From Research to Headache Care and Back and Ottorino Rossi Award

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From Research to Headache Care and Back and Ottorino Rossi Award
Irccs mondino foundation                                           october
& university of pavia                                         1st-2nd 2021
Celebrations of the 50 years of the Pavia Headache Centre
Academic Year 1970/71 - Academic Year 2020/21

From Research to
Headache Care and Back
and Ottorino Rossi Award
XXXI edition

The event will take place in a hybrid format
(Aula Berlucchi IRCCS Mondino Foundation & videoconference)
From Research to Headache Care and Back and Ottorino Rossi Award
Ottorino Rossi / Historical notes

Ottorino Rossi was born on 17th January, 1877,      Ottorino Rossi made many important                 Since 1990, thanks to an initiative of the
in Solbiate Comasco, near Como, Italy. In           scientific contributions to the fields             then new Scientific Director (prof. Giuseppe
1895 he enrolled at the medical faculty of the      of      neurology,      neurophysiopathology       Nappi), the IRCCS Mondino Foundation
University of Pavia as a student of the Ghislieri   and neuroanatomy. These include: the               has held an annual Ottorino Rossi Award
College and during his undergraduate years          identification of glucose as the reducing agent    Conference at which the award is presented
was an intern pupil of the Institute of General     of cerebrospinal fluid, the demonstration          to a scientist who has made an important
Pathology and Histology, headed by Camillo          that fibres from the spinal ganglia pass into      contribution to research in the field of the
Golgi. In 1901 Rossi obtained his medical           the dorsal branch of the spinal roots, and         neurosciences.
doctor degree with the highest grades and           the description of the cerebellar symptom          In the course of its 30-year history, the
a distinction. In October 1902 he went on to        which he termed “the primary asymmetries           Ottorino Rossi Award has, on two occasions,
the Clinica Neuropatologica (Hospital for           of positions”. Moreover, he conducted              been theme based. In the period 2010-2012,
Nervous and Mental Diseases) directed by            important studies on the immunopathology           it was was devoted to The Founders of
Casimiro Mondino to continue his studies.           of the nervous system, the serodiagnosis           Neurology, namely the three founders of the
At the same time, he continued to frequent          of neurosyphilis and the regeneration of           most important Italian Schools of Neurology
the Golgi Institute which was the leading           the nervous system. He was the author of           of the twentieth century, while the awards
Italian centre for biological research. Having      major scientific works including an extensive      assigned from 2017 to 2019 celebrated the
completed his clinical preparation in Florence      investigation of arteriosclerosis in the brain,    Pavia Legacy. This latter series stemmed
under Eugenio Tanzi, and in Munich at the           L’Arteriosclerosi dei Centri Cerebrali e Spinali   from the desire to recognise eminent
Institute directed by Emil Kraepelin, he taught     (1906), which dealt with the development           researchers with strong scientific and cultural
at the Universities of Siena, Sassari and, from     of lesions of vascular origin. He died in 1936     links with the city of Pavia.
1925, Pavia. In Pavia he was made Rector of         at the age of 59, having named the Ghislieri       Unfortunately, due to the restrictions
the University (serving from 1925 to 1936),         College as his heir. Ottorino Rossi was one of     imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, it was not
and during his tenure he was instrumental in        Camillo Golgi’s most illustrious pupils as well    possible to stage the Ottorino Rossi Award
getting the buildings of the new San Matteo         as one of the most eminent descendants of          Conference in 2020. As a result this year, 2021,
General Hospital completed.                         Pavia’s medico-biological tradition.               sees the Award entering its fourth decade.

Rigmor H. Jensen / Ottorino Rossi Award 2021

Rigmor Højland Jensen was born in                20 PhD students and boasts a sizeable
Denmark in 1954. She obtained her MD             scientific output (80-100 publications
degree at the University of Copenhagen in        per year). Prof. Jensen’s current research
1981. After completing her basic clinical and    interests are headache management,
neurological training, as well as fellowships    CSF physiology, idiopathic intracranial
at university hospitals in the Copenhagen        hypertension and preclinical models,
area, she qualified as a neurologist. She        medication overuse headache and cluster
became an associate professor at the             headache. She herself has published
University of Copenhagen in 1997, and in         more than 400 scientific papers in peer-
2009 a full professor of headache and            reviewed journals.
neurological pain at the same University.        Prof. Jensen has worked extensively with
Inspired and mentored by Professor Jes           national and international organisations
Olesen, she entered the field of headache        in the field of headache care, and in pre-   In 2016 she initiated an international
research in the late 1980s, initially focusing   and postgraduate education. She has          “Master in Headache Disorders” at the
mainly on tension-type headache. In 1988,        supervised 28 PhD students and more          University of Copenhagen. This two-year
she co-conducted the first epidemiological       than 50 undergraduate and postgraduate       programme has proved very successful
study on headache disorders based on             master’s projects.                           and is continuing to attract post-graduate
the first International Classification of        She is a past president of the European      students, mostly neurologists, from
Headache Disorders (ICHD-I).                     Headache Federation, a former trustee        numerous countries.
In 2001, she and Prof. Olesen together           and co-chair of the International Headache   Rigmor Jensen is a leading figure in
founded the Danish Headache Centre at            Society’s Education Committee, and a         headache care and research worldwide,
Glostrup Hospital, and a decade later she        former Director of EHMTIC – an EHF-          and has an extensive international network.
became its director. This multidisciplinary      Migraine Trust congress organisation. At     She has worked steadily with politics for
academic centre, recipient of a Global           present she is director of the Lifting the   equal and better access to headache care
Excellence in Health Award, has more than        Global Burden of Headache organisation.      globally.

Previous Winners / Ottorino Rossi Award

1990                    1998                 2005                        2013
Vittorio Erspamer       Alain Berthoz        Jes Olesen                  Henry Markram
Rome (Italy)            Paris (France)       Copenhagen (Denmark)        Lausanne (Switzerland)
1991                    1999                 2006                        2014
Paolo Pinelli                                Stanley Finger
                        Ottar Sjaastad                                   Emmanuele A. Jannini
Milan (Italy)                                S. Louis (USA)
                        Trondheim (Norway)                               L’Aquila (Italy)
1992                                         2007
Giovanni Di Chiro       2000                 Michael A. Moskowitz        2015
Bethesda (USA)          John Timothy         Boston (USA)                Roberto Crea
                        Greenamyre                                       Hayward (USA)
1993                                         2008
                        Atlanta (USA)
Clarence Joseph Gibbs                        Patricia Smith Churchland   2016
Bethesda (USA)          2001                 San Diego (USA)             Richard Stanislaus
1994                    Salvatore Di Mauro   2009                        Joseph Frackowiak
David Zee               New York (USA)       Stephen P. Hunt             Lausanne (Switzerland)
Baltimore (USA)                              London (UK)
                        2002                                             2017
1995                    Elio Raviola         2010                        Pierluigi Nicotera
Elio Lugaresi           Boston (USA)         Vincenzo Bonavita           Bonn (Germany)
Bologna (Italia)                             Naples (Italy)
                        2003                                             2018
1996                                         2011
                        Michael Welch                                    Gianvito Martino
Michel Fardeau                               Cesare Fieschi
Paris (France)          Chicago (USA)        Rome (Italy)                Milan (Italy)

1997                    2004                 2012                        2019
Salvador Moncada        François Boller      Giorgio Bernardi            Adriano Aguzzi
London (UK)             Paris (France)       Rome (Italy)                Zurich (Switzerland)

Background to the conference

Five decades have passed since 1970, the year in which Prof. Giuseppe              studies, it has progressively expanded its horizons, both temporal and
Nappi, then a young university lecturer, founded the Headache and Brain            scientific, enriching its experience with nosographic classification
Circulation Center at the University of Pavia. Over the years, this center,        activities, epidemiological investigations, the development of animal
based at the Mondino Foundation, went on to become a “Regional Center              and human models of disease, studies involving neurophysiological and
of Reference”, an important recognition in the healthcare field. In the course     neuroimaging methods, and pharmacological trials. From the passion and
of this past half century, scientific knowledge in the field of headaches has      enthusiasm of a small founding group of young neurologists (Giorgio Bono,
made enormous strides, transforming a disorder sometimes considered                Emilia Martignoni, Giuseppe Micieli, Grazia Sances and Giorgio Sandrini),
the Cinderella of neurology into a topic of great scientific interest, in          a long tradition of research and healthcare, enriched over the years with
which discoveries have continued incessantly, leading to a series of major         new faces and new ideas, was born. The Pavia Headache Center has trained
achievements. These include one of the most advanced nosographic                   numerous headache experts, and created a network of excellence at
classifications in medicine, the identification of specific drugs, and             national and European level, thereby consolidating the foundations not only
the development of highly innovative, complex and multidisciplinary                of its present, but also, more importantly, of its future. In fact, this year, a
management approaches.                                                             representative of the great Pavia Headache School is set to take the reins
This scientific and healthcare revolution has mainly involved two forms            of the International Headache Society.
of primary headache: migraine and cluster headache, both chronic and               To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Pavia Headache Center, colleagues
complex neurological diseases whose multiple symptoms, in addition                 and friends, from various parts of the world, who have contributed, together
to the head pain, reflect the involvement of multiple brain circuits. The          with the Pavia School, to the growth of headache science and medicine will
development of valid animal models has made it possible to shed light on           be getting together, in person and/or virtually, at the Mondino Foundation.
different aspects of the neurobiology of cranial pain. We now know, for            The event will be an opportunity to testify to the progress made and to
instance, that the well-established female prevalence of migraine is due           discuss future developments with the Mondino Foundation’s younger
to differences in the levels of pain receptors located on the meninges that        generation, and with members of of the University of Pavia’s Department
surround the brain. The discovery, in the 1980s, of a key molecule mediating       of Brain and Behavioral Sciences.
head pain led to the creation of drugs (monoclonal antibodies and receptor         This event will see the prestigious Ottorino Rossi Award, now in its 31st
antagonists) capable of selectively blocking its biological action. In addition,   year, awarded to Prof. Rigmor H. Jensen (Department of Internal Medicine
the identification of various phases in the migraine attack, together with         C, Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen), a researcher of great
the focus on the entire spectrum of migraine symptomatology, has allowed           international renown in the field of headaches.
us to identify the structures responsible for attacks and, through the use         In addition, prizes will be awarded to two young researchers, in memory,
of sophisticated neurophysiological and neuroimaging methods, made it              respectively, of Emilia Martignoni and Paolo Rossi, two colleagues who
possible to clarify the temporal sequence of their activation.                     contributed hugely to the whole scientific community, and the Mondino
In all these areas, the Pavia Headache Center has constantly played a role         Foundation in particular, both as researchers and clinicians and, more
of primary importance. Starting from its first clinical and neurochemical          important still, as people.

Friday, October 1st

8.45   Welcome                                               9.50   Chapter 1 - Neurons, vessels and hormones
       Francesco Svelto                                             Chairs and discussants: Fabio Blandini (Pavia),
       Rector, Pavia University                                     Pietro Cortelli (Bologna)
       President, IRCCS Mondino Foundation                             From aura to Headache: novel concepts
       Livio P. Tronconi                                            in understanding the complexity of the process
       CEO, IRCCS Mondino Foundation                                by which CSD activates meningeal nociceptors
                                                                    Rami Burstein (Boston)
       Fabio Blandini
       Scientific Director, IRCCS Mondino Foundation                  Migraine and vascular disease
                                                                    Hans-Christoph Diener (Essen)
       Giuseppe Nappi
       Founder, Pavia Headache Centre                                 Role of gender and hormones in migraine
                                                                    Rossella E. Nappi (Pavia)
9.00   Prologue
                                                             11.00 Break
       The origins: building a solid foundation for growth
       Giorgio Sandrini, Pavia                               11.10 Chapter 2 - From genetics to signaling
                                                                   mechanisms in migraine
9.10   Opening Session - Condensed Lectures:
       from basic and clinical intuitions                           Chairs and discussants: Pierangelo Geppetti
       to translational neuroscience                                (Florence), Armando Genazzani (Novara)
       Chairs: Maria Gabriella Buzzi (Rome),                          Migraine and genes
       Messoud Ashina (Copenhagen)                                  Arn van den Maagdenberg (Leiden)
          Fifty years of pre-clinical advances                        The CGRP story
       Michael A. Moskowitz (Boston)                                Peter J. Goadsby (London)
          Fifty years of clinical advances                            Human models of migraine
       Jes Olesen (Copenhagen)                                      Messoud Ashina (Copenhagen)

Friday, October 1st

12.20 Chapter 3 - Biomarkers of migraine:             15.30 Chapter 4 - The future of migraine research:
      setting the path                                      the Pavia School continues
        Chairs and discussants: Gioacchino Tedeschi          Chairs: Giorgio Sandrini (Pavia), Alfredo Costa (Pavia)
        (Naples), Filippo M. Santorelli (Pisa)                 Animal models
          Neuroimaging                                       Chiara Demartini (Pavia)
        Arne May (Hamburg)                                   Advisor: Peter J. Goadsby (London)
           Neurophysiology                                     Neurophysiological investigations
        Jean Schoenen (Liège)                                Roberto De Icco (Pavia)
           Genetics                                          Advisor: Jean Schoenen (Liège)
        Gisela Terwindt (Leiden)
          Epigenetics                                        Giuseppe Cosentino (Pavia)
        Patricia Pozo-Rosich (Barcelona)
                                                             Advisor: David W. Dodick (Phoenix)
14.30   XXXI Ottorino Rossi                                  Daniele Martinelli (Pavia)
        Award Ceremony                                       Advisor: David Borsook (Boston)
        Presentation of the winner
        Fabio Blandini (Pavia)                               Artificial intelligence applied to migraine research
        Lecture by the winner                                Silvia Figini (Pavia)
        What about the non-migraine headaches,
        are they not relevant?                        17.30 "Emilia Martignoni" Memorial Award
        Rigmor H. Jensen (Copenhagen)                       Conferred to an Italian Junior MD
                                                            presented by Piera Martignoni

Saturday, October 2nd

9.00   Treatment of migraine and cluster headache:                      Come prevenire l'uso eccessivo
       which options?                                                di farmaci per l'attacco
       Chairs: Vincenzo Guidetti, Paolo Martelletti (Rome)           Natascia Ghiotto (Pavia)
          Monoclonal antibodies targeting CGRP:                        Le strategie di gestione della cefalea a grappolo
       for whom and for how long?                                    Marta Allena (Pavia)
       Grazia Sances (Pavia)                                            La telemedicina nella gestione del paziente
          Combining preventive drugs:                                cefalalgico
       when enough is not enough                                     Elena Guaschino (Pavia)
       Licia Grazzi (Milano)                                           Social media e rischio di fake news
         Gepants in migraine: blurring the lines                     Cherubino Di Lorenzo (Roma)
       between acute and preventive treatment                          Il punto di vista del paziente
       Simona Guerzoni (Modena)                                      Lara Merighi (Ferrara)
          Cluster headache: from neuromodulation
       to monoclonal antibodies
                                                             12.30 “Paolo Rossi” Memorial Award: Winner Lecture
       Gianluca Coppola (Roma)

                                                             13.00 Acknowledgements & Farewell
10.30 Treatment of migraine and cluster headache:
      what matters more for the patients?
       In collaboration with Al.Ce. Group-CIRNA Foundation   Scientific Supervisor Cristina Tassorelli
       (30th anniversary of CIRNA)                           Director of the Headache and Neurorehabilitation Research
                                                             Center IRCCS Mondino Foundation, Pavia; Director of the
       Chairs: Giorgio Sandrini, Grazia Sances (Pavia)       Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences, University of Pavia
                                                             Scientific Committee Cristina Tassorelli, Roberto De Icco,
                                                             Daniele Martinelli, Alessia Putortì (Pavia)

Speakers and Chairpersons

MARTA ALLENA                      GIUSEPPE COSENTINO               NATASCIA GHIOTTO                ARNE MAY                      FILIPPO M. SANTORELLI
IRCCS Mondino Foundation,         IRCCS Mondino Foundation,        IRCCS Mondino Foundation,       University of Hamburg         IRCCS Stella Maris
Pavia (Italy)                     Pavia (Italy)                    Pavia (Italy)                   (Germany)                     Foundation, Pisa (Italy)

MESSOUD ASHINA                    ALFREDO COSTA                    PETER J. GOADSBY                LARA MERIGHI                  JEAN SCHOENEN
University of Copenhagen          IRCCS Mondino Foundation,                                        Al.Ce. Group Association,     Université de Liège
                                                                   King's College, London (UK)
                                  Pavia & University of Pavia                                      Ferrara (Italy)
(Denmark)                                                                                                                        (Belgium)
                                  (Italy)                          LICIA GRAZZI
FABIO BLANDINI                                                     IRCCS Neurological Insitute     MICHAEL A. MOSKOWITZ          FRANCESCO SVELTO
                                  ROBERTO DE ICCO
IRCCS Mondino Foundation,                                          Carlo Besta Foundation,         Massachusetts General         IRCCS Mondino Foundation,
                                  IRCCS Mondino Foundation,
Pavia (Italy)                                                      Milano (Italy)                  Hospital, Boston (USA)        Pavia & University of Pavia
                                  Pavia (Italy)
DAVID BORSOOK                     CHIARA DEMARTINI                 ELENA GUASCHINO                 GIUSEPPE NAPPI
Harvard Medical School            IRCCS Mondino Foundation,                                        già IRCCS Mondino             CRISTINA TASSORELLI
                                                                   IRCCS Mondino Foundation,
Massachusettes General            Pavia (Italy)                                                    Foundation, Pavia (Italy)     IRCCS Mondino Foundation,
                                                                   Pavia (Italy)
Hospital (USA)                                                                                                                   Pavia & University of Pavia
                                  CHERUBINO DI LORENZO                                             ROSSELLA E. NAPPI
                                                                   SIMONA GUERZONI                                               (Italy)
RAMI BURSTEIN                     Sapienza University of Rome                                      University of Pavia (Italy)
                                                                   University Hospital
Harvard Medical School,           (Italy)                                                                                        GIOACCHINO TEDESCHI
                                                                   Policlinico di Modena (Italy)   JES OLESEN
Boston (USA)                      HANS-CHRISTOPH DIENER                                            University of Copenhagen      Campania University, Naples
                                  University Duisburg-Essen        VINCENZO GUIDETTI                                             (Italy)
MARIA GABRIELLA BUZZI                                              Sapienza University of Rome
IRCCS Santa Lucia                                                  (Italy)                         PATRICIA POZO-ROSICH          GISELA TERWINDT
Foundation, Rome (Italy)          DAVID W. DODICK                                                  Vall d’Hebron University      Leiden University Medical
                                  Mayo Clinic, Phoenix (USA)       RIGMOR H. JENSEN                Hospital Barcelona (Spain)    Centre (Netherlands)
GIANLUCA COPPOLA                                                   Glostrup Hospital (Denmark)
Sapienza University of Rome       SILVIA FIGINI                                                    GRAZIA SANCES                 LIVIO P. TRONCONI
- Polo Pontino, Rome (Italy)      University of Pavia (Italy)      PAOLO MARTELLETTI                                             IRCCS Mondino Foundation,
                                                                                                   IRCCS Mondino Foundation,
                                                                   Sapienza University of Rome     Pavia (Italy)                 Pavia (Italy)
                                  Piemonte Orientale               (Italy)
Alma Mater Studiorum –                                                                             GIORGIO SANDRINI              ARN VAN DEN
                                  University, Novara (Italy)
University of Bologna                                              DANIELE MARTINELLI              già IRCCS Mondino             MAAGDENBERG
IRCCS Institute of Neurological   PIERANGELO GEPPETTI              IRCCS Mondino Foundation,       Foundation, Pavia &           Leiden University
Science, Bologna (Italy)          University of Florence (Italy)   Pavia (Italy)                   University of Pavia (Italy)   (Netherlands)

General information

Accreditamento ECM-CPD                                                     Other information
Provider IRCCS Fondazione Mondino n. 5467. Obiettivi formativi             Participants Registration
tecnico-professionali n. 18: Contenuti tecnico-professionali               The registration is free of charge, but mandatory at the
(conoscenze e competenze) specifici di ciascuna professione,               following link:
di ciascuna specializzazione e di ciascuna attività ultraspecialistica     The credentials to take part in the Videoconference
ivi incluse le malattie rare e la medicina di genere.                      will be sent by e-mail.
                                                                           Regardless of the training credits, at the end of the
                                                                           meeting, it will be possible to request the certificate
Le due giornate sono accreditate in ambito ECM-CPD per le seguenti
                                                                           of attendance.
figure professionali:
Medico Chirurgo (Biochimica clinica, Epidemiologia, Farmacologia           Training office Silvia Molinari
e tossicologia clinica, Genetica medica, Laboratorio di genetica           IRCCS Fondazione Mondino – Pavia
medica, Igiene, epidemiologia e sanità pubblica, Medicina generale-        phone +39 (0) 382 380 299
medici di famiglia, Medicina fisica e riabilitativa, Medicina interna,
Neurofisiopatologia, Neurologia, Neuropsichiatria infantile,
Neuroradiologia, Patologia clinica-laboratorio di analisi chimico-         Organizing secretariat Bquadro congressi srl
cliniche e microbiologia), Assistente sanitario, Biologo, Farmacista       Via F.lli Cuzio 42 - 27100 Pavia - phone +39 (0) 382 302 859
(Farmacia ospedaliera, Farmacia territoriale), Chimico, Fisioterapista, -
Infermiere, Infermiere pediatrico, Psicologo (psicologia, psicoterapia),
                                                                           Press office Echo arte e comunicazione
Tecnico della fisiopatologia cardiocircolatoria e perfusione
cardiovascolare, Tecnico di neurofisiopatologia, Tecnico sanitario
di radiologia medica, Tecnico sanitario di laboratorio biomedico.
                                                                           Registration Participants, Speakers and Chairpersons
Per ottenere i crediti formativi è necessario partecipare all’intero       Entrance from Via Magenes
programma e rispondere correttamente all’80% delle domande
del test di apprendimento.                                                 Official language
Sono stati preassegnati n. 8 crediti ECM-CPD alla prima giornata           English is the official language for October 1st
e n. 3 crediti ECM-CPD alla seconda giornata.                              Italian is the official language for October 2nd

Under the patronage of


With the unconditional support of

                                                            IRCCS Fondazione Mondino
                                                            Istituto Neurologico Nazionale
                                                            a Carattere Scientifico IRCCS

                                                            via Mondino 2
                                                            27100 Pavia

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