Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August - Fresno Unified School District

Page created by Leo Welch
Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August - Fresno Unified School District
july 2021

                                        Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back
                                        for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August
                                        For the first time since March 2020, all   school year that includes an assess-       With the reopening, the district will have
                                        students will be back on their campuses    ment tool and additional supports and      in place all health and safety precautions
                                        fulltime to start the new academic year.   resources.”                                required by the Fresno County Depart-
                                                                                                                              ment of Health Services. Parents will
                                        The exciting first day is Thursday, Aug.   The district was forced to close
                                                                                                                              be alerted to these requirements prior to
                                        12. Aug. 12 and 13 will be half days for   campuses on March 13 due to COVID-
                                                                                                                              the start of school. Watch for updates on
                                        students to allow for teacher planning.    19 health restrictions. What officials
                                        More information on school schedules       thought would be a short shut-down
                                        for 2021-22 will be available on school    extended to April 6, 2021.                 Students who wish to continue learning
                                        websites by July 19.                                                                  from home in the next school year may
                                                                                   Even then, because of physical distanc-
                                                                                                                              enroll in the district’s eLearn Academy.
                                        "We cannot wait to be back with all        ing requirements, half of students who
                                                                                                                              Teachers will not continue to simulta-
                                        74,000 of our students. We have desper-    had chosen to return to in-person learn-
                                                                                                                              neously teach students in the classroom
                                        ately missing being in space with them,"   ing came on Tuesday and Wednes-
                                                                                                                              and students at home.
                                        said Superintendent Bob Nelson. “We        day and the other half on Thursday
                                        know this past year of mostly virtual      and Friday, with distance learning on      The district is excited to welcome all
                                        learning has not been easy, but we have    Monday.                                    students back to a full schedule this year,
                                        a comprehensive plan for the coming                                                   five days a week, with a variety of addi-
                                                                                                                              tional supports and extra learning oppor-
  Picture Perfect Graduations for the Class of 2021                                                                           Additional Time and Supports
                                                                                                                              „„ All elementary, middle and high
                                                                                                                                 school students will receive 30 addi-
                                                                                                                                 tional minutes a day of instruction
                                                                                                                                 during the first semester focused on
                                                                                                                                 literacy and math.
                                                                                                                              „„ All elementary and middle school
                                                                                                                                 teachers will have the option to
                                                                                                                                 continue to provide 30 minutes of
                                                                                                                                 instruction for students during the
                                                                                                                                 second semester to address literacy
                                                                                                                                 and math.
                                                                                                                              „„ High schools will offer expanded
                                                                                                                                 options for credit recovery and
                                                                                                                                 English learner supports all year,
                                                                                                                                 and middle schools will also offer
                                                                                                                                 additional English learner supports
                                                                                                                                 all year.
 Graduates from Roosevelt High School capture a memory on June 8 at the Paul Paul Theater at the fairgrounds. The
 district’s Goal 2 Office organized safe outdoor graduations, with family able to attend. See pages 4-6 for more gradu-
 ation photos.      For video, go to                                                  See New School year
                                                                                                                              Continued on page 2

Graduation Photos                        Flying High in                             Superintendent Message in
                         (Pages 4-6)                                  (Page 7)                                  (Page 15)      Calendar for 2021-22           (Page 16)
and Valedictorians                       Summer Learning                            Spanish and Hmong
Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August - Fresno Unified School District
july 2021

         New School year                    as well as three additional non-instruc-      dente Bon Nelson. “Sabemos que este           actualizaciones en
      Continued from page 1                 tional days to allow for staff professional   año pasado de mayormente aprendizaje
                                                                                                                                        Para los estudiantes a quienes les
                                            learning (buy back days). The following       virtual no ha sido fácil, pero nosotros
                                                                                                                                        gustaría seguir aprendiendo de casa en
Extended Learning                           days will be non-instructional days for       tenemos un plan comprensivo para el
                                                                                                                                        el próximo año escolar pueden hacerlo
                                            students – Sept. 20, Oct. 11, Jan. 10, Feb.   próximo año escolar que incluye una
„„ The district will offer additional                                                                                                   al registrarse en la Academia eLearn
                                            28 and March 21.                              herramienta de evaluación y apoyos
   summer and winter sessions for                                                                                                       (eLearn Academy). Los maestros ya
                                                                                          adicionales y recursos.”
   students.                                Las Escuelas se preparan para                                                               no continuaran enseñando simultánea-
„„ The district will expand the after-      dar la Bienvenida de Regreso a los            El distrito fue forzado a cerrar los plan-    mente a los estudiantes en el salón de
   school program and mentoring and         Estudiantes para tiempo completo              teles escolares el 13 de marzo debido         clases y en casa.
   peer tutoring.                           de Aprendizaje En-Persona en                  a las restricciones de seguridad del
                                                                                                                                        El distrito esta emocionado para darle
                                            Agosto                                        COVID-19. Lo que los oficiales pensa-
Social Emotional                                                                                                                        la bienvenida a todos los estudiantes de
                                                                                          ron que iba a ser un cierre de tiempo
                                            Por primera vez desde marzo de 2020,                                                        regreso a un horario completo este año,
„„ The district will add social emotional                                                 corto se extendió al 6 de abril de 2021.
                                            todos los estudiantes regresaran a sus                                                      cinco días a la semana, con una varie-
   support resources, including coun-
                                            escuelas tiempo completo para comen-          Aun así, por la razón de los requisitos       dad de ayuda adicional y oportunidades
   selors, social workers and psycholo-
                                            zar un nuevo año académico.                   de distancia física, la mitad de los estu-    extras de aprendizaje.
                                                                                          diantes quienes decidieron regresar al
„„ The district will implement a new        Este primer día emocionante es el                                                           Tiempo Adicional y apoyo:
                                                                                          aprendizaje en-persona fueron el martes
   K-12 social emotional learning           jueves, 12 de agosto. El 12 y 13 de
                                                                                          y miércoles y la otra mitad el jueves y       „„ Todos los estudiantes de las escuelas
   curriculum.                              agosto serán de medio día para los estu-
                                                                                          viernes, con el aprendizaje a distancia          primarias, secundarias y preparato-
                                            diantes para permitir la planificación
Health Supports                                                                           el lunes.                                        rias recibirán 30 minutos adiciona-
                                            a los maestros. Mas información del
                                                                                                                                           les por día de instrucción durante el
„„ The district will add nurses and         horario de las escuelas para el 2021-         Con la reapertura, el distrito tendrá en
                                                                                                                                           primer semestre enfocados en litera-
   expand on-site health services.          2022 estará disponible en las páginas         plan todas las precauciones requeri-
                                                                                                                                           tura y matemáticas.
„„ Wellness Hubs will be available for      web de las escuelas para el 19 de Julio.      das de salud y seguridad por el Depar-
                                                                                                                                        „„ Todos los maestros de las escuelas
   student and family support.                                                            tamento de Servicios de Salud del
                                            “No Podemos esperar para estar de
                                                                                          Condado de Fresno. Los padres serán
The school calendar was revised on June     regreso con todos los 74,000 de nuestros
                                                                                          alertados para estos requisitos antes del     See new school year
16 to reflect the new Aug. 12 start date,   estudiantes, a quienes hemos extrañado
                                                                                          inicio de la escuela. Esten atentos por       Continued on page 11
a new ending date of Friday, June 10,       desesperadamente,” dijo el Superinten-

District Reminds Parents of Immunizations, Offers Free Clinics
The Fresno Unified School District is       and guardians to take advantage of our        rubella (MMR), hepatitis B, and vari-            record.
offering a series of immunization clin-     immunization clinics.”                        cella.  
                                                                                                                                        „„ Must bring current Medi-Cal card
ics so that parents and guardians have
                                            All students entering school must meet        All students entering seventh grade              if child has Medi-Cal insurance.
opportunities to have their children
                                            state immunization requirements.              must show proof of current vaccination
properly vaccinated prior to the start of                                                                                               Students with insurance should see
                                            Students entering kindergarten and            against pertussis (whooping cough) and
school on Aug. 12.                                                                                                                      their primary health provider.
                                            seventh grade must provide proof of           have a second varicella immunization.
“Immunizations are a great tool to help     updated immunizations.                                                                      Do not attend a clinic if feeling sick or
                                                                                          An immunization clinic will be held at
ensure our students are healthy and stay                                                                                                have any COVID symptoms (cough,
                                            For kindergarten entry, all students are      the health services clinic at Tioga Middle
healthy by preventing exposure to seri-                                                                                                 chills, fever, muscle and body aches,
                                            required to be up to date on vaccines         School. Guidelines for the clinic:
ous diseases,” said Superintendent Bob                                                                                                  fatigue, shortness of breath or difficulty
                                            against polio, diphtheria, pertussis and
Nelson. “We encourage our parents                                                         Immunizations are only for families           breathing, headache, repeated shak-
                                            tetanus (Dtap), mumps, measles and
                                                                                          with Medi-Cal or who are uninsured.           ing/tremors, new loss of taste or smell,
                                                                                                                                        sore throat, congestion or running nose,
                                                                                          „„ Only one parent/legal guardian
                                                                                                                                        vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea). Do not
                                                                                             can accompany student. (Obtain
                                                                                                                                        attend if you or anyone in your house-
                                                                                             caregiver affidavit at FUSD Proj-
                                 Important Dates                                             ect Access.)
                                                                                                                                        hold has been confirmed or suspected
                                                                                                                                        of COVID-19 in the last 14 days. Do
                                                                                          „„ Parent/legal guardian and                  not attend if you been notified you
    Aug. 12                   First Day of 2021-22 School Year                               student will need to wear a mask.          are a close contact with someone who
                                                                                                                                        has tested positive for COVID-19 in the
                                                                                          „„ Must bring current immunization
    Sept. 6                   Labor Day Holiday                                                                                         last 14 days.

    Sept. 20, Oct. 11, No School for Students                                               Location                                   Date                      Time
    Jan. 10, Feb. 28   (Professional Learning Days for Staff)
    and March 21			                                                                         Tioga Middle School – Room 36              Aug. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,   8 a.m.-2 p.m.
                                                                                            3232 E. Fairmont Ave.                      14 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

   Page 2                                        PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                       
Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August - Fresno Unified School District
july 2021

                      board                                     We Look back with Pride and Forward with Anticipation
           Valerie F. Davis Area 3                              I hope everyone is                                            supports all year. Extra teachers will be added               provide hot spots. From the infancy of COVID
                     President                                  enjoying a restful                                            in targeted areas, and social emotional support               until the start of the 2020-21 school year, Fresno
                                                                summer. After the                                             and health services staff will be added. We are               Unified deployed 65,000 laptops and tablets and
           Keshia Thomas Area 1                                 past 18 months, we                                            overjoyed to be returning next school year to                 11,000 hot spots to ensure every student had
                       all deserve qual-                                             in-person learning, five days a week.                         access to technology and online learning. Tech-
           Liaison: Lauren Lima-Brown                           ity, in-person time                                                                                                         nology staff and substitutes fielded technology
                                                                                                                              For students who wish to remain in distance
                                                                with friends and                                                                                                            calls from families, replaced broken devices or
                                                                                                                              learning, they can enroll in the district’s eLearn
                                                                family. For many                                                                                                            provided a device from a new Family Learning
          Claudia Cazares Area 6                                of our staff and
                                                                                                                                                                                            and Technology Support Center (FLATS). Out
                                                                students, however,                                            As we thankfully emerge from the worst of this                of necessity, our pre-COVID long term plan to
            Liaison: McKenzie Rivera                      there has been no                                             pandemic, I am grateful for the hard work of                  assign a device to every student instead rolled
                                                                time off yet. We                                              our staff, the adaptability of our students and               out in a matter of months.
               Veva Islas Area 4                                are in the midst of                                           the patience and grace of our families during
                                                                                                                                                                                            August 2020 came, and health conditions
                          the most compre- Robert G. Nelson, Ed.D.                      the past 18 months. Our efforts may not have
            Liaison: Danielle Claybon                                                        Superintendent                   met the expectations of everyone but as I look                required we remain in virtual learning. We
                                                                hensive summer                                                                                   back on all that we accomplished I am extremely               ramped up our communication to parents in
                                                                learning we have                                                                                                            multiple languages and our Parent University
                                                                ever offered. With                                            proud. It started on March 13, 2020 when I stood
           Carol Mills, J.D. Area 5                             students having to learn from home since March                alongside the board of education for the surreal              focused on helping families navigate technol-
                                                                                                                                                        ogy to support their students learning from
                                                                of last year until this spring, we are providing              announcement that we were closing our schools.
           Liaison: Michele Rodriguez                                                                                                                                                       home. District leaders hosted numerous Face-                     students with additional supports this summer,                At the time, we thought we would be able to
                                                                                                                                                                                            book Live events and created YouTube videos.
                                                                especially in reading and math. Our summer                    return after spring break. We pivoted almost
  Elizabeth Jonasson Rosas Area 2                                                                                             overnight to open a call center to support fami-              Staff knocked on doors when families couldn’t
                                                                school sessions will go until late July for high                                                                                                                                              be reached to ensure they had technology and
                                                                school and until Aug. 6 for alternative educa-                lies and answer questions. We launched grab-
           Liaison: Brandalyn Hastings                                                                                                                                                      were ready to start the school year online. Our
                                                                tion as opposed to ending in mid-July as they                 and-go meals for our students who no longer                                                                                                                                                 Department of Prevention and Intervention staff
                                                                normally do. Our Office of African American                   had access to healthy breakfast and lunch at
                                                                                                                                                                                            visited motels and shelters to contact our home-
  Major Terry Slatic USMC (Retired) Area 7                      Academic Acceleration is expanding its summer                 school every day. This evolved into feeding our
                                                                                                                                                                                            less families.
                        programs as well. We are doing as much as we                  community at large. Fresno Unified food service
          Liaison: Michelle Asadoorian                          can to make sure students are prepared for the                workers served over 10 million meals during the               In October, following safety protocols, we began                    start of the new school year.                                 pandemic, working continually while schools                   bringing small groups of students with the most
                                                                                                                              were closed and most of us were able to shelter               needs back to campus to do their online learning,
                                                                Once school starts, our Pandemic Recovery Plan                in place. Teachers worked day and night to learn              with easy access to technology and school meals.
                                                                includes 30 additional minutes a day of instruc-
            ADMINISTRATION                                                                                                    the technology to pull off virtual instruction. The           We also began conducting in-person assessments
                                                                tion in the first semester for all grades to address          district prepared at-home lessons for all grades              for our special education and English language
                                                                literacy and math, with an optional 30 minutes
        Robert G. Nelson, Ed.D.                                 in the second semester. Your school's website
                                                                                                                              to support learning that could be downloaded                  learner students. Meanwhile, our various district
                   Superintendent                                                                                             or picked up at school. Our seniors missed out                teams worked together to plan for a safe return to
                                                                should have specific start and end times posted
                Santino Danisi                                                                                                on a traditional graduation and all the senior                in-person instruction when the time came. While
                                                                by July 19. Letters will also be going home to
               Chief Financial Officer                                                                                        trimmings, although our schools and district                  in-person athletics were put on hold, our esports
                                                                families in July. Our school calendar is extended             staff worked hard creating virtual celebrations.              soared. Students involved in the arts, includ-
                  Nikki Henry                                   as well to accommodate additional professional                What a great feeling to see the Class of 2020                 ing theater, band and orchestra, found ways to
              Chief Information Officer                         learning days (buy back days) for staff (these                finally walk the stage in graduation ceremonies               perform online via Teams.
                 Paul Idsvoog                                   are non-instructional days for students). School              last month at the Paul Paul Theater at the fair-
Chief Human Resources/Labor Relations Officer                   will begin Thursday, Aug. 12 – two days earlier                                                                             On April 6, with health conditions improved in
                                                                than the traditional start – and ends a day later                                                                           our county, we launched a hybrid schedule return
               Tami Lundberg                                    than normal, on June 10, 2022. (See the 2021-22               For most of our students, their only access to a
              Chief Technology Officer
                                                                academic calendar on page 16.) High schools                   computer was at school. Many didn’t have inter-
                  Kim Mecum                                     will offer expanded options for credit recovery               net connection either. Our Information Technol-               See SUPT. MESSAGE
               Chief Academic Officer                           and English learner supports all year and middle              ogy Department gathered all available computers               SPANISH and HMONG
              Lindsay Sanders                                   schools will have additional English learner                  from schools, and we partnered with Sprint to                 Continued on page 15
              Chief Equity and Access
                 Karin Temple
              Chief Operations Officer
                                                                A Message from Evette Tovar-Lugo, Program Manager No Kid Hungry Campaign
         BUILDING FUTURES                                       No Kid Hungry Helps the District Provide Meals
                 Amy Idsvoog                                                                        When communities across California were hit hard right                     No Kid Hungry allocated Fresno Unified over $100,000 in
                  Executive Officer                                                                 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, No Kid Hungry                       grant funds to continue meal service through spring break,
                                                                                                    knew it had the potential to have a devasting impact on                    a time when meals aren’t typically provided. Addition-
                 Tony Bernard                                                                       childhood hunger. When school campuses closed, making                      ally, $160,000 in grant funds was awarded to the district
                  Media Technician                                                                  it more difficult to reach kids with the meals they usually eat            to support new safety measures needed to bring students
                    Anne Ellis                                                                      at school, our first question was: “How can we best support                back to school safely.
           Community Relations Officer                                                              our school district and community partners to ensure kids                  As a partner of Fresno Unified, No Kid Hungry is
               Bryce Marshall                                                                       are getting the nutrition they need?”                                      immensely grateful for the school nutrition staff in Fresno
            Media Production Specialist                                                             We witnessed school nutrition teams all across the state                   and all across California who worked around the clock,
             Vanessa Ramirez                                                                        moving swiftly to adapt their programs, practically over-                  sometimes putting their own health at risk to feed kids with
             Public Information Officer                                                             night, to get meals to families while also keeping both staff              a smile. It was through true resilience and their courage that
               Keith Rybaczyk                                                                       and students safe. At a school district the size and magni-                students in Fresno could count on a meal each and every
            Media Production Specialist                                                             tude of Fresno Unified School District, we knew we had                     day. They are the true heroes of this pandemic. It will take
                                                                                                    to act quickly. Families in the Central Valley were dispro-                time for our state to rebuild from this crisis, and as we do,
                                                                    Evette Tovar-Lugo               portionately hard hit by the pandemic and, alongside with                  making sure kids have the food they need to be strong and
Building Futures is a monthly publication of Fresno               Program Manager No Kid            the district, it was of utmost importance that we created a                healthy will remain our No. 1 priority. We’re proud to be
Unified School District prepared by the Communications               Hungry Campaign
Office. To place an ad, contact (559) 457-3733 or email                                             safety net for families and children who were food insecure.               partners in this work.

 Non-Discrimination Policy: Fresno Unified School District does not harass, intimidate, or discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, age, creed, religion, political affiliation, gender,
 gender identity or expression or genetic information, mental or physical disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital, pregnancy or parental status, military veteran status, or any other basis protected by law or regulation, in its educational
 program(s) or employment (BP 0410). For the full policy, a list of compliance officers, and Title IX information, go to                                              PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                                                                                 Page 3
Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August - Fresno Unified School District
july 2021

                                                                          class of 2021
                         Bullard High School                                                                        Duncan Polytechnical High School
                          June 9, 2021/Paul Paul Theater                                                                            June 3, 2021/Paul Paul Theater

Evan Agbayani
Nathalia Aguayo
Leilyn Alvarez
Caitlyn Bergeron
Andres Bernabe
Julia Bernal
Kameron Bidar
Joseph Burgos
Janeve Castillo
Isabela Castro
Hailey Catron
Elizabeth Chassey
Hannah Cole
Kiernan Coleman
Lene Covita                        Anali Jimenez                    Brooke Rodriguez
Lindsay Dellanini                  Liam Kelley                      Ciann Roman
Alina Diaz                         Austin Kern                      Taylor Samuelian
Thayne Disney                      David Kglyan                     Jimmy Sanchez
Camille Dixon                      Mohammad Mahmoud                 Vincent Sattler
Aidan Doshier                      Tyler Meade                      Michael Tiscareno
Rodderick Doyle                    Georgie Meadors                  Macyn Topoozian
Martina Ebner-Cignetti             Julianna Molina-Bryant           Thuan Tran
Cameron Flowers                    Julia Moore                      Isabel Trujillo
Kylie Fogle
Audra Fontes
                                   Amera Neves                      Faline Triska                           Valedictorians
                                   Brianna Ornelas                  Katelyn Vaccaro
Eden Freeman                       Diana Pathammavong               Sofia Valencia                          Ismael Abdullah Hernandez         Cristian Jaime Mijangos            Brian Uriel Rivera Romero
Hannah Getz                        Morgan Pittman                   Toby Van Es                             Daniel Cazares Perez              Victoria Montes                    Nelly Rodriguez
Elizabeth Gonzales                 Malik Rabb                       Ryan Venkatesan                         Elyssa Chantay Chimal             Mitchi Lisa Moua                   Pablo Santiago
Nicole Goyette                     Sarah Ramirez                    Xitlalic Villanueva-Cruz                Alexzandria Denise Dominguez      Edgar Leopoldo Peredia Garcia      Arlysa Souvanvixay
Cole Guerrero                      Heaven Reasner                   Bryce Weiner                            Jade Draper                       Kaylie Phakonekham                 Angie Pajzong Thao
Emily Gunn                         Kate Richardson                  Mckenzie Wheatley                       Oscar Joel Garcia Armenta         Christian Clarisa Phengdara        Chai Vang
Andrew Halvorson                   Benjamin Rigby                   John Whitehouse                         Ousapea Yamnoho Kurnosoff          Martinez                          Chong Yang
Julianna Hernandez                 Lola Robinson                    Tyler Zuber                             Boonthavee Lee                    Thuan Dinh Quach

                          edison High School
                          June 4, 2021/Paul Paul Theater

Fatima Rahmani Ahmad                Marcos Cruz Pena                   Jennifer Gutierrez Lopez
Paulina Lazaro Aleman               Sarah Zoe Debord                   Mia Mariah Hernandez
Jazmin Ambriz Viveros               Mariajose De La Cruz               Mariana Hernandez Alavez
Matthew Alan Ames                   Jessica Dolores                    Elliot Kikuchi Heu
Bella Rose Anooshian                Braeden James Epperson             Iliana Infante
Abedallah Aref Hammouda             Paola Abigail Espinoza             Gevena Jolene Islas
Gladys Baltazar Rodriguez           Andrea Fernandez                   Cynthia Juarez
Cortez Barriente                    Samuel Louis Finocchio             Ariana Alexis Khann
Emma Bautista                       Nayelli Isabel Flores              Ariana Itzel Lagunas Caballero
Teodoro Alejandro Bautista          Maria Jose Flores Becerra          Alex Kwm Lee
Ayanna Antonia Becker               Angel Ernesto Flores Chavez        Cindy Nkauger Lee
Matthew Mykal Blancas               Tricia Lorene Frausto              Kelly L. Leng
Jose Elias Bravo                    Kelly Estrada Galicia              Valentina Lopez Meza
Amber Antoinette Brey               Nicholas Anthony Gamboa            Ethan Kenji Lor                  Thomas Olivares                    Carolina Nicole Saucedo Cervantes    Jane Vargas De Jesus
Alexandra Avila Caballero           Maria Del Carmen Garcia            Joshua Kongpheng Lor             Madelynn Nicole Pattillo           Megan Elizabeth Schlotthauer         Rodrigo Martinez Vasquez
Joshua Manuel Camarillo             Naomi Carmen Garcia                Heveni Sage Magana               Monica Perez-Vasquez               Andrea Ximena Serratos-Navarro       Jessica Velasco-Garcia
Trinity Lessie Carraway             Cecilia Gil-Ventura                Guadalupe Iris Martinez          Renato Andres Ramirez              Nataliee Sheng Thor                  Alissa Osornio Virrey
Alejandro Rafael Castillo Avalos    Olivia Jade Glidden                Omar Mejia                       David Solis Reyes                  Kane Mikael Sjoberg                  Breeanna Diolinda Virrueta
Linda Graciela Castro Baiz          Emma Victoria Godinez Mata         Emily Melendez                   Mia Jeane’ Roddy                   Devin Christian Exconde Teves        Riley Ruth Walton
Bao Ka Lue Chang                    Jennifer Gomez Fuentes             Evelyn Melendez                  Iliana Rodriguez Salinas           Aniyah Lashay-Bessie Thomas          Anaya Renae Louise Ware
Camarynne Sy-Mai Chanthavong        Michelle Gonzalez                  Cynthia Montes-Dominguez         Miriam Andrea Roque                Dayanara Torres Vargas               Michael Charles West
Ruby Chavarin                       Bianca Gonzalez-Flores             Jonah Camille Nahoul             Vanessa Martinez Ruiz              Sharon Valadez                       Emily Kai Xayyamountry
Leslie Marie Coleman                Shivani Naresh Govind              Cali Nalchajian                  Michelle Salazar                   Ruben Valdovinos                     Denim Tou Yeng Xiong
Anne Christian Cooper               Leon Fernando Felix Gutierrez      Misa Ha Nguyen                   Brianne Marie Salvio               Emerson Grace Valenzuela-Lavelle     Eriny Tag Xiong
Fabiola Corona                      Jacqueline Gutierrez Lopez         Julieda Nouv                     Aidan Everett Sanders              Evelyn L Vang                        Susan Xiong

Page 4                                                      PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                         
Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August - Fresno Unified School District
july 2021

                                                                  class of 2021
                           Fresno High School                                                                    Hoover High School
                           June 10, 2021/Paul Paul Theater                                                        June 7, 2021/ Paul Paul Theater

 Teresita Aguilar               Esmeralda Hernandez           River Richart
 Liana Alvarez                  Iellene Hernandez             Ki Riley
 Angel Avila                    Martin Jimenez Martinez       Destiny Rodriguez
 Cameron Brill-Todish           Emmaleigh Koers-Hansen        Alicia Romero-Mendoza
 Alma Casillas                  Touhue Lee                    Maria Salazar Urbina
 Mara Cooper                    Nathan Llamas                 Daisy Sanchez Madrigal
 Jasmine Corona Padilla         Briana Lucatero               Salud Toledo Ruiz           Valedictorians
 Mireya Garza                   Devon Marshall                Matthew Vang                Ayomide Akintola             Mei Sze May Liu          Meryah Preston
 Natalie Garzon                 Sanad Mohamed                 David Villasenor            Kayleigh Burns               Kaylee Macer             Griffin Robertson
 Jaden Gomez                    Jennifer Ornelas Cruz                                     Alexis Chong                 Mary Martin              Marissa Rodriguez
 Jesus Adame Gonzalez           Bruce D. Owdom                                            Mariah Contreras             Aaron Matlock            Eddie Sayavong
                                                                                          Lauren Davidian              Sarah McMillian          Jessica Seta
                                                                                          Jose Flores De Luna          Jada Moua                Justin Torrez
                                                                                          Alexis Gamino                Dyllion Moua             Arlene Villa
                           MCLANE High School                                             Yessica Guzman
                                                                                          Mercy Letourneau
                                                                                                                       Azucena Pacheco Elorza
                                                                                                                       Amanda Pinto
                                                                                                                                                Terrance Yang

                           June 8, 2021/McLane Stadium

                                                                                                Patiño School of Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                  June 1, 2021/Paul Paul Theater

 Yomaris Aguayo Martin          Claudia Mendez Lopez          Alejandra Romero-Martinez
 Paulina Ayala Lopez            Alyssa Mendoza                Martha Santiago Martinez
 Angelica Bello-Rosas           Maria Morales                 Leslie Santiago Valverde
 Gabriela Cazarez Escoto        Calvin Moua                   Kesara Sous
 Kristiana Coronado             Angel Antonio Parra Melchor   Devin Turner
 Jose Cuen                      Yexel Penaloza-Vazquez        Wilner Vargas-Cholula       Valedictorians
 Karen Enciso Armendariz        Andrea Reynoso Alba           Der Vue
 Estala Gatica-Galvez           Crystal Rodriguez             Lily Xiong                  Abbigayle Bennitt            Vienna Rae Ingrassia     Johnpaul Vanderpoel
 Adamaris Lemus Vaca            Isabel Rodriguez              Quiana Yelton               Arianna Michelle Dominico    Robert Richard Martin    Marci Winter
 Yadira Martinez                Stephanie Rodriguez-Serna                                 Michael Anthony Dutra        Jaymie Sinaloa Maga
 Stephanie McFadin              Brianna Romero                                            Isaac Hernandez              Cherokee Rose Trent                                PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                               Page 5
Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August - Fresno Unified School District
july 2021

                                                                      class of 2021
                    roosevelt High School                                                        Adult Transition                        cambridge
                            June 8, 2021/Paul Paul Theater                                           Program                            high school
                                                                                                June 9, 2021/ATP Courtyard      June 3, 2021/Paul Paul Theater

Sandra Alonzo Lopez              Metztli Maldonado                Jahaira Rodriguez
Jesse Alvarado Jr.               Libby Marcelo                    Alisa Ruiz Rios
Suzette Bautista
Maria Duenas Toribio
                                 Ruby Martinez Solano
                                 Nadia Mejia-Gallardo
                                                                  Genevieve Saldana
                                                                  Angel Santibanez                     dewolf
                                                                                                     high school
Dioceline Enciso Sanabria        Arturo Murillo Gonzalez          Audrey Schaffer
Mercedes Escalante               Melanie Pacheco-Balbuena         Gurpreet Singh
Jovanni Gonzalez-Ventura         Uriel Plascencia                 Mickey Thao
Julissa Herrera Sanchez          Christina Ponce                  Jeffrey Thibodeau            June 3, 2021/Paul Paul Theater
Alondra Huizar Velasco           Zoe Porter                       Wendy Torres Orosco
Jennfier Leyva Parra             Guadalupe Rivera-Guerrero        Chee Moua Vang
                                                                                                                                     j.e. young
                                                                                                                                  academic center
                    sunnyside High School                                                                                       June 3, 2021/Paul Paul Theater
                        June 7, 2021/Sunnyside Stadium

Janissa Marie Aguiniga
Aleyah Jasmine Alacar
Jaqueline Ambriz-Solorzano
Leslie Jasmin Bravo-Ramos
Lizeth Campos Velazquez
Daisy Jacqueline Cantoriano
Alissa Ann Chang
Lisa Nkauj Ntsuab Chang
Ivory Marie Clemons                                                                                      rata
                                                                                                     high school
Victor Cota Green
Rita Guadalupe Curiel
Daisy Esparza
Xitlali Esquivel                                                                               June 4, 2021/Rata High School
Vanessa Esquivel-Ruiz            Alondra Crystal Mijangos-Reyes   More Vang
Jocelyne Gomez Lopez             Crystal Pajntsais Moua           Tida Song Vanhelsdingen
Marcos Ascenciion Gomez          Aarti Arvind Nigam               Gabino Vidrio-Zaragoza Jr.
Eli Anthony Gonzalez             Jovanpreet Kaur Panesar          Kaia Jordan Walls
Clayton Lee Gould                Isley Ellea Parada               Amanda Ntxhee Yees Xiong
Gaona Destiny Her                Miguel Angel Parra Estrada       Jet Ken Xiong
Justin Voua Her                  Paulina Pedroza Guerrero         Mai Der Xiong
Angelica Hernandez               Sunny Ara John Ruiz              Clara Gao Na Yang
Jonathan Ivan Hernandez-Ayala    Alina Evelyn Sanchez             Jason Yang
Aliana Iriarte                   Caitlyn Tyra Thach               Kimberly Kao Youa Yang
Alina Iriarte                    Adam Singsai Thao                Michelle Nkauj Hli Yang
Andrea Jauregui                  Ekin Thao
                                 Khue Nai Thao
                                                                  Serenity Yajyuam Yang
                                                                  Shakira Yang
Gerardo Ledesma Jr.
Evelyn Mata                      Lisa Douchee Thao                Maria Stephanie Zuniga-                                       Jose Ulysses Bravo
Brisvany Mejia                   Amandeep Kaur Uppal               Salgado                                                      Charles Lee Maroot
Bryan Mejia-Sanchez              Jolene Angelique Uribe                                                                         Fai Sounthala
                                 Gwen Myliaya Vang                                                                              Erin Tyana Williams

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Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August - Fresno Unified School District
july 2021

Expanded Summer Learning Programs Reach New Heights
More than 17,000 students are expected      While the camps are popular, some
to attend classes during the district's     spots are still available in some regions.
most extensive summer program it has        Regional signups can be accessed
ever offered.                               through a student’s school website.
                                            Those interested may also email:
The in-person expanded summer
sessions are in recognition of the months
students spent in virtual learning and      The district’s College and Career
the need for additional supports, espe-     Readiness Department offered an
cially in reading and math. The summer      Aviation Camp June 14-18 as a part
learning program started June 14 and        of internship experiences that over
will extend through Aug. 6 for alterna-     500 high school students will be
tive education students. Summer school      participating in this summer. During
usually ends mid July.                      the Aviation Academy, students had the
                                            option to go up in a Cessna airplane for     Summer school this year included a one-week Aviation Camp. Jocelyn Maldo-
       For video, go to                                                       nado, a ninth-grader at Hoover High School, was among the students who chose
                                            a 15-minute ride.
       fresnounified/summerlearning2021                                                  to go on a 15-minute airplane ride from Chandler Airport.
                                            The class included building and launch-
The district’s Summer Academy is an
                                            ing model rockets, learning flight and
invitation-only program for elemen-
                                            pilot basics and trying out a flight simu-   way teacher at Roosevelt High School.      through July 12 for the same categories
tary, middle, and high school students
                                            lator. Students also traveled to Atwater     The district partnered with New Vision     of students. A July 13-26 session will
whose performance on district assess-
                                            to visit the Castle Air Museum and to        Aviation and Reedley Community             be held for high school students only.
ments indicate that additional targeted
                                            Reedley Community College’s aviation         College’s aviation program.                A final session will be offered July 17
learning recovery is needed. The focus
                                            program, where students got to try out                                                  through Aug. 6 for alternative education
for high school is credit recovery for                                                   Most summer learning programs,
                                            equipment and learn more about avia-                                                    high school students.
students who students received a D or F                                                  however, focused on filling in learning
                                            tion career and college options.
in classes needed for graduation or A-G                                                  gaps for students so they are prepared     Classes are being offered at 14 elemen-
college entrance courses.                   The class was offered to students in         for the new school year that starts Aug.   tary school sites, 13 middle school sites,
                                            homeless situations and foster care,         12.                                        eight high school sites, and four alter-
The district’s Summer Camp program
                                            special education students, African                                                     native education sites. Instruction is in
is offering enrichment opportunities                                                     Summer Academy’s first session was for
                                            American students and students desig-                                                   person, with teachers providing simul-
for about 200 students per high school                                                   elementary, middle, and high school and
                                            nated as English learners. The teacher                                                  taneous teaching to students who wish
region, scheduled for two separate                                                       alternative education students. A second
                                            was Kris Reyes, a Public Service Path-                                                  to learn from home.
weeks for each high school region.                                                       session began on June 28 and continues

District Encouraging Summer Reading with Free Books and Camps
Fresno Unified is providing extra liter-    read over the summer.                        Programs include:                             kindergarten through third grade are
acy support for elementary students                                                                                                    targeted for extra help in a program
                                            “We know that literacy is the key to         „„ Grab and Go book packs: Students
over the summer, helping them prepare                                                                                                  that began on June 14 and ends on
                                            success for our students. These extra           in kindergarten through fifth grade
for success when the new school year                                                                                                   July 12. The program is held at two
                                            reading opportunities will help fill in         attending the district’s Summer
starts. Efforts also include making sure                                                                                               sites in each high school region.
                                            gaps for our elementary students,” said         Academy summer school will receive
students have access to free books to                                                                                                  Most teachers return year after
                                            Superintendent Bob Nelson.                      a pack of five grade-level appropri-
                                                                                                                                       year because they understand the
                                                                                            ate books that have an underlying
                                                                                                                                       importance of this intervention.
                                                                                            message promoting social emotional
                                                                                                                                       Students get to take five new books
                                                                                            development or diversity. The pack
                                                                                                                                       home to keep.
                                                                                            will come with a student literacy
                                                                                            skills journal and a “Family Guide      „„ A4 Summer Literacy Program: The
                                                                                            to Literacy” to help parents support       program is a collaboration between
                                                                                            reading at home. The books will be         the district’s Office of African
                                                                                            available in English and Spanish.          American Academic Acceleration
                                                                                                                                       (A4) and the Springboard
                                                                                         „„ Little Book Bins: The district
                                                                                                                                       Collaborative for students in
                                                                                            installed the first of several Little
                                                                                                                                       kindergarten through fifth grade. It
                                                                                            Book Bins on June 29 at Mayfair
                                                                                                                                       began June 14 and ends July 14 at
                                                                                            Elementary School, providing free
                                                                                                                                       Ayer, King, Thomas and Williams
                                                                                            books for students and the commu-
                                                                                                                                       elementary schools.
                                                                                            nity. The project is in partnership
                                                                                            with Reading Heart, Every Neigh-        Along with A4’s literacy program, it
Vang Pao Elementary School hosted an event June 25 to kick off a Grab and
                                                                                            borhood Partnership, and CalViva        this year is piloting a virtual Summer
Go book packs initiative. Students in kindergarten through fifth grade in summer            Health.                                 Math Camp that will end July 2 and
school receive five free books to take home.                                                                                        Kinder Readiness Summer Academy
                                                                                         „„ Camp Read-a-Lot: Students in
                                                                                                                                    July 6-Aug. 3.

   Page 7                                        PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                   
Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August - Fresno Unified School District
july 2021

African American Student Leadership Academy Cohort has First Grads
Six years ago, the district launched                                                                                                    grade summer)
its first African American Student                                                                                                   „„ Bi-monthly site mentoring visits by
Leadership Academy. In June, 36                                                                                                         Goal 2 Team
students from that original cohort                                                                                                   „„ UC campus tours
graduated from high school, with nearly                                                                                              „„ California Association of Directors
40% graduating with a 3.0 or better.                                                                                                    of Activities Leadership Conference
                                                                                                                                        (eighth grade)
Colleges and universities the students are
                                                                                                                                     „„ Character, Honor, Integrity,
headed for this fall include University of
                                                                                                                                        Perseverance, Service Camp (ninth
California at Irvine, San Francisco State
                                                                                                                                        grade summer)
University and Tuskegee University.
                                                                                                                                     „„ Community service project
The program was started under the                                                                                                    „„ Bi-weekly supports from site
leadership of the late Holland Locker,                                                                                                  champion
an assistant superintendent for Goal                                                                                                 „„ Parent and student workshops
2. College-bound students at the end
                                                                                                                                     “Congratulations to this special group
of seventh grade were identified and
                                                                                                                                     of students for their remarkable work.
provided supports and mentoring to
                                             The African American Student Leadership Academy’s first cohort of seniors               I also want to share some love for all
ensure they were ready for the University
                                             graduated this year, including, from left, Edison High School’s Corey Jackson,          the caring adults who have been serving
of California upon graduation.               Kamari Wilson, Mia Roddy, Madeline Andrews and Marcus Miller.                           as their mentors, cheerleaders and an
Each cohort is named for the graduation                                                                                              overall support team these last six years
year and serves as a constant reminder of                                                                                            -- thanks to your ongoing commitment,
                                             that both colleges and employers are         students and families to change their
the students’ ultimate goal: To graduate                                                                                             you’ve helped this group achieve their
                                             seeking.                                     narrative.
on time and UC ready. Students also                                                                                                  greatest potential,” said Superintendent
learn how they can engage in equitable       Through the academy, and other efforts,      Activities include:                        Bob Nelson.
opportunities and pursue top-tier            Fresno Unified is building connections
                                                                                          „„ UC Merced Summer Camp (eighth
colleges, and the skills and attributes      and relationships with African American

New Campus will Honor Dolphas Trotter and Dolores Huerta
Buildings at the planned Francine and        istrative offices and most of the class-     exercise gym, and space for student        an emphasis on logistics and distri-
Murray Farber Educational Campus will        rooms.                                       leaders to meet as well as gallery space   bution, robotics and manufacturing
bear the names of a longtime district                                                     for student exhibits.                      mechanics; business, with an emphasis
                                             The board did not pass a proposal to
administrator and one of the founders                                                                                                on social entrepreneurship, accounting
                                             name the student engagement center,          Morning, afternoon and evening
of United Farm Workers.                                                                                                              and event management and hospitality;
                                             which will also house career technical       classes will be offered to accommo-
                                                                                                                                     and technology, with an emphasis on
The buildings will be part of the alter-     education classrooms, for prominent          date students’ schedules. The combined
                                                                                                                                     information technology systems, coding
native education campus that will open       journalist and Fresno State professor        campus will focus on several career
                                                                                                                                     and cyber security.
in August 2023 at Ventura Avenue and         Roger Tatarian. Tatarian died in 1995.       pathways, including engineering, with
10th Street. The board of education in       Supporters of Tatarian instead want a
May named the campus for the Farbers,        school named for him.
a Fresno couple who founded a schol-
                                             The Farber campus will be built on a
arship program for Tehipite Middle
                                             12.8-acre site, the former home of the old
School students.
                                             county-owned juvenile hall. The juve-
At the June 2 board meeting, trustees        nile hall was demolished to make way
approved additional names in honor of        for a completely new, state-of-the-art
Dolores Huerta and Dolphas Trotter.          complex. The campus will bring together
                                             Cambridge High School, J.E. Young
Huerta co-founded the National Farm-
                                             Academic Center and eLearn Acad-
workers Association, which became
                                             emy, the district’s online learning school
United Farm Workers. She continues as
                                             for kindergarten through 12th grade.
an activist and is founder and president
of the Dolores Huerta Foundation. Her
                                             The school, designed to meet the needs
name will be on a future preschool at
                                             of more than 1,200 students, will include
the campus.
                                             space for social workers, academic
Trotter, whose administrative roles          counselors and a library.
included being Edison High School’s
                                             Students will have access to a student
first Black principal and serving as an
                                             union for meals and gathering, and space
interim superintendent, died in 2009.                                                     An alternative education campus will open in August 2023 at Ventura Avenue and
                                             will be available for community engage-
His name will be on the main building                                                     10th Street.
                                             ment events. The campus will have an
on the campus, which will house admin-

   Page 8                                         PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                   
Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August - Fresno Unified School District
july 2021

Polices Officers on Hand to See DeWolf Graduate Overcome Obstacles
When Sophia Valle graduated from                      their support.                                      in the years following his death,” said         “I felt as if I was lost at sea, drifting
DeWolf High School in June, her father                                                                    DeWolf Principal Racheal Maciel. “The           into the abyss, missing both of my
                                                      The officers had been colleagues of
could not be there. He had passed away                                                                    officers here have stood in support of          anchors,” Sophia wrote in her speech.
                                                      Sophia’s father, officer Edgar Valle-
nearly a decade earlier of cancer, when                                                                   ‘Pia’ and have always loved her no
                                                      Sandoval, stationed in the southwest
Sophia was 10.                                                                                            matter her circumstances.”                      The COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020
                                                      policing district.
                                                                                                                                                          made her problems worse. But in August,
Knowing the absence of her father at this                                                                 It was a hard journey for Sophia to
                                                      “[Edgar’s] brothers and sisters in the                                                              she felt a pull to turn her life around.
milestone in her life would be difficult,                                                                 make it to graduation, but she said her
                                                      department have continued to wrap
a group of Fresno police officers were                                                                    life changed when DeWolf “found” her.
                                                      around the family and support them                                                                  “I felt the presence of my dad and sister
there to represent her father and show                                                                    She ended up graduating a year early,
                                                                                                                                                          as my guardian angels. Just a few days
                                                                                                          taking advantage of the online, self-
                                                                                                                                                          later, DeWolf found me…and I was
                                                                                                          paced classes at the small campus, and
                                                                                                                                                          enrolled,” Sophia wrote.
                                                                                                          close connections with staff.
                                                                                                                                                          She recalled her first day in John
                                                                                                          She spoke at graduation June 3, open-
                                                                                                                                                          Hazelett’s virtual class: “He took the
                                                                                                          ing with, “My name is Sophia Valle.
                                                                                                                                                          time to get to know me as a person, aside
                                                                                                          My story today is not one for the light-
                                                                                                                                                          from a student. From that day on, I knew
                                                                                                          hearted, but it is one that is brutally
                                                                                                                                                          DeWolf was different than the other high
                                                                                                          honest. For many years, I did not think
                                                                                                                                                          schools; they were welcoming but not
                                                                                                          I would graduate or even live to make it
                                                                                                                                                          fake; they were firm but not pushy; they
                                                                                                          to graduation.”
                                                                                                                                                          were cradling but not smothering.”
                                                                                                          When she was 4, her 7-year-old sister
                                                                                                                                                          It meant a great deal to Sophia to have
                                                                                                          died of a brain tumor. Her father’s death
                                                                                                                                                          her father’s colleagues at her graduation
                                                                                                          followed six years later. During Sophia’s
                                                                                                                                                          and to see her succeed.
                                                                                                          freshman year, her grandfather was
                                                                                                          diagnosed with cancer and her mother            “The officers that attended wanted to do
DeWolf High School graduate Sophia Valle is surrounded by Fresno police offi-                             became his primary caregiver. Sophia            so in an effort to represent her father --
cers, colleagues of her father who passed away when she was 10. Sophia gradu-                             struggled with depression, self-mutila-         to stand proud and cheer for her like her
ated on June 3.                                                                                           tion and substance abuse.                       father would have,” Maciel said.

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                                                                              INTERNAL MEDICINE                         INTERNAL MEDICINE              INTERNAL MEDICINE         INTERNAL MEDICINE                                      PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                                                  Page 9
Fresno Unified Preparing to Welcome Students Back for Fulltime In-Person Learning in August - Fresno Unified School District
july 2021

Figarden Elementary Minecraft Team Competes Internationally
Through Minecraft, Make & Model            The district launched Minecraft esports     teams commented on their excitement of       prior to the competition so teams knew
eSports, a group of Fresno Unified         teams at elementary schools during the      making connections with learners from        exactly what had to be built and could
elementary students connected with         past academic year as an engaging and       another country,” said Julie Mavro-          assign team members to different parts
students 10,000 miles away in South        educational extracurricular activity for    george, a technology support specialist      of the 3D construction.
Africa – a collaboration expected to       students while they were learning from      and Team Minecraft coordinator.
                                                                                                                                    Teams were scored on likeness of their
continue.                                  home during the COVID-19 lockdown.
                                                                                                                                    build, productive teamwork, added
                                           Fresno Unified is the first district in
A team of eight fourth-graders from                                                                                                 aesthetics and environment, and the
                                           the United States and the second in the
Figarden Elementary School battled                                                                                                  manipulation of the team’s 3D space
                                           world to have an elementary Minecraft
students from Curro, South Africa’s                                                                                                 through size and scale.
largest independent education provider,
                                                                                                                                    This is only the beginning of the
for the title of Minecraft Make & Model    Curro students had piloted Minecraft:       She said one student said: “I can’t
                                                                                                                                    collaboration between Curro and
Esports World Champions. The compe-        Education Edition in the esports arena      believe I met someone from another
                                                                                                                                    Fresno Unified, Mavrogeorge said.
tition took place June 4, with Curro       for Microsoft. When Fresno Unified          continent.”
                                                                                                                                    The international battle will become
coming out on top 8-7, 8-7.                technology leaders heard about Curro,
                                                                                       For the first part of the competition,       a yearly event at the end of each
                                           they reached out to the game’s creator,
Figarden won the district’s elementary                                                 students were tasked with building a 3D      season. She is working closely with
                                           Catherine Morgan of Immersive Minds,
Minecraft esports league champion-                                                     “Fantasy Castle,” a topic announced at       Minecraft: Education Edition Learning
                                           who facilitated an introduction with
ship, earning the right to represent the                                               the start of the event. Students had 20      Engagement team members and Curro
                                           Stephen Reid at Microsoft, which led to
United States in the first ever elemen-                                                minutes.                                     staff to grow Make & Model eSports
                                           the battle and an ongoing collaboration.
tary Minecraft battle. The students used                                                                                            worldwide. The goal is to create an
                                                                                       For the second part, students engaged
Minecraft: Education Edition, learning     “Minecraft esports provides students                                                     international community of Minecraft
                                                                                       in the world of Harry Potter, with 35
creativity, collaboration and problem-     the opportunity to connect with school-                                                  esports participants.
                                                                                       minutes to construct anything from the
solving as they completed a pre-deter-     mates, fellow district Minecraft enthu-
                                                                                       Hogwarts Wizarding World. This topic
mined build within the Make & Model        siasts, and those across the globe.
                                                                                       was shared with the teams two weeks
worlds.                                    Overwhelmingly, students from both

Manchester GATE Mural Created
to Recognize Difficult Year                                                                                                Building Futures
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                                                                                            Shared on, social media platforms and electronic newsletters
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                                                                                                                  2021 is your year to make a difference!
                                                                                                                       (559) 244-6485 |
From left, Manchester GATE Elementary School students Erilyn Gray, Sarah Ca-
marillo, Catherine Lai, Brienne Schulz, and Alyssa Nieto make a ceramic mixture to                                              Follow Us:
create leaves for a new mural at their school.
                                                                                                  Be an Advocate. Volunteer. Donate.
Manchester GATE Elementary School          “We wanted to create a fun project so
now has a new mural in recognition of      that our sixth-grade students would be
the difficult past school year.            able to leave their mark at Manchester
                                           during this very different year,” said
Sixth-grade students began putting the
                                           Principal Janet Gengozian. “These
finishing touches on a tree mural in
                                           students missed out on many things that
April when they were allowed to return
                                           sixth graders regularly get to do, and we
to in-person learning after COVID-19
                                           wanted to have something special for
restrictions loosened. The mural was
created on the wall outside the cafete-
ria by Fresno artist David Roberts, who
is also the father of Manchester sixth-    See manchester gate
grade Jack Roberts.                        Continued on page 14

  Page 10                                       PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                     
july 2021

         new school year
                                            Thawj hnub zoo siab yog Thursday, Yim
      Continued from page 2                 Hli tim 12. Lub Yim Hli tim 12 thiab 13
                                            yuav yog ib nrab hnub rau cov tub kawm
                                                                                                 District Hosts Swimming at
   de primaria y secundaria tendrán la
   opción de continuar y proveer 30
                                            ntawv kom muaj sij hawm rau cov xibf
                                            wb los npaj. Cov ntaub ntawv uas qhia                Edison and Roosevelt Pools
   minutos de instrucción para los estu-    txog tsev kawm ntawv cov caij nyoog
                                                                                          The district is hosting community            The pools will be open from noon to
   diantes durante el Segundo semestre      rau 2021-22 yuav muaj rau hauv tsev
                                                                                          swimming at the pools at Edison and          5 p.m. at no charge, through Aug. 8.
   para dirigir la literatura y matemáti-   kawm ntawv lub website thaum Lub
                                                                                          Roosevelt high schools on Saturdays          The district was unable to open more
   cas.                                     Xya Hli 19.
                                                                                          and Sundays this summer.                     of its pools this summer due to a lack
„„ Las escuelas preparatorias ofrecerán
                                            “Peb tos tsis tau yuav rov qab tuaj                                                        of certified lifeguards.
   opciones extras para recuperación de
                                            nrog tag nrho 74,000 leej ntawm peb
   créditos y apoyo para los estudiantes                                                                                               The city of Fresno will also operate
                                            cov tub ntxhais kawm, uas peb tau nco
   de aprendiz de Ingles todo el año,                                                                                                  pools at Einstein Playground, Pine-
                                            heev,” Tuam Thawj Saib Kev Kawm
   y las escuelas secundarias también                                                                                                  dale Community Center, Quigley
                                            Bob Nelson tau hais. “Peb paub xyoo
   ofrecerán apoyo adicional de apren-                                                                                                 Playground, Mosqueda Commu-
                                            dhau los ntawm kev kawm saum huab
   diz de Ingles todo el año.                                                                                                          nity Center and Frank H. Ball Park.
                                            cua feem ntau tsis yooj yim, tab sis peb
Aprendizaje Extendido                       muaj txoj kev npaj txaus rau lub xyoo
                                                                                                                                       More information about city pools and
                                            kawm ntawv yuav los tom ntej uas muaj
„„ El distrito ofrecerá sesiones de                                                                                                    swimming lessons: (559) 621-2900 or
                                            ib qhov twj kev soj ntsuam thiab cov kev
   verano e invierno para los estudi-                                                                                                  flyer on city swimming opportunities.
                                            txhawb ntxiv thiab cov kev pab.”
„„ El distrito extenderá el programa        Hauv paus tsev kawm ntawv raug yuam
                                                                                                                                       Pools at Edison and Roosevelt high
   después de escuela y tutoría y tutoría   kom kaw cov tsev kawm ntawv thaum
                                                                                                                                       schools are open on the weekends
   entre compañeros.                        Lub Peb Hlis tim 13 vim yog kev mob                                                        for free swimming.
                                            kev txwv los ntawm COVID-19. Cov
Social Emocional
                                            thawj coj tsis xav tias yuav raug kaw
„„ El distrito agregara recursos de         ntev mus txog lub Plaub Hlis tim 6,
   apoyo social emocional, incluyendo       2021.                                       tsam kawm ntxiv.                               Kev Sib Raug Zoo Siab Ntsws
   consejeros, trabajadores sociales y
                                            Txawm li ntawv, nrog rau qhov kev yuav      Cov Sij Hawm Ntxiv thiab Kev                   „„ Hauv paus tsev kawm ntawv yuav
                                            tsum nyob sib nrug deb, thiaj li faib ib    Txhawb Nqa                                        ntxiv cov kev pab txhawb kev sib
„„ El distrito implementara un nuevo
                                            nrab ntawm cov tub ntxhais kawm uas                                                           raug zoo siab ntsws, nrog rau cov
   currículo de aprendizaje social                                                      „„ Txhua tus tub ntxhais kawm ntawv
                                            tau xaiv rov qab tuaj kawm ntawv tim                                                          neeg pab tswv yim, cov social work-
   emocional de los grados K-12.                                                           theem pib, theem nrab thiab theem
                                            ntsej tim muag tuaj rau hnub Tuesday                                                          ers thiab kws pab kev nyuaj siab/
                                                                                           siab yuav tau txais 30 feeb ntxiv nyob
Apoyo de Salud                              thiab Wednesday thiab ib nrab ntxiv tau                                                       psychologist.
                                                                                           rau ib hnub ntawm kev qhia hauv
                                            tuaj rau hnub Thursday thiab Friday,                                                       „„ Hauv paus tsev kawm ntawv yuav
„„ El distrito agregara enfermeras y                                                       thawj lub semester uas npaj rau kev
                                            muab Monday nyob kev kawm deb.                                                                muaj ib qho kev qhia tshiab txog kev
   ampliara los servicios de salud en el                                                   nyeem thiab ua lej.
                                                                                                                                          sib raug siab ntsws rau me nyuam
   sitio del lugar.                         Nrog kev rov qhib ua haujlwm, hauv          „„ Txhua tus kws qhia ntawv theem pib
                                                                                                                                          kawm K-12.
„„ Centros de bienestar para el apoyo       paus tsev kawm yuav muaj tag nrho              thiab theem nrab yuav muaj txoj kev
   estudiantil y familiar.                  txhua txoj kev ceev faj txog qhov kev          xaiv los txuas lus qhia 30 feeb ntxiv       Kev Pab Kom Txhob Muaj Mob
                                            noj qab haus huv thiab kev ruaj ntseg          rau cov tub ntxhais kawm rau lub
El calendario escolar fue ajustado el 16                                                                                               „„ Hauv paus tsev kawm ntawv yuav
                                            uas yuav tsum tau ua los ntawm Lub             semester thib ob los hais txog kev
de junio para reflejar la nueva fecha de                                                                                                  ntxiv cov neeg saib mob thiab ntxiv
                                            Nroog Fresno Lub Chaw Haujlwm Pab              nyeem ntawv thiab ua lej.
inicio del año escolar al 12 de agosto,                                                                                                   cov chaw ntawm kev saib xyuas kev
                                            Cuam Kev Noj Qab Haus Huv (Fresno           „„ Cov tsev kawm theem siab yuav muaj
una nueva fecha del fin del año escolar                                                                                                   noj qab haus huv kom dav.
                                            County Department of Health Services).         ntau txoj kev xaiv los rov ua kom tau
al viernes 10 de junio, si como tres días                                                                                              „„ Muaj cov kev pab txog kev noj qab
                                            Cov niam txiv yuav raug ceeb toom rau          cov qhab nias uas poob lawm thiab
adicionales no instructivos para permitir                                                                                                 haus huv (Wellness Hubs) rau tub
                                            cov lus tseeb kom muaj ua ntej yuav pib        cov kawm lus Askiv txhawb nqa
el aprendizaje profesional del personal                                                                                                   ntxhais kawm thiab tsev neeg.
                                            kawm ntawv. Tos saib cov xov xwm               tag nrho lub xyoo kawm, thiab tsev
(días de recompra). Los siguientes días
                                            tawm tshiab ntawm           kawm theem nrab kuj tseem yuav              Lub tsev kawm ntawv daim ntawv qhia
serán días no instructivos para los estu-
                                                                                           muaj kev pab qhia ntxiv rau cov tub         cov hnub tseem ceeb raug hloov kho
diantes: 20 de septiembre, 11 de octu-      Rau cov tub ntxhais kawm uas xav
                                                                                           ntxhais kawm lus Askiv txhawb nqa           rau lub Rau Hli Hnub Tim 16 kom muaj
bre, 10 de enero, 28 de febrero y 21 de     kawm mus ntxiv hauv tsev nyob rau
                                                                                           tag nrho lub xyoo kawm.                     qhov hloov tshiab ntawm lub Yim Hli
marzo.                                      xyoo kawm ntawv tom ntej no tuaj
                                                                                                                                       Hnub Tim 12 uas yog hnub pib kawm
                                            yeem sau npe kawm hauv Hauv Paus            Kev Kawm Txuas Ntxiv
Cov Tsev Kawm Ntawv Npaj Txais                                                                                                         ntawv, hnub kawg hloov ua hnub Friday,
                                            Tsev Kawm Ntawv Qhov eLearn Acad-
Tos Cov Tub Ntxhais Kawm Rov                                                            „„ Hauv paus tsev kawm ntawv yuav              Lub Rau Hli Hnub Tim 10, thiab ntxiv
                                            emy. Xib fwb yuav tsis qhia tub ntxhais
Qab Mus Kawm Ntawv Tim Ntsej                                                               muab sij hawm ntxiv rau kev kawm            peb hnub uas tsis yog cov hnub qhia
                                            kawm hauv chav kawm thiab cov tub
Tim Muag Tom Tsev Kawm Ntawv                                                               rau lub caij ntuj sov thiab lub caij ntuj   ntawv ntxiv kom pub rau cov neeg ua
                                            ntxhais kawm tom tsev ua ke tib lub sij
Tas Hnub rau Lub Yim Hli                                                                   no rau cov tub ntxhais kawm.                hauj lwm muaj kev kawm ua huaj lwm
                                            hawm lawm.
                                                                                        „„ Hauv paus tsev kawm ntawv yuav              (hnub yuav qab los/buy back days). Cov
Thawj thawj zaug txij li lub Peb Hlis
                                            Hauv paus tsev kawm ntawv zoo siab             nthuav qhia ntxiv cov kev qhia tom          hnub tom qab no yog cov hnub uas tub
2020, txhua tus tub ntxhais kawm yuav
                                            tos txais txhua tus tub ntxhais kawm rov       qab lawb ntawv thiab kev cob qhia           ntxhais tsis tuaj kawm ntawv – lub Cuaj
tau rov qab tuaj rau ntawm lawv lub
                                            qab tuaj kawm ntawv tas hnub xyoo no,          thiab tub ntxhais kawm pab sib qhia.        Hli Tim 20, lub Kaum Hli tim 11, lub Ib
tsev kawm ntawv tas hnub pib lub xyoo
                                            tsib hnub hauv ib lub lim tiam, nrog ntau                                                  Hlis tim 10, lub Ob Hlis tim 28 thiab lub
kawm ntawv tshiab no mus.
                                            yam kev txhawb ntxiv thiab muaj hwj                                                        Peb Hlis tim 28.                          PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                                   Page 11
july 2021


    F  resno Unified had three section champions during the past
       academic year, with student-athletes and coaches overcoming
    pandemic-shortened seasons and restrictions on practice.
    Below, the Sunnyside High School boys volleyball team (No. 1
    seed) beat St. Joseph High School (No. 2 seed) at Sunnyside on
    June 1 to win the Division 2 championship. It was the Wildcats’ first
    section championship. The team’s head coach is Kee Xiong.
    Top right, the Bullard High School boys basketball team (No. 2
    seed) beat Central High School (No. 1 seed) 85-83 at Central on
    June 11 to win the Division 1 championship. It was the Knights’
    seventh title appearance in the last nine years and their sixth title in
    school history. The team’s head coach is Tim Amundsen.
    Bottom, the Roosevelt High School boys basketball team (No. 6
    seed) beat Atascadero High School (No. 4 seed) 61-49 at Atas-
    cadero on June 11 to win the Division 2 championship. The
    Roughriders’ last championship was in 2016. The team’s head
    coach is JaMarr Chisom.
    Middle right, Roosevelt High School’s Qiant Myers, left, battles
    Hoover High School’s AJ George on April 30.
    Bottom right, Bullard High School’s Sarah McClelland in a match
    with Edison High School on April 30.

Page 12                                      PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES
july 2021

                                     Linked learning spotlight
Summer Enrichment Programs include Young Engineers Camp
                                                                                        Students in kindergarten through second      This relevant and hands-on learning
                                                                                        grade have the opportunity to participate    opportunity encourages creativity and
                                                                                        in the Young Engineers Camp this             problem solving specific to engineering
                                                                                        summer.                                      challenges, including building a
                                                                                                                                     suspension bridge, apple crate and an
                                                                                        The camp is part of the district’s Summer
                                                                                                                                     earthquake resistant skyscraper.
                                                                                        Camps offered at two elementary sites
                                                                                        in each region on a variety of topics.       Students follow the design process by
                                                                                        While the camps are popular, some            starting with a challenge, brainstorming
                                                                                        spots are still available in some regions.   possible solutions with their peers, and
                                                                                        Regional signups can be accessed             creating prototypes to share with their
                                                                                        through a student’s school website.          classmates.
                                                                                        Those interested may also email:
                                                                                                                                     The curriculum is built on two books:
                                                                                                                                     “What Do You Do With a Problem?”
                                                                                        The districts’ Career Technical              and "What Do You Do With an Idea?"
                                                                                        Education Department partnered               by Kobi Yamada. The books encourage
                                                                                        with Fresno State’s Lyles Center for         literacy while fostering a growth mindset
                                                                                        Innovation and Entrepreneurship to           and adaptability within students. Each
                                                                                        offer the Young Engineers Camp for           student takes home the books to share
Ermias Biru-Guinn from Wishon Elementary School works on a project during Young         the first time.                              with their families so they can engage in
Engineers Camp at McLane High School on June 17.                                                                                     their student’s educational journey.

Students Create Dog Condo for Pets at Poverello Homeless Shelter
Students at Sunnyside High School            education coordinator Floridia Cheung
designed and built a six-dog “condo”         and Sunnyside teacher Phil Siechert on
for pets at the Poverello House homeless     the project.
shelter, delivering the doghouse on June
                                             The Poverello House has a fenced
                                             concrete pad where students installed
Poverello House had requested the large      the brightly painted doghouse.
doghouse to shelter residents’ much
                                             After not being able to use the tools
beloved pets.
                                             and techniques they had learned about
“One act of kindness can be the positive     virtually during COVID-19 school
shift in the lives of men and women          closures, students were eager to build
experiencing homelessness and extreme        something when they returned to
poverty,” said Abigail Nolte, community      in-person classes in April. The students
relations officer for the Poverello House.   are part of the Agriscience Technology
                                             Pathway at Sunnyside. Through the
She worked with Sunnyside career
                                             class, students can earn their OSHA
                                             construction industry certification.
                                             Once schools had reopened for in-person
                                             learning, several seniors wanted to
                                             complete a tiny house project they had
                                             started before school closures. The        From left, Carl Miranda, Eric Dawson, Yassir Flores, Gaby Cortez, Michael Grijalva,
                                             students had learned about homelessness    Moises Correa, Miguel Diaz and teacher Philip Siechert show off the dog "condo"
                                             as part of a district cross-curricular     they built and installed for pets at the Poverello House shelter.
                                             project overseen by teacher on special
                                             assignment Marc Patterson.
                                                                                        agricultural mechanics and engineering       “This community project is a perfect
                                             “They wanted to create and build           courses worked on the structure every        example of using one’s talents, passion,
                                             something for the community,” Siechert     day. Students in one class would pick        and hard work to serve others. The
                                             said.                                      up where the previous class had left off.    students and faculty that worked on this
                                                                                                                                     building project from start to finish have
A pet tries out the new doghouse stu-
                                             The tiny house project morphed into the    Though the seniors were done with
                                                                                                                                     directly impacted our community in a
dents built to support those living at the   doghouse project after learning that was   school a week before underclassmen,
                                                                                                                                     positive way,” Nolte said.
Poverello House.                             a pressing need at the Poverello House.    they returned to complete the project.
                                             Over three weeks, students in the five                           PREPARING CAREER READY GRADUATES                                                                                 Page 13
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