Awards Evening 2019 - Melbourne Graduate School of Education

Page created by Hector Weaver
Awards Evening 2019 - Melbourne Graduate School of Education


Melbourne Graduate
School of Education
02       2019

2 019
Order of proceedings

Dr Jim Watterston

Master of Teaching awards

MGSE Staff Excellence awards

Master of Teaching video

Dean’s Honours List

MGSE Teaching Excellence awards

Graduate Student Research awards

Kate O'Connor

Special awards

MGSE Staff Research awards

Dr Lisa McKay-Brown

Celebratory Reception
                                                                     AWARDS EVENING       03


It is my pleasure to welcome you to
the 2019 Melbourne Graduate School
of Education Awards Evening.

This Awards Evening            here tonight, certainly
highlights and celebrates      demonstrates this
the success of our graduate    impressive contribution
students across our courses,   to our vision for society.
and the many achievements      Tonight, we will present
of our staff through their                                     Dr Jim Watterston
                               an impressive 83 awards
transformative teaching,       and scholarships to 122         Dean, Melbourne Graduate
research leadership and        recipients and I would like     School of Education
community engagement.          to thank our donors and         Enterprise Professor,
The Melbourne Graduate         sponsors whose generosity       Education Systems
School of Education is         has made this possible.
dedicated to our vision        My sincere congratulations
of equipping people            to all our award winners, and
to address the major           I hope you take the time to
educational challenges         enjoy the recognition of your
of our time. The quality       hard work and success with
of the work of our students    your family and friends.
and staff, acknowledged
04          MASTE R O F
            TE ACHI NG A WA RD S

Ada Mary a’Beckett Award                Association of Graduates                Australian Council for
Awarded to the student who has          in Early Childhood Studies              Health, Physical Education
achieved distinction within the         Award – Early Childhood                 and Recreation Award –
Master of Teaching (Early Childhood).   Awarded to a student who has            Secondary (Health Education)
Donor                                   demonstrated excellence in the          Awarded to the graduating student
Friends and colleagues of Ada           Master of Teaching (Early Childhood).   in the Master of Teaching
Mary a’Beckett, to commemorate          Sponsor                                 (Secondary) who achieved the
her contributions to early              The Association of Graduates            most outstanding result for the
childhood studies.                      in Early Childhood Studies.             Health Education learning area.
Awardee                                                                         Australian Council for
Melanie Gunn                                                                    Health, Physical Education
                                        Catherine Hronakis
                                                                                and Recreation.

Alice Taylor Scholarship                Association of Graduates                Awardee
Awarded to the graduating               in Early Childhood Studies              Sarah Ridout
student in the Master of                Award – Early Childhood
Teaching who achieved the               and Primary
most outstanding result.                                                        Australian Council for Health,
                                        Awarded to a student who
Donor                                   has demonstrated excellence
                                                                                Physical Education and
The Scholarship was established         in the Master of Teaching               Recreation Award – Secondary
in 1995 by Miss Claire Taylor in        (Early Childhood and Primary).          (Physical Education)
memory of her mother Alice                                                      Awarded to the graduating
Taylor (DipEd 1914).                    Sponsor
                                        The Association of Graduates            student in the Master of Teaching
                                        in Early Childhood Studies.             (Secondary) who achieved the
Awardee                                                                         most outstanding result for the
Merjam Music                                                                    Physical Education learning area.
                                        Meredith Anderson
                                                                                Australian Council for Health,
Argyle Scholarship                                                              Physical Education and Recreation.
Awarded to a high-achieving             Australian Council for Health,
student from a rural or regional
                                        Physical Education and                  Awardees
background who commenced
                                        Recreation Award – Primary              Hayley Gossow
the Master of Teaching in 2019.
                                                                                and Edin Selimovic
                                        Awarded to the graduating
                                        student in the Master of Teaching
The Laidlaw Family, to support a
                                        (Primary) who achieved the most
rural or regional teacher candidate.
                                        outstanding result for the subject
                                        Health and Physical Education.
Awardee                                 Sponsor
Alexandra Said                          Australian Council for Health,
                                        Physical Education and Recreation.

                                        Susannah Woolley
                                                                                   AWARDS EVENING         05

Australian Education Union             Dorothy Jean Ineke                  Dwight’s Prize
Excellence in Classroom                Scholarship in Education            Awarded to the student with the
Teaching Award                         Awarded by the Dean on the basis    highest aggregate score in the
Awarded to the student with the        of excellence to a student          Master of Teaching (Secondary).
highest mark in the professional       transitioning from the Master       Donor
practice component during              of Teaching to their PhD or to      Henry Tolman Dwight for the
the first year of the Master of        a Master of Teaching student        encouragement of learning in
Teaching (Secondary).                  undertaking the research stream.    ancient history, constitutional
Sponsor                                Donor                               and legal history, and natural
Australian Education Union.            Ms Julie Sheldrake in memory of     philosophy and other branches
                                       her mother Dorothy Jean Ineke.      of University education.

Seamus Kavanagh                        Awardees                            Awardee
and Patrick Lyons                      Kieran Ebert and                    Merjam Music
                                       Mara Rosenkrantz

Collette Tayler Indigenous                                                 Frederick John
Education Scholarship                  Drama Victoria                      Gladman Prize
Awarded to a high-achieving
                                       Primary Award                       Awarded to the student placed
Indigenous student in the first-year   Awarded to the student              first overall in the final year of
of the Master of Teaching (Early       in the Master of Teaching           the Master of Teaching (Primary).
Childhood) and (Early Childhood        (Primary) who has displayed         Donor
and Primary) or to an indigenous       an exceptionally high level
or non-indigenous student              of pedagogical knowledge            Instituted by public subscription
undertaking research involving         and skill in Drama.                 to be awarded to students of the
Indigenous young children and                                              former Melbourne Teacher’s
families in the field of early                                             College (now MGSE). This award
                                       Drama Victoria.
childhood education.                                                       is presented in honour of the late
                                                                           Frederick John Gladman who was
Sponsor                                Awardee                             Principal of the Central Training
The late Professor                     Stefanie White                      Institute of Victoria (now MGSE)
Emeritus Collette Tayler.                                                  from 1877 to 1884.

Awardee                                Drama Victoria
Cristina Guarrella                     Secondary Award                     Sonya Geraets
                                       Awarded to the student
                                       in the Master of Teaching
                                       (Secondary) who has displayed
                                       an exceptionally high level of
                                       pedagogical knowledge and
                                       skill in the Drama learning area.
                                       Drama Victoria.

                                       Phoebe Witts
06          MASTER OF

Graham Corr Award                     Ian Hansen – Victorian                Manuel Gelman Award
Awarded to a second-year student      Association for the Teaching          for Teaching Excellence
in the Master of Teaching (Primary)   of English Award                      (Languages)
who demonstrates outstanding          Awarded to the graduating             Awarded to a student in the Master
teaching practice.                    student in the Master of Teaching     of Teaching (Secondary) who
Donor                                 (Secondary) who achieved the          excels in languages.
Dr Graham P Corr and                  most outstanding result for the
Mrs Robyn M Corr.                     English learning area.
                                                                            The late Mrs Sylvia Gelman AM MBE,
                                      Sponsor                               in honour of her late husband,
Awardee                               Victorian Association for             Manuel Gelman Chevalier de la
Arl Gurr                              the Teaching of English.              Légion d’Honneur* (1992).

                                      Awardee                               Awardee
Harold Cohen Prize                    Emily Delahunty                       Meredith Wrigley
Awarded to the student who
receives the highest aggregate
mark in the final 100 points of       Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar                Manuel Gelman Award for
the course for the degree of          School Award                          Teaching Excellence (Music)
Master of Teaching (Secondary).       Awarded to the student who            Awarded to a student in the Master
Donor                                 has demonstrated outstanding          of Teaching (Secondary) who
The Harold Cohen Prize was            ability both academically and in      excels in music.
established in 1946 by Brigadier      the practicum component of the
Harold Edward Cohen, CMG CBE          Master of Teaching and who will be
                                                                            The late Mrs Sylvia Gelman AM MBE,
DSO VD.                               available for a teaching placement
                                                                            in honour of her late husband,
                                      at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School.
                                                                            Manuel Gelman Chevalier de la
Awardee                               Donor                                 Légion d’Honneur* (1992).
Merjam Music                          Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School.
                                      Awardee                               Elliott Westbury
Hugh Childers                         Candice Naude
Memorial Prize                                                              *
                                                                            The National Order of the
Awarded to the student who                                                  Legion of Honour is the highest
received the second highest           Lochrie Indigenous                    decoration in France
aggregate mark in the Master          Leadership Education
of Teaching (Secondary).              Scholarship
Donor                                 Awarded to a high-achieving
Charles E. E. Childers and Mrs        Indigenous Australian student who
Stephen L. Simeon in memory of        enrols in the Master of Teaching or
the Rt. Hon. H.C.E. Childers, first   may support research in the field
Vice-Chancellor of the University     of Indigenous education at the
of Melbourne.                         University of Melbourne.
Awardees                              Anonymous.
Benjamin Karwan
and Chloe Steele
                                      Joshua Cubillo
                                                                                       AWARDS EVENING          07

Master of Teaching                    Norman Curry Award                       School of Early
Research Prize                        Awarded to a student in the              Childhood Studies Fund –
Awarded to the student who            Master of Teaching (Secondary)           Research Award
submitted the most meritorious        who demonstrates outstanding             Awarded to the student in
research minor thesis and had the     teaching practice.                       the Master of Teaching (Early
best overall performance in the       Donor                                    Childhood) who undertook
Master of Teaching research option    Dr Norman Curry.                         the research option and has
during the preceding year.                                                     achieved the best overall results
Sponsor                                                                        for the duration of the course.
Melbourne Graduate                                                             Donor
                                      Seamus Kavanagh
School of Education.                                                           The School of Early Childhood
                                      and Patrick Lyons
                                                                               Studies Fund was established in 2001
                                                                               following the wind up of the Institute
                                      Olive Battersby Scholarship              of Early Childhood Studies Trust after
Wais Yaqubi
                                                                               the amalgamation of the Melbourne
                                      Awarded to a commencing                  College of Advanced Education with
                                      student in the Master of Teaching        the University in 1989.
Mathematical Association              who demonstrates a passion
of Victoria Award (Primary)           for teaching.
Awarded to the graduating student                                              Awardee
in the Master of Teaching (Primary)                                            Michelle Koziol
                                      Joan Kent and John Battersby
who has achieved the highest          in memory of their sister Olive
aggregate mark in mathematics         Battersby who dedicated nearly
education subjects.                                                            Suzanne and Geoffrey
                                      forty years of her life (1948-1987)
                                      to the Faculty of Education              Dawson Scholarship
The Mathematical                      (now MGSE).                              Awarded to a high-achieving student
Association of Victoria.                                                       enrolled in the Master of Teaching
                                                                               and pursuing research in the field of
                                      Awardee                                  education, the outcome of which is
Awardee                               Thi Hiep Pham                            likely to enhance the advancement
Benjamin Howes                                                                 of social justice in educational
                                                                               settings and provide equality of
                                      School of Early Childhood                access to improved facilitation of
Mathematical Association              Studies Fund – Professional              learning in identified communities.
of Victoria Award                     Practice Award
(Secondary)                           Awarded to a student in
                                      the Master of Teaching (Early            Ms Belinda Kendall-White
Awarded to the graduating                                                      in honour of her parents
student in the Master of Teaching     Childhood) or (Early Childhood
                                      and Primary) who demonstrates            Suzanne and Geoffrey.
(Secondary) who has achieved
the highest aggregate mark in         outstanding teaching practice.
mathematics education subjects.       Donor                                    Awardee
                                      The School of Early Childhood            Jian Liang
The Mathematical                      Studies Fund was established in 2001
Association of Victoria.              following the wind up of the Institute
                                      of Early Childhood Studies Trust after
                                      the amalgamation of the Melbourne
Awardee                               College of Advanced Education with
Rebecca Renda                         the University in 1989.

                                      Catherine Hronakis
08         MGSE STA FF
           EXCE LL ENC E A WA RD S

MGSE Engagement                    The Literacy Teaching Toolkit (LTT),    guidance to teachers in literacy
Excellence Award                   commissioned by The Victorian           instruction, across reading, writing,
                                   Department of Education and             speaking and listening.
This award recognises excellence
                                   Training provides online guidance       Development of the LTT involved
in forming partnerships that
                                   and resources to teachers and           written advice, detailed learning
have been influential on
                                   early childhood educators on            experiences and lesson plans, and
research and teaching.
                                   effective literacy instruction from     the production of 55 expert and
                                   birth to Level 6. It is a large-scale   pedagogical videos filmed in
Awardee                            project developed by experts in         MGSE's Partnership early childhood
Dr Carmel Sandiford and            Language and Literacy Education         education centres and primary
team (Associate Professor          and Early Childhood Education           schools to illustrate the importance
Patricia Eadie, Ms Linda Gawne,    and Care and led by Dr Sandiford        of explicit language and literacy
Dr Nathaniel Swain)                and Associate Professor Eadie.          teaching. The team worked with
                                   The LTT further builds the capacity     challenging timelines while
                                   of early childhood educators and        remaining collaborative and
                                   primary teachers to understand          professional. The project was
                                   the importance of language,             produced in 2018 with a high-
                                   communication and early literacy        quality, research-based resource
                                   in the lives of young children and      for schools and educators. Since its
                                   students. The primary component         launch, the LTT has had over 1.47
                                   of the toolkit is a core element of     million-page views and currently is
                                   the Victorian Government’s              the most viewed resource on the
                                   Literacy and Numeracy Strategy          Department of Education’s Website.
                                   aimed at providing detailed

MGSE Professional                  In 2018, Helen demonstrated             involved balancing the needs of
Staff Excellence Awards            enormous dedication to MGSE by          candidates to have reasonable
                                   securing almost 1200 placements         access to a school by public
These awards recognise
                                   for teacher candidates in the           transport or car, matching a
outstanding contribution
                                   Master of Teaching (Secondary)          candidate's learning areas to
by professional staff to
                                   as well as starting up the 2019         learning areas available in a school,
the MGSE.
                                   process. This was particularly          and a range of other considerations.
                                   significant as 2018 was the first       Master of Teaching candidates
Professional Award                 year with three secondary               consistently report that their
                                   placements for teacher candidates.      experience on placement is one
Awardee                                                                    of the most important parts of
Helen Ferguson                     Securing placements requires
                                   the ability to create positive          their course, and critical to their
                                   connections with secondary              success in the course and future
                                   schools, and in this case, Helen        employment. Helen has excelled
                                   was liaising with 185 separate          in her contribution to building
                                   school sites to secure placements       positive connections and
                                   for each of our Master of Teaching      engagement with schools
                                   (Secondary) candidates. This            and teacher candidates.
                                                                             AWARDS EVENING            09

Professional Award:           Dr Stanley Koh has made an              Dr Koh's excellent client service
Outstanding service and       outstanding contribution to MGSE's      skills, adaptability, flexibility,
client focus/Creating         Executive Education programs in         positive attitude, problem-solving
                              2018 by providing exceptional           skills, and high level communication
connections and
                              service to participants, program        skills strongly contributed to
contributing to engagement    organisers and academic staff. He       creating new opportunities. These
                              has provided a strong client focus      included policy consultation on
Awardee                       on the needs of major clients such      vocational education and training
Dr Stanley Koh                as the Saudi Arabian Cultural           with the Ministry of Education in
                              Mission and the many and varied         Saudi Arabia; the proposal for two
                              needs of the teachers participating     symposia in 2018 to promote
                              in programs. Since 2017, Dr Koh has     cooperation and dialogue between
                              been leading service delivery and       Australia and Saudi Arabia on issues
                              supporting client engagement            of vocational education; current
                              in several Executive Education          negotiations with the United Arab
                              programs including: Building            Emirates Ministry of Education on
                              Leadership through School               Executive Education programs;
                              Immersion for Saudi Arabian             successful 2019 tender to deliver
                              teachers, Jiangsu Provincial            Building Leadership through
                              Department of Education in China,       School Immersion for Saudi Arabian
                              and the Hong Kong Education             teachers; and the successful 2019
                              Bureau, among others.                   tender to deliver three programs for
                                                                      Jiangsu Provincial Department of
                                                                      Education in China.

Professional Award:           The complex position of Projects        professionalism and teamwork, feel
Outstanding service and       Manager at the Assessment               supported by the effective project
client focus/ Excellence in   Research Centre (ARC) requires          management processes she has
                              attention to approximately 30           introduced, and recognise her
process improvement and
                              projects at any given time, with        strong commitment to quality and
innovation                    clients or partners on every            transparency. They take strength
                              continent except Africa, and            from her can-do attitude. The ARC
Awardee                       projects ranging in size from tens      has grown rapidly in recent years,
Hilary Slater                 of thousands of dollars to many         increasing in the size and complexity
                              millions. Our client and partnership    of its projects. Consistency in quality
                              base is diverse, including individual   has been maintained through
                              schools, education agencies,            improved project management
                              professional associations and           systems and processes
                              governments. Hilary is responsible      implemented. She has better
                              for managing bids and for the           defined project roles, and instituted
                              smooth project operation for            project planning, implementation,
                              all these projects.                     reporting and risk management
                              Hilary’s outstanding contribution       procedures. She oversees projects,
                              exemplifies the qualities required      working with Centre management
                              by the ARC to ensure the Centre         and project leads to identify
                              contributes to MGSE's objectives.       opportunities, flag issues, and
                              ARC staff can give their best because   develop strong relationships
                              they can rely on Hilary's               with clients and stakeholders.
10        MGSE STAFF

Professional Award:           Myron has a clear service focus     During the peak admissions
Outstanding service and       to both students and staff and      and selection period, Myron
client focus/ Excellence in   whenever the team has referred      has managed a large volume of
                              students to him he has been         assessments and trained many
process improvement and
                              courteous and helpful. Myron is     other staff in the system and
innovation/ Exceptional       the go to person for admission      processes. Myron has devoted
team work                     matters; his care and help has      extra time to provide an
                              been appreciated as has his         exceptional service to applicants
Awardee                       patience. His regular information   while maintaining high standards,
Myron Yovannidis              updates concerning enrolments       attention to detail and support for
                              have been extremely useful in       other team members. His excellent
                              planning for classes. With his      work is greatly appreciated by
                              assistance MGSE has been able       internal clients including the
                              to anticipate, with reasonable      academic and professional staff,
                              accuracy, class enrolments and      as well as external stakeholders.
                              therefore plan for staffing needs
                              with some certainty. Myron is
                              a good organisational citizen,
                              displaying teamwork, concern for
                              others, and quality performance.

Master of Teaching video
DEAN ’ S HO NO URS                                                          2019
                                                                  AWARDS EVENING       11
L IST 2019

The Dean’s Honours List reflects the top two per cent of students in
their year level for the Master of Teaching and the top two per cent of
completing students in other MGSE masters level courses. This list has
a proud tradition of recognising the academic excellence of our students.

Master of Teaching (Early   Master of Teaching              Professional Programs
Childhood and Primary)      (Secondary)                     (Master of Education –
Year 1                      Year 1                          International Baccalaureate)
Meredith Anderson           Tess Anderson                   Michael Pearce
Year 2                      Olivia Boland
Gurpreet Kaur               Catriona Mach
                                                            Professional Programs
                            Emi McRae
                            Felicity Perry                  (Master of Education)
Master of Teaching          Selma Porcic                    Rebecca Zolotareva
(Early Childhood)           Lara Porczak
Year 1                      Robert Sayer                    Professional Programs
Lucy Howard-Robbins         Year 2                          (Master of Educational
Catherine Hronakis          Sarah Hart                      Psychology)
Year 2                      Benjamin Karwan
                            Rebecca Kennedy                 Emily Harbard
Marianne Frances Corral
Melanie Gunn                Merjam Music
                            Francesca Ohlert                Professional Programs
                            Rebecca Perkin                  (Master of Evaluation)
Master of Teaching          Chloe Steele
(Primary)                                                   Michelle Naimi
                            Benjamin Symon
Year 1
Arl Gurr                                                    Professional Programs
                            Master of Teaching
Sheree Schmaal                                              (Master of Instructional
                            (Secondary) Internship
Year 2                                                      Leadership)
                            Stephen Anderson
Courtney Alexander                                          Grace Broadbent
Sonya Geraets
                            Professional Programs
                                                            Professional Programs
                            (Master of Applied
                                                            (Master of Learning
                            Positive Psychology)
                            Kristen Cottone
                                                            Tara Roberts

                            Professional Programs
                                                            Professional Programs
                            (Master of Clinical Teaching)
                                                            (Master of TESOL)
                            Jodie Vickery-Howe
                                                            Marilyn Gonsalves
12        MGSE T EAC HI NG
          E XCE LL ENC E A W A RD S

Awardee                           Since her appointment in 2011,        institution in PBIS. Her design and
Dr Shiralee Poed                  Dr Shiralee Poed has worked           delivery of customised education
                                  tirelessly to support teachers        programs, contracted consultancy,
                                  and school leaders to create safe,    her deep industry engagement
                                  effective and positive learning       through a period of seconded
                                  environments. As one of the           employment with the Victorian
                                  leading Australian academics in       Department of Education and
                                  Positive Behaviour Interventions      Training, and her national
                                  and Supports (PBIS), Dr Poed          leadership as the Co-Chair of
                                  has adopted a sustained and           PBIS Australia leading to multiple
                                  purposeful approach to working        national/international conference
                                  collaboratively with Australian       presentations, evaluation projects
                                  education jurisdictions to use        and research grants, all point to
                                  PBIS to improve school culture.       the importance she places on
                                  It is through Dr Poed's teaching,     community engagement as a
                                  research and engagement that          way of addressing one of the great
                                  the University of Melbourne has       challenges facing today's teachers.
                                  become recognised as a leading

Awardees                          Dr Gavin Slemp and his team           for students” and only a handful
Dr Gavin Slemp and team (Rachel   developed and implemented the         of hundreds of available subjects
Colla, Alexandra Johnston)        subject Wellbeing Motivation and      at the University are selected
                                  Performance (WMP) which has           by students for inclusion in the
                                  grown rapidly, with its most recent   counter-course handbook.
                                  yearly intake showing more than       A thematic analysis of student
                                  700 per cent growth since 2013 –      feedback about WMP in 2018
                                  with enrolment numbers growing        suggested that what makes WMP
                                  each year by about 25-50 per cent.    excel is its real-life applicability in
                                  At the same time, the subject has     terms of building real-life practical
                                  recorded consistently excellent       skills, engaging content, teaching
                                  subject experience ratings despite    staff, focus on experiential learning,
                                  the continued rapid growth            and provision of a safe and
                                  trajectory of the subject. In 2015,   supportive work environment that
                                  WMP appeared in the list of notable   supports student well-being. These
                                  subjects at the University of         all align with the graduate attributes
                                  Melbourne by an independent           the University is hoping to cultivate
                                  assessment done by the                in students: academic distinction,
                                  University’s Student Union (UMSU)     integrity and self-awareness, and
                                  and was recommended in the            active citizenship.
                                  UMSU counter-course handbook.
                                  The vote is completed “by students
These awards recognise outstanding
achievement in teaching, skill and
                                                                                 AWARDS EVENING           13
imagination in the design and evaluation
of teaching programs, as well as vision and
scholarly commitment in teaching activities.

Awardees                         Local Literacies in Global Contexts’     The impact of this research-
Dr. Mahtab Janfada and team      was developed in 2017 as one of the      informed teaching initiative is
(Professor Joseph Lo Bianco,     core subjects within the Master of       evident in a dramatic increase of
Professor Lesley Farrell and     Education program. Grounded in           enrolment in the subject, from 7 to
Associate Professor Larissa      critical theories and a dialogic         107 across 2017-2019. This is while
McLean Davies)                   approach to teaching and learning,       SES scores related to the design,
                                 the interplay between local and          content and coordination of the
                                 global perceptions of literacy as        subject remained very high
                                 well as historical and contemporary      throughout, and students have
                                 perspectives are explored.               reported on their ontological and
                                 The holistic perspective to              epistemological transformations
                                 literacy unfolds in the assessment       as a result of this subject.
                                 design of the subject where              Importantly, this subject was
                                 multi-modality and multi-literacy        influential in encouraging students
                                 are indispensable; it includes           to enrol in other subjects within the
                                 scaffolded processes of students’        Master of TESOL which relate to
                                 reflections on a local literacy issue,   similar philosophical grounds.
                                 explored within a global lens.
                                 These individual stories emerge
                                 from a collective narrative which
                                 is constructed dialogically with
                                 peers throughout the course.

Awardee                          Dr Jane Bird is an outstanding           teacher education students to
Dr Jane Bird                     educator with a consistently             the uses of an embodied, aesthetic
                                 innovative and creative approach         pedagogy serving teachers of
                                 to her research-informed practice.       history, literature, business and
                                 She has developed student-led            the social sciences. It has been life
                                 approaches to deliver engaging           changing for some students. Her
                                 and stimulating content across a         practice was at the heart of funded
                                 range of MGSE programs including         research with Christine Sinclair
                                 breadth, the Master of Teaching          researching embodied pedagogy
                                 (Early Childhood, Early Childhood        and collaborative learning
                                 and Primary, Primary, Secondary),        practices for arts-rich classrooms.
                                 and the Master of Education where        There is a direct nexus between
                                 she always receives excellent            Dr Bird’s Capstone teaching
                                 student feedback. Her publishing         and her research and she has
                                 of key texts for VCE Drama and           presented and published in the
                                 Theatre Studies and research             international arena. Many students
                                 papers adds to her credibility as        note her teaching is inspiring,
                                 a practitioner/researcher which          challenging and supports their
                                 has supported and enriched her           ongoing learning as teachers.
                                 teaching. Dr Bird collaborated
                                 to develop a Capstone; Embodied
                                 Pedagogies, which introduces
14         MGSE TEACHING

Awardees                       This award recognises the               Students gave consistently high
Dr Melody Anderson and         contribution of innovative design       ratings to the quality of teaching
team (Bronwyn Jones            linking the subject and assessment      in the subject Integrating Clinical
and Gavin Healy)               that supports Teacher Candidates’       Practice (Primary). The subject
                               knowledge and application of            focused on inclusive pedagogical
                               assessment, pedagogy and                approaches and use of strategies
                               instructional approaches                designed to meet the needs of
                               related to clinical practice.           diverse learners.

Awardees                       This award recognises the               Education Practice (Secondary).
Peter Woelert and              contribution of innovative              This subject has developed
team (Kira Clarke              approaches to teaching                  Teacher Candidates’
and Michelle Walter)           educational research and linking        understanding of research
                               this research with practice.            principles and methods and
                               Students gave consistently high         enhanced their capacity to use
                               ratings to the quality of teaching in   research to inform and improve
                               this subject, Researching               education practice.

Awardees                       This award recognises the               Learning in Children. This subject
Nathaniel Swain and            contribution of support provided        has enhanced Teacher Candidates’
team (Edith Nicolas            to Early Childhood and Primary          knowledge of developmental
and Rachel Pollitt)            Teacher Candidates in the key           progression in language and
                               areas of Language and Literacy          literacy and the evidence-based
                               Learning in Children.                   strategies used to build rich
                               Students gave consistently high         language and literacy programs
                               ratings to the quality of teaching in   in early childhood settings.
                               the subject Language and Literacy
GRADUATE ST UD ENT                                                                             2019
                                                                                     AWARDS EVENING           15

Doctoral Research Prize               The Jack Keating                        John Smyth Award
Awarded to the student who            Fund Scholarship                        Awarded to the student who submits
submitted the most meritorious        The Jack Keating Fund was               the most meritorious research thesis
doctoral research thesis during       established to provide support          in the Doctor of Education during the
the preceding year.                   for policy influencing research         preceding year.
Sponsor                               in the field of education where         Donor
Melbourne Education                   the research is likely to impact        Established in 1927 in memory
Research Institute                    on greater equality of opportunity      of John Smyth, the first Professor
                                      and educational outcomes and            of Education at the University
                                      the advancement of social justice.      of Melbourne.
Kate O’Connor
                                      Established via a public appeal
                                      in memory of the late Professor         Awardee
Thesis                                                                        Joanne Blannin
                                      Jack Keating
Remaking the university curriculum:
what counts as knowledge in new                                               Thesis
forms of online learning.                                                     Accounting for Teachers’ Choices
                                      Cristina Guarrella                      to Use, or Not to Use, Web 2.0
                                      and Rose Iser                           Technologies in Upper Primary
Presentation                                                                  School Classrooms.
Kate O'Connor
                                      John and Elizabeth
                                      Robertson Prize
Freda Cohen Prize
                                      Awarded to the student who submits
Awarded to the student
                                      the most meritorious research essay
who submitted the most
                                      in the Master of Education during the
meritorious thesis for the
                                      preceding year.
Master of Education (Research)
during the preceding year.            Donor
                                      Established in 1974 by Mrs Harriet
                                      Hall McIndoe in memory of John
Brigadier H.E. Cohen in memory
                                      Robertson, former inspector
of his wife Freda Cohen
                                      of schools with the Victorian
                                      Education Department and
                                      rural school teacher.
Brianna Slattery
                                      Jesseca Barr
In the groove: a case study
into drumming and student
16         SPE CI A L
           AWARD S

Australian Council for             Beth MacLaren Smallwood             Future Generations
Education Leaders                  Foundation Scholarship              Scholarship
Excellence in Instructional        (Master of Learning                 Awarded to a commencing
Leadership Award                   Intervention)                       Master degree student who
Awarded to the highest achieving   Awarded to Master of Learning       has demonstrated outstanding
student in the Master of           Intervention (Deaf Education)       academic merit in prior study.
Instructional Leadership.          students to become a qualified      Donor
                                   Teacher of the Deaf.                Established via a public
Australian Council                 Donor                               appeal by the University.
for Education Leaders.             The Beth MacLaren Smallwood
                                   Foundation in memory of Beth        Awardee
                                   MacLaren Smallwood in honour        Madeleine Thiele
Awardee                            of her work in deafness studies.
Grace Broadbent

                                                                       Gerry Higgins Studentship
Beth MacLaren Smallwood            Hasina Alawdeen,
                                                                       in Positive Psychology
Foundation Scholarship             Nathan Coad,Kate Davis,             Awarded to an outstanding
(Master of Instructional           Louise Haintz, Megan Mahon,         student who has completed
Leadership)                        Leah Manning and Gillian McIllroy   one or more of the Melbourne
                                                                       Graduate School of Education’s
Awarded to a Master of
                                                                       breadth track undergraduate
Instructional Leadership
                                   Fay Thomas Scholarship              subjects in positive psychology
student who works in the
                                                                       and contributed to the life of the
field of deaf education.           Awarded to a student who is a
                                                                       Centre for Positive Psychology.
                                   staff member at a Victorian state
                                   school undertaking the Master       Donor
The Beth MacLaren Smallwood
                                   of Instructional Leadership.        John Higgins in honour
Foundation in memory of Beth
                                                                       of his father Gerry Higgins.
MacLaren Smallwood in honour       Donor
of her work in deafness studies.   Fay Thomas
                                                                       Rodney Lawn
Awardee                            Awardee
Rachel Wilson                      Louise Kahle
                                                                                AWARDS EVENING          17

Ken Rowe Scholarship                  Mair Isobell Coller Award           The William and
Awarded to an outstanding             This award recognises a teacher     Kate Herschell Bequest
student commencing or                 who generates literacy and          Awarded to the Melbourne
enrolled in the Master of             numeracy outcomes that              Graduate School of Education
Education (Literacy Education)        enhance teaching practice for       research applicant demonstrating
at the Melbourne Graduate             the benefit of future students      the highest academic merit.
School of Education in 2019.          with learning difficulties.
Sponsor                               Donor                               Gweneth May Herschell to
The scholarship was created           Established via a public            commemorate her parents
by the Rowe Family to honour the      appeal by the University            William and Kate Herschell.
memory of Dr Ken Rowe, whose          and the Coller family.
long career in education research
highlighted the importance of                                             Awardee
effective, evidence-based teaching    Awardee                             Jiadi Cai
practices for the teaching of         Catherine Brandon
literacy and numeracy in the
classroom. The funds for the
first four years of the scholarship   Melbourne Indigenous
have been generously donated          Merit Scholarship
by Maurice Blackburn.                 Awarded to a talented student
                                      of Australian Indigenous descent.
Awardee                               Donor
Karen Rogers                          Established via a public
                                      appeal by the University.

                                      Samuel Wright
18         MGSE STA FF
           RESEARC H A WA RD S

MGSE Early-Career Research       Dr Marian Mahat has a clear,           accessible books for navigating
Excellence Award                 long-term, and focused research        the many challenges,
                                 agenda on student learning and         responsibilities and opportunities
This award recognises            outcomes that prompts new              of academic careers. Achieving
outstanding achievement          thinking and practice, evidenced by    Academic Promotion was published
in research by an early-career   her high quality research outputs.     in January 2019, with five books,
researcher at the MGSE.                                                 ranging from the doctorate
                                 Since the completion of her PhD
                                                                        experience to academic well-
                                 in 2016, Dr Mahat has had a total
                                                                        being, in the pipeline for 2019-2021.
Awardee                          of 55 publications including an
Dr Marian Mahat                  edited book, seven book chapters,      In early 2019, she was awarded the
                                 five peer-reviewed journal articles    Academic Women in Leadership
                                 and 32 conference presentations.       Program. The overall influence of
                                 In the last three years, she has       her academic contributions, as well
                                 received over $270,000 of grants       as impact, adoption, and benefits
                                 and contracts. Additionally,           are evidenced within and
                                 she contributes to research            beyond the academy, and are
                                 training through co-supervision        commensurate at a senior role.
                                 responsibilities of PhD and            Her achievements provide
                                 master students.                       convincing evidence of sustained
                                                                        commitment to advancing the
                                 Dr Mahat has been an active
                                                                        discipline through significant
                                 member in the research
                                                                        research outputs, and advanced
                                 community, both locally and
                                                                        collaboration and engagement
                                 internationally. She has advanced
                                                                        through leadership and service.
                                 collaboration and engagement
                                                                        Her substantial program of research
                                 through professional service and
                                                                        is evident in the multi-disciplinary
                                 activities in various fora including
                                                                        nature of her career trajectory,
                                 Honorary Treasurer and
                                                                        and strongly aligns and integrates
                                 Membership Secretary of the
                                                                        with her engagement and
                                 Australasian Association for
                                                                        service activities.
                                 Institutional Research (2006-2008),
                                 Melbourne Graduate School of
                                 Education Ethics Committee (2014)
                                 and membership of national and
                                 international professional networks
                                 such as the Consortium for Higher
                                 Education Researchers and
                                 Early Career Higher Education
                                 Researchers. Furthermore, Dr
                                 Mahat was offered a book series
                                 contract on Surviving and Thriving
                                 in Academia by Emerald Publishing.
                                 The series provides short,
                                                                               AWARDS EVENING           19

MGSE Early-Career Research    Dr Rebekah Luo's research focuses         In 2016, Dr Luo co-authored a
Excellence Award – Special    on the assessment of complex              regional report for UNESCO Bangkok
                              competencies. The introduction            on policies and practices related
                              of 'complex competencies' to              to the assessment of transversal
                              education systems requires a shift        competencies in the Asia-Pacific
Awardee                       in how teachers teach and how             region. This publication is the first
Dr Rebekah Luo                students learn. Educators around          of its kind to report on policy and
                              the world are grappling with the          assessment practices of 21" century
                              challenge of supporting students          skills in the region. Overall, her
                              in developing 21st century skills as      outstanding performance as an early
                              they are now expected to teach and        career researcher is evidenced by
                              assess skills that have previously not    a strong track record in obtaining
                              been measured. The significance of        competitive public and industry
                              Dr Luo's research is evidenced by         research income, high-impact
                              the impact on policy and teacher          publications and reports, and
                              practice, high-level exposure and         excellent leadership and research
                              use, and its unique contribution to       skills. Her research has had
                              the growing field of research on 21st     significant policy and practice
                              century skills.                           implications not only within
                                                                        Australia, but also internationally.

MGSE Mid-Career Research      Dr Caroline Cohrssen’s work has           cooperation between China and
Excellence Award              sought to investigate the dynamic         Australia, investigating curriculum
                              interplay between child and early         and pedagogy approaches to
This award recognises         childhood educator in the context         promote STEM learning in early
outstanding achievement       of early numeracy skills, as well as      childhood. Dr Cohrssen has led a
in research by a mid-career   the foundational influence of the         significant body of work to develop
researcher at the MGSE.       home learning environment as the          a suite of four STEM curriculum
                              context in which first learning occurs.   resources commissioned by the
                              She has argued that mathematical          Northern Territory Department of
Awardee                       thinking and children’s reasoning         Education, namely the Northern
Dr Caroline Cohrssen          skills are supported by educators         Territory Preschool Maths, Science
                              and parents who facilitate concept        and Engineering Games. Dr
                              acquisition through play and who          Cohrssen was an invited panel
                              model the mathematical language           member at the Early Learning STEM
                              – ‘maths talk’ – that is associated       Australia Symposium hosted in
                              with this.                                Canberra in October 2018, at
                                                                        which the Northern Territory STEM
                              Dr Cohrssen’s work has made a
                                                                        curriculum resources project was
                              significant contribution to early
                                                                        favourably considered alongside big
                              childhood education in particular to
                                                                        budget, national initiatives such as
                              mathematics teaching and learning
                                                                        Little Scientists, Early Learning STEM
                              in Australia. This is evidenced by the
                                                                        Australia (ELSA), and Let’s Count.
                              influence that she has had at the
                                                                        She has worked closely with the
                              State/Territory and national level in
                                                                        Victorian Curriculum and
                              this field. In 2016, Dr Cohrssen and
                                                                        Assessment Authority to lead the
                              Associate Professor Wee Tiong
                                                                        development of planning resource
                              Seah represented the Victorian
                                                                        materials available online to support
                              Government in visits to preschools
                                                                        the enactment of the Early Years
                              in Beijing, China, to advance
                                                                        Planning Cycle.
20         MGSE STAFF

MGSE Research Mentor              Associate Professor Suzanne            Associate Professor Rice has
Excellence Award                  Rice has made an exceptional and       been an invited speaker at MCHSE
                                  significant contribution to the work   workshops for new supervisors
This award recognises             of the Melbourne Graduate School       and Graduate Student Association
outstanding contribution          of Education through her               workshops on careers in academia.
in mentoring of MGSE colleagues   mentorship of staff and students.      She was invited to apply, and
in academic career development    She undertakes extensive               applied successfully, for the
and support.                      mentoring through her current          recently established Melbourne
                                  role as the Deputy Director of the     College of Reviewers, which will
                                  Assessment Research Centre (ARC)       seek to support University staff to
Awardee                           and has mentored staff in other        build their teaching skills. She was
Associate Professor               centres and clusters of the MGSE.      also an invited MGSE contributor
Suzanne Rice                      She has also been an outstanding       to the University’s Mentoring
                                  mentor of many staff in MGSE           for Research forum looking at
                                  teaching programs, including           mentoring best practice to
                                  through her leadership of              inform University policy. She
                                  staff in the development and           has mentored two of her three
                                  establishment of the Master of         completed doctoral students
                                  Clinical Teaching, the Postgraduate    to publication in highly-ranked
                                  Diploma of Teaching (TFA) and          journals (Journal of Education
                                  the Postgraduate Certificate in        Policy, British Journal of
                                  Mentoring (TFA).                       Educational Research) and she
                                                                         has also provided extensive
                                  Her mentoring skills have been
                                                                         research support and mentoring
                                  recognised at the University level
                                                                         through her chairing of 14 Advisory
                                  in invitations to contribute to many
                                                                         Committees since 2013.
                                  University of Melbourne initiatives.

MGSE Research Mentor              Associate Professor Hernan             Additional outcomes have included
Excellence Award –                Cuervo and Dr Chesters worked in       the subsequent employment of two
                                  partnership to provide mentoring       PhD students and two early career
Special Commendation
                                  to a publication support program       researchers as casual research staff
This award recognises             for staff and RHD students in the      in the YRC, following the additional
outstanding achievement           Youth Research Centre (YRC) and        technical training provided in entry
 in research by a mid-career      for other colleagues. They initiated   and analysis of survey data, control
researcher at the MGSE.           this program, which operated           of sample population attrition,
                                  across 2018, and provided the          engagement with research
                                  key mentoring inputs and outputs       participants, and compilation of
Awardee                           including 23 publications. Their       literature reviews. This mentoring
Associate Professor               research publications in 2018          continues, while they continue to
Hernan Cuervo and                 included 12 research publications      assist in building the Curriculum
Dr Jenny Chesters                 which included direct outputs          Vitaes and track records of the early
                                  commissioned from the mentoring        career researchers. A further positive
                                  workshops; conjoint staff/student      outcome is evident in their positive
                                  publications sustained by the          influence on staff and student
                                  mentoring efforts; and early career    morale and connectedness in the
                                  researcher publications sustained      YRC, with evident increase in peer
                                  by the mentoring environment.          support and help-seeking sustained
                                  Further items are ready for            by the practice of working together.
                                  publication in 2019.                   This is also manifest in the number
                                                                         of conjoint publications in 2018.
                                                                                 AWARDS EVENING           21

MGSE Research Supervision         Professor Dianne Vella-Brodrick has     From the outset, Professor
Excellence Award                  had an outstanding track record of      Vella-Brodrick sought to offer
                                  supervising RHD students. She has       students intellectual stimulation
This award recognises             devoted a large part of her career      and networking opportunities in
outstanding achievement           to building a reputable graduate        the field of positive psychology. To
in the supervision of research    research program in the area            do this, she set up some key groups,
higher degree candidates.         of well-being science, positive         including the Positive Psychology
                                  psychology and positive education.      Interest Group, the Journal Club
                                  Her students have developed and/or      and she founded and co-directed
Awardee                           evaluated online, workplace, school     the first Australian Positive
Professor Dianne Vella-Brodrick   and community-based interventions       Psychology and Well-Being
                                  on strengths, life meaning,             conference (and two subsequent
                                  mindfulness, job crafting, positive     conferences). This provided students
                                  education and youth mental health.      with ample opportunities to learn
                                  More recently Professor Vella-          from others and to contribute their
                                  Brodrick’s program has been             own ideas and works for discussion.
                                  streamlined into developing and
                                                                          Dianne is genuinely committed not
                                  evaluating health promotion/
                                                                          only to her own research students
                                  well-being programs for young
                                                                          but also to graduate students more
                                  people using the latest technological
                                                                          broadly within the Centre for Positive
                                  and health science innovations
                                                                          Psychology and MGSE. This is
                                  for example biofeedback and
                                                                          evident from the learning and career
                                  gamification. This research
                                                                          development opportunities she has
                                  program has attracted international
                                                                          set up for graduate students, such as
                                  attention, with many high-quality
                                                                          the Harnessing Ideas and Intellect
                                  students from around the globe
                                                                          Together (HIIT) sessions which have
                                  requesting to be supervised
                                                                          focused on conducting systematic
                                  by Professor Vella-Brodrick.
                                                                          literature reviews, PRISMA-P and
                                                                          running focus groups.
22         MGSE STAFF

MGSE Research Partnership          The Factors Influencing Life and          principals, parents and students.
Excellence Award                   Career Skills Development among           Then Year 12 students at
                                   Senior Secondary Students research        participating schools were invited
This award recognises              project is a collaboration between        to complete an online survey
outstanding research               the Centre for Vocational and             administered in schools. There
partnership by staff               Educational Policy at MGSE and            were 2,902 students from 88 schools
at the MGSE.                       the Australasian Curriculum,              across Australia who participated in
                                   Assessment and Certification              the survey.
                                   Authorities (ACACA). In this project,
Awardees                                                                     The research team has successfully
                                   the team has been working
Professor John Polesel and                                                   managed this comprehensive
                                   successfully with the Board of
team (Associate Professor                                                    process of data collection and
                                   Studies in all eight states and
                                                                             conducted data analyses. The study
Shelley Gillis, Dr Anne Suryani)   territories to establish a longitudinal
                                                                             has successfully developed and
                                   research project on Life and Career
                                                                             validated a life and career skills
                                   Skills Development among Senior
                                                                             learning progression and measured
                                   Secondary Students. This national
                                                                             life and career skills of Year 12
                                   research engaged with a number
                                                                             students across states and
                                   of educational institutions. The
                                                                             territories. It is expected that the
                                   process of data collection was also
                                                                             findings of the study will affect the
                                   comprehensive comprising two
                                                                             curriculum and instructional design
                                   data national sets. First, the Board
                                                                             offered within the senior secondary
                                   of Studies contacted schools and
                                                                             education system.
                                   secured consents from school

MGSE Research Partnership          The In2School project focuses on          disadvantage in communities. The
Excellence Award – Special         young people who have not been            project has attracted international
                                   attending school due to their mental      interest. In 2018 the team was invited
                                   health needs and re-engaging them         to present at two international
This award recognises              with education. This project links        symposia: one in Germany
outstanding research               research, teaching and engagement         (University of Duisberg-Essen)
partnership by staff               with communities, offering the            and the other in the Netherlands
at the MGSE.                       potential to significantly affect the     (Leiden University). Outcomes of
                                   learning outcomes of young                the symposia were translated into
                                   Australians. School is a protective       a report prepared by Netherlands'
Awardees                           factor for health and well-being          Youth Institute highlighting the
Dr Lisa McKay-Brown and            with the impacts of school                work of ln2School, alongside
team (Professor Lorraine           disengagement having long term            school attendance projects being
Graham, Dr Ric Haslam,             adverse outcomes such as contact          implemented in the Netherlands.
Ms Judy Ring, Ms Rebecca           with adult psychiatric services, social   And the collaboration with the
McGrath, Ms Chrystie Mitchell)     and relationship problems, and            German and Dutch researchers
                                   underemployment in adulthood.             to present a symposium at the
                                   The research also includes a              inaugural International Network
                                   partnership with MGSE, RCH and            of School Attendance (INSA)
                                   Travancore School and aligns with         conference in Oslo, Norway
                                   the MGSE research priority of             in October 2019. The international
                                   initiating interdisciplinary research     organising committee for INSA has
                                   which addresses the social problems       asked Dr Lisa McKay-Brown to
                                   holding disadvantage in place.            co-host Australian content on the
                                                                             international INSA website with
                                   Families of the young people are
                                                                             Associate Professor Glenn Melvin
                                   also affected due to the loss of
                                                                             (Deakin University) and co-lead the
                                   employment and impacts on
                                                                             organising committee for the 2020
                                   family functioning. These are
                                                                             conference being held in Melbourne.
                                   social problems that reinforce
                                                                             AWARDS EVENING           23

Dr Lisa McKay-Brown

MGSE Research                Dr Jon Quach has continued to            Dr Quach’s current research grants
Excellence Award             develop his academic career in line      involve collaborations with different
                             with expectations of a leading school    groups at MGSE, as well as external
This award recognises        and a leading university. This has       collaborations (such as Murdoch
outstanding research by a    included continued engagement            Children’s Research Institute and
staff member as evidenced    with teaching responsibilities,          La Trobe University). At a policy
by published research that   excellence in research with sustained    level, Dr Quach has developed
has made a significant       and growing yearly averages in a         partnerships with the Victorian
contribution to knowledge.   number of publications, citations,       Department of Education and NSW
                             and success in funding applications      Department of Education, leading
                             across several categories.               research projects to examine the
Awardee                                                               potential benefits of a systematic
                             He has maintained an upwards
Dr Jon Quach                                                          and synthetic phonics-based
                             trajectory in the number and
                                                                      intervention for Grade 1 students
                             quality of research publications on
                                                                      who are struggling with reading.
                             an average of seven peer-reviewed
                                                                      His interdisciplinary research
                             and two governments report per
                                                                      agenda enables him to lead active
                             year, as well as hundreds of citations
                                                                      collaborations across different
                             since completing his doctorate. He
                                                                      disciplines and research institutions,
                             has extensively contributed to the
                                                                      holding senior leadership roles
                             wider academic community, through
                                                                      within those teams.
                             partnerships with state and national
                             policy and professional bodies, as       Dr Quach displays strong
                             well as increasing his expertise in      engagement with policy, practice,
                             the international level, participating   community, and the research
                             in workshops for OECD and                community. Collectively, these
                             international research collaborations.   engagements have spanned
                                                                      local, national, and international
                                                                      audiences and stakeholders,
                                                                      demonstrating his growing
                                                                      commitment in the area of children’s
                                                                      health and education outcomes.
24         MGSE STAFF

MGSE Research Leadership     Policy initiatives such as the       Since 2012, in collaboration with
Excellence Award             Department of Education’s (DET)      DET via the Bastow Institute and
                             ‘Expanding your World’ identify      subsequently Catholic Education
This award recognises        that learning languages is an        Melbourne, the team led by
outstanding contribution     essential aspect of a holistic       Professor Cross, has built on
in a particular program      educational experience, including    MGSE’s CLIL scholarship to develop
of significant research.     its contribution to literacy,        a long-term, customised program
                             creativity, interpersonal/cultural   of engagement focused on teacher
                             competence, and criticality. Yet     capacity building to integrate
Awardee                      finding solutions to problems that   languages into other curriculum
Associate Professor          have stymied quality languages       areas, including mathematics,
Russell Cross                provision has been a longstanding    history, religion, and the arts. The
                             challenge for education systems.     success of these partnerships has
                             Professor Russell Cross’ research    also led to the development of
                             on alternative ways to re-position   Leading Languages programs for
                             Languages in schools—not as a        both systems, enabling teachers to
                             separate domain but integrated       effect ‘bottom up’ reform through
                             into the core curriculum through     innovations in languages, including
                             ‘content and language integrated     CLIL, and the new Early Years
                             learning’ (CLIL)—has enabled         Bilingual Education initiative,
                             education systems to identify        commencing with 280 language
                             concrete ways to re-frame the        and early childhood educators
                             value and role of languages within   in 2019 and early 2020.
                             the Victorian curriculum.
                                                                                  AWARDS EVENING          25

MGSE Distinguished                  Professor Clarke established the       published 11 books (including one
Research Award                      International Centre for Classroom     edition in Spanish translation), 52
                                    Research (ICCR) in early 2003 as a     book chapters, 70 refereed journal
This award recognises               facility to support the generation,    articles, 88 refereed conference
outstanding achievement             storage and collaborative analysis     proceeding, totalling over 200
in research including leadership,   of classroom data (particularly        research publications.
publications, mentorship and        video data) related to the study of
supervision.                                                               Besides promoting theoretical,
                                    learning and teaching in classrooms
                                                                           methodological, and technological
                                    on an international scale. The ICCR
                                                                           advances, the research programme
                                    is unique in the complexity and
Awardee                                                                    led by Professor Clarke has also
                                    breadth of the classroom data it
Professor David Clarke                                                     created and sustains an active and
                                    accommodates and provides the
                                                                           vibrant international research
                                    focus for an extensive program of
                                                                           community, an achievement of
                                    international collaborative research
                                                                           which he is most proud. The list
                                    activity. In 2014, Professor Clarke
                                                                           of active collaborators associated
                                    was co-awarded the ARC Special
                                                                           with his research program is large,
                                    Research Initiatives grant which
                                                                           numbering 55 research academics
                                    funded the establishment of the
                                                                           plus associated research students
                                    Science of Learning Research
                                                                           and research assistants in Chile,
                                    Classroom within the Melbourne
                                                                           China, the Czech Republic,
                                    Graduate School of Education. This
                                                                           Denmark, Finland, France,
                                    facility has greatly enhanced the
                                                                           Germany, Hong Kong, Israel,
                                    capacity of the ICCR to engage in
                                                                           Japan, Korea, New Zealand,
                                    controlled experimental classroom
                                                                           Norway, the Philippines, Portugal,
                                    research and significantly expanded
                                                                           Singapore, South Africa, Sweden,
                                    its data management capacities.
                                                                           the UK and the USA. Since 1994,
                                    Professor Clarke has attracted         Professor Clarke has supervised 20
                                    funds from a range of national         doctoral and 16 masters students to
                                    and international funding agencies,    successful completion and received
                                    with continuous Australian             the MGSE Supervision Excellence
                                    Research Council (ARC) funding         Award in 2014.
                                    since 1996. To date he has
26   2019

                                                          AWARDS EVENING   27

We would like to thank our valued sponsors and donors
for their support of the 2019 Melbourne Graduate School
of Education Awards Evening:
Published by:
Melbourne Graduate
School of Education
© Melbourne Graduate
School of Education, University
of Melbourne, May 2019

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was correct at the time of printing.

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