Page created by Earl Castro
           COURSE CATALOGUE – FALL 2018

F   Adult Foundations & LINC   F   High School Completion   F   Academies
F   Home-School Partnership    F   Career Development       F   On-line Learning
F   Personal Development       F   Facility Rentals         F   Arts & Hobbies

                          Register Now: 604-940-5550
Welcome To Delta Continuing Education

                                                           BECAUSE YOU NEVER STOP LEARNING….
                                           Delta School District’s Continuing Education branch has been part of this community for
                                           more than 50 years. The department is a past winner of the Canada Post Literacy Leadership
                                           Award and is certified by Employment and Social Development Canada. We offer hundreds
                                           of courses each year at sites throughout Delta, including adult literacy, high school completion,
                                           academies, on-line learning, workplace training, and a wide range of personal development
              Mission:                     courses for adults and youth.

         To enable all learners            Delta Continuing Education also manages rentals of School District facilities, including
     to succeed and contribute             Genesis Theatre in Ladner.
   their full potential to the future.
                                           This catalogue provides information about our wide range of programs as well as some
               Vision:                     highlighted educational programs presented by Delta School District.
     The Delta School District is a
leading district for innovative teaching
         and learner success.

   Caring, Respect, Responsibility,
       Community, Excellence

                                                                            DELTA BOARD OF EDUCATION
                                                            Back row: Nick Kanakos, Rhiannon Bennett, Bruce Reid, Dale Saip.
                                                                    Front Row: Val Windsor, Fabian Milat, Laura Dixon

               2                                                      REGISTER: 604-940-5550
Table of Contents
                          WELCOME TO DELTA                                                                                                    HOW TO REACH US:
                        CONTINUING EDUCATION                                                                              • CONTINUING EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION
HOW TO REGISTER FOR COURSES                                                                                                 4750 – 57th Street, Ladner, V4K 3C9
Registration Policies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                                                                            General information, Registration
Adult Foundations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
High School Completion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11                      • DELTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE
Career & Personal Development Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24                                          604-594-6100
                                                                                                                            11590 – 83rd Avenue, North Delta, V4C 0C8
ACADEMIC                                                                                                                    Adult Foundations, High School Completion, and Language
LINC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6     Instruction for Newcomers to Canada
Adult Foundations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
High School Completion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11                      CONTACTS:
Delta Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16         Student Services/
Language Challenge Exams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17                         High School Completion:      604-952-5328
Academies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
                                                                                                                          Facility Rentals:            604-952-5335
Home Quest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
                                                                                                                          Academies:                   604-952-5374
FACILITY RENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22                         Delta Access:      
Genesis Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23                                         604-599-6398
                                                                                                                          Early Childhood Education
                                                                                                                          (Basic):                  604-952-2815
Workplace & Computer Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Delta Teaching Assistant Certificate Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29                                      Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32                        (Post-Basic):             604-952-2860
                                                                                                                          Home Quest:                  604-597-8353
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES                                                                                              Life Skills/ Autism
First Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
                                                                                                                          Intervention:                604-952-2871
Personal Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Life Skills/ Autism Intervention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39                          LINC Program:                604-952-2923
Arts, Crafts, & Hobbies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40                  • WEBSITE:
DELTA SCHOOL DISTRICT PROGRAMS                                                                                               (Look for the “Continuing Education” button at the bottom
School District Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
                                                                                                                             of the home page)
Career & Apprenticeship Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
                                                                                                                          • E-MAIL:
                                                                                                                          • ON-LINE REGISTRATION:

                        REGISTER:                                                                                                   3
Registration Policies
                                            Class Postponements/ Holidays                     NSF Cheque & Credit Card Decline
 Please refer to program areas in           Regular school holidays apply to Continuing       Charges Apply
this catalogue for specific details         Education classes and facility rentals as well.   A fee of $20 applies to all cheques returned
about REGISTRATION procedures               Some other postponements may become               NSF and all credit cards that are declined.
           and policies:                    necessary at individual schools and you           Service charges are imposed on Delta
                                            will be informed if these affect any of your      School District for each such occurrence
                                            courses or bookings. Classes/ bookings will       and must be passed on to the cheque-issuer
              page 25                       be postponed on the following dates:              or credit card holder.
    • ADULT FOUNDATIONS: page 7             • Monday, OCTOBER 8:
                                                 Thanksgiving Day                             Privacy: Collecting and Storing
• HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION: page 11           • Wednesday, OCTOBER 31:                          Personal Information
                                                 Halloween Night (Classes are                 Any personal contact and registration
 Also, see specific programs for                 postponed in the evening only.)              information provided to Delta School
   APPLICATION information:                      Classes at DCC will run.                     District is collected and used in accordance
                                            • Monday, NOVEMBER 12:                            with the Freedom of Information and
             • LINC: page 6
                                                 Remembrance Day                              Protection of Privacy Act. To view our
        • Delta Access: page 16                                                               privacy statement, please visit: https://
                                            Fees Payable At Time of Registration    
         • Academies: page 18
                                            All tuition fees are payable at time of           education/registration-information/.       If
        • Home Quest: page 21               registration. Payment is required to reserve      you pay on-line through our secure, PCI-
                                            a space in class. Required taxes are included     compliant registration process, only your
• Teaching Assistant Certificate: page 29   in all fees for which they are required.          essential credit card details, in encrypted
 • Early Childhood Education: page 32                                                         form, are transmitted electronically.
                                            Please Mark Your Calendar
     • French Immersion: page 44            No confirmation of enrollment will be             Recordings In Class Prohibited
                                            sent to you, so please mark your calendar.        Please respect privacy rights and copyright
                                            If you register on-line, please print your        laws before recording images and audio in
                                            registration confirmation as a reminder.          the classroom. Taking photos, videos, or
                                                                                              audio recordings of instructors, classmates,
                                            Courses May Be Cancelled                          practicum settings, or in-class activities
                                            Delta Continuing Education reserves the           is strictly prohibited without the prior
                                            right to cancel a class due to insufficient       consent of the instructor and students (in
                                            enrollment, the unavailability of teachers        the case of adults) or parents (in the case of
                                            or facilities, or other reasonable causes. In     students below the age of consent).
                                            such cases, registrants will be notified by
                                            telephone and a full refund will be given.        Finding Course Locations
                                                                                              Detailed directions and maps to all Delta
                                            Withdrawing From A Class,                         schools may be found at
                                            Withdrawal Fee, and Refunds                       (click on the “Schools” tab).
                                            An administration fee of $20 for non-
                                            academic or $40 for academic programs will        Cancellations Due To Extreme
                                            be charged on your withdrawal. Refunds            Weather or Community Emergency
                                            may not be available for supplies or other        Classes may be cancelled in extreme
                                            non-tuition costs. Refunds are not given for      weather conditions or due to a major
                                            forgotten or missed classes, so please mark       community emergency. If Delta schools
                                            your calendar. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for      are closed during the day, please assume
                                            refunds to be processed. See the "HOW TO          that classes will be postponed that evening.
                                            REGISTER" section for specific withdrawal         Check your local radio stations for school
                                            policies.                                         cancellation information, or www.deltasd.
                                                                                     , or twitter: @deltasd37.

               4                                                       REGISTER: 604-940-5550
Welcome to Academic Upgrading
                  • Adult Foundations - English, Math, and Computers
                  • HSC - High School Completion Grades 11 and 12
                  • LINC - Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada

Delta Continuing Education offers a full range of academic upgrading courses from
English and Math Foundations to High School Completion at the Grade 11 and 12 levels.
Our advisors will help you with assessments, course placements, and short and long term
Educational goals.
*Lower level English Foundations courses are appropriate for Adult English Language
Learner students. New immigrants are welcome to attend our Language Instruction for
Newcomers to Canada (LINC).

                                                                                            The Continuing Education
                                                                                          branch of Delta School District
                                       Grade 11                                                    focuses on:
                                                                                          • Programs that offer the community
                                                                                          cultural, recreational, academic, and
                                                                                                vocational opportunities.
                                English Foundations 7
                                 Math Foundations 7                                       • Programs, in cooperation with other
                                                                                          agencies, organizations and institutes,
                                English Foundations 6                                        which address community needs.
                                   Writing 5/6/7                                          • Coordination and promotion of the
                                Math Foundations 4 - 6                                     effective community use of schools.

                                English Foundations 5

                            Info Tech 1 (Computer Basics)
                              English Foundations 3 & 4
                                    Reading 3 & 4
                                    Writing 3 & 4
                                      LINC 4-6
                                English Foundations 2
                                    Reading 1 & 2
                              Speaking & Listening 1 & 2
                                      LINC 1-3

                       REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                                  5
Language Instruction
                                                            for Newcomers to Canada
  Language Instruction for                LINC AT DELTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE
 Newcomers to Canada (LINC)               11590 – 83RD AVENUE, NORTH DELTA
        Program                           The Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program provides free basic
                                          English language courses to adult permanent residents.
    LINC provides adult basic and
intermediate level English training for   The program is free for Permanent Residents and Convention Refugees over the age of 17.
       Permanent Residents.               It is not for Canadian citizens or refugee claimants.
                                          Immigrants who wish to study in the LINC Program must first be tested at:
  Delta Community College offers          Surrey Language Assessment Centre
       LINC Literacy to LINC 6            Suite 202, 7337 - 137th Street, Surrey, BC - Phone: 604-507-4150.
morning, afternoon, or evening classes    Students going to the testing center for the first time should take a copy of immigration
      from Monday to Friday.              papers.
To find out if you are eligible, please   For further information:
call 604-952-2923 or 604-507-4150,        LINC phone: 604-952-2923
     or email          e-mail:

      LINK classes resume                 加拿大新移民语言指导课程(LINC)
         September 10                     LINC 为成年加拿大永久居民提供基础和中级水平的英语培训课程。
                                          如需了解自己是否符合就读条件,请致电:604-952-2923 或604-507-4150

                                          INGLES PARA INMIGRANTES EN CANADA
                                          LINC ofrece niveles básicos e intermedios en Ingles para adultos que son Residentes
                                          Permanentes en Canada. Si está interesado por favor llame al 604 952 2923 o al 604 507
                                          4150 o escriba al correo electrónico

              6                                                    REGISTER: 604-952-2923
Adult Foundations
                  English, Math and Computers
                    There is a $25.00 fee for supplementary materials
                           that students will write in and own.
                  REGISTRATION: FALL SCHEDULE 2018
                       - STRUCTURED CLASSES
 Courses are designed for any person in need of upgrading skills in English (Levels 1 to 7)
   and Math (Levels 4 to 7). We also offer Computer Classes for Beginning students.
           High school students are NOT eligible for Foundations courses.

                DELTA                                       DELTA MANOR
       COMMUNITY COLLEGE                                EDUCATION CENTRE
11590 – 83 Avenue, Delta BC V4C 0C8             4750 - 57 Street, Ladner V4K 3C9
604-594-6100		                                  604-594-6100
Ongoing Registration		                          Ongoing Registration                            ADULT FOUNDATIONS classes start
Phone for an Appointment                        Phone for an Appointment                                September 10
Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 4:00 pm                Monday – Friday        9:00 - 3:30pm
                      5:30 – 9:30 pm
Friday                8:30 – 12:00 noon                                                          ADULT FOUNDATIONS courses are
                                                                                                TUITION FREE for adult students who
WHO                                             Students must have valid picture ID,             have status in Canada and who are
Students must be at least 18 years of age       Proof of Status in Canada and one piece              ordinarily resident in B.C.
and not in regular day school.                  of evidence showing Proof of Residency              (A resource fee is required.)
                                                in British Columbia.
Make an appointment at one of our               Proof of status includes a Canadian birth                REGISTER NOW!
Registration Centers - assessments for          certificate or passport, Canadian citizenship
placement are booked morning, afternoon         card, Permanent Resident card, Refugee
and evening.                                    document, or one year Work Permit(to
Phone: 604-594-6100                             qualify with a work permit the student must
Email:                        have the intention of settling in BC).

                                                Proof of residency includes current
                                                BC Driver’s License, BC Identity card,
A change to the original registration will be
                                                utility bill, tenancy agreement, income
subject to a $20 processing fee. No refunds
                                                tax statement or property tax. All proof of
after the first class.
                                                residency must show name and
                                                current address.
Tuition Free Classes-Supplementary
                                                INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS /
materials $25.00.
All Canadian and Permanent Resident
                                                Adult Foundations courses - $600.00 each
adult students residing in British Columbia
                                                course. There will be no refunds after the
can take tuition free Literacy Foundations
                                                start of the first class. In the event of
coursesas part of the Ministry of Education’s
                                                unforeseen circumstances that are beyond
Education Guarantee. Both graduated and
                                                our control such as job action or inclement
non graduated students can take advantage
                                                weather , there will be no refunds.
of this tuition free opportunity to improve
their education.

                            REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                                  7
Adult Foundations
                                         ASSESSMENT BY APPOINTMENT                        English Foundations 6 - EF6 - This course
                                         ONLY - If you are unsure of your level           will assist students to improve their reading,
                                         come in for an assessment.                       writing, and oral skills in preparation for
                                         An assessment fee of $30.00 applies.             English 10. Paragraph writing is emphasized.
                                         Note: Third party billing assessments are
                                         $30.00 plus a $50.00 processing fee.             English Foundations 7 - EF7 – This
                                         Call Delta Community College to make an          course refines student skills developed in
                                         appointment 604-594-6100.                        Foundations 6 and prepares students for
                                                                                          English 11 or Communications 12. Essay
                                                  ADULT ENGLISH                           writing is introduced.
                                         All Adult English Foundations courses                   SUPPORT COURSES
                                         work toward student mastery of skills            Companion Speaking/Listening 1/2 -
                                         and understanding of English Language            CSL1/2 This course is for students with very
                                         Arts through instruction and practice            limited English language skills. The focus
                                         of oral language, reading and viewing,           of this course is on oral language. Students
 DELTA’S Literacy and Math                                                                will practice speaking and listening skills
Upgrading programs welcome               writing and representing.
                                                                                          through pronunciation, conversation, and
       VOLUNTEERS.                                                                        oral comprehension exercises.
                                         English Foundations 1 - This course
  Helping someone to speak, read or      provides very low level English speakers
 write English or understand Math can    with the opportunity to practice speaking        Companion Reading 1/2 - CR1/2 – This
be a rewarding experience. We provide    and listening to use simple sentences to         course is for students who have very limited
orientation each semester followed by    identify letters and sounds of the alphabet      English language skills and need support
 on-the-job training and supervision.    and to begin reading and writing basic           in reading. Students will work on basic
                                         words and ideas.                                 phonics, on understanding common words
Call 604-594-6100 for more information                                                    and symbols, and on responding to simple
                                         English Foundations 2 - EF2 - This course        written selections.
 ADULT FOUNDATIONS classes start
         September 10                    introduces the basic skills required for the
                                         next level of English Foundations. The focus     Companion Reading 3/4 - CR3/4 – This
                                         of this course is on beginning phonics,          course is designed for students who have an
                                         reading, and writing skills.                     intermediate level of skill and understanding
                                                                                          in reading English. Emphasis is placed on
                                         English Foundations 3 - EF3 – This               improving reading comprehension skills,
                                         program builds on Foundations 2 skills with      grammar, and vocabulary using a range of
                                         an emphasis on basic grammar, reading, and       reading materials. This course will have an
                                         vocabulary development. Students will            interactive component emphasizing speaking
                                         also develop listening and speaking skills       and listening as well as verbal expressions of
                                         needed for higher level courses.                 understanding, opinion and debate.

                                         English Foundations 4 - EF4 - This course        Companion Writing 3/4 - CW3/4 - This
                                         assists students to improve their reading        course is designed to support students in
                                         skills and vocabulary through extended           intermediate levels of English Foundations
                                         use and practice of grammar, spelling, and       (3 - 4). Emphasis is placed on practical
                                         writing. Students will begin to write short      application of writing skills and on
                                         paragraphs.                                      improving grammar and vocabulary.

                                         English Foundations 5 - EF5 - This course        Companion Writing 5/6/7 - CW5/6/7 –
                                         will provide opportunities for students to       This course is for students who are preparing
                                         read and understand a variety of written         for higher levels of English Foundations
                                         texts. Students will learn strategies to         study (Foundations 5 - 7). Emphasis is
                                         improve their reading as well as their ability   placed on practical applications of writing
                                         to express themselves both orally                skills and on improving vocabulary.

              8                                                    REGISTER: 604-594-6100
Adult Foundations
(Math Upgrading)

Math Foundations 4-7 - Teacher support
and instruction is provided in a multi-level
setting. Students work individually or in
small groups.

Math Level 5 – Students continue to work              TUITION-FREE
with the concepts of area and volume.                  COURSES!!
They are introduced to integers, ratios,
proportions and powers.                        Whether you have graduated or not,
                                               you can register for most ADULT
Math Level 4 -Students will become             FOUNDATIONS            and HIGH
familiar with fractions and area and will be   SCHOOL COMPLETION courses                DELTA ADULT FOUNDATIONS
introduced todecimals, percent, order of       without a tuition fee.                         courses feature:
operation andvolume.
                                                                                            • Continuous enrollment
                                               All Canadian and Permanent
Math Level 6 -Students work with the           Residents who are residing in BC can        • Free Educational Advising
concepts of polynomials, square roots,         take tuition-free academic courses
integers, and graphing. Prepares students                                               • Part time and full time programs
                                               as part of the Ministry of Education’s
for Math at the Grade 10 level.                Education Guarantee.                         • Day and evening classes

Math Level 7 -Students will work with          Students must show proof of status               DELTA MANOR
the concepts of operations on irrational       in Canada and proof of residency in            EDUCATION CENTRE
numbers, polynomials, linear functions,        British Columbia. Students under
and trigonometry. Prepares students for                                                      4750 - 57 Street, Ladner
                                               19 years of age must also provide
Math at the Grade 11 level.                    parent proof of status in Canada and                  V4K 3C9
                                               residency in British Columbia. A
INFO TECH FOUNDATIONS 1 - ITF-1                $100.00 refundable textbook deposit               DELTA
This is an introduction to computer skills,    will be required.                            COMMUNITY COLLEGE
keyboarding, MS Word, and Excel.
This coursealso includes instruction                                                           11590 - 83 Avenue
                                               For details, visit               North Delta
related to internet search skills, e-mail      and click the “CONTINUING
basics, attachments and photos. English                                                            V4C 0C8
                                               EDUCATION” button on the home
Foundations 3 or higher is recommended.        page.

                          REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                           9
Adult Foundations
ENGLISH SKILLS UPGRADING in South Delta                                      ONGOING REGISTRATION
• TUITION FREE Literacy Foundations Courses for                FEATURES
  Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents, Refugees, and         · Continuous Enrollment
  workers with a one year Work Visa ( to qualify with a work    · Part time and full time programs
  visa the student must have the intention of settling in BC)   · Placement assessment - ($30 per assessment)
• Supplementary Materials $25.00                                · Free Educational Advising
                                                                · Early Registration
• Build confidence in reading, writing, and speaking           · Day and evening classes
• Improve workplace readiness or proficiency
• Prepare for High School Completion, TOEFL, LPI, or IELTS
                                                                                 Delta Community College
                                                                           11590 83 Avenue, North Delta V4C 0C8
               Delta Manor Education Centre                      MONDAY & WEDNESDAY 8:30AM - 12:00 NOON
        4750 57 Street Ladner V4K 3C9                            Companion Speaking / Listening 1/2      EF 1 - 111
                  Room 110                                       English Foundations 3/4                 EF3/4 - 111
            (close to the bus loop)                              English Foundations 4/5                 EF4A/5 - 111
WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY 9:00AM - 12:30PM                              English Foundations 6/7                 EF6/7 111
Companion Speaking / Listening 1/2       CSL1/2 - 121            MONDAY & WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY 12:30PM - 2:50PM
TUESDAY & THURSDAY 9:00AM - 12:30PM                              Companion Speaking 1/2                  CSL 1/2 - 113
English Foundations 3 to 7               EF3/4/5/6/7 - 122       MONDAY, TUESDAY & THURSDAY 12:30PM - 2:50PM
                                                                 Companion Writing 5/6/7                 CW5/6/7 - 112M
                                                                 MONDAY & WEDNESDAY 6:00PM - 9:30PM
                                                                 Companion Reading 1/2                   CR1/2 - 115
                                                                 English Foundations 1/2                 EF1/2 - 115
                                                                 English Foundations 3/4                 EF3/4 - 115
                                                                 English Foundations 5/6                 EF5/6 - 115
                                                                 English Foundations 7                   EF7 - 115
                                                                 TUESDAY & THURSDAY 8:30AM - 12:00 NOON
                                                                 English Foundations 2                   EF2 - 112
                                                                 Companion Writing 3/4                   CW3/4 - 112
                                                                 Information Technology Foundations 1A ITF1A - 112
                                                                 TUESDAY & THURSDAY 12:30PM - 4:00PM
                                                                 Information Technology Foundations 1 ITF1 - 114
                                                                 Math Foundations 4 - 7                  MF4-7 - 114
                                                                 TUESDAY & THURSDAY 6:00PM - 9:30PM
                                                                 Companion Speaking / Listening 1/2      CSL1/2 - 116
                                                                 Information Technology Foundations 1 ITF1 - 116
                                                                 Math Foundations 4-7                    MF4-7 - 116
                                                                 FRIDAY 9:00 - 12:00 NOON
                                                                 Companion Reading 3/4                   CR 3/4 - 117
                                                                 Companion Writing 3 - 7                 CW 3-7 - 117

               10                                                REGISTER: 604-594-6100
High School Completion
Registration must be in person only. Valid picture identification required
No refunds for High School Completion courses after the first day of class.
Delta Manor Education Centre 604 594-6100 Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Delta Community College 604 594-6100 Mon - Thurs 8:30 - 4:00 pm, Fri 8:30 - 12:00 pm
Evening registration is available at the Delta Community College Mon-Thurs 5:30 – 9:30 pm .
Please phone 604-952-2924 or email

GENERAL INFORMATION                              REGISTRATION FEES Course Deposit
All Canadian and Permanent Resident             $100.00 - All High School Completion
adult students residing in British              courses require a $100.00 refundable                      Register now !
Columbia can take TUITION FREE                  course deposit. If there is no change to the
academic courses as part of the Ministry        student’s registration the deposit will be      • Academic courses are tuition-free!
of Education’s Education Guarantee.             refunded when the course is completed.          • Choices suit your learning needs:
Students must provide TWO pieces                Student initiated changes such as a course       teacher-led, selfpaced, or on-line
of ID: one showing proof of Status              transfer, course drop, or student withdrawal
in Canada and one showing proof of              as a result of non attendance will be subject       • Gain personal satisfaction
residency in British Columbia.                  to a $40.00 processing fee.
                                                                                                • Improve your career opportunities
Proof of Status includes a Canadian
birth certificate or passport, Canadian         COURSE TRANSFER/WITHDRAWAL                         • Meet entry requirements or
citizenship card, Certificate of Indian         **Each change to the original registration               improve a grade
Status, Enhanced        Driver’s License,       (transfers, drops, withdrawals) will be
Permanent Resident card, Refugee                subject to a $40.00 processing fee which
document, or one year Work Permit.(To           will be deducted from the course deposit.
                                                                                                A refundable course deposit of $100
qualify with a one year work permit, the        International Students/Visitors taking
                                                                                                  is required for all HIGH SCHOOL
student must have the intention of settling     High School Completion courses $800.00
in BC.)                                         Course Fee plus $100.00 Refundable                      COMPLETION courses.
Proof of Residency includes a current           Textbook Deposit**
BC Driver’s License or BCID. A current
utility bill, tenancy agreement, income         STUDY VISA APPLICATION - $200.00                The deposit will be returned when the
tax statement or property tax can also be       ASSESSMENT FEE - $30.00                                course is completed.
used, but must show name and current
address to be acceptable. NOTE - For            No refunds for High School Completion
students under 19, parents’ proof of status     courses after the first day of class.
in Canada and proof of residency is also
required.                                       Graduated adults who stop attending after
                                                two thirds of the course will be considered
DAY SCHOOL STUDENTS                             to have not completed the course and will
All Delta day school students must              receive a failing mark.
provide a CE 1234 form completed and
signed by their counsellor before they          HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION
can register for an adult class. A mature
attitude is essential. Day school students      We can help you if you need to:
from other districts are not eligible to        • Complete an Adult Graduation
enroll.                                             Diploma. Earn more credits towards
                                                    your regular graduation program.
PREREQUISITES                                   • Improve your grade in a course or re-
When registering for a High School                  write a Provincial exam.
Completion course, students must present        • Complete a pre-requisite course for a
proof of prerequisite such as a high school         post-secondary program.
transcript/report card or be prepared to
write an assessment. ($30.00 fee may apply)

                          REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                                   11
High School Completion
                                         ADULT GRADUATION DIPLOMA                                     2004 GRADUATION DIPLOMA
                                         20 credits or 5 courses                                      Enrolled in Grade 10 after July 1, 2004
                                                                                                      *(Transitioning to 2018 GRADUCATION
                                         1. English 12                                               DIPLOMA.)
                                            or Communications 12 . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
                                         2. One of: Math 11 or 12,                                   REQUIRED COURSES
                                            or Accounting 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits   1. Language Arts 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
                                         3. Three grade 12 courses or Social Studies                 2. A Language Arts 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
                                            11 and two grade 12 courses. . . 12 credits               3. A Language Arts 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
                                                                                                      4. Social Studies 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
                                         TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CREDITS    5. A Social Studies 11 or BC First Nations
                                                                                                          Studies 12 (when available). . . . . 4 credits
                                         Note: Students must request an Adult                         6. Science 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
 ADULT DOGWOOD DIPLOMA                   Diploma upon completion of their final course.               7. A Science 11 or 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
GIVES ADULT LEARNERS MORE                The Adult Diploma is acceptable with most                    8. A Mathematics 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
                                         post-secondary institutions but specific                     9. A Mathematics 11 or 12. . . . . . . . . 4 credits
                                         prerequisite courses may be required by                      10. Physical Education 10. . . . . . . . . 4 credits
The British Columbia Adult Graduation    some post-secondary programs.                                11. Planning 10 or
 Diploma gives you one more option       DO YOUR RESEARCH!                                                   Career Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 credits
   for completing your high school                                                                    12. Arts Education and/or
       graduation… tuition-free!         ADULT DIPLOMA STUDENTS                                             Applied Design, Skills,
                                         1. Must be 18 years old and not in regular                         & Tech 10, 11 or 12. . . . . . . . . .  4 credits
The Adult Graduation Diploma requires
                                            day school.                                               13. *Career Life Connections
 the completion of only five subjects,
                                         2. Must complete at least three courses                            (when available) . . . . . . . . . . . .  4 credits*
  including Math 11 and English 12.
                                            after enrolling in the Adult Diploma                      Total Foundation Courses
                                            Program.                                                  . . . . . . . . . .48 credits 2004 Grad Diploma
                                                                                                      . . . . . . . *(52 credits 2018 Grad Diploma)

                                                                                                      ADDITIONAL ELECTIVE COURSES
                                                                                                      • Grade 10, 11 or 12 Ministry-
                                                                                                          Authorized course
                                                                                                      • External Credentials
                                                                                                      • Board/Authority Authorized courses
                                                                                                      • Post-secondary          credits,             and/or
                                                                                                          Independent Direct Studies
                                                                                                      Total Elective Courses . . . . . . . 28 Credits
                                                                                                      Career Life Connections or
                                                                                                      Graduation Transitions . . . . . . . . . .  4 credits
                                                                                                      OVERALL TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . 80 credits

                                                                                                      Of the 80 credits needed for graduation,
                                                                                                      at least 16 credits must be at the Grade 12
                                                                                                      level, including a Grade 12 Language Arts
                                                                                                      course and 12 other credits. These may be
                                                                                                      from Required Courses or elective credits
                                                                                                      (see table above for ways to earn elective

             12                                                           REGISTER: 604-594-6100
High School Completion
   COURSE DESCRIPTIONS                          measurement, geometry, and formula              Foundations of Math 11 DIAL focuses
                                                calculations, and graphing are explored,        on problem solving, properties of angles,
High School Completion Courses are              along with the mathematics of budgeting         sine and cosine laws, inequalities in two
based on the BC Ministry of Education’s         and finance.                                    variables, and quadratic functions and
Integrated Resource Packages.                                                                   proofs.
                                                Biology 12 DIAL is a study of the human
NOTE: A grade 10 level of English or            body from cell structure to system anatomy.     Foundations of Math 12 DIAL focuses
English Foundations 7 is essential for          Calculus 12 DIAL– preparation for first year    on financial mathematics, leasing versus
successful completion of any grade 11 or        university calculus with a focus on limits,     buying, functions and relations, numerical
12 course.                                      differentiation, applications of derivatives,   and logical reasoning and problem solving.
                                                integration and applications of integrals.      Students will require a graphing calculator.
THE WORD DIAL IN ITS TITLE WILL                 Chemistry 11 DIAL is an introductory            Physics 11 DIAL – it is concerned with
BE COMPUTER BASED.                              course to a variety of chemical concepts,       the basic laws of nature and stimulates
SEE PAGE 15 FOR HIGH SCHOOL                     such as phases, the mole and balancing          the imagination. Topics studied include:
COMPLETION SCHEDULE                             equations as well as chemical principles.       Motion in one dimension: Energy: Waves
                                                A review of math at the grade 10 level is       and Photons and the transmission of
Accounting 11 DIAL                              recommended.                                    Energy.
Students gain theoretical accounting
knowledge which forms a sound basis for         Chemistry 12 DIAL is a theoretical course       Physics 12 DIAL – Topics include: Motion
understanding financial record keeping.         about chemical reactions, acids and bases       in two dimensions, Energy, Electrostatics,
Broad themes of the courses include:            and electrochemistry.                           Electric Circuitss and Electromagnetism.
Accounting Concepts, Financial Data,                                                            Physics 12 topics are extended to real life
Presentation, and Analysis.       Students      Communications 12          focuses    on        application, giving students an excellent
will use this information as they work in       practical applications of the English           foundation for future studies in Science,
businesses or operate their own enterprises.    language by improving understanding and         Engineering and Physics.
This class is computer based with a teacher     development of written, verbal and visual
present for every class.                        communications.                                 Planning 12 DIAL (available for students
                                                                                                in the Adult Grad Program only) Career
Applied Digital Communications 11               English 11 focuses on analyzing, evaluating     and Personal Planning is a study of career
Students will develop advanced ICT skills       and appreciating literary, informational, and   options, resume and cover letter writing,
and knowledge. They will learn how to           visual texts; and using proper conventions      post-secondary      education,   financial
create different types of documents and         of language and elements of style to enhance    planning, and health issues.
multimedia files, and evaluate software,        meaning and artistry.
procedures, and technology                                                                      Pre-Calculus 11 DIAL –preparation for
                                                English 12 focuses on the same concepts         Pre-Calculus 12 with a focus on sequences
Applied Digital Communications 12               as English 11, but distinction is further       and series, quadratic functions, rational and
This course is an extension of Applied          articulated through the complexity of the       absolute value equations and trigonometry.
Digital Communications 11. Students will        text and the situation.
use the 11 level skills & knowledge to work                                                     Pre-Calculus 12 DIAL – preparation for
on individualized projects/portfolios.          Family Studies 12 DIAL focuses on               Calculus 12 with a focus on exponential and
                                                families in society and interpersonal family    logarithmic functions, radical and rational
Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10            relations. First Nations Studies 12 DIAL        functions, transformations, combinations
DIAL(for adults only) prepares students         addresses the history of First Nations people   and trigonometry.
for the workplace with practical applications   in BC from prior to European contact up
of measurement, geometry and formula            to the present day, including traditions,       Social Studies 11 DIAL is a study of
manipulation. Business applications such        contact, arts, culture and contemporary         Canada in the twentieth century, its
as wages and commission are also explored.      issues.                                         government structure, laws, and geography.
                                                                                                The course also addresses global issues that
Apprenticeship and Workplace Math               Law 12 DIAL is an introduction to the           affect Canada
11 DIAL Real-world applications of              study of Canadian Law.

                           REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                                      13
High School Completion
                                            DELTA INDIVIDUALIZED ADULT LEARNING (DIAL)
                                  The DIAL program provides adult students with the opportunity to progress through one of
                                  several BC Ministry of Education approved courses available while having access to teacher
                                  instruction and guidance in a supportive and friendly classroom atmosphere. Although
                                  most courses contain an online/computer-assisted component, the DIAL program differs
                                  from distributed learning ( Delta Access) in that classes are conducted onsite; students are
                                  expected to attend regularly; a teacher supports and assesses student progress and courses
                                  must be completed in one semester.

                                  Students who do not complete a course within the allotted time (one semester) will be
                                  considered to have “not successfully completed the course” and may re-register in the DIAL
                                  program the following semester and take the entire course again.

                                  Individuals progress at different rates and so some students may complete a course before
                                  the end of the semester. English 10 or English Foundations 6/7 is required to register for
                                  a DIAL course.

                                                 HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION DIAL CLASSES
                                        ON-SITE, TEACHER SUPPORTED, INDIVIDUALIZED LEARNING
DELTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE,                        COURSES:                Delta Community    Delta Community     North Delta Secondary
                                                                             College            College               Mon / Wed
 11590 – 83rd Avenue, North             Term 1: Sept 17- Jan 21            Mon / Wed            Mon / Wed          6:30pm – 9:30pm
            Delta                                                       9:00am – 12:00pm     6:30pm – 9:30pm
  Our new, well-equipped centre    Accounting 11                                                               Sept 17 - Jan 9
   provides quality educational
                                   Apprentice and Work Math 10       Sept 17 - Jan 9       Sept 17 - Jan 9     Sept 17 - Jan 9
       programs for adults:
                                   Apprentice and Work Math 11       Sept 17 - Jan 9       Sept 17 - Jan 9     Sept 17 - Jan 9
       • Adult Foundations
                                   Apprentice and Work Math 12       Sept 17 - Jan 21      Sept 17 - Jan 21    Sept 17 - Jan 21
    • High School Completion
                                   Biology 12                        Sept 17 - Jan 21      Sept 17 - Jan 21
   • Language Instruction for      Calculus 12                                                                 Sept 17 - Jan 21
  Newcomers to Canada (LINC)
                                   Chemistry 11                                            Sept 17 - Jan 9
                                   Chemistry 12                                            Sept 17 - Jan 21
                                   Family Studies 12                 Sept 17 - Jan 21      Sept 17 - Jan 21
                                   First Nations Studies 12          Sept 17 - Jan 21      Sept 17 - Jan 21
                                   Foundations of Math 11            Sept 17 - Jan 9       Sept 17 - Jan 9     Sept 17 - Jan 9
                                   Foundations of Math 12                                                      Sept 17 - Jan 21
                                   Law 12                            Sept 17 - Jan 21      Sept 17 - Jan 21
                                   Physics 11                                                                  Sept 17 - Jan 9
                                   Physics 12                                                                  Sept 17 - Jan 21
                                   Planning 12                       Sept 17 - Jan 21      Sept 17 - Jan 21
                                   Pre-Calculus 11                                         Sept 17 - Jan 9     Sept 17 - Jan 9
                                   Pre-Calculus 12                                         Sept 17 - Jan 21    Sept 17 - Jan 21
                                   Social Studies 11                 Sept 17 - Jan 9       Sept 17 - Jan 9

           14                                                     REGISTER: 604-594-6100
High School Completion
                            DELTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE
                  Term 1                  September 18, 2018 – January 17, 2019
English 11                           Sept 18 – Jan 8          Sept 18 – Jan 8
English 12                           Sept 18 - Jan 17         Sept 18 - Jan 17
Communications 12                    Sept 18 - Jan 17         Sept 18 - Jan 17
Applied Digital Communications 11    Sept 18 – Jan 8          Sept 18 – Jan 8
Applied Digital Communications 12    Sept 18 - Jan 17         Sept 18 - Jan 17

                              Delta Adult Study Hall (DASH)                                           DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS
DASH sessions run Monday and Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00 noon, 12:30-4:00 or 6:30-9:30PM,                  ABOUT COMPLETING YOUR
at Delta Community College, pending available space. These sessions are tuition free.                  GRADUATION DIPLOMA?
If you are an adult on-line learner or a mature senior student (grade 11 or 12) taking an on-
line course and you are finding it difficult to stay motivated or to get beyond a particular            Call Delta Community College
section of a course, how about a change of scenery? Try our scheduled work sessions with a               at 604-594-6100 or e-mail to
teacher present for support and encouragement.                                                  

DASH sessions run concurrently with our DIAL (Delta Individualized Adult Learning)
classes. They provide the opportunity for on-line students to develop a regular school work
                                                                                                     Now is an excellent time to complete
schedule, to have access to a quiet place to work twice a week, to have access to a computer (or
                                                                                                          your Graduation Diploma!
bring your own lap-top), as well as a teacher to provide support and encouragement to keep
                                                                                                    Make an appointment with one of our
moving forward. Attending these sessions also allows on-line students to be part of a cohort
                                                                                                   advisors to help you with your grad plan:
group working toward the same goal.
Students are responsible for bringing their own texts and materials, doing their own work
and for staying in contact with their on-line teacher regarding curriculum, instruction, and
assessment. DASH is free of charge. Register early as space is limited.                                 HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION
                                                                                                        courses begin September 17!
                                                                                                               Register now!

                          REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                                        15
Delta Access
               DELTA ACCESS                 Online Learning for Secondary Students
                                            Delta School District is pleased to provide online learning opportunities for those interested in
 Online Learning for Secondary              courses at the grades 10-12 level. You can expect that by enrolling in an online course through
           Students                         Delta School District that you will receive a rich educational experience taught by highly
                                            qualified teaching staff. Online curriculum will be supported by frequent communication
  Online learning offers opportunities to   through a variety of electronic means and, if you are in the BC Lower Mainland area, by
meet provincial learning outcomes using     optional face-to-face communication as well.
   technologies that provide access at
times and places convenient to students.    Students might choose an online course for a variety of reasons:
                                            • You want to compress the time period in which to complete the course.
 Visit for information.
                                            • You have a conflict in your timetable.
                                            • Your school does not offer a course you want.
                                            • You want to experience an online learning course.
    Secondary School Courses                • You have a different learning style.
        Available Online                    • You are not attending school and need the credits towards graduation.
• Accounting 11                             • You would like to upgrade a course that you have previously failed or taken and want a
                                                higher mark.
• BC First Nations Studies 12
• Biology 11 and 12                         All BC residents are fully funded by the Ministry of Education. Graduated Adults are no
• Calculus 12                               longer funded for academic upgrading courses (contact us for more details). A $40 fully
                                            refundable course deposit is required for each course. Any change to the original registration
• Chemistry 11 and 12                       (withdrawal or transfer) will be subject to a $40 processing fee, which will be deducted from
• Communications 11 and 12                  this deposit.
• English 10, 11, and 12
                                            If you wish to take an entire course of studies through DeltaAccess, you can register as a full
• Family Studies                            time Distributed Learning student and the District can provide you with other, additional
• Geography 12                              support. Please contact us at 604-599-6398 as we will have to arrange to have you meet with
                                            an advisor to create your grad plan.
• History 12
• Law 12                                    For more information, including registration and course selection, please visit
• Math 10 A and W, and Pre-Calculus
• Math 11 A and W, Foundations,
and Pre-Calculus
• Math 12 Foundations and
• PE 10 and 11
• Physics 11 and 12
• Planification 10
• Planning 10 and 12
• Science 10
• Science and Tech 11
• Social Studies 10 and 11

                 16                                                   REGISTER: 604-594-6100
Language Challenge
Are you already fluent in an additional          The following courses are offered as
language and interested in gaining               Language Challenge exams:
secondary credit for it?
                                                 •   French 11/12
LANGUAGE CHALLENGE EXAMS                         •   Japanese 11/12
                                                 •   Korean 11/12
Delta School District’s Continuing               •   Mandarin (simplified) 11/12
Education branch has coordinated the             •   Mandarin (traditional) 11/12
Language Challenge exams annually since          •   Punjabi 11/12
2002 in collaboration with the Coast-            •   Spanish 11/12
Metro Challenge Consortium, a steering
committee representing twelve local school       Exams will be conducted in Ladner on
districts.                                       January 26 and 27, 2019.
                                                 Deadline for application is November 2,         Gain secondary credit for the
According to Ministry of Education               2018                                           additional language you already
policies, all students are entitled to request                                                               know.
an opportunity to challenge courses for          For more information or application,
credit. The challenge exam process permits       contact   your  school’s   counselling
secondary students who have already              department or Continuing Education at          LANGUAGE CHALLENGE EXAMS
acquired the appropriate learning elsewhere      604-940-5550.
to obtain full credit and a percentage                                                      •    French 11/12
grade for a language course. It is highly        Detailed information and the Application
                                                                                            •    Japanese 11/12
recommended that you check with your             Package is also available at:
intended university for their admissions       •    Korean 11/12
requirements.                                    challenge-exams/
                                                                                            •    Mandarin (simplified) 11/12
                                                                                            •    Mandarin (traditional) 11/12
                                                                                            •    Punjabi 11/12
                                                                                            •    Spanish 11/12

                                                                                                   Deadline for application is
                                                                                                      November 2, 2018

                          REGISTER: 604-594-6100                                                                  17
Academy Programs
                                          Academy programs are District run elective     DANCE ACADEMY
                                          classes that may or may not take place at      Delta Secondary
                                          a different high school than where the         Gr. 8 – 12 Males & Females
                                          student attends. Programs are credited         Coordinated by DSS Teacher, Jessica
                                          courses scheduled within the school day.       McMillan, this academy offers students the
                                          These courses fulfill students’ graduation     opportunity to work with local professional
                                          requirements. Transportation between           dance instructors, Jyla Davis, Melissa
                                          Delta schools is available for most            Pribula and Jessica Caldera. Students will
                                          academies. Students from both out-of-          be exposed to multiple forms of dance,
                                          catchment and out-of-district are eligible     developing their technical skills in both
                                          to participate in an academy program. Out-     choreography and performance. Jazz and
                                          of-district students must be registered at a   ballet training is recommended.
                                          Delta school. Delview Secondary’s courses      (2 block program every other afternoon)
                                          are not compatible nor are any grades 9-12
                                          courses at North Delta Secondary.              FILM ACTING ACADEMY
     ACADEMY PROGRAMS                                                                    The Studio –
                                          Applying is a two-part process:                Delta Manor Education Centre
                                          1. Apply through Student Connect               Gr. 8-12 Males & Females
 are an example of Delta’s commitment
                                          2. And also through online registration        Coordinated by SDSS Drama Teacher,
to offering choice programs that enable
                                              on the Delta Academies website             Jennifer Harbott, this academy offers
   learners to engage in their passion
                                                                                         aspiring film and television actors the
          during the school day.          For online application, fees, videos,          opportunity to work with local actors,
                                          program content and transportation             Cameron Bancroft, Alex Zahara and other
                                          information, visit us at: deltaacademies.      talented guest instructors. Students will
   For further information please         ca or call 604 952-5374.                       take on a serious study of on-camera work
              contact:                                                                   including auditioning, scene study, and
            604-952-5374                  BASEBALL ACADEMY                               meeting with industry professionals to guide
                                          Sands Secondary                                their learning (including agents, casting
                                          Gr. 8 – 12 Males & Females                     directors, acting coaches, etc.). Students
                                          The Baseball Academy is coached by,            will work on career development for success
                                          legendary former National team coach John      in Vancouver's vibrant film acting industry
                                          Haar. John’s resume is extensive including,    where we are the third largest film and
                                          founder of the National Baseball Institute,    TV production center in North America!
                                          and International Baseball Federation’s        Students will work in collaboration with
                                          top coach in 1992. John is also a two-time     students in the Film Production Academy.
                                          Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame inductee as     (2 block program every other afternoon)
                                          a builder and coach, and a longtime coach of
                                          the PBL’s North Shore Twins. Students will     FILM PRODUCTION
                                          also work with several very qualified local    The Studio -
                                          coaches and also Sands Secondary Teacher       Delta Manor Education Centre
                                          Coordinator Kevin Dalgetty. Students in        Gr. 8 – 12 Males & Females
                                          this academy are offered the opportunity to    Coordinated by SDSS Drama teacher
                                          develop and refine their baseball skills and   Jennifer Harbott, this academy is designed
                                          fitness levels throughout the entire school    for aspiring young film, television and
                                          year.                                          documentary makers interested in learning
                                          (2 block program every other afternoon).       the artistic and technical aspects of
                                                                                         storytelling in pre-production, production
                                                                                         and post-production processes from leading
                                                                                         industry professionals: Garnet Campbell
                                                                                         and Sandra Almond. This academy is
                                                                                         ideal for students wanting to develop a
                                                                                         successful career in Vancouver's vibrant

Academy Programs
film acting industry where we are the third     GOLF BEACH GROVE
largest film and TV production center           (SOUTH END)
in North America! Students will work in         Gr. 8 – 12 Males & Females
collaboration with students in the Film         The Golf Academy is designed to improve
Acting Academy. (Grade 8, 2-block program       individual golf skills, golf IQ and improve
every other morning and Grade 9 to 12,          student’s golf specific conditioning within
2-block program every other afternoon)          the regular schedule of classes. This program
                                                is coached by Teacher Coordinator Bryce
FILM VISUAL EFFECTS (VFX)                       Hamade, PGA of Canada Coaches Chris
The Studio –                                    Lutes and Nate Beauchamp and golf fitness
Delta Manor Education Centre                    coach Lindsay Manion. The academy
Gr. 8 – 12 Males & Females                      includes a 12 month junior membership
This academy is designed for aspiring           plus unlimited range balls during academy
young Visual Effects Artists (VFX)! Work        sessions. This academy meets the needs of
with top Vancouver Industry professionals       golfers from beginner to elite.
to learn the basics key components of           (2 block program every other afternoon)
VFX. Learn the basics of: photography,
modeling, texturing, lighting, rigging,         DELTA LACROSSE ACADEMY
rotoscoping, matte painting, compositing,       South Delta Secondary
dynamics, rendering to name a few! This         Gr. 8 – 12 Males & Females
program is run with the support of CG           The Lacrosse Academy is coached by Evan
Masters Professional Training Centre. This      Messenger, a professional NLL box player for
academy is ideal for students wanting to        the Vancouver Stealth, accomplished guest
develop a successful career in Vancouver's      community coaches including professional
vibrant film industry where we are the          NLL box player Logan Schuss, and by
third largest film and TV production center     former New Westminster Salmonbellies
in North America! Students will work in         Mann Cup-winning coach John Hannah.
collaboration with students in the Film         Students in this academy will further
Acting Academy and Film Production              develop their lacrosse skills and core fitness.
Academies to experience a real world            College recruitment opportunities and                   SPORTS ACADEMIES
collaborative process.                          support applying for athletic scholarships is       Delta offers a full range of sports
(2 block program every other morning)           available. The program includes knowledge
                                                                                                  Academies (seven and growing!) from
                                                on sport nutrition, injury management, stick
                                                                                                             Baseball to Golf.
GOLF SEAQUAM SECONDARY                          stringing, athletic psychology and a variety
(NORTH END)                                     of cross training activities. This program
Seaquam Secondary                               is overseen by Teacher Coordinator Patty
Gr. 8 – 12 Males & Females                      Burr who has extensive lacrosse knowledge          Students and Teacher Coordinators,
The Golf Academy is designed to improve         which includes Minor President Delta                driven towards excellence in their
individual golf skills, golf IQ and improve     Lacrosse, Coaching Coordinator, Senior                chosen sport, work alongside
student’s golf specific conditioning within     Pioneers Lacrosse management, coach               professionals, athletes, and coaches to
the regular schedule of classes. This program   for both, boys and girls box and field                       build their skills.
is coached by, Teacher Coordinator Bryce        lacrosse, coach/sponsor of the South Delta               VISIT:
Hamade, PGA of Canada Coaches Chris             Secondary lacrosse program as well as being
Lutes and Nate Beauchamp and golf fitness       a former competitive player herself.
coach Lindsay Manion. The academy               (2 block program every other afternoon)
includes a 12 month junior membership at
Delta Golf Course plus up to 6,000 range
balls. This academy meets the needs of
golfers from beginner to elite.
(2 block program every other afternoon)

                  REGISTER:                                                                 19
Academy Programs
                                         PERFORMANCE ACADEMY                            SOFTBALL ACADEMY
                                         DMEC                                           Seaquam Secondary
                                         Gr. 8 – 12 Males & Females                     Gr. 8 - 12 Females
                                         The Performance Academy works in               This academy is overseen by Teacher
                                         partnership with Vancouver Opera (VO)          Coordinator, Paige Collings (former
                                         and is designed for students who love          member of Team Canada) and Head
                                         theatre and music! This academy will offer     Coach, Ron Clarke. Ron has over 20 years
                                         the class the opportunity (with support) to    of experience as a National Team Coach
                                         write their own music and theatre piece and    (Sydney Olympics, Pan-Am Games, World
                                         present it at the Vancouver Opera Festival     Championship in Japan). Ron coaches with
                                         and around the district. Students will study   Susan Desrosiers (20+ years coaching at
                                         voice, acting and script/score writing with    the elite level), Larissa Franklin (current
                                         master teaching artists and attend VO’s        member of Team Canada), and Sara
                                         dress rehearsals with backstage access.        Hopwood-Riske (current Senior National
                                         Opportunities for apprenticeship programs      Team member). Students develop their
                                         are available. This program is overseen by     softball skills through in-field fundamentals
                                         Teacher Coordinator Paige Hansen.              and sport-specific skill development and
                                         (2 block program every other afternoon)        training.
                                                                                        (2 block program every other afternoon)
                                         SOCCER ACADEMY
                                         Sands Secondary
                                         Gr. 8 -12 Males & Females
                                         This academy is coached by Martin
                                         Bittengl, a former professional player from
                                         the Czech Republic, as well as professional
                                         coaches, Mark Pennington and Ajit
                                         Braich. This program offers outstanding
    ACADEMY PROGRAMS                     skill development opportunities to soccer
 provide choice in education to          players with a passion and commitment
             high                        to improve their skills and abilities. This
   school students in Delta.             program is overseen by former UBC
                                         assistant coach and Sands Soccer Academy
                                         Teacher Coordinator Lucas Serres
Academy programs are credited courses,   (2 block program every other afternoon)
 scheduled within the school day, that
    fulfill graduation requirements.     SOCCER ACADEMY
                                         South Delta Secondary
                                         Gr. 8 – 12 Males & Females
       VISIT:          This academy is coached by Vancouver
                                         86’ers FC player and South Delta
                                         Teacher Coordinator, Stephen Burns
                                         and assistant coaches, Martin Bittengl,
                                         a former professional player from the
                                         Czech Republic, Paul Bahia who is a
                                         former Whitecaps FC Prospects player/
                                         coach, Nico Marcina and Andy Singh.
                                         This program offers outstanding skill
                                         development opportunities to soccer
                                         players with a passion and commitment to
                                         improve their skills and abilities.
                                         (2 block program)

Home Quest
                                     HOME QUEST


                         The ultimate in diversified learning.
The Home Quest program offers the opportunity to learn with your child at home, while
also having access to group outings, a resource library, the support of certified teachers, Delta
School District report cards and other benefits

✔✔ Certified B.C. teachers offer families guidance and support on navigating the BC
   Curriculum and developing individualized student learning plans.

✔✔ Studentsmayopttocometoourclassesonceortwiceaweekand/ormakeuseofmemberships
   to online educational programs like A-Z Learning, All the Right Type, and Mathletics.

✔✔ Families may choose to go on frequently offered field trips and attend workshops that
   connect them to the curriculum, community and one another.

✔✔ As a public education program Home Quest is free to all BC Residents and offers
   funding to families throughout the year.

Located at Annieville Elementary, 9240 112th Street in North Delta.

Contact Home Quest:                                                                                 CONSIDERING ALTERNATIVE
Jenny Slinn, Coordinator: 604.597.8353                                                              OPTIONS FOR YOUR CHILD’S
e-mail:                                                                           EDUCATION?

                                                                                                         Contact Home Quest

                                                                                                       Jenny Slinn, Coordinator
                                                                                                         phone: 604.597.8353
                                                                                                       address: 9240 112 Street
                                                                                                          Delta, BC V4C 4X8

Facility Rentals
                                              DELTA SCHOOL DISTRICT                             TERMS AND CONDITIONS
                                              FACILITY RENTALS                                  GOVERNING USE OF SCHOOL
                                              The Continuing Education branch                   FACILITIES
                                              coordinates community use of schools and          Rental groups must agree to the “Terms
                                              School District facilities throughout the         and Conditions Governing Use of School
                                              year. Facilities available for rent include       Facilities”, which are provided with the
                                              gymnasiums, classrooms, multipurpose              rental agreement. This form outlines
                                              rooms, filming locations, and theatres.           policies on charges, damages, accident
                                                                                                and liability insurance, supervision, fire
                                              Facilities are generally available for            safety, use of equipment, liquor licences,
                                              community use after 5:00 pm. Rental               and pre-emption of use. When the rental
                                              rates vary according to the age and group         of a Delta School District facility involves
                                              classification, the type of facility required,    a paid public performance featuring live
                                              and if additional custodial time is required.     or recorded music, renters are responsible
                                              For general enquiries, contact Facility           for reporting and paying all license fees
                                              Rentals at 604-952-5335 or e-mail                 imposed by SOCAN or any other applicable
                                                        performing rights body.
           FOR RENT                           SCHOOL USE FORM                                   GENESIS THEATRE, 5005 45th
                                              The School Use Form is used to initiate and       Avenue, Ladner
                                              confirm most facility rentals. To download        Genesis Theatre is a high-quality 402-seat
    The SCHOOL USE FORM is used to            a copy, please visit           performing arts facility operated by Delta
initiate and confirm most facility rentals.   district/facility-rentals/ or visit www.          School District. For more details, see page or
 To download a copy, please visit www. and search on “rentals.”   and do a search for “facility
                 rentals.”                    WEEKEND RENTALS                                   LICENSES TO OCCUPY – CHILD
                                              Facilities are also available for rent on         CARES IN DELTA SCHOOLS
                                              weekends but rentals are subject to a 4-hour      Delta School District allows the use of
  For enquiries, contact the Facility         minimum and an additional custodial               suitable space in its facilities by licensed
Rentals Department at 604-952-5335
                                              charge to provide opening and closing,            child care providers, provided that the
                                              security, and custodial services.                 space is not required for K-12 educational
  or e-mail facilityrentals@deltasd.
                                                                                                programs, early learning programs, or
                                              RENTAL POLICIES FOR FILMING                       extracurricular activities. Delta School
                                              Delta school facilities are available for film,   District does not approve the placement of
                                              television, and commercial productions            third-party portables on its property.
                                              based on regular conditions of use plus:
                                              approval of script by the Facility Rentals        At present, there are no surplus spaces
                                              office and permission from school                 within Delta schools but, if you are
                                              administration to film in designated areas.       interested in learning about spaces which
                                              Subsequent to such approvals, a rental            may become available from time to time,
                                              agreement and terms of use must be signed         we welcome you to add your name to our
                                              and security deposit provided.                    waiting list. To do this, please provide your
                                                                                                name, phone number, and e-mail address,
                                                                                                along with the type(s) of child care you
                                                                                                would like to establish and the region within
                                                                                                Delta you prefer, if you have a preference, to

               22                                                        REGISTER: 604-954-6100
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