From Jefferson to Metallica to your Campus: Copyright Issues in Student Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

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From Jefferson to Metallica to your Campus: Copyright
Issues in Student Peer-to-Peer File Sharing                                                                  45

                                                                                                             The Journal of Technology Studies
Lisa McHugh Cesarini and Paul Cesarini

      If nature has made any one thing less           gration of digital technologies into American life
susceptible than all others of e xclusive property,   has increased the relevance of this body of law
it is the action of the thinking po wer called an     and made necessary a broader understanding of
idea, which an individual may exclusively pos-        its basis, how it works, and the role it plays in
sess as long as he k eeps it to himself; b ut the     the controversies that are shaping how faculty
moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the      and students will use technology and informa-
possession of everyone, and the receiver cannot       tion in the future. (p. 616)
dispossess himself of it. Its peculiar character ,
too, is that no one possesses the less, because            Although the relevance of this topic within
every other possesses the whole of it. He who         higher education is clear, interpretations of leg-
receives an idea from me, recei ves instruction       islation as well as court decisions have not pro-
himself without lessening mine; as he w ho            vided much clarity on the balance betw een fair
lights his taper at mine receives light without       use and copyright infringement of digital media,
darkening me.                                         regardless of whether the digital media in ques-
                                                      tion was audio, video, or text. In addition, there
      --Thomas Jefferson, 1813                        has been much disagreement within the higher
                                                      education community as well as on individual
     When Lars Ulrich, drummer for the rock           campuses about the role institutions should pla y
group Metallica, testif ied before Congress about     in pursuit of copyright infringers, both intention-
his group's lawsuit against Napster in 2000,          al and unintentional, some of w hom may be the
many people who followed copyright issues in          institution's own students, faculty, and staff. In a
the music industry were not surprised (Ulrich,        2000 press release written in response to the
2000). Ever since downloading audio f iles            Napster lawsuit, officials at Indiana University
became as easy as clicking a fe w buttons on a        claimed that “ . . . technolo gy has leaped well
personal computer, charges of copyright               ahead of clear legal issues” (Indiana University,
infringement have been alleged and played out         2000) and as such, Napster would be banned
in the courts. The real surprise came when            from their campus network until the issue could
Indiana University, Yale University, and the          be further investigated. As a result, both Indiana
University of Southern California also were           University and Yale were dropped from the suit
named in the suit for allowing students to use        once that it was announced that Napster would
their university computer networks to illegally       be banned on those campuses as w ell (Carlson,
downloading music f iles. The idea that colleges      2000).
and universities could be held liable for their
students' actions in this way was unsettling at            Other campuses effectively banned Napster
the time, and to this day, questions linger about     by means such as packet shaping (sometimes
the role higher education should play in this         referred to as “traffic shaping” or “traffic engi-
arena from both legal and ethical perspectives.       neering”). Regardless of whether a student
                                                      attempts to share vacations photos with a friend
          Recent court decisions have not provid-     or one of Metallica’s latest tracks, the infor ma-
ed any greater insight and the legislative actions    tion transmitted over the network is broken
seem as informed by lobbyists as best practices       down into small bundles, or “packets,” identi-
on how to actually prevent and deter illegal          fied by the type of data. So, b y way of certain
activity while allowing legitimate and potentially    types of network management software, these
innovative activity. Kaplin and Lee (2007) clear-     packets essentially can be identif ied by their
ly outline the need for students and f aculty in      genre: Email traffic, course management traffic,
the higher education community to be infor med        general web surfing traffic, and peer-to-peer
and proactive, both individually and collectively,    (P2P) file sharing traffic. By deploying a pro-
in these matters:                                     gram such as Pack Shaper or Packeteer, an insti-
                                                      tution can manage network traffic by throttling
     Until recently, copyright law merited little     down the available bandwidth for certain types
attention within the academy, but the rapid inte-
of packets, while throttling up the bandwidth for      an important factor when considering the legali-
46                                  other types (SearchNetworking, n.d.). Packet           ty of using or downloading digital f iles regard-
                                    shaping has largely become the default method          less of whether the user is on a P2P netw ork.
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                                    for dealing with P2P f ile sharing in higher edu-      Response to two legal suits in 1987 and 1989
                                    cation, but in 2000 it was probably considered a       severely restricted the def inition of fair use in
                                    fairly new and obscure technology by end-users         unpublished materials to the point of essentiall y
                                    of such networks, and students largely greeted it      not allowing any use of the work. Congress
                                    with contempt. At Bowling Green State                  passed the Copy Amendments Act of 1992
                                    University, for example, photocopied flyers pro-       (Kaplin & Lee, 2007), which returned to the
                                    claiming “Save Napster!” were plastered                original fair use standards.
                                    throughout the campus, with par ticular emphasis
                                    given to the building that housed the                        Hilton (2006) asserted that the most disr up-
                                    Information Technology Services department.            tive force facing higher education relating to
                                                                                           information technology is that “we live in a
                                         At the time, Napster was the only P2P f ile       culture and society that increasingly views the
                                    sharing application, so banning that one applica-      world of ideas as pure proper ty” (p. 64). He
                                    tion (either via packet shaping or by other            claims we should be very weary of this perspec-
                                    means) was a relatively simple solution. As the        tive and cites John Perry Barlow's analogy of
                                    name implies P2P f ile sharing allows individual       someone stealing your car versus someone steal-
                                    users to share f iles without a centralized ser ver.   ing your idea. If your car is stolen, you cannot
                                    The Napster network added another dimension:           use it but if someone steals your ideas, they are
                                    Simply put, users share f iles through an inter-       still available for your use. The notion of “ideas
                                    mediary where the network served as a central-         as property” is not a recent phenomenon in
                                    ized database (McCormick, 2006; Tech                   American society. In 1939, noted author and
                                    Encyclopedia, 2008). Since Napster in 2001,            futurist Robert Heinlein wrote in his shor t story
                                    numerous applications have existed and used            entitled Life Line about the confusion regarding
                                    various protocols for sharing and distrib uting        property rights:
                                    files, making it more difficult to restrict on a
                                    campus network. Eight years later, many cam-                There has grown up in the minds of cer tain
                                    puses still struggle with the very same issues.        groups in this country the notion that because a
                                                                                           man or a cor poration has made a prof it out of
                                    Copyright and Intellectual Property                    the public for a number of y ears, the government
                                    over the Years                                         and the courts are charged with the duty of guar -
                                         While ultimately the issue of intellectual        anteeing such prof it in the future, even in the
                                    property involves legal issues of copyright,           face of changing circumstances and contrar y
                                    trademark, and patent laws, this discussion will       public interest. This strange doctrine is not sup-
                                    focus on copyright law and the widening gap            ported by statute nor common law. Neither indi-
                                    between it and advances in information and             viduals nor corporations have any right to come
                                    communication technologies. An important               into court and ask that the clock of histor y be
                                    component of copyright law affecting higher            stopped, or turned back, for their private benefit.
                                    education is that of f air use, which Kaplin and       (p. 21)
                                    Lee (2008) describe as “one of the most misun -
                                    derstood copyright issues” (p. 617).                        The notion of intellectual proper ty and
                                                                                           copyright issues has been a par t of our legal his-
                                         According to the Copyright Act, four con-         tory for as long as the United States has been a
                                    siderations are used to deter mine fair use: (a)       country. In the United States Constitution (1787),
                                    the purpose of the use: whether it is for com-         Congress is charged with the Copyright Act “to
                                    mercial or educational use, (b) the nature of the      promote the progress of science and useful ar ts,
                                    copyrighted work, (c) how much of the work is          by securing for limited times to authors and
                                    used in relation to the entirety of the cop yright-    inventors the exclusive right to their respective
                                    ed work, and (d) the impact of the use on the          writings and discoveries” (art. I, § 8, cl. 8).
                                    potential market or value of the work (Kaplin &        According to Kaplin and Lee (2007), the goal of
                                    Lee, 2007). Because the f air use doctrine applies     the Copyright Act “simply stated, is to increase
                                    to both published and unpublished works, in            knowledge” (p. 616). At first glance, this view
                                    hard copy, on the Internet, or when used as part       may seem remarkably consistent with the basic
                                    of an online course (Kaplin & Lee, 2007), this is      tenets of higher education, but in the instance of
copyright issues it often seems at cross pur poses.   Internet...” (RIAA, 2003, para. 1). This quote
                                                      created so much attention that it became a sor t     47
     The phrase in the Constitution “for limited      of rally cry for many users of P2P f ile sharing
times” has been the source of much debate as it

                                                                                                           The Journal of Technology Studies
                                                      applications as well as those students, f aculty,
is applied to the issue of intellectual proper ty     and fair use activists who feel the enforcement
rights and fair use of digital media. Some            of copyright law has been taken to an extreme.
researchers believe that the timeframe for own-
ership should not be limited. In her 1998                  Hilton (2006) believes this type of approach
Congressional testimony, Rep. Mary Bono indi-         is excessive and remarks that “as originally
cated that she agreed with her late husband w ho      enacted, copyright was designed to balance the
wanted the “term of copyright protection to last      limited property rights of the author/creator with
forever. I am informed by staff that such a           the long-term rights of the public. The problem
change would violate the Constitution” (Bono,         is that over the years, copyright has changed in
1998, para. 3). In her remarks, Bono also quoted      ways that have consistently increased the protec-
former actor and Recording Industr y                  tion granted to authors without providing
Association of America (RIAA) President Jack          increased benefit to the public” (p. 66). It is
Valenti who proposed that the ter m for copyright     easy to see how such comments by the RIAA,
protection should be “forever less one day”           Bono, Valenti, and others, such as the Motion
(Valenti in Bono, 1998, para. 3).                     Picture Association of American (MPAA), fuel
                                                      this ongoing feud which, combined with the rel-
     While the RIAA and those it represents ma y      ative ease and anonymity of downloading media
feel entitled to the prof its from their work and     files, has culminated in the cur rent situation.
the ability to control how their work is used,
many feel the approaches used by the RIAA in          Legal Precedence: Clear as Mud
pursuit of illegal downloading are questionable            The landmark copyright case related to digi-
and perhaps even illegal. McCormick (2006)            tal media was the Supreme Court ruling in Sony
describes the scenario as “college and university     Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc.,
students downloading digital f iles are perceived     464 U.S. 417 (1984). In this case, Uni versal City
as pirates and thieves by the content industry,       Studios brought suit against Sony, then a manu-
while the students perceive the recording indus-      facturer of Betamax-based video cassette
try as greedy philistines, and thus ignore intel-     recorders (VCRs) for copyright infringement
lectual property rights” (p. 682).                    because the VCR owners were taping movies
                                                      and shows off of their televisions. According to
     In 2003, the RIAA began suing direct             Kaplin and Lee (2007), the Supreme Cour t ruled
infringers of copyrighted audio f iles, creating      that Sony was not liable for the infringement of
even more ill will as well as involvement of          its customers because “the recorders had sub-
campuses who were requested to turn over the          stantial non-infringing uses, namely timeshifting
names of any students accused of violations.          of television programming” (p. 620). Further,
Their approach was to identify users inter net        the Court ruled that taping a television show and
protocol (IP) addresses and send those users to       viewing it later was considered fair use.
their institution as the ISPs. The institution then   McCormick (2006) suggested that the United
forwards the pre-settlement letter to the stu-        States Supreme Court should revisit its decision
dent/user allowing the student to pay thousands       in Sony since the precedent set by this over
of dollars to avoid any further legal action          broad ruling in the 1984 case is outdated, yet
(Cornell, 2007). If a student does not settle, then   continues to be applied.
the RIAA f iles suit as part of a “John Doe”
case, which results in a subpoena for the institu-        Fast forward seventeen years to the next
tion to reveal the name of the student (Cor nell,     significant case of copyright involving the use
2007). The RIAA's case was not helped when            of media f iles between with A&M Records v.
the following wording was posted on its website       Napster, 239 F.3d 2004 (9th Cir. 2001).
and used in many of its media messages: “No           McCormick (2006) shared the district cour t's
black flags with skull and crossbones, no cut -       view of this case as: “The matter before the
lasses, cannons or daggers identify today's           court concerns the boundary between sharing
pirates. You can't see them coming; there's no        and theft, personal use and the unauthorized
warning shot across your bow. …Today's pirates        worldwide distribution of copyrighted music and
operate not on the high sea b ut on the               sound recordings” (p. 689). In this case, A&M
Records alleged that Napster was knowingly             sideration based on four f actors: (a) Grokster
48                                  allowing (and even encouraging) customers to           was promoting itself as a means to ille gally
                                    illegally download audio f iles. In 2001, the 9th      download media f iles, (b) Grokster targeted for-
The Journal of Technology Studies

                                    Circuit court, based on Sony, rejected Napster's       mer Napster users, (c) Grokster made no attempt
                                    defense, which focused on claims of f air use          to install f ilters to prevent illegal downloading,
                                    (Kaplin & Lee, 2007, p. 620). The primary dif-         and (d) that most of the prof its that would have
                                    ference between Sony and Napster was that              gone to distributors who be from acts of copy-
                                    there was no further contact once Sony sold the        right infringement (Kaplin & Lee, 2007). The
                                    VCR to a customer, but Napster did have con-           Court's decision “did more to muddle the con-
                                    tact with its subscribers and could bar them           tributory infringement 'water' than to purify it”
                                    from using the service at any time. According to       (McCormick, 2006, p. 719). Hall (2006) ag rees
                                    Hall (2006), “because the centralized inde xing        that the Court’s decision only compounded the
                                    system allowed Napster to have actual knowl-           confusion and went even further to say that the
                                    edge of specif ic infringement and control over        Supreme Court's decision “. . . added more fuel
                                    the infringement, the court found that . . .           to the f ire by . . . allowing the existing Sony test
                                    Napster was liable for contributory and vicari-        to apply where a product is used to infringe b ut
                                    ous infringement” (p. 390).                            there is no evidence of intentionally inducing
                                                                                           the infringement” (p. 392).
                                          Shortly after Napster, another case was
                                    heard in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.         Legislative Approaches
                                    In Aimster Copyright Litigation, 334 F.3d 643,              The Digital Millennium Copyright Act
                                    645 (7th Cir. 2003), the court applied both Sony       (DMCA) of 1998 was “the foundation of an
                                    and Napster and found that even though Aimster         effort by Congress to implement United States
                                    was used for many noninfringing uses, the pro-         treaty obligations and to move the nation's copy-
                                    portion of infringing uses to noninfringing uses       right law into the digital age” (DMCA repor t,
                                    was enough that “Aimster was required to prof-         n.d.). One provision of the DMCA that applies
                                    fer evidence that its network was actually used        to higher education is that of “anti-circumv en-
                                    for . . . the stated noninfringing pur poses to        tion” clause which was an attempt to reinforce
                                    avoid contributory liability” (McCormick, 2006,        copyright holders' rights by not allowing them to
                                    p. 718).                                               “succumb to the unique threat posed b y digital
                                                                                           technologies” (McCormick, 2006, p. 716).
                                          The next significant case took place in          Although this clause was written to protect the
                                    2004, when the 9th Circuit cour t heard MGM            rights of copyright holders, some in higher edu-
                                    Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd., 380 F.3d 1154         cation and those familiar with copyright issues
                                    (9th Cir. 2004). Grokster was a network that           view it as a “threat to civil liberties, the free
                                    became popular after the Napster ruling essen-         exchange of information, and . . . academic free-
                                    tially ended operations. Grokster's network            dom” (McCormick, 2006, p. 716).
                                    merely served as a distributor for its P2P soft-
                                    ware since the f iles shared by its users were not          Another relevant provision of the DMCA
                                    indexed in any centralized manner. In its ruling,      for institutions of higher education is that of safe
                                    the court did not f ind Grokster liable as a con-      harbor (DMCA, n.d.), which can limit the liabil-
                                    tributory infringer that “specif ically contradicted   ity of Internet service providers (ISPs). Colleges
                                    the probable noninfringing use standard ar ticu-       and universities are considered ISPs and as such,
                                    lated by the Seventh Circuit in Aimster”               this safe-harbor status can protect colle ges and
                                    (McCormick, 2006, p. 718).                             universities from monetary damages awarded if
                                                                                           users of their computer network are found guilty
                                         The plaintiffs appealed to the Supreme            of copyright infringement (McCormick, 2006,
                                    Court in MGM, Inc. v. Grokster (Grokster III),         pp. 716-717). However, this protection is only
                                    125 S. Ct. 2764 (2005), and e ven requested that       extended when ISPs have and enforce a policy
                                    Congress consider legislation that would over-         that informs all users of the le gal issues sur-
                                    turn Sony, which as mentioned above has been           rounding electronic f iles and terminate from
                                    controversial because much of the le gal and           their network anyone who is a repeat offender
                                    technological landscape in this countr y has           (DMCA, n.d.).
                                    changed during the ensuing twenty years. In
                                    2005, the Supreme Court vacated the 9th                     The newest legislation proposed on this
                                    Circuit's ruling and remanded it for fur ther con-     topic is the Higher Education Act
Reauthorization that would actually block feder-       business model by purchasing detection and
al financial aid for all students at an institution    legal downloading software. According to               49
where a student repeatedly and illegally down-         Adrian Sannier, university technology officer at

                                                                                                              The Journal of Technology Studies
loads media f iles. The American Council on            Arizona State University, in his testimony before
Education (ACE) promptly reacted on behalf of          the House Committee on Science and
12 other higher education g roups (ACE, 2008).         Technology in June, 2007, colleges and universi-
While the groups were supportive of requiring          ties must be careful not to commit institutional
campuses to inform their campus communities            funds in antipiracy software lest they “end up
of their copyright infringement policies and pos-      caught in an expensive 'arms race' between tech-
sible consequences, they were not in favor of          nology companies and enter prising file swap-
requiring institutions to “provide alternative         pers” (Read, 2007, p. A34). Sannier’s point is
music and movie services and implement tech-           particularly relevant given that higher education
nological measures to deter f ile sharing” (ACE,       information technology offices are already
2008, para. 3). The vagueness of this provision        engaged in numerous other technological arms
is problematic for two reasons. It does not speci-     races, combating ever-increasing volumes of
fy what “provide” means; thus, it is unclear if an     junk email, viruses, spyware, malware, and so
institution could simply make the free iTunes          forth. Opening up a new front in this ar ms race
application available to students, or if institu-      would likely prove costly on a variety of levels.
tions are required to purchase a le gal streaming
service license such as Yahoo! Music for their              During that same hearing, Gregory A.
campus. In addition, requiring institutions to         Jackson, vice president and chief infor mation
implement technological measures to block file         officer at the University of Chicago, and Cher yl
sharing has not been cost effective or efficient.      A. Elzy, dean of libraries at Illinois State
                                                       University, testified that colleges and universi-
     In the letter written to the tw o ranking sena-   ties “would benefit at least as much from educa-
tors, ACE President David Ward assured the             tional programs and improved legal-download-
senators that “colleges and universities take ille-    ing services as they would from technological
gal file sharing very seriously. Institutions deal     tools” (Read, p. A34). In response to these com-
with illegal file sharing through the education of     ments, Florida Representative Tom Feeney told
their students, network management, and institu-       the college administrators that he was “disap-
tional policy enforcement” (ACE, 2008, para. 4).       pointed” that they had “minimized the potential
He challenged the 2005 MPAA statistics cited in        of technological solutions” to piracy (Read,
the legislation that 44 percent of its domestic        2007, p. A34). He further warned that colleges
losses were due to illegal P2P f ile sharing by        and universities take “aggressive steps” to
college students. According to Ward, the MPAA          address illegal file sharing and insisted he would
itself recently revealed after reexamination that      push institutions to use some type of antipirac y
the actual loss due to colle ge students was only      technology, “whether you like it or not” (Read,
15 percent and since only 20 percent of college        2007, p. A34).
students live on college campuses, only 3 per-
cent of MPAA losses can be attrib uted to college      Delicate Balance of Student Rights
students using campus networks. Given this             and Institutional Liabilities
small percentage and cur rent technologies, it              Although there are legitimate and legal
would be burdensome and ineffective to require         means for P2P f ile sharing, the vast majority of
campuses to purchase software that not only            press on this topic has been about the ille gal file
restricts network activity as well as students         sharing, specifically by college students. Within
legally accessing digital media (Ward in ACE,          the discussion on the legal rights of students to
2008).                                                 access digital media, there are essentially three
                                                       main considerations: the definitions of down-
     While institutions of higher education            loading versus piracy, balancing content restric-
should not be complicit in the ille gal download-      tion with bandwidth issues, and the notion of
ing of f iles by their students, some academics        creativity and innovation.
and lawyers question if it is the role of higher
education to be the enforcer of these la ws and if,         Often when the topic of downloading digital
at public institutions, taxpayer dollars should be     media is discussed, the first thought is that this
used to further support this seemingly outdated        is being done illegally. This illegal practice is
                                                       commonly called piracy since it is viewed as
essentially stealing content rather than paying a     sible. These informational conduits are liable to
50                                  price to use or own it. However, downloading          be overused, and other strategies, such as the rel-
                                    digital media has many legitimate, noninfringing      atively slower but steady trickle of P2P, are
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                                    uses both inside and outside of higher education.     required.” He also stresses that the relationship
                                    P2P file sharing is typical in small or ganizations   between P2P and FOSS is not one purel y associ-
                                    where there is not a centralized ser ver so that      ated with distribution of a f inal product. Rather,
                                    any user can use and share an y file with another     P2P also provides much of the critical connec-
                                    user within their network (“Tech Encyclopedia,”       tivity needed to facilitate collaboration on such
                                    2008).                                                projects:

                                         Other examples might include students in a            [P2P] depends on a floating and often in vis-
                                    band wanting to share their own music with            ible public whose nearly automatic sharing of
                                    known friends or unknown fans; students work-         material bypasses and renders nearly irrelevant
                                    ing on a group project in class sharing f iles with   the older model of static ser vers. And for free
                                    each other; students or f aculty who have created     software, whose license not just allows but
                                    original works – even commercial works – but          encourages the free distribution of the commod-
                                    want to allow “mash-ups” (creative reinterpreta-      ity and code, P2P not only is the natural vehicle
                                    tions) of it; or students w ho have filmed their      but also grows the community upon which the
                                    own movies and have no other means for distri-        software is built. (personal communication,
                                    bution. A recent example of noninfringing use         September 3, 2008)
                                    of P2P includes fan-produced films, such as the
                                    user-created “new” episodes of the original Star           Hilton (2006) encourages colleges and uni-
                                    Trek series, called “Star Trek: New Voyages”          versities to participate in the open source move-
                                    (recently renamed Star Trek: Phase II). Each of       ment in support of the notion of free e xchange
                                    the current episodes available, all done via vol-     of ideas. Open source software (such as Linux
                                    unteers and strictly not-for-profit, rely on P2P as   and is primarily available
                                    one of several distribution mechanisms since          through P2P f ilesharing since this shares the
                                    “bandwidth and storage are at a premium” and          bandwidth overload and thus does not overbur-
                                    P2P makes more efficient use of both (“Star           den any one network.
                                    Trek: Phase II FAQ,” 2008). Downloading and
                                    accessing these episodes represents a v ery clear,         Creative Commons is another example of
                                    noninfringing use of P2P that could be used b y       efforts to support copyright while supporting the
                                    students and faculty in assignments related to        public access to information. On the Creative
                                    media studies, theater, film, popular culture, and    Commons website, the claim is made that ends
                                    others.                                               are cooperative and community minded, but the
                                                                                          means are voluntary and libertarian (Creative
                                         Another example would include computer           Commons, n.d.), because it allows authors to
                                    enthusiasts wanting to share the newest Linux         choose a license that allows both commercial as
                                    distribution or similar free/open source software     well as non-prof it use of work. Similar to open
                                    (FOSS). Open source software, while in many           source software, many of the works licensed
                                    cases has sponsorship from large technology           through Creative Commons are accessible
                                    companies such as IBM and Google, is still ulti-      through P2P networks. According to Morrill
                                    mately community driven with ISO disk images          (2006), Creative Commons and P2P are ideally
                                    often being distributed by way of BitTorrent and      suited, and the piracy-related stigma surrounding
                                    similar P2P methods. Having this option avail-        P2P neglects the “hundreds of creative commons
                                    able is not merely helpful; it is critical.           works that are in the [P2P] distrib ution channel”
                                                                                          (para. 7). Examples of this would include sites
                                         Dr. Louis Suarez-Potts serves as community       like LegalTorrents, an “online digital media
                                    manager for the project, an            community” with the following goals:
                                    office productivity suite compatible with
                                    Microsoft Office and one of the lar gest open              We discover and distribute high quality
                                    source projects in the world. Potts (2008) argues     open-license (Creative Commons) digital media
                                    that P2P distribution is essential for this and       and art, and provide support to Content
                                    numerous other open source efforts, “but for          Creators. We host creative content in its entirety,
                                    many, downloading [free and open source soft-         ensure fast, reliable downloads, and enable users
                                    ware] from f ixed servers via fat pipes is impos-     to directly sponsor Content Creators and their
work. We distribute content with the full per mis-     with which these illegal acts have been pursued,
sion of the rights holders and use the peer -2-        a direct and widely communicated institutional          51
peer file-sharing technology called BitTorrent.        policy must be available to students, faculty, and

                                                                                                               The Journal of Technology Studies
(2003, para. 1)                                        staff. In March 2008, Temple University was yet
                                                       another institution to inform all faculty, staff,
     According to Hilton (2006), Creative              and students of such a polic y through a campus
Commons “provides a mechanism for shar pen-            email entitled, “Policy Reminder on Copyright
ing the blunt instrument of copyright” (p. 70).        Violations.” This memo focused on the le gal
P2P has become an impor tant distribution              ramifications of illegal downloading and offered
means for this mechanism.                              individuals assistance in removing illegal files
                                                       from their computers (Temple University, 2008).
     Hilton’s (2006) assertion is admittedly more      Realistically speaking, this will be an ongoing
complex as it deals with the notion of creati vity     challenge for administrators on campuses to
and dissemination of knowledge in society as           ensure all users are infor med of this policy,
well as the academy. This author states that           especially given the pervasive nature of access-
“most people think that the primar y purpose of        ing digital f iles via the internet and the ease
copyright law is to protect an author's intellectu-    with which students can access this medium.
al property or idea. In f act, the primary purpose
of copyright law is to promote lear ning through            In addition, institutions must hold inclusive
the spread of ideas” (p. 66). Though not the typ-      discussions of not only the legal implications of
ical response if one were asked about copyright,       illegal file sharing, but also the ethical consider -
this definition is very much consistent with the       ations of how to respond to requests for students
academic values on which our colleges and uni-         named in lawsuits for illegal file sharing. These
versities were founded. As such it seems that          discussions also should include how to educate
higher education should strive all the more to         members of the campus community about f air
balance the individual incentive to create new         use as part of a greater conversation on intellec-
ideas with the sharing of and collecti ve access to    tual property, and legal ways to download and
information. Without this balance, many future         use digital f iles. Given students' relative imma-
innovations could be stifled or at the v ery least     turity and the potential consequences, an educa-
delayed. According to Hall (2006), “P2P shaped         tional focus on ethical behavior along with the
the Internet as we know it today. If Internet serv-    legal details of f ile sharing seems quite appro-
ice providers were initially aware of the possibil-    priate.
ity of being liable for online copyright infringe-
ment, the Internet might not be the wealth of                Through its Digital Citizen project at
ideas it is today” (p. 392).                           Illinois State University (ISU), a partnership of
                                                       individuals and units from across their campus
     Even though proposed legislation in               are involved in a research project to lear n more
Congress as well as the threat of lawsuits require     about their students' use of P2P f ile sharing soft-
institutions do more than merely hope students         ware. Through this research project, the authors
use P2P networks appropriately and legally, any        attempted to turn anecdote to facts through
institution would rather deal with such issues         research, and assert that illegal downloading is a
proactively, educating students and hopefully          symptom not the problem that is not incubated
preventing them from committing illegal acts.          in higher education but inherited from K-12
As outlined earlier, judicial deference toward         (Illinois State University, 2007). Though in the
higher education has not been e xtended on this        early stages of their study, ISU researchers
particular subject, making it critical for colle ges   found that most students are somewhat aware of
and universities to take this issue seriously.         the legalities downloading digital media. Many
                                                       students claim they would stop doing so illegally
     The first step for institutions may very well     if caught, but would only stop for a few days.
be to craft and enforce “acceptab le use” policies.    Although ISU chooses not to use pack et-shaping
Kaplin and Lee (2007) asser ted that the policy        software such as Packeteer to limit bandwidth to
should be made available to the campus commu -         certain types of network activity, many campus-
nity online and that the polic y should be posted      es do just that in an attempt to cur tail illegal P2P
in computer labs and copy centers in plain view        file sharing. One of the other hallmarks of this
of users. With the relatively recent and evolving      project is that ISU is par tnering with RIAA,
nature of the legislation, as well as the fervor
MPAA, as well as corporations that have a vest-          P2P file sharing uses and to pledge the y will not
52                                  ed interest in reducing illegal file sharing by          illegally download media f iles (Emerson, 2008).
                                    college students (Illinois State University, n.d.).      The university's vice president for infor mation
The Journal of Technology Studies

                                                                                             technology, Michael Pierce, said that instead of
                                         According to McCormick (2006), many col-            blocking all traffic to the P2P sites, USF w anted
                                    leges and universities are creating educational          to make students aware using P2P software,
                                    campaigns to inform their campus communities             because it can be used for le gitimate purposes.
                                    of the potential consequences of ille gal P2P f ile      If students violate this ag reement and if they are
                                    sharing as well offering “free music download            named in an RIAA letter, they will be processed
                                    services to students as a le gitimate, legal alter-      through the campus discipline process in w hich
                                    native to illegal P2P f ile-sharing” (p. 724). As        their sanction may be as serious as a suspension,
                                    mentioned, the question of what type of free             as well as any legal penalties from their RIAA
                                    downloading service and who should pay is still          case. In addition, USF provides new students
                                    in question. It is difficult to def ine “offering,” at   with information about this campus policy dur-
                                    least in terms of whether or not offering access         ing orientation programs, in the residence halls,
                                    to legal music services will be enough to placate        as well as through direct communications
                                    the recording industry. Would it be enough if            (Emerson, 2008).
                                    institutions simply had iTunes installed on all
                                    university-owned systems, both Mac OS X-                      This new system costs USF about $75,000
                                    based and Windows? On one hand, the institu-             per year, which some argue should instead be
                                    tions in question would provide easy access to           spent for educational pur poses. Other academics
                                    the iTunes Store, which offers a wide variety of         add that colleges and universities should not be
                                    commercial audio and video content and numer-            coerced into spending taxpayer dollars in an
                                    ous free songs, free episodes of tele vision             attempt to stave off future law suits. Steve
                                    shows, and thousands of free audio and video             Worona, Director of Policy and Networking
                                    podcasts. This strategy would require no addi-           Programs for Educause, agrees with both argu-
                                    tional costs, beyond the time needed to update           ments, saying that the time and mone y spent on
                                    the disk images of these systems. But, w ould            blocking illegal downloads, which could be
                                    such an undertaking be enough, or would insti-           “tens of millions of dollars” nationwide, should
                                    tutions be required to actually purchase massive         be spent on educational needs as deter mined by
                                    subscription plans for their students to ser vices       individual institutions (Worona, in Emerson,
                                    like the Microsoft Zune Marketplace, or the              2008).
                                    MTV URGE store? If so, wouldn’t such an
                                    action effectively amount to a massive subsi-                 Many students and professors applaud these
                                    dization of the business model of a private              educational approaches as a means to sta y ahead
                                    industry by (in many cases) public institutions?         of the legislation and, they hope, lessen institu-
                                    Again, it goes back to how seemingly innocuous           tional liability. Though these approaches still
                                    terms like access and offer are defined, and by          allow the legitimate and benef icial uses of P2P
                                    whom. From a purely pragmatic perspective,               software for faculty and students alike, some
                                    Kaplin and Lee (2007) indicated that these               members of university communities are con-
                                    efforts might be a good investment because, in           cerned that the overly restrictive measures
                                    their estimation, more colleges and universities         regarding their campus networks could under-
                                    have not been sued over the years because of             mine the very foundation of academe.
                                    their good-faith efforts to inform campus com-           McCormick (2006) states, “Unfortunately, the
                                    munities and respond to allegations of f ile-shar-       collective effort of these measures, along with
                                    ing infringement.                                        current statutory law, may have the unintended
                                                                                             consequence of chilling the academic discourse
                                         As one example, administrators at the               vital to higher education's central goal and the
                                    University of South Florida (USF) recentl y              technological innovation on which private indus-
                                    informed users of a change to their campus net-          try has come to rely” (p. 725).
                                    work. Instead of completely blocking all P2P
                                    software from this campus network, or resorting          Slippery Slope
                                    to Draconian packet shaping measures, when a                 Colleges and universities will thrive to the
                                    user attempts to use the university network to           extent that they foster innovation and the free
                                    access P2P software, he/she is redirected to a           exchange of ideas. The ability to do so is threat-
                                    web page, which reviews appropriate and legal            ened by the emerging view of ideas as pure
property and by a shift in focus from ser ving the     infringing or noninfringing use of P2P softw are.
public good to serving the bottom line. If we          Rather than taking an either/or position as man y      53
want to preserve innovation, we have to begin          extremists have done, it is time for educators to

                                                                                                              The Journal of Technology Studies
asking how we can share, rather than how we            do what we do best: respond to this societal
can protect. (Hilton, 2005, p. 73)                     issue by being true to our beliefs, which
                                                       includes engaging interested parties in discus-
     It is clear that institutions cannot per mit or   sions on the protection of intellectual proper ty,
allow students to use campus networks to com-          how technology has changed, and the way peo-
mit illegal acts of downloading digital media.         ple view it, while maintaining a commitment to
The potential liability demonstrated in recent         educate students along the way. Too much is at
legislation and legal cases has made this painful-     stake not to carefully consider the consequences
ly clear. However, institutions also have obliga-      of these threats. Har rison (2006) states: if higher
tions to defend core values and be informed par-       education maintains a role to “educate f irst and
ticipants in this ever-important societal conver-      discipline second, we can encourage and rein -
sation. Harrison (2006) suggests the issues            force habitual respect for ownership and fair
inherent in this conversation are timeless, and        use” (p. 708).
focus on “questions of ownership, intrusion into
private lives, and ethical actions in the f ace of     Lisa McHugh Cesarini is the Assistant Vice
choices” (p. 708). McCormick (2006) echoes             Provost for Enrollment Management at Bowling
these thoughts: “Higher education must react to        Green State University.
the changes in technology and the changes in
laws in very technical ways, but our starting          Dr. Paul Cesarini is an Associate Professor and
place should be grounded in basic fundamental          Chair of the Department of Visual
questions, and with a goal to foster our academ-       Communication and Technology Education at
ic purposes” (p. 682). It is critical for adminis -    Bowling Green State University, and is a
trators and faculty in higher education to consid-
                                                       Member-at-large of Epsilon Pi Tau.
er the ethical perspective in spite, and perhaps in
the midst, of pressing legal threats.

    Since 2000 when Metallica included three
universities in its lawsuit against Napster, higher
education has been reacting to and r unning from
potential legal threats, often regardless of the

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