Freight/shipping services migrate too close to home - Cardinal ...

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Freight/shipping services migrate too close to home - Cardinal ...
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Freight/shipping services migrate
too close to home
The impact of intra-facility courier, messenger services on healthcare organizations
by Rick Dana Barlow

O         ne of the more popular business
          extensions emerging from the food
          service, grocery and retail markets
within the last few years is an old school
relic from the milkman days: Personal
                                                     and shipping options with
                                                     actionable data,” Denbigh
                                                     said. “Modifying behavior
                                                     without it is difficult. Being
                                                     able to visualize your data
                                                                                                       competency and agility around building and
                                                                                                       optimizing the processes, logistics as well as
                                                                                                         For an organization to manage internal
                                                                                                       courier and shipping costs it needs to explore
delivery services.                                   in a meaningful way often                         spending in this area because auditing in-
   Whether businesses handle it themselves           changes costly behavior                           voices and evaluating spending history can
with their own staff, contract with an internet-     without conflict or external Bill Denbigh         often uncover inefficiencies in deliveries and
based third party firm sporting a catchy name        influence.”                                       overspending, asserts Melissa Laber, General
or some “crowdsourcing” service that subcon-           Denbigh argues that Supply Chain inter-         Manager, OptiFreight Logistics, a Cardinal
tracts to “ordinary citizens” — including your       nally should “own the movement of goods”          Health, Inc. company.
neighbors, let’s face it: Convenient delivery is     throughout the hospital and health system.          The organization also needs to optimize
the new black!                                       “The key to this is for internal supply chain     the types of deliveries on
   Yet in the healthcare industry, satisfying        to offer a service that provides the same level   schedule. “Carefully evalu-
such a demand may, in fact, enable and               of security, visibility and dependability that    ating targeted delivery date
reward questionable behavior, such as poor           third-party services offer,” he indicated. But    against the type of delivery
planning and organization.                           that’s not the end game.                          service selected can lead to
   Over the years, Healthcare Purchasing News          “Once a hospital is operating this sort of      cost savings without com-
has examined the high costs of freight and           internal service, they can double down and        promising reliability,” Laber
shipping, by and large, going to and coming          gain huge cost advantage by consolidating         said. “Often, shipments are Melissa Laber
from somewhere off-campus. Healthcare                courier services (i.e., having one courier pro-   sent same day when a next-day delivery
organizations generate even more expenses            vide a wide range of services in a single visit   would be enough and more cost effective.”
when they need something overnight.                  rather than many separate services). This is        Third-party service companies can offer
   However, in recent years, sources have            true over the road for a network of clinics and   “a centralized view of same-day deliveries
relayed to HPN an even more curious and              hospitals as much as within a single hospital,”   through systems, support and expertise that
high-cost development in the freight/ship-           Denbigh noted. “One courier dropping off          many healthcare networks lack internally,”
ping arena that concentrates on “the last            mail, pharmacy, med/surg, etc. and picking        she added.
mile.” Occasionally, the “last mile” involves        up specimens, expired goods, etc., all in a         Because couriers represent a service that is
staffers on one floor of a hospital actually call-   single visit means that the courier can visit     “frequently on demand and subjected to the
ing an external, third-party courier service to      many times a day offering higher levels of        unpredictability of humans and the environ-
ship something to another floor of the same          service while still being less expensive than     ment, there will always be an opportunity for
building!                                            each service managed by a discrete courier.”      improvement,” said Dan McEvoy, Courier
   Seriously.                                          Mayo Clinic tapped into its framework to        Director, TRIOSE. But the organization must
   In previous coverage, HPN has shared              establish something such a model, according       zero in on the cost impact
recommendations, suggestions, tips and               to David Marcelletti, Vice Chair, Supply Chain    and speed to savings with
tricks from freight/shipping professionals on        Management.                                       an internal focus.
how hospitals and other healthcare facilities          “Our strategy was to build a high quality         McEvoy suggests several
can save thousands of dollars by improving           intra- and inter-company                          questions to ask:
inbound and outbound shipping practices.             logistics network that would                      • Are the users of the service
   But what about internal, intra-facility courier   transform our transportation                        responsibly choosing the
and messenger practices?                             operations into a strategic                         most efficient and eco- Dan McEvoy
                                                     asset, providing meaningful,                        nomical level of courier service?
Focus on data                                        long-term returns across the                      • When an item needs to be moved, the re-
To control and manage those practices, Sup-          enterprise,” he told HPN.                           quester must choose the type of delivery. Is
ply Chain needs to own two things: The data          “For our organization, cen-          David          this a routine delivery? Or is this an unan-
and the service itself, whether handled by the       tralization and optimization Marcelletti            ticipated on-demand situation?
department or by some third-party service,           of courier/shipping services is a key strat-        “On-demand deliveries are the most chal-
according to Bill Denbigh, Director, Business        egy for enabling value through managing           lenging to fulfill and command the highest
Development and Marketing, TECSYS.                   schedules, creating efficiencies and expense      rates,” McEvoy said. “When a task needs to
  “A core strategy in controlling costs is in-       management. Third-party services can and          be completed immediately, a resource must
creasing the visibility to both shipping costs       do play a role in this space because of their     be pulled to attend to this new request. The

50    August 2019 • HEALTHCARE Purchasing NEWS •                                                                           Page 52
Freight/shipping services migrate too close to home - Cardinal ...
Products & Services
urgency to service an immediate request           change health system behaviors through            “The best way to control internal same-day
will also have an impact on the quality of the    visibility, accountability and process from     transportation — or courier — and shipping
routine tasks that are now awaiting attention.    a strategic level,” he noted. “Innovations      costs is to think about it holistically and
Overuse of on-demand deliveries is the most       can be done through data and analytics. It      more strategically and look
costly and disruptive way to utilize courier      also takes processes and education to help      at ways to leverage that
services. Therefore, if we consider the most      stakeholders to understand the true impact      network to generate returns
controllable and expedient path to savings,       of their choices.”                              in areas beyond direct trans-
we must look internally.”                           Supply Chain must concentrate on the big      portation,” she said. “This
  McEvoy contends that third-party lo-            picture, emphasizes Bonni Kaplan DeWoskin,      starts with an analysis of all
gistics services can play a very important        Vice President, Marketing and Strategic Part-   activity to identify all of the
role in optimizing couriers. “They can help       nerships, MedSpeed.                             movements in the system Bonni Kaplan
                                                                                                  and lay the foundation for         DeWoskin
                                                                                                  creating a plan for centralization and con-
                                                                                                  solidation. It then involves measurement and
                                                                                                  governance to review data and discuss strate-
                                                                            MADE                  gies to curb overspending and verify that the
                                                                                                  service continues to meet the health system’s
                                                                           IN USA                 needs and ongoing optimization to ensure that
                                                                                                  the network is rebalanced over time.”
                                                                                                    Whether a healthcare organization or labora-
                                                                                                  tory should manage this directly or outsource
                                                                                                  to a third party depends on the organization.
                                                                                                  “In most cases, I believe that it makes smart
                                                                                                  business sense to outsource to a culturally and
                                                                                                  strategically aligned, reliable and experienced
                                                                                                  partner to manage this,” Kaplan DeWoskin
                                                                                                  indicated. “While I admit that we clearly have
                                                                                                  skin in this game, the right partner will have
                                                                                                  the expertise and focus needed to develop,
                                                                                                  manage and continuously improve/optimize
                                                                                                  operations — not to mention, the capital to
                                                                                                  make the right investments into the people,
       ■ Over 35 Years of Servicing all                                                           process and technology needed to operate
          areas of Healthcare                                                                     most efficiently and effectively.”
       ■ Partnering for cost savings

       ■ Leading Supplier of Patient Care
                                                                                                  Supply Chain rules
          Essential Products                                                                      Educating staffers about internal courier
                                                                                                  and shipping policies and procedures, by
       ■ Continual flow of innovative solutions
                                                                                                  and large, should reside with Supply Chain,
       ■ Dedicated field-based                                                                    sources stress.
          Sales & Customer Service Team                                                              “Supply Chain is best suited to manage the
          CS 800.511.6298                                                                         whole transportation plan in a single, cohe-
                                                                 sive and holistic form,” Denbigh indicated.
                                                                                                  “Transportation professionals are the best
                                                                                                  suited to present the facts around cost and
                                                                                                  service levels.”
                                                                                                     Macelletti agrees. “For Mayo Clinic, educa-
                                                                                                  tion and training is owned by Supply Chain,”
                                                                                                  he noted. “Our freight team has subject matter
                                                                                                  experts for processes, systems, and how they
                                                                                                  are leveraged for efficiency. This has worked
                                                                                                  well to not only educate, but has also elimi-
                                                                                                  nated variation and waste.”
                                                                                                     While employees would be trained inter-
                                                                                                  nally by a centralized department in an ideal
                                                                                                  scenario, according to Laber, that frequently
                                                                                                  isn’t the case.
                                                                                                     “In reality, most healthcare systems lack
                                                                                                  the time, expertise and resources necessary
                                                                                                  to manage courier services, not to mention
                                                                                                  provide training on it,” she continued. “For-
                                                                                                  tunately, there are third-party providers well
                                                                                                  equipped to provide training and on-going
                                Visit                                 support. It’s important to identify the pro-
                                                                                                                                    Page 54
52   August 2019 • HEALTHCARE Purchasing NEWS •
Freight/shipping services migrate too close to home - Cardinal ...
PRoduCTs & sERviCEs
vider that best aligns with your organizational    shipping expenses is a lack of data and, by         and visibility which healthcare organizations,
needs considering factors including industry       extension, a lack of understanding of those         and their couriers, often lack.”
expertise, comprehensive solutions and reli-       costs,” TECSYS’ Denbigh said. “Unfortunate-            Data remain the target, McEvoy insists. “The
able support.”                                     ly, without effective technology gathering data     absence of data to help identify the real trends
   Still, much depends on the make-up of the       along the way, capturing and communicating          and opportunities makes possible strategies
courier and logistics operation, DeWoskin          courier costs to internal customers is very dif-    very subjective. The quality of the data they do
notes. “If a health system has a partner who is    ficult. Without this kind of information, those     have is often unsatisfactory because of insuf-
financially and strategically aligned perform-     internal customers are unlikely to change           ficient scanning or low driver engagement of
ing this service, then that partner is certainly   their habits.”                                      the technology. As the management thinker
a principal participant in educating staffers         Consolidating healthcare systems may over-       Peter Drucker said, ‘If you can’t measure
about best practices,” she said. “Working          look and leave delivery services decentralized,     it, you can’t manage it.’ If we consider the
with the leadership in every department and        Cardinal OptiFreight’s Laber observes, so that      popularity of Six Sigma methodologies where
leveraging tools, such as technology that auto-    organizations are misguided to believe they         we use DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,
matically suggests lower-cost service options,     must choose between reliability and efficiency.     Improve, Control) for improvement, the lack
can be a very effective strategy.”                    “Within a healthcare network, you might          of data will undermine the ability to measure.
   Who should be educating staffers may be         find that different locations, departments, and     Therefore, control becomes problematic,” he
a valid question, according to McEvoy, but         clinical services each have their own unique        added.
it may not be the right one — at least at first.   needs that courier systems are designed to             MedSpeed’s Kaplan DeWoskin attributes
   “We would need to first determine which         meet,” she continued. “This creates a com-          the issue to priorities in a dynamic environ-
staffers are in need of education,” he said.       plex, fragmented network of courier activity.       ment where healthcare leaders must concen-
“My experience has often shown that ac-            However, utilizing a courier management             trate on specific things even though many can
countability, or lack of, and anonymity is         service can provide a centralized view of           garner attention at once so some opportunities
a driving factor in behavior. If the costs of      transportation activity, so healthcare networks     understandably fly under the radar.
using courier services is not impacting an         can reduce costs through optimization and              “Because of this, many healthcare orga-
individual or department, users might not          achieve greater efficiencies.”                      nizations’ transportation operations have
understand or even consider how their                 Decentralization is typically the foundation,    become fragmented over time,” she noted.
request will impact the process. In order to       admits Mayo Clinic’s Marcelletti. “Many             “If a hospital has an internal courier/logistics
address this, it is important to be able to ac-    organizations have a disjointed model where         operation for the lab, a third-party for phar-
cess and utilize data. Once the information        processes and systems are divided among             macy delivery and a different third-party for
is gathered, it can be used to do root cause       Supply Chain, Administration, Facilities,           supply chain, it’s easy to see how the waste
analysis. Data can identify the people or the      Pharmacy, Lab, Mailroom, etc.,” he added. “In       and overlap would go unnoticed. The differ-
departments that may be over-utilizing the         an integrated network, if those groups do not       ent courier operations could pass each other
more expensive and disruptive services.            utilize a logistics network as a shared service     in the hall or on the street with no one really
Once the sources of unnecessary costs have         or enterprise organization, the fragmentation       paying attention.
been identified, the proper education proto-       is exponential.”                                       “Additionally, if there is no central manage-
col can be established.”                              Healthcare organizations need to recognize       ment of this function, it’s difficult to monitor
                                                   that both external and internal courier services    behavior,” Kaplan DeWoskin continued.
Mountain vs. molehill                              are generally tactical and focus on performing      “Team members at clinics might order the
Initially, healthcare organizations may not rec-   the task that is requested of them, according       fastest service type because that is what they
ognize they have a courier/shipping problem        to TRIOSE’s McEvoy. “[Because] healthcare           have always done, not because it is the best
and if they finally do they may not know or        moves ‘in the now’ with a strong sense of ur-       choice for the situation. HPn
even understand what to do about it. Much          gency, it is generally not the practice of a cou-
depends on perceptions and perspectives.           rier to question the service level or urgency of    Visit for the
  “The two main factors that healthcare            a request. Creating strategies for improvement      additional sidebar: “Crowdsourcing couriers in
organizations face when it comes to courier/       and cost control require resources, technology      healthcare: Crux or crock?”

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54    August 2019 • HEALTHCARE PuRCHAsing nEWs •
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