Friday 2nd April 2021 - Classic TT Series - Cycling Time Trials

Page created by Charles Snyder
Friday 2nd April 2021 - Classic TT Series - Cycling Time Trials
Birkenhead North End CC on behalf of Liverpool District

                                      TT Series
    Friday 2nd April 2021                                  ROUND

                                                            1of 6

                     Promoted for and behalf of Cycling Time Trials
                      under its Rules, Regulations and Conditions
Friday 2nd April 2021 - Classic TT Series - Cycling Time Trials
                                                                            ROUND 1 of 6

            z>/E'd/DdZ/>^ZWZ^Edd/s WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE

Date                        Promoting Club                      District                 CTT Rep

Friday 2nd April            Birkenhead North End CC             Liverpool                TBC
Sunday 25th April           Beacon RCC                          Midland                  Robin Field
Sunday 9th May              Dumfries CC                         Scotland                 David Barry
Sunday 23rd May             Border City Wheelers CC             North                    Rob Bailey
Sunday 6th June             South East Midlands DC              South East Midlands Sue Bowler
Saturday 26th June          Team Sheffield                      North Midlands      TBC

To be presented at Champions Night 2021 (1st overall only)
1st Men’s Category                                                  £100 Cycling Time Trials Cheque     RTTC Medal
1st Women’s Category                                                £100 Cycling Time Trials Cheque     RTTC Medal
1st Junior Category                                                 £80 Cycling Time Trials Cheque      RTTC Medal
1st Veteran (Scratch)                                               £80 Cycling Time Trials Cheque      RTTC Medal
1st Veteran (Target)                                                £80 Cycling Time Trials Cheque      RTTC Medal
1st Woman Veteran (Scratch)                                         £80 Cycling Time Trials Cheque      RTTC Medal
1st Paracycling Category                                            £80 Cycling Time Trials Cheque      RTTC Medal
1st Team (of 3 across all Categories)                               £80 Cycling Time Trials Cheque      RTTC Medal
1st Road Bike (Men)                                                 £80 Cycling Time Trials Cheque      RTTC Medal

1st Road Bike (Women)                                               £80 Cycling Time Trials Cheque      RTTC Medal
1st Road Bike (Junior)                                              £80 Cycling Time Trials Cheque      RTTC Medal

2nd & 3rd overall in each Category (apart from team) will receive a RTTC Medal.

Points will be awarded on the basis of 60 points (in each category) for the winner down to 1 for sixtieth place
in each event. The winners will be the riders with the highest aggregate total of points from up to four events.
If more than one rider achieves the same number of points, then their 5th highest placing will be used to
determine the winner. The Veteran categories are open to both Men and Women. Women Veterans will
receive an additional 8 years on Target Time. The Veterans competitions will be run over the same distance
as the Women’s competition. The competition for Paracyclist’s is based on a “Factored Time” system.
See Page 224 of the 2020 Handbook for the competition conditions.
Friday 2nd April 2021 - Classic TT Series - Cycling Time Trials
Open Hilly 22 mile Time Trial
                                Course D22/1

                         Friday 2nd April – Start 08:01Hrs
          (Promoted for and on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under its Rules & Regulations)

Event Secretary: Dave Simmons, mobile – 07920543919 or 07973803021 email –

Timekeepers: Dave Large (Start), John Lahiff / Bob Jump (Finish)

Headquarters: Carden Park Hotel & Spa, Broxton Road, Cheshire, CH3 9DQ.

When using Sat Nav use SY14 7HZ

From the South take the A41 Towards Chester, at the Broxton Roundabout turn left towards
Wrexham on the A534 – 1.5 miles to entrance to Hotel (start of the Driveway) on the Left
Hand Side

From the North take the A41 Towards Whitchurch, at the Broxton Roundabout turn right
towards Wrexham on the A534 – 1.5 miles to entrance to Hotel (start of the Driveway) on
the Left Hand Side
HQ Important Notes

The driveway to the Hotel is circa 1 mile long with lots of speed bumps and a max speed of
15mph – please allow for this!

There will not be any changing facilities and very limited toilet facilities as the Hotel is closed
under current COVID 19 Rules.

Please plan for this in advance! We do not want to see the Car Park or Driveway used as a
makeshift toilet.

We will be strictly adhering to COVID 19 Guidelines which is – outdoor gatherings / sports
can take place but we must observe the six from six different households rule, therefore
please keep your distance from fellow riders and keep your mask on until setting off for the
start of your Time Trial.

Masks must be worn throughout your time at Carden Park HQ.

Course Details (Map attached, including route from HQ)

Start at Lamppost No.7 on A534, 25 metres east of Broxton Island. 0.0miles
Proceed to Broxton Island where left along A41 to Hampton Heath Island take 2nd exit, A41
A41 to Grindley Brook Island take 1st exit, A49 - 9.6miles
Golf Course Island 1st exit along A49 to Ridley Green - 18.4miles
Left along A534
Finish at yellow Hydrant on left, 250 metres beyond milestone ‘Broxton 1 mile’, 0.75 mile
short of start - 22.4 miles

DO NOT STOP at the Finish – Continue towards Broxton Island, taking care for any riders
still waiting to start, and taking the second exit, A534 to return to HQ.

Directions to the Start
Please note the start is 2.5 miles from the event HQ Car Park, with the route featuring some
undulations. Please ensure that you leave sufficient time for the journey.
At the end of the Carden Park Estate Drive Way turn right on the main road (A534) and
follow this through to the Broxton Roundabout.
Take the second exit, A534 and ride up the short hill, passing the start on the opposite side
of the road.
After 200m use the minor road on the left (Coach Rd) to turn around before returning back
down the A534 to the start.
Directions from the Finish
Continue towards Broxton Island, taking care for any riders still waiting to start.
At the island, take the second exit, A534 towards Wrexham
Retrace your steps – 1.5 miles to entrance to Hotel on the Left Handside

General Notes
1. All riders must sign on. Numbers will be available at Carden Park HQ from 07:00.
2. Body numbers must be placed low down on the back and Arm numbers clearly placed
3. All riders must sign off. Sign-off sheet located at Carden Park HQ.
4. Limited Toilet facilities and no changing areas. Please get ready in your Vehicle
5. Results from the day will be posted on the CTT site a few hours after the event.
6. There will not be any refreshments at HQ in line with COVID 19 Guidance
7. Masks must be worn at HQ

Safety Notes.
1. Cycling Time Trials strongly advise you to wear a hard shell helmet that conforms to a
recognised safety standard. In accordance with Regulation 15 all competitors under 18 must
wear a helmet.
2. You MUST have a working rear light, either flashing or constant, is fitted to the machine
in a position visible to following road users and is active whilst the machine is in use.
3. No U-Turns on the course or at the start or finish areas.
4. Ride with your head up riding at all times. Dangerous riding is endangering the future of
our sport.
5. Results will be available on the CTT Site shortly after the event ends, do not disturb the
timekeeper and do not wait around for your time at HQ.
6. Riders must exercise care at all road junctions.
7. Take particular care when approaching Broxton Roundabout to join the A41 shortly after
the start, ensuring that you are easily able to stop should traffic conditions dictate.
8. Any competitor whose riding line causes him/her to cross the white line when
approaching or leaving a junction will be liable to disqualification from the event and may
be reported to the District Committee for further disciplinary action.
9. A competitor who swings out to the right before executing a left turn should ensure that
the road behind is clear of traffic before doing so. This practice is not encouraged.

 Key          Notes

      1       Carden Park HQ

      2       Start

      3       Finish

 4    -   8   Marshalls
No   Name               Club                                          Age Cat
     Road Bikes
 1   Ashleigh Howells   Liverpool Phoenix CC (Aintree)                20    W
 2   Alan Forrester     Graham Weigh Racing-Deeside Olympic           70    M
 3   Ian Drury          Liverpool Phoenix CC (Aintree)                47    M
 4   John Evans         Total Tri Training                            40    M
 5   Mark Jones         Graham Weigh Racing-Deeside Olympic           53    M
 6   Luke Taylor        Total Tri Training                            31    M
 7   Martin Sturge      Graham Weigh Racing-Deeside Olympic           54    M
 8   John Beard         Liverpool Phoenix CC (Aintree)                58    M
 9   Mike Walker        Nantwich Cycling Group                        42    M
10   Paul Stupples      Wigan Whs CC                                  53    M
11   Sam Molony         Nantwich Cycling Group                        27    M
12   David Drew         North Shropshire Wheelers                     66    M
13   Phil Land          Velo6 Racing                                  48    M
14   Geoff Edgerton     North Shropshire Wheelers                     73    M
15   Jarod Garrington   Graham Weigh Racing-Deeside Olympic           49    M
16   Samuel Holder      Liverpool Century RC                          28    M
17   Phil Guy           North Shropshire Wheelers                     72    M
18   Mark Jones         Bury Clarion CC                               43    M
19   Chris Spencer      Element Cycling Team                          36    M
20   Karl Moseley       Stourbridge CC                                57    M
21   Paul Grindley      Liverpool Century RC                          58    M
22   Jacob Tipper       Ribble Weldtite Pro Cycling                   29    M
No   Name               Club                                          Age   Cat Factor
23   David Murphy       Liverpool Mercury Dolan CC                    23 C5 1:23:31
No   Name               Club                                          Age
24   Sophie Heighton    Ferryhill Whs                                 W14
25   Max Jones          Innovation Racing                              17
26   Thomas Heighton    Ferryhill Whs                                  16
27   Reuben Corlett     Birkenhead North End CC                        15
28   Patrick Casey      Team Lifting Gear Products/Cycles In Motion    15
29   James Satoor       Mid Shropshire Wheelers                        18
30   Ryan Greaves       Team HUUB                                      17
No   Name               Club                                          Age Cat Target
     Vets                                                                      Time
31   Andy Langan        Birkenhead North End CC                        45     0:57:03
32   Gareth Hughes      Pirate juice cc                                50     0:59:11
33   Nick Rose          Total Tri Training                             49     0:58:45
34   Richard Elmitt     Fibrax Wrexham RC                              55     1:01:23
35   Gary Maoudis       Chester RC                                     51     0:59:37
36   Warren Jackson     Congleton CC                                   48     0:58:19
37   Graham Thompson    Anfield BC                                     45     0:57:03
38   Ian Slater         VTTA (Manchester & NW Group)                   53     1:00:30
39   Chris Quin         Onimpex Bioracer RT                            47     0:57:54
40   Paul Cubbins       Mersey Tri                                     46     0:57:28
41   Graham Noble       Pirate juice cc                                46     0:57:28
42   Will Turton        Mersey Tri                                     43     0:56:13
43   Philip Hill            Pirate juice cc                                 57      1:02:17
44   Philip Knupfer         Manchester Bicycle Club                         42      0:55:49
45   Ben Love               Pirate juice cc                                 41      0:55:24
46   Peter Grindley         Liverpool Century RC                            52      1:00:03
47   Arthur Winstanley      Liverpool Phoenix CC (Aintree)                  64      1:05:34
48   Phil Murphy            Total Tri Training                              41      0:55:24
49   Chris Southworth       Manchester Bicycle Club                         44      0:56:38
50   Kevin Larmer           Port Sunlight Wheelers                          50      0:59:11
51   Stuart McCormick       Pirate juice cc                                 53      1:00:30
52   Mark Sanders           Mid Devon CC                                    61      1:04:09
53   Victor Chetta          Pirate juice cc                                 43      0:56:13
54   Daryl May              Sheffrec CC                                     47      0:57:54
55   Simon Dighton          Beacon Roads CC                                 57      1:02:17
56   Andrew Hicklin         Peak Road Club                                  55      1:01:23
57   Chris Standidge        Total Tri Training                              41      0:55:24
58   Phil Ellison           Thatto Cycles Racing Team                       42      0:55:49
59   Tony Cullen            TricentralUk                                    47      0:57:54
60   Richard Bott           Pirate juice cc                                 41      0:55:24
61   David Crawley          Velotik Racing Team                             45      0:57:03
62   Brett Davis            trainSharp                                      48      0:58:19
63   David James Williams   Velotik Racing Team                             42      0:55:49
64   Keith Murray           DRAG2ZERO                                       46      0:57:28
No   Name                   Club                                            Age Cat Target
     Women                                                                           Time
65   Claire Thompson        Weaver Valley CC                                43    W 0:59:37
66   Helen Kini             Total Tri Training                              42    W 0:59:11
67   Samantha Anderson      Tri Energy                                      36    W
68   Cheryl Hutchins        Total Tri Training                              60    W 1:07:31
69   Jan Rogers             Chester Triathlon Club                          56    W 1:05:34
70   Milly Deer             North Shropshire Wheelers                       24    W
71   Louise Tobias          Pirate juice cc                                 47    W 1:01:23
72   Corinne Side           Pro-Noctis - Redchilli Bikes - Heidi Kjeldsen   20    W
73   Claire Holliman        Total Tri Training                              48    W 1:01:50
74   Eluned King            Liv CC Halo Cycles                              18    W
75   Rebecca Holland        Chester RC                                      40    W 0:58:19
76   Joanna Cebrat          Bury Clarion CC                                 41    W 0:58:45
77   Kerry Hickson          Newbury Velo                                    41    W 0:58:45
78   Lydia Watts            Liv AWOL                                        20    W
79   Janet Fairclough       Liverpool Phoenix CC (Aintree)                  60    W 1:07:31
80   Keri Parton            Pro Vision RC                                   32    W
81   Lisa Davis             DRAG2ZERO                                       46    W 1:00:56
82   Louise Scupham         Liv AWOL                                        23    W
83   Abi Smith              Team Breeze                                     19    W
84   Francesca Hall         Team Boompods                                   25    W
85   Joss Lowden            Drops Cycling                                   33    W
No   Name                   Club                                            Age
86   Ben Lloyd              Fibrax Wrexham RC                               29
87   William Tidball        Team Inspired                                   20
88   Dean Hanwell           North Endurance                                 35
89   Max Rushby             Team Inspired                                 20
 90   Alex Ward              North Endurance                               35
 91   George Higgins         Birkenhead North End CC                       20
 92   Thomas Garbett         Total Tri Training                            24
 93   Richard Evans          Birkenhead North End CC                       24
 94   Dan Elliot             TricentralUk                                  24
 95   Robert Flack           Total Tri Training                            31
 96   Steven Filder          Velo6 Racing                                  35
 97   Will Harding           Cycling Sheffield                             18
 98   Rich Whitfield         Team Bottrill                                 39
 99   Matthew Wales          Pirate juice cc                               32
100   John Thelwell          TricentralUk                                  35
101   Hywel Iorwerth         Clwb Beicio Egni/Energy Cycling Club          36
102   Harry Loader           Mid Devon CC                                  25
103   Mike Booker            Chester RC                                    30
104   Andrew Whiteley        Team Lifting Gear Products/Cycles In Motion   29
105   Kirk Vickers           Holohan Coaching Race Team                    27
106   Alastair Ribbands      Manchester Wheelers                           37
107   Jack Rootkin-Gray      Team Inspired                                 18
108   Benjamin Goodfellow    Fibrax Wrexham RC                             24
109   Sam Watson             Team Inspired                                 19
110   Dyfan Evans            Fibrax Wrexham RC                             37
111   Rhys Britton           Team Inspired                                 21
112   Kieran Morris          Oswestry Paragon CC                           20
113   Toby Williams          Velotik Racing Team                           27
114   Oscar Nilsson-Julien   Team Inspired                                 19
115   Travis Bramley         Nopinz Motip Race Team                        22
116   Oliver Stockwell       Welwyn Whs                                    18
117   Leon Wright            Race Hub                                      39
118   Alexander Royle        Manchester Bicycle Club                       27
119   Phil Williams          Team Bottrill                                 35
120   Dan Bigham             Ribble Weldtite Pro Cycling                   29
     The awards below are for the following categories, Men, Women, Veteran (Scratch),
Veteran (Target), Junior, Paracyclist, Road Bike (Men), Road Bike (Women) & Road Bike (Junior).

                   1st - £20 Cycling Time Trials Cheque & £20 from BNECC
                   2nd - £15 Cycling Time Trials Cheque & £15 from BNECC
                   3rd - £10 Cycling Time Trials Cheque & £10 from BNECC


                @Cycling_T_T             /cyclingtimetrials         /cyclingtimetrials
    • No tri bars, clip on bars or Spinaci bars
    • No disc wheels. Both front and rear wheels must have a minimum of 12 spokes each. The
      maximum rim depth on all wheels is 65mm
    • No aero helmet or a helmet that covers the ears or a helmet with a visor is to be used
    • Riders must not ride with their forearms resting on the handlebars at any time
Competitors must only use the numbers supplied by the event organiser. Body numbers should be fitted in accordance
with Regulation 16. Arm numbers should be fitted to the upper arms facing forwards.

This event is under 100km. Riders should not be preceded, accompanied, followed by or in anyway receive assistance
from a motorised vehicle.

   (i) No competitor shall be permitted to start either a Type A or Type B event unless such competitor has
   affixed to the rear of their machine a working rear red light, either flashing or constant, that is illuminated
   and in a position that is clearly visible to other road users.

   (a) The competitors in all types of events must make themselves aware of any special safety instructions for
   the event and sign the official Signing-on Sheet when collecting their number.

    (b) In Type A events a competitor must return to the event HQ either during the event or within a reasonable time
    after the last rider has finished the event and must (i) return their race number(s) and (ii) sign the official
    Signing-out Sheet. A rider who fails to so sign the official signing-out sheet shall be recorded as DNF.
    N.B. Extenuating circumstances may be considered.

Cycling Time Trials and the event promoters strongly advise you to wear a HARD SHELL HELMET that meets an
internationally accepted safety standard. In accordance with Regulation 15, all competitors under the age of 18
and/or juniors MUST wear Protective Hard Shell Helmets.

As soon as you have finished you should return to the event HQ as it is your responsibility to check if you are required
for Doping Control. Race numbers required for Doping Control will be displayed at the HQ adjacent to the result board.
If your number is displayed you should report immediately to Doping Control which will be nearby. Remember, it is up
to you to check and ensure that you comply. If required you must report to Doping Control after finishing without delay.

                                           Kimroy Photography
                                                       0114 287 9319

                       Cycling Time Trials
              Cycling Time Trials is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No. 4413282
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