A Stochastic User Equilibrium Formulation for the Cumulative Prospect Theory-Based Cross-Nested Logit - Hindawi.com

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A Stochastic User Equilibrium Formulation for the Cumulative Prospect Theory-Based Cross-Nested Logit - Hindawi.com
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Volume 2021, Article ID 9929015, 10 pages

Research Article
A Stochastic User Equilibrium Formulation for the Cumulative
Prospect Theory-Based Cross-Nested Logit

 Dongmei Yan and Yang Yang2
 Intelligent Transportation System Research Center, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
 School of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China

 Correspondence should be addressed to Dongmei Yan; ydm_1988@163.com

 Received 1 April 2021; Accepted 4 June 2021; Published 15 June 2021

 Academic Editor: Shiping Wen

 Copyright © 2021 Dongmei Yan and Yang Yang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
 Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
 properly cited.
 The cumulative prospect theory provides a better description for route choice behavior of the travelers in an uncertain road
 network environment. In this study, we proposed a multiclass cumulative prospect value- (CPV-) based cross-nested logit (CNL)
 stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) model. For this model, an equivalent variational inequality (VI) model is provided, and the
 existence and equivalence of the model solutions are also proved. The method of successive averages (MSA), method of successive
 weighted averages (MSWA), and self-regulated averaging (SRA) method are designed and compared. In addition, the proposed
 multiclass CPV-based CNL SUE model is also compared with the multiclass utility value- (UV-) based CNL SUE model. The
 results show that the path flow assigned by the multiclass CPV-based CNL SUE model is more consistent with the actual situation.
 The impact of different model parameters on the cumulative prospect value (CPV) is investigated.

1. Introduction The CNL model is usually modeled based on expected
 utility theory (EUT). However, under uncertain road net-
Traffic assignment is a foundational problem in trans- work environment, route choice behavior of travelers
portation research. Stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) model usually violates the EUT [7]. EUT assumes that travelers are
is an important method of traffic assignment. The route perfectly rational when choosing a path. In reality, the route
choice model is the key of the SUE model. The multinomial choice behavior of travelers is affected by environmental
logit (MNL) model is typically used in the route choice factors and psychological state. Therefore, cumulative
model due to its simple mathematical structure. However, prospect theory (CPT) [8, 9] is further developed. The CPT
the MNL model has the property of independence of ir- has been widely used in the process of traffic assignment
relevant alternatives (IIA) [1], that is, it does not consider the modeling. Lo et al. [10] and Shao et al. [11], respectively,
similarities between different paths. To this end, the cross- consider stochastic demand and link capacity degradation to
nested logit (CNL) model is developed to deal with this establish travel time reliability models. On this basis, Siu and
problem [2]. At present, the SUE model based on the CNL Lo [12] proposed a methodology to model the doubly un-
route choice has been studied. Bekhor et al. [3] proposed a certain transportation network with stochastic link capacity
general CNL-SUE model. On this basis, Bekhor et al. [4] degradation and stochastic demand. Connors and Sumalee
proposed a path-based algorithm for solving the CNL-SUE [13] provided a general modeling framework to describe the
model and tested the performance of the algorithm. Along route choice behavior of travelers under uncertain travel
the same line, Du et al. [5] developed a path-based traffic time. Xu et al. [14] introduced the endogenous reference
assignment algorithm to solve the CNL SUE model by using point to the UE model based on cumulative prospect theory.
the Barzilai–Borwein (BB) step size. In addition, Hu and Wang and Sun [15] encapsulated the stochastic perception
Zhou [6] proposed a multiuser multimode CNL SUE model. error (SPE) of travelers into the UE model. Yang and Jiang
A Stochastic User Equilibrium Formulation for the Cumulative Prospect Theory-Based Cross-Nested Logit - Hindawi.com
2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

[16] extend the model in [15] to develop a CPT-based SUE 2. Study Model
 At present, there is no research on embedding the cu- 2.1. CPV-Based CNL Route Choice Model. It is well-known
mulative prospect theory into the CNL model framework in that traditional CNL route choice model is developed based
the SUE modeling process. Thus, the objective of this study is on EUT. However, EUT usually exhibits inconsistency with
to propose a multiclass cumulative prospect value (CPV-) traveler’s route choice behavior in an uncertain traffic en-
based CNL SUE model through using CPV replacing utility vironment. Therefore, we use CPV instead of the utility value
value (UV) as path performance. The equivalent variational as path performance in the CNL framework to establish a
inequality (VI) model and associated solution algorithm are more realistic route choice model. The steps of the CPV-
provided. The Nguyen–Dupuis network is selected to based CNL route choice modeling are as follows:
compare the path flow assigned by the multiclass CPV-based First, the bureau of public roads (BPR) function is used
CNL SUE model and the multiclass UV-based CNL SUE to calculate the link travel time, namely,
model. The computational efficiency of the three algorithms, β
 xa ⎤⎦
i.e., the method of successive averages (MSA) [17], the Ta xa , Ca � t0a ⎡⎣1 + α , ∀a, (1)
method of successive weighted averages (MSWA) [18], and Ca
the self-regulated averages (SRA) [19], are also compared.
The influence of model parameters on the CPV is analyzed. where Ta is the travel time on link a, t0a and Ca are the free-
 The organization of this study is as follows. First, the flow travel time and actual capacity on link a, respectively,
multiclass CPV-based CNL SUE model is proposed. Then, and α and β are deterministic parameters.
the equivalent VI model and associated solution algorithms In reality, some events (e.g., natural disasters and traffic
are provided. Afterwards, the numerical examples are in- accidents) will cause link capacity to decrease, so that the
vestigated to demonstrate the performance of the proposed link capacity becomes a random variable. Assume that the
multiclass CPV-based CNL SUE model. Finally, conclusions link capacity Ca is uniformly distributed in the interval
of the study are provided. [ζ a ca , ca ] [10]. Since Ca is a random variable, Twki is also a
 random variable. According to Lo et al. [10], the mean and
 variance of path travel time are given as follows:

 ⎣t0 + αt0 xβ 1 − ζ 1− β ⎬
 E Twki � ⎩ δwa,k ⎡ a a a
 a ⎤⎦ ,
 ⎭ ∀w, k, i, (2)
 a cβa 1 − ζ a (1 − β)

 ⎧ 2 ⎢
 ⎡ 1 − ζ 1− 2β
 1 − ζ 1− β ⎬
 ⎤⎥⎦ ,
 var Twki � ⎩ δwa,k α2 t0a x2β
 ⎣ a
 − a
 ⎭ ∀w, k, i, (3)
 a c2β
 a 1 − ζ a (1 − 2β) cβa 1 − ζ a (1 − β)

 uw0i � min Bwki , ∀w, k, i, (6)
where ca is the design capacity of link a, ζ a ca is the worst- k
degraded capacity, ζ a is a fraction of the design capacity, and
 where Bwki is the travel time budget of user class i on path k
δwa,k represents the relationship between path k and link a in
 between O-D pairs w, E(Twki ) and σ wki are the mean and
O-D pair w. Note that δwa,k � 1 if link a is on path k; δwa,k � 0,
 standard deviation of Twki , respectively, ρi is the on-time
 arrival probability of user class i, Φ− 1 is the inverse function
 Second, the endogenous reference point proposed by Xu
 of the standard normal cumulative distribution function, uw0i
et al. [14] is adopted here. In other words, the minimum
 is the reference point of user class i between O-D pairs w,
travel time budget is defined as the reference point. The
 and ξ i is a parameter related to on-time arrival probability of
expression of the reference point is as follows:
 user class i.
 P Twki ≤ Bwki � E Twki + ξ i σ wki � ρi , ∀w, k, i, (4) Third, the CPV of the path is calculated by the value
 function, and the probability weight function is as follows:
 Bwki � E Twki + σ wki Φ− ρi , ∀w, k, i, (5)

 w w δ
 ⎨ u0i − Tki , Twki ≤ uw0i ,
 g Twki �⎪ ∀w, k, i, (7)
 ⎩ η
 − λ Twki − uw0 , Twki > uw0i ,

 ω(p) � exp − (− ln p)c , (8)
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Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3

 0i dω+ F Twki uki dω− 1 − F Tw 
 vwki � g T w
 + − ki
 g Twki dTwki , ∀w, k, i, (9)
 dTwki ki ki
 dT w

where δ and η are the degrees of diminishing sensitivity, and loss area of probability weighting function, respectively.
0 < δ, η < 1, λ is the loss-aversion coefficient, λ ≥ 1, and c is In equation (9), uwk,i and uwk,i are the lower bound and upper
the degree of curvature of the probability weight function, bound of the travel time of user class i on path k between
0 < c < 1. In addition, ω(p) and p are the perceived prob- O-D pairs w, respectively. The lower bound is�������
 free flow time,
ability and actual probability of the event, respectively. Note and the upper bound is uwki � E[(Twki )] + 3 var(Twki ).
that ω(p) increases monotonously with respect to p, and it Finally, we apply the CPV instead of the utility value as
has nothing to do with the value of c. F(Twki ) is the dis- the path performance in the CNL framework. The proba-
tribution function of Twki , and ω+ and ω− are the gain area bility of user class i choosing path k between O-D pairs w is

 m− 1
 exp θi vwki + ln m∈M αwmk l αwml exp θi vwli 
 Pwki � μw − 1
 , ∀w, k, i, (10)
 j∈Kw exp θi vwji + ln m∈M αwmj l αwml exp θi vwli m 

where k, j, and l are the path indicators, vwli is the CPV of user 2.2. Multiclass CPV-Based CNL SUE Model. According to the
class i on path l between O-D pairs w, θi is the dispersion SUE principle, the network equilibrium state satisfies the
parameter of user class i, μwm is the nesting coefficient, following condition:
0 < μwm ≤ 1, and ewmk is the inclusion coefficient. According to
Prashker and Bekhor [20], ewmk � (Lm /Lk )τ δwmk and fwmki � qwi Pwki , ∀w, k, i. (14)
μwm � 1 − (1/Gwm ) k ewmk , where Lm is the length of link m, Lk
is the length of path k, Gwm is the number of paths including The regular constraints must hold, that is,
link m between O-D pairs w, and τ is a parameter that
characterizes the travelers’ perception of the similarities qwi � fwmki , ∀w, i, (15)
 m k
between different paths, τ � 1.
 It is possible to decompose equation (10) as marginal
probability and conditional probability, that is, xai � fwmki δwak , ∀a, i, (16)
 w k m
 Pwki � Pwi (m)Pwi (k|m), ∀w, k, i. (11)
 m fwmki ≥ 0, ∀w, k, m, i, (17)
 The marginal probability is described as where qwi is the travel demand of user class i between O-D
 w w 1/μw μw
 m pairs w, fwmki is the flow of user class i on path k of nest m
 k emk exp θi vki m
 between O-D pairs w, and xai is the flow of user class i on
 Pwi (m) � μw
 , ∀w, m, i,
 1/μw link a.
 m k ewmk exp θi vwki 
 3. Equivalent VI Model and Solution Algorithm
and the conditional probability is described as
 3.1. Equivalent VI Model. The solution of the multiclass
 ewmk exp θi vwki m
 CPV-based CNL SUE model is equivalent to seeking a
 Pwi (k|m) � 1/μw
 , ∀w, k, m, i. (13)
 l ewml exp θi vwli m feasible path flow, so that the following variational inequality
 (VI) model holds

 ⎢ 1 − μwm ⎝ w
 ⎞ + μm ln fw∗ − 1 ln ew − vw ⎤⎥⎦ × fw − fw∗ ≥ 0.
 ⎡⎣ ln⎛ fw∗
 mki mk ki mki mki (18)
 w m k i θi k
 θi θi

3.2. Equivalence and Existence (1) Equivalence
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4 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

 According to the VI theorem, equation (18) can be (4)–(6), the reference point is a continuous function
 written as the following equivalent complementary of the path flow. According to equations (7)–(9), the
 relaxation condition: CPV of the path is a continuous function of the path
 w w flow. Thus, F(fwmki ) is also a continuous function of
 ⎝1 − μm ln⎛
 ⎛ ⎝ fw∗ ⎞⎠ + μm ln fw∗ − 1 ln ew − vw ⎞⎠ × fw∗ � 0, the path flow. In addition, according to equations
 mki mki mk ki mki
 θi θi θi
 k (15)–(17), the set of feasible path flow is a compact
 w w convex set. Based on the VI theorem, the solution of
 ⎝1 − μm ln⎛
 ⎛ ⎝ fw∗ ⎞⎠ + μm ln fw∗ − 1 ln ew − vw ⎞
 ⎠ equation (18) exists.
 mki mki mk ki ≥ 0.
 θi k
 θi θi

 3.3. Solution Algorithm. The SUE model is usually solved by
 When fw∗
 mki > 0, we have the method of the successive averages (MSA) algorithm.
 However, the predetermined iterative step length causes the
 1 − μwm ⎛ w
 ⎠ + μm ln fw∗ − 1 ln ew − vw � 0. convergence speed of the MSA algorithm to be very slow.
 ln⎝ fw∗
 mki mk ki
 θi k
 θi θi Therefore, we apply the MSA algorithm, MSWA algorithm,
 (20) and SRA algorithm to solve the equivalent VI model and
 compare the computational efficiency of these three algo-
 After a series of transformations, the marginal rithms. The calculation steps of these three algorithms are as
 probability is obtained as follows: follows:
 μw Step 1. Initialization.
 k ewmk ( m ) exp θi vwki /μwm 
 1/μw m

 w k fw∗
 mki Determine the feasible path set Kw . Calculate the
 Pi (m) � � .
 m k fw∗ μw
 reference point and the CPV based on zero flow.
 m k ewmk ( m ) exp θi vwki /μwm 
 mki 1/μw m

 According to equation (14), the initial path flow pattern
 (21) is obtained by assigning the O-D demand to the link.
 Set iteration counter n � 1.
 And then, the conditional probability is also ob- Step 2. Update the CPV of the path.
 tained as follows:
 Recalculate the mean and variance of the path travel
 ewmk ( m ) exp θi vwki /μwm 
 fw∗ time based on equations (2) and (3). For each O-D pair,
 Pwi (k|m) � mki
 � . redetermine the reference point according to equations
 k fw∗
 mki k ewmk ( m ) exp θi vwki /μwm 
 (4)–(6). Update the CPV of each path according to
 (22) equation (9).
 Step 3. Direction finding.
 Obviously, equations (21) and (22) correspond to
 equations (12) and (13). Thus, the solution of the Based on the updated CPV of the path, reassign the
 variational inequality model in equation (18) is O-D demand to the link to obtain the auxiliary path
 equivalent to the solution of the multiclass CPV- flow g(n) , and then, iterative direction g(n) − f (n) is also
 based CNL SUE model. obtained.
 (2) Existence Step 4. Update path flow.
 Let F(fwmki ) � ((1 − μwm )/θi )ln ( k fwmki ) + (μwm /θi )ln Set f (n+1) � f (n) + χ(n) (g(n) − f (n) ). For the MSA algo-
 fwmki − (1/θi )ln(ewmk ) − vwki . The distribution function rithm, χ (n) � (1/n). For the MSWA algorithm,
 of link travel time is assumed to be a continuous χ (n) � (nd /(1d + 2d + 3d + · · · + nd )), d ≥ 0. For the SRA
 function of the link flow. According to equations algorithm, χ (n) � (1/Hn ), where

 �� �� �� ��
 ⎪ H(n−
 ⎧ 1)
 + Γ, Γ > 1, if ���f (n) − g(n) ��� ≥ ���f (n− 1) − g(n− 1) ���,
 n ⎨
 H �⎪ �� �� �� �� (23)
 ⎩ H(n− 1)
 + L, L < 1, if ���f (n) − g(n) ���
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Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 5

4. Numerical Examples 1 12

In this section, we first compare the computational efficiency
of the MSA algorithm, MSWA algorithm, and SRA algo-
rithm. Then, we compare the path flow assigned by the
multiclass CPV-based CNL SUE model and the multiclass 5 6 7 8
UV-based CNL SUE model. Finally, we analyze the influence
of different model parameters on the CPV of path.

4.1. Preliminary. The Nguyen–Dupuis network is selected to 9 10 11 2
test the performance of the proposed multiclass CPV-based
CNL SUE model. The Nguyen–Dupuis network includes 13
nodes and 19 links, as shown in Figure 1. For each O-D pair,
the travel demand is q1− 2 � 660, q1− 3 � 495, q4− 2 � 412.5,
 13 3
and q4− 3 � 495, respectively.
 The free-flow time, design capacity, and the worst-de-
 Origin node
graded coefficient are given in Table 1, and the path com-
position and path length are given in Table 2. It should be Destination node
noted that the values in Tables 1 and 2 are adopted from Ordinary node
studies by Xu et al. [14] and Jiang and Xie [21], respectively. Figure 1: Nguyen–Dupuis network.

4.2. Comparison of Computational Efficiency among MSA,
 Table 1: Link characteristics.
MSWA, and SRA. The three different algorithms (i.e., MSA,
MSWA, and SRA) are implemented on the Nguyen–Dupuis No. Link t0a ca ζa
network to compare their computational efficiency. 1 1-5 7 300 0.8
According to Liu et al. [18], we set Γ � 1.9, L � 0.1, and 2 1-12 9 200 0.8
d � 2. The computational efficiency of MSA, MSWA, and 3 4-5 9 200 0.7
SRA is given in Table 3. 4 4-9 12 200 0.8
 In Table 3, it can be seen that the MSA algorithm may 5 5-6 3 350 0.6
provide a faster convergence speed than the SRA algorithm 6 5-9 9 400 0.6
and the MSWA algorithm at the initial stage. However, when 7 6-7 5 500 0.7
the number of iterations gradually increases, the SRA 8 6-10 13 250 0.8
 9 7-8 5 250 0.7
achieves a preset accuracy with a fastest convergence speed
 10 7-11 9 300 0.7
in all algorithms. This is because the step size of the SRA 11 8-2 9 500 0.7
algorithm will be adjusted according to the information 12 9-10 10 550 0.6
provided in the two iterations. In contrast, the step size of the 13 9-13 9 200 0.8
MSA algorithm is predetermined, and it is difficult to give an 14 10-11 6 400 0.7
optimal weight parameter of the MSWA algorithm in ad- 15 11-2 9 300 0.7
vance. Therefore, the computational efficiency of the SRA 16 11-3 8 300 0.6
algorithm outperforms the MSA algorithm and the MSWA 17 12-6 7 200 0.8
algorithm. 18 12-8 14 300 0.7
 19 13-3 11 200 0.7

4.3. Comparative Analysis of Path Flows Based on CPT and
EUT. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed λ � 2.25, and the parameter in the probability weight
multiclass CPV-based CNL SUE model, the path flow function is considered as c � 0.74.
assigned by the proposed model and the multiclass UV- In Figure 2, it can be seen that the path flow assigned by
based CNL SUE model are shown in Figure 2. Travelers are the proposed multiclass CPV-based CNL SUE model and
divided into four categories based on their familiarity with the multiclass UV-based CNL SUE model is significantly
the conditions of the road network. The dispersion pa- different. This is because the proposed model assumes that
rameters and nesting coefficients of these four user classes travelers are bounded rationally when choosing a path, while
are set to θ � μ � 0.25, θ � μ � 0.5, θ � μ � 0.75, and the multiclass UV-based CNL SUE model is based on an
θ � μ � 1, respectively. In addition, the parameters in the assumption that travelers are perfectly rational when
BPR function are α � 0.15 and β � 4, the on-time arrival choosing a path.
probability is defined as ρ � 0.8, and the iteration accuracy is It can also be seen from the path flow assigned by the
set to ε � 0.0001. According to the parameter calibration multiclass CPV-based CNL SUE model that some travelers
results of Kahneman and Tversky [22] and Prelec [23], the choose a path with a high mean travel time but low travel
parameters in the value function are set to δ � η � 0.88 and time standard deviation. For example, when θ � 0.25, the
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6 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

 Table 2: Path composition and length.
O-D Path Node sequence Path length
 1 1-12-8-2 32
 2 1-5-6-7-8-2 29
 3 1-5-6-7-11-2 33
 4 1-5-6-10-11-2 38
 5 1-5-9-10-11-2 41
 6 1-12-6-7-8-2 35
 7 1-12-6-7-11-2 39
 8 1-12-6-10-11-2 44
 15 4-9-10-11-2 37
 16 4-5-6-7-8-2 31
4-2 17 4-5-6-7-11-2 35
 18 4-5-6-10-11-2 40
 19 4-5-9-10-11-2 43
 9 1-5-9-13-3 36
 10 1-5-6-7-11-3 32
 11 1-5-6-10-11-3 37
 12 1-5-9-10-11-3 40
 13 1-12-6-7-11-3 38
 14 1-12-6-10-11-3 43
 20 4-9-13-3 32
 21 4-9-10-11-3 36
 22 4-5-9-13-3 38
 23 4-5-6-7-11-3 34
 24 4-5-6-10-11-3 39
 25 4-5-9-10-11-3 42

 Table 3: Computational efficiency of MSA, MSWA, and SRA. in the O-D pair (4, 2). It should be noted that the colors in
Number of iterations Convergence criterion εk � f k − gk Figure 3 represent CPVs of paths.
n MSA MSWA SRA In Figure 3, it can first be seen that the CPV hardly
 changes with the parameter μ. This means that the parameter
100 75.94 491.00 257.91
200 24.31 348.15 22.24 μ has no significant influence on the CPV. In addition, it can
400 12.13 19.18 4.62 also be seen that the parameters ρ, ζ a , and δ have a great
800 6.06 2.39 0.36 impact on the CPV, while the parameter θ has a small impact
1600 3.03 0.30 0.01 on the CPV.
 Second, as the increase of the parameters θ, ρ, δ, and c,
 the CPV of the path gradually increases. Specifically, when
 the parameter θ becomes larger, travelers know more road
mean travel time on path 5 is greater than that of path 6, and network information. At this time, the travelers’ route choice
the travel time standard deviation is smaller than that of path tends to be deterministic, which will lead to a slight increase
6. More flow is assigned on path 5 than that of path 6. In in the CPV of the path. When the parameter ρ increases, the
contrast, the path flow assigned by the multiclass UV-based reference point becomes larger. This means that travelers
CNL SUE model indicates that all travelers choose the path increase their psychological expectations of the travel time
with a low mean travel time, regardless of the travel time standard. At this time, travelers’ benefits increase, and the
standard deviation. Similarly, the path flow under other CPV of the path naturally increases. When the parameter δ
dispersion parameters and nesting coefficients shows a becomes larger, the degree of diminishing sensitivity in the
similar situation, so we will not repeat them here. Fur- profit area decreases. When the path travel time is lower than
thermore, some empirical studies [24, 25] have shown that the reference point, travelers may obtain greater benefits, so
travelers are bounded rationally when choosing a path. The the CPV of the path increases. When the parameter c in-
path flow assigned by the proposed multiclass CPV-based creases, travelers pay more attention to large-probability
CNL SUE model is aligned with the actual situation. events. This means that the weight of high-probability events
Therefore, it can be concluded from the above analysis that will increase. It is a high-probability event that travelers
the proposed multiclass CPV-based CNL SUE model can obtain benefits. So the CPV of the path increases.
deal with perfectly rational issue. Third, as the parameters λ and η increase, the CPV of the
 path decrease steadily. Specifically, when the parameter λ
 becomes larger, the travelers pay more attention to the loss.
4.4. Sensitivity Analysis. To analyze the influence of different The proportion of the loss part in the CPV will increase, so
model parameters on the CPV of the path, we select all paths the CPV of the path decreases. When the parameter η
A Stochastic User Equilibrium Formulation for the Cumulative Prospect Theory-Based Cross-Nested Logit - Hindawi.com
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 7

 400 400

 350 350

 300 300

 250 250
 Path flow

 Path flow
 200 200

 150 150

 100 100

 50 50

 0 0

 Path number Path number
 (a) (b)
 400 400

 350 350

 300 300

 250 250
 Path flow

 Path flow

 200 200

 150 150

 100 100

 50 50

 0 0

 Path number Path number
 (c) (d)
 400 400

 350 350

 300 300

 250 250
 Path flow

 Path flow

 200 200

 150 150

 100 100

 50 50

 0 0


 Path number Path number
 (e) (f )
 Figure 2: Continued.
8 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

 400 400

 350 350

 300 300

 250 250
 Path flow

 Path flow
 200 200

 150 150

 100 100

 50 50

 0 0

 Path number Path number
 (g) (h)

Figure 2: The path flow under different parameters. (a) θ � 0.25. (b) θ � 0.5. (c) θ � 0.75. (d) θ � 1. (e) μ � 0.25. (f ) μ � 0.5. (g) μ � 0.75.
(h) μ � 1.

 10 10
 9 8
 8 6
 19 7 19 4
 6 2
 5 0
 4 –2
 18 3 18 –4
 2 –6
 Path number

 Path number

 1 –8
 0 –10
 17 –1 17 –12
 –2 –14
 –3 –16
 –4 –18
 16 –5 16 –20
 –6 –22
 –7 –24
 2 –8 0.9 –26
 –9 0.7 –28
 15 1 1.5 –10
 15 0.5 –30
 1 0.5 1 0.75 ρ
 0.75 0.5 0.25 θ 0.5 0.25 0.3
 μ μ

 (a) (b)
 30 30
 28 28
 26 26
 19 24 19 24
 22 22
 20 20
 18 18
 18 16 18 16
 14 14
 Path number

 Path number

 12 12
 10 10
 17 8 17 8
 6 6
 4 4
 2 2
 16 0 16 0
 –2 –2
 –4 –4
 0.8 –6 2.5 –6
 15 0.6 –8 15 2 –8
 0.4 –10 1.5 –10
 1 0.2 1
 0.75 0.5 0.25 ζα 0.75 0.5 0.25 1 λ
 μ μ

 (c) (d)
 Figure 3: Continued.
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 9

 10 30
 9 28
 8 26
 19 7 19 24
 6 22
 5 20
 4 18
 18 3 18 16
 2 14
 Path number

 Path number
 1 12
 0 10
 17 –1 17 8
 –2 6
 –3 4
 –4 2
 16 –5 16 0
 –6 –2
 –7 –4
 0.9 –8 0.9 –6
 15 0.7 –9 15 0.7 –8
 0.5 –10 0.5 –10
 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.3 δ 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.3 η
 μ μ

 (e) (f )
 19 7
 18 3
 Path number

 17 –1
 16 –5
 0.9 –8
 15 0.7 –9
 0.5 –10
 1 γ
 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.3


Figure 3: The variation of the CPV with model parameters. (a) Sensitivity analysis of μ and θ. (b) Sensitivity analysis of μ and ρ.
(c) Sensitivity analysis of μ and ζ a . (d) Sensitivity analysis of μ and λ. (e) Sensitivity analysis of μ and δ. (f ) Sensitivity analysis of μ and η.
(g) Sensitivity analysis of μ and c.

increases, the degree of diminishing sensitivity in the loss the actual route choice behavior of travelers. The influence of
area decreases. When the path travel time is greater than the parameters on the CPV of the path is also investigated.
reference point, travelers may suffer more losses, so the CPV The model parameters have an important influence on the
of the path decreases. process of traffic assignment modeling. We will combine survey
 Finally, as the parameter ζ a increases, the CPV of the and experimental date to investigate calibration of model pa-
path initially increases and then decreases. When the pa- rameters in the future. In addition, travel demand exhibits
rameter ζ a � 0.2, the link capacity is very low, so the CPV of elastic characteristics under the saturated traffic condition. We
the path is small. As the parameter ζ a increases, the reli- will extend fixed demand to elastic demand in future research.
ability of the link travel time increases. At this time, travelers’
psychological expectations for travel time standards de-
crease, and travelers’ losses will increase, so the CPV of the Data Availability
path will naturally decrease.
 The data used to support the findings of this study are in-
 cluded within the article and are cited at relevant places
5. Conclusion within the text as references.
This study proposes a multiclass CPV-based CNL SUE model
by using CPV instead of UV as path performance in the CNL Conflicts of Interest
framework. An equivalent variational inequality model is
provided. Three solution algorithms (i.e., MSA, MSWA, and The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
SRA) are designed and compared. The results show that the
SRA algorithm has the highest computational efficiency. In Acknowledgments
addition, we compare the path flow assigned by the proposed
multiclass CPV-based CNL SUE model and the multiclass This research was supported by the Postgraduate Research
UV-based CNL SUE model. The results indicate that the path and Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province
flow assigned by the proposed model is more consistent with (KYLX16_0271).
10 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society

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