, but we
                                                                                             The rest of your grades will be A*– G.
     the new grading system will be fairer        accept the new grade 4 as equivalent
     to all students, but also allow for better   to grade C, grade 3 as equivalent to       Refer to each course page to see the
     discrimination between the higher            grade D, and grade 2 as equivalent to      minimum entry requirements.
     performing students.                         grade E.

     GCSE Grade Translations                                                                 Most of your subjects will be graded 9 –1
                             New GCSE grading structure                                      (including Maths, English Language
                                                                                             and English Literature Art and Design,
                                                                                             Geography, History, Music).
      9        8         7         6        5         4    3         2       1       U
                                                                                             The rest of your grades will be A*– G.

          A*           A               B          C       D      E       F   G       U
                                                                                             2019 onwards
                                                                                             All your grades will be 9 –1.
                           Current GCSE grading structure

11                                                                                                                                       12
Where could
                                                                                             in the region, which houses
                                                                                             two analogue and digital
                                                                                             24-track recording studios and

     college take you?                                                                       high tech MIDI suites running
                                                                                             Logic Audio and ProTools
                                                                                             software, a performance
                                                                                             and rehearsal space and a
     A Route to Employment                                                                   television studio.

                                                                                             English and Maths
     College is not just about gaining your core qualification.                              It is extremely important that
     It is also about increasing your employability by                                       young people have a strong
     developing a range of skills and attributes to ensure                                   understanding of both English
                                                                                             and maths. Both employers
     you leave Bath College ‘work ready’.                                                    and universities look at these
                                                                                             as fundamental skills required
     Employer links and work                    Industry-standard                            to operate effectively in the
     experience opportunities                   resources and facilities                     21st century.

     Many of our courses offer the              Developing the skills to use workplace       How it works at Bath College:
     chance for you to experience a work        equipment and facilities in our specialist   • If you enter your programme
     placement, putting into practice the       studios and workshops is an important          without a GCSE grade 4 you
     skills learnt at college.                  reason to choose Bath College.                 will continue to study these
     We have strong working relationships       Our Somer Construction Centre, art             subjects. If you are under 19
     with many employers and know how           studios, hair and beauty salons, our           on 31st August 2020, see
     students benefit from real workplace       aircraft cabin and industry standard           page 9 for more information.
     experience both in their coursework        kitchen and brand new restaurant, plus       • If you have a grade 3, you’ll
     and in their future careers. All Level 2   many other specialist facilities, provide      be entered into a one-year
     and Level 3 students at Bath College       an excellent learning environment in           GCSE re-take, which will
     have to undertake a minimum number         which to gain the essential practical          require approximately 3
     of hours of work experience to pass        skills needed in many different careers.       hours per week teaching
     your programme. This year our students                                                    per subject.
                                                The Music and Performing Arts building
     have gone on work placements with the
                                                is one of the largest and best equipped      • If you come to Bath College
     companies listed below:
                                                                                               with a grade 2 or lower,
                                                                                               you’ll follow a special
                                                Working                                        programme of Functional
                                                with Curo                                      Skills that enables you to
                                                                                               progress to a GCSE retake
                                                                                               in due course.

13                                                                                                                             14
A Route to University                                                                 A Route to Higher Education at Bath College
     College provides the ideal stepping stone between                                     If you don’t think that university is the right choice for you and you would
     school and university if that is the path for you.                                    prefer to study degree level courses closer to home, then one of our
                                                                                           HNC/HND or Foundation Degree courses may be the right option for you.
     Studying at college will give you a taste   representatives and students from over    The Access to Higher Education course is for students who would like to
     of what university life will be like and    150 universities from across the UK.      study at degree level but haven’t yet got the qualifications.
     prepare you for a degree course. You
                                                 Most importantly, vocational courses
     will be treated like an adult and given
                                                 are worth UCAS points in exactly the      Access to        Foundation                               HNCs and HNDs
     more independence and responsibility
     to manage your own college work,
                                                 same way as A Levels, meaning they        Higher Education Degrees                                  If you are looking for a
                                                 can get you into the university you                                                                 work-related qualification
     as you would be expected to do at                                                     If you do not have the       Foundation degrees are
                                                 want to go to.                            qualifications to go to                                   that will advance your
     university. You will also learn how                                                                                designed and delivered
     to research, prepare and reference          Our vocational courses are graded at      university, the Access to    in partnership with          career, give you practical
     assignments in the way you would for        Distinction (D), Merit (M) and Pass (P)   Higher Education course                                   skills and can lead on to
                                                                                                                        employers to equip
                                                                                           could be perfect for you.                                 higher education, HNCs
     a degree.                                   Level and are the equivalent of                                        people with the relevant
                                                                                           A significant number of                                   and HNDs are great
                                                 3 A Levels as shown in the table below.   mature students enter HE     knowledge and skills
     We will support you to make informed                                                                                                            options.
                                                                                           via this route.              for business.
     decisions in regards to Higher              Last year 326 of our students
     Education (HE) progression. All Level 3     progressed onto 75 different                                           Foundation degree            Higher National
                                                                                           The Access to Higher
     students are provided with a detailed       universities including: University of                                  graduates have a number      Certificates and Higher
                                                                                           Education qualification is
     programme of advice and guidance            Oxford, Bath Spa, Bristol, Cardiff,       a QAA recognised entry       of options. Employment       National Diplomas are
     that includes tutorials, HE talks and       Warwick, Exeter, Kingston, Nottingham,    qualification for degree     may be your major            job-related qualifications
     visits to numerous universities across      Southampton, Swansea, UWE, UAL,           or diploma level studies     focus after gaining your     that are highly valued
     the country. We will also take you to       Newcastle, Essex, Falmouth and BIMM.      at all universities in the   Foundation degree.           by employers. HNCs
     the annual UCAS Convention where                                                      UK, for a wide range         Many graduates choose        and HNDs are a mix of
     you will be able to engage with                                                       of subjects. You will                                     academic and practical
                                                                                                                        to combine employment
                                                                                           study subjects related                                    learning that will develop
                                                                                           to your degree course        with further study
                                                                                                                        and you will have the        the skills you need in the
       BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma               UCAS Point        A Level Grades        and develop your skills
                                                                                                                        opportunity to progress      workplace.
                                                                                           and confidence to
                      D* D* D*                         168               A* A* A*          enable you to embark         to a full honours degree     If completed with high
                      D* D* D                          160                A* A* A          on a successful higher       with around 12 months        grades the HNC can be
                                                                                           education career. This       of further study (the        topped up to an HND,
                      D* D D                           152                A* A A           course can be studied        time taken depends           which can lead to the
                                                                                           full-time or part-time.      on how you choose to
                       DDD                             144                AAA                                                                        third year of a degree at
                                                                                           Our students move onto       study). Alternatively, you   university. Alternatively,
                       DDM                             128                AAC
                                                                                           study a wide range of        may wish to progress         you can do an HNC
                       DMM                              112               ACC              degrees all over the         to further professional      and then progress
                                                                                           country and close to         qualifications.
                      MMM                               96                CCC                                                                        onto an Advanced
                                                                                           home and you will have
                                                                                           plenty of support and                                     Apprenticeship.
                       MMP                              80                CCE
                                                                                           guidance throughout the
                       MPP                              64                 CEE             Access course to help
                       PPP                              48                 EEE             you achieve your goal.

15                                                                                                                                                                                16
Our T Levels were launched in September 2021


      Visit our website for more information and to apply:

17                                                           18
Student Support                                                                        Student
                                                                                          Welfare and                                                    WE’RE
     at College                                                                           Participation                                                  HERE TO
     There may be times when you will need support
     and assistance with your studies. The College                                                                                                       HELP
     provides a wealth of services from trained and                                       THERE MAY                                       We provide a range of
     qualified professionals.                                                             BE TIMES WHEN                                   services from trained
                                                                                          YOU NEED SUPPORT                                    professionals
     Student Services                          Student funding                            WITH STUDIES OR
     Student Services are situated on the      Our team will help you get the financial   PERSONAL ISSUES
     ground floor in the City Centre, and      support which you may be entitled to,
     near reception in the Cam Building at     including a Bursary, Learner Support
     Somer Valley.                             Fund and childcare.                        Safeguarding
                                                                                          The safeguarding team respond if a concern is raised that
     College advisers can provide                                                         a student may have suffered, or is at risk of, harm. These
     information on all of our courses         Careers advice                             may include any form of abuse, child sexual exploitation,
                                                                                          extremism, radicalisation, suicidal thoughts and self-harm.
     and they have good knowledge of           Our Careers team can give you expert
     the services and opportunities the        information, advice and guidance on        The Student Welfare Officers
     College has to offer. Our part-time and   all careers and employability-related      Are mentors and safeguarding leads and can practically
     undergraduate prospectuses are also       matters and on the next steps you          support students with anything that may affect them
                                                                                          being able to succeed at College.
     available from Student Services.          can take.
                                                                                          A safe space to talk about a range of worries including
                                                                                          coping with stress and anxiety, bereavement, emotional
                                                                                          health, life crisis and traumatic events.

                                                                                          Friendly and confidential health service for a range of
                                                                                          needs, including sexual health and STI screening, stop
                                                                                          smoking, C cards and contraception, weight management,
                                                                                          general health and wellbeing.

                                                                                          Friendly and confidential listening ear for all faiths and
                                                                                          none. Offers a space to talk and reflect on anything that is
                                                                                          worrying you.

19                                                                                                                                                                 20
     Learning Support
                                                                                            YOUR FUTURE
     Help with language, English, maths, dyslexia and
     other specific learning difficulties is available from the
                                                                                            STARTS HERE
     Inclusion team.

     Bath College recognises that some           Transition into Adulthood
                                                                                             WE CAN                   ⊲ Part-time jobs
                                                                                                                      ⊲ UCAS personal
                                                                                            HELP YOU
     learners need additional support to
                                                 Our foundation curriculum is themed
     overcome barriers to their learning                                                                                statements
                                                 around four pathways to help young
     (whether caused by learning difficulties,
                                                                                                                      ⊲ Work experience
                                                 people achieve positive life outcomes:
     disabilities or missed educational
                                                 • Education, employment, and training
     opportunities) in order to succeed on a
     course for which they are in every other
                                                                                                                      ⊲ CVs and job
                                                 • Independence and housing
     way suited, or qualified. We support                                                                               applications
     students to follow, and progress into,      • Health
     employment wherever possible. The           • Friends, relationships                                             ⊲ Apprenticeships
     College is committed to providing and         and community inclusion
     allocating such support, subject to
                                                 In order to support our students well we
     funding and resources, in accordance
                                                 work with a range of external partners:
     to the national funding guidelines.
                                                 • B&NES and neighbouring                                                   FIND
     Please let us know if you had exam
     access arrangements EAA at school
                                                   local authorities
                                                                                                                            US IN
                                                 • B&NES special educational needs
     or if you feel you would benefit from
     finding out if you are eligible for extra     and disabilities (SEND) team
     time, rest breaks or other support for      • Social work, Complex Needs                                             SERVICES
     exams.                                        and Youth Connect Teams
     Bath College is committed to promoting      • Youth Offending Service (YOS)
     the inclusion agenda for young people
     entering the world of work. To this
                                                 • The Virtual Heads for Looking After
                                                   Children in our Local Authorities
     end, staff work hard to maximise the
     chances of success by removing              • All secondary schools and colleges
     barriers to learning wherever possible,     • Parents and Carers
     providing appropriate and alternative
     courses and supported routes into           • External providers of therapy and
     employment. We have high ambitions            bespoke support, such as Virgin
     for learners securing paid employment.        Care, Macintyre, Sirona Health and
                                                   Social Care, etc.
                                                                                             info@bathcollege.ac.uk     01225 328 720
21                                                                                                                                        22
Course Fees and
     Financial Support
     Fees                                          Help with fees and other                   Guaranteed bursary of                         Higher Education Bursary
     If you are aged between 16 and 18 on          course costs                               £1,200 for students                           Students in receipt of a loan from the
     31st August 2020 and are a resident
     in England or the EU studying on a            You can receive financial help towards     aged 16-18                                    Student Loans Company may apply for
                                                   the cost of learning at Bath College.                                                    additional funding.
     full-time programme you will pay no                                                      This fund is available to students who are:
     tuition fees*. You may pay a resources        Our Student Services will be able to       • In care/care leavers
     fee to cover the cost of additional           give you detailed information about        • Receiving Income Support                    Help with travelling
     course materials and activities.              the range of schemes available. Many       • Disabled and receiving both ESA and         to College
                                                   students are eligible for reduced fees,      DLA or PIP and Universal Credit
     If you are aged 19 to 23 on 31st              as described below. If you aren’t sure,                                                  All students can buy a subsidised
     August 2020, or are from a country            just ask us, we will be pleased to help.   This bursary is to help remove any            student bus pass to travel within the
     outside the EU, you will pay the full         Please call 01225 328 720 or visit our     financial barriers to learning by paying      South West area. Contact the Student
     fee, which covers tuition, exam and           website for more details.                  for course expenses such as fees,             Services for more information:
     resource fees. You may be eligible to                                                    materials, travel etc. A monthly payment      info@bathcollege.ac.uk
     pay the reduced fee (only applicable on                                                                                                Students under 19 should contact their
     some courses) if you have not already
                                                   Full Level 2 entitlement                   will also be available to the student.
                                                                                                                                            Local Education Authority for assistance
     achieved a full Level 2 or 3 qualification,   If you are aged 19 -23 and do not have                                                   with travel costs.
     or if you receive certain benefits. Please    five GCSEs at grades C/4 or above,         Help with childcare costs                     Students from low income households
     contact the Student Services for full         or equivalent, you may be entitled to      (Care to Learn)                               may be eligible for funding towards
     details of course costs.                      reduced fees.
                                                                                              If you are a young parent up to the age of    travel costs through the College’s
     If you are 19+ and studying a second                                                     20, you can apply for full childcare costs.   Discretionary Learner Support Fund
     Level 3 qualification, or are 24+ on the      Full Level 3 entitlement                                                                 if they live three or more miles away
     first day of your course, you will pay                                                                                                 from the College. Contact the Student
     the full fee. You may wish to take out
                                                   If you are aged 19-23 and do not           Childcare Support Fund                        Services for more information.
                                                   have a full Level 3 qualification (e.g.
     an Advanced Learning Loan, which              two A-levels or an NVQ 3), you may         Students aged 20 and over may
                                                                                                                                            This information is up to date at the time
     covers the course fees. It is not means       be entitled to reduced fees (only          apply for funding towards the cost of
                                                                                                                                            of print (September 2021). Please refer
     tested. Any UK/EU resident aged 19            applicable on some courses).               childcare during their timetabled guided
                                                                                                                                            to our website for the latest updates.
     or above is eligible. Contact Student                                                    learning hours.
     Services for details or visit our website.
                                                   Learner Support Fund
                                                   All students aged 16 and over who are
                                                   experiencing financial difficulties can
                                                   apply for this discretionary fund.
                                                   Funding is available on a first-come,
                                                   first-served basis for course-related
                                                   costs including travel, additional
     *correct at the time of printing.
                                                   materials, course fees and course trips.

23                                                                                                                                                                                       24
Frequently Asked
                                                                                               from your course, to finance or careers
                                                                                                                                                 Am I too old for college?
                                                                                               advice. You will have a personal tutor
                                                                                               who will help you to settle in and our

                                                                                                                                              No. There is no upper limit on coming to
                                                                                               Student Services team are professionally
                                                                                                                                              college and we have plenty of mature
                                                                                               qualified to help with all your needs.
                                                                                                                                              students who are retraining for a new
                                                                                                                                              career. If you are over 19 the course has
                                                                                                                                              a fee, but you can apply for an adult
     What’s the difference                        Participation Age’. However, this does       Is there any financial                         learner loan. Contact Student Services
                                                  not mean you have to stay in school                                                         for more information.
     between school                                                                            support available to help
                                                  to continue learning after your GCSEs.
     and college?                                 There are lots of alternatives to school,    with any additional costs?
                                                  and college is a great route to progress
     “You get treated more like an adult”
     is the most popular answer we
                                                  to higher education or employment.           Yes. There are a number of ways you                Alongside my college
     get when we ask our students this
                                                  See pages 9-12 to understand more            can receive financial help towards the            programme, what can I
     question. At College you will have
                                                  about the types of courses                   cost of learning at Bath College. Please               do to improve my
     more independence as you will be
                                                  you can choose.                              call 01225 312 191 or visit our website          chance of getting a job?
                                                                                               for further information.
     expected to organise your own time
                                                                                                                                              In today’s workplace, employers
     between classes, manage your own                   What if I don’t get the                                                               want young people to be able to
     workload and you will not have to wear
                                                      grades I am predicted?                                                                  show they have employability skills.
     a uniform, unless your course has an                                                      How can I be sure I am                         These are skills and qualities such as
     industry-style uniform.                                                                   applying for the right course?
                                                  If your results are either better or worse                                                  communication, teamwork, reliability,
     The Students’ Union (SU) is the other        than predicted, our expert team can                                                         and initiative. Our Team can help you
     difference between school and                provide you with support and guidance        Once you submit your application you           to find work experience, get a part time
     college. The Student Welfare and             to figure out what you can do with the       will be invited for an interview to discuss    job, develop your CV, practice your
     Participation Team and the SU put on         results you received. We have a Results      this application, your predicted exam          interview skills and explore your career
     a whole calendar of activities to help       Advice Day the day after GCSE results        results and suitability for the course. This   ideas, all of which will increase your
     you keep fit and healthy, make friends       are released and you can stop by to          interview will give tutors the chance to       chances of getting a job in the future.
     and have fun. There will also be lots        talk to us, or you can call our Student      get to know you and for you to get to
     of opportunities for you to join in or       Services on 01225 328720.                    know them, and if at this stage either
     volunteer. Make sure you visit the                                                        you or the tutors are unsure that the
     Freshers’ Fair so that you have all of the                                                course is right for you, this will be the
     low down on what’s happening where                   I am nervous about                   time to discuss it further and look at
     and discounts available to members.              changing from school                     alternative course levels or types. Our
     See page 3 for more information                                                           aim is to ensure that all students are
                                                       to college. Is support                  placed on the course most suitable to
                                                    available to help students?                them and we will do everything we can
     Can I come to college                                                                     to ensure that this happens.
     straight after my GCSEs?                     Yes. We understand that starting at
                                                  college can be both an exciting and
     Yes. All young people in England are         daunting time and there’s lots you need
     expected to continue learning until          to find out about. Our staff and our
     the end of the academic year in which        Students’ Union are here to give you
     they turn 18. This is called ‘Raising the    the support you need on everything

25                                                                                                                                                                                        26
Information for
     Parents and Carers
                                                                                             Contact with parents                       Monitoring and
     The decision to move on from school is an important                                     and carers                                 reviewing progress
     moment in a young person’s development. It also                                         We know that parents or carers of          Each student is accepted onto a
                                                                                             students are interested to know how        programme of study for a 6 week
     represents a change for many parents and carers                                         their son or daughter is getting on at     introductory period. During this
     from the familiar relationship they have built up with                                  college and that many are also providing   period they will undertake a range
                                                                                             a high level of support for students.      of assignments and will need to
     schools throughout their child’s education.                                                                                        demonstrate a commitment to their
                                                                                             For this reason we will wish to contact
                                                                                                                                        course through good attendance,
                                                                                             parents or carers of students, who are
     We welcome the chance to work alongside parents                                         under 18 (on the 31st August in the year
                                                                                                                                        punctuality and effort. Their progress
                                                                                                                                        will be monitored by their tutor.
     and carers to support young people during their time                                    they start a full-time course), to:
                                                                                                                                        After 6 weeks their tutor will undertake
     at college.                                                                             • give them a copy of the student’s        a formal review with the student and, as
                                                                                               tutorial progress reviews.
                                                                                                                                        long as the student is making satisfactory
                                                                                                                                        progress, will confirm their place on the
                                                                                             • tell them if the student’s attendance    course. If a student is not succeeding on
                                                                                               has not been satisfactory.
     Helping to choose the right course                                                                                                 a course, we will invite you in to meet
                                                                                                                                        with the tutor and Head of Department
     We know that every young person is             on an Apprenticeship programme?          • tell them if the student has been        to discuss alternatives that may be more
     different and that they all prefer to work     All Level 3 BTEC courses will              involved in a serious
                                                                                                                                        appropriate. We will keep you updated
     in different ways so it is important that      include examinations as part of their      disciplinary matter.
                                                                                                                                        where this is the case.
     they choose a programme of study               assessment so they should take this
                                                                                             • ask them for information as to the       Each student will meet with their tutor
     that will get the best out of them. They       into consideration.
                                                                                               student’s whereabouts if they have       multiple times during the year to set
     should feel comfortable and motivated        • Research the careers they are              been absent from college without         targets and review their progress.
     by the type of course and method of            interested in and the qualifications       contacting us.
     learning they choose in order to give                                                                                              You will be invited to review your child’s
                                                    they will need to succeed in these
                                                                                                                                        progress at least three times per year
     them the greatest chance of success            industries.                              • invite them to a progress review
                                                                                                                                        and you will be invited to attend a
                                                                                               evening with the student’s tutor.
     To help your son/daughter make the           • Attend an Open Event and ask lots                                                   consultation evening with lecturers and
     right decision you should encourage            of questions. Course tutors, Student                                                tutors to discuss your son or daughter’s
     them to:                                       Services staff, the Careers team and     To comply with the General                 progress. With your son/daughters
                                                    current students will all be available   Data Protection Regulation                 consent you can log into their ProPortal
     • Consider what type of learner                                                                                                    details and view progress with them.
       they are. Do they enjoy academic
                                                    to talk to on the day so you and your    (GDPR) we will ask for your
       work and can they work well in an
                                                    son/daughter can find out everything     son/daughter’s consent to
                                                    you need to know about courses,          contact you so that we can
       exam situation? Are they better
                                                    entry requirements, student support,
       working in a hands-on situation and
                                                    career progression and what else
                                                                                             keep you informed.
       completing assessments? Or would
                                                    happens at college.
       they prefer to earn while they learn

27                                                                                                                                                                                   28
Information for                                                                               Safeguarding                                you have any comments or queries,

     Parents and Carers                                                                            At their induction we give students
                                                                                                   information about what to do if they feel
                                                                                                   they are being bullied or harassed. We
                                                                                                                                               please do not hesitate to contact your
                                                                                                                                               son or daughter’s tutor, call Student
                                                                                                                                               Services on 01225 328 720 or visit our

     continued…                                                                                    have a Safeguarding Team who can
                                                                                                   support and advise students. We do not
                                                                                                                                               website’s Contact Us page.

                                                                                                   tolerate bullying or harassment and will
                                                                                                                                               Financial support
     Absence and punctuality                                                                       address incidents quickly.
                                                                                                                                               The College can help students apply for
     High levels of attendance and                  support system or conduct procedure to         If you have any concerns relating           financial support:
     punctuality are essential if a student is to   address any problems with these. Our           to bullying and harassment, please
     succeed on their programme of study.                                                          contact the Welfare Team on
                                                                                                                                               • Learner Support Fund
                                                    experience tells us that students are
                                                                                                   01225 328 563.
                                                                                                                                               • Guaranteed Bursary
     We monitor absences and punctuality            unlikely to achieve their potential if their
     very closely and will use our tutorial         attendance and punctuality are poor.                                                       The Learner Support Fund helps
                                                                                                                                               students from families with a low
                                                                                                   Listening to students                       income. Funding is available towards
                                                                                                   and parents                                 resources, books, equipment or
                                                                                                   We strongly believe in the value of         sometimes to pay for travel costs. The
                                                                                                   listening to our students.                  Guaranteed Bursary is for students
                                                                                                                                               who are in care, care leavers, receiving
                                                                                                   Each course has a course rep and a
                                                                                                                                               income support or both ESA and DLA.
                                                                                                   Students’ Union Executive is elected
                                                                                                                                               See page 23 for more details
                                                                                                   to represent students’ views. The SU
                                                                                                   President is a Student Governor of the
                                                                                                   College and attends the Corporation
                                                                                                                                               Travel Costs
                                                                                                   meetings monthly. Students also sit on
                                                                                                                                               All students can buy a subsidised
                                                                                                   the Equality and Diversity and Health
                                                                                                                                               student bus pass from their local bus
                                                                                                   and Safety committees.
                                                                                                                                               station. The Government have also
                                                                                                   Our ‘Learner Expert Panel’ are involved     launched a new railcard for 16-17 years
                                                                                                   with our recruitment process. Students      olds offering 50% off travel.
                                                                                                   are trained to give constructive
                                                                                                                                               Students wishing to attend our Somer
                                                                                                   feedback and have their say on
                                                                                                                                               Valley Campus, or coming from the
                                                                                                   which new staff we employ within the
                                                                                                                                               Chew Valley area into Bath can
                                                                                                   curriculum areas.
                                                                                                                                               apply for the Learner Support Fund
                                                                                                   Students are also encouraged to             to support a place on the College
                                                                                                   provide feedback on their course and        network of buses from the surrounding
                                                                                                   the College and are given the chance to     towns and villages. For details of this
                                                                                                   meet each term with the Principal and       year’s routes, see our website.
                                                                                                   senior managers to discuss concerns.

                                                                                                   We also welcome your feedback – if

29                                                                                                                                                                                        30
Did you know, we
     are part of The West
     of England Institute
     of Technology?
     (WEIoT) is industry, education and research
     collaborating to deliver flexible, higher-level
     technical learning to equip people with the skills
     to fully participate in, and contribute to, economic
     growth driven by digital innovation and emerging
     technologies. We have some amazing spaces and
     resources to support and prepare our Digital, Health
     and Engineering workers of the future.

31                                                          32
Code of Conduct                                                                                                         BE RESPECTFUL
                                                                                                  Everyone deserves the right to be
                                                                                                  respected when they come to learn or to work.
     Our college code of conduct is a framework for the behaviour
     of learners and the college community. The framework is                         We expect you to ...
     based on 6 core values that underpin the culture of our college.                •   Be on time for your classes, tutorial and workshops.
     These core values are:
                                                                                     •   Ensure that your id badge is worn at all times and visibly displayed.
                                                                                     •   Keep your college clean and place litter & recycle in the bins
                                                              BE KIND                    provided around campus.
                  Bath College should be a welcoming,                                •   Show respect to your lecturers and your peers in your attitude to
                  kind environment for learners, staff and the public.                   learning, by using appropriate language and behaving appropriately.

     We expect you to ...                                                            We will NOT tolerate...
     •   Support those around you in a positive manner by being helpful,             • Any behaviour that disrupts your learning or the learning of others.
         patient and respectful.                                                     • Smoking cigarettes or e-cigarettes in non-designated smoking areas.
     •   Play your part in ensuring all members of our community feel welcome        •   The sharing, downloading or uploading of inappropriate or
         and comfortable on campus.                                                      extremist images or materials.
     We will NOT tolerate...                                                         •   Any criminal or malicious damage to college property
                                                                                         or the property of staff and students.
     •   Any form of cyber bullying, victimization, violent threats, extremist
         behaviour, harassment and/or discrimination against any individual or
         group, whether physical, emotional, electronic, financial, social, sexual
         or relating to disability.
                                                                                                                              BE UP TO DATE
                                                                                                  Staying on top of your course work will provide
                                                       BE HONEST                                  you with a better chance of achieving your qualification.

                  Honesty and integrity are values which                             We expect you to ...
                  are not only required in employment but in wider society.
                                                                                     •   Complete all coursework or homework required of you.
     We expect you to ...                                                            •   Stay aware of and meet deadlines set by lecturers and tutors.
     •   Alert a member of staff or an adult you can trust if you become             •   Keep your work organised and accessible for assessment.
         aware of any bullying or harassment of your peers.
                                                                                     We will NOT tolerate...
     •   Communicate with your tutor/lecturer if there any issues which are
         preventing you being at your best so that we can support you.               •   Refusal to engage with support to help you cope with and
                                                                                         progress in your learning.
     We will NOT tolerate...                                                         •   Refusal to engage with course requirements or instructions from
     •   Any forms of plagiarism.                                                        lecturers and tutors.
     •   Any form of behaviour that is deemed corrupt.

33                                                                                                                                                               34
Code of Conduct                                                                                                                     BE PREPARED
                                                                             continued...                 Statistically speaking, the lower your attendance dips, the
                                                                                                          less likely you are to achieve your potential at college.

                                                               BE SAFE                       We expect you to ...
                                                                                             •   Attend at least 95% of your sessions.
                   Your safety as well as the safety of the                                  •   Be prepared to learn and study.
                   college community is absolutely paramount.                                •   Positively contribute to all sessions.
                                                                                             •   Attend virtual lessons as dictated by your timetable.
     We expect you to ...
     •   Seek support when you need it.                                                      •   Attend sessions prepared and with the relevant kit and equipment
                                                                                                 required for your course.
     •   Follow the instruction of your lecturers, tutors and technicians.
                                                                                             •   Ensure that you wear your lanyard with your valid college ID is
     •   Ensure that your ID badge is worn at all times and visibly displayed.                   clearly on display at all times.
     •   Follow the rules about regular hand washing throughout the day and
         use the supplied hand sanitiser.                                                    We will NOT tolerate...
     •   Try, always, to keep a social distance of 2 metres from all other                   •   Any behaviour that disrupts your learning or others’ learning.
         members of the college community whilst on campus.
     •   Follow any signs and directions that are on the College campus –                                              REMEMBER
         this is VITAL for your own safety.
     •   To use the appropriate designated health and safety equipment,
         clothing or personal protective equipment at all times.
     •   We will be asking you to use specific entrances and exits.
         You must do this for everyone’s safety.

     We will NOT tolerate...                                                                   BE KIND • BE RESPECTFUL • BE SAFE
     •   Criminal or illegal activity, on site or off-site.                                 BE PREPARED • BE HONEST • BE UP TO DATE
     •   Any action that may risk the health and safety of others.
     •   The carrying of any offensive weapons or any items of which can be
         used as a weapon.                                                                   Failure to follow the Code of Conduct could result
     •   Students attending college under the influence of alcohol, drugs or
                                                                                             in disciplinary action being taken under the Student
         any other substances.                                                               Conduct and Disciplinary Policy.
     •   The use of IT systems for cyber bullying, harassment, viewing/
         downloading of extremist material or pornographic material.
                                                                                             Questions?                 info@bathcollege.ac.uk

35                                                                                                                                                                      36
If you’re worried about returning to study, don’t be. These courses are
     particularly suitable for mature students wanting to gain access to Higher
     Education. The Access to Higher Education course re-familiarises
     adult students with the learning process and gives the nationally
     recognised qualification needed to go on to a degree or higher level
     course. Courses are run during B&NES school terms, making them
     an accessible and flexible option for parents. Our students have
     an excellent record of entry into universities and higher education
     institutions, both locally and nationally.

37                                                                                38
Bath College Full-Time Courses                                                                                                           Access to Higher Education

     Access to                                                                                 City Centre Campus

     Higher Education
                                                                                               1 year (2 years part-time)

                                                                                            Entry Requirements
     If you are aged 19+, this programme          Science                                   • This course is for
     will help you develop your skills,           This diploma allows you to progress         learners who are 19+. All
     confidence and educational potential.        on to a degree in subjects such as          applications for Access to
     The qualification is a QAA recognised        biological or biomedical sciences,          HE are required to have
     entry qualification for degree or            biochemistry, forensics, physiotherapy,     GCSE English Language
     diploma level study at all universities in   diagnostic imagery, surveying, ecology,     and/or Maths at Grade
     the UK. You will study subjects related      computer science, sports science,           C/4 or above. Science
     to your degree course.                       medicine, veterinary medicine and           requires you to have
                                                  engineering.                                Maths at Grade C/4 and
     Most students who study these courses                                                    recommend a Science
     full time will be in College for 3 days      DISTANCE LEARNING OPTIONS                   GCSE at Grade C/4 at
     each week. Part time students will most                                                  the start of the course.      Access to Higher Education
     likely be in College 2 days a week.          Bath College offers a distance learning     Humanities requires
                                                  option for the following pathways. The                                    Ben Royall studied Science as an Access
                                                                                              you to have English
     Students will be placed on one of four       programme is carried out over one year                                    student and received 3 offers to study
                                                                                              Language at Grade C/4
     Access Diplomas suited to their              and has the same requirements as our                                      physiotherapy at the University of the West
                                                                                              or above at the start of
     degree choice:                               1 year on campus offering. Classes are                                    of England (UWE), the University of Plymouth
                                                                                              the course. Education
                                                  held over teams for 6 hours per week                                      and Oxford Brookes University. He accepted
     Health and Social Care                                                                   requires that you have
                                                  plus you will be expected to study for                                    the offer from Oxford Brookes.
     This popular diploma enables you to                                                      English or Maths at
     study a degree in a range of healthcare      15 hours independently each week.           Grade C/4 or above and        He said: “I really enjoyed being able to learn
     professions, including nursing, midwifery,                                               Science Grade C/4 or          a broad range of subjects (biology, physics,
     paramedicine and social work.                Education                                   above.                        sociology and psychology) which were best
                                                  Designed for future teachers, this          Entry requirements for        suited towards my degree goal. I also made
     Education                                    diploma offers you the qualifications                                     many friends who I still keep in touch with and
                                                                                              university courses are
     Designed for future teachers, this           needed to pursue a degree in teaching.                                    see regularly now.
                                                                                              changing all the time
     diploma offers you the qualifications
                                                  Health and Social Care                      and a grade B/5+ in           The help I received when writing my personal
     needed to pursue a degree in teaching.
                                                  Designed for progression into a range       these subjects may be         statement was invaluable. My tutor was
     Humanities                                   of healthcare professions.                  a requirement for some        always ready to offer advice on how get my
     This diploma is for students who wish,                                                   degree courses. We            skills and experience onto paper to make my
     for example, to study history, law,                                                      strongly advise you to        statement as relevant and specific as possible
     literature, creative writing, journalism,                                                check university entry        to physiotherapy. I also feel like the help
     politics, social science and sociology.                                                  requirements for your         we received in study skills with referencing
                                                                                              desired course.               was very useful - many other students on my
     It may be useful to make an appointment at the college for a careers interview                                         degree struggled with this when they got to
                                                                                            • Students will be invited
     before applying for the Access to Higher Education course. Our careers advisers                                        writing their first university essay.”
                                                                                              to an interview before
     will be able to give you advice on university entry requirements and degree              they start.
     options. Telephone 01225 328 720 to make an appointment.

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Pathways for Adulthood Programme – Pre Entry Level
                                                                             This course provides opportunities for young people with moderate,
                                                                             complex or profound learning difficulties at Wellow House the new
                                                                             SEND Centre at our Somer Valley Campus.
                                                                             Life and Living Skills (LILS) – Entry Levels 1, 2 and 3
                                                                             This course provides opportunities for young people with special
                                                                             education needs and disabilities (SEND) wishing to improve their
                                                                             independent living skills.
                                                                             PET (Personal Development, Employability and
                                                                             Transitions) – Level 1
                                                                             PET is a Level 1 course aimed at young people with SEND who
                                                                             are unsure of what they would like to do for a career, or for those
                                                                             who need more time to develop their confidence in learning and
                                                                             practical skills.
                                                                             Step Up – Entry Level 3/Level 1
                                                                             This is for young people who would like to find out what they are
                                                                             good at and what they would like to do, and then progress on to
                                                                             either study at a higher.

                                                                             Traineeship - Entry Level 3/Level 1
                                                                             Traineeship is a standalone course that can also be taken after
                                                                             completing Step Up or a vocational subject. The course aims
                                                                             support learners with developing the skills necessary to progress
                                                                             into an apprenticeship or into the working environment.
     Our Foundation Programmes meet a range of needs for learners with
     Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), Social, Emotional    DFN Project SEARCH
     and Mental Health Needs (SEMH), or other barriers to their learning.    DFN Project SEARCH offers 12 month internships for young people
     Learners are generally between 16 and 24 and have an Education,         with SEND, within Bath and North East Somerset Council. This is
     Health and Care Plan (EHCP).                                            made up by three 10-week internships in different departments over
                                                                             an academic year supported by Virgin Care Job Coaches.
     Our courses are designed to help those with learning difficulties and
     disabilities improve their independent living skills, or assist young   Supported routes to Employment (SuRE)
     people with discovering what they would like to do for a career, or     The SuRE Programme has been devised to offer supported
     who just need more time to develop their confidence in learning and     internship opportunities for young people with special education
     practical skills.                                                       needs and disability (SEND) for whom DFN Project SEARCH is not

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