Freedom of Information - from the Age of Enlightenment to the Digital Age, and Beyond - OIC(WA)

Freedom of Information - from the Age of Enlightenment to the Digital Age, and Beyond - OIC(WA)
Freedom of
Information -
from the Age of
Enlightenment to
the Digital Age,
and Beyond

by Catherine Fletcher
Information Commissioner,
Office of the Information Commissioner (WA)

This paper provides an overview of the origins and operation of information access laws that apply to
government-held documents. It discusses some contemporary issues and challenges that face such laws in
the digital age and beyond, with particular reference to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA).

A defining characteristic                key antidote to excessive state secrecy.     exemptions and/or exceptions, and
                                         FOI law is alternatively, more recently,     often include a right to amend or correct
of most governments that                 sometimes called right to information        personal information in government
prevailed well into the                  (RTI) or right to know (RTK) law, and        documents.8 Reformed or recently
twentieth century was the                generically such laws are referred to        enacted laws also place significant
tendency to protect, rather              as information access laws. Such laws        emphasis on pro-active disclosure of
                                         are frequently promoted in functional
than share, information. This            democracies as a key mechanism for
                                                                                      government information and data. Most
was the concept of ‘arcana                                                            information access laws seek to balance
                                         ensuring government accountability and
                                                                                      the right of citizens to information whilst
imperii’ (state secrets)                 transparency. Some information access
                                         laws explicitly state that government-held   also providing protection for some
whereby information in the                                                            documents and/or information so that
                                         information and data are public assets,
hands of government was                  to be managed for public purposes.2 A        government can function effectively.
not routinely shared with                strong correlation between access to         Today governments operate in an
those outside government.1               information and trust in government also
                                                                                      environment that is increasingly
                                         underscores the accelerated growth in
However, unwarranted                                                                  information rich and digitally enabled.
                                         information access laws, particularly in
secrecy surrounding                      the final two decades of the twentieth       This is often accompanied by, or leads
government policy, decision              century.                                     to, changing citizen expectations
                                                                                      of government services. It is now
or action has long been                  The United States was the first modern       commonly understood that information
regarded as the antithesis               democracy3 to enact FOI law in 1966.4
                                                                                      and its control play a critical role in the
of good government, with                 Australia and New Zealand followed in
                                                                                      relationship between governments and
                                         1982.5 WA enacted an FOI Act in 1992.
moves to address it dating               Britain did not overturn official secrecy
                                                                                      their citizens9.
from the eighteenth-century              until the new millennium.6 In 2020, over     Considering the role and significance of
Enlightenment Age.                       120 countries across the world now have      information access laws in a functional
                                         some form of information access law.7        democracy, this raises the issue of
With the advent of the Information Age   In their most basic form, such laws          whether reforms are needed for such laws
in the mid twentieth century freedom     generally provide a right to access          to remain relevant and effective in the
of information (FOI) law emerged as a    government documents, subject to certain     digital age?

Freedom of Information - from the Age of Enlightenment to the Digital Age, and Beyond - OIC(WA)
The development of information                   world. Britain finally enacted an FOI Act         of purportedly corrupt ‘land deals’
access laws across the world                     in 2000 but the government delayed its            by the Liberal government in its
                                                 implementation so that it only became             final years. In New South Wales,
During the eighteenth-century                    fully operational in 2005.                        Nick Greiner brought in FOI in
Enlightenment Age, Sweden and Finland                                                              1989 after railing about endemic
enacted laws requiring their governments         New Zealand was an early adopter of               corruption within Neville Wran
to provide citizens with the right to access     modern information access laws in                 and Barrie Unsworth’s Labor
                                                 1982.14 The NZ law provides that all              governments the 1970s and
official information and related rights to
                                                                                                   1980s. In Western Australia, FOI
publish such information.10                      government information is to be open
                                                                                                   was passed in 1992 in the wake
                                                 unless there is “good reason” to protect          of the Royal Commission into WA
The impetus for FOI laws in the US               it. Absolute exemptions or exclusions             Inc, and in Queensland, Labor’s
began in earnest in an era of increasing         are minimal, and mostly relate to national        Wayne Goss came to power after
government secrecy during the Cold               security which must be established                his party had been in opposition
War with the Soviet Union. Senator John          by those claiming such an exemption.              for 32 years. In the furore
Moss, elected to Congress in 1952,               Although the laws were initially met              surrounding the institutionalised
began advocating for greater government          with alarm by some politicians and a              corruption revealed by Tony
openness following mass sackings of                                                                Fitzgerald QC, in his exhaustive
                                                 large number of public servants, the              inquiry (which concluded in 1989),
federal employees accused of being               prevailing contemporary view is that
communists during the McCarthyism                                                                  Goss promised to unflinchingly
                                                 they significantly changed the culture of         implement Fitzgerald’s wide-
period. When Moss asked to see the               government to one of openness under               ranging reforms, which included
records associated with the dismissals,          which a great deal of information is              freedom of information. In
the administration refused to hand them          now made public as a matter of routine            Tasmania, the independent
over. After Moss became chairman                 and open government is now deeply                 Green MP Bob Brown seized the
of a congressional subcommittee on                                                                 opportunity of the Green-Labor
                                                 ingrained.15 In 2018 NZ took a significant
government information in 1955, he held                                                            accord Government to push
                                                 step reforming the cabinet confidentiality        through FOI in the early 1990s.”
hearings about government transparency           exemption so that most cabinet records
and conducted investigations into                are now released after only 30 days            Changes in the field of administrative
federal agencies withholding information.        unless there is a good reason not to.16        law during the 1970s and early 1980s
Newspaper editors, journalists, educators        This is in stark contrast to the decades       also contributed to the development
and scientists were among those who              of protection for cabinet records under        of Australian information access laws.
supported Moss’s campaign against                state and federal information access           The ‘new administrative law’ served to
government secrecy, while many federal           laws in Australia. As a world leader in FOI    increase openness and transparency in
agencies and their leaders opposed it as         laws, this factor plays into a consistently    government while also supporting public
being detrimental to their work. In 1966,        high rating for New Zealand on various         administration and the rights of individual
after more than a decade of effort, Moss         international indices that rank countries      citizens.18
was able to gather enough support in             on transparency measures.
Congress to pass the first United States                                                        First generation information access laws
FOI law.                                         The development of federal FOI laws in         are often characterised by adoption of
                                                 Australia has been described as follows:       a ‘pull model’ in which the public must
President Lyndon Johnson, the US                                                                pull information out of the government
President at that time, initially believed the      It was the passing of freedom
                                                                                                system through an FOI request, subject
proposed FOI law would limit the ability of         of information legislation in the
                                                    United States in 1966 and the               to any relevant exemptions/exceptions
government officials to communicate and                                                         applied by a government agency. Second
                                                    growth of the consumer rights
function effectively. Ultimately he agreed          movement there that prompted                generation information access laws more
to the law and, upon signing the Bill,              a push for FOI legislation in               commonly adopt a ‘push model’ because
said that “I sign this measure with a deep          Australia. It is a measure of               they encourage or require agencies to
sense of pride that the United States is an         the entrenched assumption                   push information out to the public through
open society”. 11                                   of secrecy within government                proactive release rather than discretionary
                                                    and bureaucracy (inherited, no
However the initial US FOI Act lacked               doubt, from England) that it                access. Qld,19 NSW20 and the ACT21
the necessary force to oblige federal               took a decade and half before               have clear ‘push model’ style laws which
government agencies to comply. It wasn’t            FOI became law in Australia in              support broader pro-disclosure public
until 1974 (after the Watergate Scandal             December 1982. 17                           sector information regimes.22
involving the Nixon administration and           Across Australia, FOI laws were often          Despite jurisdictional differences,
increasing public concern over the               driven by major political events that raised   Australian information access laws share
Vietnam war which peaked with the                significant public concerns about lack of      similar objectives that, at a minimum,
release of the Pentagon Papers) that             transparency and corruption. Ricketson         provide a right of access to government-
Congress amended the FOI Act with                explains this as follows:                      held documents that is intended to
a series of laws designed to promote                                                            enhance government transparency and
greater accountability and transparency in          Federally, although the Act was
                                                    eventually introduced by the                accountability.
government decision making.12
                                                    Fraser Coalition Government,
Despite these ground breaking                       the initial impetus came from
                                                    the Whitlam Labor government,
                                                                                                WA FOI Laws
developments in the US, a global
                                                    which had spent 23 years in                 In Western Australia the Freedom of
tendency to default to state secrecy
                                                    opposition during the Menzies               Information Act 1992 (WA) (FOI Act)
persisted for a long time, particularly in          era and beyond. In Victoria, FOI
Britain which did not repeal its broad-                                                         is regarded as a hybrid of the push
                                                    was introduced by John Cain (in
reaching Official Secrets Act 1911 until            1982), whose Labour Party had               and pull models. It operates to provide
1989.13 In 1989, there were still only 13           been in opposition since 1955               a discretionary right of access to
national information access laws in the             and who was trenchantly critical            documents of state and local government

subject to a valid access application
being made (i.e. documents must be
pulled out). However it also requires
state and local government agencies
to regularly publish an information
statement describing i) what kinds of
documents the agency usually holds
and how they can be accessed; and ii)
information that enables members of
the public to participate in the agency’s
policy formulation and performance of its
functions. The FOI Act also requires that
an agency’s internal manuals are to be
made available to the public.23
The origins of the FOI Act lie in the
1992 seminal report of the WA Royal
Commission into the Commercial
Activities of Government and Other
Matters which dealt with various political   system. In connection with ‘open               The FOI Act creates a general right of
and financial scandals of the 1980s          government’ the COG Commissioners              access to government-held documents,
(commonly referred to as the ‘WA Inc.        noted the importance of public access to       subject to limitations in the Act including
Report’).24 In addition to numerous          information in the democratic process.26       exemptions for documents containing
findings and recommendations that                                                           certain types of information.
                                             In the Commissioners’ view, information
were particularly scathing of the lack of    is the key to accountability and, to fulfil    During the second reading speech in
proper documentation for government          that purpose, information of or about          1991 the Hon. David Smith, the then
decision-making and associated poor          government must be made optimally              Minister for Justice, explained how the
record keeping, the Commission referred      available or accessible to the public and it   exemptions and, more broadly, the Act
to several fundamental principles of         must have integrity. 27                        were intended to work:
good government, including the ‘trust
                                             The emphasis on ‘optimally’ available             “Although the public has an
principle’.25                                                                                  interest in access to information,
                                             recognised that official secrecy does have
The Commission identified three goals                                                          they also have an interest
                                             a place in the conduct of government.
necessary to safeguard the credibility of                                                      in the proper functioning of
                                             However, openness should be the                   government and in protecting
democracy and provide an acceptable          norm, with secrecy as the exception.              the privacy of individuals and
foundation for public trust and confidence   Regarding the ‘integrity’ of information,         the commercial interests of
in our system of government:                 the Commissioners explained that                  business organisations. The Bill
                                             government information must give a                is intended to strike a proper
•   government must be conducted
                                             proper picture of the matter to which it          balance between competing
    openly;                                                                                    interests. Schedule 1 contains a
                                             relates. It must not aim to mislead or to
•   public officials and agencies must be                                                      limited number of clearly defined
                                             create half-truths. 28
    made accountable for their actions;                                                        exemptions necessary to protect
    and                                      The WA Inc. and COG Reports                       certain essential public and
                                             significantly enhanced government                 private interests. However, even
•   there must be integrity both in the                                                        where an exemption may apply, it
    processes of government and in the       accountability and transparency by
                                                                                               is not a prohibition on disclosure;
    conduct expected of public officials.    championing the introduction of the FOI           where they can properly do so,
                                             Act, the State Records Act 2000 (WA) and          Ministers and agencies are free to
One of the key recommendations was           other measures.29                                 make that information available.
that FOI laws be enacted in WA as a                                                            In addition, most exemptions
matter of priority. Other recommendations    The FOI Act became operative in 1993.             incorporate a public interest
included a review of secrecy laws,           The Preamble says it is “(A)n Act to              test which specifically requires
establishment of an Administrative           provide for public access to documents,           a consideration of the public
Appeals Tribunal and an anti-corruption      and to enable the public to ensure that           interest in disclosure. The Bill
                                             personal information in documents is              further protects the privacy of
body, implementation of whistleblowing
                                             accurate, complete, up to date and not            individuals and the commercial
procedures, increased powers for                                                               interest of businesses about
the Auditor-General, a limitation of         misleading, and for related purposes”.30
                                                                                               whom the Government hold
confidentiality agreements in commercial     The objects of the FOI Act are to enable          information by ensuring that
dealings with government, and the            the public to participate more effectively        documents containing personal or
establishment of an independent Archives     in governing the state, and make the              business information about third
Authority (which ultimately became the                                                         parties is not given out without the
                                             persons and bodies that are responsible           third party being consulted.” 33
State Records Office).                       for state and local government more
A subsequent Commission on                   accountable to the public.31 The WA            After almost 30 years since its enactment,
Government (COG) was established in          Supreme Court has stated that these            the FOI Act remains largely unchanged.
response to the recommendations of           objects:                                       Access to thousands of government
the Royal Commission. COG delivered                                                         documents has been given both within
                                                “form the essential bedrock of
a report in 1995, Part 2 of which               open, democratic government.                and outside of the FOI process over that
addressed topics of open government,            Their policy importance … cannot            time. During 12 months over the 2019/20
accountability and the administrative           be overstated.” 32                          financial period there were more than
                                                                                            18,000 access applications made to WA

state and local government authorities.        of, new and emerging technology as           information in WA, the issue arises
Over half of these access applications         society moves into the digital age. She      whether the FOI Act can continue to fulfil
were for personal information held by          suggested that the challenge is to harness   its democratic objectives at a time when
health-related agencies (a trend similar       these new technologies to better serve       most, if not all, documents will be ‘born-
to that seen in many other jurisdictions).     the democratic ideals that underpin          digital’?
Almost 90% of all access applications          information access laws. 36
                                                                                            Marie Shroff considered the possibility
resulted in the applicant receiving
                                               The increasing relevance of information      that digital technology has the potential to
full or partial access to the requested
                                               access and privacy laws in this digital      open up and facilitate information access
documents. Only less than one per
                                               paradigm was also the subject of a 2019      to achieve a truly participative democracy.
cent of those agency access decisions
                                               article examining how trust in government    She suggested that future FOI reform
were reviewed by the Information
                                               can be maintained at a time of significant   must focus on the digital environment
Commissioner. On those measures, the
                                               digital disruption. The author observed:     and practical problems of compliance,
FOI Act appears to serve the community
                                                   As digital government begins             such as multiple versions of a document
reasonably well.
                                                  to take shape, the public                 and the administrative burden of FOI
However, recent national data provided            sector is entering a new era of           requests.39
by Australian Information Commissioners           citizen expectations. Emerging
                                                                                            Proliferation of digital records is already
and Ombudsmen administering FOI/RTI               technologies offer opportunities
                                                  for collaboration, information            an issue of significance. That trend
laws about how such laws are used also
                                                  sharing and data analysis, all of         will only continue such that questions
reveals some other interesting trends.34
                                                  which can support better policy           about what records we create, retain
Since 2014 WA has consistently had the
                                                  and services. But there are               and make accessible will assume far
highest rate of formal access applications        growing public concerns about             greater importance than ever before. It
per capita, one of the highest rates              privacy and security; questions           therefore seems obvious that document
of full or partial access to requested            about ownership and appropriate           governance must be at the front of mind
document/s and the lowest rate of                 use of personal information. Is
                                                  open government still relevant?           in the digital age if we are to make sense
external review application in Australia.
                                                  Governments worldwide are                 of, and hold accountable, government
Whilst no published commentary is yet
                                                  striving to maintain public trust         decision-making.40
available to explain these trends the
                                                  at a time of significant disruption.
possibility exists that the high rate of use      Agencies are under pressure to            Others also point out that when the
of the FOI Act to successfully obtain non-        be more transparent about their           opportunities of the digital age combine
contentious information may be due to an          actions and decision-making               with a willingness to be more transparent
overdependence on the formal processes            processes. 37                             that this allows for a more authentic
of giving access to documents pursuant                                                      and deeper form of engagement with
                                               The author went on to consider some of
to the FOI Act as opposed to simpler, less                                                  the community and citizens.41 Some
                                               the challenges and opportunities in this
costly and more timely, administrative or                                                   countries, like Taiwan for example42, have
                                               changing environment:
informal access obtained outside of the                                                     already seized upon these opportunities
FOI Act.                                          Open government has never                 with significant success particularly in
                                                  been more critical for meeting            response to the challenges presented by
                                                  customer expectations, building           the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Information access laws in the                    confidence and delivering public
Digital Age and beyond                            value. … Information governance           While proactive information and data
                                                  by-design can play an important           disclosure occurs in some parts of the
A 2018 survey highlights rising levels            role in overcoming challenges and         WA public sector43 the concept of ‘open
of e-government internationally.35                supporting reform, reducing the           by design’ - in which non-sensitive
Governments are, increasingly, large              cost and complexity associated
                                                  with both proactive and                   government information and data is, by
collectors and repositories of digital
                                                  responsive information release.           default, made open and accessible from
data. The use of big data for automated
                                                                                            creation – is not embedded in any state-
decision making is also becoming more          All Australian states and territories,       wide information management policy or
common. Australia is no exception to this      other than Western Australia and South       information access law.
global digital trend.                          Australia, have privacy legislation
                                               governing the handling of personal           Whatever legislative or policy reforms
Accompanying digital transformation
                                               information. Some also have data-sharing     emerge in the future, it would be in
there is a growing demand for
                                               legislation. While the FOI Act provides      keeping with the current objects of the
transparency around government use
                                               some limited protection for personal         WA FOI Act for the public sector to
of technologies - particularly in respect
                                               information and a right to amend personal    further embrace open and transparent
of artificial intelligence (AI) or machine
                                               information in government records, it is     government by proactively pushing out
learning - and accountable management
                                               not a comprehensive privacy framework.       (at no or low cost) more administrative
of vast data pools particularly those
                                                                                            and scientific data, and other non-
containing personal or private information.    Proposed privacy and data-sharing            sensitive digital information, which is
The increasing proliferation of digital        legislation for WA appears to be on the      both interactive and searchable. The
records and data also raises the issue         government’s agenda. It was the subject      availability of such information would have
of how we readily locate useful and            of a public discussion paper developed by    numerous benefits. It would assist in the
relevant data. These are just some of the      the Department of Premier and Cabinet in     legibility and accountability of government
contemporary challenges for information        2019. To date the Government has yet to      decisions thereby engendering public
access laws.                                   decide upon the timing and form of those     trust; and provide opportunities for new
Many years ago Marie Shroff, a former          proposed laws.38                             insights, new services and even other
NZ Privacy Commissioner, forecasted            So, even with the prospect of enhanced       benefits that the most enlightened and
that information access laws must keep         protection for personal and private          creative thinkers have yet to imagine.
pace with, and embrace the development

In that environment, a formal FOI access                              information began when FOI bills were introduced into
                                                                      the Parliament in 1978, 1981 and 1992 but which were
                                                                                                                                       and later enhancements to the Auditor General’s Act
request to access government - held                                   either defeated or fell away on each occasion. In 1997      30   The FOI Act also informs the way that FOI and
                                                                      the government published a white paper on Your Right
documents would be a last resort                                      to Know.
                                                                                                                                       information access is practiced by agencies.
reserved for the more contentious or                             14   Official Information Act 1982 (NZ)
                                                                                                                                  31   Section 3(1) contains the objects section. Section
                                                                                                                                       3(2) provides for how the objects of the Act are to be
sensitive information where a balancing                          15   Paper presented to the FOI Live 2005 Conference                  achieved. See also further s.3(3) which provides that
of the applicable exemptions and public                               in London, 16 June 2005, entitled ‘The Official                  nothing in the Act is intended to prevent or discourage
                                                                      Information Act and Privacy: New Zealand’s Story’                the publication of information, or the giving of
interest factors under the FOI Act is                                 by Marie Shroff (former Cabinet secretary and NZ                 access to documents, or the amendment of personal
required.                                                             Privacy Commissioner) accessed at https://www.                   information, otherwise than under the Act if it can
                                                                     properly be done or is permitted or required by law to
                                                                      laws_papers/newzealand/official_info_act_privacy_                be done.
                                                                      newzealand_story.pdf.                                       32   Martin J in Water Corporation v McKay [2010] WASC
                                                                 16   ‘In confidence’ cabinet submission papers for                    210 at [38] available online at
1    ‘Too much of a good thing? Balancing transparency                decisions taken as recently as last week are marked              au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/wa/WAICmr/2009/35.
     and government effectiveness in FOI public interest              “proactively released”.                                          html.
     decision-making’, Danielle Moon and Carolyn Adams,          17   Ricketson, M 1996, ‘Freedom from Information’,              33   Hansard 28 November 1991, at p. 7170.
     AIAL Forum no. 82, at pp. 28 – 39.                               Freedom of Information Review, 63, pp.26 – 28.              34   Refer to Metrics 2, 3 and 6 in the National Metrics
2    For example, see clause 1 (b) in the Preamble to the        18   G Terrill, Secrecy and openness: the federal                     on FOI Use sourced on 15.10.20 at https://www.oic.
     Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld) and the Objects              government from Menzies to Whitlam and beyond,         
     clause in section 3(3) of the Freedom of Information             Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2000; and                 PDF#page=5.
     Act 1982 (Cth).                                                  M Paterson, Freedom of information and privacy in           35    United Nations E-Government Survey 2018 Report of
3    The US laws were preceded by a much earlier law                  Australia: Government and information access in the              the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs,
     enacted in Sweden in 1766 that required government               modern state, Lexis Nexis, Chatswood, 2005, p. 4.cited           Gearing E-Government To Support Transformation
     to make information available to the press to enable it          in Dr Mark Rodrigues, Cabinet Confidentiality (28 May            Towards Sustainable And Resilient Societies, accessed
     to report on the affairs of State to its citizens.               2010) at:               at
                                                                      Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/                 Portals/egovkb/Documents/un/2018-Survey/E-
4    The Public Information Act 1966 (US) - When the two-             pubs/BN/0910/CabinetConfidentiality
     page bill was signed into law, it was enacted July 4,                                                                             Government%20Survey%202018_FINAL%20for%20
     1966, but had an effective date of one year later being     19   Right to Information Act 2009. (Qld)                             web.pdf on 16.10.19.
     July 4, 1967.                                               20   Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009             36   See n.14 above.
5    The Freedom of information Act 1982 (Cth); and the               (NSW)                                                       37   S. Sherman, ‘How Can The APS Maintain Trust At A
     Official Information Act 1982 (NZ)                          21   Freedom Of Information Act 2016 (ACT) – this is the              Time Of Significant Disruption?’, Mandarin Online,
6    The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (UK)                         most recent FOI law but it only became fully operative 
                                                                      in 2018. It has a clear emphasis on open access and              government/ 11 February 2019
7    Source:               pro-disclosure of government information in the ACT.
     information/ accessed on 14.10.2020.                                                                                         38   Information about the progress of this project is
                                                                 22    Note that the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth)             available at
8    In WA, s. 10 creates a right to access documents of an           has been partially modernised in this way since it was           privacy-and-responsible-information-sharing.
     non-exempt agency (subject to and in accordance with             amended in 2009/2010.
     the FOI Act) and s.45 of the FOI Act creates a right to                                                                      39   See n.14 above.
     apply to amend personal information in documents of         23   These are manuals used by the agency in connection          40   See the WA State Records Office 2018 publication
     an agency if the information is inaccurate, incomplete,          with the performance of its functions that affect or are         ‘Born Digital – Managing Government Information and
     out of date or misleading.                                       likely to affect rights, privileges or other benefits, or        Data’ available online at
                                                                      obligations, penalties or other detriments, to which             sites/default/files/born_digital.pdf.
9    Freedom of Information and Privacy in Australia:                 members of the public may be entitled or otherwise
     Information Access 2.0, Patterson Moira, 2015, Reed              subjected to.                                               41   Opening Government – Transparency and Engagement
     International Books Australia Pty Ltd trading as LEXIS-                                                                           ion the Information Age published by ANU Press, 2018,
     NEXIS at p. 1                                               24   The Royal Commission was established in 1990 to                  edited by Wanna J. and Vincent, S. at page 14.
                                                                      examine, inter alia, the commercial dealings of the
10   The principal proponent of the Swedish laws was                  Brian Burke Labor Government.                               42   See Hacking the pandemic: how Taiwan’s digital
     Anders Chydenius (1729-1803), a member of the                                                                                     democracy holds COVID-19 at bay https://
     political establishment, who advocated for openness         25   The ‘trust principle’ was described by the             
     and good governance in government.                               Commissioners as being the principle that the                    taiwans-digital-democracy-holds-covid-19-at-
                                                                      institutions of government, and the officials and                bay-145023 accessed on 22.1.21.
11   In his signing statement LBJ attempted to downplay               agencies of government, exist for the public to serve
     the new FOI law by focusing on the exemptions for                the interests of the public.                                43   For example see the WA Open Data Portal at https://
     national security and the Act’s scope for interpretation.                                                               
     However the last sentence of his statement is the most      26   The COG Commissioners referred in this regard to the
     enduring: sourced from                  1980 High Court case of Commonwealth of Australia
     topics/1960s/freedom-of-information-act on 15.10.19.             and John Fairfax & Sons Ltd (1980) 32 ALR 485 at
                                                                      493 in which the then Chief Justice said: “…. it is
12   The Government in the Sunshine Act 1976 was one of               unacceptable, in our democratic society, that there
     these amending acts that provided, with ten specified            should be a restraint on the publication of information
     exemptions, that ‘every portion of every meeting of an           relating to government when the only vice in that
     agency shall be open to public observation’. It applied          information is that it enables the public to discuss,
     to the operations of the federal government, Congress,           review and criticise government action.”
     federal commissions, and other legally constituted
     federal bodies.                                             27   At [2.1.10] of the COG Report.
13   The Official Secrets Act 1911 made the unauthorised         28   Recommendations 1 and 2 of Chapter 2 of the COG
     disclosure of any information on any subject an                  Report on ‘Open Government’
     offence. This remained the law until the early 1970s.       29   These measures included the creation of the Public
     Very piecemeal progress towards granting citizens                Sector Management Act 1994, a public sector
     access to certain or select kinds of government                  standards commissioner and public sector commission

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