FoodservicemonthlyTM - Pati Jinich JBF Winner

Page created by Florence Harris
FoodservicemonthlyTM - Pati Jinich JBF Winner
foodservicemonthly                   Volume 17, No. 6

                                                            June 2018

                                   JBF Winner
                          Pati Jinich
                         Invites You to Her Mexican Table
FoodservicemonthlyTM - Pati Jinich JBF Winner
IN THE SPOTLIGHT | Lisa Keathley

  Welco m e t o m   y
  Mexican   T a b l e !
                                                                                  2018 James Beard Award Winner Pati Jinich

                                                                                                                                             Photo: Kent Miller

Photos: Penny De Los Santos

                                                                      ati Jinich is an outstanding personali
                                                                Jinich won the 2018 JBF broadcast media award in the host category at a ceremony
                                                                in New York City in late April. She had been nominated for the award twice before,
                                                                but this time, the announcement caught her by surprise. “Unbelievable! I have
                                                                never had feelings like those when they announced my name. I didn’t think I’d get it
                                                                because of the high level of the others nominated. I didn’t even prepare a speech.”

       12 | JUNE 2018                        The Newsmagazine Foodservice Professionals Rely On                                  foodservicemonthly
FoodservicemonthlyTM - Pati Jinich JBF Winner
          hough she may have been                                                                                                                     connected with and rediscovered my
          speechless that night, rarely                                                                                                               own country while being away.”
          is she at a loss for words! The                                                                                                               Pati also listened constantly to
          engaging, personable Pati Jinich                                                                                                            public radio and became what she
          is host of the PBS television                                                                                                               calls a “super fan.” That led her
   program Pati’s Mexican Table, a series                                                                                                             to knock on the door of the local
   that explores the richness of food,                                                                                                                public TV station, KERA-TV, where
   history, and culture in Pati’s home                                                                                                                she became a production assistant
   country, Mexico. Now in production                                                                                                                 for a TV program about Texan and
    for its seventh season to premiere                                                                                                                southwestern cuisine. She found she
    this fall, Pati and her film crew                                                                                                                 loved the research, the travel, and
   have traveled throughout Mexico —                                                                                                                  the focus on food.
   from the capital Mexico City to the
   eastern Mexican vacation town of                                                                                                                   A move to D.C…
   San Miguel de Allende to the coastal                                                                                                                  …pulled Pati back into the policy
   city of Champotón in southwestern                                                                                                                  world. She got a graduate degree
   Mexico, with many stops along the                                                                                                                  in Latin American studies from
                                                                                                                        Photo: Pati's Mexican Table
   way to explore food, family, and fun.                                                                                                              Georgetown University, followed
   The upcoming season focuses on the
   Baja Peninsula in Mexico’s north.               “Food connects cultures and countries.                                                             by a job at the Inter-American
                                                                                                                                                      Dialogue think tank. But the policy
      “By receiving the award, I felt
   validation from the professional              One recipe at a time. One story at a time."                                                          job was “so boring,” she says. “I got
                                                                                                                                                      zero satisfaction. I fought it until
   culinary world that I’ve been                                                                                                                      I couldn’t fight it any longer.” Pati
   working so hard to be part of. It felt                                                                                                             realized that she found meaning
   like an embrace from the culinary            Though she was not much of a                  nuts, and sear meat. “Comals have
                                                                                                                                                      through food. “The only way to grow
   community.”                               cook herself, Pati says she always               a history,” Pati notes, “and they get
                                                                                                                                                      roots in America was to nurture
                                             felt a pull to the kitchen. However,             seasoned with age. You usually don’t
   The roots of Pati’s passion                                                                                                                        myself and my growing family
                                             “I yanked myself out of it to be my              pass down a comal until someone
                                                                                                                                                      through food. Food was home to me.
      Patricia Jinich — known to pretty      own woman. Because I came from a                 dies. You might get a new one,
                                                                                                                                                      I realized that food was the way to
   much everyone as Pati — was born          divorced family, my mom always told              but not a used one. My mom gave
                                                                                                                                                      communicate about my roots.”
   in Mexico, one of four sisters in a       me to be self reliant, resourceful, and          me hers as a sign of desperation
                                                                                                                                                         With the urging and support of
   very food-centric family, where social    independent.” At that time, she saw              because she knew I couldn’t even
                                                                                                                                                      her husband, Pati took what she
   life centered around the table. With      the kitchen as a place where women               cook a quesadilla!” It was a sign of
                                                                                                                                                      calls “a leap of faith.” “I thought
   their mom as a good cook, they            took orders, so she chose a degree               desperation, maybe — but perhaps
                                                                                                                                                      about it for a year and a half. It was
   enjoyed not only Mexican cuisine,         and a career in policy analysis, where           also a good sign for Pati’s future.
                                                                                                                                                      agony. What am I doing, throwing
   with its native Mexican, Spanish, and     she thought she might make more of                  Texas proved to be a lonely place
                                                                                                                                                      these years of research, and study,
   French influences, but also meals         a difference.                                    for Pati, whose new husband traveled
                                                                                                                                                      and policy away?” she remembers.
   reflective of their grandparents,                                                          a lot. But that isolation forced here to
                                                                                                                                                      “But I had to go with my gut. It was

ity and host. And now the James Beard Foundation thinks so, too!
                                             The gift of a comal                                                                                      not rational. If I had researched
   who had immigrated from Austria,                                                           reach out in new ways. She started
                                                                                                                                                      it, I would not have done it. I just
   Czechoslovakia, and Poland. “For            When Pati got married to her                   speaking to people in grocery stores,
                                                                                                                                                      jumped. But I thought it was better
   us,” she said, “every food tradition      husband Daniel and moved to Texas,               asking what they were making and
                                                                                              what ingredients they were using.                       to take the risk, better to know I had
   had meaning, and the hours we             her mother gave her the gift of
   spent together over meals were my         her own comal, a flat griddle used               “I met people from the Mexican
   favorite.”                                to cook tortillas, toast spices and              diaspora, learned new recipes, and                                         JINICH cont. page 15
   foodservicemonthly                                              The Newsmagazine Foodservice Professionals Rely On                                                          JUNE 2018 | 13
FoodservicemonthlyTM - Pati Jinich JBF Winner
CUBA                                          JINICH
cont. from page 14                            cont. from page 15
Más Cubano
                                             tried, and that I had given my three
   Back in D.C., we continued our            boys a positive example of taking
local culinary exploration at the            chances.”
Colada Shop at 1405 T St., NW.
At first glance, Colada resembles            The right decision
a crowded carryout, but the small               In 2006, Pati earned a certificate
space opens up into a spacious first-        from L’Academie de Cuisine in
floor dining area, plus an upstairs          Gaithersburg (now closed). She
bar and rooftop garden. After placing        loved the experience and says, “It
our orders at the busy counter, we           confirmed my decision to jump
settled inside at a comfy couch and          100 percent.” Her intent was to
awaited our food, which arrived in           be a food writer and teacher who
paper bags.                                  would teach cooking, along with
   The Colada menu seemed more               Mexican history and culture, in
authentic than we’d anticipated.             the intimacy of her Chevy Chase
Empanadas are filled with picadillo          home. A chance meeting with the
(spicy ground beef), spinach, and            executive director of the Mexican
cheese. Ham croquetas are crisp              Cultural Institute led her to
on the outside, moist and flavorful          develop a curriculum for a cooking
inside. Pastelitos, pastries with cream      series at the Institute and a much
cheese and guava, are enveloped in           broader stage. She called the live
a flakey crust. The Cuban sandwich,          cooking series “Mexican Table,”                                                                                            Clay Williams
while not really Cuban, is the best          and the rest, as they say, is…             On Cinco de Mayo, Pati Jinich made scallop aguachile at the James Beard House
rendition we’ve tasted north of              ahem…Mexican history!
Tampa.                                          Pati’s first cooking lectures            station, WETA, who attended one             Pati chuckles and says somewhat
   Colada Shop, which has an                 focused on topics such as the               of her classes. They talked together        mysteriously, “I don’t want to jinx
offshoot in Sterling, is open daily          Mexican Revolution, when rebel              about a kitchen show that would             it!” We can only guess that a next
for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.            fighters ate foods that had to be           be recorded in her home and                 cookbook just might be on the
Call 202-332-8800 or visit www.              cooked on the run and would                 feature the foods, traditions, and          horizon.                              fit in a pouch or saddlebag.                recipes of Mexico.                             All Pati Jinich’s efforts have made
   And newcomer to the scene is              She taught another class about                 A lot of hard work and a year            Mexican food more accessible to
Little Havana at 3704 14th St.,              Mexican convents, where, for                and a half later, Pati’s Mexican Table      everyone — from food aficionados
NW, in Washington’s Petworth                 over 300 years, the Catholic nuns           had a pilot and, not long after, it         to parents wanting a quick and
neighborhood. The 70-seat                    intermingled colonial and local             debuted nationally on the public            tasty dinner for their kids. And,
Caribbean eatery is the creation of          ingredients to create new food              television network. “We tape it in          looking back, she says it has
Alfredo Solis, who brought us local          delights, such as the delicious mole        my home kitchen,” she explains,             played an even bigger role, too. “I
taquerias El Sol and Mezcalera.              sauce.                                      “with no script, completely on the          can show what immigrants bring
Helming the central kitchen — lined             “I came to the realization               fly, so it feels very real.” Regular        to the table and how they enrich
with white subway tiles — is Joseph          that what I loved most about                viewers, now numbering over 31              the international culinary field,”
Osorio, whose Cuban godmother                Mexico, I could share through               million, have seen the program’s            she says, “Food connects cultures
taught him to cook. He is an alum            food stories. I could make history          growth and have met Pati’s family,          and countries. One recipe at a
of Clyde’s Restaurant Group and              come alive!” Even though she had            including her three boys, as they           time. One story at a time. One
Alexandria Restaurant Partners.              never spoken in public or used a            have grown up on camera.                    image at a time. I am helping
   The Washington-Baltimore area             microphone, Pati was a dynamic                                                          people so much more by trying
boasts other Cuban eateries, too,            teacher. “I loved the hunger of             The best part — building bridges            to invite everyone to the table.”
including the charming Sabor                 Americans who wanted to know                through food                                Building bridges through food…a
de Cuba, 9 East Patrick St., in              more. I loved that interaction.”              In addition to the live lectures          great — and award-winning —
Frederick, Maryland. While not               The classes feature a live cooking          and her PBS television series,              combination!
necessarily authentic, Sabor’s sizzling      demonstration, followed by a                Pati makes guest appearances
shrimp in white wine with tomatoes           tasting dinner, and they have               on a variety of cooking shows,              In addition to the 2018 James Beard
and avocado is dynamite. For more            become so popular that there is a           has a food blog, and has written            Award for Outstanding Personality/TV Host,
information on Cuban restaurants             waiting list for tickets a full year in     two cookbooks. Pati’s Mexican               PATI’S MEXICAN TABLE received the Best
in the area, visit https://www.yelp.                                                                                                 National Informational Program Award
                                             advance!                                    Table: The Secrets of Real Mexican
com/search?cflt=cuban&find_                                                                                                          from the Imagen Awards in 2016. The
                                                                                         Home Cooking was published                  series can be seen throughout the U.S.,
loc=Baltimore%2C+MD.                         Going to the next level                     in 2013. Mexican Today: New                 Canada, Japan, Southeast Asia, and India/
                                                The success of her lecture series        and Rediscovered Recipes for                South Asia. It airs locally on Saturdays at
CELESTE MCCALL is a Washington, D.C. food
                                             at the Mexican Institute led Pati to        Contemporary Kitchens came out in           11:30 a.m. on WETA TV 26.
and travel writer. Contact her at 202-547-
5024.                                        meet producers from the local PBS           2016. Is a third book in the works?

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