Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas

Page created by Jacob Wise
Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas
National History Day 2022-23
The National History Day office chooses a different theme each year to unite all National
History Day projects. While your topic must connect to the theme, the annual theme is
broad enough for you to pick a topic from any time period or location. Before getting
started, be sure to check with your teacher to make sure they do not have any guidelines
on topic choice.

During the 2022–2023 school year, the annual theme is Frontiers in History: People, Places,
Ideas. This guide will help you think about the theme, how to narrow topics to the right
size, and think of some topic ideas.

What is a Frontier?
To understand this year’s theme, it is best to take a closer look at the word “frontier.” Here
are some common definitions of frontier:

   •   a wilderness at the edge of a settled area
   •   an uncharted territory
   •   the farthermost limits of knowledge or achievement in a particular subject
   •   an undeveloped field of study

Those definitions cover a lot of possible historical research topics! As you brainstorm on
ideas, go beyond the physical definition of frontier, and think about times that people
pushed the boundaries in science, technology, medicine, transportation, economics,
media, law, justice, sports, and art. Remember that everything has a history – investigate
subject areas that fascinate you!

If you want to pick a topic that examines physical frontiers, think about how the word
may differ between perspectives. For instance, the “New World” might have been a
frontier to the Europeans, but that was not the case to the many people who already
lived here. Manteo and Wanchese were two American Indians that interacted with the
English during the Roanoke Voyages. They both traveled to England. To them, wouldn’t
England be a frontier? Considering multiple perspectives is key to a strong NHD project.

Important to Remember as You Hunt for Topics
As you hunt for topics, look for ones that you will be able to show both historical context
and historical significance. Historical context considers what was happening at the time
of your topic that influenced it to happen. Ask yourself what factors led to the
development of a frontier? Why did it emerge, and how did it change? These influences
may come from political, social, environmental, and economic climates of the time.
Keep in mind that these people, places, or ideas all occur as part of a larger story and its
important to show how it fits.

Historical significance examines the impact of your topic and demonstrates why it
matters today. As NHD likes to ask, “so what?” Did your chosen frontier have a lasting
impact on society? Did it inspire future events that might not have otherwise been
possible? When did it cease to be a frontier and why? Investigate how your topic
affected individuals, communities, nations, or the world and what changes took place
over time because of it.

Ultimately, the answers to these questions must be found through research. Keep an
open mind as you search your sources and discover examples of frontiers.

Narrowing Down a Topic
As you choose your topic, also remember not to be too broad. A topic such as, “Space
Exploration” might seem like a good choice at first, but it covers way too much time,
people, and places. Broad topics like this one might make finding sources easy, but it will
be that much harder to make a clear argument and stay within the word or time limits in
your project category. For example, narrowing that topic down to only looking at how
the Morehead Planetarium prepared early astronauts for space exploration helps focus
research and forming a historical argument.

The chart located below shows how you can use Who, What, When, and Where questions
to narrow down your broad history interests into focus topic ideas.

N.C. History Topic Ideas
The topic ideas listed on the following pages explore possible connections to this year’s
theme within North Carolina history. Though sorted by type of history, many topic ideas
fit into multiple sections so explore the list carefully. A great place to start to learn more
about these topics is on Looking for American or World History topic
ideas? Check out
African American History                         Arts & Entertainment
1971 Durham Schools Charette                     Black Mountain College
1986 “Somerset Homecoming”                       Cecil B. DeMille
Elreta Melton Alexander Ralston                  Ernie Barnes
Floyd McKissick and Soul City                    Romare Bearden
George Henry White                               Bennie Lydell Glover: Record Industry Downfall
Harriet Jacobs                                   Hugh Mangum
Founding of Princeville                          John Coltrane
James F. Shober                                  Mel A. Tomlinson: Rubber-Band Man
Palmer Memorial Institute
                                                 Nina Simone
The Montford Point Marines
                                                 North Carolina Museum of Art
Ocean City of Topsail Island
                                                 Charlie Clay Poole
Lunsford Lane
                                                 North Carolina Symphony
Pauli Murray
North Carolina’s 1865 Freedmen’s Convention
                                                 Pam Grier
Dorothy Counts – Charlotte School Integration    Paul Eliot Green
Asheville’s Young Men’s Institute                Roberta Flack
North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company     Thelonious Monk
John Hope Franklin’s From Slavery to Freedom
                                                 Civics and Government
David Walker and His Appeal
                                                 1669 Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina
W. F. Johnson's Electric-powered Airplane
                                                 Bayard v. Singleton
Royal Ice Cream Sit-in
                                                 Carolina Charters (1663, 1665)
Thomas Day
Wilmington Insurrection of 1898                  Creation of UNC at Chapel Hill
                                                 Governor Sanford’s North Carolina Fund
Agricultural History                             Governor William Woods Holden’s
John Blue – Farming Inventions                   Impeachment
Nicholas Nichols Nixon and Peanut Cultivation    Formation of the Committees of
Priestley Mangum and His Innovative Terrace      Correspondence
Silas McDowell and the Thermal Zone              Halifax Resolves
Pasteurization Initiative in Tarboro, 1918       Jacob Henry
American Indian History                          Mecklenburg Resolves
Chief Osley Bird Sanooke                         North Carolina’s Prohibition Vote
Salola’s Rifle                                   North Carolina’s Provincial Congresses
Royal Proclamation of 1763 and Tryon's Line      The Regulator Movement
Lula Leta Owl Gloyne                             Environmental & Natural History
Lumbee Organize Against the Ku Klux Klan, 1958   Brown Creek Soil Conservation District
Creation of Oconaluftee, Replica Village         Carl Schenck and the Cradle of Forestry
Chief Yonaguska and the Oconaluftee Cherokee     Creation of Mount Mitchell State Park
Manteo and Wanchese Travel to England            Creation of Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Sequoyah - Inventor of Cherokee Syllabary        Andre Michaux & the Appalachians
Asian American History                           H. H. Brimley & C. S. Brimley
Chang and Eng Bunker                             John Lawson’s A New Voyage to Carolina
Charles Soong (born Han Chiao-shun)              North Carolina Zoological Park
Edward Tie                                       R. W. Graeber and North Carolina Forestry
George Masa                                      William Bartram
The Hindu Society of N.C.
Exploration                                      Hispanic and Latino American History
Francisco de Miranda                             1995 Strike at Morganton's Case Farms
Hernando de Soto’s 1540 Expedition               Creation of El Centro Hispano in Durham
Giovanni da Verrazzano – Explores N.C. Coast     Creation of Latin American Coalition in Charlotte
John White: Documenting the “New” World          Creation of Student Action with Farmworkers
John Lederer Expedition                          H. Nolo Martinez
Lucas Vásquez de Ayllón
                                                 Journalism & Broadcasting
John Lawson
                                                 Betty Debnam and The Mini Page
Fashion                                          Charles Bishop Kuralt
André Leon Talley                                Charlotte’s WBTV
Molly McCoy Hancock                              Edward R. Murrow
Willie Virginia Otey Kay                         James Davis - North Carolina’s First Newspaper

Immigration, Migration, and Settlement
                                                 Medical History
Bethabara – 1st Moravian Settlement in N.C.
                                                 Alice Threatt Perry
The Donner Party (Donners born in N.C.)
                                                 Anne Penland
The Great Wagon Road
                                                 Ann Johnson – Pioneer in Aging and Senior Care
The Roanoke Voyages
                                                 Doreatha Dix’s Work in N.C.
The Watauga Settlement
                                                 Dr. Connie Guion
Industry or Labor History                        Dr. James Buren Sidbury – Est. of Pediatrics
Burlington Industries                            Dr. James Webb
Crystal Sutton                                   Karl Von Ruck
Ella Mae Wiggins                                 Leonard Medical School
The General Textile Strike of 1934               Martha Mason and Life in an Iron Lung
Lowe’s and Homegrown Home Improvement            Mary L. Wyche
North Carolina Gold Rush – Reed Gold             Dr. Michael Hoke
R. J. Reynolds and the Tobacco Industry          Dr. Louis Burgin McBrayer
                                                 Dr. Perry Reaves’ Radiograph-scope
Innovation in History                            Radiology Pioneer Margaret Kennedy Goodwin
Astronaut Training at Morehead Planetarium
Astronaut William Thornton
                                                 Military History
Beulah Louise Henry - “Lady Edison”
                                                 Bombardier Thomas Ferebee
Caleb Bradham and Pepsi-Cola
                                                 Camp Lejeune & Females in the Marine Corps
Construction of the Linn Cove Viaduct
                                                 Culpeper's Rebellion
Creation of Research Triangle Park
                                                 Dorothy B. Austell – WWII Undercover Agent
Ham, The “Astrochimp”
                                                 Fort Dobbs
Henry Gatling and His Flying Machine
                                                 Frank Armstrong
Henry Louis Smith and Early X-ray Experiments
                                                 “Glory” Hancock, World War I Nurse
Joseph Caldwell’s Pleas for Railroad
                                                 James Dobbin’s Vision for the U.S. Navy
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
                                                 Kiffin Rockwell and the Lafayette Escadrille
Lunsford Richardson and Vicks VapoRub
                                                 Laurinburg-Maxton Army Air Base Gliders
Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner
                                                 Loyalist Fate after War (Revolutionary War)
N.C. State’s On-Campus Nuclear Reactor
                                                 NC Artificial Limbs Program After Civil War
Pamlico County Schools Motorized School Bus
                                                 Richard Jordan Gatling and the Gatling Gun
Reginald Fessenden’s N.C. Wireless Experiments
William Luther Paul & “Bumble Bee” Helicopter
The Wright Brothers
Naval and Maritime History                       Women’s History
“Gentleman Pirate” Stede Bonnet                  Bayard Wooten
Project Azorian and Cold War Espionage           Edenton Tea Party
The Civil Air Patrol Protecting N.C.’s Coast     Gertrude Weil
The Pea Island Life-Saving Station               Viola Gentry
                                                 Ethel H. Porter
Sports/Athletics                                 Sarah DeRippe Falkener and Female Education
Cataloochee Ski Slopes                           Barbara Bynum Henderson
Dr. Frank Jobe Pioneers Saves Baseball Careers   Mary Maria Petty - Pioneer Female Chemist
Hang Gliding                                     Jane Simpson McKimmon - Home Economics
Lilliputian Golf                                 Georgia “Tiny” Broadwick
Jim "Catfish" Hunter – A Free Agent              Lillian Exum Clement Stafford
Michael Jordon                                   Tabitha Holton
Professional Ice Hockey’s 1956 Debut in N.C.     Charles McIver - Female Education
The Secret Basketball Game of 1944               Samarcand - State Home & Industrial School
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