The Pirate Hook - October 2018 - Granite School District

Page created by Yvonne Nunez
The Pirate Hook - October 2018 - Granite School District
The Pirate Hook

 October 2018
The Pirate Hook - October 2018 - Granite School District
What is Boo to the Flu? Why is it Important?
                                                    By: Shalyse Still
         Boo to the Flu is an event taking place at all                 There are a few strains of flu going around
schools in Granite School District. CNS goes out to            this flu season. There is H1N1 (swine flu). The
schools to give students and families the flu shot.            symptoms consist of sore throat, nausea, dry cough,
CHS’s Boo to the Flu was on Oct. 2 from 3:30-7:00              and fever. The H3N2 or Influenza A virus is usually
pm. This gives students the opportunity to get their           carried by birds and mammals but has mutated into
flu shots as the flu season starts. Giving students an         many different strains that can also infect humans.
easy, convenient way to get their flu shot benefits not        Influenza B has two different strains. One of type B’s
only themselves but the community. The shot cost               strain is Victoria and the other is Yamagata. The
$35 and with each shot, $2 goes back to the school             symptoms of Influenza B is a sudden fever, chills,
as a donation.                                                 body aches, cough, chest pains and weakness.
         Flu shots keep everyone protected from and                     There are many ways to prevent getting and
prevent the spreading of the flu. The flu is a                 spreading the flu. Getting an annual flu vaccine is the
annual/seasonal virus and is very contagious. It can           best prevention. Other precautions are covering your
mutate and become stronger if the host is not                  mouth with the inner side of your elbow when you
vaccinated or treated after affected, then it spreads to       cough. Coughing into hands, then touching other
others. The flu is easily spread through contact such          surfaces spreads the virus. And, most importantly, is
as shaking hands, touching tables, keyboards, and              washing your hands. Washing your hands
any other surface that has been contaminated by the            throughout the day and especially before you eat will
virus, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.                 help prevent getting the flu. If someone is to get the
         The flu has many symptoms such has fever,             virus it is recommended to stay home from work or
chills, muscle aches, coughing, congestion, runny              school to not spread it to others.
nose, headaches, and fatigue. It is always the best                     It is very important for each and every person
option to go to the doctors immediately after noticing         to get their flu shot to prevent the spread of the virus
these signs. There are many different strains and each         for 2018 flu season.
strain has their own symptoms.

                                                   ACT Prep
                         Students have the opportunity to take a full-length practice ACT.

                                      When: Saturday, Nov. 10 @ 9 am
                                            Where: CHS cafeteria
                   Why: Studies show that #1 way to improve ACT scores is by taking the test.

                                           Snacks will be provided.
        Please sign up with any ACT Prep teacher - Angell, Ashton, Eyring, Graham, Nabaum, O’Saurus

                                Parking lot construction started Oct. 24

 A new student parking lot is underway. It will be located on the grass just north of the main Brockbank building. Other
           details regarding the overall scope and meframe of the project is not available at the moment.
The Pirate Hook - October 2018 - Granite School District
Haunted Houses
                                                By Osvaldo Zavala

There are a lot of haunted houses in Utah, but they         Asylum 49
are quite expensive to go too. They can also be quite       General admission: $25 + tax
a long drive. Here are a few of the scariest haunted        Fast pass: $30 + tax
houses in the Salt Lake area:                               Extreme: $100 + tax (Your Own Horror Movie)
                                                            Open Oct. 2nd- Nov. 3rd
Fear Factory                                                Tuesday - Thursday 7 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
General admission: $25 + tax                                Friday & Saturday 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
VIP: $35 + tax                                              Antonio Bej. Senior “You get more of a rush when
Touch: additional $2                                        you get chased by the dude with the chainsaw”
Open Oct. 2nd - Oct. 31st                                   Kaylee Torres, Senior “It was scary”
Monday-Thursday 7 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.                         Workers are allowed to touch you, but you can’t
Friday & Saturday 7 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.                       touch them.
Victor Mendoza, senior, “Better experience.”                Haunted Forest
Gabriela Ramirez, freshman, “glow in the dark               General admission: $25 + tax
bracelets and and do virtual reality.”                      Fast pass: $30 + tax
                                                            Open Oct. 1st - Oct. 31st
Nightmare on 13th                                           Monday-Thursday 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
General admission: $25 + tax                                Friday & Saturday 7:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Fast Pass: $35 + tax                                        Abraham Beltran, junior: “I liked it because I’m an
Skip the line: $45 + tax                                    outdoorsmen and it takes place outside.”
Open Oct. 1st - Nov. 4th
Monday-Thursday 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.                      Castle of Chaos
Friday & Saturday 7:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.                    General admission: $25 + tax
Alexa Saldana, junior, “Scarier than the rest with          VIP: $35 + tax
better service.”                                            Skip the line: $40 + tax
Beth Phopes, freshman, “A lot of jump scares.”              Open Oct. 4th-Nov. 3rd
Both like it and had a great experience in being            Monday-Thursday 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
frightened.                                                 Friday & Saturday 7:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
                                                            Cody King, teacher “My friends were going there.
The Pirate Hook - October 2018 - Granite School District
Books of the Century: Cyprus Book Club
                                             By Maddie Flores

Cyrus Bookclub is already in          check one out, read it, then         of their cases goes horribly
full swing for the 2018-2019          attend the meeting at the end of     wrong, Lockwood & Co. have
school year.                          the month. Students are not          one last chance of redemption.
The club, supervised by Mrs.          required to attend every meeting.    Unfortunately this involves
Fenton, meets at the end of           The book for the month of            spending the night in one of the
every month to discuss the a          October was “Lockwood & Co -         most haunted houses in England,
specified book that changes each      The Screaming Staircase,”            and trying to escape alive.
month. The different books            by Jonathan Stroud.                  The book club meeting for this
bring more opportunities to           The book is about the events         month’s book was held on
explore new genres.                   following the dead coming back       October 24.
The month began with a                to haunt the living. Then The
presentation by Mrs. Fenton in        Lockwood & Co. step in…
each of the English classes.          For more than fifty years, the
During this presentation she told     country has been affected by a
the plot of the selected book and     horrifying epidemic of ghosts. A
the date the club meeting would       number of Psychic
be held. Students then have a         Investigations Agencies have
month to read and enjoy the           sprung up to destroy the
book. Meetings are held in the        dangerous apparitions.
Cyprus Main Library, where            Lucy Carlyle, a talented young
students eat treats and discuss       agent, arrives in London hoping
the book. Anyone is welcome to        for a notable career. Instead she
join and participate in this club.    find herself joining the smallest,   November’s book of the month
How would one join? There are         most ramshackle agency in the        is Nemesis by Brendan Reichs
several copies of each month’s        city, run by the charismatic         and the group will meet on
book in the library. Simply           Anthony Lockwood. When one           November 28.
The Pirate Hook - October 2018 - Granite School District
Concealed Carry for Teachers
                                        By Ammon Bishop and Josef Mecham

         It’s a well-known fact that there has been a
disagreement on guns for quite some time. Since 2009,
there have been 288 school involved shootings in the
U.S. Compared to other major world powers, that isn’t
good at all. If we don’t do something about it, then that
number is going to be our biggest problem.
         So what can we do about it? Are there any ways
we can fix it? When asked, Officer Wayne said, “I don’t
think there is a safe route to fix it.” He also added that
maybe for a start, the Granite School District could
“give teachers proper training [for guns] so they can be
able to look for cues and clues for what that supposed
threat may be doing”.
         If the district would offer a class to teachers, whether it’s free or not, to give them a concealed carry license
for their classroom, then schools would be safer. By doing that, the school could then put signs around the school,
letting potential threats know that this school is going to fight back.
         In an interview between President Donald Trump and the administration of Sandy Hook Elementary,
Trump stated, “It’s called concealed carry, where a teacher would have a concealed gun on them. They’d go for
special training and they would be there and you would no longer have a gun-free zone...gun-free zone is: ‘Let’s
go in and let’s attack, because bullets aren’t coming back at us’.”
         When the students come to this school and we are under the rules of this school, they should feel safe and
protected. Mr. Angell, a math teacher and U.S. military veteran, stated that, “We are no longer responsible for only
educating students. We are responsible for their safety”. Since the students take time out of their day to come to
school for seven and a half hours, the school should make sure those students are protected. Not just at this school,
but at all schools around the world.
         Now the argument could be made that guns shouldn’t be allowed anywhere, because guns in general are
“evil”. “A gun is a tool. Pencils don’t give wrong answers, students do,” stated Mr. Angell. Guns are not the
problem. The people that use that weapon for any purpose except for protection for themselves and those around
them are the problem. This needs to be fixed. Giving responsible teachers guns is a great way to start.

                                             State Competitors

                                              Girls Tennis - Melody Christman, Brook Giles and Rachel Jenkins

                                              Boys Cross Country - Jzuaq Caldwell, Gabe Sherman, Carlos
                                              Preito, Brian Preito, Camden Ketchum, Emmanuel Perez, and Daniel

                                              Girls Cross Country - Kaylee Glover
The Pirate Hook - October 2018 - Granite School District
How Students Spent Fall Break
                                       By Gabriel Cervantes, Mateo Rojas

Fall Break was October 18 and 19 which gave students a 4-day weekend. The following students shared what
they did over break:

        Stephen Ochoa, 12th - “Worked more hours at my job.”
        Jason Romero, 12th - “I played some basketball with friends and boxed a little.”
        Josh Mercado, 12th - “I practiced for a tournament that was coming up.”
        Alan Hernandez, 12th - “I worked on my project Honda Civic.”
        Cameron Crank, 12th - “I played a lot of video games and slept.”
        Jesus Nava, 12th - “Worked on my car and worked a lot.”
        Martin Arellano, 12th - “Played a lot of soccer with my friends.”
        Samuel Fischer, 12th - “I went to colorado to help my sister move.”
        Antonio Benavides, 12th - “I worked more hours at work and played some soccer.”
        Gabriel Zuhiga, 12th - “I fixed a couple things on my car.”
        Gauge kelson, 12th - “I celebrated my brother’s birthday.”
        Ibhert Castaneda, 12th - “I got a good amount of sleep and kicked it with some friends.”
        Jakob Morrison, 12th - “I went on vacation.”
        Mateo Rojas, 12th - “Ate some food and played video games.”
        Pedro Bermudez, 12th - “I went on a car cruise up in the canyons.”

                                             2018 Fall-Hunting
                                                    By: Julie Stults
       Hunting is very important to some people because it is how they live. Families live off the meat of the
animals that they go out and kill. The fur is used to keep the family warm at night, and during colder weathers.
Today, most people don’t use the furs for that purpose because of heaters and coats. People also go for the “Trophy
Animals” which are bigger and have larger antlers, horns, wing spread, etc. Hunting also helps keep the population
of animals at bay. By hunting some animals, the ecosystem can keep thriving without overpopulation.
Knowing the seasons dates are important, according to “WildLife Utah”:

    ●   The archery hunt for buck deer, buck pronghorn and bull elk started Aug. 18 and ends Oct. 31.
    ●   Any legal weapon (rifle) hunt for buck deer, buck pronghorn, bull elk and bull moose, along with
        muzzleloader hunt for buck deer start Sept. 1 and ends Oct. 31.
    ●   Muzzleloader hunt starts Sept. 1 and ends Nov. 10 for bull elk.
    ●   General muzzleloader elk season starts Oct. 31 and ends Nov. 8.

Hunting licences for a youth day hunting all year is $16. A full year day licence for eighteen and older costs $85.
        Rules and safety are very important when dealing with weapons. From the Utah Wildlife handbook: you
must be at least twelve years old to participate. If you are younger than eighteen years old than you may apply to
participate in a Utah hunter mentoring program. A parent/guardian or a responsible adult no younger than
twenty-one years of age must be present when a child sixteen or younger is participating, and the youth must be in
seeing and talking distance.
        If the hunter was born after Dec. 31, 1965 they must obtain proof that they have passed the Hunter Safety
permit test. Proof may be there number and they must have the Utah “Blue card”.
        The hunter must have a Utah hunting and fishing licence before they may obtain a big game licence, and
has to have it on there person at all time during the hunt. The hunter must have a citizen current licence.
        Shanon Wright, senior, said that he went to the Manti Region for Elk and deer. He did not tag an animal that
he wanted because he was,“unfamiliar with the muzzleloader.” The state made a larger fire break on his property
for the caution of other fires.
The Pirate Hook - October 2018 - Granite School District
Thanksgiving Point Scarecrow Festival
                                           By Jocelin Torres, Alexis Beltran
         Thanksgiving Point organizes a Scarecrow Festival for one week: Oct. 15 - 20, from 10 am to 6 pm. The
festival was held in the Ashton Gardens. While walking through the Ashton Gardens, anyone could see all the
different scarecrows created and set up by different people.
         Each scarecrow was labeled with a number so that anyone could vote for their personal favorite. The
voting sheet also had a map so visitors knew where they were going. There were a few places where people could
have taken family photos and signs are also placed around the garden, not only describing Ashton Gardens and it's
community, but also facts about the scarecrows.
         Scarecrows needed to stand on their own and weighs less than one hundred pounds so staff could set them
up without hassle. Scarecrows also needed to be at least 36 inches tall and homemade.
         Since this was a family-friendly event, inappropriate scarecrows were not allowed, resulting in immediate
elimination. Scarecrow judging took place during the event. The winner of the festival would receive a prize.
The Pirate Hook - October 2018 - Granite School District
Are you ready to vote?
                                          By Chambrae Reynolds

        Will you be 18 by                ● Proposition 4 creates an
November 6th? If you are, you              independent redistricting
should register to vote. Last year,        commission.                     How do I vote?
only 58 percent of eligible voters                                         In November, there are going to
actually voted in Utah. More          Why should you vote?                 be multiple places you can vote,
than half of the state ignored it,    Mr. Hensel, a teacher at Cyprus      but first you need to be
then proceed to complain about        high, encourages everyone to         registered. Registration must be
who was representing them or          vote because “it’s your civic        done at least seven days before
the new laws and regulations. If      duty, take part in society, chance   election day. To vote in this
you want a say in what our state      to voice your opinion, have the      election, you must be registered
does, then register to vote.          opportunity to say what you          by October 31. You can register
        In November, you will         feel... being involved in the        online at or in
be able to vote for Amendments        community.”                          person at the county clerk’s
A, B and C, and Question 1, and       For most people voting is scary,     office. After you register, you
Propositions 2, 3 and 4. To           for some it’s useless. However       can go to multiple places to vote.
break it down:                        voting is a form of popular          In Magna, you can vote at the
    ● Amendment A changes             sovereignty, a way to come           Magna Kennecott Senior Center,
        the time of service           together for something you           nearby schools or mail in the
        required for tax              want. This is one of the only        ballot.
        exemption.                    things the people get a say in.      You must bring one form of
    ● Amendment B allows              Voting can fix laws or               photo ID or two forms of
        tax exemption for a           regulations. By exercising the       non-photo IDs. The voting polls
        property leased by the        right to vote, you are choosing to   are open from 7am to 7pm,
        government.                   fight for what you believe in.       meaning you have plenty of time
    ● Amendment C allows              Voting creates the separation of     to put your vote in. In a recent
        the legislature to convene    powers. As voters we can             interview, Mrs. Chavez said,
        a special session with        impeach a government official or     “registering, waiting in line and
        restrictions.                 end a ridiculous law to make         finding time to vote is difficult.
    ● Non-binding opinion             sure that not one group has all      However, the voting process is a
        Question 1 takes a 10         power. Voting is expressing our      lot easier than it is in Missouri.
        cent gas tax from gas         natural rights as citizens of the    In Utah, they remind you to
        companies to provide for      united states;we are a democracy     register and vote which helps
        schools and local roads.      not a monarchy.                      plan your schedule.”
    ● Proposition                                                                     No one can make you
        2 allows                                                                      vote, though it is
        Utah to                                                                       encouraged. However,
        legalize the                                                                  voting is something
        use of                                                                        everyone should
        medical                                                                       consider doing.
        marijuana.                                                                    Change Utah’s low
    ● Proposition                                                                     eligible voter statistics
        3 expands                                                                     by standing up for
        medicaid                                                                      yourself and
        under ACA.                                                                    community, study the
                                                                                      options, get to the polls
                                                                                      on Nov. 6 and vote.
The Pirate Hook - October 2018 - Granite School District
Nothing But Good Vibes
                                               By Emily Hansen

        The Performing Arts Department had concerts on the nights of October 11 and 12. The theme selected
was “Nothing but Good Vibes,” which influenced the acts selected. Performers included the Cyprus choirs, dance,
orchestra, and band. Thespian officers announced each act. Band and orchestra were directed by Mr. Dayne
Moore, while most choirs were directed and accompanied by Mr. Kelly Moore. The performances were as

   ● Show Choir sung and danced to “I’m Still                  ● Madrigals sang “You Raise Me Up,” and
     Standing” and “Sing a Song.”                                “Go the Distance.” Soloists for the former
   ● Pep Band performed “Sweet Caroline,” “All                   song were Macy Wright and Ashlee
     I do is Win” and “All of the Lights.”                       Batchelor.
   ● Concert Choir sang “Friend Like Me,” from                 ● The Grandstanders, formerly known as Jazz
     Disney’s Aladdin, and “Sing, Sing, Sing.”                   Band, played “Pick up the Pieces” and “Hit
   ● Theatre 3 performed “Highway Man”                           the Bricks.” Soloists for the former song were
   ● Dance Company danced to Mama Mia’s                          Jordan Shahan and Brady Fish. Soloists for
     “Dancing Queen” and later, a mix of songs.                  the latter were Seth and Jayden Crowther.
   ● Dance 2 danced to “Happier.”                              ● Show Choir 2, formerly known as Junior
   ● Dance 3 danced to “The Fear.”                               Show Choir, sang “Jailhouse Rock” and
   ● Mixed Chorus sang “La Bamba.”                               “UP!” Accompanied by Emily Hansen.
   ● Concert Orchestra played an Aladdin Medley
     and “This is Me.” Concertmaster was April

       Overall, the show was brilliant and very enjoyable. Each group worked extremely hard to perfect their
       acts. There will be a Winter Concert in December.
The Pirate Hook - October 2018 - Granite School District
10-Minute Unexcused Absence Rule
                                          By Marissa Ulino, Lupita Zavala

         Cyprus High School has tons of regulations                    From a teacher’s point of view, Ms. Johnson
to protect students and make sure they are on the            states that “Once the 10 minute rule was taught and
right path for college and their lives ahead of them.        in effect, it became a habit to most students.”
One newer regulations is the 10-minute absence rule,         Johnson continues to say that “it is understandable
which was put in effect during the 2017-18 school            for now, but for students who are constantly late
year. If a student is not in class within the first 10       there is no exception.” Johnson also said that “the
minutes of class, then the student will have to first        majority of students who are 10 minutes late are late
stop at the office and receive a truancy letter before       to first period and the class after their assigned
going class. After the truancy letter is given to the        lunch.”
student’s teacher, the student’s attendance will be                    In our opinion, the 10 minute absence rule
marked as an unexcused absence and will have to get          should be altered, not necessarily taken away. We
it excused by a parent/guardian.                             believe that the 10 minute absence rule can be
         According to most students at CHS, they             changed to be two warnings with a truancy letter and
believe the 10-minute absence rule is a waste of time.       the third and final strike can be an unexcused
“It’s stupid,” said Junior Grace Jenkins. Junior Angel       absence. Or if a student is 10 minutes late a student
Montoya, “The 10 minute absence should be taken              can attend a 10 minute “detention” before school,
away and we shouldn’t be marked absent for being             during lunch, or afterschool, where a teacher or staff
10 minutes late.” Montoya continue to say that the 10        member talk to said student about the importance of
minute absence rule is “wack” and “mad dumb.”                attendance.
Jenkins also states that “if high school is preparing us
for college, then it doesn’t make sense, because they
don’t care about attendance”.

 French Club meets on A Day Fridays
 from 2:15-3:15 in Madame Easton’s
 room 629 at Brockbank.

 You don’t have to be in French to
 join, just be interested in French
 language & culture.

 We play games, listen to music, watch
 movies, eat French food & have fun
 getting to know each other!
Best Halloween Movies
                                      By Kaiden Adams and Dennis Norton

       Halloween is just around the corner and there’s nothing like watching a good Halloween movie late at
night with friends or close ones. The problem is that there are so many movies to choose from and not enough
                                      time. To help, students at Cyprus High School were asked to list their top

                                      #5: The Nun. The Nun just came out this year, but it is already a favorite of
                                      many students. The nun has quite a few unexpected scares that make the
                                      movie just that much better. It's about a young nun at a cloistered abbey in
                                      Romania that takes her own life. A priest with a haunted past and a novitiate
                                      on the threshold of her final vows are sent by the Vatican to investigate.
                                      Together, they uncover the order's unholy secret. Risking not only their lives
                                      but their faith and their very souls, they fight a demonic nun.

                                       #4: “Saw”: The movie “Saw” is gruesome, but entertaining. It's about two
                                       guys regaining consciousness while chained to pipes at either end of a filthy
                                       bathroom. As the two men realize they've been trapped by a serial killer
                                       nicknamed "Jigsaw" and must complete his
                                       perverse puzzle to live, flashbacks relate the
                                       fates of his previous victims. Meanwhile, one’s
wife and young daughter are forced to watch his torture through video. It came out in
2004 and it’s still holding on strong.

         #3: “Friday the 13th,” “Annabelle,” and “Halloween.” There is a three way
tie for third place. “Friday the 13th” is popular especially for the Jason killings.
“Annabelle” is a popular series and they had their newest release this year.
“Halloween” is a popular series and with a new one being released this year,it is
almost a must to watch them.

         #2. “The Conjuring” came in second. “The Conjuring” has a tense
atmosphere throughout most of the movie so it helps keep in entertaining. In 1970,
two paranormal investigators are summoned to a house. The Perrons and their five daughters have recently moved
into a secluded farmhouse, where a supernatural presence has made itself known. Though the manifestations are
relatively benign at first, events soon escalate in horrifying fashion, especially after the Warrens discover the
house's macabre history.

                                                 #1. “IT.” “IT” comes in at number one, which is not surprising,
                                                 since many people are afraid of clowns. It is a nightmare in film
                                                 form. Seven young outcasts in Derry, Maine, are about to face
                                                 their worst nightmare -- an ancient, shape-shifting evil that
                                                 emerges from the sewer every 27 years to prey on the town's
                                                 children. Banding together over the course of one horrifying
                                                 summer, the friends must overcome their own personal fears to
                                                 battle the murderous, bloodthirsty clown known as Pennywise.
                                                 There are many more great Halloween movies, but these are just
                                                 the top 5 movies.
Highschool Dropouts
                                       By Milerta McDaniel, Donovan Harris

         Granite School District has a 74% graduation      because you have a lot of uneducated people. Not
rate, which is lower than the Utah state average of        dumb, but uneducated. It also affects our
85%. However, Cyprus High School’s graduation              government;more assistants programs,” according to
rates went up 11% from 2016 to 2017.                       Ms. Callahan. It is also harder to get a good paying
         Student have many reasons to dropout. Jodi        job without a high school education because if
Heiner, a counselor at Cyprus, said she sees lots of       someone without a high school diploma and
students dropout for various reasons. “The transition      somebody with a high school education are both
from 8th grade to 9th grade is hard. They come here        applying for the same job, most of the time, the
and they don't pass their classes, so I think once a       person with the high school education will be hired.
student gets behind on their credits, they get                      Heiner said, “There's definitely always
overwhelmed and frustrated. Then, they just feel like      another solution and we will help you find those
they can't catch up. If they are not on track, when        other solutions. There's tons of things you can do
they get off track, they just get kind of overwhelmed      instead of dropping out.” Counselors and
and they just give up.” She thinks that students           administration are willing to help students find other
believe there is no help for them and it is too hard to    ways to deal with problems instead of dropping out.
get the credits they need to graduate.                     Being said, there shouldn’t be a time where a student
         According to Ms. Callahan, assistant              feels like they can’t get help because the school
principal, there are many programs to help students        always has a resolution for our problems. They are
earn credits, like the after school program in the         here to help and watch us succeed in the paths that
library, credit recovery where students can do             we are bound to take for the future.
packets, and online credit recovery.
         “In the United States approximately 3 million
people drop out a year...this affects our future

               Class Act Winners!

                                         Mr. Brooks’

                                                           Congratulations to our Novices who placed in the
                                                                         debate tournament!

                                         Ms. Eyring’s           1st place in Policy: Adele and Ehlanna
                                         Class                       2nd place in Congress: Alivia
                                                               3rd place in Policy: Malachi and Caeden
School Lunch
                                            By Makayla San Nicolas

         School lunch is one of         to be, when it comes to quality.         and should be at least 45 minutes
the most important parts of the         When it comes to things like the         long to an hour long because I
day. During lunch, students have        portion sizes and the milk,              eat slow and actually take my
the opportunity to eat or do            however, nothing has changed.            time. I barely eat any breakfast
school work. Then why is it that        We are growing high school               and I don’t like the school
there is only 30 minutes, and           students; we deserve a bigger            breakfast, the milk is sometimes
why are students served, as they        portion size than what the little        expired or oddly enough, is just
say, “cheap, frozen and                 elementary students have. It may         frozen. I've always had issues
sometimes expired food.”                work just fine to fill up a little       with the milk the most. I used to
Children and young adults are           kid, but for us, it's basically a        live in California, the lunch
the future of society;why is their      snack and that’s not very fair. As       served in school was actually
health being neglected? Why             for the milk situation, I believe        fresh and they gave seconds to
shouldn't students have an hour         that we should have small water          students when there was extra.”
lunch, 30 minutes to eat and 30         bottles instead. The milk is                      Here at Cyprus, there
minutes to work on assignments.         disgusting, but it’s the only thing      have two lunches that are 30
         In some places around          we have to drink, so we do drink         minutes long. Students are
the world, students get an hour         it even if it’s warm and has a           offered multiple choices
for lunch. There is a lot you can       funky smell. Every student               everyday including chicken,
get done in an hour: a project, an      would benefit more if we had             cheeseburgers, pizza, and peanut
essay, missed or incomplete             water instead of milk. If the            butter and jelly sandwiches.
assignments, etc. All while still       school district would stop being         Students shouldn't be shorted of
having time to eat. Kids who are        greedy and put a little more             time during lunch and definitely
in class and haven't eaten can't        money into our school lunches,           should not have to worry if the
focus as well because they're too       then all of the students would be        food is good or not. Students
busy thinking about what they           much happier.”                           deserve better lunch and better
want to eat after school. Students               Another student, Senior         food. There needs to be changes
who have eaten focus better and         Travers Lujan said, “School              made to accommodate more
don't have to worry about their         lunches should be checked.               time, and changes to the food
growling stomach.                       Look at the their foods. It just         suppliers. Only the students can
         Some students have a           looks odd and needs to be                make this change happen, with
few words to say regarding              checked if its expired or not. I         more action and less complaints.
lunch here at school. Senior            swear, I got food poisoning one
Bailey Saddler said, “The               time.” In terms of the amount of
schools lunches have definitely         time there is for lunch, he said,
improved from what they used            “I feel like the time is too short

School Musical Tickets                                       Multicultural Assembly
Tickets are on sale now for Pirates of Penzance.             We are having a MULTICULTURAL ASSEMBLY
Online: $8.00 $10.00 at         this year! The assembly will be held on November
the door. Students $5.00 always. Show dates:                 28. If you, your club, or anyone you know would be
November 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20th @7 PM and a                interested in participating, fill out a form from the
2:00 PM matinee on Saturday the 17th                         front office.
New Music Releases
                                        By Seth Reischl and Jordan Cabral

         Lately, there seems to be a new album              night. In this album, he mostly responded to a lot of
dropping every other week. Some of the biggest              the hate he got from other artists trying to diss him.
artists who have published albums recently are Lil          An example of this is him going off on MGK,
Wayne, Eminem, Travis Scott, Logic and many                 Machine Gun Kelly, for talking about his daughter a
others.                                                     year ago. He also talks about the new rappers
         Hip hop and Rap has changed a lot over the         making it big off mumble rap. Eminem sticks with
years. Lil Wayne still uses his old fashioned beats         his old style of music and doesn’t care about
and lyrics, unlike Travis Scott, who uses autotune          offending people with the things he says. Seth likes
and is considered trap music. In comparison,                it, “It’s cool listening to Eminem again,” said Seth
Eminem keeps his old flow and calls out some of the         Reischl. He likes how Eminem went off on bad
mumble rappers and celebrities of today.                    artists.
         Logic and Lil Wayne's albums are the newest                  Another album released recently was
big albums to drop. Both of these albums were               “Astroworld,” by Travis Scott. This album was
released on September 28. Logic’s album is called,          highly anticipated by all Travis fans. The album was
“Young Sinatra IV,” or “YSIV” for short. Lil                released on August 3 and is 58 minutes long, in total.
Wayne’s is named “Carter V,” which has been very            It has 17 songs, including many other big artists like
well respected in the hip hop community. He makes           Drake, Frank Ocean, Quavo, and many others.
many references to sports players, celebrities and          Scott’s music makes one want to be hyped up and
even Barack Obama. The album has 23 songs,                  party. He uses autotune and very catchy beats in
making it a total of 1 hour and 28 minutes long. Most       almost all his songs. “I liked the album a lot and I
of his songs are trending on Apple Music. It has a          listen to it all the time,” said Jordan Cabral, “It has a
more of a 2000s feel of music, rather than music that       lot of songs that will grab your attention.”
is talking about different drugs and money.                           These are just a few of the recent albums that
         Eminem, debated to be the best rapper of all       came out in the hip hop community. These rappers
time, released the album “Kamikaze” on August 28.           are very well respected by everyone in the
This album was unannounced, so there was no hype            community. They make good music for everyone to
to it, but there were thousands of listens on the first     listen to.
How Does Social Media Affect School?
                                                By Amberly Ingersoll

        Social media has become        Cyprus pages. It is a way to        want a phone free campus. This
a big part of everyone’s life.         keep students informed of the       is mostly because students play
People’s phones consume their          activities happening around         on their cell phones instead of
everyday life. Bullying happens        town and school. Social media       finishing assignments. When
at every school, anywhere, but         can help boost the school’s         teachers allow phones, students
an especially easy way for             confidence. For example, when       have more access to information;
people to bully is online. There       the boy’s football team was         our chromebooks do not always
is Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter,        shown, in a promotional video       work or will not access certain
Instagram and so much more             we began to become noticed.         sites. Social media can also help
that people can reach other            People who do not even like         students with getting missing
people through.                        football games started attending,   work from friends, inform
        In a film called, “A Girl      the video was retweeted on          students about due dates, and
Like Her,” Jessica Burns, the          Twitter by people who didn't        access online tutor websites.
main character, is bullied during      know they were undefeated at                 “Social media depresses
school every day and afterschool       the time. Social media helps        me because I see all these people
through social media. She ends         show people that Cyprus is not      happy and it makes me mad
up trying to commit suicide and        the “ghetto” school most people     because it reminds me I have no
her attempt put her into a coma.       assume it is.                       friends,” said Seth Reischl,
All of the interactions with the                Cyprus’ school policy of   senior.
bully were filmed and released         ‘no phones’ has been a blessing              School should be a place
to Jessica's parents. Later, the       and a horrible regulation. No,      where everyone feels welcome
bully posts a video stating how        people should not be on their       and safe. Sometimes social
sorry she is and how bad she           phones while the instructor is      media can have a big cause on
feels. This is happening all over      talking, however when the class     whether we go to school or not.
the world, not just in movies; it      is doing nothing or an individual   Going to school and getting an
is an epidemic.                        is finished with work, students     education is important, making
        Social media has its ups       should be able to have their        sure social media is safe and a
and downs. Positive things             phones out. The administration      fun thing for people to have
social media can bring to school       believes phones are unnecessary     should be a top priority.
are being able to post events on       and should be restricted; they

                                                      The girl’s soccer team hosted their first alumni
                                                      soccer game on Saturday, Oct. 13.

                                                      The alumni edged out the current team with a
                                                      4-3 win.
How Does “Dress Code” Affect School?
                                                   By Chasiti Aguilar

          Dress code has always been a huge thing during school. Not only does it affect the students, but in ways it
shouldn't be a huge issue like it has been. It has been shameful and not only that, it makes girls feel like they can't
be themselves for who they are. Women are supposed to be confident and know their worth, but as these girls
continue to go to school, all they feel is shamed and scared to show even their shoulders without feeling like they
are doing something wrong.
    In the past and present, there have been many cases that girls feel like they get body shamed. In school, there
have been multiple things such as girls going to school wearing shirts that state “dress code sucks.” When you
take a second to really think about it, it is absolutely ridiculous that when a girl gets dress coded, they are to call
their parents and be sent home to change, or wear something that the school has provided for them. They are more
willing to send girls home, which is taking their learning time away. Why? They are showing their shoulders. We
have to draw the line somewhere.
   Cyprus’ Dress code policy is as following for the torso, clothing must cover all torso and no under clothing
shall be visible. Bottoms must cover bottom half and underneath clothing also should not be visible. Now argue
with that. That is understandable, but last year, girls were getting in trouble for wearing leggings,or even having
distressed jeans. Clothing shouldn't be an issue getting in the way of education. Therefore, stating that girls must
not wear half of these things is wrong.
We have a cheerleading team that wears skirts not to the dress code standard. If you are going to make it a rule,
enforce it with everyone attending Cyprus High School.
“I mean it's better than it was last year, but they shouldn't get so annoyed about what we wear.” Dennis Keo
“I felt like kids should be able to wear whatever they want, like in the summer they expect us to just wear pants
but it's hot and I’d want to wear shorts.” Kylee Clark.

               Academic All-State
      The following students earned Academic
 All-State for their performances in the classroom
                and on the court/field:

        Jessica Lopez - Soccer & cross country

                  Hailey Mishler - Tennis

               Melody Christman - Tennis

              Mary Anna Mendez - Tennis
Pirate Swim Team
                                                  By Coach Hayes

                                                                     The highlight for a number of the people at
                                                            the meet was getting to spend some time with their
                                                            old coaches. The Cyprus Swim Team has had twelve
                                                            coaches over the years and five of them, Darwin
                                                            “Coach” Killpack, Mark Gray, Joe Pereira, Gail
                                                            Christensen and Jason Hayes, were able to attend.
                                                            Coach Killpack coached at Cyprus for 26 years and
                                                            is a member of the both the CHS and University of
                                                            Utah Hall of Fame. He is one of the most successful
                                                            high school coaches ever in the state of Utah. 15 of
                                                            the school’s 18 State Titles were won during his
          There was definitely something in the water       tenure. His son-in-law, Joe Pereira, coached the
on Friday, Oct. 12. To coincide with Cyprus High            Pirates to their other three titles.
School’s 100 Year Celebration, the swimming team                     The Alumni meet also provided the current
hosted a meet 63 years in the making. Pirate                swimmers a good practice meet before heading down
swimmers and coaches from seven different decades           to St. George the first weekend of November to kick
gathered to see old friends, tell tall tales and sea        off the season. Many of the new swimmers got a
stories, meet the current team, and swim a few laps.        chance to swim their first race in front of a packed
          The Alumni swimmers were well                     gallery, impressing Coach Hayes with how well they
represented. Mike Thomas, class of 1961 and                 did. Jennifer Jacobs, Evan Lance, Yadira Hernandez
member of the swim team that brought home the               and others had great first swims, going further and
team’s first piece of hardware from the state meet (a       faster than even they expected. Some of the more
runner-up finish to Tooele in 1959) lead the crew for       experienced swimmers, such as the girl’s team
the guys. Sue Duckworth, recently inducted into the         captain, Aniston Peterson, and incoming freshmen
Cyprus Hall of Fame, brought along her friends,             Rori Pilcher, Andrew Shaw, and Sohnnie Wesemann
Leda Mansfield Davis, Emma Sellers, Julie Perfilil,         turned in some really good early season swims. The
and Jone Taylor Johnson, to represent the Sea Maids         team knows they have a lot of work in front of them,
(a little known club that existed before there was a        but if this meet is any indication, the season looks
girl’s swim team.) A special memorial was set up            bright for Pirate swimmers. Come check out the team
displaying F. Wayne Nuesmeyer’s Letter Jacket and           at their first home meet against Region II for Hillcrest
Letter Sweater which were donated to the school by          on the 15th of November.
his family. Mr. Nuesmeyer was a 1958 graduate of            “What a great time. I got to swim with one of my
CHS, a member of its original swim team and a               childhood heroes, Corey Killpack, do a relay with
Navy Veteran during the Vietnam War. Over 50                three of my teammates from back in the day, do a
alumni swam in the meet, including 1977 graduate            family relay, help to honor Coach Killpack, the man
Mike Killpack, 1986 graduate Judy Barnes and a              who
host of current team record holders. Killpack was a         taught
State Champ in the 200 IM and 400 Freestyle Relay,          me to
whose best swimming memory was beating East                 swim
High by 1 point to take the state title in 1975. Barnes     and
was a distance specialist who swam at state and was         enjoy the
best known for her confidence and sense of style. A         evening
current swimmer was overheard saying, “Some of              with my
those old people can still swim,” as they watched           current
2006 graduate, Annie Walgomott, Mr. Van                     swimmers, ex swimmers and even some of my future
Leeuwen’s daughter, swim the 100 free in a time that        swimmers.”
would likely score in this year’s state meet.
Cyprus High School Varsity Football
                                                      By Jorge Morales
The varsity football team’s                A huge thing in sports is what     because it shows how some
season so far has been good one.           people can do to play better as    players remain ready each day to
They are 6-2 overall and in                an individual or as a team. The    go out there and win games.
region, they are 2-2. Their win            football team have always tried    This also connects to what
percentage is .750.                        and will always try to be ready    adjustments they can make as a
Throughout the season, the team            on game day! Most of the           team so that they can better
has been working together to               players gave responses like,       themselves if they have not
keep improving day by day to               “you always have to be prepared    already.
make it farther than last year.            for game day, both mentally and    Cyprus beat Westlake in the last
When some of the football                  physically.” Some said, “You       game in the regular season.
players were asked if they have            have to keep practicing each and   Playoffs were on October 16
given it their all so far, all said        everyday so you can improve        and CHS Varsity team played
yes. They are determined to                efficiently so you’re prepared     Fremont High School.
accomplish more as team.                   once game day comes.” These
                                           responses have strong meanings
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