2018 BENEFIT GUIDE Connecting Your Benefits - Dart
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WELCOME TO YOUR 2018 BENEFITS! At Dart, we know how important your benefits are to you and your family. Each TABLE OF CONTENTS year, we work carefully to evaluate the performance of our benefit plans. It’s our 1 How to Enroll goal to ensure we offer and maintain a benefits program that is affordable and 2 Benefit Basics comprehensive for all employees. 3 Medical This Benefit Guide provides an overview of the benefit options available to you for the 4 Medical Plan Comparison 2018 plan year. Please take time to carefully 5 Medical Plan Examples consider the information in this guide so you can make informed decisions about your 6 How to Save Money on Your Healthcare 2018 benefit elections. 7 Ways to Save Money One way each of us can impact the health of our benefits program is by making 8 Supplementing Your Health Plan wise choices about our healthcare. This means getting an annual check-up and 10 Dental taking advantage of our plans’ free in- network preventive care. It means using 11 Vision an Urgent Care center instead of going to the Emergency Room and using generic 12 Flexible Spending Accounts prescription medications instead of pricey 13 Life and Disability brand-name drugs. These smart steps over time will have a positive impact on the 14 Retirement Savings Plan cost of our medical plans in future years. By making wise choices about how you 15 Other Benefits receive healthcare, you’ll help keep our plans sustainable and affordable for both the 16 Benefit Contacts company and for your family. Get ready for your enrollment by visiting our website at http://dartAE.myenrollmentinfo.com. This site has important tools and resources to help prepare you for your meeting with a Benefit Specialist. Scan here with your smart device to access the site. 2018 Benefit Guide
HOW TO ENROLL 2018 OPEN ENROLLMENT: JANUARY 29 – FEBRUARY 12 Get Personalized Enrollment Assistance YOU MUST MEET WITH A BENEFITS We are providing professional Benefit Specialists to SPECIALIST DURING OPEN ENROLLMENT IF speak with you during Open Enrollment. They are YOU WANT TO : available to help you understand the benefits package, explain the many benefit options, answer questions and enroll you in your 2018 benefits. Add or remove dependents Enrollment is not mandatory, but if you would like to make changes and enroll, you must speak with a specialist. Enroll in new coverage Making an Appointment Look for posters at your location with more information on how you can schedule your 30-minute session with Enroll in any of the Unum a Benefit Specialist. Note: Some locations will have on- voluntary products site meetings, while others will use the call center. Please Be Prepared for Your Meeting Before you meet with your Benefit Specialist, it is Set aside money in a Flexible important that you get prepared. Use this enrollment Spending Account (FSA) checklist to make sure you’re ready: Read through this Benefit Guide to get Remove existing plans (except Unum familiar with the many benefits available to plans. You must call Unum to cancel you and your family. those plans.) Write down questions you have for the specialist. FOR EMPLOYEES WHOSE BENEFITS BEGIN AFTER APRIL 1, 2018 Collect your dependents’ information if Employees whose benefits begin after April 1, 2018, you are adding them to your plans this will enroll in their benefits with a Benefit Specialist year. You’ll need their full names, birth over the phone. Please be sure to review your Steps to dates and Social Security numbers. After Enroll document provided in your new hire materials for Open Enrollment, you will need to provide information on how to set up your appointment. documentation to verify eligibility. We will request documentation from you, so please watch your home mail. Decide on your beneficiaries. Some of our benefits require you to provide beneficiary information. Be sure to have full names and dates of birth. Dart Container 1
BENEFIT BASICS DEPENDENT ELIGIBILITY QUALIFIED LIFE EVENTS Your eligible dependents include: IRS rules state you may only make changes to your • Your legal spouse, pre-tax benefit elections during Open Enrollment, unless you have a Qualified Life Event (QLE). If you have a • Children up to age 26, regardless of student status, QLE during the year, you may be allowed to enroll for including natural children, stepchildren and legally coverage (if you previously waived coverage), add newly adopted children (including children living with eligible dependents or change your level of coverage. you before the adoption is final) who are your dependents or for whom you are required to provide You have 30 days from the date of the QLE to change healthcare coverage under a Qualified Medical Child your elections by notifying your Human Resource Support Order; and Department. We cannot process requests made more than 30 days after a QLE occurs. • Unmarried children of any age who are dependent upon you for support when such children are incapable of supporting themselves because of a THE IRS DEFINES THE FOLLOWING AS QLES: disability or illness. We will request dependent verification documents if you are adding new dependents to the plan for 2018, so we can ensure that only eligible dependents are enrolled. Marriage, Involuntary loss You must respond by the date provided in your packet or divorce or legal of coverage your dependents will not have coverage. separation Birth, adoption of a Relocation out of your child, placement for plans’ service area adoption or child support orders Ineligibility of a child who becomes “over-age” (you Death of an enrolled are required to notify HR dependent when your child turns 26) Change in spouse’s A significant increase in the employment status cost of coverage or a significant reduction of benefits under your or your spouse’s healthcare plan This list is not inclusive. Please see Corporate Benefits for a complete list. You will be required to provide documentation to substantiate your QLEs. 2 2018 Benefit Guide
MEDICAL Dart provides you with two different medical plan options through Dart Member Care (DMC): Standard and Premier. Deductibles, copayments/coinsurance and annual PRESCRIPTION DRUGS out-of-pocket maximums differ between the plans. You will automatically receive prescription drug coverage However, both plans: when you enroll in a Dart medical plan. You simply pay • Offer comprehensive coverage a flat copay amount when you fill a prescription. You do • Provide a wide range of preventive care services at not have to meet a separate deductible. There are two no cost to you options when filling prescriptions: retail locations or mail order. STAYING INSIDE THE NETWORK It’s important that you stay inside Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan’s (BCBSM) Preferred Provider Organization network, as you will pay less out of your pocket. Doctors and facilities in the network have agreed to only charge members a certain amount for services. That means those outside the network may charge you more and possibly make you pay for services up front. 90-day supply of If you need to find who is in the BCBSM network, 30-day or less prescriptions: maintenance medications: retail locations please visit www.bcbsm.com. mail order program Mail order is for maintenance medications you take on a HERE’S HOW THE PLANS WORK: regular basis. You never pay shipping and handling, and your prescriptions arrive right at your doorstep. It’s easy to get started: • Online: Go to www.caremark.com. Once signed in, click on “Start a New Prescription,” then click “FastStart” to enter your information. • Phone: Either you or your doctor can call (866) 260- For certain healthcare 4646. services, you pay only a copay and that’s it! Services Prescriptions are categorized in our plan by generic, You pay nothing for eligible in-network preventive care. subject to a copay will not be name brand preferred and name brand non-preferred. subject to the deductible. CVS Caremark decides which drugs fall into which categories by establishing a formulary list. This list changes on a quarterly basis. SUMMARY OF BENEFITS AND COVERAGE The Summary of Benefits and Coverage For services that require If your out-of-pocket costs (SBC) for each medical plan is available on coinsurance, once you meet reach the annual maximum, the deductible, BCBSM will DartCentral. These documents provide you the plan pays 100% for pay 80% for in-network eligible care the remainder with in-depth detail on how the plans work services. of the plan year. and what services are covered. Dart Container 3
MEDICAL PLAN COMPARISON DMC STANDARD DMC PREMIER In-Network Out-of-Network* In-Network Out-of-Network* Annual Deductible $750 / $1,500 $1,500 / $3,000 $250 / $500 $600 / $1,200 (Employee / Family) Coinsurance 20% 40% 20% 40% Out-of-Pocket Maximum $4,000 / $8,000 $8,000 / $16,000 $1,500 / $3,000 $5,000 / $10,000 (Employee / Family) Preventive Care • Well Child Care, annual $0 – covered in full Not covered $0 – covered in full Not covered physicals, immunizations • Mammograms, PSA $0 – covered in full 40% after deductible $0 – covered in full 40% after deductible screening Primary Care Physician Visits $25 copay 40% after deductible $15 copay 40% after deductible Specialist Visits $35 copay 40% after deductible $25 copay 40% after deductible Urgent Care $35 copay 40% after deductible $25 copay 40% after deductible Chiropractic (20 visits / year) $25 copay 40% after deductible $15 copay 40% after deductible Inpatient Services 20% after deductible 40% after deductible 20% after deductible 40% after deductible Lab, X-ray, Testing 20% after deductible 40% after deductible 20% after deductible 40% after deductible Emergency Room $150 copay + 20% after ded. $150 copay + 40% after ded. $100 copay + 20% after ded. $100 copay + 40% after ded. Surgeon / Anesthesiologist 20% after deductible 40% after deductible 20% after deductible 40% after deductible Maternity • Initial Visit $25 copay 40% after deductible $15 copay 40% after deductible • Delivery / Prenatal / 20% after deductible 40% after deductible 20% after deductible 40% after deductible Postnatal Visits • Hospital 20% after deductible 40% after deductible 20% after deductible 40% after deductible Outpatient Rehabilitation $25 copay 40% after deductible $15 copay 40% after deductible • Physical (Limitations vary per case. (Limitations vary per case. (Limitations vary per case. (Limitations vary per case. • Speech Please contact DMC.) Please contact DMC.) Please contact DMC.) Please contact DMC.) • Occupational Mental Health • Inpatient 20% after deductible 40% after deductible 20% after deductible 40% after deductible • Outpatient $25 copay 40% after deductible $15 copay 40% after deductible Alcohol and Drug Abuse Rehabilitation • Inpatient 20% after deductible 40% after deductible 20% after deductible 40% after deductible • Outpatient $25 copay 40% after deductible $15 copay 40% after deductible Prescription Drugs (administered by CVS Caremark) Retail 30-day supply Generic $10 copay $5 copay Name Brand Preferred $50 copay $30 copay Name Brand Non-Preferred $75 copay $60 copay Mail Order 90-day supply Generic $20 copay $10 copay Name Brand Preferred $100 copay $60 copay Name Brand Non-Preferred $150 copay $120 copay *The plan pays according to these coverage levels on out-of-network claims, but be advised that providers can balance bill the member the difference between what the plan pays and the provider billed amount. That means you can owe more than the cost-sharing levels included above. You can avoid balance bill issues by using in-network providers when you receive medical services. 4 2018 Benefit Guide
MEDICAL PLAN EXAMPLES SINGLE PERSON WITH LOW UTILIZATION PLAN EXAMPLES STANDARD PLAN PREMIER PLAN Monthly premium $65.52 x 12 = $786.24 $122.30 x 12 = $1,467.6 4 Primary Care office visits $25 copay x 4 = $100 $15 copay x 4 = $60 1 generic maintenance $20 copay x 4 = $80 $10 copay x 4 = $40 medication through mail order Emergency room copay $100 1 Emergency room visit with Emergency room copay $150 $250 towards deductible $500 in services $350 towards deductible Owe 20% of remaining $150 = $30 Total Out of Pocket $1,466.24 $1,947.60 EMPLOYEE + 1 WITH ONE PERSON HAVING A MAJOR MEDICAL EVENT PLAN EXAMPLES STANDARD PLAN PREMIER PLAN Monthly premium $144.14 x 12 = $1,729.68 $264.26 x 12 = $3,171.12 6 Primary Care office visits $25 copay x 6 = $150 $15 copay x 6 = $90 2 Specialist office visits $35 copay x 2 = $70 $25 copay x 2 = $50 4 generic maintenance medications through mail $80 copay x 4 = $320 $40 copay x 4 = $160 order 2 name brand preferred maintenance medications $200 copay x 4 = $800 $120 copay x 4 = $480 through mail order Deductible $250 Deductible $750 20% coinsurance $2,750, One person on the plan had a $14,000 procedure 20% coinsurance $2,650 but out-of-pocket maximum is $1500 Total Out of Pocket $6,469.68 $5,453.12 INTERVENTION TESTS quit smoking H PREVENTION IS KEY lose weight CANCER BLOOD eat healthy Preventive care services performed PRESSURE identify depression DIABETES in-network are covered at 100%. CHOLESTEROL SCREENINGS reduce alcohol use avoid sexually This means no money out of your MAMMOGRAMS AND COLONOSCOPIES transmitted diseases pocket! Here are a few examples of what is covered under preventive and wellness services. Always reach out to DMC if you have questions on what services are covered. VACCINATIONS REGUL AR VISITS SUPPORT & ROUTINE FLU, PNEUMONIA, MEASLES, SCREENINGS POLIO, MENINGITIS AND OTHER DISEASES WELL-WOMAN, WELL-BABY AND WELL-CHILD FOR HEALTHY PREGNANCIES Dart Container 5
HOW TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR HEALTHCARE HEALTHCARE BLUEBOOK FOR DMC PLAN MEMBERS CHOOSE WISELY Healthcare Bluebook is an online tool that enables DMC When deciding which plan is right for you, you need to plan members to find the best prices for the healthcare factor in how much you use the plan and how much you services they may need. With Healthcare Bluebook, you want to pay out of your paycheck. If you don’t go to the can shop for care so you get the most affordable care in doctor often, you can keep more money in your pocket by your area from high-quality providers. choosing a low-cost plan. Both plans protect you against When you search for care, you will see the “Fair Price.” catastrophic illness or injury and include limits on your This is the price a smart healthcare consumer can expect out-of-pocket expenses. to pay. A smart healthcare consumer researches these DID YOU KNOW the price of a medical procedure from one facility to another can be different by hundreds To decide which plan is right for you, look at your needs: prices togodetermine which providers visiting Fair Pricein their area or even thousands of dollars? It’s true. Now you have the power to see these price differences and choose where you for your medical procedures. In addition, facilities for certain offer procedures the could earn you a reward! best price for a specific procedure. CONSIDER how you use your current medical plan, In just minutes you can search, find, and save on medical costs. It doesn’t have to be a mystery anymore. then think about your needs for the coming year. COMPARE the costs of both plans. Make sure you consider key benefits, such as deductibles and the cost to see a physician or specialist. FACTOR in how much you can afford to spend on paycheck contributions. There is also a “Patient Savings Check Rating.”It Some Out: doctors are healthcarebluebook.com/cc/dart better at saving you money when they refer you for tests 800-341-0504 ESTIMATE your expenses and plan to enroll in the and surgery. You can save thousands of dollars by using Company Code: dart Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to pay Healthcare Bluebook to find a doctor with a green Patient Savings Rating. So if you don’t use Healthcare Bluebook your out-of-pocket healthcare expenses tax-free. to find a doctor with a green Patient Savings Rating, you Talking with a Benefit Specialist can help you determine could overpay by thousands of dollars. what plan best fits the needs of you and your family. You can earn cash awards from Dart when you use Healthcare Bluebook to find fair prices for certain procedures, such as cataract surgeries, colonoscopies, CT scans, MRIs, endoscopies and more. 2018 WELLNESS INCENTIVE PROGRAM Visit https://healthcarebluebook.com/cc/dart. Simply input your last name and date of birth to sign in. It’s that If you did not participate in the current easy! You can also call (800) 341-0504. year, you can participate in 2018! The enrollment for the program will begin in April 2018. USE THE APP! Install the Healthcare Bluebook App from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Use company code “dart” to access custom content. 6 2018 Benefit Guide
WAYS TO SAVE MONEY BLUE CROSS ONLINE VISITS (DMC PLAN MEMBERS) 90-DAY MAINTENANCE MEDICATION Twenty years ago, who would have thought you could use (DMC PLAN MEMBERS) your cell phone or computer to have a video discussion with This money-saving program through CVS Caremark helps a doctor? Well, now you can! Blue Cross Blue Shield offers minimize prescription costs for both you and the company. a benefit called Blue Cross Online Visits that allows you to If you regularly take a maintenance medication, you can use have a phone conversation or live video chat with a licensed the 90-day refill program. Did you know by using this physician. And you only pay $10 each time you use it. program you can save one copay every 90 days? It’s a The benefit gives you access to online non-emergency great way to save money! For example, your generic in the medical services anywhere in the US. You and your covered Standard plan would cost: $30 $20 family members can see and talk to a doctor for minor 30-day supply 90-day supply filled filled once a once at CVS pharmacy illnesses, such as a cold, sore throat or the flu when your vs. month or through mail-order primary care doctor is not available. It is a great service to use on weekends or after hours. It’s also convenient. You can choose to have your medications delivered by mail right to your door with zero You can connect with the program in one of three ways: shipping costs or pick them up at any CVS pharmacy (including those inside Target stores). Download the BCBSM Online Visits app If you aren’t using this program, what are you waiting for? CVS Caremark can even call your doctor and get everything started for you! Visit bcbsmonlinevisits.com HEARING AID DISCOUNT (VISION PLAN MEMBERS) TruHearing® makes hearing aids affordable by providing Call (844) 606-1608 exclusive savings to all VSP vision plan members. You can save up to 60% on a pair of hearing aids with TruHearing. Your dependents and even extended family members are Be sure to add your BCBSM network health plan eligible, too. information. You’ll also need to add the service key “BLUE.” In addition to great pricing, TruHearing provides you with: View more information about this great program on • Three provider visits for fitting and adjustments DartCentral. • 45-day trial • Three-year manufacturer warranty for repairs and one-time loss and damage replacement • 48 free batteries per hearing aid Plus, with TruHearing you’ll get: • Access to a national network of more than 3,800 hearing healthcare providers • Straightforward, nationally-fixed pricing on a wide selection of the latest brand-name hearing aids • Deep discounts on batteries shipped directly to your door ONLY $10 PER VISIT! Learn more about this VSP Exclusive Member Extra at www.truhearing.com/vsp or call (877) 396-7194 with questions. You and your family members must mention VSP. Dart Container 7
SUPPLEMENTING YOUR HEALTH PLAN The Dart medical plans provide great coverage for you and your family’s general healthcare needs. Still, everyone’s needs are slightly different. That’s where our voluntary benefit options come in! You can choose these benefits to protect your family’s finances in case of an unforeseen injury or illness. CRITICAL ILLNESS INSURANCE Covered Illness and Conditions: If you were diagnosed with a critical illness today, would • Heart attack your finances be there tomorrow? Statistics show that over • End stage renal failure our lifetime the chances of being diagnosed with a critical • Stroke illness are high. To protect your family and finances, Critical • Benign brain tumor Illness insurance is available through Unum. • Coronary artery bypass surgery (25%) Critical Illness insurance will pay you a lump-sum cash • Cancer benefit if diagnosed with a covered critical illness. The coverage does not replace your medical benefits but is • Carcinoma in situ (25%) designed to help meet expenses that are not normally • Major organ failure covered under traditional health insurance. Employee, Plan Features: spouse and child(ren) coverage is available. • Coverage is portable. You can take your policy with • Yourself: $5,000 to $30,000 in increments of you if you change jobs or retire. $5,000 • Your premium gets “locked-in” at the age in which • Spouse: $5,000 to $15,000 in increments of $5,000 you enroll. • Child(ren): Automatically included at 25% of the • Wellness benefit of $50 for each covered person who employee coverage amount receives preventive and wellness services during the calendar year. Reasons Why Americans Need Critical Illness Insurance Coverage Someone suffers a coronary event every 29 seconds. 2 1.6 MILLION NEW CANCER CASES ARE DIAGNOSED EACH YEAR. 1 Critical illness costs cause more than 60% of all bankruptcies although 78% of the individuals who filed those cases had health insurance. 3 Someone suffers a stroke every 45 seconds. 2 WHAT CAN YOU USE IT FOR? • Copayments • Household bills • Out-of-network costs • Clothing and food A 25-year-old male non-smoker • Alternative/experimental • Lost income treatments • Childcare has a 24% chance of suffering a • Mortgage payments • Travel expenses critical illness before 65. 4 • Car payments SOURCES: 1 Susan G. Komen for the Cure, “Breast Cancer Statistics Made Easy”, October 2011. 2Centers for Disease Control, “A Public Health Action Plan to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke”, December 2010. 3 American Association for Critical Illness Insurance, “The Real Risk that You’ll Have a Critical Illness”, September 2010. 4American Association for Critical Illness Insurance, “Study Reveals Risk of Having a Critical Illness Before Age 65”, January 2010. 8 2018 Benefit Guide
SUPPLEMENTING YOUR HEALTH PLAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE HOSPITAL INDEMNITY Accidents happen. On average, there are 13 unintentional With an average cost of $10,000 per hospital stay in injury deaths and approximately 2,650 disabling injuries in the US, it’s easy to see why having hospital insurance the US every hour. While you can count on your insurance coverage may make good financial sense. If you are to cover medical expenses, it doesn’t always cover indirect admitted or confined to a hospital due to an accident or costs that can arise from a serious, or even a not-so- illness, Hospital Indemnity insurance benefits can help serious, accidental injury that occurs on- or off-the-job. You pay for out-of-pocket costs such as health insurance may end up paying out of your own pocket for things like deductibles and copayments—or for anything that you transportation to and from medical treatment, over-the- see fit. Features include: counter medicine, dependent day care, copayments and • Guaranteed acceptance for you and other eligible family deductibles. With Accident insurance through Unum, you members will receive a lump-sum cash benefit to help you take care of • Payments made directly to you, not your healthcare those extra expenses or anything else you wish. provider Plan Features • Coverage is portable, meaning you can take it with • Employee, spouse and child(ren) coverage is you if you leave the company available • Wellness benefit of $50 for each covered person who • Since you own your Accident insurance, you can take receives preventive and wellness services during the it with you if you retire or leave the company calendar year. • Benefit payment amounts are determined by the covered accident schedule of benefits, for example: • Ambulance: $400 TALK WITH A BENEFIT SPECIALIST ABOUT • Emergency room visit: $150 WHETHER THESE PLANS ARE RIGHT FOR YOU. • Hospital admission: $1,000 THEY WILL ALSO BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU • Imaging: $100 WITH YOUR SPECIFIC COSTS PER PAYCHECK. Dart Container 9
DENTAL Dart offers dental coverage through Delta Dental. The plan allows you to go to any licensed dentist, but you can save money by seeing an in-network provider. Because dental health is so important, the plan covers in-network preventive dental services in full, without you having to pay a deductible. To find an in-network provider, please visit www.deltadentalmi.com. When searching for a dentist online, be sure to select the PPO or Premier networks. PPO / PREMIER NETWORK OUT-OF-NETWORK* Deductible (Individual / Family) $50 / $150 $50 / $150 Annual Maximum for Class I, II and III Services $1,500 per person $1,500 per person Class I Preventive Services Oral exams, x-rays, cleanings, emergency 0% – covered in full 0% – covered in full palliative treatment, space maintainers, fluoride treatments, sealants Class II Minor Services Fillings and crown repair, endodontics, oral 20% 30% surgery, relines and repairs, periodontics Class III Major Services 50% 60% Bite guards, crowns, prosthodontics Class IV Orthodontia Services 50% 50% Children to age 19 only Orthodontia Lifetime Maximum Per Person $1,500 $1,500 *Out-of-network dentists who are not contracted with Delta Dental may balance bill you for services. How does balance billing work? Since Dr. Jones isn’t in the Dr. Jones charges $750 network, he has the right to bill you for a crown. for the $150 difference - plus the coinsurance you still have to pay. Delta Dental plan On the other hand, if you visit an in-network dentist, he or she has The Delta Dental already agreed to charge the $600 plan will only cover that the plan covers for crowns, so $600. there is no balance remaining. 10 2018 Benefit Guide
VISION Comprehensive vision coverage is available through Vision Service Plan (VSP), which has a national network of participating doctors for you and your dependents to receive quality vision care and prescription eyewear. To maximize your benefits, use an in-network provider. If you see an out-of-network provider, your benefits will be reduced and you receive reimbursement only after you file a claim. Also, for services and frequency of benefits, the dates are based on the plan year, not the calendar year. To find an in-network provider, please visit www.vsp.com, select Find a VSP Doctor and then select VSP Signature Network. IN-NETWORK OUT-OF-NETWORK FREQUENCY Eye exams Exam with dilation as necessary $10 copay $35 allowance Once every 12 months Contact lens fitting and follow up Up to $55 copay; 15% discount Up to $55 copay; 15% discount Lenses $10 copay $25 allowance Single vision Bifocal $10 copay $40 allowance Once every 12 months Trifocal $10 copay $55 allowance Lenticular $10 copay $125 allowance Polycarbonate for children $10 copay N/A Contact Lenses Medically necessary Paid in full $210 allowance Once every 12 months Elective $130 allowance $105 allowance Covered in full up to $130 allowance; Frames $60 allowance Once every 12 months 20% off balance Laser vision correction 15-20% off retail price or 5% off promotional price N/A 5 Tips for Healthy Eyes Schedule eye exams for If you smoke, quit! your whole family. Smoking increases your risk of cataracts. Be active. Regular exercise can delay the onset of age-related permanent vision loss. Wear sunglasses to Rest your eyes once every 20 protect your eyes from the minutes for 20 seconds while sun’s UV rays. working at a computer. Dart Container 11
FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNTS A Flexible Spending Account allows you to set aside DEPENDENT CARE FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT money to pay for expected annual expenses through A dependent care account allows you to use tax-free dollars tax-free payroll deductions. By making tax-free to pay for the care of a young child or disabled family member contributions, you reduce your taxable income, which who requires care while you work. If you are married, you can means more money in your pocket. only use this account if your spouse is employed, is a full-time • Healthcare FSA: You can set aside up to $2,650 to student for at least five months of the year or is disabled. pay for eligible healthcare expenses You can pay for daycare expenses for children under • Dependent Care FSA: You can set aside up to 13, disabled children, disabled parents, a disabled $5,000 ($2,500 if you are married, filing separately) spouse or other relatives who qualify under Internal to pay for eligible dependent day care expenses Revenue Code. Education expenses are not eligible. For your FSA contributions to be considered eligible HEALTHCARE FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT for reimbursement, your provider must claim your You may use this account for most medical, prescription payments as taxable income. drug, dental and vision expenses that are not paid for The Dependent Care FSA funds are only available by your healthcare plans. Some examples include to you as each payroll deduction is taken and your deductibles, copayments, eyeglasses, contact lenses, account is updated. The good news is that Flores has a hearing aids, braces and other expenses allowed by the “No-Wait” program, and you can receive an automatic IRS. reimbursement every pay period and you only have to Certain over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are eligible for file one claim. There is no debit card for this account. reimbursement through your Healthcare FSA with a prescription. CLAIMS AND REIMBURSEMENT Your entire election is available to you at the beginning Claims may be uploaded to your account online at www. of the plan year. You will continue to fund the account flores247.com or by using the e-Receipt mobile app. You through payroll deductions from each paycheck. may also submit for reimbursement via fax or mail. Once enrolled, Flores & Associates will send you a debit Reimbursements will be mailed as a check to your home card. The card allows you to pay for eligible expenses at address unless you add your direct deposit information on the time services are rendered. You can still pay up front the website. If you use the debit card, you may use this and submit paper claims as well. card at the point of purchase to access your FSA dollars. $500 ROLLOVER FOR THE HEALTHCARE FSA At the end of the plan year, if you have $500 or less left in your Healthcare FSA, it will automatically roll over to the next year. You will have the opportunity to use this money and not lose it. However, you will forfeit anything above $500. DEADLINE FOR CLAIMS: Per the IRS, both FSAs are “use-it-or-lose-it.” If you do not use the money you have set aside by the dates below, you will forfeit your remaining balance. June 15, 2019 is the deadline to submit claims incurred in the previous plan year for reimbursement from your April March account. If you have a Healthcare FSA, up to $500 June 1, 2018 31, 2019 remaining from the previous plan year will roll over into 15, 2019 the new plan year. Any remaining Dependent Care money will be forfeited. You can incur eligible expenses for the 2018 FSA plan year. 12 2018 Benefit Guide
LIFE AND DISABILITY BASIC LIFE AND ACCIDENTAL DEATH AND DISMEMBERMENT LONG-TERM DISABILITY (AD&D) A way to help full-time employees protect their finances in Dart provides all employees with company-paid basic case of an unforeseen extended illness or injury is through life and AD&D insurance. This is an automatic benefit our company-paid Long-Term Disability (LTD) insurance. based on your annualized position-based pay level, and There is no cost to you, and you are automatically provided there is no need to enroll. this benefit. LTD coverage begins after a 180-day waiting period. The plan provides a monthly benefit of 60% of SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE AND AD&D your wages (up to $6,000 a month) for as long as you are To further protect your finances, we also offer you the disabled, up to normal Social Security retirement age. For opportunity to purchase supplemental life and AD&D new hires, coverage for a pre-existing condition is limited insurance for you, your spouse and your dependent children. during the first 12 months of coverage. Current employees You can purchase coverage in the following amounts: have a five-day pre-existing condition limit. • Yourself: $10,000 increments up to five times your pay. Up to $200,000 without medical questions. • Spouse: $5,000 increments up to 100% of your election or $250,000. Up to $50,000 without medical questions. • Child(ren): $10,000 per child Reasons to Have LIFE INSURANCE Funeral expenses and loss of income can add to your loved ones’ burden. Don’t leave them unprotected. Life insurance allows your loved ones time to grieve without financial worry. AVERAGE COST OF A AVERAGE CREDIT CARD AVERAGE COST OF A FUNERAL: $6,560 AVERAGE YEARLY EXPENSES FOUR-YEAR COLLEGE: DEBT: $6,772 AVERAGE YEARLY COST FOR UTILITIES, HEALTHCARE $18,133 OF RENTING OR OWNING AND MISCELLANEOUS A HOME: $16,803 CASH: $24,327 Dart Container 13
RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN Dart offers a retirement savings plan for our employees. Under this plan, also commonly known as a 401(k) plan, you can save money toward your retirement on a tax-deferred basis. That is, you don’t pay federal or state income taxes on your investment earnings until you withdraw the money and may choose to delay income taxes on your savings. Details of the retirement savings plan are available on DartCentral.* YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS DART CONTRIBUTIONS Your 401(k) contributions are deducted from your Dart recognizes the importance of retirement paycheck each pay period. You may defer a percentage savings. That is why the company also makes annual of your pay each pay period with a maximum dollar contributions to your account. You will become eligible amount of $18,500 for 2018 (indexed annually by the to receive company contributions beginning January 1 or IRS). Additional catch-up contributions are available July 1 after you have completed one year of service. beginning with the plan year you attain age 50. The maximum catch-up amount is $6,000 for 2018 (indexed INVESTMENT OPTIONS annually by the IRS). You may start, stop or change The plan offers many investment choices for your your contributions at any time, beginning soon after savings. You may choose a target-date fund to have you join the company. You may also transfer or roll over your investment allocation managed for you or choose funds from a prior retirement plan or IRA. Information to divide your account among funds to personalize your on how to get started is available on DartCentral* or investments. More information on investment options by contacting the plan provider listed in the Benefit is available from the plan provider listed in the Benefit Contacts on page 15. Contacts on page 15. *Dart Properties employees should contact their HR PRE-TAX OR AFTER-TAX OPTION representative. You have the option to make either traditional (pre-tax) or Roth (after-tax) contributions (or a combination of the two). You are eligible for the Roth option regardless of your income level. All employer contributions will be made to the traditional (pre-tax) bucket. TRADITIONAL 401(K) VERSUS ROTH 401(K) Depending on your needs, these factors could help you decide which option is better. TRADITIONAL 401(K) ROTH 401(K) Your contributions go in before taxes Your contributions go in after taxes You pay taxes on contributions and earnings later You pay taxes on contributions now You may withdraw contributions at 59 1/2 years old. You are required to withdraw at 70 1/2 years old if you are no longer working Qualified withdrawals are income tax-free (after age 59 1/2 for workers who have maintained You avoid paying taxes on however much you their account for five years) contribute in income every year Your balance can be rolled over directly into a Your balance can be rolled over directly into a rollover IRA when you leave the employer regular Roth IRA when you leave the employer Makes sense if you think your tax bracket will lower in Makes sense if you think your tax bracket will be the retirement or to reduce the current impact of payroll same or higher in retirement. deductions on your take-home pay. 14 2018 Benefit Guide
OTHER BENEFITS EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM out-of-pocket expenses. In the event of a covered loss, ComPsych® GuidanceResources® Employee it replaces personal property without deduction for Assistance Program (EAP) provides comprehensive depreciation. EAP services to all Dart employees and their dependent MetLife Auto and Home also offers insurance for family members. These services are provided at no cost rental homes, condominiums, boats, motor homes, and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. motorcycles, snowmobiles and more. The EAP can help you with the following: To apply for coverage, please call (800) 438-6388 or visit • Emotional support with anxiety, depression, stress, www.metlife.com/mybenefits. Benefit Specialists do grief, loss and relationship/marital conflicts not enroll you in this coverage. • Work-life solutions surrounding finding child and METLAW GROUP LEGAL PLAN elder care, hiring movers or home repair contractors, MetLaw®, the group legal plan available through Hyatt planning events and locating pet care Legal Plans, makes things simple for you when you need • Legal guidance/assistance with your most pressing the services of a qualified attorney. You get the attorney legal issues, including divorce, adoptions, family law, you need at a cost that’s very affordable, with access wills, trusts and more by telephone or in-person for advice on an unlimited • Financial resources to help with retirement planning number of personal legal matters and representation for and taxes, relocation, mortgages, budgeting, debt a wide variety of legal services. and bankruptcy MetLaw could save you hundreds of dollars in attorney ComPsych also offers EstateGuidance®, which allows fees for common legal services like estate planning you to quickly and easily create a will and/or a living will documents (including wills and trusts), real estate online. And it’s free. matters, identity theft defense, traffic offenses, family Call (877) 955-7656 or visit online at www. law (including adoption and name change) and more. guidanceresources.com (web ID: DART123). You can As a Dart employee, you have access to a convenient also download the app from the App Store or Google payroll deduction for this plan. Play. Just search “GuidanceResources Now.” To enroll, please call (800) 438-6388 or visit www. metlife.com/mybenefits. Benefit Specialists do not METLIFE AUTO AND HOME INSURANCE enroll you in this coverage. Dart provides you the ability to payroll deduct MetLife’s Auto and Home Insurance. This is a convenience for our PET INSURANCE employees and a voluntary product offering. As a Dart From regular preventive care to unexpected illnesses, employee, you may qualify for discounts. you can be reimbursed for veterinary expenses with The Auto AdvantageSM feature goes beyond basic liability coverage from Nationwide. Receive a group discount and collision coverage to offer you more complete when you sign up. coverage and benefits, including replacement costs for You can choose the amount of coverage that’s right for total loss and special parts, enhanced rental car damage you. The plan covers accidents and illnesses, including coverage and more. cancer. It reimburses for exams, testing, surgeries, The homeowners products offer uncommon protection specified hereditary conditions and more with a $250 called Coverage A Plus, which is an optional benefit annual deductible. Wellness exams, vaccinations, flea/ with any Standard or Platinum Homeowners Policy. This heartworm preventives and more are covered at no coverage is designed so that in the event of a loss, your deductible. home would be fully replaced without you incurring extra To enroll, please call (800) 438-6388 or visit www. costs. MetLife also offers replacement coverage on metlife.com/mybenefits. Benefit Specialists do not home contents, so you aren’t surprised with unexpected enroll you in this coverage. Dart Container 15
BENEFIT CONTACTS BENEFIT PROVIDER PHONE NUMBER WEBSITE Blue Cross and Blue Shield of DMC Medical (800) 248-0457 www.bcbsm.com Michigan Prescription Drug CVS Caremark (866) 260-4646 www.caremark.com Dental Delta Dental (800) 524-0149 www.deltadentalmi.com Vision VSP (800) 877-7195 www.vsp.com Flexible Spending Accounts Flores & Associates (800) 532-3327 www.flores247.com Healthcare Bluebook Healthcare Bluebook (800) 341-0504 https://healthcarebluebook.com/cc/dart Accident, Critical Illness, Unum (800) 635-5597 www.unum.com Hospital Indemnity Life and AD&D Sun Life (800) 247-6875 sunlife-usa.com/planmembers Long-Term Disability Lincoln Financial (800) 423-2765 www.lincoln4benefits.com 401(k) Plan Vanguard (800) 523-1188 www.vanguard.com/retirementplans 401(k) Plan – DCSC employees only Fidelity (800) 835-5095 www.401k.com www.guidanceresources.com Employee Assistance Program ComPsych (877) 955-7656 (web ID: DART123) Auto and Home Insurance MetLife (800) 438-6388 www.metlife.com/mybenefits Group Legal Plan MetLaw (800) 438-6388 www.metlife.com/mybenefits Pet Insurance Nationwide (800) 438-6388 www.metlife.com/mybenefits This guide contains a brief summary of your employee benefits. Complete descriptions of the plans are contained in the plan documents. If there is any disagreement between this booklet or any oral description of the plan and the wording of the corresponding plan document, the plan document will govern. Dart Container reserves the right to modify, amend, suspend or terminate any plan, in whole or in part, at any time and for any reason. The authority to make any such changes to the plan rests with Dart Container. Any such modifications, suspension or termination of the plan shall be made by decision of Dart Container. 16 2018 Benefit Guide
NOTES Dart Container 17
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