Page created by Carolyn Griffin
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Executive Summary

June 2021
Founders Insight Report

Welcome to
Founders Forum
Founders Forum is a private network of the
world’s most inspirational founders, corporate
CEOs, global politicians and senior investors
brought together to accelerate the positive
impact of technology.

Forums are held across the world to convene the best
and brightest minds to engage in open debate,
brainstorming, discussion and problem-solving.
Founders Forum is a global community where ideas
are shared, supported and brought to life.


Reflections from
our founder
Serendipity is back! The days after FF are filled
with stories of capital raised, deals struck,
creative brainstorming, friendships renewed,
and a much-needed celebration of UK tech.

As we celebrated our 15th anniversary, it is clear how
far the conversation has come since the early days. It
is no longer about whether the UK can have a vibrant
tech sector, but how big it can become.

At this year’s FF the talk was of IPOs and SPACs, past
and planned, or what to do for your second, third or
even fourth act. Taavet Hinrikus announced Wise’s
IPO and we learned of the UK’s 100th unicorn.

The UK tech scene has made tremendous progress,
and the unanimous feeling is that there’s much more
to come.

It’s great to be back. Thank you to everyone involved.

Now here’s to the next 15 years,

Brent Hoberman CBE
Executive Chair, Founders Forum
Founders Forum London 2021
                              1   Welcome
                                  An introduction to FF      19   Art, Culture & Society
                                                                  A $69 million free-for-all?

                              6   Session highlights
                                  Images from the day        22   Leaders’ Learnings
                                                                  The entrepreneurial journey

                              8   The Great Reset
                                  Industries transformed
                                  & reimagined
                                                             25   Rising Stars 2021
                                                                  Future game-changers

                             12   A Sustainable Future
                                  Can technology save us?    27   Full agenda & partners
                                                                  Our community & supporters

                             16   The Silver Lining?
                                  The future of healthcare   34   Keep in touch
                                                                  Subscribe to Founders News
We’d love to talk.
This report was prepared by Founders          Do you want to know how, at Founders Intelligence, we leverage our insights and unique access
Intelligence, the strategic consultancy       network to create Sustainable Growth for our clients?
that sits within the Founders Forum family.

We help clients understand the new
technologies, business models and ideas
                                              Entrepreneurial Vision                 Creativity & Rigour                     Applied Know-How
that will drive Entrepreneurial Growth in
their industry.                               Unrivalled insight from top            We’ve designed our company              We’ve built new businesses and
                                              entrepreneurs, leaders and             around people who are both              launched propositions as
Rob Chapman, CEO
                                              seasoned investors from the            multi-disciplinary innovators and       founders, VCs and for industry                  Founders Forum network to              structured, critical thinkers. We       leaders across sectors.
                                              create new opportunity and             deliver insights that are fully
                                              profit for your business.              thought-through and diligenced.

                                               For almost a decade we have advised leaders of global companies on creating growth and commercial impact.

                                               Selected clients include:


Founders Story: Fintech and Angel Investing                                    Profitability or Scale: What Does it Take for a Fintech Unicorn to Go Global?    Welcome Address: Oliver Dowden (Secretary of    Influencers as Entrepreneurs: Abby Roberts
                                                                               Arik Shtilman (Rapyd), Victoria Van Lennep (Lendable). Moderated by David        State, Department of Culture, Media & Sport)    Rich Waterworth(TikTok), Grace Beverley (TALA) Trinny
Taavet Hinrikus (Wise) in conversation with Rory Cellan-Jones (BBC)
                                                                               Rowan.                                                                                                                           Woodall (TRINNY London) w/ Devran Karaca (Kyra).

The F Factor: Hosted by June Sarpong (BBC).        Micro-Mobility, Zero-Emissions and Autonomous         What to Build Next? Martin Varsavsky (Prelude), Mike   Fireside Chat: Future of Quick Commerce and     The Oxford Vaccine: Sarah Gilbert (VacciTech) &
Judges: Maria Raga (Depop), Richard Reed           Driving: Richard Barlow (wejo), Alex Kendall          Lynch (Invoke Capital), Miguel McKelvey                Delivery: Tim Steiner (Ocado) in conversation   Tom Hulme (Google Ventures)
(Innocent & JamJar Investments), Tej Lavani        (Wayve), Paul Newman (Oxbotica). Moderated            (WeWork), Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia). Moderated           with Michael Stothard (Sifted)
(VitaBiotics)                                      by Shona Ghosh (Insider)                              by Mariella Frostrup.

Tim Guilliams (HealX), Peter Donnelly (Genomics), Irina Haivas(Atomico).
                                                                                                                                                                      Moderated by D-J Collins (Milltown Partners)


Who Will Win the EV Race? Traditional Auto-Makers or New Players? Peter             How Tech is Reshaping the Future of Biology. Tim Guilliams (HealX), Peter   Why is Institutional Money Flowing Into Crypto? What    Rethinking the Internet: Controlled or Decentralised?
Rawlinson (Lucid) in conversation with John Thornhill (Financial Times)             Donnelly (Genomics), Irina Haivas(Atomico). Moderated by D-J Collins        is Different This Time? Peter Smith                     Tim Berners-Lee (MIT / Inrupt) & Greg Williams (Wired)
                                                                                    (Milltown Partners)                                                         (Blockchain) with Azeem Azhar (Exponential View)

Transforming the Fashion Industry Through           Fireside Chat: Future of Retail, Sustainability and       A Founder’s Future: Building a Global             How Can We Make ESGs and Sustainability a Priority in VC?     How to Make Sleep and Wellness a Priority?
Material Science and Innovation: Eva                Communities: Anya Hindmarch in conversation               E-commerce Powerhouse: Matt Moulding (The Hut     Bernard Liautaud (Balderton), Richard Curtis (Screenwriter    Natalia Vodianova, Michael Acton Smith
Kruse (Pangaia), Dan Widmaier (Bolt Threads).       with Neira Hajro (McKinsey & Company)                     Group) w/ Thorold Barker (Wall Street Journal)    & Director, Project Everyone). moderated by Amy               (Calm). Moderated by Alex Wood (Forbes).
Moderated by Iain Martin (Forbes).                                                                                                                              Lewin (Sifted).

Industries transformed
& reimagined

“I never thought that I'd be designing a new
                               building in Sao Paulo on Facetime.”
Founders Insight Report                                                  11

                                              Rethinking the idea of the office will be a key           Brand is a talent magnet, and more important
                                              competitive advantage.                                    then ever in the global marketplace.

                                              Wall Street is commanding its analysts back to the        Talent used to migrate to London, but now Zoom
                                              office, but most companies will have to inspire if they   means talent can work from Leeds or Lima. While
                                              hope to build a face-to-face culture. Rather than big     some are setting up satellite offices to recruit top
                                              marble halls or characterless glass towers, companies     talent, others are investing without even speaking to
                                              will need to design original, authentic spaces which      founders. Brand awareness and relatable role models
                                              speak to unique values.                                   are now premium commodities.

                                              Wherever you are, ecommerce is coming to                  Technologies of War & ‘Kapow’s if China gets
                                              help you decide who you want to be.                       out of hand

                                              If you know what you want, and it ain’t too flash,        From the race for the highest kWh batteries and EV
                                              Amazon is hard to beat. But new e-comm brands are         dominance, to geostrategic competition over AI,
                                              doing things differently: from online consultations and   semiconductors and other key technologies, the
                                              personalised product curations to meeting consumers       battle between ‘the West’ and China still hangs in the
                                              in the metaverse, D2C brands are combining data           balance. Government should help fund early-stage

The Great Reset                               and experience to drive premium margins.                  innovation, not just regulate it at scale.

Location, Location, Location will shape how
we work, where we work, who gets funded, as                                                                      What does this mean?
well as the shape of the world(s) we will
                                                                                                                 Implications for founders,
inhabit for years to come
                                                                                                                 corporates & investors


What does this mean for…

For Founders                                              For Corporates                                            For Investors

The charismatic founder is less important now than        'Going Hybrid' is not enough for a back-to-work           VCs are differentiating on depth of relationship or speed to
metrics that sing.                                        strategy.                                                 close.

Expectations have risen: customer changes have            Young people are not as desperate to get back to          Competition amongst VCs has never been fiercer and VCs
                                                                                                                    saying that they will only invest in companies close to their
seen adoption curves compress forward. With more          the office as some might think but being flexible
                                                                                                                    offices is long gone. Great founders have so much
VCs willing to invest without even meeting in-person,     enough to let people 'work from home' is not enough.
                                                                                                                    leverage that VCs are differentiating themselves in two
hitting and exceeding those quantitative benchmarks       Creative and collaborative work has declined in
                                                                                                                    ways: flying out to build deep connections to investing
help startups stand out from the crowd. At the later      quality over Zoom but the best talent will demand
                                                                                                                    without having to even meet the team.
end of the journey, SPACs are here to stay, even if not   more from their workspaces if they are to be lured into
all SPAC managers are.                                    resuming the daily commute.

FF Insight Report                                                                                                                                                                      13
Can technology save us?

“The goal is not to go
 from bad to perfect,
 but to encourage
 small steps that can
 compound to create
 lasting impact. Think
 of it as Moore’s Law
 for sustainability.”


                                                   Compounding small steps will have more                    There is a climate tech boom as investors
                                                   impact than waiting for a perfect solution                place their bets on a greener planet
                                                   The fashion industry is responsible for 22.5% of global   Venture funding in climate tech grew almost five
                                                   pesticides, yet half of global fashion brands are stuck   times the rate of the overall VC market between 2013
                                                   in their old, unsustainable ways. We don’t have time      and 2019, as investors realise that what’s good for the
                                                   to wait for the right technology to come along and        planet will be good for their pockets, too. This will drive
                                                   transform everything: impact needs to start now, with     frontier and moonshot technologies to achieve
                                                   small steps that drive change.                            commercial scale, faster.

                                                                            92%                              COVID-19 has surfaced new opportunities for
                                                                                                             public-private collaboration
                                                                   of consumers seek sustainable
                                                                              products                       The pandemic only increased consumer desires to live
                                                                                                             sustainably (up from 65% to 92%). It also demonstrated
                                                                                                             the epic power of government, when the political will

                                                                       $60 bn                                is there. As a result, stakeholder attitudes have shifted
                                                                                                             and there is a greater willingness to collaborate. The

A Sustainable Future
                                                                    Climatetech venture funding, up          race to the greenest might be a relay after all.
                                                                          3,750% since 2013

Technology is part of the solution, but it is no
silver bullet. We need many small and
consistent steps, taken by diverse stakeholders                              6%                                        What does this mean?
from across the public and private sectors.
                                                                  Climatetech investment remains                       Implications for founders,
                                                                     a tiny portion of the market                      corporates & investors

What does this mean for…

For Founders                                                For Corporates                                                 For Investors

Unencumbered by legacy approaches, start-ups are            Corporates should embrace small changes to drive impact        ‘Greenvesting’ is here to stay. But investors need to walk the
uniquely placed to design end-to-end sustainability         and create ripple effects across society                       talk to attract the best founders.

Sustainability messages have become ubiquitous – most       Corporates often see scale and legacy systems as a             Investors that can enable and encourage companies to
brands claim to be green in some way or other. To truly     hindrance to change. But from a sustainability angle, their    be more sustainable will unlock higher returns and reduce
differentiate themselves and foster credibility, founders   scale can drive massive impact. Consider how and where         risk. Balderton’s Sustainable Future Goals (based on the UN
should embrace sustainability across all aspects of their   your employees can drive change. For example – only 10%        SDGs) show how investors can offer tangible support to
business, financing and operations – not just in their      of pension funds are currently invested in sustainability. A   their portfolio companies, as well as being transparent
products.                                                   switch to green pensions is a simple yet effective way to      about internal progress, too.
                                                            drive lasting change.

The future of healthcare


                                               A data-first approach will be key to reducing             Entrepreneurialism in biotech needs to be
                                               the burden on strained resources.                         driven by agile cross-sector collaboration.

                                               Advancements in genomics and AI, coupled with             Academia and ambition cannot seize innovation
                                               falling costs are opening up a new world of               opportunities alone. Biotech requires careful
                                               hypothesis-free understanding of health at both an        stakeholder management; early regulatory
                                               individual and a societal level. From drug discovery to   involvement, multidisciplinary teams and
                                               hyper-targeted predictive screening, data promises        transparency with data leads to the positive public
                                               better health outcomes at lower costs.                    support needed to succeed.

                                                                                                         Healthcare remains vulnerable; cybersecurity
                                                                                                         is the new silent threat in a digital world.

                                                                                                         Whilst the rapid digitisation of global healthcare
                                                                                                         systems has unlocked astounding potential for new

                                                        73%                  $6.1 bn                     patient treatment, digitisation inherently comes with
                                                                                                         acute risk. Investment to build resilient systems
                                                  US consumers willing      Venture funding in health
                                                  to share health data     data & platform innovators    designed for predictable catastrophes are required
                                                                                                         for pathogenic and cyber threats alike.
The Silver Lining?
After the shock of the pandemic, big data is
powering innovation: from prevention to drug                                                                      What does this mean?
discovery to consumer-centric biotech.
                                                                                                                  Implications for founders,
                                                                                                                  corporates & investors


What does this mean for…

For Founders                                                  For Corporates                                                      For Investors

Winners will combine robust academic research, tech & IP      Digital resilience should be built in conjunction with health-      Data-driven disruption is now at an all-time high, as AI/ML
with strong commercial teams.                                 tech innovation; invest in crisis mitigation for future security.   unlocks value from drug discovery to patient care.

Health-tech is an opportunity space ready to be seized as     Whilst immediate financial returns may be less tangible,            COVID-19 highlighted the potential speed and impact of
consumer interest continues to grow and market barriers to    effective risk management of emergent cyber threats                 access to rich medical data. It is imperative to understand
entry decrease. For true differentiation, innovators should   underpins the benefits brought to the medical industry              a startup’s data differentiators in order to pick winners
combine proprietary science with effective routes to          through digital transformation and unlocks sustained agility        early; successful startups will scale rapidly with high
market.                                                       in innovation.                                                      valuations to match.

A $69 million free-for-all?


                                          Creators have new routes to monetization                      Next Gen entrepreneurs have unparalleled
                                          that bypass traditional gatekeepers                           insights into the needs of their audience

                                          Culture is out of the hands of traditional gatekeepers.       The new cultural creators are in constant conversation
                                          On social media, culture emerges from – and can be            with their audiences. They use their vast communities
                                          accessed by – the masses. More novel are NFTs, which          as sounding boards for their work. By the point of
                                          have opened up new ways for creators to monetize.             creation these entrepreneurs have often already
                                          Combined, these accelerate the rate of cultural               tested iterations with their customer base, giving them
                                          change by expanding the number of participants.               a leg-up on established brands.

                                          Curation & personalisation lie at the heart of                Conscious creation, and incentive alignment
                                          consumer engagement                                           lays at the core of future creator platforms

                                          Facing near-infinite abundance, consumers crave               Creator platforms must tread with care – invasive,
                                          curation. Falling prey to the paradox of choice they          data-exploitative business models are sapping trust
                                          seek authentic, personalised and responsive                   from creators and consumers. Value-driven business
                                          guidance on what they buy, who they buy from and              models must be set and sustained with aligned
                                          the way they buy it.                                          incentives, ensuring those who use the platform have

Art, culture & society
                                                                                                        a vested interest in its successful deployment.

Gates removed and floodgates opened:
culture is now consumer-led, hyper-
                                                                                                                What does this mean?
personalised and moving at the speed of
TikTok                                            58%                            50M                            Implications for founders,
                                            Of buyers in the Christie’s NFT   Participants in today’s           corporates & investors
                                                  sale were Gen-Z               creator economy

What does this mean for…

For Founders                                                     For Corporates                                                  For Investors

A curated consumer experience, based off reciprocity, is         Cultural creators must be treated as collaborators and          Understanding the values of Next Gen founders and their
key to a successful business model                               consultants rather than contractors                             communities is key to picking winners

Culture now moves at the speed of TikTok. Startups that use      Working successfully with the new generation of cultural        Driven by community creation and curation Next Gen
data to both understand and serve their users will be able       creators relies on collaboration rather than instruction. The   founders are driven by community support. In order to
to rapidly respond to their needs. Individual creators might     communities they’ve build depend on them for                    avoid being ‘cancelled’ sustained incentive alignment is
be able to rely on their intuitive reading of their audiences,   authenticity and they possess unique insights into their        core. Where the masses set what holds worth, it’s integral
but startups will need to combine intuition with data-driven     audiences. Work with influencers to respond to their            for Founders to demonstrate aligned conceptions of
insights to surf the ever-changing cultural waves.               consumer-led culture rather than trying to simply impose        ’value’ and create accordingly.
                                                                 what you want to land.

The Entrepreneurial Journey


                                             London is (still!) the best place in Europe to do        Data science is revolutionising entrepreneurs’
                                             business                                                 understanding of their businesses

                                             Despite recent press around the UK’s attitude to tech    A number of exited founders noted that if they were
                                             listings, founders were bullish on the UK as both a      starting their ventures again they would invest more in
                                             place to start a business, and the place to grow it to   building a data science capability sooner, to to gain
                                             IPO and beyond. The ease of capital raising in London    insights into their progress; building a core base of
                                             was noted, as was the quantity of high quality,          scalable technology avoids headaches and missed
                                             available talent vs. other European hubs.                opportunities during growth.

                                             Amid the crisis, entrepreneurs remain                    The best time to start a business is after the
                                             pathologically optimistic                                first hype cycle

                                             This innate optimism has not been damaged by the         At this point, founders can more easily spot (and poach)
                                             pandemic, with many founders commenting that the         the best talent for realistic prices. There’s also less public
                                             time and space awarded by over a year of                 attention, allowing founders to focus on delivering for
                                             lockdowns had actually created an environment            customers vs. chasing investors and trying to keep up
                                                                                                      with the news cycle. We saw this in fintech, will we now
                                             perfect for new ideas and business creation.
                                                                                                      see the same in crypto, quantum and others?

Leaders’ learnings
The entrepreneurial journey is always both
challenging and rewarding. The past 15
months especially so, although the best
                                                   835k                           41%                          What does this mean?

                                               New businesses founded            Increase on the               Implications for corporates,
founders will emerge stronger and smarter.
                                                                                                               startups & investors
                                                in the year to Feb 2021           previous year


What does this mean for…

For Founders                                                For Corporates                                                For Investors

Combine founder optimism with mentor experience             Cash is abundant; focus on your value add                     Dig in the Trough of Disillusionment
The UK tech sector has matured. There are now many          Corporate venturing doubled in the five years to 2020, with   The richest pickings are often found in the Gartner Hype
‘elders’ who have walked the path to IPO & beyond,          a record $73 billion invested during the pandemic. And        Cycle’s ‘Trough of Disillusionment’. Look for areas where the
learned valuable lessons, and been through multiple         while there’s plenty of fast, smart money available,          attention bubble has burst. Which problems remain
business cycles. Engage these people as mentors, advisors
                                                            approaching a forward-thinking founder with cash, a big       unsolved? Who's still sticking around? These people have
or investors. The pathological optimism of a founder,
                                                            brand and scale opportunities will remain an attractive       the grit and resilience to build successful businesses. Even
combined with hard-won experience is a powerful
                                                            proposition.                                                  better, they’ll be less demanding on valuations,
                                                                                                                          supercharging your returns.

We tap into our network
to select early-stage
startups with world-
changing potential to
present at FF London.

Over the last decade we’ve had nearly 200
companies participate, who have gone on
to see:
• 30+ exits (including FlipKart, Pillpack,
Shazam & DeepMind)
• 8 IPOs (including Farfetch, Lemonade &
• 8 unicorns (including TransferWise,
Duolingo, Babylon & Groq)
And tens of billions of funds raised.

Co-hosted with
Silicon Valley Bank

 Top (L-R)      Carmen Palacios-Barraquero (Nu Quantum); Matthew Hodgson (Element)
 Middle (L-R)   Bobby Healy (Manna Drone Delivery); Elizabeth Nyeko (Modularity Grid); Dr. Max Jamilly (Hoxton Farms); Timo Armoo (Fanbytes); Dr. Helen O’Neill (Hertility Health); Max Coutte (Unai VR)

 Bottom (L-R)   Nick Von Christierson(Woven Science); Sai Shivareddy (Nyobolt)

Over 140 founders, CEOs, investors, political
leaders, academics and journalists shared their
insights and experiences across six stages.

This year’s agenda also included virtual appearances from
technology moguls across the world who’s impact has
shaped our very lives today.

Virtual Fireside: Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn) in conversation with James
Harding (Tortoise Media)

Virtual Fireside: Eric Yuan (Zoom) in conversation with Lara Lewington

Virtual Fireside: Virtual Reality & the Future of Presence
Nicola Mendelsohn (Facebook) & Andrew Bosworth (Facebook Reality

Virtual Fireside: AI & Top Talent: Can Europe Compete in Global Race
Eric Schmidt (ex-Google, Schmidt Futures) in conversation with John
Thornhill (Financial Times)

AI ART | Drawing with Robots                                                Bursts & Announcements
Sougwen Chung                                                               Alex Tew (Calm); George Hadjigeorgiou (ZOE); Mursal Heydat
                                                                            (Chatterbox); Nicholas Cary(Blockchain / SkysTheLimit); Nigel Toon
Welcome & Announcements                                                     (Graphcore); Philip Mossop(Masuku); Sergey Gonchar (Loona); Joysy John
Brent Hoberman (Co-Founder & Executive Chairman, Founders                   (01Founders)
Forum), Oliver Dowden (Secretary of State, DCMS)
                                                                            VCs meet VCs: How is Venture Investing Different in 2021
Fireside Chat: Future of Quick Commerce and Delivery                        Jeppe Zink (Northzone), Jos White (Notion), Tom Stafford (DST Global), Nicole
Tim Steiner (Ocado) in conversation with Michael Stothard (Sifted)          Quinn (Lightspeed Venture Partners), Fatou Bintou Sagnang (Mubadala
                                                                            Capital), Rana Yared (Balderton)
The Oxford Vaccine: Innovating and Scaling Quickly
Tom Hulme (Google Ventures) and Sarah Gilbert (VacciTech)                   The Future of the Office: How Can CEOs Create Workplaces
                                                                            That Employees Want to Return to?
                                                                            Nick Jones (Soho House), Thomas Heatherwick (Heatherwick Studio), Mark
How Can We Help Solve the Digital Skills Gap?
                                                                            Read (WPP), Zahra Bahrololoumi (Salesforce). Moderated
Oliver Dowden (Secretary of State, Department of Culture, Media &
                                                                            by Pilita Clark (Financial Times)
Sport), Alex Mahon (Channel 4), Matt Brittin (Google), Gavin
Patterson(Salesforce). Moderated by Joysy John(01Founders).
                                                                            Influencers as Entrepreneurs: How to Build a Business With Your Community
                                                                            Abby Roberts (TikTok Influencer), Rich Waterworth (TikTok), Grace Beverley
Rethinking the Internet: Controlled or Decentralised?                       (TALA) Trinny Woodall (TRINNY London). Moderated by Devran Karaca (Kyra).
Tim Berners-Lee (MIT / Inrupt) in conversation with Greg Williams (Wired)
                                                                            How to Plan for the Next Global Emergency? Internet
Profitability v. Scale: What it Takes for a Fintech Unicorn to Go Global?   Blackouts, Geopolitical Black Swans and the Next Pandemic
Arik Shtilman (Rapyd), Victoria Van Lennep (Lendable). Moderated            Matthew Gould (NHSX), Minister Nadhim Zahawi. Moderated by Mark
by David Rowan.                                                             Walport (Imperial College).

Entrepreneurs: What to Build Next?                                          The Return of Business and Leisure Travel: What Will it Look Like?
Martin Varsavsky (Prelude), Mike Lynch (Invoke Capital), Miguel McKelvey    John Holland-Kaye (Heathrow Airport), Simon Vincent (Hilton Hotels). Moderated
(WeWork), Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia). Moderated by Mariella Frostrup.          by Alex Cruz (Senior Travel Advisor).

How to Make Sleep and Wellness a Priority?                                  Meet the CEO: 1-1 Speed-Meetings with Founders
Natalia Vodianova in conversation with Michael Acton Smith (Calm).          Mark Read (WPP), Nick Hugh (The Telegraph), Carolyn McCall (ITV), Ronan
Moderated by Alex Wood (Forbes).                                            Dunne (Verizon), Gavin Patterson (Salesforce), Tasia Filippatos(Disney), Simon
                                                                            Vincent (Hilton), Alex Mahon(Channel 4), Tim Steiner (Ocado),
Founders Story: Fin-tech and Angel Investing                                Charles Dunstone (TalkTalk), Steve Rowe(M&S) Sharan Pasricha (Ennismore), Steve
                                                                            Hatch(Facebook), Marco Gobbetti (Burberry)
Taavet Hinrikus (Wise) in conversation with Rory Cellan-Jones (BBC)
How Tech is Reshaping the Future of Biology?
                                                                                Tim Guilliams (HealX), Peter Donnelly (Genomics), Irina Haivas(Atomico).
Transforming the Fashion Industry w/ Material Science & Innovation              Moderated by D-J Collins (Milltown Partners)
Eva Kruse (Pangaia), Dan Widmaier (Bolt Threads) & Iain Martin (Forbes).
                                                                                The Future of Food: Alt-Proteins, Cultured Meat and Vertical-Farming
Tech & Climate Change- How Do We Make Real Impact?                              Daniele Benatoff (Planet Farms), Dr. Max Jamilly (Hoxton Farms). Moderated
Richard Curtis (Screenwriter & Director, Project Everyone)                      by Jeremy Coller (Coller Capital)

A Founder’s Future: Building a Global e-Commerce Powerhouse                     CEOs: How to Lead In a Crisis
Matt Moulding (The Hut Group) & Thorold Barker (Wall Street Journal)            Stephen Carter (Informa), Tim Davie (BBC), Ronan Dunne (Verizon), Carolyn
                                                                                McCall (ITV). Moderated by Peter Dahlstrom (McKinsey & Company)
SPACs, IPOs and PE: What are the Opportunities with SPACs in 2021?
Thor Bjorgolfsson (Novator), Erik Anderson (West River Group). Moderated        Retail in the 2020’s: How to Win in the Amazon Age?
by Jay Jubas(McKinsey & Company)                                                Aron Gelbard (Bloom & Wild), Chris Morton (Lyst), Demetra Pinsent (Charlotte
                                                                                Tilbury). Moderated by Kabir Ahuja (McKinsey & Company)
Auction-Houses, Galleries, Art Fairs, NFTs: Digitising the Art World
Jonathan Yeo, Oliver Barker (Sotheby’s), Bettina Korek (Serpentine              Whatever Next? The Future of Tech Enabled by 5G
Galleries), Matthew Slotover (Frieze). Moderated by Robert Norton.              Dr. Hannah Fry (Mathematician), Suzi Ruffell (Comedian), James Kitto
                                                                                (Samsung Electronics), Sharon Hegarty (Samsung Electronics)
Crypto: What is Different This Time? Why is Institutional Money Flowing
                                                                                HealthTech: How Technology Is Accelerating Better Care By Focusing
Into Crypto?
Peter Smith (Blockchain) in conversation w/ Azeem Azhar (Exponential View)
                                                                                on the Patient
                                                                                Dan Vahdat (Huma), Ranjan Singh (Health Hero), Nadine Hachach-Haram
                                                                                (Proximie), Chris Bischoff(General Catalyst). Moderated by Markus
Who Will Win the EV Race? Traditional Auto-Makers or New Players?               Bauman (Goodwin)
Peter Rawlinson (Lucid) in conversation with John Thornhill (Financial Times)
                                                                                Smart Cities: Micro-Mobility, Zero-Emissions and Autonomous Driving
Fireside Chat: Future of Retail, Sustainability and Communities                 Richard Barlow (wejo), Alex Kendall (Wayve), Paul Newman (Oxbotica).
Anya Hindmarch in conversation with Neira Hajro(McKinsey & Company)             Moderated by Shona Ghosh (Insider)

How Can We Make ESGs & Sustainability a Priority in VC?                         The F Factor: Pitch Competition for Young Entrepreneurs Under 25
Bernard Liautaud (Balderton) & Richard Curtis (Screenwriter & Director,         Hosted by June Sarpong (BBC) & Judge include: Richard Reed (Innocent &
Project Everyone). Moderated by Amy Lewin (Sifted).                             JamJar Investments), Tej Lavani (VitaBiotics), Maria Raga(Depop)

Safeguarding the Future of Humanity: Vote To Donate $100K to 4                  Live from LA
Charities w/ David Goldberg (Founders Pledge)                                   Courtne Smith (NewNew), Devon Townsend (Cameo). Moderated by Nicole
                                                                                Quinn (Lightspeed Venture Partners)

Chair & CEO
We kicked off this year’s FF at Kensington Palace,
welcoming over 90 corporate chairs, chief
executives, founders and investors.

Rishi Sunak (Chancellor of the Exchequer) was interviewed
by Roula Khalaf (Financial Times) about the government’s
plans to make the UK the best place to scale a business.

Demetra Pinsent (Charlotte Tilbury), Sharan Pasricha
(Ennismore) and Zanny Minton Beddoes (The Economist)
talked honestly about leading through the pandemic.
Rajeev Misra (Softbank Investment Advisers) shared his views
on the future, before Stephen Fitzpatrick (OVO Energy &
Vertical Aerospace) talked about going public in the US via

VC Partners
2150                       Index Ventures
AAB Invest                 Islet Capital
Accel                      Kinnevik
Amadeus Capital Partners   L Catterton
Andurance Ventures         Lightspeed Venture Partners
Beringea                   Miroma Ventures
CVC Capital                Mubadala
Dawn Capital               Northzone
Delin Capital              Notion Capital
DN Capital                 OMERS Ventures
DST Global                 Planet First Partners
Eight Roads                Prosus
Felix Capital              Seedcamp
General Catalyst           Sweet Capital
Google Ventures            The Raine Group
Hoxton Ventures            Vision Ridge Partners

Our Partners
A huge thank you to our partners
for all their generosity & support.

Exhibitors & gift
bag donors

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