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Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 1 City of Wolverhampton Council Food Service Plan 2021
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 2 2 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 3 Contents Contents 1 Introduction 5 6 Service delivery What businesses can 2 Summary 7 expect from the service 19 Service statement 9 Intervention programme 20 Priority areas for intervention and targeted action 24 3 Service aims and objectives Food complaints 25 Service aims 10 Primary and Home Authority Objectives 10 Principle 26 Links to corporate issues 11 Advice to businesses 27 Approval and review process 11 Sampling 27 Infectious disease control 30 4 Key achievements 12 Food safety incidents 30 Liaison arrangements 31 5 Background information Authority profile 13 7 Resources The means by which Financial allocation 32 the service is discharged 14 Staffing allocation 33 Scope of the Food Service 15 Competency 35 Development of the Food Hygiene Service 16 Staff development 35 Profile of the Food Service – Food hygiene 17 8 Quality Assessment 37 – Feeding stuffs Regulatory and 9 Performance management compliance policy 18 and review 38 10 Regulatory and Investigatory Powers Act 38 Food Service Plan 2021 3
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 4 4 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 5 Introduction 1 Introduction Welcome to the 20th Statutory Food The plan has been reviewed in Service Plan for the City of accordance with the FSA’s Service Wolverhampton. Planning Guidance for Food Law Enforcement and the guidance The Food Standards Agency (FSA) contained in the Food Law Code of Framework Agreement, which was Practice (England) and Guidance. developed in close partnership with the The FSA also requires the service plan Local Government Association (LGA), be submitted for member approval to requires the annual production of the ensure local transparency and Statutory Food Service Plan. The accountability. All formal actions arising agreement applies to local enforcement from interventions taken under the of all food laws, and incorporates the provisions of the plan will be compliant latest guidance and standards on food with the BRDO Regulators’ Code. law enforcement. Food Service Plan 2021 5
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 6 Introduction The plan is not a stand-alone document; bring forward some visits from 2022/23 it is an integral part of the council's to reduce the overdue inspection service delivery programme. It stands numbers. The focus will continue to be alongside other service specific plans on the higher risk businesses detailed in such as the Health and Safety Plan and the programme. sits within the overall performance In 2018, we launched our consultancy management arrangements for the service Trade with Confidence. The Commercial Regulation group of service allows us to provide bespoke services. All the service plans are aligned support to businesses to help them to the council’s corporate performance achieve a better star rating or with any and financial planning frameworks. other issues or advice that they require. The service is committed to working We hope to further develop this area towards the inspection and intervention of work. regime prescribed by the Food Should you have any comments or Standards Agency. views with respect to this plan please The Environmental Health Service has forward these to the Service Manager; played an integral role in responding to Emma Caddick, Civic Centre, St. the Covid-19 pandemic. Officers from Peter’s Square, Wolverhampton, within the service have been redeployed WV1 1DA to deal with work relating to Covid-19 and consequently a signifcant number of food hygiene and standards inspections have not been undertaken. The Food Standards Agency has recognised the pressure on local authorities and have produced a recovery plan, which recognises that there will be a back log of inspections and reduced resources within Environmental Health teams. It is envisaged that the service will meet the requirements of the recovery plan programme this year and will be able to 6 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 7 Summary Service wheel: existing services and priority areas Prioritisation of new businesses for interventions based w on risk. 100% of vie Fo premises rated re o category A for dS A full range of food hygiene ce and standards work as required hygiene should an tan by the Food Standards Agency, be inspected. o rm dar including inspections, sampling and responding to service perf ds A requests. Full food hygiene ency – External and food standards gency interventions of approved premises. – External perfo Statutory Food Service Further develop the Trade with Confidence rds Ag consultancy service A range of advisory work, ensuring that businesses to help local businesses within and outside of a and residents ensure that r d the city access the m tan food manufactured sold and a services we nce consumed in the City of S offer. Wolverhampton is safe to d Develop r o e eat and is correctly labelled. Fo primary authority partnerships with v iew businesses building on the existing partnership with Marston's. Existing services 2 Priority areas of work to carry out (2021) Priority areas of work to develop (2021) Summary The Statutory Food Service Plan sets out how the City of Wolverhampton Council will work over the coming year to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety and quality of food prepared and sold in Wolverhampton is of the highest standard. The plan meets the requirements laid down by the Food Standards Agency and is designed to ensure that local people and residents can clearly see what the service does, how our services are delivered and the resources we have to do this. Food Service Plan 2021 7
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 8 Summary Services Resourced Compositional Licensing and microbiological enforcement sampling Food Food standards hygiene Public health The overall budgetary provision relating to for the service is anticipated to commercial be in the region of Infectious businesses £2.2 million for 2021. disease i.e. drainage, investigation The services resourced through and control nuisance noise, this budgetary provision include: etc. Street scene Trading regulation Standards Health and safety including accident investigations, stadia certification, etc. Monitoring The monitoring of performance against the service plan is detailed in the plan and involves the head of service, service managers and employee groups. In addition, there is external review of performance through the statutory return to the Food Standards Agency. 8 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 9 Summary Service Statement Our Service Environmental Health enforces the law through a programme of interventions and investigations in respect of food and other commercial businesses. It provides information and advice to businesses, customers and other consumers. This service is also responsible for health and safety, infectious disease control. The service receives approximately 2,000 requests each year. In addition to dealing with requests and complaints we carry out programmed regulation of shops and businesses in Wolverhampton. OUR GROUP of SERVICES The Commercial Regulation Service is responsible for delivering some of the council’s statutory duties. It combines Environmental Health, Trading Standards, Licensing and Private Sector Housing into a single regulatory service. Our services are responsible for ensuring you are treated fairly and your health and environment are protected. Our council In discharging these duties we strive to contribute to the corporate customer service standards, the council’s core values and community priorities. Our service contributes to the council’s core values in many ways. Our service plans set the highest standards for us to work to. In our dealings with the public and trade we act in accordance with the principles of the Compliance Code ensuring equality and fairness to all combined with honesty, transparency and accountability. The objectives of these services are protecting people and the environment and, through engaging stakeholders and colleagues in other agencies, we build partnerships. By protecting the social, economic and environmental conditions within the city and by minimising nuisance to neighbourhoods and protecting the health of people at work and play our service contributes to the council’s strategic goals of developing strong resilient and healthy communities and a vibrant green city which we can all be proud of. Business Services Statutory Food Service Plan 2021 9
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 10 Service aims and objectives 3 Service aims and objectives Aims • Support the workings of the Central England Environmental Health Through the effective and efficient use of Partnership, West Midlands Food the resources allocated, to help food Liaison Group, and the Central businesses provide safe food and England Trading Standards ensure that the quality of food prepared Authorities Food Group. and sold in Wolverhampton is of the highest standard. • Maintain appropriate food sampling regimes which comply with relevant statutory provisions and national Objectives guidance. In achieving the aims we will: • Investigate reported cases and outbreaks of infectious disease and • Register, approve and licence, as support the work of Public Health appropriate, relevant food premises. England in this respect. • Maintain appropriate food premises • Have regard to enforcement which is intervention programmes which helpful, consistent and proportionate comply with all requirements set out and does not impose unnecessary in legislation. burden, as set out in the Black • Respond to and investigate food Country Regulators Operating safety and standards complaints, Framework. requests for information made by • Ensure all actions and decisions both business persons and private taken by employees and councillors individuals and complaints of a public are undertaken in an open and health nature, relating to food transparent fashion with due regard premises. to the council's policies on equality. • Make appropriate responses to • Ensure that all investigations leading national food alerts and incidents to legal proceedings are completed in identified by the FSA. accordance with the principles of • Support the BEIS Primary and Home natural justice and fairness. Authority Principle. • Ensure appropriate monitoring, reporting and response to the actual implementation and delivery of the agreed service plan. 10 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 11 Service aims and objectives Links to corporate issues Approval and review process In order to achieve continuous service The service plan is subject to approval improvement and strive for performance and scrutiny by the director for City capable of achieving a sustainable Housing and Environment and the future which reflects the political Cabinet Member for City Environment priorities and values of partners within and Climate Change. Wolverhampton, it is important that the Progress with delivery of the plan is statutory service plan links itself visibly to monitored on a regular basis by The the overall corporate objectives. Commercial Regulation Management Environmental Health produces two team. service delivery plans detailing the work of the service. They cover the work of the Food Hygiene and Standards Service and the Health and Safety Service. Food Service Plan 2021 11
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 12 Key achievements 2018/19 4 Key achievements for 2021/22 • Supporting the set up and management of the food hub, ensuring food safety standards and infection control measures were implemented and maintained. • Development of the Covid compliant scheme • 3435 visits to businesses to review Covid measures and ensure the were Covid compliant • 1500 Covid enquiries dealt with • 414 Food hygiene interventions undertaken • 374 Food standard interventions undertaken • 432 complaints relating to food hygiene and standards dealt with 12 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 13 Background information 5 Background information Authority profile The City of Black 6.9% "Other" ethnicity 1.9% Wolverhampton has a population of Asian 18.1% White British 263,357 64.5% Ethnic breakdown (ONS, 2019) of the population Mixed 5.1% (Census, 2011) White Non-British 3.5% 49.7% 50.3% male female Proportion of Population by gender residents aged (ONS, 2020) 72.5% 16-74 in employment (ONS, 2020) Approximateley 31.6% of children Wolverhampton is ranked as live in low income the 24th most deprived local families. authority area in the country. Children in Low Income Families Food Service Plan 2021 13
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 14 Background information The means by which the service is delivered The political structure of the council is council’s constitution, budget and plans made up of a Leader, Cabinet, Cabinet approved by the council. Panels, Scrutiny Panels and The Commercial Regulation Service, committees. The Cabinet is part of the which sits within the City Housing and executive decision making process and Environment group of services, falls is made up of ten councillors and is under the remit of the Cabinet Member chaired by the leader of the council. for City Environment and Climate Each cabinet member has a specific Change along with Waste Services, area of responsibility, a portfolio. Public Realm Services, and Decisions about the day to day running Bereavement Services. of council services are taken by Cabinet within the framework of the 14 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 15 Background information Scope of the Food Service • Commitment of resources to the Home Authority Principle and Primary The City of Wolverhampton Council’s Authority Partnership, Food Service undertakes: • Commitment to the BEIS Better • Programmed interventions, which Business for All initiative include full or part inspections, microbiological and compositional • Response to cases and outbreaks of sampling of food, education and actual and suspected food related advisory visits to food businesses infectious disease. with respect to food hygiene and • Provision of advice and assistance to food standards. other local authorities and • Operation of the National Food enforcement bodies Hygiene Rating Scheme (NFHRS) • Enforcement of the Health Act 2006, • Development and maintenance of an Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling ‘alternative enforcement strategy’ for Act 2005 food businesses for both food • Consultee role to planning hygiene and food standards applications. • Responses to food complaints • Response to nuisance complaints The service is also responsible for and related issues in connection with discharging the authority’s functions in food business relation to health and safety at work, infectious disease control, licensing • Response to food alerts, warnings issues and nuisance arising from waste, and other food incidents drainage and noise from food and • Response to, and determination of, licenced commercial premises. licence applications in relation to Feeding stuffs enforcement is delivered food businesses in partnership with South Staffordshire • Investigation of allegations of County Council who are responsible for food fraud undertaking enforcement compliance in this area. • Promotion of food related health matters Food Service Plan 2021 15
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 16 Background information Development of the Food Hygiene Service In 2021, the Food Service will continue In 2021, a priority for the service to focus on meeting the inspection and alongside reducing the number of intervention regime prescribed by the overdue inspections will be the Food Standards Agency. development of the consultancy service, widening the services remit and ensuring The Food Standards Agency have the products on offer meet the needs of recognised the impact that the Covid-19 the businesses within the city. pandemic has had on local authorities and has set out a recovery plan, which Alongside the consultancy service, deviates from the traditional inspection the focus in 2021 will be on the regime. The expectation for 2021 is that development of primary authority local authorities will prioritise new partnerships with businesses. businesses for intervention based on Primary authority is a means for risk, that all establishments rated A for businesses to receive assured and hygiene should be inspected and tailored advice on (amongst other areas) enforcement work should be undertaken meeting environmental health and where premises are of poor standards. trading standards regulations through Businesses will continue to be risk rated a single point of contact. following an initial inspection. Should The authority have an established they receive a poor food hygiene rating primary authority partnership with and want to amend their rating, they will Marston's PLC. This partnership builds have to pay for a revisit to be on the successful home authority re-rated. partnership which has been in place for Officers will continue to signpost a number of years. businesses to any resources and guidance required to ensure they comply with the law, however more detailed help and support will only be available on a cost recovery basis through the ‘Trade with Confidence’ consultancy service. 16 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 17 Background information Profile of the Food Service Premises Type Total Number (As of April 2021) of Premises Enforcement of regulations on food Caring establishments 205 standards, safety and hygiene is Distributors & transporters 0 primarily the responsibility of local authorities, however the Food Standards Hotel/guest house 17 Agency (FSA) have responsibility for Importers and exporters 0 food hygiene enforcement in slaughterhouses, cutting premises, Manufacturers and packers 41 farmed and wild game facilities and Mobile food unit 60 co-located minced meat and meat products premises. Local authorities Primary producer 1 retain responsibility for food standards Pub/club 184 enforcement within these premises. Restaurant and caterers other 615 The food premises profile for Wolverhampton is set out in the table Schools/college 107 alongside. Small retailer 600 The food premises data base of Supermarket/hypermarket 45 Wolverhampton is currently stored within an IT platform called IDOX. Take-away 310 Wholesalers 80 Totals 2265 Food Service Plan 2021 17
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 18 Background information Profile of Food Service – Regulatory and compliance policy feeding stuffs This is the overarching compliance The authority has entered into a policy document was approved by partnership with Staffordshire County Cabinet in October 2014. It has regard Council, who have now assumed to human rights issues and incorporates responsibility for undertaking the principles contained in the enforcement compliance within Government’s BIS / BRDO Regulators this area. Code. 45 premises undertake the activity The Black Country Regulators Operating of production, storage or handling Framework, comprising Service Charter, of feed stuff(s) for animals. Regulatory & Compliance Policy and Service Standards has now been adopted by all four Black Country authorities. 18 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 19 Service delivery 6 Service delivery What businesses should expect when a member of staff undertakes an inspection Staff undertaking food safety work will: ✔ Identify themselves by name and title, showing proof of ID if required and give contact details when necessary ✔ Be helpful and courteous ✔ Carry out their duties in a fair, equitable and consistent manner in accordance with the council’s enforcement and equal opportunities policies. ✔ Help food businesses in providing safe food for their customers. Discuss and assist in the compliance with legislation, applying a risk based and appropriate approach. ✔ Tailor the intervention to the business’s needs, minimising the cost of compliance by ensuring any action required is proportionate to the risk. ✔ Encourage businesses to seek advice, information and encourage two way communication. ✔ Provide information about the council’s complaints procedures and any official appeals procedures as appropriate. ✔ Issue a report, where non-compliance with the relevant legislation is found. ✔ Advise on future changes in relevant legislation and requirement/obligations on food business. Food Service Plan 2021 19
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 20 Service delivery Intervention Programmes cutting plants etc (where the council does not enforce hygiene legislation) In accordance with the FSA Food Law separate food standards interventions Code of Practice food premises in are arranged. Wolverhampton are subject to an intervention in order to establish that The adoption of this approach has food related activities carried out within meant that although all businesses are the premises comply with food law. rated for food standards risk under FSA Food Law Code of Practice, the The use of interventions was intervention programme is generally incorporated in UK law through the driven by the frequency of food hygiene requirements made under Retained intervention. The inevitable consequence Regulation 882/2004 Article 10 and is that some food standards further through the FSA Food Law Code interventions will be undertaken slightly of Practice. Interventions are defined as early and some slightly late. In order to activities that are designed to monitor, minimise the effect of this on statistical support and increase food law returns a general rule is followed compliance within a food establishment. whereby if a food standards intervention They include but are not restricted to will be overdue at 31 March if not carried “official controls” and are carried out out at the same time as a food hygiene using a risk based approach, which is intervention, it should be done early set out within the FSA Food Law Code rather than late. of Practice. Serious or significant food standards There are currently two separate breaches will be followed up by inspection programmes relating to food appropriate intervention and when hygiene and food standards, however necessary formal action e.g. for the majority of businesses in prosecution, simple caution etc. Wolverhampton, food standards interventions are normally undertaken at Both programmes adhere to the the same time as food hygiene premises rating schemes contained interventions. This is because, for most within the statutory Food Law Codes of businesses, the issues of labelling, Practice produced by the FSA. Using composition and quality are interlinked the number of premises in each risk with those of the food hygiene and band and the associated inspection safety and are therefore dealt with frequency, it is possible to estimate the during one intervention. However, for number of inspections due in any given larger manufacturing businesses and period. The number of revisits is a 20 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 21 Service delivery function of the levels of compliance It is estimated that an additional identified during an initial visit and any 2 senior/district officers and a enforcement policy decisions. compliance officer would be required to achieve full compliance with the Food The intervention programme is central to Standards Agency’s requirements on a food law compliance, and local sustainable basis. authorities must ensure that such a programme is appropriately resourced. The purpose of food hygiene inspections is to find out if food being handled and produced hygienically is safe to eat, and to identify factors which have the potential to cause food poisoning or injury. Failure to adequately resource the food programme would result in some premises not receiving an inspection and operating in a manner which could cause harm to public health. Food Service Plan 2021 21
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 22 Service delivery Food hygiene intervention programme for 2021 The table below outlines the visits due Category A premises are the highest risk for 2021. The table also includes those premises. Alternative Enforcement inspections not completed in the Strategy (AES) premises are the lowest previous years inspection programme risk premises and are subject to less but does not include all of those frequent interventions. inspections, which would have traditionally been due this year. Risk rating Number of premises Number of premises due in 2021 overdue (2020) (as per recovery plan) A 4 0 B 0 25 C 0 128 D 0 140 AES (E) 0 208 Unrated 102 N/A Total 106 501 22 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 23 Service delivery Food Standards Intervention Programme 2021 The table below outlines the visits one. These should be subject to identified for 2021. The table includes minimum contact via the AES at least those inspections not completed in the once every 5 years in accordance with previous years inspection programme, the FSA Food Code of Practice. but does not include all of the premises, The information in relation to both the which would have been due this year. Food Standards and the Food Hygiene Category A premises are the highest risk intervention programme forms part of premises. The FSA Food Law Code of the data submitted to the FSA on an Practice deems that Category C rated annual basis. premises do not receive an intervention as they are so low risk they do not justify Risk Rating Number of Premises Number of Premises Due in 2021 Overdue (2020) A 0 6 B 0 344 C/AES * 0 22 Unrated 102 0 Total 102 372 Food Service Plan 2021 23
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 24 Service delivery Feeding stuffs • Develop the consultancy service Wolverhampton has 45 premises where Trade with Confidence - reviewing feed is produced, stored or handled. products and areas of work where Priority inspection has been contracted consultancy services can be offered. to Staffordshire Trading Standards, • To provide suitable, relevant and whom target higher risk premises and informative guidance to businesses to those generating complaints, on average assist their compliance with food premises receive a 3 year inspection. labelling legislation, including allergen Priority areas for intervention legislation. and targeted activities • To ensure a satisfactory level of Identified enforcement priorities for compliance with food standards further development for 2021 are set issues in manufacturers and out below: processors. • To prioritise new businesses for • To implement new legislation, codes intervention based on risk and of practice and service policy and inspect all establishments rated A procedures as required by law and for hygiene. when requiring update. • Once all due inspections are completed carry out food hygiene and standards inspections on the next priority inspections set by the Food Standards Agency bringing forward the food programme for 2022 • To carry out full food hygiene and food standards interventions of approved premises and other manufacturers that fall due within the year. • To develop primary authority partnerships with businesses in the area. 24 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 25 Service delivery Food complaints The service will accept and investigate complaints if one or more of the The service endeavours to adopt a following circumstances are apparent: consistent approach to the receipt and investigation of food complaints, 250 of • There is ‘prima facie’ evidence of an which are received each year. In general, offence under the Food Safety Act all food complaints made to the service 1990 or its subordinate regulations will give rise to a detailed consideration and the nature of the offence gives of the exact circumstances of each case rise to public health or safety in order to determine whether it would concerns. be an appropriate use of resources to • The complaint represents a repeat pursue the matter. A range of options is of previous offences by the available: company/trader concerned and the • Advise complainant to pursue directly circumstances of the case indicate with retailer or manufacturer. the case would withstand legal scrutiny. • Accept complaint and refer to either ‘home’,‘originating’ authority and/or In addition to food complaints received primary authorities for information each year, in the region of 576 and/or investigation. complaints relating to conditions in or around food premises are also received. • Accept and investigate complaint in These complaints range from allegations liaison with ‘home’ ‘originating and/ of poor hygiene to major defects with or ‘primary’ authorities with a view to drainage systems or rodent infestations further action. etc. The vast majority of these All complaints will be dealt with in complaints are investigated by a visit accordance with the Food Complaints from an officer. Policy and Procedure. The maximum response time for All complainants are advised at the complaints is 10 working days; however, earliest opportunity of the course of these are driven by levels of associated action the council intends to take. risk and prioritised as such. The vast majority of complaints fall into the second of the above categories. Food Service Plan 2021 25
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 26 Service delivery Home Authority and Primary administered by the Office for Product Authority principle Safety and Standards. Businesses operating in the United The council is committed to supporting Kingdom (UK) need to comply with a the Home and Primary Authority scheme wide range of legislation. Local in respect of both proactive and reactive authorities, which are responsible for food safety issues. The service has an enforcing most legislation, help established primary authority partnership businesses to comply by providing with Marston's PLC focusing primarily advice, guidance and information. on food hygiene and food standards Businesses usually build up a work. relationship with, and receive advice and In maintaining our home authority information from, one local authority that partnerships, officers from the service is usually based where the business is. will: For trading standards and food safety • respond to enquiries from other local matters, the local government has authorities about, or concerning, the developed a scheme where that business or its operations or authority, known as the home authority, procedures is the local authority at the location of the business' decision-making base. • act on behalf of other local authorities The Home Authority Principle is a as the primary regulatory link to the scheme to help businesses by providing business contact points for advice and guidance • provide advice to the companies on in order to maintain high standards of the interpretation of legislation business services, encourage fair trade and develop a consistent approach to • provide assistance to enforcing enforcement. authorities in the conduct of investigations and encourage the As part of the government’s Better businesses to offer reasonable Regulation agenda, the Regulatory assistance. Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008 has paved the way for an extension of The authority will have regard to the the Home Authority scheme. The new Primary Authority Partnership Scheme scheme is known as primary authority. and associated official guidance when Effectively, primary authority gives considering formal legal action. statutory backing to the home authority scheme and provides a series of additional benefits. It is currently 26 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 27 Service delivery Advice to businesses Sampling In order to compliment and enhance its The services carries out food sampling enforcement functions, the service on both a reactive and proactive basis. provides advice and information to Reactive sampling, for either businesses with the aim of assisting microbiological examination or them to comply with their statutory compositional analysis takes the obligations. Businesses will be following forms: signposted to information and nationally approved guidance, which will help • Sampling of foods subject to them comply with legislation. complaint Apart from the ‘feedstuff’ related • Unplanned sampling carried out premises, advice to business with during an inspection implications in relation to feeding stuffs • Un-programmed sampling associated is minimal, because retailers are selling with a food poisoning investigation sealed containers of long shelf life products. • Programmed sampling as determined by national and regional surveys Two sampling programmes are operated, one for microbiological examination and one for compositional analysis. These concentrate on businesses that will positively benefit from the taking of samples and the results and advice officers can offer to the business operator. Food Service Plan 2021 27
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 28 Service delivery Microbiological sampling programme Compositional sampling programme The microbiological sampling The compositional sampling programme programme focuses on assisting food consists of samples being subject to businesses to provide safe food to their • Presence/absence of certain customers. constituents Each sample is subject to 6 standard • Whether food has been subject determinations: to certain processes • Aerobic Colony Count ( ACC) • Compliance with labelling • Enterobacteriacae requirements • E.coli • Composition of food, e.g. alcohol substitution, % lean meat, over-use • Salmonella of food colourings • Staphlococcus aureas The compositional programme • Listeria incorporates both national and local surveys. The service will participate in Each sample result is interpreted in such surveys subject to available accordance with the most recently resources. published guidelines from the Health Protection Agency (HPA). Sampling and surveys are based on the Home Authority Principle and target The microbiological sampling manufacturing businesses, new and programme incorporates both national existing. Premises having unsatisfactory surveys and those organised at a local results will be subject to follow-up formal level through the West Midlands Food sampling. Liaison Group. 28 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 29 Service delivery Water Sampling Feeding stuffs sampling There is only one commercial private The authority has entered into a water supply in Wolverhampton. In order partnership with Staffordshire County to ensure compliance with the relevant Council, who have now assumed regulations the service ensures that responsibility for undertaking samples of water from all private water enforcement compliance within supplies are taken and results analysed. this area. Food Service Plan 2021 29
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 30 Service delivery Infectious disease control Under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 and associated In conjunction with Public Health regulations, duly authorised officers are England (PHE), City of Wolverhampton provided with wider, more flexible Council investigates cases of actual or powers to deal with food related suspected food poisoning and food incidents or emergencies where borne infectious disease. The response infection or contamination presents, or is determined by: could present a risk to human health. • The nature of the (suspected) illness It also places a duty on GP's to notify the proper officer of the council of food • The number of cases poisoning cases. • The nature of the employment of Food safety incidents affected individuals All formal food alert warnings are • The previous record of implicated investigated in line with the local food businesses interpretation of the recommended Approximately 155 individual cases are approach attached to each warning. notified to the service every year, a The authority receives notification of number of these may constitute each warning through the Food outbreaks, where a number of cases are Standards Agency (FSA). associated with the source of the food poisoning. In all cases implicating known food hazards the standards contained in the document ‘Food Handlers - Fitness to Work’ are observed. 30 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 31 Service delivery Liaison arrangements Officers from the service also meet and liaise with the following organisations: The City of Wolverhampton Council is committed to open, transparent and • The West Midlands Food Liaison proportionate enforcement which is Group consistent with government advice, • Central England Trading Standards guidance and national and regional Authorities Group (CEnTSA) - Quality interpretation of legislative requirements. Standards Sub Group In addressing this the importance of • Public Health collaboration and consultation locally and nationally is recognised. Regionally With respect to liaison arrangements there are liaison groups at chief officer with trade representatives the service (head of service) level in respect of can organise periodic food focus groups Environmental Health and Trading or forums and attend and support local Standards services. trade groups when required. The service will also respond to consultation exercises from the government, the Local Government Association and relevant professional bodies. Food Service Plan 2021 31
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 32 Resources 7 Resources Financial allocation The services resourced through this budgetary provision are not confined to As with all areas of service the allocation food related matters and include: of resources is undertaken in accordance with the agreed Medium - • Food hygiene term Financial Strategy for the council. • Infectious disease investigation Food enforcement work benefits from and control the overall senior management resource • Food standards provided through the City Housing and Environment team. • Sampling This area of activity also benefits from • Health and safety central support services recharged • Public health (relating to commercial through internal service level businesses, i.e. nuisance, noise, agreements. damage, etc) The overall budgetary provision for the • Central support services service is in the region of 2.2 million. A wide range of other non-food related • Licensing enforcement services are delivered within this • City centre compliance and budgetary provision. Provision for food regulation hygiene and standards is currently in the region of £400,000, but as previously • Street scene compliance stated is subject to on-going review. • Student training As feeding stuffs enforcement activity is carried out as part of comprehensive Trading Standards duties it is not possible to accurately cost, but it will amount to less than 0.5% of the total budget for Trading Standards. 32 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 33 Resources Staffing allocation A detailed analysis of the proportion of the supervisory and operational time The strategic financial, human and dedicated to food safety is contained in service functions are undertaken the following table, and the structure of through the Commercial Regulation Environmental Health shown below. management team. Post % Food Safety FTE Head of service (x1) 5% 0.05 Service Manager 50% 0.5 Team Leader 60% 0.6 District/senior EHO (8.36) 65% 5.33 Total full time equivalent (FTE) 6.48 Food Service Plan 2021 33
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 34 Resources The current structural chart for the Environmental Health Service is shown below: Service Manager Environmental Health and Covid Business Support GR09 Service Lead Environmental Covid Business Health Team Support Leader GR07 8 Commercial 12 month FTC GR08 Senior Officer Senior Officer Senior Trading Senior Officer Permitts Safety/Food Environmental Standards GR07 x 6.1 GR07 x 1 GR07 x 2.5 Health Officer Officer Covid Business Covid Business Support Support GR07 x 3 GR07 12 month FTC 12 month FTC Compliance Officer GR05 x 0.6 34 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 35 Resources Competency Staff development The service operates a strict regime of As part of the council's aim to provide supervision and assessment prior to the services efficiently and effectively, an delegation of responsibility to officers, annual appraisal will take place with which is in accordance with the relevant officers. As part of the appraisal process FSA Food Law Code of Practice. officers development needs will be examined to ensure they are trained to a The team leader and senior officer level of competence appropriate to their posts, would normally be individuals work. The Food Law Code of Practice with full delegated powers under the requires all officers involved in various statutes within the service’s undertaking official controls to obtain a sphere of responsibility. minimum of 20 hours CPD per year. The Food Law Code of Practice requires 10 of which must be on core food that authorised officers demonstrate that matters directly related to the delivery of that they are competent to carry out official controls. There are different ways their functions prior to being authorised. officers will obtain this training. These Officers are therefore required to include: complete a competency assessment • Internal and external training with the team leader within 3 months of courses/events commencing their role. This assessment should be reviewed at least annually or • Cascade training delivered by officers when restricted activities are reassessed who themselves have attended training Officers with less than six months post qualification experience are subject to • Individual interviews regular checking, monitoring and • Divisional meetings and briefings – accompanied visits in accordance with used to disseminate information, etc. the FSA Food Law Code of Practice and partake in regular intervention reflections • Attendance at ad hoc working groups with other officers. • "On the Job" training – as part of the All officers are subject to one formal delegation process monitoring visit per year. Food Service Plan 2021 35
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 36 Resources • Self-training – suitable journals and The service will ensure staff participate in up to date information are provided any regional food standardisation exercise and in any organised in-house. • Establishment of trainee/student There will also be opportunities for placements members of the division to attend one- • Placement with other services or off seminars on topical issues arising teams for training purposes and during the year. Staff attending these special projects seminars are required to present a feedback session at the next available service meeting where it is deemed appropriate. 36 City of Wolverhampton Council
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 37 Quality assessment 8 Quality assessment Various monitoring techniques are used in order to assess officer performance against set criteria, including the FSA ‘Standard’, and all other external standards established by various codes of practice. For example: • Internal audit • Accompanied visits • West Midlands Food Liaison Group • Inspection monitoring • Correspondence checking/file review • Standardisation exercises • FSA audit An annual review of requirements set out in the ‘Standard’ shall also form part of the Service Work Programme. Food Service Plan 2021 37
Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 38 Performance management and review | Regulatory and Invesigatory Powers Act 9 Performance management and review All areas of council service are subject manager, team leaders officers and to service planning and performance employee groups. measurement and review. This is In addition, there is external review managed through service plans, of performance through the audit corporate strategies and financial commission, External Audit and planning, etc. statutory returns such as those to the Performance against performance Food Standards Agency (FSA). indicators is subject to regular reviews Any areas for improvement identified as reported to the director for City Housing requiring action will be detailed as part and Environment. Similarly, there is on- of the review process. These will be going monitoring of the deployment of addressed by the Commercial financial resources against budgetary Regulation Management Team as part provision, again reviewed on a monthly of the review process and action taken basis. shall range from immediate action to The monitoring of performance against inclusion in the service plan for future service plans has been discussed earlier years. in this document; it involves service directors, head of service, service 10 Regulatory and Investigatory Powers Act The service has fully implemented the requirements for the authorisation of officers and surveillance in the required circumstances. 38 City of Wolverhampton Council
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Statutory Food Service Plan 2021.qxp_Layout 1 18/06/2021 09:02 Page 40 You can get this information in large print, braille, audio or in another language by calling 01902 551155 01902 551155 WCC 1688 06.2021 WolverhamptonToday Wolverhampton_Today @WolvesCouncil City of Wolverhampton Council, Civic Centre, St. Peter’s Square, Wolverhampton WV1 1SH
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